
By IAmIndeedNormal

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Miraculous Ladybug Fem reader x fem characters Love Interests- Marinette (Ladybug) Alix (Bunnyx) Juleka (Pur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Season 1 ~~~ Season 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

862 40 39
By IAmIndeedNormal


Weeks have passed and the class has been buzzing in excitement for the past few days since the class photos are coming up.

Personally, i hate class photos.

It's just a lot of stress trying to make sure you look good, especially knowing that whatever the photographer takes is your photo for the rest of the school year.

I whine on the steps of the school courtyard as our class waits in line for the picture. I check my phone camera for the 100th time, nitpicking every detail.

Only class pictures can make you this insecure.

I slowly put my phone away as i bury my head into my arms, trying to forget about the whole thing. That's when i hear 2 pairs of feet shuffling next to me.

"Everything okay Y/N?" asks a squeaky voice from beside me.

I look up from my arms, immediately recognizing the voice.

"Yeah, just don't like taking class pics you know..." i reply back to Rose, my tired face reflecting my words.

"Ugh, tell me about it... at least you aren't jinxed.." complains Juleka from the other side of me. She lays on my shoulder with a frown.

"What do you mean?" i ask confused, my hand automatically grabs Juleka's in a comforting manner.

Juleka pauses for a second before sighing, "Ever since I was little, every time someone takes a photo of me, something always goes wrong. Whether it's a dumb pigeon flying past my face or i'm shoved out of frame."

"I'm sure it's just a little bit of bad luck Juleka" i say with a small smile.

But she doesn't look convinced, she just sighs deeper and leans into me more. I feel my heart pang in sympathy.

I glance at Rose for advice but she shares the same face as Juleka's. I squint my eyes in thought before turning back to Juleka.

"Hey, we'll do everything we can to make sure it goes right this time. So i better see that smile!" i say, following my words with my own bright smile as i look into Juleka's, beautiful, amber eyes.

I have to force my eyes from drifting lower.

Juleka's porcelain skin turns dark red as she gives me the best smile she can muster.

Here I thought that was as red as she could get but i was poorly mistaken. Since the minute she glanced at Rose next to me she erupted in a blush. She faces away from the both of us at the speed of light as she tries to cover her embarrassment.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as i turned to Rose, only catching a glance of her phone before she hides her hands.

"What?" she asks innocently with a wide grin.

"Um-?" i try to ask but the photographer suddenly calls for the next class.

"Ok, time to flash your pearly whites, guys!" He exclaims, walking up to us as he looks us over.

"Hmm, you kids take a seat in the front bench." He orders, gesturing to Alix, Max, Rose, Marinette and Mylene. They all take a seat on the first bench.

I giggle quietly to myself, "shorties" i mutter to Juleka.

She giggles quietly in response.

The class is whispering to themselves until Chloe shouts, "Look Sabrina, they're up front in the baby seats! Go on rugrats, don't forget to take your thumbs out of your mouths!" The two girls laugh.

I glare behind her, only i can make fun of them after all.

"Well, next row! Hmmm... You, you, you and you go stand on the rear bench, please." The photographer asks, pointing at Nathaniel, Alya, Sabrina, and Chloe.

They all make their way towards the back bench and stand on top of it, except Chloe.

"Wait just one minute! I'm supposed to be in the middle row, right next to Adrien. Preferably the center. Look, we're the same size!" She says, grabbing Adrien as she compares their heights.

They were definitely not the same height.

"Nah, go stand in the back row, behind the rest." The photographer says nonchalantly.

"How dare you, put me behind the rest? Do you know who my father is?" whines Chloe as she tries to threaten the photographer.

"Is he a photographer?" he asks.

"NO! He's-"

"Bummer, I could really use an assistant. Now hurry up and take your place, or I'll put you up front with the babies!" He threatens, pretending to rub his eyes like a baby.

Can we get this dude a raise?

Chloe growls in anger as she finally walks to her spot.

"The rest of you, go stand in the middle row." He says, pointing to the remaining boys and i.

"Wait just me?"

I stop in my tracks and turn back around, seeing Juleka stand in place as she fiddles with her ring bracelet.

"Perfect! You guys are awesome! Now stop squirming and let's get this photo shot!" Says the photographer as he readies his camera.

