Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung...

De karaaii

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(Currently Editing the previous chapters as well as updating further. ) Kim Taehyung the ceo of Kim. Construc... Mais

The History : Hunt Begins.
1. Parallel Realities.
2. Murderer
3. No emotions..
4. Words
5. Event
6. It hurts.
7. Sensitive
8. Stop please
9. Burns
10. Maybe
11. Sold
12. Wedding
13. Slut
14. U Deserve
15. His Toy
16. Guilt
17. Cold
18. Fever
19. Why?
20. Full moon
21. Full moon (pt.2)
22. Full moon (pt.3)
23. Scared
24. Forced
25. Comfort
26. sympathy
27. Humiliated
28. Blue eyes
29. Disturbed
30. Quiet
31. Her Sorrow
32. Back
33. liar
34. Pain
35. Truth
36. Hate
37. Thunder
38. Cries
39. Slap
40. Regret
41. Friends
42. Restless
43. Attacked
44. Stitches
45. Nightmare
46. Frustration
47. Beautiful Her
48. Panic Attack
49. Forgiveness
50. Dr. Kim seokjin
51. Let me
52. Blank
53. Remorse
54. The Alpha
55. The hallucination
56. Full moon (pt.4)
57. Things falling apart
58. Eachother's Support
59. Strangers
60. Whispers of sorrow
61. Untold secret ( Her )
62. Love unleashed
63. His Shelter of Trust
64. Protector's guilt.
65. Enchanted Beginnings.
66. A Husband's Warth pt.(1).
67. A Husband's Warth pt.( 2 ).
68. " Stone Head".
69. Moonlit Confessions and Sweet Kisses.
70. Dusk of Despair.
71. Strengthening Love.
72. Closer Together.
73. The Midnight Escape.
74. Mysteries Unfolded.
75. Horseback Bonds.
76. Fires of Passion.
77. Pampering.
78. Heated Affections and Sweet Melodies.
79. Unanswered calls.
80. Sensual Flames.
81. Mischief and Laughter.
82. Gentle Seduction : A Year Together.
83. Moonlight : My Lover.
84. Haunting Beauty of the Moon.
86. Mate's Desires : Kitten.
87. Drunken Whispers :Bigger Boobs.
88. Guardian's Farewell.
89. Protector and Predator.
90. Elevating Intimacy.
91. Quest.
92. Toyed and Torn.
93. Plaything?
94. "Brain-Dead-slut"
95. Homecoming Tears.
96. Healing Bonds (pt.1).
97. Healing Bonds (pt.2).
98. Sheltered Passion.
99. Love's Ritual.
100. Proximity & Distance.
101. Embrace.
102. With You.
103. A Night of Terror.
104. Lost and Alone.
105. A Heart Divided.
106. A Twist of Fate.

85. "I Crave Your Attention : Moonlight"

997 75 56
De karaaii

The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.

Taehyung delicately adjusted the collar of Y/N's shirt, smoothing down her coat with care. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, remarking, "Look at yourself. You already exude CEO vibes." Y/N gazed into the mirror, realizing the powerful image she portrayed in her corporate attire.

Cupping her cheeks, Taehyung inquired, "What will you say when they ask about your feet?"

Y/N met his gaze and replied, "I injured it during basketball practice. It's just a Minor injury." Taehyung's smile deepened as he kissed her cheek, both understanding the necessity of keeping the true reason for her injury hidden.

Taehyung knelt in front of her, Y/N embracing his neck as she voiced her concern, "They won't reject me because of my injury, right?"

Her nervousness evident in her tone, and Taehyung, soothingly rubbing her back, reassured, "No, they'll never. My baby is too talented for them to even consider your injury." A giggle escaped Y/N as they separated from the hug.

Breaking away, he swiftly pressed his lips onto hers, leaving her slightly breathless as she playfully pushed him, the unspoken connection between them palpable.

With Y/N in his arms, Taehyung grabbed her bag and effortlessly carried her outside. Gently placing her in the passenger seat, he carefully arranged her injured and bandaged foot inside the car. After securing the door, he settled into the driver's seat, steering toward the university premises with a shared anticipation for the day ahead.

Reaching the university, Taehyung prepared to carry her in his arms. Observing her cute, nervous expression, he chuckled, understanding her embarrassment amid the gazes of onlookers. Despite the attention, he gently carried her to the hall where her interview awaited. Their entrance caught the gaze of Yeonjun, whose glare at Y/N revealed his disapproval of her injury.

