By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55

213 14 72
By BangtanArmies

Third Person POV

"Where's Kim Taehyung?!" Seokjin appeared, rudely barging inside the Min's suite without an invitation, accompanied by Namjoon and Jimin... as Jung Hoseok paced back and forth with his hand clasped over his mouth.

"I can't reach him," Yoongi shook his head as he remained seated on the couch with his legs crossed.

"We need him at the council, or the cult will attempt to butcher the lower ranks during the upcoming meeting," Jimin bitterly sat down. Seokjin clenched his jaw in irritation. The alphas must all be present at meetings to prevent the Black Phoenix from eliminating the lower ranks.

"I suspect he went to find Sora," Hoseok stated, worriedly rubbing his lips.

"Jang Sora?" Jimin asked, cluelessly staring at Hoseok.

"Kim Taehyung is attempting to lure out the Jaguar," Yoongi informed the alphas.

"Alone? Jae Yangcha isn't an easy player to overpower. Whether it's physical strength or mind games... The Jaguar is an ace," Seokjin scoffed doubtfully. The alphas exchanged anxious glances. What are the chances of Kim Taehyung... beating the untamed beast? They weren't sure. No one would dare attack the Jaguar alone... due to the high fatality rate.

It's a guaranteed death once the beast pounces at the target.

"But it's Kim Taehyung... there might be hope," Namjoon shrugged. Seokjin glared at his friend's optimism before glancing at Min Yoongi again.

"If Kim Taehyung dies at the hand of the Jaguar... It's the end of the council. We should send out people to search for him," Jimin shook his head. Hoseok rubbed his face in frustration after his alliance left without a notice and had not been in contact with the households for the past week.

"The cult is protecting Jae Yangcha because they know... we're after the silent killer for his power. That's probably why the cult freed the twins to settle the tension with Jae Yangcha," Yoongi darkened his eyes.

"What?" Seokjin frowned at the second-rank alpha.

"The cult claimed to lose... the twins after Jang Sora transferred her assets to the Black Phoenix. But for some unknown reason... The twins were never harmed. The cult never lifted a finger to abuse the children. And suddenly...? They disappeared after the cult acquired the supreme alpha's power...? It's too cynical," Yoongi exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Are you saying... The Jaguar negotiated with the cult to free the twins so he could present himself as the savior? So Jang Sora will remain by his side forever?" Namjoon asked, frowning at Yoongi.

"I assumed he wanted Jang Sora for her power... but since... he's still protective of her after she became powerless... it's probably a personal attachment. And the twins? They're Jeon Jungkook's firstborn, whether they are illegitimate or not. Their existence will forever threaten the Jeon's household. Firstborns have the right to seize their parent's power once they're off age," Hoseok explained.

"So... Jae Yangcha is seeking revenge for Sora? He's after Jeon Jungkook? He held Sora captive until her mother died. And now... he's snapping his baring fangs at Jeon Jungkook?" Namjoon frowned.

"Highly possible. The twins can't thrive in the society without legitimate power. Jae Yangcha resents Jeon Jungkook for impregnating his wife... and probably blames the alpha for staying muted when the twins were kidnapped... so he will attack Jeon Jungkook to reclaim power for Jang Sora. He's going to war for her," Min Yoongi nodded. The alpha grew hushed and glanced at one another with an uptight look.

"And... Kim Taehyung is using himself as bait...? To lure out the Jaguar because... Sora will never put Jae Yangcha at risk? If he's the bait... then we should be ready to attack the beast once he's out in the opening," Jimin muttered.

"He's in Daegu. Kim Taehyung might send us a signal once he uncovers the hidden bunker," Hoseok informed. The alpha grew tense within the room as they pondered the possibilities of Kim Taehyung's whereabouts.

"There might be a spy amongst our people. That's why Kim Taehyung left without a word to avoid alerting Jae Yangcha's people," Min Yoongi sorely glanced at Seokjin.

"You and Sungho are the only standing second rank after Jang Sora's collapse. Convince the Chul to join the council. We have to defend the society while Kim Taehyung is away and pray he'll somehow uncover Jaguar's lair," Seokjin instructed, turning to leave the suite without another word. Namjoon and Jimin followed the alpha out of the room. Min Yoongi dimmed his eyes and glanced at Hoseok after the guests left their private space.

"Why is the Jeon hushed on the matter?" Yoongi sorely asked.

