River City Girls: New Girl in...

By ghost-writer-0000

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Ever since she was little, Y/n L/n has been homeschooled online. However after her brother gets a job in a ne... More

Chapter 1: First Day at River City High
Chapter 2: School House Rumble
Chapter 3: Boss Battle! Mizuzu
Chapter 4: Y/n Makes a Bet
Chapter 5: A Burger for Godai
Chapter 6: Not Breaking, but Still Entering
Chapter 7: Boss Battle! Yamada
Chapter 8: All in the Mall
Chapter 9: Uptown Funk
Halloween Omake
Chapter 10: A Quick Break for Tea Time
Christmas Omake
Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning
Chapter 13: Boss Battle! Hibari
Summer Omake: The Beach Episode
Chapter 14: Downtown Dropoff
Chapter 15: Grand Theft Ambush

Chapter 11: Up and Down Uptown

572 26 13
By ghost-writer-0000

Being the heart of River City's metropolitan center, Uptown and it's residents were used to the occasionally rowdy or unusual tourists paying patronage to its streets. So when two girls were violently tossed out of one the local clothing store by an irate security guard no one batted an eye. The same could not be said for Misako, who after getting back on her feet was quick to shoot the store front a furious look.

Misako: Your kicking us out, well we don't even want to be in your crummy store!

Kyoko: That one top was really cute though.

Misako: Shut up, don't let them hear you say.

The redhead gave her friend a sheepish look before the ring of a shop-bell caused them to turn and see the same security who'd thrown them out carrying you slung over his shoulder.

Security Guard: Here you can take this one with you.

Grunting, he threw you out of the store. Your body landed unceremoniously on the pavement in a crumpled heap as your purse soon landed on your stomach, knocking the wind out of your lungs as the bag's crushing weight pinned you to .the ground. Unable to feel yourself breathing as you desperately tried pushing the overstuffed tote off your chest. Seeing you struggle to lift a purse, Kyoko and Misako rolled their eyes and gave the retreating figure of the guard one last glare before trudging off down the street.

Misako: C'mon stop messing around Y/n, we have one last store to hit on this bloc.

Your face turned an ugly shade of blue as you gave the deadly heavy bag one last push, just barely managing to knock it off your chest before breath deprivation knocked you unconscious. Several moments passed while you laid there gasping for breath and reflecting on the wisdom of literally stuffing your purse full of more gold than you could carry. Eventually you managed to catch your breath enough to stand up and shakily lug the purse back up onto your shoulder with a heavy "oompf" before running off after the girls. But by the time you'd managed to catch up the two were already scouting out the different store fronts again.

Y/n: Um, guys? I don't think charging into random stores is working.

Pausing, they both turned to give you a blank look as the redhead of the two shrugged noncommittally.

Kyoko: I mean it's gotta work eventually right?

Y/n: Well I guess if you looked through every building in the city, then yeah it would.

Misako: I'll settle for checking that sports supply store.

Turning towards where Misako was pointing, you couldn't help but groan seeing the sign for large sporting supply store. The sight of so much athletic gear already making your legs sore just thinking about it.

Y/n: Ew. Why would we want to go there?

Misako: Because we haven't checked there for signs of the boys yet.

Y/n: No offense but I don't see a guy named Kenny being big into sports.

Misako: Well his name is Kunio so there's that.

Feeding in place, you looked at the girls like they'd grown a second head as they walked by. You kept staring at them in shock for several moments before shaking yourself loose and catching up with them, face locked in a confused glare as you dashed ahead and got in front of them.

Y/n: Are you trying to say I've been mispronouncing your boyfriends' names this whole time?

Kyoko: You've been doing it like the entire time.

Misako: literally haven't gotten their names right once.

That couldn't have been true, after all you were great with names. You stared at them mouth agape as you tried processing the idea you'd been wrong this whole time, your body walking backwards on autopilot as you continued looking at them utterly confused.

Y/n: Your pranking me right?

Your eyes flickered between them looking for a sign that they'd been pulling an elaborate joke on you, however you only managed to see Kyoko's baffled grimace as Misako clutched her face in exasperation.

Misako: No. Now turn around before you back into something and hurt yourself.

It was your turn roll your eyes as you shot back at Misako with a confident (IE: smug) grin.

Y/n: Relax Misako, I'm not gonna run into anythi-waagh!

