Hidden in plain sight

By Z1ppersProbablyG8y

11.5K 319 210

... I never know what to put here TvT More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 13

340 11 2
By Z1ppersProbablyG8y

Sorry this is a couple days late, I just couldn't find any motivation but I've pushed myself and now it's here :^ enjoy 💩

R a y a

"I'm not letting you back into that house!" I argued.

Alex told me that she needed to go home but after seeing her break down last night just at the mention of him I wasn't gonna let her.

Raya please, he doesn't hit me. I was just upset after the whole James thing.

"Alex look me in the eyes and tell me that" I said. Alex brought her eyes to mine. She then looked down at her feet.

"See?" My voice cracked.

Where am I supposed to go then? Alex looked at me angrily.

"You can stay here! Or go to a family members" I said. "What about your mother?" I asked.

Alex's eyes widened. She then pushed passed me and slammed the front door behind her.

I opened the door and saw her run down the street.

I was about to run after her but felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see my twin brother.

"Let her go" he said. He looked me dead in the eye.

"No what if-"

"Raya it's not your place, you could be wrong about this"

"I know damn well I'm not wrong!" I raised my voice at him.

"Look, even if you aren't wrong you should let her come to you in her own time"

"Thats the stupidest thing I've heard! She could be getting hurt! She needs help!"

"Maybe she doesn't want help Ray"

I glared at him. That is stupid. Why wouldn't she want help?

Ignoring his protests I walked out the door and went the direction I saw Alex go. I could only assume she was walking home, which was about a 15 minute walk.

When I got to her house I saw her father's truck wasn't in the driveway.

When I knocked I waited a few seconds before Alex opened.

When she realized it was me her eyes widened. She pointed at the streets and furrowed her eyebrows. Probably telling me to leave.

"No Alex, I'm not leaving you here with this man" I said.

She through her head back and groaned. She then grabbed my sleeve and dragged me up the stairs into her room.

The room was quite messy, clothes were scattered around the floor and multiple holes were littered across the walls.

One of the windows were covered with a black plastic thing too.

You seriously need to go Raya

I read. "And leave you?" I scoffed. "No chance"

Raya I'm fine. Go

I was about to protest but then we heard a junkie old truck and what seemed to be Some sort of loud metal music.

Alex instantly ran to the window. She looked back at me and them without warning shoved me into her bathroom, which looked like it was rotting away slowly.

"Alex what the fuck!" I whisper-yelled, I was scared shitless.

Stay here and don't make a noise.

I nodded.

Don't come out, no. Matter. What.


he put lines under the word what which made me even more nervous.

I nodded reluctantly and then we heard a loud bang downstairs. Alex instantly shut the door.

What the fuck is happening.

"ALEX " I heard a male voice yell. I assume it's her dad.

Then I heard loud footsteps come up the stairs and then her bedroom door flung open.

I sucked in a deep breath. Praying that he wouldn't open the door.


"WHERE WERE YOU?!" His voice boomed.

He then chuckled. "Still won't speak huh?"

Then I heard psychotic laughs.

Then I head shuffling and loud groans.

Then a loud female scream peirce my ears.

"So" the devilish laugh continued.

"Were you with some secret boyfriend huh?" he said. Voice cold and scary. "Loosing your virginity like the little whore you are?!"

I heard sobs.

"HUH?!" I heard another bang.

I have to help her. I need to get out.

Without thinking I opened the door and what I saw was absolutely disgusting.

The man was wearing a gray woman beater and a large section of his chest was covered in sweat. His hair damp and gross.

He stood over the teenage girl holding a sharp knife.

He turned to face me.

He looked back at his daughter then me again.

He slowly took steps towards me and I felt my blood run cold.

"Who are you hm?" He said. Nodding his head and licking his lower lip.

"R-Raya" my voice quivered. He came closer to me.

Then he suddenly pushed me to the ground and turned back to Alex who got up instantly.

Alex ran to my aid to make sure I was ok. She took me into her arms.

"Ohhh" the man was back to laughing again.

The fuck is this guy on?

"So your one of them Faggots now?" He yelled. Alex looked up at him clearly pissed.

The man then grabbed me by my wrist and forced me up. "Get off me!" I tried to fight my way out of his grip.

Alex pounced at him and tried to punch him but it didn't do anything.

"So you can't stand up for yourself but the second I grab someone else you fight back? Pathetic" he spat.

The man forced me to the wall the punched me in the stomach. I gasped for air and fell to the ground. Hands on my stomach.

He tried to grab me again but the door flew open and my brother was standing there.

I smiled.

"Get the fuck away from my sister creep" my brother walked towards him and with no hesitation punched him in the face.

He continued this until Alex's father was close to unconsciousness.

Chat grabbed him by his hair and held his head up so he could face me.

"You see her right? Yeah my sister. The bestest most beautiful woman on this planet" Chat breathed heavily. "I would kill anyone who hot in her way y'know"

He then made him face his Daughter.

"And her? Yeah, thats my best friend, who is so fucking funny, and awesome, and kind. you know, it makes me wonder how such a smart and thoughtful young lady could even be related to your jackass" my Twin went on.

"I haven't known her very long but I know i would set as many houses ablaze for her, and I know my sister would to"

Chat held his head to the ceiling and talked into his ear

"Thats supposed to be your job as her father, your supposed to protect her from anyone who hurt her"

"But instead..."

"Instead you do quite the opposite"

Chat slammed his head into the floor. "So we, all three of us, are gonna exit this house, and leave, and if u even go near Alex again with those harsh words and hard fists I'm gonna-"

I put a hand on Chat shoulder and shook my head. He had done enough, Alex looked like she was gonna throw up.

"Alex grab your stuff, you can stay around ours" Chat got off her dad and walked out the door.

She looked at her father as If for approval. She then grabbed a bag and went to her closet to pack.

When we finished packing Chat had asked if that was everything and then she went to go grab one more thing.

Once she came out she was holding this small white box.

"What's in there?" I asked, to which I got ignored.

K, a bit rude.

the silence was so thick that you could grab a knife and cut through it. The only thing that could be heard was the shuffling noise that came from Alex's shaking leg.

Chat went inside first to explain to our mother the situation. We knew she would understand. And it's not like we don't have enough room.

I took a good look at Alex and realized that there was blood coming out of her ear.

"Oh my god Alex" I said instantly sliding over to her side.

She gave me a questionable look. "Your bleeding" I said, pulling my sleeve over my hand and holding it over the blood.

She looked into my eyes and it felt like time had stopped. I let out a small shakey breath.

Then the door opened and Mine and Chats mother was standing here. She looked over at Alex with a pitiful look.

"Uh she's um. bleeding" I stutterd. I sound stupid.

"Let's get you all inside" my mom said.

When we were all inside mum made Chat and I wait for them in my room while she checked up on Alex.

"You Allgood?" My brother asked. I looked up at him tearing up. "I can't believe she's been living like this her whole life"

My brother wrapped and arm around me. "She'll be fine" he reassured.

I hope so..

I have not proof read so it's probably really bad but I do not have the energy for that rn😭

1528 words

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