In the realm of elegance, Taehyung stood as the epitome of handsomeness, resembling a dashing businessman in his impeccable office attire. His presence commanded attention, drawing stares wherever they ventured.

With utmost care, Taehyung seated Y/N on the waiting chairs, her ethereal aura attracting gazes. Meanwhile, Yeonjun, embodying an air of authority, initiated a gentle rebuke for what he perceived as her carelessness. Unfazed, Taehyung seamlessly attended to her practicalities, ensuring her attendance and placing the necessary forms in her possession.

Kneeling before her, a tender gesture unfolded as Taehyung pressed a soft kiss upon her forehead. "All the best, my love. No need to worry. You've got this, and I'll be by your side until it's all done, okay?" he reassured, prompting a serene nod from Y/n.

With a sultry undertone, Taehyung's lips brushed against her ear as he murmured, "Get through this, and tonight, I'll show you just how proud I am of my talented, beautiful wife."  earning a blush that turned into a delicate slap on his hand. Laughter danced between them, an intimate moment shared amidst the anticipation of the day


As he bid farewell with a wish for Yeonjun's success, a friendly pat on the head accompanied his departure. Yeonjun, with gratitude in his eyes, acknowledged, "Thank you so much, Hyung."

With a contented smile, Taehyung strolled towards the parking lot, leaving a lingering sense of admiration in his wake. Teasingly , Yeonjun couldn't resist asking Y/N about the whispered exchange. A glance laden with warning stifled any further inquiry as they embarked on the journey of their consequential day.

Taehyung settled into his car, the quiet ambiance of the parking enveloping him as he opened his laptop. The soft glow illuminated his focused expression, the rhythmic tapping of keys echoing in the confined space. As he delved into his work, a subtle unease crept in – a feeling of being watched.

Time and again, Taehyung cast glances around the quiet parking lot, suspecting curious eyes lingering on him. Each time he looked, though, the surroundings remained undisturbed. The mysterious sensation persisted, heightening the quiet tension in the air.

Focused on his laptop, he couldn't shake the feeling of unseen eyes. The occasional flicker of nearby shadows played tricks on his perception, intensifying the sense of an elusive observer. Despite his efforts to dismiss it, a lingering suspicion persisted, leaving Taehyung working in an atmosphere tinged with an unexplainable presence.

It was the time when y/n would be done with her interview.
Taehyung's heart sank as he observed the mix of emotions among the students emerging from the hall – joy, tears, and uncertainty painted across their faces. His eyes fixed on Y/N, her somber expression mirrored by Yeonjun beside her.

With a deep breath to compose himself, Taehyung approached, determined to offer comfort. As he neared, he exchanged a glance with Yeonjun, whose subtle shake of the head signaled an unexpected outcome. Bracing for disappointment, Taehyung knelt before Y/N, gently lifting her chin to meet his gaze.

However, to his delightful surprise, Y/N's face lit up with a beautiful smile. She giggled, saying, "I got selected! I'll receive my offer letter after my results." The weight lifted from Taehyung's shoulders, replaced by pride and joy for his accomplished wife.

Laughter echoed in relief as Yeonjun joined in, announcing, "Me too." Taehyung enveloped Y/N in a warm embrace, admitting, "You scared me." Pulling back, he smiled, extending his congratulations, "Congratulations to both of you." The shared triumph and joy in that moment bonded the trio in the embrace of success.

After Yeonjun's father-in-law picked him up, Taehyung carried his jubilant wife to the parking lot, her laughter filling the air. Gently placing her on the car's bonnet, he stood before her.

"I am so happy," she beamed, meeting his tender gaze. Their eyes spoke volumes, exchanging a shared moment of joy, and a beautiful smile adorned both their faces.

Suddenly, Y/N coughed loudly, prompting Taehyung's concern. As he searched for water and found none, he gently rubbed her back, asking, "Should I bring water?" With a nod from Y/N, indicating her dry throat, he left her there momentarily, swiftly making his way to the cafeteria.

Returning with water, Taehyung handed it to Y/N, ensuring she could quench her thirst. With a contented smile, he then escorted his happy wife home, their shared triumph casting a glow on the journey ahead.

Gently carrying her into their home, Taehyung made it his mission to shower Y/N with a feast of comforting and delicious food, a gesture to alleviate the stress she had endured.

After tenderly putting her to sleep, he carefully tended to her injured ankle. The once-bruised area now displayed shades of blue, a testament to the pain she bore.

