Lord Of Time

By Hadrian_101

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Harry Potter is the Master of Death and Lord of Time through his joining of the three Hallows together. Durin... More



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By Hadrian_101

Chapter 40

"What are you up to?" Hadrian asked Tom, his green eyes piercing and filled with suspicion as he entered the dorms; Tom had parchment rolled up all over the bed.

It wasn't normal parchment but magically copied text from books (it was impossible to copy the entire book but pages could be copied like a scanner), presumably from the libraryand there would be only one reason Tom wouldn't check the book that is if he was up to something, so his instincts were right.

"What makes you think I'm up to anything?" Tom enquired his gaze innocent and confused.

"Really?" Hadrian smirked, damn he was really good, if he hadn't known Tom as well as he did he was sure he would have fallen for it hook line and sinker. He sat himself comfortably at the end of Tom's bed, leaning against one of the oak posters, "Is that how you're going to play it?"

"Yes," Tom replied, his face becoming blank.

"Then you don't trust me," Hadrian stated, somewhat disappointed.

Tom chuckled darkly, "That won't work with me." he replied his tone filled with genuine amusement, he was the master of playing others like a fiddle, he knew all the rules in the book, Hadrian would never get one over him. Although he had to admit it was amusing to see him try.

"Believe it or not, Tom, I wasn't being manipulative," Hadrian admitted, "I had thought after all this time and everything we've shared that you would be able to trust me with anything.

"Thing's are different, changing from what I know, but not that much, I would have greatly liked to have given you my own opinion or suggestion whether it was used or not I wouldn't have minded."

"And what exactly do you think I'm up to?" Tom asked challengingly, not truly expecting Hadrian to know.

"There's only two things I can really think of," Hadrian shrugged, absently summoning his box of chocolates and raking through to find something, passing over Tom's favourite dark chocolate from Honeydukes, their own make as he did so.

He began chewing on a sugar quill that tasted like strawberry this time, the sugar crumbled in his mouth, as he ate it.

"Which are?" Tom asked impatiently, really curious himself to see if Hadrian's suspicions were anywhere near the truth of what he was doing - which he seriously doubted.

"First but least likely, something to do with the chamber and using the basilisk," Hadrian replied, "Or second but most likely, something to do with killing your relatives."

Tom had to clench his jaw to stop it from unhinging, which he would never allow to happen he had more decorum than that. How could he possibly know that?

He hadn't planned on it being known that he did it, and he would never tell anyone he wasn't stupid enough to do something like that. He had planned to release the basilisk but his plans had changedhe felt very naked next to Hadrian who seemed to know so much about him.

"I can see I'm right," Hadrian pointed out without smugness, "I can also tell you why you're doing it as well."

Tom's nose twitched as he picked up the bar of chocolate, despite the fact he should be furious and confused as to how Hadrian knew so much, since he was sure he would never be caught, he'd never allow himself to do something so insipid like that.

He also felt a sense of pride and smugness, despite everything he knew Hadrian still chose him, well mostly, since it wasn't beyond him that Hadrian had not answered his question that day. He wouldn't give up though; he would bond to Hadrian no matter what it took.

He should be used to it really, but this was the first real instance where Hadrian had guessed what he was doing apposed to him being told what he would do in future. "Go ahead," Tom replied, it was just curiosity now and maybe mixed in with acknowledgement that Hadrian would be right, there was little doubt about it.

"Why we both know I'm right? And this really isn't the place to talk about it, anyone could overhear," Harry pointed out, after chewing the end of his sugar quill, he picked up a second one and bit into it, this one was lime, Harry always thought they should be coloured but they never were, they were all just like Hedwig's feathers, pure white despite whatever flavour they were.

"Silencio," Tom muttered his finger twitching but other than that he didn't need to make any other move to silence their dorm room. He also pointed towards the door and locked it with a simple "Claustra," the door clicked locked tightly, and depending on the amount of magic he'd put into it, whoever tried to open the door may not successfully be able to.