Your voice cut off into a startled cry as accidentally backed into something and got knocked off your feet. Feeing yourself plummet, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for another hard landing. But the fall never came as suddenly you felt yourself being caught by a pair of strong arms. Surprised, you opened your eyes only to be hit by a full body flush after seeing who'd caught you. Towering over you by almost a foot, the girls body was nothing but sloping athletic curves and a lean musclur physique. Your throat was parched just trailing your across the rigid abs exposed by her tied off shirt.

????: Hey you okay?

Her voice snapped you out of ogling her and log enough to look back up at her face, which only sent you spiraling deeper into your blushing panic seeing a pretty face and cute tomboyish haircut. Embarrassed and unable to vocalize properly, you practically leapt out of the Amazonian girl's arms while trying and failing to devolve into a blushing stuttering mess. Luckily a familiar redheaded voice was quick to draw the hot girl's attention while you composed yourself.

Kyoko: Oh hey, it's Yoko

Hearing her name, the newly dubbed Yoko turned to see Kyoko and Misako. Instantly a flash of recognition went through Yoko's eyes as she gave the two a friendly smile.

Yoko: Oh sup Kyoko. Sup Misako.

Misako gave the tomboy a nod in greeting however Kyoko ever the more enthusiastic of the two was fast to strike up a conversation.

Kyoko: Gosh, it feels like we haven't seen you in forever how you been?

Yoko: Eh, been busy with practice. Just got out actually..

Kyoko: Cool! Oh yeah by the way this is-

You didn't let her finish before stepping forward, face bright pink as you stuck a hand out the cute girl you totally weren't still freaking out over.

Y/n: Hi, I'm Y/n their new single friend! It's nice to meet you.

Kyoko and Misako shared an exasperated look while Yoko just stared at you looking confused. Eventually the athletic girl took your hand, albeit a bit awkwardly.

Yoko: Uh yeah.

Her strong grip left you feeling weak in the knees as you stepped back feeling proud of yourself for doing such a perfect introduction and not noticing the fed up glare Misako was sending you...and Yoko. Luckily only Kyoko seems to notice her bestie's attitude as she steered the conversation away.

Kyoko: Well anyway, what brings you to uptown.

Yoko: I live here.

Kyoko: Your rich?

Yoko: No. But my parents are.

Misako: Yeah yeah that's cool. Hey we're looking for the guys. You wouldn't have happened to see them around would you?

Blinking at being abruptly cut off, Yoko rubbed the back of her head awkwardly as she looked back at Misako with a confused look.

Yoko: Uh no. Why, they ditch you guys again?

Immediately hackles were raised, because why would Yoko just assume their boyfriends had ditched them. You couldn't imagine why anyone would want to ditch the girls, they seemed pretty pretty cool. But from the way Yoko talked she wasn't even surprised, and it kinda ticked you off.

Y/n: Wait, again? Do Kenny and Ritchie ditch you guys often?

Honestly the more you heard about these two the lower your opinion got. You turned to the girls for an answer, but for some reason you couldn't understand Misako was now glaring at you looking utterly pissed.

Misako: Seriously we just had this conversation there names are Kenny and Ritch- Oh, dear god now I'm doing it too.

The dark haired girl looked somewhere between utterly mortified and about ready to throttle you before stopping. Running her fingers through her hair, Misako took a deep breath before turning back to question Yoko through gritting teeth.

Misako: They didn't ditch us, they got kidnapped.

The athletic girl blinked in surprise before nodding, still not sounding wholly convinced but seemingly finding the idea kinda cool.

Yoko: For real? That's pretty metal.

Y/n: I'm not sure that's how I'd describe a crime but sure

Kyoko: Yeah, it's pretty sad.

Misako: Quick, Kyoko show her your text.

Said redhead immediately perked up at the idea and wasted no time in whipping out her phone. The rest of you watched her scroll through her messages, her tongue poking cutely out between lips as she focused on finding the old text.

Kyoko: Oh Yeah. . . Here!

Having found her goal, she shoved her phone out for Yoko to see. At first the other girl still looked doubtful, but her eyes widened after seeing the picture. Taking the phone for a closer look, Yoko hummed contemplating it as she narrowed her eyes staring at the screen.

Yoko: Hmmm, you should go talk to Hibari.

Y/n: Who?

Yoko: Uh, the fashion designer? She's kinda popular. You guys know Hibari right?

She fielded the question towards Kyoko and Misako, only to sigh seeing that both of them shared your look of incomprehension at the name.