"No idea. I will investigate the matter," Hoseok nodded. The Mins instructed Jung Hoseok to deploy their men to Daegu... to provide urgent assistance to Kim Taehyung... who is trapped at the lair... buried deep beneath the surface of the wilderness.

He found the Jaguar... at the cost of his own life.


Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung sat sluggishly with his head lowered as he slumped on the uncomfortable seat. His sprained ankles... tied to the chair legs. And his forearms... strapped securely to the handrest. His temples... aching in pain from the blunt blow to his head... and the gash on his lower stomach... throbbing nonstop due to the swollen tissues that had been ripped open during an aggressive battle with the wild beast.

The alpha squinted his blurry eyes once his ringing eardrums... picked up the faint echoes of footsteps... thumping steadily over the metallic base. The dull whistle of the Silent Killer... resonating within the enclosed walls of the freezing basement... to taunt the captured alpha with... its tedious rhythm.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The wounded alpha lifted his dizzy head to glare at the Jaguar from between his greasy black bangs as the beast inched closer to him. Standing shirtless... to flex his toned muscles. Yangcha halted before Kim Taehyung as he pridefully stood with his hands... rested on his strong hips. The Kim's heir shifted his bitter gaze to the alpha's torso... covered in Jang Sora's love marks... before averting his sharp glare back to the killer's cocky smile.

"You bastard... at least have the decency to cover yourself," Taehyung grunted in discontent, averting his eyes away in disgust. Yangcha chuckled and crouched before the chair to admire Kim Taehyung's beaten face, widely grinning at the alpha's pitiful state.

"She likes me this way though. You're aware, right? You used to show off her marks to the world with pride too," Yangcha chuckled. Kim Taehyung scoffed under his breath as his mind spun like a whirlpool, yet he refused to let his guard down and remained alarmed in the chair.

"Fuck you and your pretentious ass. Did you think Sora actually trusts you with her children?" Taehyung snarled. Yangcha smiled and sat directly on the ground with his legs crossed.

"She does trust me with them because, unlike the manipulative liar you are... I am a man of my word. I have never disappointed her," Yangcha chuckled while shaking his head. Kim Taehyung gripped his fists in irritation after failing to provoke the Jaguar.

"Did you think she'd still love you if she saw you raising the knife at her children? Don't pretend to be the good guy when it was your intention to murder the twins-"

"I never intended to kill her children. It was merely a distraction so you could flee with them without saving her. I couldn't save everyone from the bloodshed... so I decided to only rescue my wife. I started the fire not to kill you or her children... but to cover up my crime. If I wanted you to die... Did you think I'd be this sloppy and let you live to see another day? If I wanted to kill you and the twins... Did you think I'd let you leave the penthouse before the explosion? Ani. I let you flee the place and ran back through the fire to save Sora... after you departed with her children. But I guess you're deeming yourself as some... kind of hero? Just because I let you save the twins?" Yangcha smugly stared at Kim Taehyung, who clenched his jaw and lowered his head to shake off the blurriness from his vision.

"If you're so confident about her affection... Then why are you hiding me here? Hmm...? Show her my condition and watch her react. Did you actually think... Jang Sora... has completely removed me from her life? She's still attached to me," Taehyung seethed.

"She knows you're here," Yangcha replied. Kim Taehyung suddenly turned pale as he struggled to read the Jaguar's poker face.


"You met her last night. Didn't you? I left the door open on purpose. I never hide anything from her. She knows you're here... but did she bother to help you? No. She's reading stories with the kids right now... and she's going to bake us dessert later. Did you honestly believe... you're still special to Jang Sora? After the awful things... you did to her?" Yangcha asked. Taehyung gulped and glanced at the leather straps around his wrists.

"I might not know what the fuck you have up your sleeves, but I can assure you I'm the only person to truly care for her wellbeing-"

"Yeah? If you truly cared for her... then why did you break her heart? Because you see her as a possession? An object you can foolishly break and fix? I love you, Sora. So I'll use my power to hurt you because I know... you love me. The consequences...? There are no consequences because Kim Taehyung will mend the crack he formed... and Sora will surely forgive Kim Taehyung because- Hey. He might be careless with her feelings... but that's all because he loves her. It's absolutely normal to let the man hurt you... because he'll eventually apologize and beg for forgiveness. Yeah? What kind of delusional bullshit is that?" Yangcha sneered.

