Ki-ur Kakkabu

By AlbanusAurelius

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Almost two centuries have passed since the mysterious tragedy of the Poseidon's Fury left its entire crew sla... More

Copyright Acknowledgement
Prologue: A Moonlit Discovery
Chapter 1: Demise at Sea
Chapter 2: A Determined Soul
Chapter 3: A Cryptic Clue Revealed
Chapter 4: A Gathering of Seekers
Chapter 5: Summoned to Ruin
Chapter 6: Revelations in the Moonlight
Chapter 7: Tension in the Night
Chapter 8: Toward Delphi's Oracle
Chapter 9: The Arrival at Delphi
Chapter 10: Prophecies at the Oracle
Chapter 11: Pilgrim Plots and Preparations
Chapter 12: Setting Sails for Delos
Chapter 13: Arrival on Delos
Chapter 14: A Sailor's Tip
Chapter 15: A Woodland Haven
Chapter 16: Through the Trees to Truth
Chapter 17: Through Words, We're Wraven
Chapter 18: An Old Hermit's Thread
Chapter 19: Departing Delos Once More
Chapter 20: Arrival at Susa
Chapter 21: A Handsome Stranger
Chapter 22: Awaiting the Trader's Return
Chapter 23: The Trader's Fragment
Chapter 24: Revelation in the Archives
Chapter 25: The Legend is Revealed
Chapter 26: A Merchant's Memories
Chapter 27: Into the Waterworld
Chapter 28: Crisis of Faith
Chapter 29: Revelations Beneath Ancient Roots
Chapter 30: An Unexpected Lead
Chapter 31: Shelter Among Friends
Chapter 32: A Confrontation with the Past
Chapter 33: A Demon's Bargain
Chapter 34: Collapse or Continue?
Chapter 35: A Long-forgotten Relic
Chapter 36: All Threads Woven...
Chapter 38: Secrets in the Ruins
Chapter 39: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 40: The Final Revealing
Chapter 41: Mysteries Solved, Secrets Shared
Chapter 42: Finding Peace Where All Began
Chapter 43: Documenting the Discovery
Chapter 44: New Beginnings
Chapter 45: Towards Tomorrow
Epilogue: Under the African Sun

Chapter 37: Milos' Embrace

45 6 3
By AlbanusAurelius

The morning came, bringing renewed energy and excitement. After a filling breakfast at the inn, the companions started getting ready for their journey. Ashamshemesh skillfully packed supplies onto his reliable camels while Ikkos talked to ship captains at the port of Thebes.

By mid-day, they were on their way, following well-traveled roads towards the harbor city. Ashamshemesh's camel carried them smoothly over dusty trails. As they caught sight of the sandy cliffs of Thebes, a merchant ship was just getting ready to set sail for the Aegean island of Milos.

With Ikkos' convincing words, the captain agreed to take on the extra passengers. Soon, they were on board, saying goodbye to the receding shores of Boeotia. The open seas stretched endlessly ahead, bringing them closer to their destination.

They sailed under the bright sun and dazzling stars, engaging in conversation that lasted late into the night. Finally, on the third day, a new coastline appeared on the horizon—the white marble shores of Milos. As the ship dropped anchor in the small harbour, excitement surged within them, knowing that the ruins holding countless secrets were just beyond the hill.

With a feeling of anticipation and awe, the companions stepped onto the shore of Milos. As their feet touched the white sand, a cool sea breeze brushed against their skin, carrying the scent of the salty waters and fragrant herbs from inland.

Before them stretched a picturesque coastal landscape. Prominent cliffs made of creamy marble rose from the clear seas. These majestic rock faces had been shaped and carved over centuries by the relentless tides, forming whimsical figures. On the cliffsides, there were natural caves and alcoves where fishermen sought shelter.

Rolling green hills, covered in miles of olive and cypress groves, rose from the shore. The grassy slopes were adorned with vibrant wildflowers, creating a natural tapestry. Purple jacaranda blooms and scarlet bougainvillaea vines climbed tall trees, attracting buzzing bees.

As the companions took in these remarkable sights, their ears were filled with the soothing sounds of nature. Gentle waves lapped against the pebbled beach, creating a comforting rhythm.

Seagulls soared overhead, their cries blending with the chorus of crickets in the scrub. A shepherd's pipe played a carefree tune, accompanied by the gentle bleating of his flock in the olive groves.

The air was filled with the scents of the sea and the land. The saltiness mixed with the aromas of countless herbs and flowers created a symphony for the senses. In the distance, the smoke from wood-burning chimneys rose from farmhouses, carrying the delightful aroma of freshly baked bread on the breeze.

(Milos' Coastal Landscapes)

Stepping onto the sacred shores, the friends felt like they had entered a place untouched by time. Milos looked like a natural work of art. They wondered what ancient masterpieces were still hidden in the peaceful hills.

