
By Bcbell

7K 200 29

AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! Jaune, after protecting Weiss from Cinder Fall, falls through a portal. But it doesn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

294 11 0
By Bcbell

Yellow team was seated at a round table with five chairs, perfect for the five of them, eating their lunch, which were MREs. "Hey, what are you names, we need to know them so we can communicate more effectively than jus staying our number?" "Ok, my name is Grace-G100." "And my name is George-G005." "Hey, my name is Jaune-G027." "Hi, I'm Jack-G012." "And my name is Macy-006, it's nice to meet the two of you." "Oh so you three already know each other?" asked Grace. "Yeah, us three talked in the playpen, man that was a while ago right?" Macy said. "Yeah it was five months ago." George replied. The five cadets talked with each other, learning more and more about each other and quickly growing to like each other. But there was still to go to the range and the mat. But that didn't mean they couldn't be friends.

Jaune and George soon discovered that they were together of range training and wrestling/cqc training. At the range that day, they tried out the M247H machine gun, and surprisingly, George could wield it for a few seconds before being exhausted. After that, the two of them went to the mat. There they sparred with other cadets before they went off to diner for, you guessed it, more MREs.

Over the following years, Yellow team grew in comradely and strength, individually, and as a team, and soon became a contender of one of the best teams from Gamma Company. Not only did Jaune grow in ranged warfare and leadership (as his team saw him as the best leader out of the four of them), but he grew in his sword and shield training with Kurt.

4 days before augmentations

"You're at your all time best Jaune, don't let anyone hear this, but I'm proud of you and your growth as a warrior and a leader." "You will make for a great spartan." "Now this phase training is over, you have learned all you can from me, it will be up to you to continue to train with me with you augmentations as I can't teach you any further, continue to meet me here at the same time." "Yes sir." 

"Tell me about Jaune-G027's progression." Franklin Mendez tells Kurt. "He has preformed remarkably, like he was made for that sword and shield, with his augmentations, he will be a real beast in melee on the battlefield." Kurt states. "Good, I presume you will be continuing training even after his augmentation." "Yes, until he gets used to them, because he has already learned everything he can from theory and my personal experience." "Did you test Crocea Mors against plasma?" "Yes, it actually was able to dissipate it and Crocea Mors didn't suffer any damage, not even a chip or a loss of paint." "You know what, I agree with your assessment of Jaune, Kurt, he will be a beast in melee, to the covenant." " I can't wait until all of these cadets become fully fledged Spartans." "Me to Lieutenant Commander, me to."

day of augmentations

"All trainees are required to move to the laboratory for augmentations, I repeat all trainees are required to move to the laboratory for augmentations." 'What the, IT'S 0500 HOURS, WHY SO EARLY, whatever, we will just have to deal with it.' Jaune thought. 

The laboratory was separated from the main building, only a few miles away. The circular dome like structure was somehow a bit eerie, like something bad was going on inside there. 

"Alright cadets, today, you will receive your augmentations, this is your last chance to leave, before you become spartans." "There are pelicans stationed around the build ing." "If you wish to leave, then you may leave." Nobody moved, but Kurt was moved. "Very well, follow me." 

They were lead down a corridor, until the saw separate rooms with their identification. Jaune saw his room tabled as Jaune-G027, all of his friends good see their rooms to, except Stacy which hears was farther down the hall. "Alight cadets enter into your room with YOUR designation." "After this, you will be refer as Spartans rather than cadets, I which you good fortune." 

Jaune entered into the room, and only saw and complicated machine with all sorts of needles and places for Jaune to lay. It was perfect of his exact size. He also saw a tv, showing the instructions of how to get into position. 

Jaune followed them.

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