deIphinium द्वारा

95.2K 3K 12.9K

Landing the position as the hottest duo's beauty assistant was a breeze. Working the position as the hottest... अधिक

⤷ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
author's note

chapter three

4.1K 138 209
deIphinium द्वारा

chapter three

y'all in these comments are FUNNY.


"Velvet? Veneer?"

Unusually enough, their dressing room door is locked; so you're left to call for them from the other side. An array of worrisome thumps and bumps could be heard from within the room. If you put your ear against the door, (which you did, because you're incredibly nosy, per usual) you could just barely make out their words.

"Put... away!"

"You... it!"

"Hurry, or... suspect something!"

"Just take... us!"

The door clicks, signifying it'd been unlocked. Stumbling back as fast as possible so you wouldn't appear to be the eavesdropper you were, it slides open, revealing the twins. Their hair was slightly amok, clothes slovenly and eyes shifting nervously. For the first time since you'd gotten the job, Veneer couldn't look you in the eyes. Yeah... something's up. I mean, you'd have to be a fool to not notice. But personally, you get paid enough not to care. For the meantime, anyway.

"Evening! Car's prepared. We need to be at the venue soon, are you ready to go?" You smile, hands on your hips.

"Perfect timing, dolly! We were just about to call you." Velvet grins charmingly, slightly out of breath as she leans against the doorway. Her hands were tucked behind her back, blatantly hiding something from your view.

"You were?" You laugh, somehow not believing that.

"Can it." Her smile drops, replaced with an irked sneer. You raise your hands at her threatening expression.

While you've learnt that they could very well ruin your life and career with the mere snap of a finger, you simply just don't take it to heart anymore. Can't really get much worse than where you are right now, anyway.

After making your way downstairs, towards the valet, you open the vehicle's door for the two. They climb into the back of their new, viridescent limousine. Since Crimp was occupying the passenger's seat, you stepped in after them, taking a seat on the opposite side. The engine roars to life, the driver steps on the gas. You do a quick once-over of your baggage, double checking you'd brought all of the cosmetics and hairstyling tools required. Their wardrobe had already been arranged prior and delivered directly to Boombox Theatre, which thankfully left you with one less thing to worry about. After acknowledging that you had everything, you gaze over towards the twins.

"Veneer, are you feeling okay? You're really quiet." You frown, leaning forward slightly. He looked a bit more pale than usual; which was saying something, since the two always were, "I have some painkillers if you're unwell."

"He's fine. Aren't you, 'lil bro?" Velvet pats his back roughly, inciting an almost skittish yelp from the boy.

He musters, "Just peachy!"

"If you say so... Just let me know, okay?"

"How thoughtful of you, dolly." Velvet grins teasingly.

Much like Crimp's name-calling, the twins beseeched you your own nicknames as well. Though, you could hardly call them as bad as hers. Things like doll face, dolly, toots, ditz. They were sort of growing on you! Unlike how you'd first started, and found them annoying, they were now sort of... cute. That probably sounded absurd on your behalf.

Speaking of Crimp...

Looking over the duo's heads, you notice the passenger seat's actually empty, "Where's Crimp?"

"Hm? Oh, she's in the closet." Murmurs Velvet, as if it were any other day, all the while scrolling through her phone.

"Do you... throw her in there a lot?"

"Only when she's annoying."

"Which is all the time." Veneer adds, lips upturned in blatant distaste.

Laughing nervously, you shrug, "And that's not, like... illegal? Or anything?" Of course it is, you weren't even sure why you asked.

Velvet's eyes snap towards you, crossing her legs, "Is that an issue, dolly?" She speaks sweetly, yet with bite.

"No! Nope. Definitely not. No issue here."

"That's what I like to hear!" Velvet nods, satisfied, "Crimp could learn a thing or two from you, dolly."

It hadn't taken long to reach your destination; Boombox Theatre. The car had taken an alleyway road, that way paparazzi and hyperactive fans alike couldn't bombard and block the car. Arriving at the venue's back entrance, you're surprised by the excessive amount of security and personel. A crew member opens the limousine door, greeting Velvet and Veneer happily.

"Welcome! We're so glad to have you back for another show! It's an honour." They beam, holding out a hand to balance the superstars' step out of the car.