"Uh, excuse me sir, you forgot Juleka." i call out, softly grabbing Juleka's hand as i pull her towards the photoshoot.

"Huh? Ah sorry, my bad! You two, go stand in the middle row, next to that blonde haired boy." He says, pointing to Adrien in the middle.

The boys make space for Juleka and I.

We take our spots front and center of the camera but as i smile for the camera i can't help but step closer to Juleka, my left arm cautiously wrapping around Juleka's waist.

"This is just to make sure nothing happens..." i tell myself.

I try not to look at her, suddenly feeling shy at possible rejection.

But that's when Juleka leans into me, her right hand coming down and placing it on the hand holding her waist.

My cheeks burn as i try to keep my composure.

We definitely look like a couple to this dude.

That's what i was thinking anyways until the photographer grumbles, "No, this isn't right! Something's not working here!"

My eyebrow twitches in annoyance.

"Uhh, course it's not working! I'm in the wrong spot!'' complains Chloe.

He just ignores her and points to Ivan, "You, move over here will ya? Lets see..."

The photographer places Ivan in a bunch of spots but it's never right, i gave up on smiling awhile ago. My arm, begrudgingly, falls off from Juleka's waist as i don't want to make her uncomfortable when waiting for this guy to be satisfied.

I expected her to lean away from me now but she stays in place, in fact she presses even closer to me than before, my heart skips a beat in realization.

Too lost in my thoughts, I almost forgot where we were until the photographer spoke, "It doesn't matter where I put him, it throws the whole picture out of whack!" he complains.

"Damn, saying that right in his face."

Chloe groans again, "My spot is unacceptable!" she whines before trying to push Juleka out of the way.

I clench my jaw in anger at the audacity.

Standing firmly in place as a wall for Juleka, she pushes back at Chloe as she fights for her spot next to me.

"Ms. Bourgeois, behave yourself!" reprimands Ms. Bustier.

Marinette glares as she encourages Juleka, "That's right Juleka, don't let her push you out of the way!"

"Hey! Nobody asked you loudmouth!" insults Chloe.

"This isn't gym class, you know Chloe!" says Adrien, as he awkwardly tries to push her back in her spot.

"Imagine being teamed up on like that" i mutter, just loud enough for Chloe to hear.

"Shut it!" she orders.

The photographer, being deep in thought for that entire interaction suddenly says, "You, over here, you here, and you here." He points at certain people, finally moving Ivan to a spot that satisfies him.

Thankfully, Juleka and I are still in the middle so it didn't really matter to me.

"Perfect, say spaghetti!" He says, readying the camera.

I don't place my hand back on Juleka's waist but i lean my head a little closer to her as our bodies are still touching.

I... try not to think about it too hard.

Everyone says spaghetti but suddenly he frowns, "Oh, I don't believe this! I'm sorry, I have to go fetch another battery. Nobody move!"

I groan in annoyance, massaging my cheeks as im tired from smiling.

Juleka sighs deeply beside me.

Mistaking my annoyance towards her, as she blames herself for all the problems, she steps back from me and towards Ms. Bustier.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" she asks sadly.

Ms. Bustier nods and tells her to hurry, i watch her walk away with a frown.

Chloe whispers something to Sabrina, the brats smirk as Sabrina asks to go to the bathroom as well. Immediately getting a bad feeling, i ask Ms Bustier if i can go too.

"No! No more bathroom." Exclaims Mr. Damocles, the principal.

"But i-"

"I said no! Stay in your place" He orders, very much annoyed.

I glare and grumble as i stay in my spot, Chloe giggles annoyingly behind me.

It's not long before the photographer and Sabrina return.

But no Juleka.

I look around worriedly as i wonder what they did to her. Absolutely seething as Chloe jumps down into Juleka's spot, next to Adrien.

"How'd you get here." Adrien asks in a sassy tone.

"Urgh, who cares? At last, I'm in the right spot!" exclaims Chloe, with a grin. Not even noticing Adrien's annoyance.

"What the hell did you-" i confront until i'm interrupted by the photographer.

"I want you to flash your best smiles! Because it's the last time we are doing this!" He says.

I widen my eyes and gasp.

"But wait-"

Ignored for the 100th time, the photographer takes the picture, "Thanks kids!"

I rush out of my spot and towards the principal.

"Wait! Please sir, we have to redo the photo!" i beg.

