Better This Way 2

By terasomdi

235K 11.7K 1.7K

4 years of living in pain and agony over the death of her lover, Freen decides to move on with her life but w... More

Hello guys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Final Chapter
Author's Engagement.

Chapter 16

3.9K 217 28
By terasomdi

I have been sitting calmly on this seat while scanning the room for Freen. Today is the official ending of the program and we are having a mini party. I haven't been myself since yesterday. Everything in me is beginning to worry so much for her. I want to see her. I have a lot to say to her but she's not here yet and I'm worried that she may not come.

"Come dance with me" Jane said taking me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and sipped my drink. I am not in the mood to dance. Jane is here with me. Other people are here with their partners and friends also.

"Why are you so quiet? We are here to have fun Becky but you aren't even smiling."


"Don't tell me you're still mad at me. I already apologized severally for everything I said to you yesterday" she continued.

Who said I am mad at you? I have other things to worry about than stay angry with you for saying nasty things to me yesterday.

"Becky please forgive me already. I said those things out of anger. I got angry seeing the both of you together in that room. Plus she was holding you. You can't blame me for my insecurities"

"Can we please not talk about this?" I said in a weak tone.

She was about saying something when a young man came to us. He's tall and handsome and he's standing infront of Jane. He's probably here for her.

"Hello miss. You look gorgeous. Please dance with me" he said to Jane.

She rejected but I convinced her to dance with him. She reluctantly took his hand and they left to the dancefloor. I heaved a sigh of relief and grabbed my drink again.

Just then my eyes captured her and as usual she looks so beautiful and charming. The hall has only dim lights but I know her anywhere I see her. I can recognize her even in the dark.

She's with one of the organizers of the show. I stood up to walk to them but they both left to the other side of the hall. I decided to sit back and wait for them. After some minutes the man came back but he's alone this time. Where is she? I walked to the man immediately to ask about her.

"I'm sorry she already left"


"She didn't come to stay. She only came to submit a file..."

Before he could finish, I ran out of the hall to look for her. I really need to meet with her. Reason being that I may not see her again after today since the event is ending today. Again, there was a miscommunication between us yesterday and I need to clear that.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her walking towards her car. She's on call so I started walking slowly behind her.

"Thanks for your hard work Mr. Lee. Let's meet at my office on Monday. I am not feeling too well to come over there right now" she said in a very weak tone.

She's not feeling too well? Her voice doesn't sound good which means she really isn't feeling well. That explains why she didn't stay for the party.

"Yes please" she continued.

"Thank you once again...." she tried saying but paused immediately she saw me.

She's standing stiffly and I can read different expressions on her face. My heart started beating so fast as usual and I really want to run into her arms right now. I can't control my feelings anymore.

"Hey" I said warmly.

"Hey" her short response.

I am nervous. The tension is killing me. I have a lot to say but I don't know where to start. Yesterday, I was the one avoiding her eyes but today she's the one avoiding mine.

"I can see you're leaving already?" I said nervously.

"Yeah." She muttered.


"Uhm... I overheard you saying you're not feeling too well." I broke the silence.

"It's really nothing."

She looks like she's really in pain. Is her illness so serious? I have never seen her this cold before.

"Are you really okay?"


I want to know if she's okay but since she doesn't want to tell me, it's best I don't push it. She's probably not yet comfortable with me enough to tell me about her.

"Today is the last day." I said changing the topic

"Yes it is. Glad you're enjoying the party"

I smiled and nodded slightly. Well, I am not enjoying the party at all. Your presence matters so much to me and since you are not there, everything makes no sense.

"Freen... I Uhm..." I paused and looked into her eyes.

My heart is aching over what I am about to say now. I will be leaving Bangkok to Beijing in two days time. I'm hurting because I don't know if I will ever get to see her again. I am already missing her a lot and I really want to open up about my feelings for her.

"I want to say thank you for everything. You made my stay here so beautiful and fun. I really appreciate...." I said in a sad tone.

"Is that a farewell speech?" She asked cutting me off.

I looked at her. Why is she acting unbothered right now? I don't like that she asked me that but I faked a smile and..

"Probably." I said.


"I will be leaving in two days time...."

"Good. Safe flight" she said cutting me off.

My heart broke over hearing that. Doesn't she care about my departure? I am speechless because I am hurting a lot. She turned and continued walking to her car. but instantly she got dizzy and fell on her knee.

"Freen?" I screamed and ran to her.

I grabbed her and helped her stand up. But she's pulling away from me and it hurts me that she is.

"Freen you don't feel too good. Are you sure you can drive in this state?" I asked worriedly but she ignored me.

"Freen hold on. Someone else can drive you... I will drive you home myself. You are not so strong...."

