Ki-ur Kakkabu

By AlbanusAurelius

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Almost two centuries have passed since the mysterious tragedy of the Poseidon's Fury left its entire crew sla... More

Copyright Acknowledgement
Prologue: A Moonlit Discovery
Chapter 1: Demise at Sea
Chapter 2: A Determined Soul
Chapter 3: A Cryptic Clue Revealed
Chapter 4: A Gathering of Seekers
Chapter 5: Summoned to Ruin
Chapter 6: Revelations in the Moonlight
Chapter 7: Tension in the Night
Chapter 8: Toward Delphi's Oracle
Chapter 9: The Arrival at Delphi
Chapter 10: Prophecies at the Oracle
Chapter 11: Pilgrim Plots and Preparations
Chapter 13: Arrival on Delos
Chapter 14: A Sailor's Tip
Chapter 15: A Woodland Haven
Chapter 16: Through the Trees to Truth
Chapter 17: Through Words, We're Wraven
Chapter 18: An Old Hermit's Thread
Chapter 19: Departing Delos Once More
Chapter 20: Arrival at Susa
Chapter 21: A Handsome Stranger
Chapter 22: Awaiting the Trader's Return
Chapter 23: The Trader's Fragment
Chapter 24: Revelation in the Archives
Chapter 25: The Legend is Revealed
Chapter 26: A Merchant's Memories
Chapter 27: Into the Waterworld
Chapter 28: Crisis of Faith
Chapter 29: Revelations Beneath Ancient Roots
Chapter 30: An Unexpected Lead
Chapter 31: Shelter Among Friends
Chapter 32: A Confrontation with the Past
Chapter 33: A Demon's Bargain
Chapter 34: Collapse or Continue?
Chapter 35: A Long-forgotten Relic
Chapter 36: All Threads Woven...
Chapter 37: Milos' Embrace
Chapter 38: Secrets in the Ruins
Chapter 39: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 40: The Final Revealing
Chapter 41: Mysteries Solved, Secrets Shared
Chapter 42: Finding Peace Where All Began
Chapter 43: Documenting the Discovery
Chapter 44: New Beginnings
Chapter 45: Towards Tomorrow
Epilogue: Under the African Sun

Chapter 12: Setting Sails for Delos

101 15 29
By AlbanusAurelius

The bright morning light shone through the trees, waking the friends from their peaceful sleep. Chrysomallo stretched and smiled at the others, who were still waking up. "Wake up, my friends; a new day is waiting for us!"

They took turns splashing their faces with cool creek water to wash away their sleepiness. Dex happily tended to their dying fire to make it burn again. Soon, a cheerful fire warmed their camp as they ate their dried food.

Themistonoe folded the blankets while Mnesarete rolled up the worn bedrolls. Ikkos put out the burnt remains of their fire, scattering the ashes. Chrysomallo examined their coloured robes in the light, making final adjustments to the seams and hems.

"Our disguises look very real if I do say so myself," she proudly announced. The others agreed—the earthy colours and worn textures added to their pilgrim personas.

With their preparations almost done, Dex said softly, "Friends, it's time to leave our fancy clothes behind and fully embrace the humble appearance of pilgrims."

The group solemnly nodded. They understood that they needed to commit to their roles for the plan to succeed fully.

Themistonoe carefully folded Ikkos' simple orange tunic, Mnesarete's calm lavender robe, Dex's bright red wrap, Chrysomallo's forest green chiton, and her own deep-blue chiton. She then placed them inside a hollow log to keep them safe during their journey. "May these clothes be waiting for you in good health when you return," she blessed them.

Then, one by one, the travellers removed any accessories or signs of wealth that could ruin their mission. They replaced fancy belts, sandals, and fancy pouches with simple rope belts, sandals, and plain pouches.

Chrysomallo and Ikkos respectfully turned away as Dex and Mnesarete changed into their coloured wool robes. The loose fabric covered any signs of their adventurous lifestyle.