"Why are you addressing me as the bad guy...? She's obviously broken because of you. I'll give you credit for managing to fuck over a soul you claim to love. Hah~ I'll never beat Kim Taehyung to it because... I don't think I'll ever be cruel enough to tear her open like you did with your bare hands. Sure. You can be her deepest scar. If that's what you take pride in-? I'll never be as good as you because... despite being a ruthless killer... the one thing I can't do is to purposely hurt her," Yangcha smiled. Taehyung tensed up in his place with his piercing sharp glare on the Jaguar.

"So that's how you convince her? So you could be- the so-called good guy-"

"No. I never attempted to manipulate my lover in any way. We don't even speak about you. I don't compare myself to a sucker like you. Why would I waste my time telling her I'm better than you? Sora... He's a jerk. Sora... I'm better than him. Sora... can't you see? He's manipulating you. I've never once initiated that kind of conversation to make her doubt you. She trusts the actions she witnesses, not the meaningless words I say to her. You're an insecure bastard. That's what you are. Pain is the confirmation of love. That's what you live upon. If she loves you... then she should be able to endure the pain for you, so you constantly hurt her to verify... her affection. It's disgusting, really. How you take so much pride in breaking her soul... just to claim victory over your love game," Yangcha chuckled as he sat composedly on the ground.

"Hand the twins over," Taehyung grunted, sorely staring at the Jaguar.

"Why should I? Sora wants to keep them by my side," Yangcha shrugged.

"You're using them to tame Sora-"

"I'm quite fond of them, actually. The only reason I was restless was because I thought Sora cheated on me. But she didn't... and they're innocent. The twins favor me nowadays... because I'm not as strict as appa. It's funny how they always compare everything I do to you. Oh? Ahjussi is so nice. Appa will never let us bother him when he's busy. Oh? Ahjussi can cook delicious food~? Appa always feeds us bland porridge every day. Oh? Ahjussi is so talented! Appa only sleeps at home!" Yangcha scoffed.

"The audacity to guilt trip Jang Sora... over your bare minimum effort to raise the twins? What...? You deserve them? Just because you changed their diapers? Just because you fed them medication...? Just because you wash their buttcracks? Sure. You did have the heart to care for them and to keep them alive. But you've also left them to fend for themselves throughout the day. You've never had the heart to learn new ingredients for them- or even tried hard enough to properly attend to their needs," The alpha chuckled while shaking his head to disapprove of Kim Taehyung's authoritarian parenting style.

"You've never granted them the freedom to be kids because you're so busy with work, so it was only rational to lock them inside. That's how you love. And you question why people doubt your affection? You only act after you've lost the person you desire. Sure. You'll kill for the twins... and you'd definitely slaughter for Sora... but only after you've lost them. Did you think your nice acts could somehow... overshadow all your past neglect when they were begging to be loved and heard by you?" Yangcha sighed, pushing himself upward and stood up to dust his sweatpants.

"Jang Sora is the only person to determine your fate and mine... so don't waste your time attempting to gaslight me," Taehyung grunted while glaring at the alpha.

"Ah... I wonder... how she'll react... knowing you followed us here with a GPS tracker? If I hadn't caught you... you could've sent a troop to slaughter her family and called it an act of love. Wah~! Kim Taehyung is the man. Indeed," Yangcha mocked Kim Taehyung and strolled away, leaving the wounded alpha deprived of food and water. Kim Taehyung clenched his jaw and lowered his face again as he listened to the door... slamming shut against the frame above the spiral staircase... to isolate him from the outside world.

Sora's POV

Yangcha cheerfully chatted with the twins in the living room as the sun disappeared behind the clustered trees until darkness loomed over the property. The insects began to cry from within the thick grass barrier as the night temperature dropped to invite the chilliness inside our home. I turned from the kitchen stove to find the twins studying at the coffee table with the opened books as Yangcha taught them the alphabet. Smiling, I turned to mix the batter and quietly made dessert after I prepared dinner. Should I visit the back house? I feel restless.

"You're done?" Yangcha asked, suddenly back hugging me. I slightly flinched and glanced up at him in surprise as he kissed my shoulder.

"I'm waiting for the dough to rise," I nodded at the oven while stirring the cream in the bowl. Yangcha poked the creamy fluff and licked it off his finger. He chuckled while tasting the flavor between his lips, grabbed the milk carton to add it to the mixture and carefully reached forward to stir the bowl with my body... trapped between his forearms.

"Did they give up on studying?" I asked.