As he cleaned and rebandaged the wound, a sense of relief settled on her sleeping face. Taehyung couldn't help but smile, expressing his affection through gentle kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and lips, his hand patting her head with a soothing touch.

In that quiet moment, a profound realization dawned upon him – Y/N was the radiant light that illuminated his life. A possessive warmth surged within him, a commitment to providing her with everything she desired and a promise to love her unconditionally until the end of time.

In the hush of the night, hunger stirred within both Taehyung and Y/N. Knowing her husband's penchant for her culinary creations and acknowledging her own desire to share a meal, Y/N gently beckoned Taehyung to her side. Like a devoted companion, he rushed to her, his hunger mirrored in his eyes.

Seated together, a warm embrace enveloped them, a silent reassurance in the quietude. Y/N, sensing their shared need for sustenance, proposed a culinary venture. With a tender kiss on his cheek, she whispered, "Tae, take me to the kitchen. Let me make dinner."

Taehyung, reluctant to disturb her, shook his head gently, insisting on ordering instead. Undeterred, Y/N, with another affectionate kiss, reassured him, "I know you're hungry too. I'll just sit, and you can help me, okay?" A smile tugged at Taehyung's lips as he acquiesced, leading her to the kitchen.

In the heart of their culinary haven, Taehyung arranged a high chair near the kitchen island, ensuring her comfort. With a delightful collaboration, he assisted her in gathering ingredients, allowing Y/N to showcase the culinary skills . Together, they created a masterpiece that transcended the boundaries of a simple meal.

Seated side by side, laughter resonated through the kitchen, blending with the aroma of their joint effort. In this shared space of love and joy, Taehyung and Y/N savored not just the flavors of their creation but the profound satisfaction of nurturing their bond in the simple act of cooking and dining together.

In the quiet comfort of their room, Taehyung carried Y/N, settling beside her. Engrossed in a phone call, his attention shifted when she gently touched his hand. Putting the phone aside, he met her gaze as she patted his lap.

Understanding her unspoken request, Taehyung delicately lifted her onto his lap. She nestled in, embracing him tightly, and he reciprocated by enveloping her in the warmth of his arms. In that serene moment, the world outside faded away, leaving only the palpable connection between them.

Nuzzling into her neck, Taehyung inhaled the sweet scent that defined Y/N. Kissing her temple, he felt the tight embrace she held around him. As she pulled away, a transformation unfolded, her eyes shifting to a captivating ocean blue as she assumed her hybrid form.

In her hybrid state, she spoke softly, "Tae, I feel happy. Dada must be happy, right?" Taehyung smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Her head found a resting place on his chest as he tenderly scratched her hybrid ears.

"Baby, he is so proud right now. And so am I, my love. Do you even know how it feels to have such a talented wife? I feel like a proud man. Thank you so much, love, for giving me such confidence," he expressed, and Y/N, with glittering eyes, smiled, pressing her lips onto his.

Their kiss conveyed both love and intensity, and as they parted, Taehyung smiled, sensing the happiness radiating from her. "Your happiness is my happiness," he whispered, sealing the sentiment with a tender kiss.

He initiated another kiss, this time with intensity, delving his tongue into her mouth and sucking on hers. Simultaneously, his hand explored beneath her trousers, gently squeezing her ass cheeks, savoring the softness of her skin. As she pushed him slightly, attempting to catch her breath.

He withdrew slightly, earnestly expressing, "Baby, I crave you so bad. " His hand persisted in its exploration beneath her clothes.

Breathing heavily, she stammered, "B-but my foot." Taehyung, gently caressing her cheeks, reassured, "I won't hurt, I promise." With hesitant agreement, she nodded. Taehyung then drew her into a passionate kiss, akin to nibbling on her lips and licking them.

Taehyung, breaking the kiss to let her breathe, gently lifted her from his lap and placed her on the bed beneath him. As he assumed the position above her, he took her hand, showering it with countless kisses, creating tender love marks on her shoulders and neck.

Gracefully, he removed her t-shirt and bra, his lingering lick on her cleavage sending shivers through her. Her yearning for him was palpable, appreciating the tender care he showered upon her. In the depths of their connection, her omega surrendered to him, revealing a profound submission.

Gently, he traced over her entire upper body, his hands eliciting shivers and soft whimpers. Intensifying his touch between her legs, he whispered against the lips he had been delicately biting, confessing, "I've missed you deeply. I crave your attention, your time. No matter how important your work is, I want all of your focus." His words carried a possessive tone, coaxing a moan from her.

