Archons of the Elite

By Anomaly8187

40.3K 1.5K 361

Waking together on a bus the archons of anemo, geo and electro find themselves in a world not of their own. W... More

Character summary
A new World
The bus
Please be a dream!
Bards can be troublesome
The aftermath
An archons ambition
Tears of a bard
S.S- Games night
Vol.2: Prologue
Vol.2: Reuniting with a stranger
Vol.2: A scene forged in anguish
Vol.2: Consequences
Vol.2: S.S Voices
Vol.2: Forging bonds
Vol.2: Shattered Pride
Vol.2: Broken memories
S.S Too much to drink
Vol.2: "I Focalors~"
S.S Gamers
Vol.3: Prologue
Vol.3: Befriending your insanity
Vol.3: The Sperenza
Vol.3: The calm before the storm
Vol.3: Significant scenery
Vol.3: False rewards
Vol.3: The meaning of freedom
Vol.3: A gyaru's rollercoaster of emotions
S.S: To challenge lightning itself
Vol.3: The friend you barely know
Vol.3: As the pieces fell into place
S.S: Friends and Foes
Vol.4: To challenge the gods
Vol.4: The game begins
Vol.4: Pawn to E4
Vol.4: Karma's a bitch
Vol.4: The Zodiac Exam

Vol.3: The perfect counter

386 14 6
By Anomaly8187

Ayanokouji POV

I stared boredly forward at the girl, doubt evident in my eyes.

"You're a spy." My words causing her to frown in frustration, responding with about the amount of hostility I'd expected.

"Oh fuck off, do I look like I want to be here?"

Before me sat Ibuki Mio, a tomboy and one of the most influential figures of class C.

"Yeah pretty much."

"My face is bruised!"

"You could have just had a fight with a tree."

My clear indifference to her injury seemed to frustrate the girl further, though at the moment it was confusion that clouded her eyes.

"A tree?"

"Well obviously you lost."

"I'm not gonna lose to a tree you bastard!"

I sighed at the response, my boredom satiated enough for me to give in and be more honest.

"You have dirt under your nails, you clearly buried something, probably a camera or some form of communication device."

"...Why would you admit you know?"

Good question actually.

"Oh I don't really care, I'll bring you to the class and they'll probably want you around, and it's not like you couldn't just tell Ryuuen without the, what, radio? I don't gain much by pretending not to know."

She blinked a few times, my statement taking a second to set in.

"You have no faith in your classmates do you?"

"That's a bit far, I have faith in some of my classmates, just not the class in general."

With a small shrug she stood up and offered her hand.

"Ibuki Mio."

I shook it before responding, confused at her change of tone.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

Without bothering to ask I turned towards the camp and began to walk.

"You gonna tell them I'm a spy?"

"Nah, I'd rather watch who figures it out."

"Huh... And the radio?"

"I'll break that, I can't be too useless."

Once again she shrugged, seemingly understanding my view on the situation.

"Oh where's your class by the way?" I questioned.

"There's a clearing in the south, they're down there."

I paused for a moment before continuing.

"Ryuuen was going to invite us anyway wasn't he?"

"Yeah, no point keeping it a secret."

"Good luck as a spy."

"Same with you, your class seems like a nightmare."

With that we approached the camp, the various students pausing at the sight of me and her approaching.

"Ibuki! Are you okay?" My girlfriend came running over, concern spreading over her face at Ibuki's injuries.

"Fine. It was dumb for me to even be brought here."

The harshness paired with looking away created quite the rude image, it was a good idea in theory, by making it seem like she didn't want to be here it made her seem less like a spy. It was kinda obvious but it's not like you could prove it was a lie.

Plus she probably didn't actually want to be here anyway so...

With a sigh I turned away and went back to the forest, the choice they'd make would be obvious, especially with Venti and Koenji leaving early to explore the rest of the island.

I had a feeling only one would bother returning though.

A small stretch was all I got before arriving at the bush Ibuki had stayed at.

Huh, this was decently hidden, not amazing, but at least some effort went into this.

It didn't take long for me to dig up the radio, there was no need to make it seem unintentional so I simply kicked the dirt back into the hole and drenched the small device, checking it wasn't working for a moment before heading south.

It took a bit, but I eventually reached class C's base, and it was immediately clear what the plan was.

Jet skis, barbeques, and even a volleyball court adorned their spot, the tyrant himself leaning back on his chair as he watched.

Turning I saw his co-leader smile softly.

"Hello, I didn't think our classmates would have gotten to you yet?" Her gentle demeanour really didn't suit the brutality she had displayed in the duel.

"Oh no, I found your spy and just asked where you were."

"Oh? I don't believe we have any spys in your class?" The act seemingly thrown together on the small chance I was bluffing, though I found it hard to believe she didn't know the truth.

"Don't worry, I know it's Ibuki but I haven't told the class."

She simply nodded and turned towards the beach.

"Yeah, I know you're more capable than you let on. Is it laziness or something else that causes you to act as you do?"

"Who knows." I shrugged nonchalantly.

Though our conversation was cut short by Ryuuen walking over to us.

"Ah, Ayanokouji right? What are doing over here?"

"Nothing much, just felt like going on a walk."