"No. The twins can read almost every alphabet now. They're quick learners," Yangcha shook his head as he stirred the whipped cream. He finally pulled away from my back to place the bowl in the fridge before turning to hug me again.

"Wae...?" I smiled, looking up at him unsurely as he clung to me.

"Do you want to go to our bedroom for a moment...? It'll take a while for the dough to fully rise," He whispered in my ear, causing me to chuckle from the ticklish sensation. I glanced at the twins while holding his waist in the kitchen. The children... were cluelessly watching the cartoon on the wide screen while sitting on the couch.

"Maybe when they're asleep?" I replied with flushed cheeks as we faintly rocked from side to side in each other's embrace. Yangcha smiled and lifted me by my waist to settle my body on the counter.

"I'll make it quick," He devilishly smiled. I bit my lower lips with a conflicted look before glancing at the twins again as Yangcha softly nibbled my neck. Here...? That's very dangerous~! He gently reached inside my panties to touch me under my gown, so I tensed my body and glanced back at him with a slight frown.

"This is too risky~!" I whine, softly chuckling until he kisses my lips again to hush my complaints. Yangcha gently tugged my pantie aside while jerking himself and gently pushed his bulge against my dripping wet crotch, so I gripped his shoulder... as he carefully entered between my thighs.

"But it's thrilling~ Isn't it fun~?" He teased, slowly penetrating me on the counter. I gripped his shoulder with my nose pressed against his shirt until my body stiffened at his throbbing presence.

"You're so naughty~!" I whined, lifting my flushed face to glare at him in annoyance, but ended up chuckling at his mischievous expression and shook my head in disbelief.

Yangcha huffed in difficulty and lowered his face to press his lips against mine, so I gripped onto his back as he swirled his tongue inside my mouth to tease me with his lustful strokes. I quietly moaned as he thrust forward to reach deeper while holding my waist to keep me in place.

This is thrilling, but I'm afraid the twins might notice our inappropriate acts! I lifted my legs to circle my shins around his hips and kissed his cheek as he ran his fingers through my hair while admiring my red cheeks. Smooch. He sweetly kissed my lips, so I panted against his chin and clutched tighter onto his bicep to stop myself from making too much noise as he repeatedly penetrated me.

"Eomma~? Is the cake ready~?" Kanghoon chirped, glancing at us from the living room.

"Oh- Oh! Yeah! Almost~!" I smiled, turning to smile at him as Yangcha hugged my body against his. I grew stiff as the children averted their eyes in our direction out of curiosity.

"Ahjussi~ Come sit with us~" Woojin cutely beckoned as Yangcha paused with his hard bulge inside me. My insides wouldn't stop pulsating... so I bit my lower lips and clung to his shoulder for dear life. It's torture to have him lodged inside me without movement like this~! Hah~!

"I'll be there~ Let me help eomma out first~!" Yangcha teased as I nervously frowned at his smug expression. I lowered my head with a weak smile while gripping his broad shoulder as he rubbed my back to soothe my arched spine.

"Okay~" The twins smiled and glanced back at the screen. Yangcha carefully resumed thrusting inside me again. I gasped and smacked his chest in annoyance.

"Let's resume later~ Oh?" I pouted. He smiled, suddenly lifting me off the counter without pulling out, so I gasped and clung to his neck as he walked us out of the kitchen and strolled toward the bedroom. He quietly closed the door before turning to sit down on the couch.

I giggled while perching over him, so he quickly yanked off his shirt as I lowered my face to make out with him, gently sucking on his lips while playing with his red earlobe. Yangcha steadily rocked my hips to make me ride him on the couch, making me shiver from the pleasuring surges inside my heated crotch. I bounced over him steadily as he kneaded my breast, lowering his face to nibble my sensitive tips until my body jolted with the burning sensation.

"Every time you're pregnant... there's this alluring pheromone that you secrete. You smell so freaking good... and your skin is oddly glowy~!" He chuckled, pulling away to cup my face. I softly moaned his name while holding his shoulder with my eyebrows furrowed in difficulty.

"I'm only this radiant because my husband is so good to me~!" I teased while stroking his moist lips with my thumb. Yangcha chuckled and hugged my body again as I steadily rocked my crotch over his to intensify the pleasure until he grunted and tilted his head backward to savor our intimate moment together.

I smiled at his troubled frown... tucked my loose hair strand behind my ear... and lowered my face to suck on his hard nipple, causing him to tense up beneath me as I kissed his chest and lifted my face to suck on his throat. Yangcha massaged my waist to ease my body muscles as we made love on the couch in our empty bedroom to avoid the suspicion of the young souls.