"Why's that?" he asks.

"Because Juleka's not in it!" I say, eyebrows scrunched together in anger.

"Jules-who?" he asks casually.

"Juleka! The tall, pretty one with the purple streaks!" i remind, accidentally letting a compliment slip in there.

In my irritation, i don't notice Rose quietly shrieking behind me.

Suddenly everyone gasps and remembers, "She's right. Where'd she go?" asks Marinette from beside me.

"Didn't she go to the bathroom?" reminds Adrien.

Chloe tenses, "Uh, Denis Damocles, don't we need to be heading off to lunch? And aren't you paying the photographer by the hour?"

The principal freezes at her words as he stutters out, "W-Why yes! No time to retake, class move along, hurry up!" he ushers us towards the cafeteria.

"Ok, lunch break!" The photographer announces.

I scoff before turning towards Rose, Marinette and Alya stand beside me.

"I'm going to go get her" i mutter, scowling as i walk towards the girls bathroom.

Rose fills in Marinette and Alya on what's happening.


I walk into the bathroom and immediately hear crying, "Juleka? Juleka!"

I rush towards the only bathroom stall blocked by a chair, taking it out and opening the stall to a teary-eyed Juleka.

"My sweet Juleka.." I mumbled, my face fell at the sight of her.

"I missed the photo. Didn't I?" She asked quietly.

I nodded, looking at her with pity.

"But it wasn't your fault it was Chloe again, she locked you in here" i add in, not sure on how to make her feel better.

"Why should I expect it to be any different? Nobody ever hears me. Or sees me. I'm invisible. Even in photos." She says, shaking her head as she tries to stop the tears.

"Don't say that Juleka! It's not true!" I reprimand, my hands go to wipe the tears on her face but she pushes them away.

"I see you.." i whisper to her, the emotion in my voice shining through.

Juleka pauses and looks up at me, her eyes showed a sliver of hope but her own thoughts got in the way again.

Who would like her right?

"Forget it. As long as Chloe's in the picture, she'll find a way to keep me out of it." She mutters before pushing me out of the way, making a run for the school entrance.

"Juleka! Stop-" i cry out but she just ignores me.

I skid to a stop by the school entrance and look around in hopes of seeing her but she was long gone by now.

I sigh in worry before my face hardens, i know how to fix this.

I head back inside where Marinette, Alya, and Rose are sitting on a bench. They see me approaching and Rose looks hopeful until she sees Juleka isn't with me.

"She ran out", i sighed.

"Oh, she really does have the class photo jinx!" cries Rose.

"Of course I should've known Chloe was behind this! We're gonna have to break this curse, for Juleka!" Encourages Marinette.

"We can ask the photographer." suggests Rose.

But i shake my head no, "There's no point, he wouldn't want to! Unless, if the photo would.. somehow... disappear, the principal would have no choice but ask the photographer to shoot another one, with Juleka!" i say, acting like i didn't already have a plan.

"You're a genius, Y/N! But why would the photo just disappear?" asks Rose

I just smirk evilly.

"Don't you worry 'bout that. You guys try to find Juleka i'll be back" i say before walking off towards the principal's office.


I casually walk up the stairs towards the principal's office, just in time for the photographer and the principal to walk out. I pretend to just be overlooking the courtyard as they walk past me.

Double checking that no one's looking, i sneak into the office, unaware that i'm being watched.

Finally alone, Malika comes out of my pocket as i approach the charging camera.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" she asks.

"What? Of course" i reply, grabbing the camera without a second thought and scrolling through the photos until i find our class photo.

"There must be another way, it's not right" she says, floating in front of the camera to block my view.

"Ugh, stop worrying about morals right now. It's a good deed if i'm doing it for Juleka" i say, rolling my eyes as i try to see the camera.

Malika goes to respond but the door knob jangles, i rush under the desk in an instant.

"I know you're in here Y/N. Come out, now!" calls out Chloe, i groan quietly in response.

I motion for Malika to hide in my clothes before i stand up, facing Sabrina and Chloe as they stare with a smug look.


"Oh, it's just you" i say, rolling my eyes as i nonchalantly walk back up to the camera.

"Yes I- Hey! What do you mean, 'just me'" she growls, putting air quotes around 'just me'.

"Whatever, you won't be so calm when i show the principal a video of you snooping around his office!" she smirks, Sabrina follows with a laugh.

