sativa | suna rintarou

By svnarins

46.1K 1K 1K

⋆.✰༄ - in which, y/n miya falls in love with her siblings' best friend, not knowing how much of a bad influ... More

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2K 44 17
By svnarins

you waited for about 20 minutes until you heard mika snoring. you carefully lifted the sheets off of your body and slipped out of the bed. your feet tip toed on the cold hard wood flooring, making your way towards the door.

you slowly opened the door, hoping it wouldn't make a noise. it creaked and you looked back at mika in panic. she was still sound asleep so you slipped your body through the small crack in between the door.

the hallway light was still on so you could see. you looked in the linen closet to see if there was anything to put on your feet for the temporary time you would be outside.

thankfully there was brown slippers so you put them on and walked down the hallway towards the back door. you slid open the glass door and was immediately met with the crisp cold winter air.

you shuddered as you wrapped your arms around yourself, seeking warmth. you stepped out and closed the door behind you. suna was staring at you from the garden of flowers.

you walked towards him, cold air leaving your lips from every breath. he stood with his hand in his sweats pocket the other holding a blunt. he had on a hoodie that looked oversized on him.

"why do you always have me out in the freezing cold?" you scoffed, standing beside him to seek his body warmth.

"ha, look at you!" he laughed at you, looking at you up and down in only a t-shirt and shorts.

"shut the fuck up." you frowned and punched his shoulder. he winced then took a drag from the blunt.

suna lifted his hoodie over his head and held it out for you. you looked up at him to see him smiling at you, "hold this." he handed you the blunt.

you took it from him as he kneeled down to put on his hoodie on you. suna put it over your head and pulled it down on your body. the hoodie was fit and cozy. you felt warmer already.

you held the blunt in front of your lips and looked up at suna, with a smirk. he side eyed you, watching what you were going to do. you put it in your mouth and took a big inhale.

"y/n, i didn't say to smoke it! it's mine." he whined, reaching out desperately trying to take it out your mouth.

you inhaled it more, turning your head to the side so he couldn't reach you. you smiled then took it out of your mouth and turned your head back and exhaled it in his face. suna coughed then mugged you.

"shh, you don't want to wake up everyone!" you giggled out loud, pressing your finger against your lips.

"says the girl who's giggling all loud and shit." suna scoffed and snatched the spliff from you. you scowled and tried to get it back.

suna laughed at your failed attempts as he held his hand higher to the point where you couldn't reach, "you think you're so funny?"

suna only continued to laugh as you became frustrated. you held his arm and put your feet on his left thigh. you pulled yourself up on his arm as he flexed it to make sure you wouldn't fall. you climbed over top of his shoulders and sat on top of them. you wrapped your legs around his neck and grabbed the blunt from his hand.

"ta-da!" you cheered, smiling as you placed the joint in your mouth and then began to smoke it.

"no fucking way. you did all that just to take my weed?" suna scoffed then laughed, "mhm."

"gotta make sure you don't fall.." suna mumbled and wrapped his arms around your thighs to keep you stable.

you smiled and entangled one hand in his hair while the other took mini puffs from his blunt. it was so cold out but somehow being closer to suna, made you way more warmer.

"i love our moments like this." you softly spoke.

suna didn't say anything but stare out into the bed of snowdrops that recently bloomed. he didn't have to reply to make sure you knew he felt the same way, you could just feel that he did.

⩩ ⩩ ⩩

the smell of freshly cooked miso soup infiltrated your nostrils, along with the sound of distant laughter and voices.

groaning, you shift in bed turning to the other side. as you sighed, opening your eyes the bright sunlight from the curtains beamed in your eyes making you squint.

"mika?" you looked around the bedroom for her, but she was gone.

you lifted the sheets off yourself and headed for the door. when opening it you walked down the hallway and into the living room.

there sat everyone on the couch. mika was speaking to aran and laughing and atsumu and kita were off in their own world on their phones. you wondered where osamu and suna were.

you pulled the sleeves of your hoodie to your finger tips and sat down beside atsumu with your knees pulled to your chest, "hey, you just waking up?" he looked over at you.

"mhm." you mumbled still trying to process things. you leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.

atsumu nodded and wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer. you felt yourself drifting back to sleep before osamu yelled, "breakfast is served!"

atsumu quickly sat up, as well as everyone else, but made sure to prop your head on the arm rest. you scoffed then closed your eyes, deciding to eat later.

atsumu skipped over to the dining table, mouth watering at the sight of miso soup, freshly steamed rice and nori, "this looks amazing, suna." he grinned.

"uh, i helped too." osamu quirked clearly offended at atsumu's words.

atsumu shrugged and everyone ate at the table. mika was stuffing her face before she realized, "where's y/n?"

