Better This Way 2

By terasomdi

207K 10.9K 1.6K

4 years of living in pain and agony over the death of her lover, Freen decides to move on with her life but w... More

Hello guys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Final Chapter
Author's Engagement.

Chapter 46

4K 218 33
By terasomdi

"Babe" I mumbled and snuggled more into her arms.

It's midnight and we are on her bed. Freen looked so tired earlier. She was too tired to say or do anything. I couldn't let her explain the situation to me because I saw how tired she was. What really matters is that she's here now and I feel safe. We went straight to bed after she had her dinner and after some minutes she dozed off.

"Teerak" I muttered again in a husky voice.

Freen wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the forehead without opening her eyes. I don't need anyone to tell me she's still tired and sleepy.

"Can I sleep some more? I haven't slept in a long time" She mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"You look so cute right now." I said and tapped her nose.

We both chuckled but she still has her eyes closed. I caressed her cheeks and kissed her on the lips. Am I being selfish right now? I mean I know she's tired and sleepy but I want her. I should let her sleep but my body wants her.

"Baby..." I called while I continued kissing her.

This time she opened her eyes. I smiled and pounced on her lips. The kisses got wild and after a while we found ourselves burning in pleasure. I love everything she does to me. I love how she makes love to me. Her tender touches, her long sexy fingers inside of me, her little moans like a music in my ear. I love her a lot. I love everything about this beautiful woman.

"F-R-E-E-N ..... ARGHHH" I moaned her name loudly and relaxed my legs.

We are both panting as I rested my head on her chest. She covered our naked bodies with the blanket to keep us from cold since the weather is cold and we are likely to get cold soon.

"I have missed you so much" I said and kissed her.

"I love you" I added.

"I love you more baby" she responded quickly.

I slept off in her arms but when I woke up she wasn't on bed with me. I got up from the bed to the bathroom but didn't see her. My heart skipped and I started panicking when I called her on the phone and she wasn't picking. Did she leave already? I thought we would spend this day together? She already left? I don't want to leave her side for a second. I don't want to miss her like I did yesterday. I dressed up instantly and got out of the bedroom.

"Good morning ma'am. I believe your night was good?" Mrs. Hana said as soon as I walked downstairs.

"Good morning Mrs. Hana. Have you seen Freen this morning?" I asked and she smiled shyly.

I know I sound like a child who doesn't want to leave her mum's side for a second. Infact, that's how I feel right now. I don't want Freen to leave my side.

"Did she leave already?" I asked with a sad face and she shook her head.

Oh! That's a relief. I was almost about shedding tears thinking she already left. Why am I getting this emotional lately? It is so overwhelming. My feelings for her are overwhelming me.

"Come, I will take you to her" she said with a smile on her face.

I smiled back and followed her. Wait! To the kitchen? What is Freen doing in the kitchen this early? The chefs were standing by the corner mumbling and giggling when we got in.

My jaw dropped when I saw her on apron and chef hat. She's cooking? Really? She can cook? As far as I remember, this is the first time I have seen her cook.

"You're here" Freen said and walked to me.

She wrapped her hands around me and kissed me. Gosh! She loves being like this infront of other people. The workers tapped each other and smiled naughtily.

"Good morning Teerak." She said.

"I thought you already left. I was beginning to worry."

"I told you today is for us." She said with a smile.

"What are you making Chef Sarocha" I teased and she laughed.

"Come sit here. The food will soon be ready" she said and guided me to the dinning.

I sat admiring her as she prepared breakfast for us and after some minutes the dishes were ready. She served our food and sat facing me. Freen is waiting for me to taste the food first. So I took a bite of the food infront of me.

"How is it?" She asked curiously.

"So good." I said with a broad smile.

The dishes were so good. I didn't know Freen can cook so well. What can she not do? Isn't she so perfect? I am the luckiest person on earth to have her.

"I can't believe you cook so well" I said as I took a sip of my water.

"I know you don't remember but I have actually cooked for you in the past and you loved the dishes"


"Yeah! It was a way of apologizing for wronging you. Heng and Nop were present that morning. Well, they had their first fight as a couple then" she said.

"Wow. I hope I forgave you after the meal?"

"You forgave me even before the meal" she said.

"Here have this. I made it specially for you" she continued and pushed a plate of food to me.

"Thank you" i mumbled with a smile.

"Uhm..." She stuttered after some minutes and I looked at her. What does she want to say?

"I know you're confused over what's going on currently."

"It's fine. You said I should trust you. That's what I am doing" I said.

"Thank you for believing in me. I love you and that's why I am doing all that. I may not tell you all my plans at the moment. But you should know that once everything is over, I will give back the company to you" she said and I looked at her.

"I have no interest in your business. Your business is still your business maybe not now but soon. When everything is over" she continued.

"Freen..." I muttered

"But I will appreciate it if you keep it from your family. They shouldn't know about this. They have to think they have lost it completely." She said and I nodded.

"One more thing Becky. I don't trust your dad. Not because he will do something bad to you but because he may blackmail you emotionally. Therefore, I want you out of that house as soon as we get back to Bangkok"

"Uhm..." I stuttered

"I already prepared a place for you to stay. I know you love your family but I want you out of there"

"I want you to taste freedom in its fullest. It's time he stops controlling your life. From now on, I want you to do whatever you want to do, go wherever you wish to go. And be whoever you want to be."

My tears started flowing when she said that. She held my hand and caressed it to calm me. Her beautiful eyes on me give me assurance that everything will be fine. Freen got up from her seat and walked to me when she saw I haven't stopped crying. She cupped my cheeks and assured me again that everything will be fine.

