Just another Isekai (Friday N...

By Evil_Dragon_Emperor

164K 3.1K 2.8K

Typical Isekai story? Pretty much. Friday Night Funkin world with a harem? Yep. Superpowers? No need to ask. ... More

Bio (Votes Closed)
Current Vote Results
Poll Results
Week 1
Week 1.5
Week 2
Week 2.5
Week 2.9
Week 3
Week 3.1
Week 3.2
Easter One-shot (Non-can)
Week 3.5
Week 3.6
Week 4
Week 4.3
Week 4.5
A/N (Edit)
Week 5
Week 5.1
Week 5.2 (Lemon)
Week 5.3
Week 5.5
Week 5.7
Week 6
Week 6.1
So, about Cassette Girl
Week 6.3
Halloween One-shot (Non-can)
Week 6.8
Week 6.9
Week 7
'Sonic' Week
Doki Doki Forever
Why did I say Oki Doki
No Longer Oki Doki
Triple Trouble
The Final Round
Season 1 Finale

'Break' Week

2.2K 62 99
By Evil_Dragon_Emperor

Okay, so since week 8 isn't out yet, we're gonna be giving chapters actual names till then.

Again, I need some advice for New Years. Any suggestions, seriously. I'm begging y'all. Just leave a suggestion and I'll pick whichever one I find good.

Also... I have a new 'definitely not forced to have' co-host.

Pinkie Pie: Hello ~!

Ugh, just please don't fuck with the story.

Pinkie: *DRAMATIC GASP!* Naughty language!

Oh, grow up! Shouldn't you be an adult by now?

Pinkie: Geez, tough crowd.

What are you doing here again?

Pinkie: I don't know. Discord just dropped me here to do something.

I'm afraid to ask. What did he ask you to do?

Pinkie: To be myself.

Of course, he did. Can you just... try to be quiet for this story?

Pinkie: Well, that's no fun. Ya know what'll cheer you up

Please, don't do the Piggy Dance-

Pinkie: The Piggy Dance!

Son of a bitch! You better not-

Pinkie: ~ First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink-*Continues the song* ~

............................................................. *Slowly holds up gun*

Well, here you were now. Week 7 completed, and it was the most recent one. Now that that was out of the way... what now? The eighth week wasn't out when you had died in the before life so you didn't have a clear idea as to who it could be.

Week 1, Daddy Dearest. Week 2, Skid and Pump... and Monster. Week 3, Pico-I mean, Pica. Week 4, Mommy Mearest, Week 5, the parents and Monster again. Week 6, Senpai. Week 7 Tankman... and that's it.

You heard some rumors about week 8 supposedly being against Darnell, which people think is because of the trailers. Who knows? Maybe you wouldn't even notice it happening. You didn't keep track when the other encounters when they happened so... Would it just 'happen' without you noticing.

It's been a day or two since beating Tankman. What were you to do now?...

Right now, you were sitting in your bed watching Helluva Boss on your phone. It was virtually the same as the one from your world, but there appeared to be some extra episodes, although it was still good. Not sure about the additional character named Minato, he just seemed a little too out of place.

The ringing of your phone made you sit up on your bed. It was Sarvente. You hummed in curiosity before answering.


"Hi (Y/N). It's Sarvente. I know it's been a while, but I was hoping you could make do on your promise to help us." The nun said over the phone.

"Oh sure..." You say before making a face. "What was it again?"

"Ya know, putting out flyers for the church."

"Oh, shoot. Yeah, I remember. Sorry, it's... been a long couple of days for me."

"It's okay. Just... should I give you some time?"

"Not really, it's fine."

"Okay, I'm giving you an hour. Does that sound good."

"R-Really, you don't have to-"

"Okay, three hours. See you then."

"Sarv, you don't have to-" You didn't have time to answer before she hung on and you sighed. "She is way too kind."

You got up and hopped into the shower, cleaning whatever gunk was there. After getting changed into normal wear, you left to your bedroom for your hoodie. While looking, you accidently kicked a box that was meant to be under your bed.

"Ah, shoot." You say while picking up the box. "Hopefully I didn't break anything in this-" You stopped as you looked inside.

It was Garcello's hat. You sighed, remembering how that encounter went, then remember his gift after dealing with Tankman. You stared inside the box, wondering how he's doing now. Maybe you'd see him again someday, hopefully you do.

