Lord Of Time

Galing kay Hadrian_101

132K 5K 542

Harry Potter is the Master of Death and Lord of Time through his joining of the three Hallows together. Durin... Higit pa



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Galing kay Hadrian_101

Chapter 44

Tom was woken up early by Lestrange informing him that there was mail downstairs in the common room for him. Which was odd, he rarely received anything this early; usually he opened his mail in the Great Hall during breakfast. He wondered what Abraxas could be getting in touch with him for and so early too. Slowly unwinding himself from Hadrian, who remained deeply asleep, he grabbed his gown, put it on and tied the cord around him as he slid into his slippers. With that he put the covers back so Hadrian didn't end up cold, he was already ill as it was with the flu. Making his way down the stairs, he observed that there weren't many people up, just Lestrange and Carrow, working on their homework last minute as usual.

Tom went over to the chute, and flipped through the mail, and taking his own (and Hadrian's) before sitting down in what Slytherin knew to be solely his seat. Opened his mail, finding it from the Ministry of Magic, which made him cautious, why would they be writing to him? The answer was quite quickly unveiled, they were sending him his 'Uncle's' things, or at least the items actually worth anything. A death certificate, a ring and a snake skin wallet that looked utterly disgusting, inside was a galleon and a few sickles and more importantly a key, a Gringotts key, probably to the empty Gaunt vault. He took the money and the key and quickly banished the wallet having no desire to own anything of Morfin Gaunts. They must have concluded their investigation and filed it as solved otherwise he wouldn't have received Morfin's things.

"Is Hadrian alright?" Lestrange asked, genuine concern crossing his features, wizarding flu was a nasty thing to have and it killed wizards and witches, not so much these days but it still happened enough to be concerned about it.

"He's fine," Tom replied immediately, Hadrian had been immunised against wizarding flu as a child in the future he was assuming. Hadrian had just insisted it was like a very nasty cold, not that he'd know he'd continued, he'd never been sick a day in his life apparently. Being locked up away from everyone and their germs would accomplish that Tom conceded. He had a feeling Hadrian had actually told him for his own benefit.

Making a decision, Tom left the common room without another word and made his way back up the stairs, he entered his dorm quietly and began to dress as quickly as possible, sliding the items he wished to take into his pocket including the basilisk venom and skin he had collected just last night. He didn't bother with a shower; he wanted to get this done as quickly as possible now that he had decided to do it today. Despite his haste to dress he was as always impeccably attired, sliding from the room, he made his way back down stairs.

"If Hadrian doesn't attend breakfast bring him something back, he needs to eat, do not disturb him just put it on the table under a warming charm until he comes down." Tom demanded they were already nodding in agreement to his demands, without more ado he exited the common room knowing Hadrian would be fine until he returned.

There was nobody outside in the halls; it was still a bit too early for them to go to breakfast since it wouldn't be served for at least half an hour yet. Tom went up the stairs and made his way directly to the one eyed witch, he may have only gone this way with Hadrian once, but it was enough for him to remember it by. He ensured that nobody was watching before sliding through into the secret passageway, and lighting it up with a bit of Wandless magic. The magical globe of light followed beside him, bobbing up and down as he walked. It was the next part that had him apprehensive, the shops opened really early, and the owners might already be in the shop. So once he approached the stairs, he cast a concealment spell upon himself and levitated the stone when he got to them a few minutes later. The cellar of Honeydukes was in darkness, satisfaction thrummed through him as he stepped up and let the stone slot back into place.

Just as he had done so the door opened and light spilled in, Tom remained where he was completely still, watching as a woman he saw in the store from time to time come down the steps. Once she was away from them, he silently as possible began to walk up the steps, but the shifting of the boxes helped keep his footsteps silent. He made sure nobody was at the top of the shop before freezing the bell and opening the front door, only once he was out did he unfreeze the bell and begin his journey towards Gringotts, removing the concealment charm when he was further away from the shop.