"I will make sure of it" she said and kissed me passionately.


Freen and I spent a week in Tokyo. It was so fun and I enjoyed it. She made sure I was properly taken care of even when she leaves for a business meeting, she made sure I got whatever I wanted. I haven't been spoilt this way in my life. Freen spoilt me so much. She showed me a different life of having whatever I want whenever I want them.

We got back to Bangkok last night. But we shouldn't be seen together since we still have to pretend we are over and no more seeing each other but she assigned Mr Po to be my personal driver and also a bodyguard. To take me wherever I wish to go and bring me back home safely.

Mr. Po drove me straight to the new place Freen got for me since she doesn't want me to stay in the mansion with my family anymore. That was where I slept last night alone actually. It was difficult because I was already getting used to sleeping next to Freen. There was no Freen to kiss me goodnight nor cuddle me to sleep.

My phone kept ringing that woke me up from sleep. That was Freen calling. Urgh! It's 7am already.  I still feel groggy. it has not been long I fell asleep being that I spent the whole night watching reel videos.

Freen's video call came in for the second time and I picked it this time. She's still on bed as well. Maybe she just woke up too.

"Still sleeping?" She asked softly.

"Yeah" I responded in a hoarse voice.

"Didn't sleep last night?"

"I couldn't sleep. I miss someone cuddling me to sleep" I said

"So I will be having sleepless nights maybe until my body system adjusts back to normal" I continued while trying to sulk and she chuckled.

"I am sorry baby. I also couldn't sleep because I miss you too"

"We could have stayed back in Tokyo and start a new life there." I said and she laughed.

We continued talking and laughing until the sleep left me completely and I was fully awake. I don't get tired of talking to her. Hearing her voice makes me so happy let alone seeing her just like I am doing now.

Freen and I spent over an hour on the phone. None of us was ready to leave the conversation. She must have forgotten she will be going to the office and I also have somewhere to be this morning. I have to go to the mansion to get my things and to also end things properly with Jane. I know her mum asked to put the wedding on hold until the issues are settled but I don't want it that way. I want it completely over so she can go back to England and start a new life.

"Baby I don't like the idea of going there. We can replace the items you know?" Freen said in response to it.

"Come on baby, we talked about this before. Remember?" I said.

I understand she's scared of what my dad might do. She wanted me to end things with Jane through the phone but I simply can't do that. Freen didn't like the idea but she agreed just to make me happy.

"Mr. Po will drive you there then" she said. I smiled and kissed her over the phone.

After the call, I got out of the bed to get ready. After having my breakfast, Mr. Po drove me to the mansion.

"Where's my dad?" I asked one of the workers

"In his room ma'am" he responded.

I heaved a sigh and started walking towards the stairs but stopped when someone called me.

"Becky?" Jane called and I turned.

"My God. Thank God you're okay. I am so happy to see you." She said and hugged me.


"I heard what happened. I want you to know that everything will be fine. We will fight alongside your family to reclaim your company" she said

"I really don't care about the company Jane. It's gone. We should all move on"

"Why sound like that Becky? You just gave up? on everything you have worked for?"

"Well I am not the one that sold it out carelessly" I mumbled

"I know it's hard on you but I want you to know that your dad has been beating himself for that mistake since that day."

"As he should"

"You may really not have a fantastic relationship with him but trust me he regrets everything he did. He was so worried about you especially since you refused taking any of our calls. He feels he has lost you"

"He actually lost me a long time ago. I was only holding on because of the company but since the company is gone, there's nothing left for me anymore" I said and started walking upstairs.

"If that's the case, why have you come here? I know you came because you're also worried about him..." She said and followed me upstairs.

"You're wrong. I came to get my things.."

"What? Why? What for?" Shw asked confusedly.

"Look Jane. I don't wish to stay here anymore. I can't go back to England. Nothing is left for me there. I want to start anew. I want a fresh start. Away from all these. And moving out is the first step."

"What are you talking about Becky? What about your family? What about me? What about us?"

I stopped instantly and turned to her. I can see the pain in her eyes. I feel sad for her also but this is for the best. It's time we both do the right thing so we can all find happiness in our own ways.

"You really think we can still workout? After all these?"

"Of course Becky. I am getting married to you not to the company..."

"But you see, the reason why I am being forced into this marriage is because of the company. But there is no company anymore."

"Becky..." She called weakly.

"There is no need to continue when the main reason I was being forced into the marriage is no more there"

"Please don't say that" she said as tears started gathering in her eyes.

"I am sorry Jane. But it's time we accept that we are not meant to be. I like you but not in that way. You really don't deserve to be in a one sided love Jane. None of us do"

This time her tears started falling. I held her two hands tightly while holding back my own tears.

"You deserve someone better Jane. Someone that will love you effortlessly. Someone that will be so willing to spend the rest of their life with you." I cupped her cheeks and started drying her tears.

"I am not that person for you. That person is out there. And you need to let go of me in order to meet them"

"Becky..." She called and started sobbing.

I pulled her in my arms and stroked her back to comfort her.

"Thank you for always being there for me Jane. But this is the end of the road for us." I muttered.

Jane cried bitterly in my arms. She ran downstairs as soon as I parted us. I feel so sad for her but this needed to be done.

"You know you don't have to leave Becky" a voice said from a corner.

That's my dad. He's been here the whole time? He heard our discussion obviously. I rolled my eyes and got into my room. I don't want to talk to him at all. He is the major reason why everything happened this way.

I started getting my things in the suitcase. While he stood behind me trying to talk me into changing my mind. He isn't mad at me, he seems more like worried that I am leaving.

To be continued....................................

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