You were about to put the box away, but then you started to think for a moment. You wanted to conserve his memory, but... maybe keeping his hat in a box wasn't gonna work too well. So, you decided to pick it out and walk in front of the mirror, putting it on to see how it looked.

You thought it looked nice on you, and even tipped it a bit. Not too shabby. Now to see what you looked like with the hoodie. You looked around, wondering where you left it, then got a tap on your shoulder before turning around.

"Oh, thanks." You then took your hoodie off the arm before it went into your closet and your eyes widened. "HEY-WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!"

You rose a hand, and swung it back, causing the intruder to fly out of the closet and stabbed into a wall of bones. You jumped a bit... until you realized who it was. It was freaking Monster.

"Oh god. Really?" You say while making the bones disappear as she fell to the floor. "What are you doing here?"

Her bloodless wounds healed and instead of getting up normally, she twisted her hips with cracking of bones. Getting her feet up as her torso hung before it twisted up and around with the cracking continuing, then for her to turn around to face you like nothing happened.

"Christ on a stick, you are freaky."

"I know."

"Okay, get on with it. What were you doing under my clos-Under my closet-stupid." You smacked yourself in the head for fumbling. "IN my closet. What were you doing in my closet?"

"Just observing is all. ~"

"Oh yeah? Observing me to find my weakness so you can either eat or corrupt me? Hate to break it to ya, not gonna find much of anything."

"Oh, neither of that. I just wanted an opportunity to finally speak with you alone."

"You must think I'm a dumbass or something. I'm not buying into your BS."

"Come now dear, haven't I already told you that I'm not interested in making you my dinner anymore?"

"Sure, sure. Listen, I know the reason you're interested in me is for one of the two aforementioned reasons."

"Again, that's not the reason." She then says before walking up to you which made you step back until she had you backed against the wall. "My interest with you is a feeling I've never felt before in a long time."

"I... I-I don't want to know what that is." You say nervously.

"At first I was curious to know what made me so interested in you, perhaps what made that girl want you so. And after some closer examination and analysis, I think I found it. Something that the other girls seemed to have gotten from meeting you."

"Again, really don't want to know. Whatever it is you can keep it... to your... w-wait other girls?" You questioned with a raised brow.

"Yes, I'm sure you've noticed it. Those other girls are much interested in you the same way your little girlfriend does."

"What!? Woah, no, no, no, now, I ain't Ichika Orimura, I'm not dense as fuck. But I also know that what you just explained was the cliche plot of a harem anime, which this is not." You were quick to deny.

"I don't follow."

"I can see that."

"But that doesn't mean I don't know how girls can get attracted to a man."

"No, no, that's ridiculous. There's... I mean there's other guys out there, surely... I-I can't..." You trailed off before your eyes started to slowly widen and you shook your head. "Nah, that can't..."

"You finally understand?"

"S-Shut up for a moment, okay." You tell her while pushing her back a bit.

You started to think. As you started to think back to all that's happened, you started to recall some things.

The first being how Carol acted when you were on a shopping trip, then straight to the point where she kissed you after saving Whitty. Signs 1 and 2.

The next thing that did were the sudden swaps from male characters to female that seemed to be at random and out of nowhere. Sign 3.

The next that came to mind is how some of the girls would blush around you from time to time, which you just thought of them being embarrassed at first. Sign 4.

... Your eyes widened. 'No... oh no...'


'No, no, no...'


"Oh, shit."

Yeah, finally realized it? Don't give me that glare. You can't deny this.

"I... oh..."

"Do you finally get it?" Monster says. "It's not hard to realize."

"Oh god..." You rubbed your face.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Oh, you understood alright, understood the situation you were in. Hey, harems are something you could get behind, but you didn't even get a choice so you could prepare. You had accepted GF as being the one you dated alone, but now... were you really gonna decide to juggle around girls like this? And if so, how many?

And... wait... wait hold on... you looked back at Monster... w-were you supposed to date this thing? It fucking traumatized you with the hallucination on Christmas night and now you were supposed to accept it or some shit? Your head started to smoke, your brain starting to crack from thinking this.

"This... this can't be real."

