By Vemonus92

9.8K 265 51

This is the inspiration for Warhammer 40k, Titanfall, Halo, Gate anime, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses Within... More

The End
The Goddess's Awakening
The U.N.S.F
Thirty Feet
Vultra City
The U.N.S.I
A Goddess?!
The Mother
The Mother Part II
The Mother Part III
The Sangheili Mech
Sangheili Mech Secrets
The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 2
The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 3
Planet Typhon
Apex Predators
The Arbiter
That's a Lot of Damage!
The Unknown Dream
New AI
Old "Friends" Reuniting
Old "Friends" Reuniting Part II
Failed Rescue
Enough People To Know!
Planet Rogue
Catherine's Message
Battle's End Part 1
Battle's End Part 2
Battle's End Part 3, Season Finale
GENESIS: Colliding Galaxies
Dragon Vistor
Sothis, The Goddess Of Foldan
To A New World
Knights Of Seiros
Garreg Mach Monestery
Meeting Lady Rhea
Evolved Reconoids
The Slytherin
Reconoid's Savage Nature
Celestial Drakes Part 1
Celestial Drakes Part 2
Celestial Drakes Part 3
Celestial Drakes Part 4
Celestial Drakes Part 5
Celestial Drake War Part 2
Icebound Dominion
The Prometheans
New Allies
Chaos Against The Stars Part 1
(Not A Chapter) Story Update

Celestial Drake War Part 1

56 1 0
By Vemonus92

With the sky gray as ever for war, the rain of the colossal Celestial Drakes descending from the sky brought nothing but chaos to their enemies. Ships, turrets, and Titans unleashed devastating fiery projectiles a the dragons and so too did the dragons.

Celestial Drakes dropped down with their powerful claws and wings destroying many U.N.S.I soldiers before the Titans could come in and make a killing blow on the dragons. The battle raged outside of the HQ and inside of HQ and none were spared. Drop ships were quick to evacuate the innocent while being defended by Titans blazing their powerful guns at the dragons.

Dragons clawed at the tanks and spat powerful laser blasts out of their mouths. Magical barriers defended them from giant missiles blasting their way at powerful dragons. With their sharp-honed jaws, they chomped on the ships, tanks, and even Titans but the Titans were not so easy to just take out.

The Titans punched, sliced, and even ripped off the Celestial Drakes wings. The Celestial Drakes have fought such threats but only went to war with their species. Seeing another threat such as the Titans brought awe to them, their combat skills dodged, blocked, and parried every assault that was coming at them. Scorch Titans became immune to the flames of the dragons, effective snipers ranging from sky-high Northstar Titans making point-blank shots at the dragon's heads.

Roars rage across the invasion descending from the numerous portals appearing from above. Battles cause devastating destruction to each other and none could catch a break from the attacks.

As the civilians were being escorted to safety, the Fire Team, including Caboose and Sergeant Johnson watched over their escape while battling against the army of dragons. Their relentless invasion was never-ending. Caboose clashed against one of the dragon's amazing strengths, using its tail to attack Caboose but the effects of the tail were not so easy to take him out. He grabbed their tails, pulling them closer for his axe to cut down on the dragon's head before proceeding to battle even more giant dragons.

The Fire Team, Alex, Luke, and Felicia worked as an unstoppable team fighting the merciless space lizards. Felicia set up traps, stunning the dragons before Alex used his incredible resilience to make a killing blow but the dragons were no slouch. Some dragons had hundreds of years of experience and did not fall for the traps. Instead, Alex had no choice but to depend on his close combat skills but not without the help of Felicia and Luke.

Alex: DAMN! These guys are tough as FUCK!

Luke: Language!

Alex: I can say that at the right time!

Felicia: Boys! Now's not the time to wash your mouth with soup, we need to make sure these people get to safety!

Alex: Well, how many enemies are there?!

Felicia: About...a lot! Hundreds?! I-I don't know, I just can't believe we're fighting dragons! DRAGONS!

Luke: Space dragons, to be exact!

Felicia: I know! It's like we make more and more enemies every day! Johnson, Caboose, what's your status?

Sergeant Johnson: Their portal isn't closing, so that's a problem! Caboose is making one hell of a pile of corpses, but it ain't gonna be enough!

Felicia: Damn! Where the hell is Jack and Max?!


The devastating boom was unexpected as multiple fiery dragons decided to crash down with fierce flames burning the surrounding area.

