Red vs Blue : Mirage

By SILVETfighter

28.8K 989 90

Former mercenary Kyle Rayner has lived a rough life. After retiring from mercenary work he sought to live a n... More

Notice before you read
Season 1: Why are we here?
Red gets a delivery
The Rookies
Head Noob in Charge
The Package is in The Open
1.21 Giga-Whats??
Check out the Treads on that Tank
Don't Ph34r the Reaper
After Church
A Shadow of His Former Self
Knock, Knock. Who's There? Pain
Down, but not Out
Human Peer Bonding
Roomier Than it Looks
How the Other Half Lives
A Slightly Crueler Cruller
Points of Origin
S1 Finale: Last One Out, Hit the Lights
Season 2: Everything Old is New Again
Motion to Adjourn
Red vs Bleu
The Joy of Toggling
Sweet Ride
Last Words
Nobody Likes You
Nine Tenths of the Law
In Stereo Where Available
Radar Love
I Dream of Meanie
Room for Rent
Me, Myself and You
An Audience of Dumb
Aftermath, Before Biology
What's Mine is Yours
Nut. Doonut.
Dealer Incentive
S2 Finale: K.I.T. B.F.F.
Side Story: Horizon Finance Part 1
Horizon Finance Part 2
Horizon Finance Part 3
Horizon Finance Part 4
Horizon Finance Part 5
Horizon Finance Part 6
Horizon Finance Part 7
Horizon Finance Part 8
Horizon Finance Part 9
Horizon Finance Part 10
Horizon Finance Part 11
Horizon Finance Part 12
Horizon Finance Part 13: Finale
S3: The Best Laid Plans
Visiting Old Friends
Let's Get Together
You're the Bomb, Yo
Make Your Time
New Toys
We're Being Watched
It's a Biological Fact
Heavy Metal
Roaming Charges
Silver Linings
Episode 50 Part 2
Have We Met?
Let's Come to Order
Hello, My Name is Andrew
Defusing the Situation
Calm Before the Storm
S3 Finale: The Storm
S4: Familiar Surroundings
Hunting Time
Fight or Fright
Fair Competition
Lost in Triangulation
The Hard Stop
Previous Commitments
Looking for Group
Exploring Our Differences
Setting a High Bar
Getting All Misty
Talk of the Town
Sneaking In
You Keep Using That Word
Getting Debriefed
Under The Weather
Right to Remain Silenced
Things Are Looking Down
Two for One
S4 Finale: The Arrival
S5: You Can't Park Here
Got Your Back
Baby Steps
Sibling Arrivalries
The Grif Reaper
In Memoriam
Strong Male Figure
Yellow Fever
Brass Tacks
The Nesting Theory
The Haystack
Terms and Provisions
Missed Direction
Where Credit is Due
Biting the Hand
Tucker Knows Best
The Wrong Crowd
Same Old, Same Old
Repent, the End Is Near
S5 Finale: Why Were We Here?
Season 6: Reconstruction, Chapter 1
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 2
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 3
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 4
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 5
S6: Reconstruction, Chapter 6

We Must Rebuild

155 6 0
By SILVETfighter

Fade in and pan down to Grif, Simmons, Rayner and Tucker.

Grif: They destroyed it all, Simmons, those damn stupid bastards. They blew it all up! Damn them! Damn them to Hell! Those damn dirty apes!

Simmons: Calm down Grif, we don't know that the whole world is like this.

Grif: Yes it is, they destroyed it all. I guess the society of men just wasn't meant to survive.

Simmons: Hey how 'bout this: how 'bout we explore, more than two square miles, before we jump to any conclusions.

Grif: It was definitely nuclear weapons, that's what did it. And the explosions caused massive power outages which caused the failsafe to fail, which released a super bacteria from a secret lab.

Simmons: Oh come on.

Grif: That caused a huge plague, and as the victims died, they rose from the dead twelve hours later to roam the Earth and feast on human flesh.

Simmons: What?

Grif: A handful of gritty survivors from all walks of life were able to keep the legions of the infected radioactive undead at bay, using only their wits, and an inexplicable comprehension of agricultural science and engineering. Everything was looking good... and that's when the meteor hit.

Simmons: I think you just quoted every crappy Hollywood apocalypse movie ever.

Tucker: Naw. Hollywood doesn't understand apocalypse. They think that just one thing from everyday life goes away and that changes everything. Like in Road Warrior it was gas, and in Waterworld it was land.

Simmons: What went away in The Matrix?

Tucker: Sunlight.

Grif: I thought the missing element was plot.

Tucker: I'm talkin about Matrix One.

Simmons: Oh right.

Rayner: I liked Disconnected.

Tucker: Okay that one was pretty good.

Simmons: Ugh, tell me about it. There's no way I can live in a world without internet.

Grif: Face it Simmons, the age of man is done.

Simmons: If all that happened, then were are the zombies? Why aren't they still around?

Grif: The meteor killed them!

Simmons: And what about the super bacteria?

Grif: It was infected by alien bacteria brought by the meteor, and was wiped out in a massive bacteria on bacteria plague. Very ironic.

Simmons: Okay, then why haven't we been infected by the new alien bacteria?

Grif: It only infects other bacteria. Are you even listening to me?

Rayner: Do you guys ever get anything done, or do you just stand around and talk all day?

Grif: We don't get paid enough to do stuff.

Rayner: Riiiight... (whispering to Tucker) They are totally in love.

Tucker: (whispering back) Told you so. (normal) Anyway, what about Church?

Grif: What about him?

Tucker: How're we gonna find him? Well, at least his ghost.

Simmons: Eh, sounds like his problem.

Grif: Yeah. I mean, why does he even keep coming back? If I were him I'd just pass on so I can just sleep uninterrupted.

Sarge: Simmons, Grif, get yer keesters over here.

Cut to Donut and Caboose standing next to what seems at first glance to be a jeep, but could really be anything in the future day and age.

Caboose: Look what I found.

Donut: I found it!

Caboose: Look at what I took credit for finding.

Sarge: A-mazing that these two actually accomplished something.

Grif: It looks like some kind of an alien transport mechanism that could be used to-

Simmons: Or, it's a jeep.

Grif: You have no imagination.

Sarge: Hmmm, let me see if I can get this thing working.

Simmons: How? There's no parts. And what're you gonna use for fuel?

Sarge: Grif was right, Simmons. You don't have any imagination.

Grif: Thank you sir.

Sarge: Shut up, scumbag, we're not having a moment.

Tucker: Hey. We need to find Church.

Sarge: He's dead, son. Why haven't you given up hope yet and just moved on.

Tucker: It's only been a couple of hours!

Sarge: Well this should make you feel better. When his body blasted in to smithereens, at least he took all our enemies with him.

Cut to a beach, with a sign saying "Danger: No Swimming" with a picture of a shark on it.

Lopez: Peligro. Error. Error. Peligro. Error. Error. No puedo sentir mi cuerpo...[Warning. Error. Error. Warning. Error. Error. I cannot feel my body...] (as if winding down)

O'Malley: (evil laugh) Don't worry, my metallic friend. You'll be up and about in no time. Muhahahaha. Muhhh-hahaha-heh. U-ha! Haw. Ha-ha. Uhngh. (cough) Hah!

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