"Well, you know us! Anything for the fans." Velvet boasts, holding her head high as she waves to the employees. They squeal in response, fluttering their hands back.

You make your own way out, as they clearly wouldn't offer a hand to you, and wander towards the trunk. Opening it, you sigh in relief at the undamaged goods. Managing to haul everything into your arms, you waddle inside, somehow not dropping a thing. It's loud and overwhelming; the reverberating bass from soundcheck hurting your ears. Other crew members rush past you, not batting an eye as they scream haphazardly to fix this and that. Nevertheless, you push past everything and everyone, finding Velvet and Veneer's assigned dressing room.

"Alright, people! Hurry, hurry! We're running behind schedule, with just two hours 'till showtime!" The stage manager, you assume, calls out.

Impressing yourself, you open the door with just a pinky finger. Cheering silently, you nudge it open even further with your bottom. Placing everything onto the vanity, you sort through your cosmetics and appliances. Not long after that, Velvet and Veneer meander in; now with many letters, pictures and flowers in hand.

"Toots, take care of these, will ya?" Veneer throws everything carelessly onto the sofa. You watch, appalled at the mess you were now in charge of cleaning. Taking a long breather in, and out, you smile.

"Who would like to be done first?"

Shoving Veneer aside playfully with her hip, "Hey!" Velvet skips over and struts onto the elevated dressing podium.

"Me, first." She lifts her arms up expectantly.

Tilting your head, puzzled, you frown, "Velvet?"

"What are you waiting for, dolly? You weren't expecting me to dress myself for a concert, were you? How cute."

As a matter of fact, you were.

Swallowing, you fetch her costume from the closet. It was a dazzling, green tasseled dress; complimenting her hair tastefully. Running a hand along the twinkling fabric, you bring it over and hang it from the wall. Facing Velvet, you stare at her sheepishly. Though you'd sort of expected them to have you do this eventually, you couldn't exactly settle the fluster of undressing someone so easily. Telling yourself it's a professional setting, you step a bit closer.

"Anyy day, now." She croons— voice raspy, arms still raised in the air. She gazes down at you, growing impatient.

"Ever the princess, Vels." Veneer comments. He'd found a comfortable position for himself, sprawled across the loveseat. Beneath him were the gifts they'd earlier received, though Veneer seemed highly unbothered by the idea of squashing them.

Reaching for the hem of her shirt, you stand on the tip of your toes. Carefully, and with clammy hands, pulling it over her head. Velvet wore undergarments, of course. It'd be extremely embarrassing on your end if she weren't. Neatly folding her shirt, you place it aside. Shimmying off her skirt, she kicks it aside; booting her heels next. Running a hand through her bangs, she sighs, rolling her shoulders.

"That wasn't so hard, now, was it?"

"That's easy for you to say..." You avert your eyes, voice quiet. Unhooking Velvet's dress from the hanger, you slide it on above her head. You didn't worry about making a mess of her hair, you'll be styling it anyways.

"Embarrassed, toots?" Veneer laughs, legs unfurling as he stands, "My turn!"


Despite the concert having already begun, backstage still isn't allowed a moment to rest.

Unfortunately, that went for you, as well. However, it was oddly riveting to hear Velvet and Veneer singing from the other side of the stage curtain. Their voices were awfully mesmerising— alluring, even. It was strange, in a way. Despite not even being your taste in music, you found yourself being drawn to every song. You had to tell yourself that it was simply the catchiness of it all.

Bopping your head along to the beat and bass, you organise the gifts they'd received into a small bag to-go. Despite being a few rooms away, you could hear the enlivened screaming and jumping from the audience. Velvet and Veneer truly knew how to control their stage presence, maybe you'd ask to watch their next show? Doing a small dance, you begin to pack everything up. From the corner of your eye, where Veneer had earlier been sitting, something sparkles. It appears to be a perfume bottle of sorts, but you don't recall packing anything like that? Outstretching your hand to inspect it, you pause at a few knocks on the door.

"Hey! Intermission, we need a touch-up!" The stage director shouts.

"Got it!"


The past week has been a nightmare. Literally.