I pause in fear before quickly grabbing the camera and showing the picture of our class, "Stop now or the class photo disappears! Which would be a shame considering how good you look, right next to Adrien!" I threaten with a grin.

"No!" she exclaims.

"Hand it over, Chloe!" I order, my finger hovering over the delete button.

She glances down at her phone before she slowly hands it over, i give her the camera as i swiftly delete the video.

Sabrina grabs the camera and takes out the memory card, tossing it over to Chloe.

"How dare you be smart Sabrina"

"Give me the card or I'll keep your phone!" I threaten again.

"Ha! You can keep the phone! I'll just buy another one!" says Chloe with a triumphant smirk.

"Ugh, right, rich." i groan.

Suddenly a booming voice rings out, past the shut door, "CHLOE! Where are you!?"

We all freeze at the voice.

"What was that!?" asks Chloe as she takes a step back, i notice the card in her hand and grin.

Swiftly snatching it straight from her hand, i run right out of the office. Chloe freezes in shock before her face contorts in anger.

"Hey! Don't just stand there! Go get her!" she orders Sabrina, Sabrina sprints out of there but, unfortunately for her, i'm already hiding.

As Chloe walks out of the office the voice calls out again.

"There you are at last! Chloe Bourgeois!" says the bright pink lady, looking like a jester trying to dress up fancy.

''Who are you-?" questions Chloe, not really looking scared.

"Take a good look at me because I am your future face!" says the woman, following her words with a annoying ass laugh.

"Eugh! Gross!"

Chloe tries to run away but the pink lady zaps her with this black eye on her hand, transforming her into a copy of herself.

Hm looks familiar.

I accidentally gasp out loud, my brain connecting the dots.

The villain immediately perks up at the gasp, turning right in my direction i have no time to react as she suddenly jumps right in front of me. I fall to the floor in shock as i stare up at the woman.

She points her black eye at me before her eyes widen and her hand falls.

"Y/N?" she mutters, looking at me with fear as if i'm the one holding her at gunpoint.

"Juleka?" i reply, my heart rate picks up speed, unsure on what's going to happen.

"N-No- it's.. uh" she stutters, unable to keep up with her persona as she stares at me.

I stare back in shock, never seeing a villain react like this.

"Could they break free?"

Realizing what i have to do, my hands shootout and clasp around akumatized Juleka's hands. Kneeling on the floor, i look up at her with pleading eyes.

"Juleka- It's me okay, i'm here for you. I'm sorry i couldn't stop the photoshoot but look-" i hold out my hand with the camera memory card, "I got this, for you"

Juleka gasps as she glances down at the memory card in my hand, "Is that-?"

"Yes" i answer with a small smile.

"I promised i would help you no matter what so please, don't let that man manipulate you. You're stronger than that Juleka" i beg, hands tightening around Juleka's.

"I-" it looks like she is fighting with something inside her, trying to ignore the man talking in her head.

My eyes brightened as it looked like it was working until Ladybug showed up, shooting her yo-yo out as it wrapped around my body. Yanking me away from Juleka and towards herself.

I'm lucky i didn't drop the memory card.

Ladybug unwraps me from her yo-yo and i refrain from blowing up in her face at ruining my plan. Juleka, frozen from that sudden attack, quickly forgets about anything i said.

Now the only thing on her mind.. Ladybug.

"Give her back!!" she yells, she points her black eye at Ladybug before shooting out a barrage of lasers.

Ladybug uses her yo-yo to deflect while also dodging the shots, i look for places to run but being stuck in the hall in between a fight there's not many options.

So i jumped.

Right off the railing and onto the courtyard, sticking the landing perfectly.

Would've sucked if i twisted my ankle.

Thankfully the 2 didn't notice and that gave me time to run off and find a spot to transform.


Short while later i follow the sounds of yelling, where Ladybug and Juleka are still fighting it out. I jump in front of Ladybug with my fists barred.

"Juleka please stop this!" i asked.

"I'm not the Juleka nobody notices anymore! Now, I'm the unmistakable Reflekta!" she says, laughing wildly.

"I'm sure you're going to love your new image, heroes!" she grins evilly.

Ladybug scoffs, "Thanks but no thanks, I prefer the one I've got!" she goes to throw her yo-yo at Reflekta but she easily dodges.

