Into the Multiverse (DC Super...

By AlecAmmerata

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After the events that have taken place in the Spiderverse trilogy, (Only 2 movies released, will update once... More

Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Intro and Scenes 1-5)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 6-8)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scene 9)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 10-12)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 13 - 18 & End Scene)
Question and some notes about future episodes
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Intro Scene & Scenes 1-4)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 5-8)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 9-11)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 12-13)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scene 14)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 15-17 & Ending Scene)
Update on Future Episodes
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Intro Scene)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 1-4)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 5-7)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 8 & 9)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 10)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 11)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 12)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 13 -16)
Episode 3: The Truth About (Scene 17)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 18-21)
Notes about this episode and the next episode
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 6 & 7)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 8 - 10)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 11 &12)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scene 13)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 14 & 15)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 16 - 18)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 19 & 20)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 21 - 23 & Ending Scene)
Notes about Episode 4 and the next episode
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Intro Scene)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Miles & Jessica)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Kara & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Oliver & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Zee & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Garth & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Halfway point)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Diana & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Barry & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Babs & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Hal & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Karen & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Scenes 22 - 25)
Breaking Point

Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Intro Scenes & Scenes 1-5)

51 1 0
By AlecAmmerata


We start with the same introduction just like in the last episode. But Diana is talking about how he ended up being friends with him, and how they're going to help him get back home.

Recaps what happened last time

Intro Scene 1

It's a Sunday morning in the Sweet Justice Bunker. Miles is currently sleeping. His alarm goes off, and he wakes up. He does some stretches for a bit, gets his clothes ready, and puts on some music of his to start the day. "Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee is playing in the background. He starts to make himself some eggs.

He's been making himself feel more at home thanks to the girls. Kara was grateful to give him some cooking materials, Babs gave him an extra speaker for his music, Karen was nice enough to give him some clothes that he could wear, Jessica offered him a mattress with some sheets and pillows that he uses to sleep on, Zee gave him some towels to use for the shower, and Diana had given him a lamp for him. Everyone in this universe has treated Miles with respect ever since he opened up about himself. He's had it easy being here.

After his eggs are cooked, he heads over to the television and turns it on. The news is on and it's recapping what had happened on the night Doc Oc arrived. As he's watching, he continues to wonder how she managed to get to this universe. He recalled that the collider in his universe was destroyed. Could she have rebuilt the collider? That's a possibility. After all, she did create the device. So it could have been possible that she rebuilt it and traveled to this universe. But then there's World Collider which could have brought her here.

He wanted to know the answer badly, but he couldn't think about that. He was thinking about finding a way back to his universe. As he scrolled through the channels, he saw a documentary about tracking devices that people would use to track them. "This is interesting," he thought to himself. He continues to watch the show to learn more. He thought if he could build a tracking beacon, Gwen would be able to find him. He texted Babs and Karen asking to meet at the Bunker. He has an idea of how to get a signal out to Gwen.

Intro Scene 2

Miles is trying to get Gwen on a call. She picks up. "Everything alright, Miles?" She asks him. He tells her he has a plan to try to find him. This makes her feel happy that he came up with a way to find where he is.

Babs and Karen come down to the bunker. "Hey Miles," they both said. He says hello to them. "Gwen's on, I hope you don't mind that," he said. "I'm just looking for more opinions before we go on with the idea." The girls say hello to Gwen. She says hi back. There's a split screen between them so we can get both expressions.

"So, anyway, here's what I'm thinking," Miles said. "Since you two are pretty much the most experienced with tech, we can build a device that can send a signal to Gwen's watch through mine. That way, she can locate where I am from my universe. I'm sure you've had experiences with tracking devices." Everyone gives a look.

"A tracking device could work, Miles," Karen said. "But the only concern is that it's a different universe. We would need something from your universe for this to work." That's when he takes off the watch and points at it. "This is where my watch comes in," he said. Miles was explaining that if he used his watch to send the signal, Gwen could find him. The girls had thought about it, and they thought he could be right.

Gwen, however, was a bit concerned. "Miles, I don't know about this," she said. "If that watch comes off you, there's a chance that your cellular levels could decay if that happens. You could die." Babs and Karen grow concerned after hearing this. "Wait a minute, if Miles doesn't wear the watch, he could die?" Babs asked.

