Straight To My Head || Harry...

By coco1522ox

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Originally I was just going to do one oneshot. But I have so many ideas, I'm going to turn it into a collecti... More

After The War.
Not Strong Enough.
I Loved Her First. Pt 1.
I Loved Her First. Pt 2.
The Next Generation.
Time To Talk.
Just A Dream.
The Birth Of A Potter.
Secret Love.
Ten Years Later. Pt 1.
Ten Years Later (pt 2)
Harry's Birthday.
Angel With A Shotgun
Playing With Fire. Pt 1
Playing With Fire, Pt 2.
Soul Mates Pt. 1
Soul Mates Pt 2.
Determined To Live.
The Reunion - Pt. 1
The Reunion - Pt. 2
Listen To Your Heart.
Because I Love You.
Love Will Find A Way.
Love Will Find A Way Pt 3.
The Wedding.

Love Will Find A Way. Pt 2.

141 0 0
By coco1522ox

Lily's heart had never felt as heavy as it did right now. Since the news about her relationship with Scorpius had hit the papers, they no longer had to sneak around. But, with that relief came the soul crushing reminder that her father hadn't spoken a word to her since that day in the Potter's kitchen three weeks ago. For the first time ever, Lily had boarded the hogwarts express with albus, with only her mother and brother to see them off. For the first time ever, Harry had chosen to go to work instead of saying goodbye to his children. Her mother had assured Lily that with time, Harry would come around. But Lily couldn't shake the feeling that she'd destroyed her relationship with her father beyond repair.

As usual, Lily and Albus wrote to their family when they arrived at Hogwarts. By the end of their first week back, Lily had received an owl from her mother. But nothing from her father. She'd even attempted to send Harry a personal letter  to the house and to his office at the Ministry. But both remained unanswered. Lily didn't know what to do. She never imagined she'd ever live a day knowing her father hated her, but here she was, and she hated it.

Three weeks into term, Lily still hadn't heard from her father, and things just went from bad to worse. Her friends started treating her differently. Students who usually smiled and waved at her as she passed now frowned and turned away from her. Rumours were spread, and a handful of students even took to shouting horrid things at her as she walked the halls between lessons.  She had quickly become a disgrace. Nobody could understand how the precious daughter of the great Harry Potter could betray her own father.

She wasn't alone, however. Scorpius also received his fair share of ridicule. His fellow slytherin students declared him to be a traitor. He quickly became an outcast. If it weren't for Albus, Scorpius would have no one.

But neither Lily nor Scorpius were prepared to end their relationship over this. If people couldn't accept them, that was their problem. They learnt to ignore the hate thrown at them and focused on each other and their studies. In fact, Lily got so used to the yelling that she'd almost become deaf to it. Until one day, a particular insult reached her loud and clear.

She walked out of her History of Magic lesson, her bag slung over her shoulder, minding her own business when a particularly large figure barrelled into her.

"Watch where you're going, slut!"

Lily looked up and rolled her eyes. "Get out of my way, Leyton."

"Or what? Gonna go running to Daddy?" Leyton smirked viciously. "Oh wait. You can't. Because he couldn't bear having a slut for a daughter so he disowned you."

One minute, Lily was trembling with anger, a hazy red mist fogging her gaze. The next, she was being forcefully dragged down the corridor.


Lily shook her head. Her tears fell hot and heavy as she slumped to the floor. A gentle hand rubbed her back in comfort. Lily finally realised where she was and that one of her dorm-mates, Leah, was sitting beside her. Leah was one of the only ones to support Lily and her relationship.

"I'm sorry. I don't even know what happened." Lily sobbed. "I just got so angry."

"It's okay." Leah sighed. "I know you're having a hard time right now. But it will get better."

"I'm not so sure anymore." Lily whispered.


Later that evening, after a particularly brutal scolding from the headmistress, Lily sat with Scorpius in the library. She had her defence against the dark arts homework in front of her, but she was hardly in any frame of mind to study right now.

