Path Forged by blood: a jaune...

Od Takahashi999

41.5K 582 229

My name is jaune DOWNFALL after getting my transcripts were exposed my life went downhill I was kicked out of... Viac

jaune's bio
chapter 1: reborn
chapter 2
chapter 3: nothing but death
chapter 4:qrows investigation
chapter 5
chapter 9
chapter 6
chapter 10
chapter 7
chapter 11
chapter 8
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 16

1.4K 26 3
Od Takahashi999

Ozpin:I honestly don't care

I declared to Ozpin, my voice firm and resolute.

He nodded, taken aback by my request.

Ozpin:What do you need, Jaune?

Jaune:I want a chain and a knife

I replied without hesitation.

Ozpin raised an eyebrow, curious but cautious.

Ozpin : a chain and a knife? What do you plan to do with them?

A sly grin played on my lips as I envisioned the makeshift weapon taking shape in my hands.

Jaune:just say I need something to keep me on my toes.

The room fell into an anticipatory hush as Ozpin considered my unusual request. The students around us exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of this sudden demand.

Ozpin:Jaune, are you sure about this?

Ozpin inquired, his gaze searching mine for any sign of doubt.

I met his stare with unwavering determination.

Jaune:I'm sure. It's time for me to prove myself, and I'll do it my way.

Ozpin, sensing the resolve in my words, nodded once more.

Ozpin:Very well, Jaune. I'll arrange for the materials you need. But remember, this choice carries its own weight.

As the dialogue unfolded, the tension in the room lingered. The students, now spectators to a unique request, exchanged murmurs of curiosity and uncertainty. The atmosphere crackled with an unspoken understanding that Jaune Downfall's journey at Beacon Academy was bound to be unconventional, challenging, and perhaps, a spectacle in its own right.

The rest of the students were baffled by my unusual request. Cardin scoffed with disdain, remarking,

Cardin: look at Arc trying to show off again.

He's definitely going to die before the end of this year

Undeterred by his comments, I positioned myself on the launch pad. As it activated, the force sent me soaring through the air. I didn't bother with a parachute; instead, I surrounded my body with a protective layer of aura, allowing me to control my descent and land gracefully.

The onlookers exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what to make of my unorthodox approach. Cardin continued to mutter under his breath, but the murmurs from the other students grew louder.

" Did he just... fly?" someone whispered.

" What kind of aura manipulation isthat

Another student pondered, trying to make sense of my unconventional landing.

I stood there, unfazed by the reactions around me. Once again, I had chosen a path that defied expectations, and the consequences were already echoing through Beacon Academy.

The atmosphere tensed as a pack of Beowolves, larger than usual, emerged from the shadows. With a menacing grin, I harnessed my bloodlust, drawing the Grimm toward me. The air crackled with anticipation as I stood there, armed with my chain dagger, ready for the impending clash.

The Beowolves, driven by instinct, lunged at me with ferocious growls. In a swift motion, I swung my chain dagger, slicing through the air and connecting with the first Grimm's neck. Aura-infused strikes cascaded, dispatching the creature with efficiency.

As the pack closed in, I moved with calculated precision, using the chain to entangle the limbs of the approaching Beowolves. Each strike was deliberate, exploiting their vulnerabilities. The battlefield echoed with the clinks of metal and the roars of the Grimm.

The moon cast an eerie glow on the scene as the battle raged on. I seamlessly transitioned between offense and defense, dancing with the deadly grace of a seasoned warrior. The chain dagger twirled through the air, creating a lethal barrier against the relentless onslaught.

One by one, the Beowolves fell under the onslaught. Their distorted howls echoed through the night, a testament to the clash between human and Grimm. I embraced the chaos, my bloodlust fueling the relentless pursuit of victory.

As the last Beowolf succumbed to the onslaught, silence settled over the battlefield. The chain dagger, stained with Grimm ichor, gleamed in the moonlight. I stood amidst the fallen, a solitary figure cloaked in the aftermath of the confrontation.

The onlookers, both students and faculty, observed in awe and bewilderment. The display of combat prowess, coupled with the unorthodox entrance and battle strategy, left an indelible mark on the minds of those present.

In that moment, Beacon Academy bore witness to the resurgence of Jaune Arc, now known as Jaune Downfall, as he stood amidst the remnants of the Grimm, a harbinger of change in the world of Remnant.

The dense forest enveloped me in a cloak of shadows as I strolled leisurely, seemingly oblivious to the world around me. Little did I know, the forest harbored a hidden threat – a quartet of Ursai lying in wait for an unsuspecting prey.

Without warning, the Ursai charged, their massive forms crashing through the underbrush. In an instant, I shifted from nonchalant to combat-ready, my senses honed to the approaching danger. With a deft sidestep, I evaded the first Ursai's charge, the ground trembling in its wake.