When everyone was ready, Chrysomallo and Ikkos also put on their disguises. Chrysomallo gently smoothed out any wrinkles in the fabric to complete the deception.

Stepping back, Themistonoe nodded in approval. "You truly look like humble pilgrims seeking spiritual enlightenment. Let's check each other's disguises before heading to the harbour."

Each friend took a turn examining the other's robes for any signs of their noble backgrounds. But the worn fabric and travel stains concealed any traces of wealth.

Mnesarete nodded in satisfaction. "No one would suspect who we really are now. We look like normal pilgrims searching for the gods."

Feeling content, Ikkos smiled. "Then our disguises are perfect. May our deception get us safely to Delos from the harbour in Kirrha."

With their final belongings secured, the friends put out the fire and scattered the ashes. They left the clearing, leaving their real lives behind in the shadows of the forest.

Setting out from a leafy glade, the friends followed a narrow trail downhill. The trail gently wound through fragrant pine forests, guiding them with turns.

As they emerged from the forest, Shadow and Athena, sensing their owners' approach, were found peacefully eating grass nearby. Chrysomallo and Dex went to get their horses, exchanging soft words of greeting and affection.

Dex was met with Shadow's happy neigh and a gentle nudge to his shoulder. Chrysomallo, on the other hand, had Athena neigh in response, allowing her to carefully remove loose blades of grass from her shiny coat. The saddles and bags were prepared quickly, showing their strong partnership.

Gradually, they found themselves on the outskirts of Kirrha village, where there were few trees. Scattered throughout the rolling fields were farms, with goats and sheep grazing under the watchful eyes of young shepherds.

(Kirrha Village's Wooded Outskirts)

As the companions stepped onto the narrow dirt lane winding between the homesteads, the villagers glanced curiously in their direction. Dex leaned in closer to Ikkos and whispered under his breath, "Our disguises are catching attention."

To reassure his companion, Ikkos softly replied while touching Dex's shoulder, "Have faith in Mallo's designs. Observe how the people react."

The moment the villagers saw the sun discs embroidered on their roughspun robes, their faces quickly returned to their tasks, unfazed. Mnesarete shot Chrysomallo an impressed glance.

"You were wise to emphasise our pilgrim status," she quietly exhaled. Chrysomallo smiled, proud that her meticulous planning effectively concealed their true purpose.

Themistonoe fell back to walk beside the others. "No one seems to suspect our true intentions now. Our disguises are doing exactly what we hoped for." The companions exchanged reassurances in hushed tones, blending seamlessly into the surroundings that Chrysomallo had orchestrated.

Continuing down the sunlit road, the companions passed fields brimming with ripe barley and pulses, swaying a gentle golden hue in the breeze. Lively laneways bustled with farmers hauling tools or guiding ox carts overflowing with produce. Small voices called out from yards adorned with orchards, where children played beneath grape arbours heavy with fruit ready for harvest.

(Farmers Hauling Tools and Guilding Ox Carts besides Fields Riped with Balleys and Pulses)

Walking through the beautiful countryside, Dex pointed ahead. "Kirrha is coming into view, and those stables will be good enough for Shadow and Athena."

Chrysomallo lovingly patted Athena's neck. "It's time to find a comfortable place for you to rest until we come back."

When they reached the stables, an old stablehand appeared. "What brings you here?"

Themistonoe stepped forward, her hands clasped in prayer. "Excuse me, sir, we are pilgrims of Apollo, heading to his sacred sites on Delos. Can we keep our horses in your stables so we can continue our journey to worship the sun god?"

The stablehand sceptically looked at the horses. "Impressive animals. My stables might not be good enough for them."

Dex gently touched Shadow's side, giving him reassurance. Mnesarete spoke in a soothing voice, "Stay calm, my friend. Violence is not what we're about."

Calmly, Ikkos responded, "Tell us the price, and we will pay for the care of our horses with Apollo's blessing."

The stablemaster thought about the well-bred horses in front of him. Nervously, the companions exchanged glances, hoping the price wouldn't be too high for their horses' well-being.