"Look, don't worry about Leyton, Lils." Scorpius sighed, gripping her hand in his.

"Of all the insults I've had thrown at me, I've never had someone say that." Lily shook her head.

She'd told Scorpius all about her interaction with Leyton. Well, what she could remember of it. She was still none the wiser about what she did when she blacked out from anger. All she knew was that Leyton was now in the hospital wing with a broken nose and a concussion.

"Lily, look at me." Scorpius said firmly.

Lily lifted her gaze to his.

"Your father does not think you're a slut. He hasn't disowned you. Yes, he's mad at you. But, to be honest, I think that more my fault than yours. Well, my father's at least." Scorpius said. "I know you miss him, Lils, but you just have to be patient."

"It feels like he's disowned me." Lily whispered as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Well, if that's the case, then we'll just have to run away together." Scorpius said with a goofy grin.

Lily rolled her eyes but released a teary chuckle. "If only it were that simple."

"Lily." Scorpius gripped her hand tighter, his face falling serious again. "If running away means you're happy, then that's what we'll do. I'll do anything for you."

Lily smiled sadly at him, running a soft hand down his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Scorpius smiled. "Now, come on, you need to finish this essay."

Lily groaned and turned back to her homework. As she read the pages of her textbook, her mind thought intently of what Scorpius had said. Could they really run away together? Would her father have anything to say about that? Would he even care? She highly doubted it.


Two days later, on her way to dinner in the great hall, Lily was summoned to Professor McGonagall's office. Her heart hammered in her chest as she walked the corridors. She hadn't done anything else to get herself in trouble since her outburst with Leyton. Maybe it was about her grades slipping. But, then again, they weren't far enough into the term for her grades to be affected so badly, we're they?

She knocked on the door, taking a deep breath as she waited for McGonagall to permit her entrance. When she heard the familiar voice of her headmistress, Lily pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Ah, Miss Potter, please take a seat." McGonagall gestured to the seat opposite her desk.

Lily swallowed hard and took another step towards the desk. As she did, however, Lily's body turned cold as her father came into view. She then spotted Albus already sitting in one of the seats in front of McGonagall.

"What's going on?" Lily asked nervously.

"Please, take a seat. All will be explained, I assure you." McGonagall said calmly.

Lily gingerly lowered herself into the seat beside Albus, her eyes darting between him, McGonagall, and her father. Harry leant against the wall, his arms folded over his chest.

"Am I in trouble?" Lily asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"You attacked another student, Lily. What do you think?" Harry scoffed.

Lily's eyes widened. The first words her father had spoken to her in over a month, and they were filled with disappointment and disdain. "But, I've already been punished for that!"

"Mr. Potter, please." McGonagall held up a hand. "Lily has already attended detention with me for her behaviour involving Mr. Reynolds."

"That's not why I'm here, Minerva." Harry sighed.

"Then might I ask you to enlighten me as to why you called this meeting?" McGonagall said.

"I'm here to take Lily home." Harry said.

"What? Why?" Lily gasped.

"We're taking you out of Hogwarts, Lily. As of next week, you will attend Beuxbatons Academy to finish your education." Harry said firmly. "Go and pack your things, please."

"Dad!" Albus exclaimed. "You can't do that!"

Lily felt like she'd been slapped in the face. Her father was so desperate to separate her from Scorius that he was willing to ship her off to another country to keep them apart!

"Actually, Albus, I can." Harry nodded sharply. "The only reason you're not being pulled from Hogwarts is because I know how important this last year is."

Lily stood up from her seat. Her legs felt weak, so she gripped the back of the chair to steady herself.

"Dad, please, you can't do this." Lily sobbed. "I can't leave Hogwarts."

"You can, and you will, Lily." Harry said, his eyes narrowing at her. "I'm your father, and you'll do as I say."