Excitement thrummed through him, he had a greater understanding on how to deal with the goblins now, thanks to Hadrian and Abraxas, although considering the money he was bringing in for them and himself they afforded him a lot of respect. This would be the third time he would use them to sell the basilisk skin and venom, which was bringing in a lot of money much to his satisfaction. Perhaps he had been too hasty in trying to treat the goblins like everyone else; apparently charm didn't get you everywhere, who knew?

Striding in as though he owned the place, he had not dressed in his school inform for this, nobody in the magical world knew him personally so they wouldn't know he attended Hogwarts but wearing the uniform might as well put a sign that he was out of school without permission over his forehead. He certainly didn't want any of the teachers (Dumbledore being the exception) keeping an annoyingly close watch on him if he was found out of school without permission.

"I would like to have a private meeting with Ironclaw," Tom stated as he approached the front desk, being curt without condescending as Abraxas had suggested.

"And did you make an appointment?" the goblin asked, its beady eyes glimmering as it stared at Tom.

"I have no need," Tom stated, "I have business with him, fetch him immediately." Tom added getting annoyed but keeping his head, he didn't want to antagonise them he was here for something far more important than scoring worthless points with a goblin.

The goblin smirked a little before barking orders in gobbledegook; the goblin presumably there to escort people to the vaults immediately scampered down the hall and passed the armed guards. Tom couldn't help but relish the power he had even with the Goblins, money truly did open a lot of doors that would have otherwise remained firmly shut, and it would help when he had to deal with the upper elite purebloods. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but considering his name change, perhaps it would be easier than he previously thought. Before long Ironclaw was making an appearance, silently gesturing for him to come forth, he sternly reminded himself that he needed them, and that cursing them wouldn't achieve anything. So with a blank mask he did as Ironclaw wished, and followed the creature towards his office.

"How can I help you today, Mr. Riddle?" Ironclaw asked, taking his seat gesturing for Tom to take a seat on the other side of the desk.

"I am here to claim my inheritance," Tom said smugly, glad to be able to say those words. "Which I believe to be at least the Gaunt and Slytherin estates, while I am here I wish to change my name to Slytherin."

"An inheritance test costs two sickles," Ironclaw informed him as he began to remove the necessary items for the ritual.

Tom removed the galleon from his pocket and handed it over with an imperious air around him. Tom watched him place a small white bowl in the centre of the table, a dagger next to it and a bandage just off to the side. "Cut your palm and let the blood flow into the bowl, write your full name on top of the parchment where it's indicated." Tom picked up the dagger and made a small incision, letting a few droplets of blood fall in, he placed the bandage on the cut afterwards before taking the quill in his other hand, and began to write out his name in his usual calligraphic writing.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

And the blood began to expand, the runes glowing very briefly before they were gone, and the line continued.

Father - Tom Riddle Senior

Mother - Merope Gaunt-Riddle

Uncle - Morfin Gaunt

Parental Grandmother- Mary Riddle

Paternal Grandfather - Thomas Riddle

Maternal Grandfather- Marvolo Gaunt

Maternal Grandmother- Merope L. Gaunt

Tom arched a perfectly sculptured eyebrow at the list; there was information new to him on the list. It seemed Hadrian was right; wizards did seem to continue to reuse their names over and over again. His maternal grandmother named her daughter, his mother, after herself, he was surprised Marvolo hadn't just named his son Marvolo as well and gotten it over with. It wasn't just the wizards either; the Riddle's had reused Tom now for three generations.

Sole Direct Line Descendant




Indirect Line Descendant




There wasn't much co-mingling of the pureblood lines, but that didn't surprise Tom since he knew the Gaunt's had continued to marry within the family, cousins mostly. It was actually kind of sick when you thought about it, especially knowing what he did now about the consequences of interbreeding. Merlin, he loathed that word it made them sound like dogs.