Finally, the stablemaster spoke, "Since you are pilgrims and not traders, I will keep your horses here without charge. Just do an old stablehand a favour when you come back; say a few kind words for the gods on my behalf."

Relief washed over the companions, and grateful smiles appeared on their faces. "The archer is pleased with your kindness, sir," Themistonoe warmly replied. "We thank Apollo for your generosity, and we will definitely pray for blessings upon your stable and craft."

Chrysomallo and Dex started securing Shadow and Athena in comfortable stalls with fresh hay while the others turned back to the stablemaster. "Apollo has blessed your stable for sheltering his pilgrims," Mnesarete said, expressing their gratitude.

With gratitude, they held the stablemaster's weathered hands one by one. He waved them off quickly, a smile on his face as he took care of the horses. Reassured by the loving care their beloved horses received, the companions continued toward Kirrha's harbour.

As they approached the village walls made of stone and wood, seabirds wheeled and cried in the blue sky above. The smell of the sea mixed with the scents of fresh bread and cooked fish coming from the village. Passing under the eastern gatehouse, the companions saw the busy harbour in front of them.

Old stone piers stretched into the blue water, bustling with ships working hard or waiting for the tide. The sound of creaking wood and flapping sails filled the air, even on the outskirts of this busy port.

Merchants did business from the ships' rails, carefully counting goods. Sailors off-duty gathered at waterfront gatherings, enjoying drinks and games between their voyages. The work in Kirrha's harbour never stopped; it was always busy with ships coming and going, bringing the sea's riches.

(Kirrha Habour)

Taking a break, the friends looked at the busy harbour. Dex quietly asked Ikkos, "There are many ships here, but which ones are good for pilgrims?"

Ikkos looked at the boats and answered, "We have to find one that is getting ready to leave with the tide, not the ones unloading things."

Mnesarete nodded secretly and added, "And we should find a humble fisherman or trader, not a warship or a fancy passenger boat."

Among the loud seagulls, Chrysomallo pointed to a dock. "What about that ship over there, loading barrels? Maybe the captain could give us a place on board for the journey."

Themistonoe thought for a moment and said, "It looks like it's the right size and simple. Let's go ask the captain and try to convince him."

The friends walked casually along the busy dock until they reached the ship, which was being loaded with barrels. Themistonoe stepped forward confidently.

An experienced sailor rolled a big barrel towards his friends on the ship. "More supplies for the ship's kitchen, sir," he called up to the captain on the deck.

Themistonoe got the captain's attention and raised her hands respectfully. "Captain, if I could have a moment of your time?"

The captain looked down, sizing her up. "Yes, go ahead."

Themistonoe discreetly gestured to her friends waiting behind her. "These fellow pilgrims and I are going to the shrine of Phoebus Apollo on the sacred island of Delos. I wanted to know if your ship is going that way." Even though she was a woman, her calm authority was clear.

The captain thought for a moment, stroking his beard. "As it happens, we are getting ready to sail for Delos and other places with the morning tide. But what could pilgrims like you need my simple trading ship for?"

"We just want a safe trip to Delos so we can pray and make offerings at Apollo's sacred places," Themistonoe explained. "Our mission is peaceful, and if needed, we are willing to work for our trip."

Themistonoe motioned secretly to her friends nearby. "So, Captain, could you give wandering pilgrims a place on your ship?"

The sailor pretended to secure the barrel but listened closely. The captain stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Pilgrims, you say? Can I ask where you are from?"

Themistonoe stepped forward respectfully. "I am from Athens, where I studied the arts and teachings of Phoebus Apollo. But even though I gained knowledge, I wanted a closer connection to the god's power. I hoped that by going on a pilgrimage, visiting his sacred places, Apollo would teach me."

Ikkos followed her lead. "I grew up in Mykonos among merchants and sailors, but I couldn't find peace for my restless spirit. Searching for answers, I joined this wise woman on the journey, hoping that the radiant Apollo would calm the storms within me and guide me with his divine light."