"Probatio!" Hadrian cast, waving his wand, just because he could use magic without a wand, didn't mean he had to. He would prefer to use it only when he must - if a situation arise when he didn't have access to his wand.

He noticed Tom watching intently, both to his wand movements and the spell itself. He wasn't sure whether he was disappointed or not by the lack of any spying charms, maybe Dumbledore wasn't desperate yet. Then again Tom hadn't truly shown all his cards yet.

"I am not familiar with that spell," Tom informed him with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Because it hasn't been invented yet," Hadrian shrugged, "It reveals any spying devices, even including Animagus' that might be in the vicinity." And yes he was rather proud of it.

"Paranoid much?" Tom teased him, but he had an approving look on his face.

"Damn right," Hadrian replied wryly, "With good reason." He'd been spied on too many times to count, he would be literally revealing all those times way into the night if he began to reveal all those times.

"Anyway, my suggestion? Kill two birds with one stone, it will prevent any suspicion falling on you and believe me Dumbledore will know when they turn up dead." Hadrian informed him, closing the box and floating it back over to his trunk, he'd had two large sugar quills and his mouth felt like sandpaper.

Tom scowled, "He has always distrusted me," still suspicion wasn't exactly enough to have anyone arrested.

"I've always wondered why he never told you about your uncle being alive; I mean honestly, it seems as if the whole Parseltongue incident seemed to have made Dumbledore irrational when it comes to you.

"I really don't get it, and the prejudice isn't so bad in this time either. You've looked up all information regarding the Gaunt's right? Has there been any incident in the past with a Dumbledore and Gaunt? Or even a woman called Kendra?"

"I would definitely have noticed any confrontation between any Gaunt and Dumbledore," Tom shook his head nixing the idea immediately.

"True," Hadrian conceded thoughtfully, "Anyway, your uncle and father have been at odds for years, way before you were even born. It wouldn't be hard to use the imperious curse and get them to kill each other,"

"A muggle wouldn't get the best of a wizard," Tom sneered at the very idea.

"Are you forgetting so readily what the war is like? What their weapons are like?" Hadrian pointed out shuddering a little himself. "They are capable, do not underestimate them.

"Your father is really rich, and while the Gaunt's have nothing of value they have land, if you could get your hands on the Riddle inheritance the entire town would be yours to do as you wished. You don't even need to like it or even want to move there.

"I know how convincing you can be, you'd have your grandparents eating out of the palm of your hand. They're really old now and probably don't have long left either."

"And you believe Dumbledore won't suspect that?" Tom asked dryly.

"It's less suspicious than what you plan to do," Harry snorted in amusement. "While the Muggles won't know what happened, Dumbledore gets the muggle newspapers, and it will stick out like a sore thumb. Not that it matters if you keep Morfin alive he'll uncover the real memories." and do absolutely nothing about it.

"And what were those real memories?" Tom asked his eyes narrowed.

"You went to visit your uncle, that's when you found out your father was a Muggle and you lost your temper. You went to Riddle Mansion to confront him I assume since I didn't actually see anything other than yours and Morfin's confrontation.

"You killed all three of them then modified Morfin's memories so when they Auror's came calling he confessed and spent the rest of his life in Azkaban prison." Hadrian told him honestly, "Some time during that period, Dumbledore went to Azkaban and got what really happened out of him. Do not use memory charms, they're too unreliable."

"You realize that this is the first time you've revealed anything without me having to squeeze it out of you?" Tom told him curiously, wondering what had caused it.

Was Hadrian trying to protect him and make him go down a different route? Why wasn't he trying to stop him? "Why aren't you telling me it's a bad idea?" Honestly, he didn't think he'd ever understand Hadrian fully.

Hadrian laughed until his stomach began to hurt, "Oh, you were serious," he said as he calmed down, "There's nothing I could say or do that would have you sparing them Tom. In fact I've probably increased your desire to make them pay."

How Morfin had treated his sister, how his father had left, how he had denied his existence when the orphanage got in touch, and there is no doubt Tom felt something for his mother now, even just a little.

"You've been there, you can Apparate us," Tom stated, it would be much easier than getting the bus. It would require less time as well.