"First you must sign your emancipation papers," Ironclaw said, passing over the relevant items, already banishing the blood and quill now that they were used. The bowl was scoured magically and put back in his drawer for whenever he would need it next, he'd used it more this year than he had in the past. He nodded in approval at the fact Tom was reading the contract thoroughly, taking his time and ensuring it was legit, which it was of course. They'd been in business for a very long time, having to fight for it too, from the backstabbing ministry wizards who wished to control the economy as well as the law.

Tom signed them and handed it back over, only to be given a copy for his own perusal.

"This is to officially change your name to Slytherin, despite the fact you will be a Slytherin in name, you cannot use the Slytherin estate until you are seventeen years old." Ironclaw informed him as he handed yet another contract over for the teen to sign.

"Very well," Tom sighed, but he'd figured as much since Hadrian had made an offhanded comment about it, it wasn't as if he had anything he wanted from it anyway, other than the name, he would make the Slytherin name great again. He was well on his way, in a few more years the basilisk skin and venom will ensure the vaults had more than it had seen in generations. Giving the contract a read over he signed it with his new name, Tom Marvolo Slytherin, he'd never thought he'd see the day where he kept his name, well Tom, anyway, he'd hated all part of it, yet things had changed over the course of the last year or so.

"Do you have the recently deceased Lord Gaunt's death certificate?" Ironclaw enquired his hand out waiting for the paperwork.

It took Tom a few seconds to realize what he wanted, and that he did indeed have it, sliding his hand into his pocket he withdrew the necessary documents and handed it over with a flourish, accepting the paperwork to take on the Lordship, he began to read it as the goblin did with the death certificate before it was copied and the original placed on the table next to him. Once he had read it properly he signed his new name, Lord Tom Marvolo Slytherin, the smugness he felt practically oozed into the ink.

"I assume there is not a Lordship ring for the Gaunts?" Tom asked, annoyed by that fact. He passed it over after removing the copy; he folded the copied documents and placed them within his cloak pocket for safe keeping.

"No, but one can be procured at a price," Ironclaw stated, as always it was about money, they liked money the more the better. "Or designed."

"That is doable, I shall think up a design and get it back to you if I am interested in using your services," Tom stated, he wasn't stupid enough to tell them outright he would use them and he would shop around to see what his best offer was in regards to having one made. In fact he had seen a jewellery shop on his way here; he doubted very much they had the ability to design Lordship rings. He had quite a few designs in mind actually, and it was entirely up to him if he wanted to change the Gaunt coat of arms now. He planned on changing a lot, so why not the coat of arms too?

"As I suggest to all clients, you should write up a will so the estate doesn't fall into the hands of the Ministry," Ironclaw suggested, it had been suggested to Morfin Gaunt who had taken umbrage at the implication and walked out. Thankfully though there was an heir stepped forward, to prevent the complete death of the Gaunt and Slytherin bloodlines.

Tom had to forcefully bite his tongue to stop himself from saying what he really wanted to. Instead he just nodded his head while keeping his tongue clenched between his teeth lest he say something he'd regret. The thought of dying had always been a bit of a sore spot for him, especially these last years with the Muggle war and being forced back each time away from his real world. Not something he would have to worry about this year; he had more than enough money to see him staying at the Leaky Cauldron for the entire summer. Standing up, he accepted the additional will information and slid it into his pocket, having no desire to even gaze upon it let alone fill it out.

"Do you not wish to make some investments?" Ironclaw enquired.

"Not today," Tom stated, he would get some advice from Harry who had more than tripled his own income with ludicrous investments. Or rather what he thought was ludicrous but the fact Hadrian had foreknowledge of it, well obviously it was going to do well. He had done a few of his own that Hadrian had suggested but it was nothing big as of yet. "I do wish to have my vault added to the Gaunt's."

"It will be done," Ironclaw nodded, it wouldn't even take a moment to have it added to its list.

"It's been a pleasure, may the gods grant you more gold, Ironclaw," Tom added. Remembering goblins names was a way to gain their respect along with giving them their proper greeting.

"And may your coffers never empty, Lord Slytherin," Ironclaw said, and with that he watched the young man retreat, he had a feeling between Lord Peverell and Lord Slytherin he'd have his work cut out for him.