Taking a deep breath of the sweet sea air, Themistonoe smiled peacefully. "Finally, we've reached the place that has the answers. I can feel the mysteries of the past calling out to us from these shores."

Ikkos' eyes lit up with excitement. "Just imagine the old ruins that might be found among these cliffs and groves! History comes alive in a place like this."

Closing her eyes, Mnesarete listened intently. "Every breeze carries the songs of the past. If we open our senses, the melodies will lead us to the long-hidden secrets."

Even the calm Dex allowed himself a small smile. "Nature seems to protect the ancient legacy here. We're lucky to pursue our quest in such a beautiful setting."

Chrysomallo sighed happily. "In your very soul, you can feel how life has thrived here since ancient times. It's no wonder the ancients chose to leave their mark on this special place."

Only Ashamshemesh seemed lost in thought, scanning the trees with a worried expression. "This landscape feels oddly familiar. I'm almost certain we've been here before, in a different era."

Together, they turned to admire the peacefulness—hills, sea, and sky blending harmoniously under the Aegean sun. Milos had welcomed them warmly, and its secrets were waiting to be discovered.

Gently unrolling Echephron's delicate map, Themistonoe spoke to Chrysomallo, known for her excellent navigation skills. "I trust you can lead us based on these markings."

Chrysomallo carefully took the map and studied it closely. She memorized the features and landmarks along the coastline, then looked at the rolling hills and valleys.

After a few minutes of inspection, recognition sparked in Chrysomallo's eyes. "This way, my friends," she said confidently, leading them along a twisting dirt path into the olive groves on the hillsides.

Trusting Chrysomallo's expertise, the others followed her. She effortlessly guided them, pointing out cliffs and formations that matched those on the map. As they prepared to venture further, Ashamshemesh approached a local stable owner who had watched them arrive curiously.

Ashamshemesh talked to the man and pointed to his three patiently waiting camels with their packs unloaded. The stablemaster nodded eagerly, thankful for the opportunity to take care of such remarkable creatures. He knew they would attract crowds and bring business to his stables.

Ashamshemesh paid the man generously for their stay before joining his companions. He gently stroked the camels' soft fur one more time, commending them for faithfully carrying their supplies this far.

With their staff in hand, they ventured into the untamed landscapes of Milos in search of ancient mysteries that still lingered. As they walked and observed their surroundings, they engaged in quiet and anticipatory conversation.

Themistonoe pondered, "Just think, we might be the first in centuries to walk where Echephron once did."

Ikkos wondered aloud, "What ancient secrets might still be waiting to be discovered within these walls?"

Ashamshemesh chimed in, "If his chambers are intact, one can only imagine the artefacts that might still be undisturbed."

Mnesarete thoughtfully observed, "Stepping into a site that has been lost in time for so long will surely evoke deep emotions."

Dex added, "Even in ruins, the craftsmanship of any remaining structures that have endured the forces of nature must be remarkable."

Chrysomallo sighed, "Exploring the ruins will provide us with a glimpse into the life of ancient Milos."

As they continued walking, Themistonoe reminisced about Echephron's descriptions, saying, "He wrote about towering marble columns surrounding beautiful courtyards. Can you imagine the sunlit room with flowers overflowing or the gardens filled with flowing streams?"

Mnesarete added with longing, "According to Echephron, this villa seems to have been even grander than Dion's estate atop Mithron's Hill. It's astonishing to think of such a massive dwelling in such a remote location."

Ikkos wondered in amazement, "And what about the private chambers? Were Echephron's chambers truly comparable to palaces, with intricate mosaic floors and frescoes on every wall?"

Chrysomallo added, "If the written descriptions accurately depict the designs, the architectural details must have been unrivalled in Milos."

Ashamshemesh pondered, "I can only imagine the level of skill that went into carving each cornice and capital, transforming them into miniature works of art."

Dex speculated, "It's intriguing to think about how such a grand estate was built and maintained in isolation. Echephron seemed to have lived here alone in his later years, with no mention of servants or slaves to assist with its operation and upkeep."

As they told stories of the villa's glory days, details from Echephron's account mixed with their vivid imagination. For a moment, they could almost feel the lasting presence of graceful pillars lining paths that wound through flower displays.

But which turn ahead would finally show ruins that matched such greatness after four long centuries? This sparked a thoughtful discussion among the companions.

"Pentelic marble is tough, but erosion has had enough time to work," mentioned Themistonoe.

"Earthquakes would have surely affected such an open coastal location as well," added Ashamshemesh solemnly.

Chrysomallo suggested, "However, some buildings on Santorini have survived since the Minoan era. The presence of protective cliffs may have helped preserve the foundations here."