"I could," Hadrian replied, blinking in surprise, he hadn't expected those words out of Tom's mouth; he actually wanted him to go?

"Then we go tomorrow," Tom declared.

"It's your birthday tomorrow," Hadrian pointed out.

"Exactly, very easy to sneak out during the party and come back no one the wiser." Tom replied smugly.

"Party? You actually want a party?" Hadrian blurted out surprised.

Tom just stared, they partied whether it was his birthday or not, it was New Year's Eve.

"Alright," Hadrian agreed, nodding, tomorrow it was then. Why wasn't he protesting? Had he truly resigned himself to the fact he knew he couldn't save them? Death had told him as much, maybe it was because he didn't know them, and he didn't feel a connection to them?

He knew what it was like to want revenge and not be able to get it, that was also another reason. "I'm going to get the others and go flying, I'll see you later." he knew better than to ask if he wanted to come, Tom hated Quidditch and wouldn't be seen flying on a broomstick. Before he was even out of the room, Tom had his face buried in his notes he'd taken, scribbling away.

New Years Eve

Tom and Hadrian had waited until everyone was blind drunk before claiming they were retiring for the night. Making a show of going up the stairs, despite the various protests.

Avery was already in bed, he wasn't allowed to attend any social functions, he had literally shot his own foot by messing with Hadrian the way he did. Tom crept closer and cast a sleeping spell to ensure Avery remained asleep, since his conversation with Hadrian yesterday, he was determined to be doubly cautious when it came to his plans from here on in.

Since neither of them had drunk so much as a glass of Butterbeer, both were as sober as one could be. Hadrian grabbed his invisibility cloak and at the same time Tom cast a spell to disillusion himself.

They couldn't both go under the cloak, it would be impossible, nearly all the Slytherin's had been there at one point, the first through third had already retired to bed at the Prefects demands, a small portion of the upper years chose to retire on their own or were currently emptying the contents of their stomach in the toilets.

Judging by the stink they could smell he would guess a lot of them had missed and or passed out in it.

"Ready?" Hadrian commented quietly.

"Yes," the disembodied voice replied.

Opening the door just enough so that he and Tom could get out, they began to make their way back down. Thankfully nobody had chosen that moment to go back to the dorm or toilets.

They swiftly made their way down the stairs, any noise their feet made muffled by the loudness of the music and voices echoing all around the common room. It was getting from the stairs to the portrait that was going to be the hard part.

So without time to waste, both of them made their way across, bumping into each other, neither could see the other but they were just glad they weren't bumping into the others. It had been a sight to see, or was a sight to see all of them letting loose and having fun, none of their pureblood decorum was anywhere to be seen.

"Anyone up for a fire whiskey?" Carrow challenged, the bottle dangling from his hand.

That had everyone crowding around the fireplace, leaving Harry and Tom free and clear - they didn't hesitate for a second they ran the rest of the way to the door and slid outside. "Does he know?" Hadrian whispered.

"No, but I did give it to him before I left," Tom said smugly.

With that they both walked out of the dungeons and to the main entrance of Hogwarts only to be met with resistance.

"It seems our plans are ruined," Tom stated staring at the locked door in irritation.

"Hardly," Hadrian replied, an idea already forming. "Get under the cloak, I can't guide you otherwise."

Feeling Tom bump into him, he successfully managed to get the cloak around both of them, as always Tom grabbed the back of his cloak as he was prone to doing.

He made his way to the one eyed witch hump, tapping the stone and uttering 'Dissendium' and grinning when it opened. He slid through, moving so Tom had enough room to stand beside him. Once they were both in and the secret entrance once again closed, he removed his cloak.

"We're safe now," Hadrian said. Tom then reappeared having removed the spell from his person.

Hadrian guided them both through the secret entrance, he could do it blindfolded, and he knew the area well. He began to slow down five minutes later when the passageway began to get smaller.

He pressed up into the stone, grunting in strain, there must be something on top of ithissing in frustration he put all his strength into it and it finally moved, Hadrian quickly shoved whatever it was away and slid the stone along the floor sighing in relief, his arms were shaking but he felt nothing but a sense of accomplishment.

