Into the Multiverse (DC Super...

By AlecAmmerata

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After the events that have taken place in the Spiderverse trilogy, (Only 2 movies released, will update once... More

Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Intro and Scenes 1-5)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 6-8)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scene 9)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 10-12)
Episode 1: An Unknown Universe (Scenes 13 - 18 & End Scene)
Question and some notes about future episodes
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Intro Scene & Scenes 1-4)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 5-8)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 9-11)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 12-13)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scene 14)
Episode 2: Blending into a New Universe (Scenes 15-17 & Ending Scene)
Update on Future Episodes
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Intro Scene)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 1-4)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 5-7)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 8 & 9)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 11)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 12)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 13 -16)
Episode 3: The Truth About (Scene 17)
Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scenes 18-21)
Notes about this episode and the next episode
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Intro Scenes & Scenes 1-5)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 6 & 7)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 8 - 10)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 11 &12)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scene 13)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 14 & 15)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 16 - 18)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 19 & 20)
Episode 4: My Friend, Hal (Scenes 21 - 23 & Ending Scene)
Notes about Episode 4 and the next episode
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Intro Scene)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Miles & Jessica)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Kara & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Oliver & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Zee & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Garth & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Halfway point)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Diana & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Barry & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Babs & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Hal & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Karen & Miles)
Episode 5: An Hour with Everyone (Scenes 22 - 25)
Breaking Point

Episode 3: The Truth About Me (Scene 10)

39 1 0
By AlecAmmerata

Scene 10

It has been 2 days since the girls found out Miles was Spider-Man and that he's from another universe. Miles has made more friends here since. We see Miles hanging out with his best bud Hal.

"Say, Hal, you up for doing something either later tonight or tomorrow?" Miles asked. Hal responded by saying he couldn't tonight or tomorrow. Since he's got basketball practice for today, he's going to be busy. But he also responded by saying he would like to spend time with him on Sunday. Miles smiled at the idea. He looked up to Hal as a brother. Hal helped Miles get adjusted to this school life ever since he got here. But Miles knew that he was a superhero like him. He thought to himself, "Would that jeopardize our friendship if I told him?"

Hal looks at the time and realizes he's late for practice. "Is that the time? Oh boy. I'm running late," Hal said. He ran off waving to Miles. They waved each other goodbye, and Hal dashed to the gymnasium. As Miles watches Hal, he realizes how lucky he is to have met Hal. Miles thought to himself that he should've convinced the coach to join the Basketball team, but he knew he would get home eventually, so he didn't. But if he wanted to, he could've.

As Miles waved goodbye, his senses started to tingle. Was there danger coming? Or was it something else? What he didn't know was that Jessica was spying on Miles and Hal. He turned around, and she quickly hid behind a wall. Miles walks closer to where Jessica is. She thought she was in the clear, but when she reappeared from the wall, Miles was right in front of her. "Jessica?" he said. She jumped in panic and dropped all of her books. Miles panicked a bit. He composed himself and said, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. My senses were telling me something was up, but I wasn't sure if it was danger or not."

He offered his hand to help her up. "Here, let me help you out," he said. Jessica grabs his hand, and Miles pulls her up. He also goes to get Jessica's books. "That's ok Miles," she said. "I probably shouldn't have been spying on you and Hal."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why were you spying on us?" he asked. Jessica wasn't sure how to respond to him. "Well," she said stammering. "I've noticed that you and Hal have been getting along very well with each other, and I wanted to make sure everything was alright with you."This put a smile on Miles, knowing that he had people who cared for him. "That's nice of you, Jessica," he said. "But you don't have to spy on me. I'm doing fine. Thanks." Jessica smiles at him. "It's actually Hal I tend to worry about," Jessica said. "He can have a hard time with making friends."

Miles understood this. "Well, he doesn't seem to have a hard time with me," Miles said. "He's a real nice guy, and we have a lot in common with each other." Jessica puts on a soft smile after she hears this. "That's nice to know," Jessica said. Miles then asks if she would like to walk with him. She agrees to walk with him. As they walked, they struck up a conversation. Miles was explaining to her that he was going over to Zee's place after school. She wants his help in controlling her powers. "Seems as if Zee trusts you, Miles," she said. "If she wants your help with controlling her abilities, then she must trust you." Both agreed to this.

Jessica asks if she told Hal he was Spider-Man. "I was debating on that," he said. "But then I thought, 'If I told him, I would ruin our friendship.' Sometimes being Spider-Man isn't easy, Jess." She understood his point. She did tell him that he's going to have to tell Hal at some point, and who knows what could happen to your friendship. Jessica made a point to Miles, and he made sure to keep that in mind.

"But don't forget the promise you made to me," she said. Miles wouldn't forget what she told him on that day. Babs walks up to them and says hello. "Hey Babs," Miles said. She said Zee had been looking for Miles at the front of the school. "I was with Hal at the time," Miles said. "I'd better go meet her."

As they all walk together, Miles is asking Babs and Jessica about Kara, and what her deal was the other night. "Honestly, I have no idea," Babs said. "She could be trying to get you to stay in our universe for a while, or she's probably jealous of you. Not sure which." Jessica was telling Miles that she can be complicated at times, but this was completely complicated. They haven't been talking to her ever since that incident.

"Guess she's not herself right now," Jessica said. "Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it, Miles. Maybe she'll apologize for what she did at some point." Miles agreed with Jessica's idea. As they continued to walk, Babs got a call from her boss. She picks up, and he says she needs to be here for at least 2 hours. "Oh, yes Mr. O'Shaughnessy. I'll be right in," she said. She hangs up and tells Miles and Jessica that she needs to go to work. "If I get done sooner, would you guys be interested in hanging out tonight? Babs asks. Miles agreed he'd hang out tonight, as well as Jessica. "Cool," Babs said. "I'll let you guys know when I get out of work." They wave each other goodbye and part ways.

While continuing to the front, Miles asks Jessica about her powers. She shows him her ring and tells him the ring is what gives her her powers. "That's so cool," he tells her. Jessica's mood changes. "The only thing is, Miles, as I have told you before, the people who were given this ring have to be worthy of it," she said. "And sometimes, I feel like I'm never worthy of this ring. Hal was more worthy of his ring than I am. I just sometimes have doubts about if I'm worthy."

Miles comforts her. "Hey, there's no need to act that way, Jess," he tells her. "If it makes you feel any better, sometimes I felt as if I was worthy of my abilities. Before learning more about it, I was having doubts." She perks up. "But over time, I've learned to accept them," he said. "I think you're worthy to wear this ring. You just need to believe in yourself, and you will do great things."

This makes Jessica's mood change. She also begins to blush a little. "Thanks, Miles," she said. "If I keep believing, then I know I am worthy of this ring." Jessica thanks Miles for his support. They get to the front of the school. Zee is waiting on the steps. Miles walks up to her. "Sorry to keep you waiting," he said. Zee looks up to see Miles and Jessica. He offers his hand to help her up. "That's alright, Miles," she said as she was being pulled up. "You ready to go?" she asks him. He shakes his head yes.

Miles waves goodbye to Jessica and she waves goodbye back. They part their separate ways. Over in the distance, we see Kara overlooking Miles, Jessica, and Zee. She starts to wonder to herself if what she did was wrong. Her adoptive parents show up, she gets in the car, and they drive away.

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