Yoko: Well she's a big deal here in Uptown, this thug here-

She tilted the phone screen to let you see her thumb pointing towards one the men in the picture, specifically one the guys shoving the boys into there kidnapper van.

Yoko: He's wearing one of Hibari's custom jackets.

Kyoko: Ooh, nice detective-ing.

Yoko: Nah, Hibari's work is just pretty recognizable. Everyone's whose cool wears Hibari's.

Pausing, she stopped and took a look at the three of you who were decidedly not wearing Hibari's.

Yoko: No offense.

Misako: None taken

Y/n: Meh, my jacket's better anyway.

Yoko: Take the photo to Hibari and show it to her. She might know who took your boyfriends. Her warehouse is at the east end of uptown. It's got this big sign that's impossible to miss.

You blinked for a moment as a memory sprung back into your mind.

Y/n: Hey I think I've actually seen that sign before.

It was your turn to be the center of attention as both Kyoko and Misako both shot surprised looks.

Kyoko: You know where Hibari's is?

Y/n: Yeah, I remember now! I saw it out the window after Rem took our orders.

Yoko: Whose Rem?

Kyoko and Misako froze in place, their faces going pale as they frantically motioned for you to stop talking. Unfortunately for them though you didn't notice, and not just because your eyes had been subtly trailing down to ogle Yoko's hips and abs this whole time. And you certainly still weren't admiring her toned midriff when you absentmindedly went to blurt out who Rem was.

Y/n: Oh she was our server at the mai-

Suddenly two hands were clamped over your mouth, which got a weird look from Yoko as she watched a blushing Misako and embarrassed Kyoko physically drag you down the street.

Kyoko: Oh look at the time, sorry Yoko it was great to see you.

Misako: But we gotta go save the boys now so bye!

Waving goodbye, Yoko just kept watching perplexed as the two dragged you away and out of sight before shaking her head.

Yoko: Those girls are weird.

Meanwhile, about two blocs down the street the girls saw fit to give you right to walk yourself again as they swiftly dropped you the moment Yoko was out of sight. You stumbled to avoid falling as their arms let go, luckily managing to catch yourself before turning to give Kyoko and Misako appointed look. However instead of apologizing both girls just brushed your glare off and were quick to get back to walking eastward

Misako: Hey Y/n, you said you saw Hibari's this way right?

Still a bit annoyed at their manhandling, you were already brainstorming up a snarky comment before you blushed seeing them looking back towards you. Something about them, whether it be Kyoko's pretty smile or the fading pink hue on Misako's face, had butterflies fluttering in your stomach as caved while looking away with a shy blush.

Y/n: Yeah, I did. Come on I'll show you.

Leading the way it didn't take long before you caught sight of the store, big flashing sign and all. The shopfront itself was nestled between two other fashion boutiques, although nestled may have been an improper term to describe it as Hibari's towered over its completion with an entrance almost as large as either of the other shops display windows.

Kyoko: Woah, this must be Hibari's!

Misako: Hmmm, judging by the giant flashing sign I'd say your right Kyoko.

Her snark earned Misako a pouty glare from her redheaded friend as she nonchalantly made to enter the store.

Misako: C'mon, let's find that fashion lady and ask her about the dude in the photo.

You and Kyoko nodded and followed her in, only for all three of you to stop and stare at seeing the literal runway built into store. The entire room was furnished in an elegant mix of polished tile and traditional decor, with various mannequins arranged about to display Hibari's various designs. However, the clear focus of the room was on the runway, an odd thing which looked to be recycled from an old industrial conveyor belt but refurbished and re-finished to function as a platform to show off the designers latest works.

You honestly felt kinda out of place being surrounded by so many trappings of higher society, and you weren't the only one as Kyoko also looked rather self conscious as she glanced between her own outfit and the various expensive trendy clothes on display.

Kyoko: Misako?

Misako: Yeah?

The dark haired girl was quick to respond, but even then you could tell her focus was mostly stuck on a lovely green dress she'd found on one the mannequins. Not that Kyoko didn't seem to notice over her own nervousness.

Kyoko: Do you think we're. . . badly dressed?

Hearing the question stopped Misako dead in her tracks as she quickly turned away from the dress she was admiring to give Kyoko a reassuring grin.

Misako: Heck no, we look amazing!

Y/n: I can confirm that.

Your comment got both girls to look over and see you unashamedly checking them out. The blatant ogling got them rolling their eyes even as they broke into exasperatedly fond grins. For a moment you could of sworn you saw them blush, but that quickly passed as Kyoko burst out in giggles.