Peering through the hole, he found it was an extremely large box of chocolates. It had been a hell of a weight; he wouldn't be surprised if there was a dead body in there not chocolate he thought wryly. Climbing through he righted the box and had all the chocolates floating back into place with a single flick of his wand.

"Where are we?" Tom asked as he came through the opening as well.

"Honeydukes," Hadrian explained, "We'll be safe to Apparate out, and it's those that coming in that get deflected off the wards." Hadrian placed his right hand on Tom's shoulder before memorising where he wanted to go, focusing solely on the area he had been Portkey'd to during the third task, the mansion might be different so he didn't want to accidentally Apparate them somewhere else.

The landscape was extremely different from his time, so he could only hope he got it right. With that in mind he gathered his magic and Apparated them - without a wand. When you first learned you needed a wand to Apparate and Disapparate but Hadrian wasn't a newbie to magic.

Hadrian stared at Little Hangleton; the mansion was breathtaking, so different from what he remembered. Extremely well kept, he could hear horses neighing in the distance, probably due to the fireworks, (why the hell were they letting of fireworks during a war?), that were exploding colourfully in the night sky.

Moving forward, he stared down at the grass, this was where Tom's father would be buried, where he had been held captive while 'Voldemort' was resurrected. What if he couldn't stop it? What if Tom still became Voldemort?

It wasn't fear for the future but him, he cared very deeply for him, for Tom, in the past year he had grown attached, but he could never continue to love Tom if he traded his soul for a cheap imitation of immortality, and become insane, short tempered and someone truly fearsome.

He would never let Tom treat him how he treated the Death Eaters, and if he severed his soul so many times, then he knew it would only be a matter of time before it did happen. He wouldn't stay, and in the end it would result in a fight, a fight between him and Tomwhat if the prophecy could never be ignored? No, Harry thought viscously straightening up proudly.

He was Hadrian Peverell, used to be Harry James Potter, he had defied death so many times, he was the Master of Death, immortal, time meant nothing to him, if it didn't work out then he could do it all over again.

He would never let Tom destroy his soul, his mind, his sanity for anything. He had the whole world in his hands, it was his to do as he pleased and he finally understood what Death had been subtly telling him for over a year - he was just ready to accept it now. And wasn't that just Harry's way? Accepting anything if it helped someone he cared for.

Tom watched Hadrian penetratingly, he was completely frozen on the spot, the only reason he could see that happening is if he was overwhelmed, and to be overwhelmed then he must have some sort of memories of this place, which of course he knew Hadrian did.

The question was why, had Dumbledore brought him here? Or was it just the one memory? But that made no sense to him, since Harry had spoken about the memory just yesterday with him without freezing.

Then just like that Hadrian came out of it, determination radiating from him, if his sudden clenched jaw and posture was anything to go on. What could he say; he was very good at reading people, even Hadrian although it wasn't all the time with him.

"Let's go." Hadrian said abruptly, throwing his cloak over himself, they didn't want to be seen, not that it was possible at this time of night, but the mansion did have some light peering through. He held one side of the cloak up for Tom to get under; it was much easier to go together than both invisible trying to get up there on their own.

They had to take their time making their way through the graveyard, since the area was completely in the dark. The light showing through the mansion (despite the fact there was a damn war going on and they shouldn't have any light showing through) not that it would affect them, since they had money to blow away if they were ever fined for it no doubt, was the only thing leading their way forward.

Stepping through the gates, Harry heard faint whistling, glancing towards the area where he'd heard the noise, he realized it was a kettle; it must be the outhouse that Frank Bryce stayed in.

Frank had served in the service during the war, this war to be specific, he had been injured badly, his leg, which had affected him right up until he died. He wondered if it was a different caretaker and gardener in there, but it wasn't why he was here.

Moving forward, all this darkness was depressing, the darkest period in Muggle history still had two more years to go before it would end.