Chrysomallo humbly bowed her head. "I come from the scriptorium of Dodona, where I spent years documenting Zeus's prophecies but felt uninspired. I hoped that witnessing Apollo's wonders firsthand would reignite my artistic inspiration, allowing me to praise his name through my writing better."

Mnesarete clasped her hands in prayer. "I come from the blessed sanctuary of Epidaurus, founded in honour of Phoebus Apollo. Seeking to become a healer but troubled by mysterious visions, I journey to seek the light of the sun god and understand the messages he wishes to convey. The priests of Letoon are skilled in interpreting such signs."

Dex placed a hand over his heart. "As a tradesman by profession, I offer my skills to protect them along their sacred path. On this voyage of faith, may Apollo guide us smoothly as I act as their escort, ensuring that these servants of his light can worship at his shrines and find what they earnestly seek."

The captain considered the pilgrims' requests, discreetly assessing each one. Their sincere devotion appeared genuine, and extra hands could be helpful on the voyage.

With a smile, he nodded to Themistonoe. "Apollo favours pilgrims undertaking sacred duty. You and your companions are welcome aboard my humble trader, the Dawn Treader."

Themistonoe breathed a sigh of relief. "Your kindness is truly a blessing, captain. We promise to work hard and ensure a safe journey until we reach Delos."

"Go to the bow and prove yourselves for two days, and your fare will be paid through labour. For the rest of you, find quarters below the decks. We will set sail on the evening tide!"

As the captain turned to give orders, his crew resumed their bustling. Mnesarete embraced Themistonoe happily to secure their passage. Dex handed their belongings to the sailors to be stored.

Unnoticed by the busy crew, Ikkos whispered, "Well done," to Themistonoe with a proud grin. Thanks to her courage and tact, their mission could finally begin.

True to their word, the companions immediately started assisting the crew. Ikkos and Dex helped in hauling the last barrels aboard. Mnesarete ensured the galley stores were securely stowed for the swaying seas.

Chrysomallo and Themistonoe took their belongings below decks, neatly storing their gear out of the way. Their few possessions were stacked with those of other passengers in the cramped crew quarters, which suited pilgrims accustomed to a simpler lifestyle.

Meanwhile, on the ship, the captain gave more commands as the afternoon went on. "Tighten that rope, guys! We're leaving tonight, whether the cargo is secure or not."

Back on deck, the crew was almost finished loading the last barrels. They hurried to prepare for departure, and only a final inspection was left.

As the sun went down, everything was ready. The captain shouted for the ropes to be untied and the anchors to be lifted.

The sailors quickly moved around, throwing ropes, unfurling sails to catch the wind, and manning the oars to push the Dawn Treader away from the pier.

The rowers pulled with steady strokes, slowly moving the ship away from the dock. A supervisor walked down the aisle between them, shouting words of encouragement.

"Come on, guys! Row for Kirrha and everything it offers. Think about your families waiting eagerly for you to come back with the money you'll earn. One, two, three, four..."

His rhythmic chant motivated them to work even harder. People from the village gathered on the pier, waving goodbye to their loved ones on the ship. Seagulls circled and cried as if saying goodbye and wishing them a good journey.

Now out in the channel, the captain took control of the tiller. "Good job, you sailors!" he called down to the rowers, who were now sweating from their hard work. The supervisor offered water to those with sore hands.

Their strong strokes successfully moved the Dawn Treader away from the dock. Kirrha Port gradually disappeared as a breeze filled the raised sails, pushing them westward into the wide open sea.

Now, in the channel, the captain took control of the tiller. "Raise the main sail and the left sail!" he shouted. The canvas rose on the poles, swelling with wind.

The sound of creaking wood and rope filled the air as the ship found its balance on the rolling waves. Kirrha Port slowly disappeared behind them, blending the houses into the surrounding trees once again. Delos and the discovery awaited them ahead, illuminated by the stars as their mission gained momentum towards the west.


What's your dream travel destination?

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