Kyoko: We are pretty hot aren't we.

Misako: Damn right.

Y/n: You can say that again.

Sharing a laugh, you and Misako were quick to help Kyoko bounce back from her funk as the redhead smiled brightly and gave the both of you a grateful look.

Kyoto: Thanks girls, now let's go find this Hibari and make her talk!

Misako: Yeah, now your talking my language!

Y/n: How do we do that?

The cheering died as you and the girls realized that none of you actually had any further clue or plan on where to find the elusive designer. You looked around, but strangely enough the actual store itself seemed to be a ghost town with neither an employee or customer in sight. Scratching her head, Misako seemed just as confused before shrugging.

Misako: You want to check the back?

You and Kyoko looked at each other, but neither of you had a better idea so you ended up nodding along with Misako as she turned and hopped over onto the runway.

Misako: Follow me, I bet you there's a storage or dressing room connected to this runway.

Kyoko: Oh, that' a good idea Misako.

Stepping up next, Kyoko took a running start before leaping over the pit and sticking a landing on the other side next to Misako. It was an impressive jump. Which did absolutely nothing to help your nerves as your eyes flickered between the deep pit then back up to meet Kyoko's expectant gaze.

Kyoko: All right Y/n your next. Just watch out for the spikes.

Y/n: The what?!

Stepping forward, you got a closer look at the bottom of the pit and immediately felt your stomach drop seeing a floor of glinting sharp points. Because not only did this clothing store have a built in runway with its own moat, said most was almost ten feet deep and lined with very sharp looking spikes. Feeling yourself suddenly develop a new phobia, you carefully backed away from the deadly osha violation.

Y/n: Um...I think I'm just gonna stay here.

Kyoko: Oh come on Y/n. It's just a small jump.

Misako: Yeah stop being such a baby

Y/n: Nah I'm good.

Kyoko and Misako tried there best to coax you into jumping over, but you crossed your arms and refused to move as you fixed them a defiant glare. The stare down continued for several more moments longer as the girls tried to encourage you forward before Misako groaned and tossed her hands up in defeat.

Misako: Ughh, fine. Just stay here and we'll be right back after we find Hibari.

Without another word the dark haired girl stormed off backstage. Kyoko
followed her after throwing an apologetic glance your way, and soon the two had disappeared off into the Backrooms of the studio leaving you all by your lonesome. Shrugging, you plopped on the bench to start digging through your bag for your grimoire. You had to move some the gold and your packaged maid uniform aside before pulling it out, but after some quick rearranging you were leaning back and cracking open the musty old tome.

The weird symbols made only slightly more sense now then they did before, but you were steadily growing a handle on them using practice and the scrawled notes in the margins. Time slowly ticked by as you sat there carefully scanning each page before flipping to a new one, only to then double back several more. By the time the girls had come back you were fully absorbed into the book to the point you failed to notice them until Misako slammed the cover shut.


It took you a minute to catch your breath after the sudden jump scare, but after you had you looked up see the girls standing next to you with. Your face flushed indignantly hearing them snickering at your startled cry.

Y/n: What the heck Misako? You scared me half to death!

Misako: Well maybe next time you shouldn't have your nose buried in some creeper's diary. Now come on, this place is a bust.

You rolled your eyes but nonetheless shoved your book back into your bag, carefully of course because you didn't want to damage it. With the Grimoire nestled safely away you got up, huffing as you slung the heavy tote over your shoulder before following the girls back onto the streets.

Y/n: So how did your meeting with Hibari go?

Kyoko: She wasn't here.

Y/n: That sucks. So what's the plan now?

Misako: I was thinking we'd just go back to barging into different stores till we find something.

Y/n: Ughh fine, but could we start at that-

The conversation suddenly stopped as the three of you turned and came face to face with the familiar duo of Mami and Hasebe. It looked as if the two had just been shopping at one of Hibari's neighboring stores only to run into you as both groups were leaving their respective stores. Immediately Kyoko and Misako grimaced seeing their smug rivals waking their way, only to shoot you a glare as they saw you smiling and waving cheerfully at the other girls.

Mami: Dork alert.

Kyoko: Ughh, it's those two again.

Misako: What is with today.

Having two of your crushes smiling at you as they approached meant you were too distracted to hear your friends grumbling or Mami's own snide remark. Instead you were too busy smoothing out your jacket and trying to play it cool for the girls who'd been your first kiss.