"Oh, dearie..." Monster then leaned down, putting her hands on the wall behind you until her face was right in yours, making you try to back up while glowing red in the face. "This is all... real... ~" Her breath surprisingly but thankfully didn't stink, but it was still a little too close.

"I-I need an adult." You say.

"I am an adult. ~" She says back.

"That means get off of me, right the fuck now." You say as you slip out of her cage and threw your hoodie on.

She stared at you as you left and as you closed the door. You sighed, turning around, not even jumping when you saw her behind you. Only frowning before going around her to go downstairs.

"You forgot your wallet." She reminded you.

You walked backwards back into your room and got your wallet off the dresser. She was now hovering over you, which you ignored by this point and walked back to the door, leaving the room for real this time.

Stepping down the stairs, you saw Whitty rubbing Toby's face. She's gotten somewhat attached to him since she moved in, maybe he was some kind of therapy for her, which is kinda good. You went to the kitchen and decided to make macaroni and cheese for breakfast.

While watching the microwave do its work, you started to think. Even if you were meant to have a harem in this, couldn't you steer away from that path? Sure, some of the boys were girls now, but you had already settled down with a girl. Wouldn't the whole harem thing happen way sooner? Maybe Carol would move on or something.

Then again, what if you had no other option? What if there wasn't any way out of this? Maybe you'd have to accept this. Maybe... well, if anything, you weren't gonna bring this up with Girlfriend first. Maybe...

You nodded to yourself as the microwave beeped and you took out the macaroni, added the cheese and started eating at the table. You made your decision, not thinking you'd need to do anything and that you would have to. This was a situation that would sort itself out, you were sure of it, and you hoped that's how it'd work.

After done eating, you headed for the door, passing by the couch as you did.

"Hey, where're you going?" Whitty asked.

"I'm just going out to help Sarv with something." You tell her.

"... Who's Sarv?"

"Ya know, Sarvente. The nun at the church-Oh, wait, you weren't there." You say before mentally slapping yourself. 'Great Michael, I almost gave away that she was a demon. Gotta keep track of who's met who.'

"Nevermind, I don't really care." She waved you off.

You just rolled your eyes, reaching the doorknob. You stopped for a moment; a thought occurred. She wasn't gonna be moving around too much if she was in here.

"Hey, you wanna come with?" You asked.

"Huh?" She asked, with a raised brow.

"Ya know, come with me."


"Why not?"

She looked around, for a moment. "I mean... I guess it's better than being cooped up in this place." She shrugged before getting up while picking up Toby. "What are we doing?"

"Putting out flyers."

"I already regret agreeing to help you with this."

You just chuckled to yourself before opening the door for her to walk out first as you closed the door, going in front to lead.

"First we gotta make a pitstop somewhere."


"Just a friend's place."

(Sometime later)

You made it to Parappa's vacation home, whistling as you made your way to the front steps before fumbling a bit with the keys. Once you were inside, Whitty looked around out of curiosity before sitting on the couch as Toby hopped off to trot around.

You were doing a check to make sure nothing was out of place. After doing a full check, nothing was stolen thankfully. Check the fridge. Everything seemed in place, so you closed it-hold up! You opened the fridge again and checked. Again, nothing was out of place... well all excite for the jelly. You took it out and opened it, the stench of mold causing you to reel back before you closed it. It was past its due date, so you decided to drop it in the trash.

After closing the fridge again, you sighed for a moment before checking that off the list. You then got a sudden feeling of the back of your head being pressed against cleavage, of which you didn't even seem surprised as you knew that it was the lemon head. You just walked away, ignoring her, her staring as you left the kitchen.

"So, what's the deal with this place?" Whitty asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, this is the vacation home of one of my friends. He's not here right now, so I decide to pop by every now and then to make sure it's still standing and not destroyed." You explained.

"And he just lets you keep it?"

"Not keep it, just use it. I mostly use it to record some songs to make money."

"So, this is your job?"

"Kinda, yes. Is it that big of an 'explosion' to you-" You say before her fuse lit. "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" You quickly say while raising your hand in defense as she put it out. "Sheesh." You say while rubbing his forehead as you went to the recording studio for one last check.

She stared for a moment before smirking. Toby hopped onto the couch, and she scratched his ears. Once you were done, you left the recording room, passing the window and... not noticing something outside.