A moment later.

I giggled by the kitchen counter as Yangcha playfully kissed my earlobe, causing my hand to shake while squeezing the cream over the cupcakes. He pecked my cheek and turned to wash the trays in the sink. We had quick sex earlier and took a bath together before resuming... our dinner preparation.

"Eomma~ Do you need help~?" Woojin asked, tugging my gown after he showered.

"Bring this to the coffee table~!" I smiled, handing the child the bowls, so he smiled and carefully walked away as Kanghoon peaked at the sink beside Yangcha.

"Help your brother set the table," Yangcha nudged the child.

Kanghoon giggled and approached me, so I handed him the bundle of utensils. He quickly skipped away with the chopsticks and spoons. Yangcha playfully smacked my butt and lifted the plates to place them in the living room as Woojin placed the rice bowl on each side of the table. Smiling, I arranged the cupcakes on a plate before lifting it and settled with the kids in the living room. They gasped at the yellow and blue theme decoration with a wide grin. It's their favorite color.

"Can we eat it?!" They shrieked.

"Finish dinner first~!" I shook my head as I pushed the warm meal towards them.

"I'll take you guys for a school tour tomorrow," Yangcha announced.

"School!? We're going to school~?" Kanghoon gasped with the rice left unchewed in his mouth.

"Not yet. We're just going to inspect the premises," I smiled. They gasped and nudged one another in excitement.

"Ahjussi-! Ah~!" Woojin lifted his spoon to hover over Yangcha's face. The alpha smiled and accepted generous the offer. I chuckled, reaching across the table to wipe Kanghoon's lips. They happily ate the warm meals before devouring the cupcakes on the plate. Yangcha insisted on doing the dishes, so I let him handle the mess in the kitchen.

"I'll take out the trash..." I informed as I lifted the black bag and strolled out of the villa, anxiously walking towards the back house with my lips pursed until I reached the dumpster and carefully placed the bag on the pile. I nervously glanced at the single light source in the storage house and glanced at the villa with a troubled feeling. Should I make a quick run to check on Taehyung?-

"Noona. Are you done?" Yangcha called from my left, so I quickly turned to find Yangcha carrying another bag. He smiled and walked over to place the trash bag on the pile.

"We should take out the trash," I whispered, nodding at the pile.

"I'll do it. Get ready for bed," Yangcha assured, transferring the trash bags onto the cart. I nodded and walked off, briefly glancing at the back house with an unsettled feeling. I should help Taehyung if he's stuck-? Is he even alive? I pursed my lips and strolled back inside to wash my hands before entering the bedroom to find the twins hopping over my bed.

"Don't jump~! You'll fall," I smiled at them. They giggled and ran inside the bathroom to brush their teeth, so I prepared their bed until the twins climbed the mattress and rolled over with bright beams.

I kissed their lips and patted their head with a fond smile as they cradled their stuffed animals in their tiny arms. I'm glad they're not too bothered by the abduction incident. Yangcha told me they were mildly starved by the cult, but there was no injury on their body. However, their skins were inflamed due to their rotting filth.

"Eomma~ You're so so so so pretty~!" Kanghoon chuckled while playing with my loose hair. I've examined their bodies... and they're fully healed. There's nothing to worry about.

"Pfft. You'll change your mind when you grow up," I smiled, gently patting his cheek as I sat by their bedside.

"Waeyo~?" Woojin curiously stared at me.

"Your wife will be the most beautiful woman in your eyes. Not your old mother~!" I teased.

"Aniyo~! You're the prettiest! Nice hair~ Pretty boobies~ And you smell soooo good~!" The twins giggled. I laughed and ruffled their hair. They didn't ask for Taehyung after our last encounter... so I assumed they didn't mind living with me permanently.

I stayed by their side until they fell asleep before switching off the night light and crawled onto my bed. Yangcha came strolling inside the room in his sweaty shirt after he disposed of the trash... so I exhaled and turned to sleep on my side as he entered the bathroom to shower.

A moment later.

I suddenly stirred awake from a wild dream but didn't budge and released a deep exhale to collect my numbed senses. Yangcha was sleeping on his back with his arm rested over his head. Should I creep to the back house again...? I'm hesitant because I don't want to upset Yangcha because... he might lose control... and hurt the twins. I nervously lifted my head off the pillow, trying my best not to wake the sleeping Jaguar.