"Is this because of Leyton?" Lily shook her head. "Or is this about Scorpius?"

"This is about you attacking an innocent teenager because you can't handle a few comments about your choice of boyfriend." Harry argued.

"You think he was innocent?" Lily gasped. That hurt. In fact, that hurt more than the words that came from Leyton.

"I think that nothing gives you an excuse to physically harm another person to the point they require serious medical attention, just because they said something you didn't like!"

Lily took a step back. Tears streamed down her face. She sucked in a shuddery breath. "Okay. I get it now. I guess Leyton was right."

"Right about what?" Harry sighed.

Lily shook her head. "It's fine. You can disown me. You can break your promise to me. That's fine. I won't be a burden to you any longer. But I am not going to Beuxbatons."

Something in Harry's eyes changed at Lily's words. What it was, she didn't know. She didn't care anymore. Harry had made his point. Instead of waiting for her father's response, Lily turned towards the door and walked away.

"Lily!" Harry's voice bellowed behind her.

But Lily didn't stop. Instead, she ran. She ran down the staircase and towards the library, where she knew Scorpius would be.


Harry stared at the door to McGonagall's office. His mind was screaming at him to chase after Lily, but his body was frozen in place. A sharp pain infiltrated his gut and chest. Lily thought he'd disowned her. She thought he agreed with this Leyton kid. Harry didn't even know what had happened to result in Lily physically attacking the boy!

"Wow." Albus' voice broke his dazed state.

Harry looked down at Albus and pointed to the door. "What is she talking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why does she think I've disowned her, Albus?" Harry said firmly.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you've ignored her for the last month and acted like she doesn't exist? Or, maybe it's because you hate the man she loves so much that you want to send her to a different county? Or, could be something to do with you agreeing with what Leyton Reynolds said to her." Albus shrugged.

Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His frustration was bubbling, and it took all his effort not to release his anger on Albus. Finally, he opened his eyes to look at his son again. "What did he say?"

"Leyton?" Albus raised a brow. "He told Lily that you were so ashamed of having a slut for a daughter that you disowned her."

Harry's blood turned to ice. He knew he hadn't handled any of this correctly. He knew he'd probably overreacted, too. He knew no matter what his feelings about Malfoy were, Lily didn't deserve this. What he didn't know was at what point in his life, Harry had chosen his pride over his daughters feelings.

"What have I done?" Harry whispered. His eyes stared at Albus, wide and terrified.

"Dad, it's not too late." Albus said softly. "You can put an end to all this."

Harry continued to stare at his son. The internal war raging in his mind was suddenly too loud. He couldn't think straight. How did he make Lily see that the Malfoy's were not to be trusted without losing her forever? How did he explain any of this to her without her disowning him instead?

"Albus, I know you want to think Scorpius is your friend." Harry sighed. "But his family were..."

"Death eaters. Yes, I know." Albus interrupted, rolling his eyes in annoyance. "But Scorpius is not a death eater. He's a good man with one of the purest hearts I've ever known. And he loves Lily more than anything in the world."

Harry looked down at the floor and shook his head. One thing Harry firmly believed was that no one on this entire planet would ever love his daughter as much as he did. Whether she'd disappointed him or not, Lily would always be one of the most precious things to Harry.


Lily was panting for breath by the time she reached Scorpius. As she expected, she found him tucked away at their usual table in the back corner of the library. He had a pile of books in front of him, and his blonde brow creased in concentration as he worked on whatever homework he needed to finish.

"Scorp!" Lily cried as she reached the table.

Scorpius was on his feet instantly, gathering her into his tight embrace. "Lily? What happened?"

"My dad.. He was waiting for me.. he wants.." Lily could barely get the words out as she sobbed into his shoulder. "He said.."

"Lily. Breathe." Scorpius said firmly, but with a gentle tone. He gripped her shoulders and held her at arms length. "What did your dad say? What's going on?"