"Even so, loose rocks from above could be a danger to any unstable ruins," Ikkos warned.

Mnesarete thought, "Regardless, we must be careful, both out of respect for history and our safety."

Dex agreed, "Until professionals can assess, we can only do surface surveys to ensure our safety."

Themistonoe sighed wistfully, "Just think if parts of the open-air theatre are still there. Although going in might be risky..."

Chrysomallo reassured gently, "Simply catching a glimpse of ruins from ancient times would be rewarding enough. Our goal is to gain knowledge, not to put ourselves in danger."

As they discussed the balance between caution and exploration, their motivations shifted from excitement to responsible care of the past. Each remaining stone, after three and a half centuries, was a treasure, no matter the villa's condition. This sparked a lively discussion comparing Echephron's villa to modern settlements:

"Being an island, Milos probably relied on farming and herding," thought Themistonoe.

Ikkos nodded, "Wheat, barley, olives, and grapes surely thrived here then, just as they do now."

"Considering the abundance of minerals in Milos, it's likely that the people here enjoyed luxury, too," said Dex.

Chrysomallo guessed, "If the mining of marble and obsidian supported skilled crafts, those living in the villa, like Echephron, may have had relatively sophisticated lives compared to typical rural farms."

Mnesarete added, "Building such an elaborate place in this remote coastal location, while still having lots of land, seems like a reasonable arrangement for both privacy and self-sufficiency."

Ashamshemesh pointed out, "However, maintaining such a large estate with vast livestock and agricultural responsibilities, without the aid of servants or slaves, must have been an immense challenge for one person."

Themistonoe concluded, "According to all accounts, this villa looked more like a wealthy estate than a simple farm. It was a cultural centre but relied heavily on the resources of its lands."

The debate revealed that the site was neither a small village nor a solitary palace. It must have thrived at the busy intersection of industry, nobility, and self-sufficient rural life that influenced communities across the entire island. This led to speculation about the later history of the villa.

Themistonoe pondered, "Considering the villa's isolated location on the northeastern shore, far from any other settlements, it's possible it was simply left empty after Echephron's death. There may have been no one left to take care of the lands or maintain the structures."

Ikkos nodded. "According to stories about my ancestor Kalos, knowledge of this place seemed to survive, although in fragments, through the generations. Kalos must have learned about the villa's location from sailors or traders who stopped in Milos Harbor to resupply."

"It does make you wonder who else might have stumbled upon the ruins in the centuries in between," Chrysomallo mused.

Mnesarete added thoughtfully, "Only the bravest travellers, exploring the untamed valleys of the interior, would have come across its remains hidden amidst the wild landscape. Perhaps a few curious merchants or scholars, attracted by rumours of its mysterious architecture."

Ashamshemesh pointed out, "Periodic earthquakes would have shaken the foundations, causing sections of walls to collapse further with each tremor. Over time, nature would have gradually taken over what was left, with vegetation growing everywhere."

Dex said, "As the settled populations of Milos started to move to newer villages along the coasts and river valleys, leaving the highland regions untouched, the villa was forgotten by the people who lived there."

"Later Greeks were interested in the area for mining copper and silver, but few ventured so far inland," Ikkos added.

Themistonoe concluded, "So, through gradual abandonment and the forces of nature, the villa disappeared from local history. Its ruins sank back into the ground, waiting to be discovered for centuries."

As they went up, they could see the coastline through gaps in the trees. Chrysomallo stopped to figure out their location, using the landmarks below as her guide. Before long, she led them into a sheltered valley surrounded by cliffs made of limestone."

The map shows that this valley is the location," Chrysomallo said, studying their surroundings and memorizing the details of the terrain from Echephron's map. But for now, the ruins remained hidden from view.

"Let's keep exploring and see what mysteries might be hidden in this valley," Chrysomallo suggested. The companions walked on, excited and trusting Chrysomallo's navigation to take them where they needed to go. Dex raised his hand, and the group fell silent, listening carefully to the sounds of the valley.

At first, they could only hear the soft sound of footsteps and the whispers of the grass. Then, other subtle sounds emerged from the wilderness. Chrysomallo smiled as bird songs filled the air—yellow-legged warblers nested in the secret spots.

Themistonoe's sharp ears detected faint rustling in thick bushes that likely sheltered martens or foxes. Ashamshemesh peered into the undergrowth, imagining swift movements beneath.

From the valley walls, they could hear the echoing bleats of lone lambs mixed with the sounds of goats grazing on the high cliffs. Mnesarete closed her eyes, imagining a vibrant life where ancient ruins once stood.

A sudden scraping noise startled them, but Ikkos' laughter assured them that it was just a tortoise meandering through patches of sunlight. Dex smiled, encouraged by nature's ability to reclaim what time had taken.