"oh, she woke up and came into the living room and fell back asleep on my shoulder," atsumu explained while chewing on food, "she's asleep on the couch."

"if she doesn't eat, she'll wake up hangry." mika said before filling her face with rice wrapped in nori.

"i'll go wake her." suna said, standing up. before anyone else could say anything, he had already walked off.

he entered the living room to find you rolled up in a ball, snuggling on the throw blanket, "how cute." he whispered and then sat next to you.

"wake up, y/n." he spoke loudly, placing a hand on your back and rubbing it back and forth.

"mm..go away tsumu.." you groaned, hiding your face in the blanket.

"i'm not atsumu.." suna chuckled. he bent down and pressed his lips against your temple, "i made breakfast."

you pulled the blanket off of your face and turned to face him. he was looking down at you with a grin on his lips, waiting for you to kiss him.

"you can't kiss me yet." you said as you placed your hands on his lips and pushed his head away. you sat up and adjusted your eyes to the light.

"why not?" he whined.

"'cause i didn't brush my teeth." you said and stood up.

you pulled your hood over your head and stumbled into the dining room, suna following short behind you. when you walked in, everyone was almost done their food.

"hi mamas! come sit." mika cheered as she looked up at you and patted the empty chair next to her.

you walked over and sat next to her. suna went over to his original seat, between osamu and atsumu. on the right side of you was kita and aran sat on the left side of mika.

osamu handed you your plates of food and a glass of water, "it'll help with your injuries." he said.

you nodded and gulped down the water, you began eating quietly as all you wanted to do was to go back to bed.

"where'd you get that hoodie?" osamu asked you from side eyed you, raising an eyebrow.

"oh, um i found it in one of the drawers. it was cold last night." you said, taking a quick glance at suna. he pretended as if he didn't hear the question and continued to eat.

"oh it's nice." he mumbled and took a sip of his water.

"y/n are you coming back home with me?" mika asked as she walked into the kitchen and put her dishes in the sick.

"no she can't, mom wants us home." atsumu answered, also going into the kitchen.

"for what? it's still the weekend." you hummed, having a mouthful full of rice.

atsumu only shrugged and you huffed and hurried to finish your food. kita and suna were still eating as well but everyone else was finished and in the living room again.

"suna you need a ride, right?" kita asked, eyeing him from across the table.

"yeah." he short replied, staring at his food.

"what happened to your car?" you asked, suddenly curious.

"i took a uber here, i knew i'd being drinking." he explained, looking up at you.

you nodded as you've thought something had happened to his precious mercedes. suddenly atsumu came back in to the dining room and yelled, "us miya's need a ride too!"

"no we don't, i literally brought my car." osamu deadpanned, eyeing his brother weirdly.

"i'm not riding in the same car with them, please drop me off kita." you pleaded, pressing your hands together in a praying motion and looking up at him with beaming eyes.

"i literally hate you." atsumu scoffed and stormed out the room. suna laughed and threw his head back, making you crack a smile.

"fine y/n." he chuckled at you, making you smile.

⩩ ⩩ ⩩

there you sat in the back seat of kita's car, squished against the door with suna sitting beside you and aran beside suna. mika sat in the front seat with kita as the driver. nobody wanted to ride with the twins knowing how bad the music that they'd play was.

"suna sit on my hand again, i will literally fight you." you scowled as he has been moving around a lot and sat on your hand in the process.

"shut the fuck up y/n." he scoffed and lifted himself a bit so you can pull your hand out.

"who are you talking to?" you said with attitude, side eyeing him aggressively.

"youu." he pointed at you then pressed his finger into your forehead.

you unbuckled your seatbelt and turned in your seat so you sat on your knees and pulled his hair, bashing it into the soft cushion that supported the back of his head.

suna smacked his lips, and gripped your wrist to stop you from pulling his hair and used his other hand to twist your nipple through your hoodie.

"oh my fucking god.." aran sighed as he placed his fingers against his temple and shook his head.

"oww!" you whined.

suna grinned and you lifted your leg in the slightest and kneed his chest. suna choked and let go of your wrist and nipple, letting out a fit of coughs.

"ha ha! i win!" you cackled, pointing at him and stuck your tongue out at him.

"you guys are 17 and 18...fighting in the back of my car.." kita said as he stopped at a red light and looked back at you two with disappointment.

"she started it." suna coughed as he pointed at you, giving you the meanest look ever.

"it was only because he sat on my hand and he's fat!" you defended, mika laughing at your comment. suna even cracking a grin at your comment as well.

"im not fucking fat." he whined as he pinched the side of your stomach.

"as if! i've seen you run to get seconds, you're not slick." you laughed at him, pushing his hand away.