"We have to go, Scorpius. If you really meant it when you said you'd run away with me, then we have to go. Now." Lily said desperately. Tears streamed down her face, dripping off her chin.

"Tell me what happened, Lily." Scorpius said, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

"He wants to send me to Beuxbatons." Lily wept. "He's so determined to keep us apart that he wants to send me to another country!"

Scorpius' eyes widened in shock. Lily was quickly pulled into his embrace again. She buried her face into his chest as he held a hand to the back of her head.

"I won't let him take you." Scorpius mumbled into her soft, red hair. "We'll leave tonight. In fact, we'll leave right now."

Lily pulled back to look at his face, searching for any hesitation or doubt. But there was nothing but determination in his eyes. "You're sure?"

"Absolutely." Scorpius nodded. "Go get whatever you need. Pack light. Meet me by the honeydukes passage in fifteen minutes."

Lily nodded her head. "I'll bring the cloak."

Scorpius placed his hands on either side of her face and pushed a firm kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, Lily saw the love in his eyes.

"Everything is going to be okay, Lils, I promise." Scorpius whispered.

Lily nodded her head and kissed him again.

"Go, and be quick." Scorpius said, gently pushing her towards the library exit.

Lily nodded again and raced out of the library. As she headed towards the Gryfindor common room, a small smile tugged at her lips. For the first time in over a month, Lily had hope.



Harry cringed at the sheer level of anger and disbelief in his wife's screeching shouts. He watched cautiously as Ginny paced McGonagall's office, running a hand through her hair.

"Gin, calm down." Harry sighed.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down, Harry Potter!" Ginny pointed at him. "This is all your fault!"

"I didn't know some kid was going to say that to her!" Harry bit back defensively. "She didn't have to attack him like that!"

"She was defending herself. Which she wouldn't have had to do if you hadn't been more bothered about your bloody ego!" Ginny snapped.

Harry opened his mouth to speak again, but James quickly intervened. "Mum, it's okay. Albus will find her. We'll get this mess sorted out."

"Thank you, James." Harry nodded.

"Dad, I love you, but I'm with Mum on this one. It went too far." James shook his head. "I wasn't overly fond of the idea of her and Malfoy either, but she didn't deserve what you did."

Harry ran a hand down his face in exasperation. "I know. I messed up. You don't have to remind me, okay? I know this is my fault!"

"Do you?" Ginny whirled around to face him again. "You finally realised that your daughter is more important than some stupid little fued?!"

"It's not a stupid fued, Ginny!" Harry argued. "That family is the reason you almost died at the age of eleven! They're the reason Hermione was tortured! The reason hundreds of innocent people were hurt or killed!"

"God, you're such a prat!" Ginny exclaimed. She turned away from him again, shaking her head.

McGonagall, who had remained silent throughout Ginny's outburst, stood up from her chair. "Might I suggest we all take a breath and calm down for minute. Lily is probably in her dormitory as we speak."

As if on cue, the door opened again, and Albus slipped inside. All eyes turned to the middle Potter child as he walked towards them, his hands shoved in his pockets. Ginny took a hopeful step forward.

"Did you find her?"

"I did." Albus nodded.

"So, where is she?" Harry asked, standing beside his wife.

"She's gone." Albus sighed.

"Gone where?" Harry demanded.

"Gone. Her and Scorpius." Albus said, shrugging one shoulder. "She said she wasn't going to stay where she wasn't wanted. So, she's gone."

"You mean she ran away?" James said, his eyes widening as he joined his parents.

"It was either stay here and be forced to live a sad, miserable life in France without Scorp. Or be happy and live her life how she wants, with whom she wants." Albus nodded.

"No." Harry whispered. She wouldn't run away. She wouldn't abandon her family like that. She wouldn't..


His thoughts were quickly disrupted by a sharp, stinging sensation on his left cheek. His head turned towards his wife, who was staring at him with a kind of anger and hatred he'd never seen before. At least not directed at him. Her chest heaved as her hands clenched into tight fists beside her.

