Into the Multiverse (DC Super...

By AlecAmmerata

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After the events that have taken place in the Spiderverse trilogy, (Only 2 movies released, will update once... More

Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Intro and Scenes 1-5)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 6-8)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scene 9)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 10-12)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 13 - 18 & End Scene)
Question and some notes about future episodes
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Intro Scene & Scenes 1-4)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 5-8)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 9-11)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 12-13)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scene 14)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 15-17 & Ending Scene)
Update on Future Episodes
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Intro Scene)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 1-4)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 5-7)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 8 & 9)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 10)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 11)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 13 -16)
Episode 3: The Truth About (Scene 17)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 18-21)
Notes about this episode and the next episode
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Intro Scenes & Scenes 1-5)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 6 & 7)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 8 - 10)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 11 &12)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scene 13)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 14 & 15)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 16 - 18)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 19 & 20)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 21 - 23 & Ending Scene)
Notes about Episode 4 and the next episode
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Intro Scene)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Miles & Jessica)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Kara & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Oliver & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Zee & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Garth & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Halfway point)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Diana & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Barry & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Babs & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Hal & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Karen & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Scenes 22 - 25)
Breaking Point

Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 12)

30 1 0
By AlecAmmerata

Scene 12

At the Burrito Bucket, Babs is working the front register, taking orders. Mr. O'Shaughnessy calls in Babs. She walks into his office.

"Is this bad news Mr. O'Shaughnessy?" she asks. He replied by saying Sit down Gordon. She looks like fear. "There's nothing to worry about Barbara," he said. "This is good news, well, for you at least, but bad for me. Our place is going to be closing for a week. Our shipments of the food we get are not going to be here for a while. We're running a little low on supplies for our burritos right now. You won't be out of the job, however, even though I want to fire you. But instead, I'm giving you this week and potentially next week off."

Babs liked the idea of not coming to work. "Well, Mr. O'Shaughnessy, just call me and let me know when we will be open again," Babs said. Mr. O'Shaughnessy replied, "I'll let you know about when we are open again, Barbara. But for today, you'll be getting off once the meat is done. There's only about a quarter of it left, I believe." She thanked him and returned to her station.

When she gets back, she sees her best friend Harleen at the front. "Hi Babsy," Harleen had said. Babs says, "Leanie-Bean? It's such a great surprise to see you here, Bestie!!!" Harleen smiles. "How's today been for ya, Babs?" she asks. "It's been good for me right now. Mr. O'Shaughnessy just gave me a week off because of some problem. Shouldn't go into the detail on what happened," she said. "If you're not doing anything tonight, my friends and I are heading to the Boardwalk tonight. We're taking our new friend, Miles."

Harleen questions about Miles. Babs tells her he's the new kid in school and Harleen is interested in him. "How long have you known Miles for?" Harleen asks. Babs replied with only a few days. Harleen then says that she'll join her on the boardwalk later on after she's done with her schoolwork. She came in also to get one burrito for today since she had nothing at home to eat. Babs rings her up and gets what she needs.

As Harleen walks out with her food, Babs wonders if having Harleen come along would be a great idea. Babs's friends weren't too keen on Harleen. But inviting Harleen couldn't hurt. Karen walks in. "Hey Babs. Got your text," she said. "Can't wait for tonight. Does everyone else know about our plans?" Babs responds by saying yes.

Babs asks how Karen got here, and she tells her that Jessica drove her and Diana over. They're outside right now waiting for Zee and Miles to get here. We transition over to Jessica and Diana outside Burrito Bucket, waiting on Miles and Zee.

"Zee was taking Miles back to her place today," Jessica told Diana. "She seemed like she needed help with controlling her magic. I wonder if Miles knows about her mother." Diana gives Jessica a look of skepticism. "I wouldn't believe that Zee would tell Miles about her family," Diana said. "She'd probably only tell Miles about her father."

Jessica spots both Miles and Zee. She's surprised to see that Zee has her arm wrapped around Miles's arm. She seemed happy. Miles spots Jessica and Diana. He gives them a friendly wave. They wave back.

"Wow, Zee, I guess Miles must've helped out with controlling your powers," Jessica said. Zee speaks. "Well, there was more of a moment for today, but I think he figured out the problem." Jessica raises one eyebrow. "What exactly happened?" she asks.

Zee tells them about the birthday incident, her mother, and the dark magic. She told them how Miles asked about her mother, and he came up with the idea that emotions are what keep her from using her magic. She also told them how Miles had a similar incident with losing control of his power. This gave Jessica quite a shock.

Miles tells Jessica that he did something stupid. Since he met her father, he has been curious about her mother. He did tell Jessica that Zee didn't have to go into details about what happened, since she was upset, but she told him anyway. "At least you didn't pressure Zee into telling you this, Miles," Diana said. "I'm guessing that Zee was willing to open up to you about her mother. She's never wanted to open up about this to anyone. We'd all agreed to keep it secret because it wasn't a pleasant memory for any of us."

Miles thought about what Diana had said. He should've thought about opening up to his friends about everything that happened to him. With what happened at Spider Society, learning that he was an anomaly, and Earth 42. He wasn't sure if he was ready yet. After that thinking, Babs and Karen come out of the Burrito Bucket. "Hey, girls. Hey, Miles," Babs said. "Are we all ready for a fun night out?" Everyone said yes in agreement.

They walk straight to the boardwalk from Burrito Bucket and get ready for a fun night out. Babs was telling everyone how she got a week off from the Burrito Bucket and how excited she was. While walking to the Boardwalk, Miles, though, was continuing to think about what Diana had said.

Cut to Black

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