The glance from Ei conveyed her thoughts on my rather terrible lie.

"Well that's bullshit, but who cares."

The rather crude statement from Ryuuen was followed up with an offer to have a drink, to which I gladly accepted.

"So Ayanokouji, where are the rest of your little classmates?"

I paused for a moment, taking a small sip before turning towards him.

"Probably back at camp."

"Oh? They sent you?"

"Not exactly."

The chuckle I got out of Ryuuen lead to a dissaproving look from Ei.

"One shouldn't leave those they stand beside, especially not to indulge in another sides luxury."

-Says her the god who ditched her people with a copy for half a millennia.-

It took everything I had not to respond instantly to Lumine's statement, my thoughts revolving around that single word.


My mind travelled to her fight, at first I'd considered they were the generation below mine and they just looked old enough.

But if they truly were...

Suddenly I had a goal, I was almost certain she wasn't omniscient, and if she was a god then Zhongli definitely was aswell, and I'd have to keep an eye on Venti.

What better example of raw talent existed than a god, the perfect counter to the pinnacle of nurturing.

If they beat me, I'd prove his method wrong, sure I was at a severe disadvantage, but this also wasn't their element either, no wonder Venti was so shocked by technology.

However, that only works if I try completely, and to do that...

I couldn't have one of them on my side.

Before my contemplation became suspicious I responded.

"Oh don't worry, finding the location of your camp will be useful enough, not to mention I've been out since sunrise and it's currently a little past noon."

Ei's head nodding slightly at the knowledge, accepting what I'd said.

"Though I probably should get moving anyway, I'll see you another time."

With that I stood up and wandered towards my camp, stretching a little as I did so, Ryuuen waving with a spy grin as I left.

I finally knew what I had to do.

I was going to beat gods at this game.

And if I lost, proving that man wrong would be an impressive consolation prize.

A few hours had passed by now, Horikita and Kikyō both having checked up on how the reconnaissance had gone and confirming that Ibuki had told the truth, the mentioned tomboy having apparently gone to get some berries, though no one had gone with her, the scowls being enough to dissuade most, and the few who weren't bothered didn't seem to care about going either.

The lack of Koenji seemed to have guaranteed his departure, though it was something we'd prepared for so I wasn't too bothered, and it was pretty obvious where Ibuki had gone, it would be dumb to just assume I'd found the radio, and there was no guarantee I'd had time to visit it since going to Ei and Ryuuen's camp.

She'd find a broken radio however, so there was no reason for her to of doubted me.

I'd expected a camera, I honestly thought Katsuragi would have been foolish enough to make whatever deal Venti said Ryuuen had been proposing, but it seemed he put more faith in Zhongli's advice than I'd expected, apparently even with his allegiances aligned with Sakayanagi he was still one of the more trustworthy members of class A.

Light footsteps caught my attention as the fourth member of my friendship group arrived.

Perhaps it was cruel to number my friends by their competency.

"Whatcha doing? Usually you're just disinterested but this time you seem actually focused." Haruka's voice sounding out was enough to make me turn properly.


"Y'know considering your relationship you'd think your social skills would improve." The mischievous glint in her eyes causing me to sigh before I spoke again.

"Wouldn't a mark of good social skills include not insulting a dear friend?"

"Hm? Of course not, banter is a sign a friendship is at its best!"

Though she paused for a moment as she eyed me up and down.

"Though maybe don't try it yourself, someone would probably cry."

I made a mental note to avoid banter for the moment before the girl began to lean back with a smirk.

"Aren't you interested in relationships?"

A small pause came from her before she responded.

"Honestly not really, I'd rather be most peoples friend y'know? Not to mention I have someone who likes me but I really don't feel the same..." She trailed off awkwardly, leading to a small nod from me.

Maybe it was time to change the conversation.

"How are you holding up on the island?" I asked, snapping the girl from her focus.

"Hm? Oh yeah, it's fine honestly, the vegetation is weird though, way too much purple."

"You dislike the colour? Or just find it strange?"

"Both honestly, I also don't like class C. At least with A and B you know their stance. But class C has two aggressive leaders who both play the game differently, it's really hard to predict."

I nodded at her deduction, I felt the same, just Ryuuen would be easy but if we include Ei it becomes far more difficult.

The same applied to Zhongli and Sakayanagi, but that wasn't a problem right now.

Though if both were indeed gods it would explain the challenge they present.

Unless the twins intend to trick me, there's no confirmation they aren't behind this, and if so it's not impossible they're trying to force me to go all out.

With a sigh I decided to walk over to Kikyō, I suppose I can find the truth out later.


Hey! Hope you're all doing good, first full chapter from one characters perspective that wasn't a short story so that's nice.

Sorry I've been a while, I needed to figure out the class points I wanted to end up with as well as the islands camp locations for each class.

I also have a partner now, though that shouldn't make my upload schedule any worse than it is already, just thought I'd share that.

Ayanokouji will also try now, but not while he's in Venti's class, so you'll see effort just more so he can move to class B as opposed to for the benefit of class D.

I may have something happen between him and Kushida as well, I'm not sure.

Either way I hope you guys liked this despite the wait, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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