"You did this!" Ginny yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You did this to her!"

Right now, Harry had never been so grateful for his sons, who held their mother back before she could get her hands on him. He had no doubt she'd tear him limb from limb if she was given the chance. Although, right now, he wasn't so sure he didn't deserve it. Ginny was right. He'd done this. He'd caused this. Lily was gone because of him.

Behind him, he could faintly register McGonagall conjuring a Patronus, instructing all staff members to search the grounds for Lily and Scorpius. She then sent one to the ministry, informing them of Lily and Scorpius' disappearance. Finally, she sent one to the Malfoys.

"Albus, did she tell you where she was going?" Harry asked his son, tearing his gaze from Ginny.

"No." Albus said adamantly.

"Al, I know you want to protect your sister, I get that. But if you know where she is, you have to tell me." Harry begged. "I need to bring her home, Albus."

"I don't know where she went." Albus said, shaking his head. "She didn't tell me."

"Did she say whether or not she'd be in touch?" Harry asked.

"She said she'd let me know that she's okay when they got to wherever they're going. But she didn't say where that would be, I swear."

Harry nodded his head and ran a hand down his face. He changed a glance at Ginny, who was now sobbing into James' shoulder. He approached her slowly, tugging on her arm so she was facing him. He held onto her shoulders, keeping her gaze firmly on him.

"I will find her." Harry declared. "I promise. I will not stop until I find her."

"Our little girl is gone, Harry." Ginny whispered. The anger was gone, replaced with grief and sadness. It was enough to magnify the cracks already forming in his heart.

"I know. And I'm so so sorry, Ginny." Harry said softly.

Ginny folded herself into his arms, seeking comfort from his strong embrace. Harry curled his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head.


Thirty minutes later, McGonagall and the Potters were joined by three Aurors and the Malfoys. Four different professors had dropped in to inform them of their failed progress in locating Lily and Scorpius, but Harry expected that. He knew his daughter was long gone from the grounds.

Draco Malfoy paced the office, having already verbally attacked Harry by blaming him and his daughter for Scorpius going missing. Thankfully, Albus had quickly stepped in and assured both father's that both Lily and Scorpius had mutually decided to run away. Neither side was to blame. The only ones to blame, were Harry and Draco.

Harry leant over McGonagall's desk, a large map in front of him. He marked out any location he could think of that Lily might go. The three aurors that had joined him, waited patiently for any further instructions from their boss.

"Can you find them or not, Potter?" Draco spat from the other side of the room.

"Draco." Astoria hissed. "He's doing what he can, I'm sure."

"Clearly." Draco scoffed.

Harry turned to face Draco and Astoria. "Thank you, Astoria. And, Draco, yes, I can find them. But this isn't just any kind of wizardhunt. There are our children. It's going to take time."

"Exactly, they're our children!" Draco argued. "So you should know how your daughter thinks! You should be able to find them quicker!"

Before Harry could argue back, Ginny stood between Harry and Draco. "Draco, if you're not happy with the way my husband works, I suggest you find someone else to locate your son. I trust Harry to bring them home. He's the best chance we have at finding them. So, how he chooses to do that is up to him!"

Harry slipped his arm around Ginny's waist, tugging her body flush against his. He pressed a kiss to her temple. "Thank you."

But Ginny quickly pulled away. She looked up at him with a glare. "I might believe in your ability to find them, but don't think I've forgiven you just yet."

"I know." Harry sighed. "I haven't forgiven myself either."

"Work on finding our daughter, then you can work on forgiveness." Ginny said firmly. Then, she walked away from him, joining Albus and James.

Harry sighed heavily again and turned to his team of Aurors. "I want three different search parties out there looking for my daughter. I don't care who. I don't care where. You get out there, and you find those kids. Eight hour shifts per party. No one clocks out until there's someone else to take your place. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." One Auror, Callum Havers, nodded his head.