Between school and work, you were left running back and forth to accommodate for both. Unfortunately, Velvet and Veneer have even more overbearing than usual— and you did not think that was possible. You were constantly being called out of class and into the studio; whether that be because Veneer's worried Velvet's dying from a paper-cut (you had to pretend you were certified in first-aid for him to shut his mouth) or Crimp had forgotten to inform you about last minute interviews, photoshoots and the like. Thanks a lot, you mop.

You swear, if you weren't six feet under in debt; you'd have sent in your two weeks the very first day you started.

So, when you'd woken up, drenched in sweat, you weren't taken aback in the slightest. Vision cloudy, throat painfully dry and nauseous, you groan. The most you were able to do was send a short message to your professor and Crimp, telling them you were out for the day. Like out, out. The entire day was a consistent loop of falling in and out of sleep; you'd yet to eat or drink, partially because you couldn't even get out of bed. Visiting the hospital or pharmacy was entirely out of the question, your budget was... below par, at the moment. Like usual.

I'm sure you can imagine how the knocks pounding at your door were the least of your worries at the moment.

You would have ignored it entirely, had it not been for...

"Open this raggedy door! I know you can hear me!"


Just when you'd thought the gates of heaven were finally opening for your pitiful soul, Velvet had so graciously yanked you back down to hell. Gripping onto your bedside table, you heave yourself out of bed. Your eyes blurred and whitened at the sudden motion, making standing a bit challenging. Lugging your feet through your home, leaning against your walls for support, you make it to your front door. Peeking through the eyehole, it takes every braincell you have to not start bawling. Just because you simply could not deal with these two right now.

"This place is, like, the total dumps."

"Is that a dead rat?"

"Where?!" Velvet shrieks.

Veneer snickers, "Got you!"

"Not funny! We've already seen seven on the way here! Agh— where is that imbecile!" She pounds on your door again.

You blink, undoing the locks with droopy eyes. Sniffling through your blocked nose, your nasally voice rings out, "You'll need to kick it."

"What?" Veneer retorts.

"Kick the door, or it won't open." You step back, allowing them space to open it. Unfortunately, with your lack of... everything, at the moment, you wouldn't be able to open it like you normally would.

There's a gentle kick, however it doesn't budge.


Veneer curses beneath his breath, something about how stupid this is, before his heeled foot rams into it. It's now open wide enough for them to squeeze through.

You laugh weakly, "That's the one!"

"Ew, you live like this?" Velvet holds a hand to her mouth, peering around with a repulsed expression.

"We had no idea you were... like, er, poor." Veneer laughs unsettlingly as he stares at your peeling wallpaper.

Too sick, exhausted and tired to respond politely, you answer, "Yeah, thanks. I had no idea either until you mentioned it. Just now."

"Speak for yourself. Those clothes were a dead giveaway." Velvet utters, pushing past you and walking into the lounge and kitchen area, "Wow, and it gets worse."

"I wanna see!" Veneer follows after, oddly excited to see your trashy home, "Oh, you weren't lying."

Begrudgingly you follow them, "Did you only come here to make fun of my house?"

"Yeah." Velvet shrugs, "Well, we did hear you were sick, or something. So that too, I guess."

It's only now that you notice the totes in their hands.

"Here, toots." Veneer takes the other bags from Velvet's hands, whom is distracted by a photo-album, placing them onto your wooden table.

"Oh..." You step closer, peering into the bags. There was a wide selection of medication, treats and ingredients, "Thank you for all this..."

Veneer grins, tapping your nose gently.

"Ah! Look at this, look!" Velvet squeals loudly, beckoning Veneer over as she waved around a small photo. Squinting, you realise that it's one of you from elementary school, "Dolly, you look like a nerd!"

Gasping, Veneer speeds over, snatching the photo and inspecting it closely. Booming laughter escapes him as soon as his eyes focus on your face in the portrait.

"Yeah, you can get out of my house now." You grumble, folding your arms.

Their laughter slowly eases, and they wipe their tears, "Sure, toots. But we'll be taking this as payment for visiting." Veneer holds up the picture of you teasingly.

"I don't think I have a say."

"Most definitely not."


she's all over the place but a chapter is a chapter i say xox

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