The burning flames felt too different, they had a unique burn to those who were used to such things but this was unlike any other. Blazing fires flowed through the three dragons from their backs to their head. Wings formed from the fire and claws melted the surface, their colossal height towered the Titans, tall enough for them to ride on.


The three dragons stood up with their two mighty legs and swung their lethal claws at the same time. Waves of sharp heat pushed the Titans back while Caboose stood his ground and dashed toward the dragons from behind. His axe easily punctured the shoulder of Fire Drake, bellowing in pain before Caboose could finish him off by brutally cutting him in half.

Fire Drakes: BROTHER!

The Fire Drakes heard their brother's dying roar and raged to the point where their flames started to rise with a rampage. The two dragons roared like true dragons, attacking and clawing at Caboose as he blocked the oncoming assaults with his axe. The attacks kept coming and coming, and with Caboose's Titan durability, he tanked every strike that met his strong armor before gaining an advantage and slicing one of the dragon's throats.

Gagging and choking in his blood, the dragon collapsed while the last Fire Drake could watch in horror. Witnessing the blood of his brother splattering all over his body, he could only watch until Caboose made quick work of him by smashing his indestructible Goliath axe on the dragon's face.

Alex: Jesus!

Felicia: See?! Caboose is way cooler!

Sergeant Johnson: Damn, Caboose! I knew you were strong but not that strong!


Sergeant Johnson: Ugh, what now?!

The yell of the Marines caused the rest of them to look ahead to see something that was big and way too big for their liking. The colossal dragon descended from the portal with its wide and long sharp wings flapping so hard it caused strong gusts of wind and easily destroyed multiple buildings.

The dragon lifted itself with its two legs and let out a vital outcry of war and it could be heard miles away if anyone were there from afar. Met with a never-ending assault from the giant defense turrets, tanks, and Marines, the Goliath dragon resisted the attacks before clawing down on its enemies.

AV-22b Attack VTOL: [Contact, we got a big one below! Make direct hits from behind!]

AV-22b Attack VTOL

Flying as fast as they could, the ships flew across the sky with no sign of stopping as they began to shoot at the giant dragon, stopping his long powerful roar which turned into a scream of pain. The ship's missiles some work but the dragon's durable scales handled the overwhelming pain and blasted a strong energy ray coming out of his mouth. The impact of the blast caused the ground around him to break severely by the shockwave. The energy ray was accurate, taking down multiple AV-22b ships with a single touch of the heat.

But his reign of the laser ray was not over. He began to spread nothing but destruction across HQ, explosions occurring everywhere with no end. The energy ray was so fatal, that it reached a distance across the battlefield and the sky.



Such a threat brought panic to the Titans who rolled around and took cover. Sergeant Johnson and the Marines were being covered by Caboose who was durable enough to tolerate the overwhelming explosions. Trying to do something about the dragon, more ships flew above dealing as much damage as they could but it seemed not to work.

It seemed like it was never gonna end until the sky began to strike lightning on the dragon as the impact of the lightning brought a sharp pain into the dragon's head.

The sharp electric pain began to spread all over the dragon's body, stunning him before he could slightly open his eyes and see a bloody short axe flowing with thunderous energy.

Annette's Titan Weapon: Bolter Axe
(Inspired by Warhammer 40k, Dante's axe)


Tiki: Huh?!

Max: Okay, I think you're having way too much fun, Annette. You just got your Titan and you're this thrilled to kill some dragons?! I mean, what did Tiki do?!

Annette's Titan: Striker

Weapon: Ray Gun that's capable of unleashing electricity laser blasts.


Jack: Well, prepare yourself, because we got company!

Just as the portal began to summon more and more dragons dropping onto HQ, Jack, Max, Tiki, and Annette prepared themselves for an epic battle.

Annette: Ha...ha ha ha!

Max: Hm? Oh god...Annette, don't do anything-


Annette was unstoppable as she sprinted toward the dragons, propelled by her Titan's jetpacks. With her Bolter Axe in one hand and a short Ray Gun in the other, she unleashed a barrage of lethal electric projectiles while on the move.

The dragons, startled by the imposing metal Titan, wasted no time firing their energy rays at Annette. But with quick reflexes, she leaped high into the sky, gripping her Bolter Axe with both hands as it came crashing down on a dragon's face. Infusing the axe with lightning energy, she effortlessly sliced through the group of dragons, their tough scales no match for her powerful strikes. None could escape her wrath.