He marked her with passionate hickeys, relishing the moments as he sucked and bit across her entire upper body. With tenderness, he pressed butterfly kisses to her breasts, alternating between gentle squeezes and playful bites.

A delicate shiver coursed through her as he removed her trousers, expressing admiration, "I love these, they're so cute." His caress over her womanhood through the peach-colored panties prompted her to shyly cover her face, enveloped in a sweet moment of shared intimacy.

Stimulating her womanhood, he smiled at the pleasure reflected in her eyes, relishing the way her eyes rolled back in pleasure.  Her attempts to push him away only fueling his determination. Taehyung smirked, intensifying his touch and pushing his fingers deeper. Biting into her neck, he whispered, "Oh, my love, do you enjoy your reward?" Y/n's screams of pleasure echoed, her nails digging into his shoulder, amplifying the intensity of their shared ecstasy.

He loved the sight of his woman moaning his name as he brought her pleasure.

In the tremor of his words, y/n found herself delicately yielding to him, her whimpers and moans echoing a profound submission to her husband, her cherished mate. Within the dance of mating, her wolf embraced a delicate vulnerability, willingly succumbing to the desires and commands of her chosen mate.

In the intimate moments of their union, Taehyung's human form took on the mantle of her strong and possessive omega. Despite the human facade, her Omega perceived him as an alpha, a testament to the potent connection they shared. And strangely during the intimate process of their mating, Taehyung's words wove a captivating narrative, dripping with a possessiveness that whispered of a primal bond crossing mere human limitations.

Taehyung and y/n embraced a night steeped in love and yearning, rekindling their intimacy. With his characteristic tenderness, Taehyung artfully crafted a haven of pleasure for both. Within the cocoon of their connection, y/n discovered herself navigating the stars, guided by the exquisite pleasure brought upon her by her devoted partner.

As the morning sun painted the room with its gentle glow, the couple lay peacefully entwined beneath the sheets. The traces of last night's intimacy lingered in the air, and in the serene quietude, they slept soundly, wrapped in each other's embrace. The room held the warmth of their shared love, a cocoon of tranquility after a night of passion.

Taehyung awoke to the subtle movements beside him and was greeted by the sight of Y/N, wrapped in sheets, scratching her hybrid ears. Smiling, he pulled her into a tight hug, showering her with playful kisses, eliciting laughter from her


Carrying her in his arms, they headed to the washroom, the playful and affectionate start to the morning promising a day filled with shared moments and love.

Taehyung guided Y/N out of the washroom, cradling her in his arms as they shared the intimate act of getting dressed together. Amid the routine of clothing, Taehyung's mischievous touch sought playful connection, only to be met with a gentle scolding from Y/N. Respectful of her injury, he silently complied, dressing with a hint of reluctance, a playful pout adorning his features.

Observing the subtle sulkiness in Taehyung's expression, Y/N, despite her own physical limitations, found a way to bridge the gap. Seated on the edge of the bed, she delicately reached for his face, planting a series of tender pecks on his cheeks. Each kiss, laden with apology and affection, transformed the moment into a quiet symphony of shared understanding and love, reaffirming the depth of their connection.

Taehyung found comfort nestled against Y/N's plush chest as they shared a cozy moment on the couch, engrossed in the movie unfolding before them. In a burst of spontaneity, he seized an idea and quietly slipped away to their room.

Gathering essentials for an impromptu adventure – snacks, water, a snug blanket, and a few surprises – Taehyung returned to the living room, eager to turn their tranquil movie night into an unexpected and delightful escapade. Y/N, fully absorbed in the film, remained blissfully unaware of her husband's playful schemes.

Taehyung, with a sudden burst of energy, scooped Y/N into his arms, earning protests and whines.
" What are you doing ! Put me down ...... I wanna watch the movie " Amidst her playful punches and protests, he gently placed her in the passenger seat of their car. Y/N, still resisting, voiced her desire to stay and watch the movie.

However, Taehyung, determined to surprise her, swiftly silenced her with a passionate kiss. The protest turned into a whimper as he pressed his lips onto hers, leaving her momentarily breathless. Pulling away with a playful smirk, he hushed her with a whispered command, "Now , stay quiet, my love." The air between them simmered with the promise of the unexpected adventure he had planned.