Armed with my trusty chain dagger, I retaliated. Swift and precise strikes targeted the Ursai's vulnerable spots, each blow infused with the ethereal aura that coursed through my veins. The Ursai, momentarily disoriented by the unexpected assault, roared in frustration.

As the battle unfolded, the forest echoed with the clash of metal against fur. The Ursai, undeterred by their fallen comrade, pressed on with relentless determination. Their claws swiped through the air, seeking to rend me limb from limb.

I danced between the Ursai, a symphony of calculated movements and lethal strikes. The chain dagger whirled, creating a barrier of steel that fended off the Ursai's onslaught. The ethereal resonance within me surged, amplifying my physical prowess and guiding my every motion.

With a fluid motion, I vaulted over an incoming Ursai, landing behind it in a seamless display of agility. The chain dagger sliced through the air, severing tendons and rendering the creature temporarily incapacitated. The forest became an arena where the ethereal and the primal clashed in a dance of survival.

Amidst the chaos, I exploited the Ursai's instinctual tendencies, using their own aggression against them. Each Ursai fell, succumbing to a combination of ethereal-infused strikes and strategic maneuvers. The forest, once a quiet sanctuary, resonated with the echoes of battle.

As the final Ursai collapsed, defeated, I stood amidst the remnants of the encounter. The ethereal aura surrounding me gradually subsided, leaving a serene calm in its wake. The once-ambushing Ursai had met their match in Jaune Downfall, the enigmatic warrior who had emerged victorious from the heart of the forest.

I emerged from the heart of the forest, my chain dagger gleaming with ethereal residue. The onlookers, including Team RWBY, JNPR, and the rest, stood in stunned silence. Only Glynda and Ozpin maintained a calm demeanor, well-accustomed to the unexpected.

Four Ursai lay defeated in my wake, a testament to the lethal dance between ethereal prowess and primal strength. The atmosphere crackled with a mix of awe and uncertainty as the witnesses processed the spectacle they had just witnessed.

Yang broke the silence, her voice laced with a mix of admiration and disbelief.

Yang:Did he just... take down four Ursai by himself?

Weiss, ever the pragmatic one, raised an eyebrow.

Wiess:What kind of weapon is that? And how did he move so effortlessly?

Ruby, wide-eyed, added,

Ruby:And did you see the ethereal glow? What is going on?

Pyrrha, who rarely displayed surprise, wore a thoughtful expression.

Pyrrha:There's more to Jaune than we know.

As the questions and speculation swirled, I approached Glynda and Ozpin with a casual demeanor. Ozpin regarded me with a knowing look, while Glynda maintained her composed stance.

Ozpin:Quite the display, Mr. Downfall

Ozpin remarked, his voice carrying a subtle acknowledgment.

Ren, ever the pragmatist, added,

Ren: impressive, but it doesn't change your past.

I chuckled, the ethereal aura around me fading into a subtle glow.

Glynda:No, it doesn't. But perhaps actions speak louder than transcripts.

The tension lingered in the air as Ozpin and Glynda exchanged a meaningful glance. The onlookers remained unsure of what to make of the enigma that stood before them – Jaune Downfall, a force that defied expectations and, in that moment, commanded their attention.

The forest, once a tranquil backdrop, had become the stage for a revelation, leaving Team RWBY, JNPR, and the others to grapple with the implications of Jaune's newfound prowess and the mysteries that shrouded his return to Beacon.

The large Nevermore let out a haunting caw, its wings beating with ominous intent. Sharp feathers were unleashed towards me, a deadly dance of precision and menace. With a combination of swift footwork and precise movements, I evaded the oncoming onslaught.

Weaving and dodging with an almost ethereal agility, I turned the encounter into a choreographed ballet of survival. The Nevermore's feathers sliced through the air, missing their mark as I moved with a fluidity that defied the creature's deadly precision.

The onlookers, still processing the previous Ursai encounter, were now witnessing a spectacle of finesse and acrobatics. The forest echoed with the rhythmic sounds of my evasive maneuvers, creating a stark contrast to the silent awe that had enveloped the clearing.

The Nevermore, finding its attempts thwarted, let out a frustrated caw. It hovered in the air for a moment, assessing the situation before deciding to retreat, disappearing into the distant treetops.

As the forest regained its quiet composure, the onlookers were left in a state of bewilderment. The ethereal glow that had surrounded me during the battle began to fade, leaving only the lingering echoes of a confrontation that defied the expectations of all who witnessed it.

Soaring through the air with an otherworldly grace, I closed the distance between myself and the formidable Nevermore. The creature, initially taken aback by my sudden flight, now found itself in an unexpected aerial duel.