"you both need to stop attacking each other." kita laughed, "y/n seatbelt now."

you nodded as you sat down properly and put back on your seatbelt and sat closer to the door to keep a distance from suna.

"let them have at it, it's funny!" mika said as she was dying of laughter.

"i rather ride with the twins because what the fuck." aran spoke. he had been so quiet you forgot he was here.

"okay but the twins are crazyy." you said as you crossed your arms. suna nodded in agreement as he crossed his arms too.

you finally arrived at your house first and you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and opened the car door. "y/n i haven't even stopped the car yet!" kita yelled at you.

"but we're in front of my house!" you defended as you hoped out the car.

your siblings were already home, seeing them waiting on your steps by your porch. you went up to the front seat and tapped on the window, signaling mika to wind it down.

as she did you said, "byee! i'll text you!" you kissed her cheek.

"bye mamas, pray for me please." she said with a defeated look on her face.

"guys bother mika and i'm fighting all of you." you said as you held mika's face in a protective way.

"like you could, anyways.." aran said then laughed.

you huffed then looked over to suna who winked at you. smiling as he mouthed that he'd text you. you turned around and walked towards your siblings that were sitting down.

"you think dad is gonna be mad at that outfit?" atsumu said as he looked you up and down.

you were in suna's black hoodie, his boxers, your jordan 11s, and your aritizia puffer jacket that you arrived with. along with your vivienne westwood back purse around your arm. you finished looking at yourself head to toe and shrugged.

"i'm sure he's asleep." you said as he walked around them and into the house. osamu scoffed and then they both followed behind you.

you slipped off your shoes and as soon as you looked up you seen your mom standing in front of you three with her arms crossed and a disappointed look plastered on her face.

you, osamu and atsumu freeze in your movements your heart pounding out of your chest.

"so y/n, i checked your life360 last night. you were not at mika's house like you'd said you would be." she hummed, looking at you up and down.

"but i was still with her! i think that still counts." you awkwardly chuckled as a cold sweat went down your forehead.

"stop talking." she sternly said, shutting you up immediately. "osamu and atsumu, you two didn't even ask me to go out!"

"did we suddenly forget the rules in this house?" she asked as she looked stressed as of now.

"i'm sorry mom, i won't do it again." you apologized.

"apology accepted, but if it happens again your phone will be taken. you can go upstairs." she slightly smiled at you before switching back to serious as she looked at the twins.

you grinned and walked pass her and up the stairs, you looked back at your brothers and stuck your tongue out at them. osamu mugged you while atsumu was off in his own world as your mother scolded them.

"you guys are 18 years old, adults, acting like this!" you heard her yell before you shut your room door.

you took off your coat and dropped it on the floor. you plopped down on your bed and took out your phone and connected it to the charger.

opening snap, you checked for any messages from suna but there wasn't any. you just assumed he hasn't gotten home yet. you decided to text lei to update her about everything.

11:53 pm yesterday

lei bby

today 3:46 am

lei bby

9:24 am

there's a video omg😞😞
my life is ruined.
i got fucking sneak attacked bro😭😭😭😭

lei bby
where have u been

  *voicenote*       –
0:21 ━❍──────── -4:23

lei bby
girl wtf.
u fucked suna?


it was liek last week ago
on my couch was the first time😂😝

i meant to tell you but i forgor

lei bby
girl i thought i said not
to go for him

lei bby
like he's gonna play

lei bby
pls say ur gonna end
whatever tf u guys have going on

chill omg😭😭

ur making it sound like
i'm in love with him

we only please each
other, trust

lei bby
ok whatever

girl don't be mad ily

and is that all u picked up
from my 4 min long voicenote🖕🖕😒

lei bby
right i'm sorry

lei bby



lei bby
as u should cuz
how tf are you sneak
attacking cuz u can't fight 🤣😂😂😭

fr. and can we talk
abt how osamu is literally on to me

lei bby
"where'd u get your hoodie from"

lei bby

nah it's scarying me😞😓

he's gonna fucking snitch
to atsumu and then to my dad

then i'll be grounded for like a mtf year

lei bby
praying they don't
find out fr 🙏🏽

thanks love


got a scar on my facee😭
scratches on my neckk my head hurtss like

lei bby
girl got into a fight
with a lion fr

lei bby
show me

you sent a snap

lei bby saved a snap in chat!

lei bby

lei bby
and the part when she
bashed the bottle on your head??


not coming to school monday
don't hmu 💔.

lei bby
but are u ok fr?

i'm fine im just mad

like how pussy you have to be
to do smth like that

lei bby
ong tho

anyways im posting
dhmu as a joke on
my story then ignoring everyone!!

lei bby
have fun!!

lei bby
don't forget to
eat babes!!
you loved a message

free y/n yall

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