Upon his return to Honeydukes he found the jewellery shop once again, a thoughtful look on his face, making an abrupt decision he entered the store determination radiating off him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Mulciber asked, when he noticed Hadrian making his way down the stairs from the dorm. "Rabastian brought you something to eat," he pointed towards the still steaming plate of food they had brought back with them after breakfast.

"Where's Tom?" Hadrian asked surprised that he'd left his side; he hadn't for the past few days.

"Don't know, he got a letter and left well over an hour ago," Rabastian explained.

"Ah," Hadrian murmured making his way over, sitting down even coming down the stairs had taken a lot out of him, "Thanks Rab," he didn't even have the strength to say his full name.

"It's fine," Lestrange said, shrugging his shoulders. "Tom asked us to do it," feeling surprised by the nickname.

"Of course he did," Hadrian said dryly, shaking his head, he began to shuffle his breakfast around his plate, not having much of a desire to eat anything, but after a few minutes he did reluctantly try some scrambled eggs.

"Do you want any books from the library? We're going to head up in a few minutes to get the books we need to get the rest of our homework done," Mulciber explained.

"No, I've got a few coming through Owl order, hopefully today," Hadrian said shaking his head, "And I've already done my homework," there was not much else he could do as exhausted as he felt.

"Alright, we're going to head up now, we'll see you later," Mulciber said, standing up he and the others left the common room headed for the library.

Sighing softly he put his plate back on the table, leaning back and was content just to sit there, anything was better than sitting in his bed all day. Although he hoped to feel better soon so he could at least have a shower. It was just the thought of standing even for five to ten minutes was enough to make him nix the idea completely. It had been hard enough to come down the stairs, with two walls to help him along the way. His eyes popped open when he felt something touching his hand, only to gape in shock. Avery was holding out his wand, the tip of the wand facing him, offering his wand and life to Hadrian to do as he saw fit.

"I willingly bind my life to yours Hadrian Peverell, I will act as your shield for as long as you wish, this is my solemn oath so mote it be," Avery whispered, bowed low his wand still out, facing down, willing to become Hadrian's servant in the only way he could conceivably apologise for his actions throughout the last two years.

Hadrian continued to gape for a few moments before he regained his bearings, "Have you spoken to Tom about this?" Hadrian asked, he wouldn't be happy if he hadn't been consulted on the matter whether Avery was a member of his group or not. Judging by the way Avery stiffened up he already knew his answer. Those in the common room were watching avidly, eager to see what was going to happen.

"No, I haven't," Avery admitted not once moving from his position.

"Why are you doing this?" Hadrian asked suspiciously. "Is your family pressuring you into doing it?"

"No, while I don't care about my parents...I care about my sister, she was contracted to marry Bartemius Crouch, but Lord Crouch has retracted the contract and my sister is devastated she loves Bartemius..." Avery admitted, "If I can get our name in good standing again the contract can be put forth again."

Hadrian's eyebrows climbed higher, Bartemius Crouch? The Bartemius Crouch? Avery said he loved his sister? Yet she'd died alone in Azkaban, or rather alone full stop while her so called husband was busy climbing the ladder trying desperately to become the Minister of magic and her brother was busy serving Voldemort too busy to give a shit about her?

"What is going on here?" Tom growled, standing at the portrait his magic whipping around him as he stared at the scene in front of him furious beyond words.

Everyone that wasn't Avery and Hadrian quickly fled to the dorms, nobody wished to even try and get passed Tom - nor did they want their ire on him no matter how curious they were about what was happening with Avery.


Oh dear what will happen to Avery now? Will Tom actually like Avery's idea and use it to ensure Hadrian is even more safe or will he end up tortured for even approaching Hadrian after what he did? Especially seeing as Hadrian is a little bit vulnerable right now :P or a bit of both? will Tom bring up the bonding again too impatient to wait for Hadrian to decide or bring it up again? R&R please

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