As the car cruised along the scenic route, Y/N gazed out of the window, her adorable pout catching Taehyung's attention. His laughter, like a warm melody, filled the car, creating an atmosphere that softened the edges of her displeasure.

Determined to mend the moment, Taehyung reached into the bag of surprises he had packed earlier. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he retrieved a small box, unveiling a treasure trove of Y/N's favorite chocolates. Alongside the sweets, a handwritten note conveyed his love and apologies, each word crafted to soothe any lingering discontent.

Offering her the box, Taehyung's laughter continued, a harmonious blend with the sweetness of the gesture. Y/N's eyes lit up as she saw her favorite chocolates, a giggle escaping her lips. With each delightful bite, the velvety taste of chocolate mingled with the warmth of their camaraderie, turning the car ride into an enchanting journey of shared joy and affection.

With a mouthful of chocolate, Y/N couldn't resist her curiosity, "Where are we going, at least tell me," she inquired, her big doe eyes fixated on Taehyung. His response was unexpected as he playfully licked the chocolate off her lips, earning a laughter-laden slap on his arm. "Focus on the road," she teased with a huff.

Taehyung, chuckling at her reaction, decided to make their next pit stop. Stopping the car near a restaurant, a staff member swiftly handed him bags filled with delectable food. As the car resumed its journey, Y/N laughed, her excitement bubbling at the unforeseen delight of her husband's thoughtful plans. The road ahead held the promise of shared moments and delicious surprises.

Taehyung's car came to a gentle stop in the serene uphill area. Stepping out, he laid a warm blanket on the car's bonnet. With utmost care, he carried Y/N out, placing her on the bonnet surrounded by bags of delicious food. Wrapping another blanket around them, he joined her, creating a cozy haven against the night chill.

Amidst the starlit sky, Y/N, with a playful giggle, snuggled closer, sipping on her favorite coffee. As the moon cast its enchanting glow, she whispered, "I love it," capturing the magic of the moment.

The couple sat on the bonnet, Y/N's head resting on Taehyung's shoulders, arms intertwined while savoring their coffee. Under the soft blanket, their fingers found each other, holding hands as they shared stolen glances amid the tranquil beauty of the night sky.

Under the tapestry of stars, Taehyung softly traced patterns on Y/N's hand, a tender gesture that spoke volumes of his affection. The night air carried a gentle breeze, and he couldn't help but express the thoughts swirling in his mind.

"You know," he began, "each star has a story, just like us. Each twinkle is a moment we've shared, a memory etched into the fabric of our journey."

Y/N's eyes, filled with warmth, met his. "And this moon," Taehyung continued, "it's like our silent confidant, witnessing every chapter of our love story."

She nestled closer, their shared warmth creating a cocoon against the cool night. "Sometimes, I wonder if the stars envy us," taehyung mused, "getting to witness a love as deep and infinite as the universe itself."

Y/n feeling so many emotions and a soft warm feeling of shyness and love , she hides her face in his chest as she felt those pleasant butterflies in her tummy. Taehyung giggled at her reaction kissing the top of her head , tightening his arms around her.

In the soft hush of the night, their whispered words became a symphony of love, each sentence a note that resonated in the quietude of their shared universe.

As the romantic scene unfolded between Taehyung and Y/N under the starlit sky, a shadowy figure observed them from a distance. Envy and bitterness dripped from their gaze like poison as they clandestinely watched the couple wrapped in blankets, fingers entwined.

This observer, fueled by resentment, seethed with an inexplicable hatred. The soft laughter and whispered words of love exchanged between Taehyung and Y/N became a source of torment, each shared moment intensifying the envy that festered within.

Hidden in the shadows, the onlooker yearned to tear apart the beautiful connection they witnessed. Every smile shared by the couple fueled the flames of their discontent, and the night air carried an unsettling energy of malice as the figure begrudgingly acknowledged the depth of the love they themselves lacked.

In the hushed stillness of the night, the shadow figure reveled in a sinister satisfaction. With a cruel smirk, they summoned a ray of light that struck the delicate pendant hanging around Y/N's neck. The sudden impact was met with a symphony of pain, as Y/N's anguished scream pierced the serenity, casting a haunting discord in the air.

Taehyung, his heart gripped by terror, witnessed the radiant light inflicting agony upon Y/N. As her cries echoed, he rushed to her side, cradling her in his arms. Her body, almost limp from the pain, brought a profound sense of helplessness to Taehyung. "Y/N! What is this? What is happening, love?" he pleaded, the desperation in his voice a stark reflection of the torment he felt.