Y/n: Hey Mami, hey Hasebe. Fancy seeing you two here, come here often?

Your cheesy pick up line got the purplette and blond to share a giggle as they greeted you with a friendly smile, with Mami in particular looking happy to see you.

Mami: Oh hey Y/n, I'm surprised to see you in uptown.

Hasebe: Especially with all that dead weight your dragging.

You blinked in confusion at what she meant, before suddenly feeling nervous about just how much gold you were hiding in your purse. Chuckling awkwardly, you nervously tried hiding your purse behind your back while utterly missing the daggers Kyoko and Misako were glaring at Hasebe.

Misako: What's up, Hasebe?

Hasebe: Oh, you know, just hanging around.

Mami: Looking stylish as hell.

At that the they struck a little pose hat flaunted their newer trendier outfits to Kyoko and Misako, making said two narrow their eyes while you just blushed and tried to not be too obvious about how much you were checking them out.

Y/n: Yeah, those clothes make you look great.

You were oblivious to how your comment seemed to raise the tension between the four girls. Instead all you could notice was how red faced the purplette and blonde suddenly became as Kyoko were Misako turned their glares onto you. Feeling everyone's eyes on you, you broke into a nervous sweat realizing all the terrible ways that could have been taken out of context.

Y/n: Not to say that you don't look good out of the clothes, I imagine you do. Not to say I've been imagining you out of your clothes or anything not because your not hot, cause you are but...

It felt impossible to stop as you just kept stammering and sputtering, unable to keep yourself from blurting everything out without thinking until by the end your tongue was completely tied going into a rather lame ending.

Y/n: ...you look nice.

Your awkward rambling left all four do the girls staring at you confused, with Hasebe and Mami blushing softly as Misako buried her face in her hands out of secondhand embarrassment while Kyoko just stood there giving you a wtf expression. All the attention only serves to make your embarrassment even worse as your face radiated red. Luckily the girls recovered quickly enough to break the awkward silence before you managed to shove your foot in your mouth again, although you could've done without all their snickering.

Hasebe: Your not very good at this are you?

Teasingly worded, but the slight smile she and the others had left your shoulders sagging in relief as you took the situation in stride and joined in on the laughing.

Y/n: Eh he, sorry about that.

Hasebe: No problem, and for what it counts you look good to.

You blushed from the compliment, however Hasebe wasn't done as her grin suddenly mischievous and she shot Mami a teasing look.

Hasebe: Especially in that maid cosplay photo right Mami?

It was Mami's turn to feel embarrassed while she desperately tried her glowing pink face from the others. Which of course the other three found hilarious as they burst into a fit of laughter, amid which a certain red head noticed her own best having a very similar reaction to Mami upon being reminded about that specific picture.

Kyoko: Y/n did look pretty cute in that costume didn't she Misako?

The dark haired field's cheeks darkened heavily as she shot Kyoko a betrayed look, which left Hasebe confused and Mami glaring suspiciously at Misako. Meanwhile your head was tilting back and forth between the two pairs of friends feeling like you were missing something obvious. Eventually getting tired of the looks shooting her way, a flushed Misako cleared her throat before pointing up at Hibari's sign.

Misako: Do you two know this fashion lady?

Blinking, Hasebe and Mami briefly shared a glance before laughing. However the laughter soon stopped as they noticed the genuinely curious looks on your faces. Confused, they glance between the three of you before Hasebe suddenly had a look of realization as her lips curled into a mocking smirk.

Hasebe: Oh, you're serious.

Hearing her rivals smug tone only served to make Misako's eye twitch as she sighed in irritation.

Misako: I usually am.

Hasebe: I'd have thought you'd have known Hibari Misako. I mean I could understand Y/n not knowing because she's new in town, but you two...

Mami: It's just sad.

You watched Misako's fist clench before feeling Kyoko tensing up for a fight beside you. Even to you if was clear things were getting out of hand, so for once taking an affirmative stance you locked eyes with your friends and motioned for them to calm down. They looked reluctant and rather annoyed with you, but in the end they relented as Misako let out a deep frustrated sigh.

Misako: Are you going to tell us who she is or not?

It was clear the purple and blond girls were about to continue their teasing, but you cut them off preemptively with a firm hard stare that left them blinking in shock. When they recovered much of their usual snark was at least temporarily gone.

Hasebe: Hibari is THE fashion icon in River City.

Mami: She's making us CUSTOM outfits.