After doing the checkup, you went over to the church to do what you had promised. You found that the place appeared to be back in shape from the outside. As you entered, you saw the place was also better on the inside while Sarv and Ruv were talking to each other. You whistled which caught their attention.

"Wow, this is nice." You say while walking down the aisle.

"(Y/N), you're early. I wasn't expecting you." Sarv says before she looked at Whitty and gasped. "And you brought a friend too." She then excitedly went up to her and started excitedly shaking her hand. "Welcome to the church. I hope you're having a good day-"

"G-Get off!" The bombhead ripped her hand out of the grip.

"Oh, not the touchy type. Sorry." The nun says while clasping her hands together before there was a bark and she looked down at Toby. "Oh, and such a cutie. Hello there. ~" She says while picking him up and holding him like a baby while making 'baby noises'.

"... Yeah, already not liking this place." Whitty whispered to you. "Especially her."

You looked at where she was looking and saw she was talking about Ruv who was pretty much giving her the thousand-yard stare. Oh boy, this oughta be good.

"Hey, Sarv-" You say as Sarv stopped scratching Toby's belly and looked at you. "The thing you called me for?"

"Oh, right." She says before placing the floof down and going into the backroom. "I've spent overnight printing THESE out!" She says after plopping a massive stack of flyers on a nearby pew. "You've been around the city, right? Do you think you can get at least half or more of these placed around here?"

"Uh..." You say while scratching the back of your head. "Sure, I can totally do it."

"Great! Ruv, will be joining you. As for me, I will be taking care of the last remaining renovations in this place."

"What? By yourself? Ya sure you don't need help?"

"Nonsense. It's not too much more. Just some stuff upstairs." She says with a smile before there was a muffled crash from above.

"... I mean, I could help with that."

"(Y/N), trust me-" She says while taking your hands in hers. "I can handle it." She says before letting them go and placing the top stack of the flyers in your arms. "Now come on, the day's not gonna last forever." She says before making her way upstairs.

"She's a little stubborn about making people work for her." Ruv tells you while picking up her own stack.

"I can see that." You say before straightening yourself. "She is right though. We're burning daylight, so we should get going." You say before looking and seeing the two already glaring at each other. "Oh, come on, girls. Let's not start this right now."

"Just want to let her know not to mess with me." Whitty says while picking up the remaining stack.

"Пока она не попадёт на поганую сторону, всё будет хорошо." Ruv says back.

"The fuck did you just say?"

"OKAY!" You say while getting between them. "Let's get going-Okay!? Okay. Great talk. Let's go."

You then started walking with Toby behind. The two gave each other one last glare before following. You put a hand to your forehead.

On one hand, it wasn't automatically clear how these two would interact. On the other hand, one was a hot-headed bomb with a somewhat small fuse, and the other was an overprotective Russian. Probably not the best combination.

After a little bit, you've already put out a good amount of flyers. Your two companions didn't argue much, thankfully, only quietly keeping to themselves while giving an occasional glare.

While you were tapping a flyer to a wall, Ruv noticed a wanted poster of herself and nearly jumped before looking around, ripping the poster off the electricity pole and stuffing it in her coat pocket. You heard the ripping and turned, only seeing her putting up a flyer on the pole. 

You just shrugged before continuing to walk down the street. She sighed in relief... then turned her head to see Whitty looking at her with a raised brow.

"Not a word." She told her before following you.

"Whatever." The bombhead says while following.

You turned and looked back at them, making sure they weren't fighting, then a thought occurs. From the talk about a harem that morning, it got you thinking. Were these two supposed to be a part of it? Well, sure they were hot, but... genderswap or not, they aren't even the type for dates, much less sharing a single boy.

Then you thought further. You were 18 which kinda makes you an adult, but you still... had to be at least a couple of years younger than... well, actually Whitty was confirmed to be 20 by his creator, so you were only about 2 years younger, but Ruv was quite literally 10 years older than you.

Also, with how close the criminal was to Sarv, you figured even as a girl she was still into the nun... right? Is... is there a chance that-

"Ow!" You suddenly bumped into someone, almost dropping the flyers. "Hey, watch where you're going!"

"My bad." You say with a hand up before looking back and forth, then taking one of the flyers. "If you want, you can come by the local church-"

"Sure, whatever." The person says as she takes it and walks by.