"Good. Go." Harry ordered. "I expect hourly updates until they're located."

Havers nodded his head once before leading his colleagues towards the fireplace and flooing back to the Ministry. Once the bright green flames had faded, Harry turned to Draco and Astoria.

"Go home, spread the word that Scorpius is missing. Send out whoever you can to search. Contact his friends, family, anyone you can think of that he'd get in touch with. They're going to need help if they expect to get away without being caught." Harry said, his tone fuelled with authority. "We'll have to keep in touch with each other until they're found."

Draco merely nodded his head stiffly and turned to leave. Astoria, however, hesitated. She took a cautious step towards Harry.

"Thank you, Harry." Astoria said, a faint tremble in her voice. "I know you and Draco have your issues, but I really appreciate you helping to find our son."

"If I find your son, I find my daughter." Harry said. "But, you're welcome."

Astoria nodded her head before following her husband. The two disappeared in a bright flash of green, leaving just the Potter's and McGonagall.

"What should I do?" Albus asked.

"I want you to continue on as normal." Harry said. "Go to class, do your homework, study for your exams. But, Al, if she gets in touch, I need you to tell me."


"No, Albus." Harry shook his head. "I understand you don't want to betray her trust. I know I'm the reason she's gone. Please don't make me be the reason something happens to her because I couldn't find her in time."

Albus sighed and nodded his head. "Fine. If she writes to me, I'll tell you."

"Thank you." Harry said softly. He pulled his son into a tight hug. "I love you, Al."

"Love you, too, Dad." Albus mumbled into his father's shoulder.

After hugging his mother and brother, Albus returned to his dormitory. Shortly after, Harry thanked McGonagall for the use of her office and for her assistance before leading his wife and son home again. 

By the time they arrived back at the Potter residence, Harry's head was pounding. A sharp pressure built behind his forehead, a kind of pain that told him he needed some kind of outlet. Harry shut himself away in his office, leaning on the desk and letting his head hang low. He closed his eyes and exhaled a long, exhausted sigh. His whole body felt tight, wound up with pent up frustration and self hatred. He hadn't felt like this since his fifth year of Hogwarts, when he was convinced he was turning into Voldemort. 

Only this time, Harry knew exactly what was causing his body to tense and his mind to race. This time, he knew exactly how to release the rage building in his gut. With one swift movement, Harry swiped the contents of his desk onto the floor. The lamp on the corner of the desktop was launched against the wall as Harry let out a roar of anger. When there was nothing left to destroy, Harry threw his fist into the wall, creating a noticeable crack in the plaster and paint. 

Panting for breath, he let his head drop forward onto the wall, closing his eyes again. It wasn't until he felt a smaller, more delicate hand on his shoulder that Harry finally pulled away from the wall. But he couldn't bring himself to look down at his wife. He couldn't bare to see the pain and resentment in her eyes. He couldn't bare to see the look of betrayal and disappointment. 

"Feel better?" Ginny asked, folding her arms over her chest as she glanced around at the destroyed office. 

"No." Harry shook his head. 

"You're going to find her, Harry." Ginny said, leaning against his desk. "I know you will." 

"I hope so." Harry sighed. "Because if I don't.. If anything happens to her.." 

He could barely get the words out. The pain in his chest returned as he thought about all the possible ways in which Lily could get herself into trouble, or worse. 

"Harry." Ginny sighed. Harry flicked his gaze to her face, his heart splintering further at the helpless, pitiful look in her eyes. "She might only be sixteen, but she's a Potter. She's strong and resilient, just like her father. She'll be fine. And, I know you don't like it, but I have every bit of faith that Scorpius will keep her safe." 

Harry rolled his eyes and turned away. "He better. Because if she gets hurt because of him, I'll kill him." 

This time, Ginny rolled her eyes. Only, she didn't respond to him. She simply tutted and walked out of the office, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts once again. 

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