Swiftly evading enemy attacks with rolls and agile movements, Annette executed perfect landings. She targeted the dragons' eyes with her Ray Gun, delivering precise shots that brought them to their demise. And with a final mighty swing of her Bolter Axe, she severed the wings of a dragon, causing it immense pain.

Annette's display of skill and power was awe-inspiring to Jack, Max, and Tiki who watched from afar, leaving no doubt that she was an unstoppable force on the battlefield with her lightning magic and thirst for battling the dragons.

Tiki:'t we stop her?

Jack: Nope, that intense motivation is what we need. *Contacts Sergeant Johnson* Sarge, report!

Sergeant Johnson: There is no good news, bad news is finding its way! This city is falling apart!

Jack: Yeah, no-

Genesis: JACK, LOOK OUT!

In an instant moment, multiple dragons dropped down onto Jack and Max before they could swiftly roll out of the way. Jack recovered as he gripped the Dawnbalde with enough strength to slash the giant dragon that tried its best to block the attack.

The Dawnblade is strong and too honed which causes the blade to easily slice off the dragon's arms and cut him in half. As more and more enemies came his way, Jack rushed in while letting out a barrage of Guardian energy laser bursts with his Dawnblade glowing blue for it to be unimaginably honed.

Max, on the other hand, saw the attack coming and proceeded to quickly dash across the battlefield to slice every dragon through in an instant. He flashed past a dragon as Max critically cut their wings off before finishing them off and using enough of Sothis's energy to make himself an unstoppable force.

Sothis: Mind being less brutal, Max?

Max: NO! Get used to this!

But with Tiki's thousands of years of fighting experience, the rest saw nothing but dangerous skills. She clawed down on the dragons, biting and blasting powerful green flames that melted the dragon's powerful scales. Her wings may have been seen as harmless but they became her new weapons in the battle. Her wings began to light up green fire before coming out with sharp feathered wings that quickly released potent sword beams.

Her wings were sharp, fast, and durable, they blocked every clawing attack and bite from the dragons only for them to be cut by the sharpness. Tiki's battle cry was loud and unrecognizable if you were to hear her light kind voice in her human form.

Sothis: Since when were you able to do that?!

Tiki: Training with Dragoon helped me out...oh goodness, I hope we don't run into Dragoon!

Max: Who's that?

Sothis: He's our general. If I do say so myself, he's way different from the other Celestial Drakes. Just pray we won't fight him!

Max: I hope we fight him!

Sothis: NO!

Jack: Hey guys! Mind telling us how to stop that portal?!

Sothis: No clue, but judging by how many dragons are coming, I say this portal is from our home world! We need to do something!

Annette: Hmm...*Contacts Commander Tai* Commander, come in, do you read me?

Commander Tai: Loud and clear, Annette! Tell the rest that reinforcements are coming our way!

Annette: Good, but I need a favor! They said this portal is from her homeworld, I say we cause some trouble there!

Commander Tai: What's your plan?

Annette: That powerful giant defense laser we have, I say we target inside the portal!

Commander Tai: Crazy as it sounds, I say that's a good idea! Great work, Annette! You, over there!

U.N.S.F. Marine: Yes, Sir!

Commander Tai: You know how to use that giant laser?

U.N.S.F. Marine: The big one? Yup!

Commander Tai: Good! Aim at the portal above us! Send destruction to their planet!

U.N.S.F. Marine: On it!

The plan brought excitement to the Marines as they immediately went to the aim control system of the giant laser. Activating the control system, the giant defense laser rose from the center of the city and slowly aimed at the sky, charging its powerful energy.

The moment the laser charged up so much energy, the blast caused the ground to break with a great amount of intensity from the impact of the shot. As the fast purple ray of light passed by the dragons, it brought a loud potent sound into the dragons' ears, causing them to lose control of their wings and violenting crash into the buildings.
Celestial Drake Homeworld.


Causing nothing but destruction and outbursts of explosions, the raging blast from the defense laser coming out of the portal destroyed dozens of once beautiful magnificent floating structures to rubble. Dragons who were in the middle of the blast were aggressively pushed back as their wings burnt.


Dragoon: Velezark, it seems they've decided that the portal is a passageway for an attack!

Velezark: Such little fools...they think they can seek our death in this war? They have no idea what will come upon them.

Dragoon: If I must intervene in what you said, I wouldn't underestimate these unknown warriors. I sense fallen drakes...they have the strength of war-

Velezark: I tire of your words of war, Dragoon. You may have been in endless wars against other Celestial Drakes but your desire for more devastating war will not be brought by these enemies. You...overestimate them!