You looked a little annoyed and the two girls beside you glared at her. You three just continued while she tossed the flyer into the garbage, then stopped. She looked back at you, specifically the hat you were wearing. It was getting a little harder to tell, but she swore there was something about the hat that she recognized.

Once you were out of sight, she looked away before shaking her head and continued her walk down the street.

"Just a coincidence."

(Meanwhile on top of a building... with GF, Kaity, Carol and Pica)

"I'm sorry... WHAT!?" Pica shouts.

"Keep it down." Girlfriend quickly says.

"God... fine... what?" She says with a more indoors voice.

"Listen, I know how unconventional it sounds, but maybe we could just try it."

"Just try? So what, you wanna turn your boyfriend into a manwhore or something?"

"It's not that, it's just that knowing how much trouble he gets into, I want to make sure there's someone who's there to help because I can't be there to help him all the time."

"And your solution is to have him screw around with other girls?"

"Yeah, I was a little weirded out when we first talked about it." Carol says.

"But you don't find it weird how casually she's asking about this?" The ginger asks with a skeptical look.

"Yes, but... well..."

"I get it okay. Look, I know you're into (Y/N)." GF says.

"E-Excuse me." Pica asked with a blush.

"Don't think I didn't notice."

"W-What the fuck!? N-No, I don't!" She yelled. "What gave you the idea-"

"Kaity told me."

"You little shit." She says while glaring at the cyan-haired girl who promptly backed up while nervously tapping her index fingertips.

"So, that being said, it may be weird for me to be alright with my boyfriend dating other girls, but I don't mind. Especially with how many girls he's getting close to."

"... Really?"


"And you're okay with this?" She turned to ask Carol who sheepishly nodded. "And you?" She then asked Kaity who did the same. "Ugh... this is so weird."

"If you need time to think about it, we can wait." GF says.

"Just a question, how many are we talking? Like in total."

"Uh, a few with some possibility." GF says as Pica scoffed. "And counting, you, I'd say five."

"Great, good to know... wait, five?"


"Who's five?" Pica asked before she felt breathing on the back of her neck. "SHIT!" She screamed while jumping back, pulling out her uzis and aiming at who was behind her.

"Me...." Monster says as Carol and Kaity backed away.

"..." Pica slowly turned her head to the brunette with her guns still trained on the creature and says with venom. "That thing?"

"... Yeah..." GF says.

"You want that thing to be a part of this thing?"

"It's not really my choice to be honest."

"What do you mean?"

"Uh... So, ya remember when I told you about the crazy girl named Sky and how she was the reason we ended up as targets of your dad?"

"What about it?"

"Well, I couldn't find (Y/N) by myself, so I kinda resorted to uhm..." GF looked away while biting on her lower lip.

"Spit it out already."

"I made a deal with her that if she were to help me... then..." She trailed off.

"You sold your boyfriend's soul without telling him?" Pica says in disbelief.

"I didn't sell his soul. The deal was... her position in this."

The ginger looked at the lemonhead who stared at her before she lowered her guns and walked up to her. "And you didn't think this over?"

"I did. I was in a corner." GF says annoyed.

"..." Pica looked at the monster and back at the brunette. "Is this how badly he needs protection?"

"... yes..."

"..." The ginger sighed. "When do we tell him?"

(Back with you)

You had finished giving the last flyer to a... crewmate who gave a thumbsup and walked away. So far, Whitty and Ruv have been acting decent with each other and not getting on each other nerves thankfully. And you haven't run into any trouble so...

Eh, it was more or less a peaceful day which is something you've been hoping for ever since... well, you've been through a lot of shit these past few weeks, you deserved some time to relax. So, back to the church you three (four including Toby) went.

"Again, thank you. You really didn't have to help." Sarvente says with a sweet smile.

"Hey, all good. If you ever need any more help, you know who to call." You tell her.

"Of course. Ruv." The nun then lightly elbowed her friend.

"Thank you for helping Sarvente-" Ruv started before getting lightly elbowed again. "For helping us." She corrected herself, a short pause before getting an elbow again. "And we'd love to have you back." 

"Again, no probs. Don't be afraid to call." You say before getting a ping from your phone. "That's my girl. We should get going."