"You sure? Ask Cat Noir. I'm sure he loves his new look!" she says, followed by another taunting laugh.

I furrow my eyebrows and growl in annoyance, with one swift motion i sprint straight towards Reflekta. Dodging the incoming lasers while still keeping my speed.

Ladybug closes in behind me with the help of her yo-yo as we work as one. Reflekta panics at the sight of us and retreats, jumping up the stairs as she tries to get away from us. But i'm right behind her, following her every step.

She shrieks as she looks behind her, seeing me so close. She tries to jump but i promptly grab her foot, swinging her down onto the floor. She fires a laser at me but i dodge to the side and grab her arm as i try to hold her down.

Ladybug arrives as we wrestle on the ground but before Ladybug can get any closer Reflekta fires off one more laser, straight towards Ladybug. I push off of her just fast enough to deflect the laser with my metal fist.

She laughs in triumph as she follows with more attacks, forcing us back as we cover for each other. Allowing her to head onto the roof and escape.

I sigh as i turn to Ladybug, definitely not expecting Reflekta to be right there.

I shrieked and punched the villain, except when i punched her she sounded a lot like a man.

"OW IT'S ME" exclaims.. Reflekta?

Ladybug, also very much confused, goes "Cat Noir, is it - is it really you?"

Cat Noir, now looking like Reflekta, slowly stands up as he rubs his stomach in pain.

"Ughh 'Course it is! Can't you tell by my swagger! Am I still the cat's meow or what?" he says, swiping his 'claws' in the air.

Ladybug and i slowly glance at each other then back at him before erupting in laughter.

He sighs, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Sorry, Cat Noir, but you - you just... you just don't look like yourself!" giggles Ladybug as she looks his new look over.

"Well in case you've forgotten, we've got to de-akumatize Reflekta!" he reminds with a frown.

"We? Your powers are gone, what are you gonna do? Throw your shoes at her?" jokes Ladybug, i laugh loudly beside her.

"Yeah well- sometimes i have ideas you know" he says, rolling his eyes.

"Ok, yeah, sorry, and?" i say, catching my breath as i recover from the laughter.

"I don't think taking on Reflekta face to face is the best idea unless you want a facelift too."

"You're right and that gives me an idea!" says Ladybug before grabbing Cat Noir by the waist and zipping up onto the roof with her yo-yo. I follow behind her.

"Where are we headed?" asks Cat Noir, as we land on the school roof.

"To the TV station! Here goes, watch your nails!" says Ladybug with a grin as she gets ready to zip across buildings.

Cat Noir rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Your jokes are so lame!" he whines.

Ladybug and i giggle, "You haven't just lost your body, Cat Noir. I think you've lost your sense of humor too!"


Ladybug is on TV and delivering a message to the people.

"People of Paris! Reflekta is not invincible! You can help, all you have to do is put on a disguise! Then I'll be able to spot the real Reflekta and bring her down! I'm relying on you all!" says Ladybug with the voice of a leader.

"And cut!" says Cat Noir, stopping the recording, "So sorry but isn't your plan a bit complicated?" he asks unsurely.

"This isn't my real plan. The real plan is now that Reflekta knows that we're at the TV station, she'll come right here to get us!" she says.

I nod in approval.

Cat Noir walks up to Ladybug, "And fall right into our claws!" he says and kisses her hand like fancy people do.

"You mean, into your nails." i say with a grin.

Cat Noir looks behind him with a pout, "Still not funny" he grumbles.

I giggle quietly.

Soon Reflekta walks in and Ladybug shoots her yo-yo out, capturing her and forcing her to the ground. I run up and hold her in place as Cat Noir comes and breaks the black eye on her hand.

But... nothing happened.

Of course.

"Huh? This isn't the real one!" exclaims Ladybug, we soon hear laughter somewhere in the distance.

"I'm sorry, she promised she'd changed me back to my normal self if I tricked you." says the fake Reflekta.

"Mayor Bourgeois?" asks Ladybug.

Cat Noir and i look around for any signs of Reflekta, noticing her on top of the beams just before she shot her laser at Ladybug.

"There! Look out!" shouts Cat Noir, jumping in front of Ladybug and taking the hit.

"I've already been changed so I'm safe." he says with a smirk.

"Look at that, you are useful" i quip.