Tom took the lead once they were at the large oak door, which was unsurprisingly locked, but not for long, nothing was locked or safe when it came to wizards or witches.

They only opened it enough to fit through before closing and locking it again. The house was lit up like the fireworks earlier, each room was brightly lit from what Hadrian could see, and the chandelier was beautiful Hadrian had to admit.

Using a spell to determine how many people were in the house, it came back with just two, both he and Tom. Sighing in relief, he removed the cloak from both of them noticing the odd look on Tom's face.

"Are you alright?" Hadrian whispered quietly, as he moved into the living room, there was a Winchester rifle in a case at the top of the fireplace. The family was rich; they probably hunted animals for sport, which means they probably had other guns on the property, which would be an ideal weapon of choice.

"I could have grown up here," Tom stated his voice dark and dangerous; he was furious and hurt even though he'd never admit it - not even to himself.

"I know," Hadrian replied, and that's probably what set Tom off completely when he confronted his father in what should have been a year's time. Thankfully this time he'd had ample time to deal with the fact his father was rich, and could have raised him that way too. "He'll probably have the second biggest bedroom," he mused, the parents would have the Master bedroom obviously.

Tom nodded curtly, turning swiftly, he made his way up the stairs, they were obviously out celebrating New Year, and thankfully it was near enough midnight so hopefully they wouldn't need to wait too long. They hadn't planned for this; it was the middle of war, why would anyone be celebrating?

"Well it certainly looks like it has only one person staying in this room," Hadrian commented after Tom opened the door, quickly glancing in the cupboards just to be on the safe side. He was serious about not wanting to use the Obliviation spell, it could be undone.

"Definitely." he determined, it was Tom's fathers room. The bedrooms light had been on as well, did they just not care that their carelessness could have killed not only them but everyone in the vicinity in little Hangleton. Not that it would happen of course, since the town was still standing in future.

Tom absolutely refused to touch anything in the room, so instead transfigured a chair and smoothly sat down each move looking as if it had been carefully calculated for weeks. His aristocratic features showed none of his turmoil as he gazed at the door as if somehow willing for this to be over.

Hadrian snorted in amusement, only Tom would conjure up a damn throne to sit on. "Comfortable?" Hadrian asked smirking a little. "I hope you're not expecting me to sit at your feet."

"That is a very good idea," Tom replied, glancing at Hadrian with a heated look on his face.

"In your dreams," Hadrian chortled, shaking his head, he did wonder about one thing, whenever he saw 'Voldemort' he never had shoes on, but Tom always did, was it something he developed after creating Horcruxes?

His resurrection? Or just something he came to prefer later in life? Grunting as he was grabbed by the arm and plonked down on Tom's chair, his arm wrapped around his midsection tightly.

"Is that so?" Tom asked, seductively.

"Seriously?" Hadrian muttered he was turned on by this? Or was it the prospect of revenge? Knowing Tom it was probably a combination of both.

He couldn't help but shiver in delight as Tom's fingers crept up his stomach, as his breath ghosted his neck. "They could be back any second." Damn it he wasn't about to have sex with Tom here of all places, and bloody hell, how was he so good at making him squirm?

"And?" Tom asked his tone low, the feel of Hadrian all over him was very heady, and it grounded his anger, the anger he really wanted to let loose on all the remaining Riddles, yet Hadrian's plan had set something off in his mind.

The Gaunt and Riddle property and land being his, privacy, prestige and money was what it screamed to him.

"And I'm not going to be found in a comprising position here of all places!" Hadrian protested, a half squeak half moan leaving his mouth as Tom twisted his nipple until it was a hard sensitive nub.

He managed to get to his feet and turn around, thinking of the most disgusting things he could, as he rubbed at himself unconsciously trying to get rid the sexual tension stirring in his body and only making it worse. Tom just chuckled at him as he watched in amusement black eyes gleaming possessively.

"It's not funny," Hadrian stated, a trickle of a whine leaving his voice but barely discernable. Biting his tongue as Tom's hands raised his t-shirt and stroked his sides, urging him forward but without any force, giving him a choice this time.