Gwen explained to them when she was in Miles's universe, she experienced cellular decay because they were in a different universe. "Gwen, my watch was off when I first got here," he continued. "I haven't experienced cellular decay at all. We just need the coding that's inside the watch. We don't need the full thing, just the coding to where my universe is. This tracker is only for the Spider-Verse, and nowhere else." Gwen still wasn't on board with the idea.

"Well, it's too bad you can't get Zee to summon another one of those watches for you," Babs said. Karen and Miles look at her with an eyebrow up. "Wait, Zee can get another one?" Miles asked. Babs realized what she had said. "Uh, well," she said, stammering. "It's possible that she could. I'm not sure she can. She could probably duplicate it, though." Miles wasn't sure if that would work or not.

Gwen spoke. "I guess our only option is to use Miles's watch," she said. "Babs, Karen, I'm going to need you two to do me a favor, though. Once you get that code from the watch, you get it back on Miles. I may not know much about this universe, but if he does end up glitching of any kind, that means he's going through cellular decay." Babs reads her loud and clear. "Alright. If we're going to do this, we need to let everyone know about the plan," Karen said. Miles, Babs, and Gwen agreed.

Gwen hangs up and the split screen goes away, and we just see Miles, Babs, and Karen there. Miles gets up from his seat. "Alright," he said. "Text the others to bring them here. It's time we start getting this chip ready."

The Title of the Series shows

Scene 1

In the bunker, we see Miles, Babs, and Karen working on the tracking device. While Kara, Diana, Zee, and Jessica watch.

"Wow, I can't believe you thought of this, Miles," Kara said. "I wouldn't imagine this happening." Miles responds by saying, "Well, I figure we try something crazy, and it would be interesting to try it out." He explained his idea to the rest of them before coming here and told them about the watch. They knew about cellular decay also.

"Miles, are you sure about this?" Jessica asks. "Using your watch as a tracking device? What if something does happen?" That's when Babs explained that she had a different idea about the tracking device. "The watch will still be on Miles, Jessica," she said. "We're just adding a feature that will allow Gwen to find him wherever he is. It's putting a tracking chip inside the watch but for multi-dimensional purposes."

Karen ran into a little problem with the tracking device. "Uh, guys, we have a little problem," she said. Everyone goes over to her. "Since this device is going to be a multi-verse device, we need a strong energy that can be converted with this device," she said. "I'm not sure where we are going to find anything that powerful."

Kara had an idea. "I think I might know where we can find something for that," she said. "My cousin has some things that are related to multi-dimensional use. I'll call him and see if he has anything that can help. Besides, he owes me a favor after saving his life." Everyone looked at Kara with suspicion. Even Miles. "Hold on, your cousin?" he asked. Kara told Miles that his cousin is like her, but he's older. "I'll get in touch with him," she said. "I'll be back down in a few minutes." Kara goes back up to the store. Miles was brimming with confidence after hearing this.

While Kara was outside making the call, everyone else was busy working on the tracking chip. Miles goes up to Babs to watch her make the chip. "You don't mind if I watch do ya, Babs?" he asks. She doesn't mind at all.

As he's watching her, he sees how great she is with technology. "Hey Babs, how did you get into making these awesome techs?" he asks her. Babs pauses her work for a moment and tells Miles about how she always wanted to work with her favorite superhero from Gotham City. So she became more like him, building weapons and technology, learning about his fighting styles, and becoming her favorite hero. Miles was impressed by Babs. She had a long-time dream of fighting alongside Batman. She even told him that she did fight alongside him once, and it was a great experience for her.

She asked about Miles's mentor, Peter B. Parker, and whether he wanted to be like him. "Well, to answer that, I would have preferred a better Spider-Man mentor," he said. "He wasn't the best teacher, but he was all I got when I first got my powers. It's crazy, I know, but overall, I did want to be Spider-Man, even though what happened was an accident. But I never regret being bitten."Babs had a smile on her face after hearing what Miles had said. "That's the spirit that I like to hear," Babs said. She goes back to work, and he continues to watch. She asks him if he wouldn't mind handing her a mini screwdriver for the chip. He looks in the toolbox and gets it for her. "Thanks, Miles," she said to him. They continue to work on the chip.

Scene 2

Back on top, outside of Sweet Justice, Kara is on the phone with her cousin, Kal. She's hoping that he picks up. His voice goes through the line. "Hey, Kara," he said. She says hello back. He asks what she needs. "Well, to answer your question, remember when I saved your life, and you told me that you would owe me a favor?" she asks. He does remember this.