"Thanks, Cat Noir!" she praises before calling for her Lucky Charm.

Ironically, a camera falls into her hands.

She looks around for any idea of what to do before she notices the light switch, "Hyenadon! Turn off the lights, quickly!" she exclaims.

I nod and head straight for the switch, turning off the lights as it becomes almost pitch black.

"Over here Reflekta!" calls Ladybug as she takes many flashing pictures of her, blinding and disorienting her.

Reflekta, unable to see, trips onto the floor. Cat Noir takes the opportunity and grabs Reflekta's ring bracelet eye. He gives me a thumbs up, letting me know to turn the lights back on.

Now bright again, Cat Noir drops the black eye onto the floor and smashes it. Allowing the akuma to fly out.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma!" says Ladybug, capturing the dark butterfly and purifying it.

She releases the butterfly and throws the camera into the air, shouting "Miraculous Ladybug!" as everybody changes back to normal.

We all fistbump at the victory.

"You were awesome, Cat Noir!" compliments Ladybug.

Cat Noir smiles pridefully, "And with those shoes on too! By the way, those things should be illegal!" he says, referring to the heels.

I place a hand on Cat Noir's shoulders, "Couldn't agree more, my friend"

Juleka, now back to normal, looks around confused.

"Where- where am I?" she asks, looking between us.

Ladybug turns to the Mayor, "Could you take this girl back to her school please, Mr. Bourgeois?" she asks politely.

The Mayor nods without protest, thankful to be back to normal.

"Thank you!" she says before turning to us, "Well, see you two later. Bug out!" she pats us both on the head.

We both smile as we watch her swing away.


Back at the school, i walk past the school entrance as i take the memory card out. Sighing i decide i'll find another way to help Juleka.

I walk up to the photographer as he gets ready to take another picture.

"Hey, i think you dropped this" i say casually, holding the memory card out.

He looks at his camera, only now noticing the missing memory card symbol.

"Ah, grazi!" He thanks, turning back to the camera as he takes the picture of another class.

"Look, I know you're very busy but one of our classmates wasn't in the photo you took. Is there anyway we could do it again?" i ask politely, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Might as well try to make him feel bad.

He thinks it over, "Well, I'm already running late with everything that's been going on and... Mr Damocles." he says, glancing at the annoyed principal.

"I understand but...could you do it after you're finished here at the school? We could set up at the park next door!" i suggest, "We want an awesome photo taken by the most awesome photographer... please?"

He smiles brightly, "Well, when you put it that way...OK!"

I mirror his smile.


We're set up at one of the benches at the park, everybody is here except for Sabrina and Chloe.

I made sure to place Juleka at the very center as she sits down on the bench, everybody gets into position. I go to stand behind her but she swiftly pulls me down next to her.

I don't even have time to register what just happened when the photographer starts talking.

"Okay, we're all good here, ready?" he asks, we all nod.

He proceeds to take a series of photos, the first being a normal class photo. While the rest are a bunch of silly ones with Juleka in the middle of all of them.

I definitely made sure to get a few duo pics with Juleka.

We all go through the images, happy at how they turned out.

"The class photo curse is broken!" exclaims Rose with a giggle.

Juleka nods in response and smiles in my direction, "Thank you, Y/N''

"Don't mention it" i wink.


Few hours later, i wake up in my bedroom after taking a fat nap. Completely exhausted, emotionally and physically at everything that happened today.

As i stretch and yawn, i automatically go to check my phone. Noticing a message from Rose.


I open the message and freeze in place. My whole body grows warm as i feel butterflies erupting in my stomach.

It's a beautiful picture of earlier this morning when Juleka was sitting on the steps and telling me about her curse.

It showed us staring deep into each others eyes, the affection in our gaze obvious to anyone.

This was the moment just before Juleka suddenly got embarrassed and now i understand why.

I lean back onto my bed as my eyes never leave the image.

Slowly, i save the image and add it to my favorites.

A loving smile gracing my lips.

Reading In Between The Lines

Y/N is a big softie, especially to her girls

Juleka also got the picture. She called Rose and thanked her a hundred times.

Y/N is, unfortunately, trying to be a good person.

The photographer is featuring Y/N and Juleka in his Teen Romance Magazine.

Cat Noir was really sassy in this episode

Season 1 almost over homos

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