My ETHEREAL resonance enveloped my body, rendering it light as a feather. The ethereal glow accentuated my every movement, creating a mesmerizing dance amid the clouds. With each calculated maneuver, I defied gravity, turning the battleground into a surreal arena of combat.

The Nevermore, renowned for its dominance in the skies, struggled to adapt to this unconventional adversary. Feathers were launched, and beak clashed against aura as the airborne confrontation unfolded. The forest below served as a silent witness to the celestial ballet, a clash of ethereal forces defying the natural order.

As the battle reached its crescendo, I unleashed a barrage of strikes, weaving through the air like a celestial wraith. The Nevermore, unable to match my newfound aerial prowess, faltered in its attempts to counter the relentless assault.

With a final ethereal flourish, I executed a precise maneuver, landing a decisive blow that sent the creature spiraling down. The forest echoed with the triumphant caw of victory, marking the end of an extraordinary battle in the skies.

Descending gracefully to the forest floor, the ethereal glow surrounding me slowly dissipated. The onlookers, still processing the spectacle, were left in silent awe at the unforeseen mastery of the once familiar Jaune Arc, now a celestial force challenging the very limits of combat.

The resilient Nevermore, refusing to succumb to defeat, rose from its brief descent with newfound determination. Its colossal wings beat against the air as it lunged forward, fueled by a tenacious desire to overcome its celestial adversary.

As the massive bird descended upon me, I stood unwavering, my ethereal aura flaring with renewed intensity. The air crackled with energy as the clash resumed, a fierce dance of predator and prey.

With a swift motion, I evaded the Nevermore's initial onslaught, sidestepping its razor-sharp beak. In response, I unleashed a series of rapid strikes, each swing of my chain dagger cutting through the air with lethal precision. The battlefield echoed with the clash of ethereal energy against the creature's feathers.

The Nevermore, undeterred by my onslaught, retaliated with a barrage of feather projectiles. Dodging and weaving through the storm of sharp quills, I maintained my focus, anticipating each move with an almost preternatural awareness.

As the battle intensified, the forest bore witness to a celestial struggle between two formidable forces. The ground beneath us trembled with the impact of our clashes, creating a symphony of ethereal resonance and primal roars.

With a burst of ethereal energy, I propelled myself into the air, executing a gravity-defying maneuver to evade the Nevermore's relentless assault. Hovering above, I channeled my celestial power into a concentrated strike, aiming for the creature's vulnerable core.

The chain dagger sliced through the air with unparalleled finesse, finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy. The Nevermore, pierced by the ethereal blade, let out a deafening cry as it plummeted to the forest floor, defeated.

Silence settled over the battlefield, broken only by the fading echoes of the celestial clash. The onlookers, jaws agape, witnessed the extraordinary feat of a man who had transcended the boundaries of mortal combat. Jaune Downfall, now a force of ethereal might, stood victorious over the fallen Nevermore, his celestial prowess leaving an indelible mark on the once-ordinary forest.

Jaune's sudden display of flight left the onlookers in awe. Team RWBY, JNPR, and the rest of the students, along with Glynda and Ozpin, were visibly stunned by this unexpected turn of events.

Ruby:Did he just fly?

Ruby exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Wiess:That's impossible! Humans can't fly!" Weiss interjected, shaking her head in disbelief.

Blake, always reserved, observed the spectacle, muttering to herself

Blake:I've never seen anything like this before.

Yang, with a smirk on her face, commented,

Yang:Well, looks like our dear Jaune has some new tricks up his sleeve.

Pyrrha, astonished by the revelation, questioned

Pyrrha:Jaune is capable of flight now?

Ren, maintaining his calm demeanor, remarked

Ren:It seems Jaune has undergone significant changes.

Glynda, turning to Ozpin, demanded an explanation

Glynda:Headmaster, what is the meaning of this?

Ozpin, wearing a subtle smile, responded

Ozpin:It appears that Mr. Downfall has acquired new abilities during his time away.

Glynda:Flight is not a typical ability for a Huntsman

Glynda noted, her concern evident.

Ozpin, maintaining his composure, said,

Ozpin:Beacon has always been a place for extraordinary individuals.

If Jaune heard him he would have skewered him with his chain dagger

Meanwhile, Jaune looked back at the bewildered crowd, his expression unreadable. The realization that he had unveiled a newfound power lingered in the air, leaving an air of uncertainty among those witnessing this unexpected revelation.

The atmosphere buzzed with a mix of shock, curiosity, and a tinge of fear as everyone tried to comprehend the implications of Jaune's newfound ability. The air of mystery surrounding Jaune Downfall intensified, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of all who witnessed this extraordinary display.