"Well, I need a favor from you," she said. He asks about the favor, and she goes into details about Miles being from another universe, and how he's building a tracking chip to help get back home. "I was wondering if you had any items that could help us out," she asks. "Anything that's for multidimensional travel, specifically."

Kal wasn't happy about this. He tells Kara the dangers of multi-dimensional travel and what it could do. Kara tells him that he's done this before. He's learned from his girlfriend back on Earth. "That's good that he's done that," Kal said. "But Kara, there are dangers of multi-dimensional travel. Doppelgangers, broken devices, anything that could harm him. I just need you to tell him that."

Kara understood where he was going with this, but she told him something else. "Look, I'm doing this for another reason," she said. "I yelled at him a few days ago, and it did not go well." She told him how she treated him harshly, and mentioned how his parents wouldn't find him and hurt him. She was making this as a way to say that she was sorry. Kal had an understanding of what Kara was saying. "Alright, I'll think about it, Kara," he told her. "But just tell him the consequences of multi-dimensional travel. I know you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your friend." She agrees to tell Miles and hangs up. Kara goes back into Sweet Justice in the bunker.

Scene 3

Kara comes back to the bunker and lets the team know that Kal's considering giving us something that could help with this tracking device. She also tells Miles about the risks of multi-dimensional travel. "I'm only saying this because Kal told me to," she said. "So don't get snippy with me about this. You can blame my cousin if you want."

Miles understood what Kara was saying. He knows the risks of dimensional travel. He's done it before. She explains to him about the consequences like doppelgangers, the device breaking, and the possibility of ending up in an unknown universe that could be dangerous. "Kara, I appreciate your input on this, and I do," he said. "But I've seen things before that are similar. Plus, I'm Spider-Man. There's a good chance I can handle whatever comes my way."

Kara begins to grow concerned for Miles. Even though he's being confident about this, she's worried that he could meet his doom. She goes up to him, and the other girls try to bring her back, but Diana stops them. Kara puts her shoulder on Miles. "Look, if Kal doesn't give us the item we need," she said, "we can find another way. If all fails, you're more than welcome to stay in our bunker, or wherever. But promise me that we will run tests on this to make sure everything will go okay."

Miles and the girls haven't seen this side of Kara before. He takes her hand off his shoulder. "Alright, if that will make you and your cousin happy, I'll do it your way," he said. This put a soft smile on her face. "Thanks, Miles," she said. He goes back to Babs and Karen to continue helping with the tracking chip.

Kara walks back to Zee, Jessica, and Diana. They were surprised to see how Kara handled that. "Kara, I'm impressed with you," Diana said. "Yeah, I thought you were going to yell at Miles again, but instead, you handled that well," Jessica said.

Kara, still smiling, looks back at Miles as he's working. She turns back to the other girls. "Thanks," she said. "Look, I want you all to promise me that you'll help me find another way to get Miles back. I know this sounds like an option, but dealing with Multi-Dimensional travel can be dangerous." She recalls the Cythonna moment that had happened in the past to them. They realized what Kara was talking about when she said all that. Kara knew how serious this was, which is why she wanted to ensure Miles's safety.

If something bad were to happen to him, she wouldn't forgive herself. Diana reassures Kara. "Sister Kara, there is nothing to fear," she said. "We're with you 100%, and we will make sure Miles gets back to his universe safely." Zee chimes in. "Yeah. We don't want Miles to get hurt either," Zee said. Kara was in a better mood after hearing all this. They all go in for a group hug. "Thanks for understanding, gals," she said.

Scene 4

As Miles is helping Babs out with the tracker, his phone goes off. He gets a text from Hal asking if Miles would like to hang out with him and his friends today. "Hal wants to hang out with me today?" He asked himself.

Babs overheard him, and she read his text. "Miles, you should do that," she tells him. "Hal likes you, and it's a great idea to hang out with him."

Miles wasn't sure if he would today because he hadn't told Hal he was Spider-Man, and he was afraid of what Hal would think of him. But he didn't want to leave Hal for what he was doing now. "I don't know, Babs," he said. "I mean, with this chip that needs to be done, and everything else, I'm just not sure."

Karen tells them that the chip won't be done until they get the item from Superman. The rest of the girls come over to check in on the progress, and Karen tells them that it won't be done until the part from Superman can be given to them. Babs also tells them Hal texted Miles, asking him to hang out at the boardwalk. Babs was also telling them he should go.