Dragoon: Grr...if that's what you think!

While witnessing the terrible amounts of damage the blast caused, Velezark and Dragoon felt another presence of war...something unfamiliar to them as the sky began to move and suck up the air planet. Even the dragons felt this and could feel that another portal was approaching but not their portal...

It was something different with the air beginning to create big


It was none other than the thousand ships of Arbiter and his own faction, "The Liberation Alliance".

Faction: Liberation Alliance
Leader: Arbiter

Velezark: DEMONS?!

Dragoon: No...they are different...

Arbiter's Ship

The invasion against the Celestial Drakes brought thrilling robust support into Arbiter's soul. He watched as his army teleported everywhere into the enemies territory and unleashed hundreds of thousands of aircraft ships, including Elite Mechs that landed on top of floating structures and dragons. Their battle skills quickly kicked in as they dived onto dragons, pointing their energy swords just to stab them in the chest.

Rtas: We did it, Arbiter...we finally found their homeworld.

Arbiter: Indeed, such cowards like these creatures bring patheticness to the war. They say they rule over the stars and they are the Celestial Drakes...foolish. And they even decide to attack our allies?! I'm ready...Rtas, get in your Mech...we'll find this Trivan Space and help our allies from these honorless aliens.

Rtas: Yes, Arbiter. Send in more Elite Mechs, we're making our way through that portal!

Elite Soldier: Understood!


As the war went on, Elite Mechs and Celestial Drakes clashed against each other with the intent to massacre their enemies. Miles stretched and there was nothing but a war of death, Elite Mech's advanced technology overwhelmed the dragons while the dragons found ways to overwhelm each other. They used their energy blade to strike mighty blows onto the dragons while the Celestial Drakes used their strength and utmost striking abilities that could bring a whole city to dust but they were not ready for the Arbiter and Rtas's combat skills.

Colossal dragons that towered over the normal size dragons and Elite Mechs began to roar intensely before deciding to attack the Mechs with their potent claws and a shower of fireballs but their assault could do so much as they were met with Rtas and Arbiter quickly landed on top of them, slicing through the army of dragons that stood in their way.

Arbiter's Sacred Elite Mech
(Has four arms)

Rtas's Elite Mech

The never-ending bloodshed spilled by Arbiter and Rtas brought fear into the Celestial Drakes. Some were brave enough to catch Arbiter by one of his arms but he was able to throw them off and dismember their heads clean off with his golden energy sword. Rtas was on par with Arbiter, he took hold of their arms and started breaking them off just to stun them with his killing blow.

Such agility from Arbiter overwhelmed the dragons, Arbiter dashed side by side, using momentum to spin himself around and cut the dragons from behind.

With their surroundings having nothing but piles and piles of body parts and corpses, they proceeded to rampage against the enemy.

Dragoon saw this and was amazed by their brutal fighting skills, this was the kind of foe Dragoon was looking for. For hundreds of years, he has been at war with the same species, and now that he's witnessed a new war, he can't help but desire to be part of the fight.





While the Liberation Alliance took their battle against the Celestial Drakes in their homeworld, the battle continued in Fódlan with clouds showing signs of how destructive it has become through the fight.

To gain an even better advantage, Jack and Genesis summoned a secondary sword weapon that was quickly made out of the unknown metal and Fire Drakes energy. Jack swung both the Dawnblade and the secondary weapon that could only spill so much blood and in a flash, his attacks were too lethal.

Genesis: BY THE GODS! When do they give up?!

Jack: Less talking, more fighting!

Jack blocked and parried the attacks while running and rolling circles around the enemy to land a perfect brutal cut on the dragons. Using Guardian energy, Genesis used unbelievable creative abilities even Sothis couldn't manage to accomplish, she froze the dragons only to get shattered into pieces. Lightning struck down along with Annette who was somehow thrilled about the battle against the Celestial Drakes.

Genesis even used flaming flare bombs that were way too hot for the Celestial Drakes' scales.

Annette along with Caboose were a duo of strength and axe skills. With Caboose's large heavy axe and Annette's short thunderous axe, their strikes were enough to pierce through the indestructible scales. Caboose's reckless but hazardous attacks dismembered half of the dragons' bodies as they were forced to watch some of their body part lying on the bloody floor. Swinging the large axe with the right amount of strength, the blows were slow but somehow with the right amount of resilience, it was a struggle to swing fast.