Now walking calmly through the forest, I found myself lost in the labyrinth of nature. The twisted foliage and ancient trees seemed to conspire against any sense of direction, creating a disorienting maze that mirrored the complexities of my own turbulent journey.

As I meandered through the dense vegetation, memories of my past echoed in the rustling leaves. The shadows of Beacon, the pain of betrayal, and the searing anger that fueled my every step. Each footfall carried the weight of my experiences, a burden I bore with a stoic resolve.

The ethereal resonance within me hummed, a constant companion in this unfamiliar terrain. It wasn't just a power; it was an extension of my very being, a manifestation of the turmoil that raged within. The resonance pulsed, attuned to the ebb and flow of the natural world around me.

The forest unveiled its secrets as I pressed on, my senses heightened by the eerie stillness. The silence was broken only by the occasional rustling of unseen creatures and the haunting whispers of my own thoughts. Lost, not just in the physical realm but within the labyrinth of my own emotions.

The canopy above filtered the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that coexisted with the untamed wild. Nature, indifferent to the struggles of humanity, continued its eternal dance, a silent observer of our triumphs and tragedies.

As I navigated the winding paths, I .
In the eerie stillness of the ancient temple, my words hung in the air, expecting a response from the manticore Grimm that now served as an unexpected adversary. The silence was broken only by the faint echoes of footsteps as I shifted into a combat-ready stance.

The manticore, however, remained silent, its predatory gaze fixed upon me. The absence of verbal communication only intensified the tension in the atmosphere, leaving both my allies and the Grimm itself in a state of suspense.

Jaune:Come on, big guy, not in the mood for small talk?

I taunted, trying to provoke a reaction. The manticore's response was a low, guttural growl, its hostility evident in the ominous vibrations that reverberated through the ancient stones.

I swung the chains with a maniacal grin

Team RWBY, JNPR, and CDRL exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and curiosity. Meanwhile, Ozpin and Glynda maintained their composed demeanor, watching the unfolding encounter with a keen understanding of the intricacies involved.

As the standoff persisted, it became apparent that the manticore, a creature driven solely by instinct and primal aggression, had no inclination for verbal discourse. The communication, if any, existed on a different plane—one of combat, survival, and dominance.

Acknowledging the inherent limitation in engaging with a Grimm, I shifted my focus to the impending battle. "Well, if it's a fight you want, let's dance," I muttered, my words resonating with determination. The anticipation reached a crescendo, and with a swift motion, the confrontation surged into action.

In the absence of spoken words, the clash unfolded through the symphony of combat—a dance of blades, roars, and the crackling energy of the ethereal resonance that surrounded me. Each movement conveyed a message, a dialogue of skill, strategy, and the unyielding will to emerge victorious in the face of Grimm-infested adversity.

Team RWBY, JNPR, and CDRL exchanged alarmed glances, their voices a chorus of doubt and concern. Ruby, her silver eyes wide, exclaimed,

Ruby:This manticore is no joke! Jaune can't handle this alone!

Weiss, always poised, added

Wiess:And without proper communication, strategic coordination seems impossible. He's putting himself at unnecessary risk.

Blake, her cat-like eyes narrowing, voiced her skepticism,

Blake:are we sure he can handle this? That manticore is formidable, and without a plan...

Yang, the fiery blonde, interrupted

Yang:He's just going to get himself killed!

On the other hand, Glynda maintained her composure, a stoic expression revealing her unwavering confidence in Jaune.

Glynda:Mr. Downfall possesses abilities beyond our conventional understanding. Trust in his strength, young ones,

she reassured, her voice carrying a certain assurance.

Ozpin, his gaze steady, concurred,

Ozpin:Jaune has faced challenges that have shaped him into a formidable warrior. There's more to him than meets the eye.

Cardin, the outspoken member of CDRL, scoffed at the confidence placed in Jaune.

Cardin:his is reckless! He's going to be Grimm chow. Maybe this will finally teach him a lesson.

Ren, typically reserved, chimed in,

Ren:it's true that Jaune's methods can be unorthodox, but we've seen him prevail in unexpected ways before in this challenge

Jack: have faith in him he's pretty strong, I don't really think he's someone that faked his transcripts with such skills

He said as he watched

The tension in the air heightened as opposing views clashed within the group. While some saw Jaune's actions as foolhardy, others recognized the potential for unanticipated triumphs that had become synonymous with his unconventional approach to combat.

Amidst the varied opinions, the battlefield echoed with the sounds of an impending clash—Jaune versus the formidable manticore Grimm. Only time would reveal the outcome, leaving the onlookers anxiously awaiting the resolution of this unconventional dialogue between hunter and hunted.

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