In every direction, the landscape was alive amidst the ruins they were searching for. Its sounds wove together like a rich tapestry, deepening their understanding of this holy place steeped in centuries of history. With a light-heartedness, the comrades began making playful bets:

"I bet five drachmas that I have the sharpest eyes and will spot the first stonework," Ashamshemesh boasted.

"You're on!" Chrysomallo laughed. "I wager my rations that I, with my careful study of maps, will be the one."

"Don't underestimate me. I will find ruins from some hidden spot with my stealth," Dex grinned mischievously.

Themistonoe jokingly added, "My knowledge will guide our discoveries. Whoever loses will have to do seven days of chores!"

Ikkos pretended to be offended and protested, "And what about my captain's intuition? It will lead me to victory without any bet."

Mnesarete affectionately rolled her eyes. "Friends, let's let our skills prove themselves through action, not idle challenges."

The joyful camaraderie lifted their excitement for the thrilling adventure ahead. Regardless of who spotted the walls first, they were all united in uncovering the secrets of this remarkable place destined to be shared with others. Bonds like these fueled their journey and eased the difficulties of the arduous path.

Themistonoe paused, lost in thought. "Who would have thought that finding the cursed scroll of Poseidon's Fury would lead us to this point, on the verge of unlocking all of its secrets?"

The others turned to her with smiles, remembering that fateful night months ago when their quest began. Chrysomallo spoke first. "It feels like just yesterday that we gathered in the old temple, drawn together by your passion to share our knowledge, Themis."

"And we must thank Mnesarete, who knew more about the doomed ship than anyone," Ikkos added.

Mnesarete nodded humbly. "That night, in the dim light of flickering torches, we passed around poems in a circle. I shared Sappho, Mallo chose Homer, Themis read Pindar, and Ikkos selected Euripides."

"On the other hand, I had no poetry to offer," Dex chuckled.

Mnesarete continued, "Then I opened the captain's scroll, spending late nights translating its Phoenician writing. Only now do all the pieces seem to fit together again."

Chrysomallo turned to Ikkos. "And do you remember sharing the story of your ancestor, Kalos?"

Ikkos smiled ruefully. "As I recall, Mallo, we did have a heated argument that night about opening its bindings. Forgive me for what I said."

"All is forgiven," Chrysomallo said gently. "Now is the time to reveal its secrets, thanks to those protective gemstones."

Dex added, "With each piece of information we uncovered, we delved deeper into the intricate histories, strengthening our bond as we followed the trail."

Mnesarete smiled at Ashamshemesh, her expression softening. "It seems that fate has brought you here for a reason, my friend. Just as it has brought all of us to this place."

Ashamshemesh returned her smile, his gaze distant as he looked at the emerging ruins. "For longer than you can imagine, I have harboured a burning desire for this quest."

He turned to the others. "Who would have thought that one day, new voices would join us in that inn in Susa, sharing in my longing to uncover the secrets of ancient times? I had almost lost hope that an answer existed or that these old bones would ever witness its revelation."

Chrysomallo reached out, taking Ashamshemesh's weathered hand in her own. "We arrived just in time, my friend, to support you when you couldn't bear it alone. Our skills and knowledge will illuminate the shadows you have carried for far too long."

Themistonoe stepped closer as well. "You are not alone anymore, Asham. We will honour your lifelong dedication by seeing this journey through to its end. You will finally find peace and closure before moving on to the afterlife."

Ashamshemesh's eyes glistened with gratitude. "You have given purpose to my soul and brought new meaning to the twilight of my days. I am forever grateful to you for this blessing."As the friends walked along the path in the valley, talking and eagerly looking through the leaves, they all gasped in surprise.

"Can you see it?" Themistonoe shouted, pointing ahead.

The others strained their eyes in the direction she was pointing, and slowly, they began to see the first signs of old buildings appearing from the tall grass. Weathered stone walls and columns could be seen among the greenery.

"The old buildings!" Ikkos said in disbelief, already starting to run.

The others abandoned any attempts to stay calm and raced after him, running towards the structures with anticipation. Ashamshemesh, still fast despite being old, ran ahead of the others.

Chrysomallo and Mnesarete ran hand in hand, their faces filled with excited smiles. Themistonoe's heart raced as the scenery rushed past her.

Dex and Ashamshemesh reached the ruins first, coming to a breathless stop. The others crashed into them shortly after, gasping for breath as they held onto their shoulders and sides.

Before them stood crumbling walls, faint outlines of columns, and scattered blocks with arches - clearly the remains of ancient greatness. As they looked at this tangible piece of history after so many years, they all gasped together and then fell silent in awe.

"At last..." Themistonoe whispered, her eyes shining.

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