Annette swung her axe with no end thanks to how short it was. The lightning magic flowing through the blade of the axe vibrated to an intense power that easily cut through the dragon as if she were cutting through water or air. Encountering larger dragons, Annette dodged the clawing attacks, rolling and dashing away while making point-blank shots with her Ray Gun that shot out an electric laser. The shots stunned the dragons which gave Max, Tiki, and Caboose a killing chance.

Annette: Okay, by far one of the best choices I made!

Max: What? Becoming a Titan Pilot?

Annette: HELL YEAH-


Annette: ARGH! WHAT NOW?!

With another large dragon pinning Annette down with its two claws, more and more began to rain down but instead, their whole body was covered in flames or red crystals from head to back. Dozens of them dropped down with the effect of spreading their hot crystals that grew the size of skyscrapers, blocking Max, Tiki, and Annette away from Jack and Caboose.


Trying to fly over the red fiery crystals, Jack and Caboose were ambushed by a bunch of giant colossal dragons, dragging them away from the rest, and flying straight up through the portal. With Jack and Caboose gone, Max and Tiki were stuck trying to free Annette from the grasp of the giant crystal dragons.


Max: Mind making up more insulting words? Being called, "Demon", isn't pissing me off to fight you!


Max: Alright, alright, sorry, their name-calling really bores me!

Sothis: Do you ever take a war seriously?!

Max: I do, it's just that there's more time to laugh than sitting around being stressed out.

Sothis: Argh!

Surrounded by more and more Celestial Drakes and the condition Annette still being held captive, Max gripped his sword while Tiki flexed her wings with the right amount of strength to sharpen them. Annette, who was still thrilled to fight again, tried reaching for her axe but something caught her attention.

Reaching for her Bolter Axe, she heard a roar flying down onto them from above. The roar got closer and closer, the wind screamed along with the explosions of war, and in a flash of a second...


Crystal Dragon: AAAGH!!

This unknown giant individual growled with the head of a dragon in its mouth. Their wings were long and hot and her aura was strong for battle.

Annette: Lady Rhea?!


Rhea's rage was immense with her powerful teeth chomping down on one of the dragon's necks before clawing them down and swinging her thick tail. The clash was strikingly huge as she began to bombard her opponents with amazing strength and combat skills.

After freeing Annette and killing the remaining dragons, Rhea was shocked at what she had done. This was the first time Rhea had to fight against another Celestial Drake and it brought a sorrowful feeling into her heart, staring at her bloody hands before feeling a hand gently pat her shoulder.

Max: Thanks, Rhea!

Dragon Rhea: Huh? I-I....I-I didn't mean should never be like this...killing our own.

Sothis: We don't have a choice, Rhea. I understand your pain and I'm happy you care for the Celestial Drakes the reality of what they are.

Dragon Rhea: ...

Sothis: But trust, daughter. There are more out there who seek to bring the galaxy to peace, not war.

Dragon Rhea: I...I-I will soon understand.

Max: *Contacts Jack* Jack, Caboose, can you hear me-


Caboose: Ooooo...stars!


Genesis: A bunch of dragons took us into the portal! We killed them but unfortunately...y-you get the point!

Max: What the?! Well, fly out!

Jack: Tzzz...MA- Tzzzzztz...OH-Tzzzztzzz...WOW-

Max: Jack? Caboose? JACK! UGH!

Tiki: What's the matter?

Max: A bunch of dragons just took Jack and Caboose into the portal! I'm trying to get in touch with them but the portal is fucking up everything.

Annette: So, what now?

Max: "What now?", psh, I'm going up there, I'm not losing my friends...well...should I include Caboose? ARGH, I'M GOING!

Sothis: Wait, Max, this is a suicide, we can't go through there to save Jack!

Max: I'd rather die trying to save him than lose my best friend! We're going up! *Contacts Commander Tai* Sir, going up the portal, Jack and Caboose were taken!

Commander Tai: Wait, WHAT?!

Ignoring Sothis's plead, Max flies up to the portal with determination to save Jack. If there's one thing Max isn't doing, it is losing his best friend who he sees as his Brother. Hell, Jack would do the same and would go against Commander Tai's orders.

Just as Max got closer to the portal, a giant corpse of a dragon fell out of the portal after getting killed by Jack but it wasn't killed by Jack. Max looked down at the dead dragon and could see an Elite Mech energy sword stuck inside its torso. Max saw this and immediately had relief due to knowing who was aiding them in battle.

Max: They're there!

Sothis: Who's there?

Max: The Liberation Alliance...they are at the homeworld!

To Be Continued...

The War Will Return...

Continue Reading

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