Y/N's tear-streaked face contorted with pain as she managed to gasp, "It's burning."

Driven by instinct and love, Taehyung placed his hand on the pendant, only to have it burning by the ominous light. Without a moment's hesitation, he positioned himself in front of Y/N, a shield against the cruel radiance.

The piercing scream that escaped his lips mirrored the burning intensity on his back, as he embraced her, protecting her fragile form from the ruthless assault.

As the shadow figure observed in the suffering they brought to the couple, their laughter, twisted and dark, mingled with the symphony of pain echoing through the night.

In the aftermath of the harrowing impact, the couple lay limp, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. Yet, Taehyung, on the brink of succumbing to the enveloping darkness, clung desperately to consciousness. In a desperate embrace, he held Y/N close, a silent vow to protect her, resisting the call to surrender to the haunting shadows.

In a swift response to the unfolding peril, Beta Kelnin, his majestic wolf form radiating power, sprinted towards the car. The shadowy figure, now scowling, faced an unforeseen challenge.

Abruptly, a celestial light, straight from the moon itself, enveloped the entire car, forming a protective bubble that shielded the vulnerable couple.

The radiant glow, reflected off the shimmering surface of the protective barrier, struck the shadowy figure like a lightning bolt. An immediate retreat ensued, the malevolent presence dispersing into the shadows.

Beta Kelnin, observing this unfolding spectacle, became the unwitting recipient of a sharp spark of light, a surge of energy forcing him to growl in pain and hastily retreat from the luminescent protection surrounding the couple.

Within the protective bubble, a delicate transformation unfolded as ethereal snow-like particles materialized. Gently cascading, these glimmering particles cradled Taehyung's burning and bleeding hands and back, weaving a spell of soothing coldness. Miraculously, the burns faded away, and his charred shirt and jacket seamlessly restored themselves to their original state.

Simultaneously, the celestial snow shower graced Y/N's chest, caressing the burned and bleeding areas with a healing touch. As the luminescent particles worked their enchantment, the scars and wounds vanished, leaving her chest unblemished.

In this magical interlude, the moon emitted a small, green-colored bulb-like structure. Gracefully, it descended, merging with Y/N's pendant. A subtle radiance enveloped the pendant, infusing it with an otherworldly energy that resonated with the healing dance of the snowy particles. The moon, a celestial architect, left behind a tapestry of renewal, ensuring that both Taehyung and Y/N emerged untouched by the recent ordeal.

As the enchanting bubble disappeared , Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, revealing the picturesque scene of him embracing a slumbering Y/N beneath the cozy blanket. A warm smile graced his lips as he affectionately patted her head, whispering a soft "love." In response, Y/N emitted a sleepy whine, eliciting a playful giggle from Taehyung. "Love, it's late; let's go home," he suggested with a cheerful tone.

Y/N, roused from her sleep, blinked open her eyes to the comforting sight of both of them nestled against the car's front mirror, sitting comfortably on the bonnet. She rubbed her eyes, a hint of confusion in her gaze, and inquired, "Did we fall asleep?"

Taehyung, a playful uncertainty playing on his features, responded, "I don't know, maybe we did while talking." Brushing off any lingering doubts, he carefully lifted Y/N and settled her in the passenger seat, draping the blanket over her. A tender kiss on her forehead, a shared giggle, and they snuggled into the warmth of the blanket as Taehyung took the driver's seat.

Driving into the night, both cocooned in the blanket, they felt the exquisite warmth of each other's company after a delightful evening, the echoes of shared laughter lingering in the air.

Gazing at the serene half-moon hanging in the night sky, Y/N felt an inexplicable connection, a sense of farewell intertwined with warmth. A wide smile adorned her face as she, overwhelmed by the enchanting moment, unconsciously waved goodbye to the celestial companion , the beautiful enchanting moon. Taehyung, amused by her adorable gesture, couldn't help but giggle at the sweet and whimsical connection she felt with the moonlit night.

In the blissful aftermath of their magical night, the couple, wrapped in the warmth of forgetfulness, remained unaware of the lurking dangers. Not known to them, a venomous force trailed in the shadows, a constant threat poised to tear them asunder. Yet, an equally enchanting and angelic presence stood guard, ready to weave its protective embrace around them, ensuring that love and danger danced in a delicate, precarious balance in the tapestry of their lives.

To be continued 👀💚

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