Jessica agrees with Babs. "Miles, Hal likes you, and I know you like him also. I've seen you getting along with him, and you've told me he was great to be around," Jessica said. "What could be holding you back from not going to hang with him?"

Miles explained how he didn't want to tell Hal he was Spider-Man or that he was from another universe. Jessica stops him from talking. "Miles, you just don't tell him," she said."I know I don't," he said back. "It's not that I don't want to tell him, I just want the timing to be right when I do." The girls understood this.

The girls begin to talk about the boys to Miles to make him comfortable. Babs mentions Barry was the Flash, Karen talks about Carter being Hawkman, Zee talks about her rival, Oliver, who was also the Green Arrow, and Kara talks about Garth being Aquaman's apprentice, Aqualad. Miles, at one point, mentioned how Oliver over-acts with everything, and Zee got a laugh out of it. Miles didn't know how much Zee disliked Oliver, but when on the field, they tended to work together.

Jessica walks up to Miles to talk more about Hal. She also reminds him of the promise he made to her when they first met. "Yeah, Miles, you should hang out with some guys instead of us gals," Kara said sarcastically. "Not that I'm saying we're terrible, I'm just saying you should hang out with some guys at least."

Not everyone agreed with what Kara said at first, but they got what she was trying to say. Diana reassured Miles by saying, "You should go out and have fun with them, Miles. They'll be happy you came along." He knew they were right, and he wanted to hang with his buddies.

"You girls are right on this," he said. "I think it's best I go hang with him tonight. We can worry about this later." He gets his bag ready to hang out with Hal and his crew. "I'll see you girls at school tomorrow, then," he said.

Jessica halts him before he leaves. She gives him some money to take. But he refuses to do so. "Jess, I can't take this," he said. She keeps insisting on giving him the money. "Miles, please take it," she said. "And go have fun tonight."

He asks, "You're not going to give up that easily, are you?" She nods her head no. He gives in and takes the money from Jessica. "Alright, but I'll make sure to pay you back for this," he said. She gives him a warm smile. He heads out of the bunker and to the boardwalk.

Scene 5

Miles makes his way toward the boardwalk to meet up with Hal, Barry, Oliver, Carter, and Garth. As he arrives, he sees Hal. He waves to him. Hal goes up to Miles with a friendly hello.

"Hey, Hal, so good to see you, bud," Miles said to him. Hal gives him a bro hug. "Hey, Miles," Hal said. "It's so good to see ya. I'm sorry I haven't been available that much. Basketball has kept me busy." Miles chuckled at him and told him schoolwork had been keeping him busy also. Both laughed. They began to walk to the Boardwalk entrance.

They meet Barry, Oliver, Carter, and Garth by the entrance. "It's about time you guys showed up," Barry said. "So what are we going to be doing here?" Miles asked. Hal explains to Miles that there are a lot of fun things to do around here. Miles is aware of this place, but he pretends to be surprised by everything. They do rollercoaster rides, arcade games, even carnival games. Everyone is enjoying themselves. It reminded Miles of when he was here with the girls. But for Miles, he was enjoying himself.

They get to a basketball game, and Miles wants to show off his skills to Hal. "Hey Hal, why don't I show you how good I am at basketball?" he asks him. Hal accepts his challenge. Miles begins to dribble the ball, and they play basketball. As Hal attempts to steal the ball, Miles dodges Hal's move and scores a basket. "Wow, you're good dude," he said. They continue to play basketball.After a long day, Hal and Miles walk towards the ocean of the boardwalk. "Man, what a day this has been," Miles said. "Thanks for inviting me out, Hal." Hal welcomes him. "You know, I've never thought I would find a great friend out in Metropolis," Hal said. "Until I met you, Miles. You changed my whole life." Miles smiles at him. "I'm glad I moved to Metropolis," Miles said. Hal agrees with this. Barry interrupts them. "Hey guys, we better get going soon," he said. "Boardwalk's about to close." They look at the time and head out.

As they begin to walk, they pass a TV that has Doc Oc on it. Hal doesn't look excited. "Whoever that villain is, she must be related to Spider-Man," he said. "I'm sure that when Spider-Man came here, she did too." Miles looked away in concern. Then looked at Hal. "What do you think of Spider-Man?" he asked. "To answer your question, Miles," he said, "He could be a hero to the city, but to some, he could be a menace to society." Miles was in shock to hear him say this. Because Miles wanted to tell Hal he was Spider-Man, but what would he think of him if he did? And would he still want to be his friend?

Cut to Black

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