Again she ignored me and continued walking to the car. She got dizzy again and fell on the car this time. I ran to her and grabbed her when she tried to open the car door. I can't let her drive in this state. Her fever is so high and she's definitely having a headache. I don't exactly know why she's acting like this towards me but I can't let her risk her life.

"Freen please listen to me" I said with a shaky voice and she turned to me.

She's looking at me sadly in the eyes making my heart to beat fast. After some minutes without her responding, I continued...

"Please let me drive you home" I said in a weak voice.

I took the car key from her and she started walking to the passenger seat. I breathed in deeply and got into the car as well. I know I'm not supposed to drive in this town but I just have to do it for her.

After asking for the second time, Freen reluctantly gave me her home address and I drove straight to her place. On getting to her place, my phone started ringing. That's Jane calling. I rejected the call and texted her immediately.

"I'm sorry I left first. We'll talk at home"

I unclasped my seatbelt and turned to Freen. Her eyes are closed and it looks like she's asleep. Gosh she already fell asleep here? What do I do? Should I wake her? I stayed for some minutes admiring her as she sleeps. How can she still be this beautiful even when sleeping? I guided my hand to her cheek and caressed it smoothly. My thumb landed on her lips and for a second I froze. I wish I can kiss her soft and beautiful lips again.

Freen gently opened her eyes and that startled me. I immediately cleared my throat and adjusted back to my seat.

"We are here" I said trying to calm my racing heart.

Her fever is so high and the headache so severe that she can't walk properly. So I helped her out of the car to the elevator. She mumbled her apartment number and after some minutes we were there.

It's my first time of being in her apartment and it's beautiful. Her taste in furniture and home decor is insane. I stood for some minutes admiring her apartment forgetting I have a sick baby to take care of.

After taking a quick scan of her living room, I helped Freen to her bedroom. Just like the living room, her bedroom is also insanely beautiful. She spread herself on the bed as soon as we got in.

Gosh! How can an adult ignore her health until it gets this bad? Maybe I should spank her for doing that. I sat beside her on the bed and started removing her shoes. After which I took out the food and medications we bought on our way here and dropped them on the nightstand.

I helped Freen to sit properly on the bed and started feeding her. She has no appetite for food but I made sure she ate a good quantity before handing the medicine with a glass of water to her.

Freen is holding me so tightly just like a baby clinging on her mum. She's not letting me go anywhere. She's typically a baby right now. I love it so much that she's like this. I smiled and stroke her hair softly until she fell into a deeper sleep.

Now I don't know whether I should leave or stay here with her. Jane on the other hand isn't making it easy for me because she has been calling nonstop for the past one hour. I let out a sigh and answered the phone call.

"You really need to stop calling me like this" I fumed.

"Is this a joke or what Becky? Where the hell are you? Why haven't you been taking my calls?" She yelled.

"You don't have to worry about me. I will see you tomorrow" I said.

Well, I have made up my mind. I am staying with Freen tonight. I can't possibly leave her to go back to Jane who only nags and yells at me over any slight provocation.

"Don't you dare sleep out tonight..."

I ended the call before she could finish. I didn't just end it, I also switched off my phone. I need my peace of mind now more than anything. And staying here will give me the peace I crave for.

I heaved a sigh and looked back at Freen who is still sleeping but sweating a lot now. I decided to take off her blazer. I unbuttoned and started undressing her but suddenly stopped. She's wearing a tube inside but the tube is quite transparent that I can see everything. The shape of her breast and how pointed her nipples are. I gulped severally and continued.

I still can't take my eyes off her beautiful breast. I am being pushed to grab them and have her nipples in my mouth but gosh that would be considered an inappropriate behavior and that will be me taking advantage of her. I swallowed hard and ran to the bathroom to take a cold shower. After a while, I was out and I lied next to Freen on the bed.

I opened my eyes when I felt a head resting on my chest and her hand and leg wrapped around me. That's Freen and she's still sleeping. It's still early in the morning and her fever is down now. I couldn't sleep at all last night because of her. She was restless last night and kept mumbling things that I didn't quite grab.

"Baby.." she mumbled and snuggled more into me.

My heart is beating fast because of how closely she's holding me. I can feel the air from her nostrils on my neck and I gasped when her hand touched my breast.

"I know I am dreaming right now but I don't want you to go. I want you to stay by my side forever because I have missed you so much" she mumbled again.

I started breathing up and fast. I know she's half asleep and not fully conscious of the situation. She doesn't know how much she's melting me right now. I crossed my hand on her to hold her firmly.

Freen gradually opened her eyes. She's fully awake now and she looks so surprised to see us in that position. It feels like the world stopped for the both of us. I thought she would get up from me but she didn't. She's only staring deeply into my eyes. I want to kiss her right now. I really want to do that.

To be continued..............

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