Hearing such an almost civil tone from their arch rivals left Kyoko and Misako with a weird feeling as they struggled to form their questions. And by the time they found the right words they sounded almost as awkward as you usually did.

Kyoko: Well um, where is she?

Misako: Yeah, we uh, we got questions.

Mami: Let me guess "How do-

Y/n: EH HEM!

The blond looked at you challengingly, but your gaze held firm. You could practically feel her winding up for another barb there. Blushing under your hard stare, Mami pouted and rolled her eyes.

Mami: Ughh. How do you get a meeting with Hibari.

Kyoko: Yeah! That's exactly what we need to know.

Mami ran her hands over her face, before passing the buck off to Hasebe who just sighed and stepped forward looking completely done with all this.

Hasebe: You need an offering for Hibari to show up. Geez, everyone knows that.

Mami: Except you two apparently

Y/n: Don't push it.

They both rolled their eyes in a petulant pout while Kyoko and Misako just looked at you with an appreciative new light. Too busy keeping the peace between everybody, you never noticed as their cheeks heated up watching you corral Hasebe and Mami's usual snarky attitudes in check. The blond and purplette however did and were quick to send the two an envious glare.

Misako: An offering?

Locking eyes, the two mean girls shared a knowing look before regaining their sly smirks.

Mami: Something fancy.

Hasebe: Expensive.

Mami: And gold.

While Kyoko and Misako looked pensive hearing that, you couldn't help but subconsciously scoot your bag slightly further out of sight.

Kyoko: Can it just be colored gold?

Hasebe: Don't know, and don't care.

Mami: That's not really our problem is it?

They snickered between themselves, earning an eye roll from Misako as she looked over to you and Kyoko with an exasperated groan.

Misako: Ughh... Come on, let's go find an offering.

Kyoko: Good idea, maybe there's somewhere here in uptown we can find one.

It can clear those two were gearing up to leave, and although you kinda wanted to stay and talk with Mami and Hasebe a bit more you knew you'd end up dragged along either way. So nodding along, you adjusted your bag and turned to say goodbye.

Y/n: It was really nice seeing you two again, and thanks for-

The soft feeling of Mami's lips pressing against your cheek cut you short and sent all the blood in your body rushing to your glowing red cheeks. Your spine went stiff feeling her soft body leaning into you, leaving you left a blushing and incoherently stammering mess. Pulling back, Mami wiped her lip and giggled seeing the goofy dumbstruck smile on your face.

Y/n: I, uh...

Mami: he he, sorry you had a little something on your cheek.

Kyoko: Uh Huh, yeah I bet she did.

Misako: Don't you have a boyfriend or something?

Initially going to tease her blond friend, Hasebe blinked in surprise seeing just how annoyed Kyoko and Misako looked after watching Mami flirt with you. Getting a devious smirk, the purplette gently pushed a blushing Mami out of the way before grabbing by the shoulders and pulling you into a kiss.

Your brain immediately shut down as you instinctively leaned into Hasebe's arms to deepen the kiss. From the corner of her eye Hasebe shot Kyoko and Misako an evil look before suddenly finding herself cooing as your tongue teasingly trailed along her bottom lip. Closing her eyes, Hasebe pushed forward and pressed her tongue against yours making you both audibly moan in pleasure as her arms found themselves looped around your neck. A minute later your lips broke apart as a beet red Hasebe stepped back to shoot the other girls a smug look.

Hasebe: Oops, guess Mami missed something.

She immediately earned herself several seething glares, with even Mami joining in to glare dagger at her best friend. Hasebe didn't seem to care though as she licked her lips and gave you smile.

Hasebe: See you around Y/n, be sure to call us if you ever feel like ditching these losers. Ready to go Mami?

Her hand formed the call me gesture.

Mami: Yeah... bye Y/n, but we should be going. Me and Hasebe have something we need to talk about.

On that last part she threw her friend a stony look before turning back and giving you a sweet smile and wave goodbye. Still reeling from the surprise kisses, you could only watch them leave with a glowing blush. A minute later and you'd gotten your senses back just as they were out of sight, leaving you standing there with a goofy grin until a cold shiver down your spine had you turning to see Kyoko and Misako both glaring at you.

Y/n: Um, did I do something wrong?

Misako: Just shut up and help us find an offering for Hibari.

Kyoko: Yeah, there's gotta be a pawnshop around here of something.

As they stormed off down the street you couldn't help but wonder what you'd done wrong this time.

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