"Okay, have a good night. God bless!" Sarv says as you and the bombhead started walking away.

"Вернись скоро." Ruv also says.

"You too, have a good night." You say as they head back inside.

"I still don't know about that girl." Whitty says.

"C'mon, what's wrong with Sarv?" You asked her.

"Not her."

"... Okay, and why do you not like Ruv?"

"I already told you, I don't like the way she looks at me. Plus, you know she's probably insulting me in another language."

"She actually isn't."

"What, you can understand her?"

"According to my author, yes."

"Then what was she saying just now?"

"Telling us we can come back any time."

"Oh, well that's good to know."

You just shook your head, figuring it was best not to drag it on. You decided to take a look at the wall, and you ended up seeing a poster that had CJ on the front. If the Starlight Mayhem mod was in this as well, it was one of the few mods you genuinely looked forward too. At least he'd give you some fun and not try to break you in two like the others.

The whole 'harem' thing was now off your mind, and as you reached your house, you had no thoughts about any ruining this day... that was until you stopped before reaching the front door.

... There was a light... a bright yellow light right in front of your home. Eyes wide, you approached it and looked around in caution. Then you tapped it-


While you were you passing out flyers, you noticed a familiar limo suddenly stopping in the middle of the street. Your eyes widened.

"Shit!" You dropped all the flyers before grabbing the girls' by their arms and started booking it. "Go, go, go!"

As you were forcing their confused selves down the sidewalk, the window on the limo lowered, and there was the cloudman holding up a pistol, aiming at Whitty... then pulling the trigger.


As the limo was driving down the street, someone picked up at rock and threw it at the windshield, cracking it. It stopped before the door swung open.

"Hey!" The cloudman says while stepping out, not catching the person who did it.

He sighed in annoyance and got back in, driving off... not noticing you walking past.


You stumbled back into Whitty's arms as soon as it was over.

"Woah, woah, dude!" She says out of surprise as she caught you and held onto you as you grabbed your head while groaning in pain. "You good?"

"I'm..." You panted before hesitantly getting to your feet. "Ow... god."

"What happened?"

"I... I'm fine." You say while shaking your head.

You looked back at the light and looked above it.

Frisk, LV 1

Funk City
Save, Load, Return

They were here. They had come to your house and saved there, but why? Why would they do this? What point was there to do it where you were?

"Dude? What are you looking at?" Whitty says.


"What are you looking at?" She says while going over to where to light was. "Is..." She looked up at the sky. "Was there a bug or something? What's up?"

She can't see it, nor can she touch it.

"N-Nothing, nevermind. Let's just..." You say as you walked to the front door and opened it. "Go inside."

"... Okay..." Whitty says, a little weirded out but going inside.

You stayed in the doorway and looked back at the light. Frisk's LV hasn't risen so you had a feeling you didn't have to worry about them, but... what you saw just now-

-the window on the limo lowered, and there was the cloudman holding up a pistol-

-someone picked up at rock and threw it at the windshield, cracking it.-

That was their doing. Did they... did Frisk save you?... Save Whitty?... That had to be them, right? And that first scene you saw... well you didn't get to see how it went, but you were glad it ended before you did.

That proved several things. One is that Updike was still on the move, and you had gotten careless in that timeline... two is that Frisk was also watching you somewhere and they knew who you were. Now you had more a reason to be paranoid.

Smacking your head, you went inside, seeing Whitty hanging on the couch with Toby in arms. Wanting a distraction from all that happened, you checked the texts you got from GF.

GF: Hi, can we talk about something?

You: Sure, where and when?

GF: Upstairs, in your room.

You got a little confused by why she asked for that, curious as to what she wanted to talk about, but you shrugged it off and went up to your room. She had gotten into your room without you knowing before, so you weren't too put off by her appearing in it but were curious as to why she wanted to talk there.

"Hey, babe. What did-" You started to say before catching your words in your throat.

GF was happily sitting on your bed while waving, Carol was standing across from her, sheepishly scratching the back of her head and Kaity was nervously standing behind Pica who had her arms crossed, looking annoyed.

"W-What's going on?" You asked, confused before the door closed and you turned, seeing the lemonhead.

"Have a seat." She says as you backed up.

"Wha... Girlfriend, what is going on?" You asked, confused.