The look on Tom's face made Hadrian unable to deny him, he had never had anyone look at him that way, he caved and Tom positively radiated smugness out of every pore.

"With that look, I'm half tempted to get back up," Hadrian said, now straddling Tom at his words Tom's fingers pressed him closer, not that he would be able too, with the solid grip Tom had off him and his position which would make getting away next to impossible.

One of Tom's hands removed from his ass and his long nimble fingers wrapped around Hadrian's delicate neck, giving him a strong bruising kiss as his fingers stroked the side of his neck feeling the elevated heartbeat as he did so.

Hadrian greedily breathed in air when Tom's lips finally parted from his, Merlin this was so wrong being so hard, so excited at the prospect of being found like this.

Either it was just Tom or he was finding the danger exhilarating, which was possible, since he had lived and breathed for it for so long. He was happy with the life he had, he didn't miss the constant danger so why would he get a thrill out of it?

"You. Are. Mine," Tom enunciated carefully, between sucking and biting at Hadrian's neck, groaning himself as his constant wiggling was putting pressure on his engorged cock.

He loved being able to turn Hadrian into a loud quivering wreck, he was so easy to arouse it was heady and enticing. Although he wasn't being particularly vocal right now, but he knew if he wanted to he could.

His thumb turned Hadrian's chin upwards, satisfaction thrumming through him when he saw the marks were bright red.

They were definitely going to turn purple, he thought smugly. Inhaling sharply as Hadrian ground into him, thrusting their clothed erections together causing pleasure to shoot through them.

In return Tom bit Hadrian's earlobe teasingly, causing Hadrian to writhe against him, their lips met once more, both of them battling to dominate the kiss, as pleasure furled through them, causing them to gasp in pleasure as their stomachs felt as though a dozen butterflies had been released inside.

Hadrian groaned, ripping his lips away, breathing heavily, moaning at the feel of Tom's lips at his neck, he couldn't help but cock his head to the side, giving him better access.

He scooted back just an inch or so, and unzipped Tom's trousers and began to stroke the engorged cock, feeling it enlarging in his hand, the pre-cum leaking from the tip, allowed Hadrian to jerk him off much more effectively.

The underwear made it restricting but he didn't much care as his pleasure began to overwhelm everything so completely he was finding it hard to think.

The firmer Hadrian touched Tom, the faster the pre-cum leaked from the engorged shaft; euphoria overcame Hadrian at the feeling of power, of having Tom squirming and moaning under him. Perhaps using this throne (no doubt Tom would always call it a chair) had been a good idea.

Only a few more seconds after Hadrian felt the stirring of his own orgasm approaching, too many emotions and the constant motion of his hips, rocking back and forth, it hit him suddenly, his body writhing as he ejaculated, his body slumping slightly, he was only half aware of the fact Tom had cum as well, as it splattered all over his hand. They just sat there for who knows how long, basking in the afterglow.

The next thing they became aware of was the loud chiming of the clock as it struck twelve times.

"Happy New Year, Tom," Hadrian murmured, only slightly glad when a cleaning charm washed over the both of them. He was definitely a kinky wizard, something he definitely hadn't pegged him as, getting his rocks off waiting for revenge.

"Happy new year," Tom replied, his fingers running over Hadrian's face, a soft look on his face, soft but still possessive, nobody would ever see Hadrian like this, he would kill anyone that tried... he was his.


:D I hope you enjoyed this chapter which admittedly wasn't as long as I would have liked but i'm sure the next chapter will be filled with enough action to satisfy everyone :) I know they didnt go all the way but as you are all aware i dont do underage, not even if both of them are so until they're sixteen you won't be seeing much of going all the way

:P anywhere you want to see them having some fun :P i just had to have Tom depraved enough to get all hot and bothered over getting revenge :D hahaha and Harry for a whole different reason :) I'm really having a lot of fun writing this story I hope you're having fun reading it!

Is there anyone you'd also like to see more off especially before they're graduating :P will someone still end up on the receiving end of Tom's anger and ended up petrified? or something different? just thinking of things for the future to use now lol R&R please

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