Lone Star

By rikugalaxii

1.8K 225 339

Independence, that's all you need, right? Wrong. Texas has been thinking about going away to be independent f... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 22

22 1 4
By rikugalaxii

[ before we start, i recommend taking a listen to the song above. seriously its gokuraku. anyways enjoy- oh and i almost forgot. this chapter contains mentions of suicide, murder, and other disturbing topics that may occur for the rest of the book. if you are sensitive to the things, don't read since the story for you ends here. see you in a/n! anyways if not, enjoy the chapter ^^]

The sun rose as UN was taking notes in the other room. What happened that past night must have scarred them, it was really the worst thing they have ever seen. They knew Rikulandia had to be punished in some way. As they put their notes away, they knocked on the door, slowly opening it.

"Still sleeping? That's okay.." They whispered, closing the door quietly. It was still early morning, but they were confused about why Texas wasn't waking up. A thought suddenly came to their mind,

Was he dead?

Absolutely not, he should be completely fine. It didn't do that much harm, did it? They stopped overthinking as they kept on scheduling and cancelling meetings, hoping something would happen soon. One thing they wanted to make sure they were never going to do was tell everyone at an upcoming meeting.

Eventually, UN checked in again and saw that Texas was doing okay. They felt worried as they looked at their notes again.

"Are you doing okay?" UN asked softly as they opened the door a bit more.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just some bruises." Texas replied, still recovering.

"Oh well then, we will keep an eye on you during these trying times. Please feel better for me, and your family." UN said, closing the door carefully.

As they went back to taking notes, the phone started ringing. They went all the way down the hall and decided to answer before anyone else could.

"Hello, UN services."
"Wait, why the fuck are you here?"
"Oh America.. What did you need from me?"
"I was wondering when Texas was gonna come back."
"I have not really decided yet, but we think it's best to keep him for around two or three weeks."
"Alrighty, thank you. Really all I wanted."
"No problem!"
"Oh, and one more thing. Can Florida come?"
"Of course!"

UN hang up and walked outside to wait for a bit. It looked like as if nothing had happened the other night. It looked like the whole incident had never happened in the first place. As they turned on the electric sign on the side of the ceremony place,  they noticed someone was there, walking in. As they rushed inside, they tried to seem welcoming.

"Hello! How may I help?"

"Uh yeah.. Texas is still here, right?" America asked, worried.

"Yeah.. anyways why would you need him at this hour of the day??"

"Flori wanted to visit him, so can he?" America tapped his foot impatiently.

"Oh, of course, right down the hall to your right."


As America walked down the hall with Florida, UN noticed how suddenly quiet it was. The hospital was definitely not busy at all. It was the nearest one found and they could manage. As the quietness continued to linger around the building, they kept doing their usual planning, as always.

Meanwhile, after tons of walking, America found the room Texas had to be in. He put the keycard in and opened the door. Florida started to be really excited as he ran into the room. He wasn't as cheerful as he usually was this time.

"Texity, are you still not okay???" Florida asked in shock.

"I'm fine, they stopped me from bleeding, it's okay."

"Dela misses you, he wants you back so dang bad!" Florida started to think of something. "Just tell me everything that happened at that verifying thingy.."

"Okay then, I will.." Texas really tried to remember everything that happened. "Well, let's just say there were some fights and other things.."

"Tell me everything, you silly!!"

"Okay, okay.. Rikulandia tried to murder someone and Mimirm almost committed-"

"Wait, stop right there. Committed as in it's your fault you died?"

"Kind of, nobody witnessed it, but Pole told me."

"I would really like to meet them one day!!"

UN walked in and started to smile. They put a visitor tag on the door and closed it slightly. America looked behind him as he saw them walk away farther away from the room.

"Flori, I think that's enough." America said as he took the visitor tag off the door and threw it away. "Come on now, let's go. Your brother needs time to rest for now."

"Okay.. bye bye Texity!"

"See ya."

As Florida and America walked out of the room together, Texas closed the blinds of the nearby window and went back to sleep. It was going to be a long day, so the only thing to do to pass the time was sleep.


UN walked outside as things kept going as normal. They flew to the verification place and started to clean up a bit.

As they turned on some calm music, they started to clean up for the next visitors to become independent. It may take months or even years, but of course, they still had to do something about it. They took all the unclaimed stuff and set it up neatly in a pile for someone to claim eventually.

As they kept cleaning up and preparing, the phone rang, and they went straight to answering.

"Hello, UN services."

There was no response.

"Uhm.. is anyone there?
"Oh yeah sorry. It's me, D.C."
"Oh hello there! Long time no see, or talk, I should say.
"Yes, so it turns out to me that Texas got in a really bad accident the other day and he's healing as we speak?"
"Yeah, we decided to keep him in for another week or two."
"I'm happy for that."

They went to the nearby couch and sat down, setting all the equipment beside it.

"A lot of crazy things have happened, haven't they, UN?"
"Yes, I can agree with you on that."
"Good, good. Really wanted to help Texas, but I just had to follow the rules and go."
"I know you wanted to help him. You're a capital, D.C. it's what you're meant to do."
"I know, but none of this would have happened if I was there."

UN sighed and stared to say something.

"Well, I'll talk to you later?"

D.C. didn't say anything for a moment, until they started to speak up again.


"Just praying for his recovery."

1097 words.
what an emotional chapter.. but wait!
this is not the end! i've been counting, and
there's only around 7 chapters left after chapter 23,
meaning this story will end soon!

i hope you enjoyed (or maybe not) this chapter and yeah.
see you when i update just because!!

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