"That's why I'm here to talk to you. Come on." GF says while patting the spot next to her.

Not understanding, you went and sat next to her. Then as you took another look at the girls around the room, and things were starting to click.

'Oh... oh wait... oh shit is this actually, oh god.' You thought to yourself.

"So, (Y/N), I know this seems out of the blue and last minute, but there has been something I've wanted to talk to you about for some time." She started.

"Would that something be the thing that you wanted to talk about on week 7?"

"... Week 7?"

"... during that battle with Tankman."

"... Yes, but I didn't get the time to say anything about it. You see, I can't help but notice how much trouble you've been getting into even when I'm not around."

"Yeah, that's uh... kinda been a big problem lately."

"Yes, and I'm not gonna be there to help you every time."

"I can take care of myself. It's not a problem."

"You kinda needed some help. Especially to get out of that void thing."

"Okay, fair, but what does this have to do with now?"

"Uh, funny story." Carol says while rubbing her arm. "We know we can do little to help, but... well..." She trailed off.

'That look on her face... oh boy, I know what they're gonna talk about.' You thought to yourself.

"You get the idea. Can you just tell him already?" Pica says.

"Easy, let me go on."

"Can you get away from me?" You say while shoving Monster back.

"Don't be so stingy."

"Okay, you know what, do you guys want me to just skip the script all together?" GF asked.

"Yes." Pica says.

"... B-Beep..." Kaity muttered.

"I mean... sure." Carol says.

"Alright, then." GF pulled out a piece of paper and crumbled it up before tossing it in the garbage.

'She actually wrote a script?' You thought.

"Okay, I'm not gonna drag this out. I'll just be up front with you, okay?" She asked you.

"By all means go ahead."

"Alright." GF says before clearing her throat.

You were prepared for her to ask the thing and in that amount of time, you tried to process something to say. Then you were distracted by your computer screen, for some reason it had started to light up.

"So, again, I'm sorry that this is out of the blue-" GF starts saying before the other girls started to notice the computer screen. "-and this might seem like an out-of-pocket request-" The screen turned to static. "-but I wanted to ask you if..."

She came to a stop before looking at the computer. Everyone seemed caught off guard when it happened and were confused as to why. You got up and squinted your eyes, wondering just what was wrong with it.

"What the hell is that noise?" Whitty says while coming through the door. "Woah, what the hell?"

"Wha? Who the fuck is this?" Pica says in annoyance.

"Oh, right... I forgot to tell you that... uh... Whitty here is living with (Y/N)." GF says.

"Great. What else have you not been telling us?"

"A lot."

"Ya know what, forget it." Whitty says while going up to the computer. "What's wrong with this thing?"

"Uh, I don't think you should get close it." You say while ushering her away from it. "After what happened the past few times."

Then the screen suddenly stops and turned black. You all stared at it for a second before you looked back at the lemonhead in an almost accusatory glare.

"I'm not to blame for this."

"Yeah, your reputation says otherwise." You say to her.

"I can assure you, I'm not the cause of this."

"Oh what, cause it's too tame or something."

"I swear, it was not because of me."

"Oh, really."

The girls watched you argue with the lemonhead for a good minute. That was before Pica noticed the computer starting to create static again. She rose a hand to warn you, but you were too busy arguing. She tried again, only to get annoyingly interrupted.

Then the familiar figure of Sonic appeared on screen.

"For the love of-" She shouted before running up to you. "Get away from that, dumbass!"

She tried to pull you away, only for a gloved hand to reach out of the screen and swipe at her, making her lose her grip, then another appeared and grabbed you by the hoodie and started yanking on you.

"HOLY SHIT!" You shout while yanking back. "Get off me!"

"(Y/N)!" GF yelled while getting up and grabbing you, attempting to pull you back.

Pica, Carol, and Kaity went over and started trying to get the hands to let you go before Whitty joined in. You could see a familiar black nose peak out from the screen and you knew what it was, creating a bone to destroy the computer, only for it to phase into the screen.

With one final yank, everyone was thrown off their feet, losing their grip on you... and giving you one last look at them... before you went through the screen and disappeared from sight.

To be continued...

I have no idea where I was going with this chapter. I was kinda all over the place and... god.

Pinkie: I thought it was fine.

Shut up. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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