Carefully... very cautiously... I lifted the blanket and slipped out of bed, quietly tiptoeing out of the room and into the dim corridor. I halted in the living room to scan the dark exterior with a restless feeling. Is it safe...? What if he comes after me? Gulping, I turned to enter the kitchen, opened the fridge, and poured myself a cold drink in the mug before closing the door while drinking the water with my eyes closed. Should I make a quick dash and return? To confirm his well-being...? I'm sure Yangcha won't notice-

"Ah!" I gasped, flinching in a panic... when I turned to find Yangcha sitting on the stool by the counter with his eyes barely open. Hah! I'm sure I'll suffer a heart attack one day because of his sneaky habits! 

"Did I startle you?" He sleepily smiled. His body is massive! How is it possible for him to walk without making a sound? 

"You need to stop sneaking up on me~!" I whined, handing him the mug. Yangcha took it from my grip and drank the cool water as I caressed his cheek. He placed the mug aside, grabbed my waist, and hugged me with a weak smile... so I patted his head as he snuggled against my chest.

"Let's go back to bed," He whispered while sitting on the stool. I nodded, took his hand, and headed back to our bedroom. Yangcha lifted the blanket as I scooted beside him and turned to hug his waist with my head rested over his bicep. He kissed my forehead and lowered his head to the pillow before dozing off again... so I exhaled through my lips in defeat with my nose pressed against his chest and decided to sleep through the night.

This isn't the right time. I have to be cautious.

Next Day

"Thank you for visiting us," The principal greeted, slightly bowing at me and Yangcha, who was carrying the twins in his arms.

"Annyeonghaseyo~!" The twins politely bowed at the woman.

"How adorable~!" She chuckled at the twins. Yangcha eventually settled them down as they excitedly admired the spacious academy with their curious gaze. I smiled as Yangcha took my hand, and we followed the woman inside the main office to discuss the twin's academic background.

"Hey~ You're not supposed to eat everything~!" I tugged Woojin in embarrassment, who kept grabbing the snack from the plate. The principal laughed at the child as he climbed back onto the couch and wiggled his body as Kanghoon gawked at the drawing books with his bulging doe eyes.

"We'll show you around," The principal got up to lead us, so we followed her out of the office. The assistant chatted with the twins as they strolled ahead of us while swinging each other's hands back and forth.

"Why is the door white~?"

"Yellow is pretty~!"

"Why is the school so quiet~?"

"Where are chingus~?"

"How many chingus are there~?"

"Where is the kitchen~?"

"Are there free snacks~?"

Yangcha securely held my waist as the principal opened a door to a classroom packed with kids at their desks. The twins shrieked in excitement and poked their heads inside to stare at the unfamiliar faces.

"Annyeong chingus~! I'm Kim Woojin and my brother- Kim Kanghoon~!" Woojin shrieked, hopping inside the classroom with his twin to greet the children.

"Annyeong~!" The children waved at them from their desks, causing the twins to giggle hysterically as a teacher smiled at the lively duo. 

"They're extroverts," I smiled at the principal.

"Well. They can stay with their classmates... for today and get to know everyone~!" The teacher chuckled, showing the twins to their spare seats.

"Can we sit together~?" Kanghoon requested. The twins climbed a chair at the center of the room and shared the seat because they didn't want to separate, causing the principal to chuckle again. She shook her head, closed the door, and showed us different spaces designed for the students.

We entered a music room filled with instruments and then... visited an art room. The principal took us to the spacious school auditorium and then to the swimming pool before visiting the spotless canteen. Yangcha held onto my waist as we entered the playroom and finally returned to the office to discuss their enrollment terms.

We lounged at the academy for the entire day so the twins could attempt their study trial at the academy. I insisted on enrolling the twins at the local public school, but Yangcha claimed it would be best... if we sent them to a private institute. The tuition fee is twenty times the average fee of ordinary schools.

"Ah~ Today is the parents and teacher conference. The parents of our precious students will be present to speak with the teacher regarding their child's academic outcomes. You may meet and speak with the guardians," The assistant led us inside a spacious lounge filled with older women and men in formal attire. They glanced in our direction... so I smiled and greeted them.

"I need to use the bathroom," I whispered. Yangcha nodded as I turned to leave the space, entered the stall to care for my business, and stepped out just as a flood of students exited their classroom.

"Eomma~!" The twins shrieked, rushing towards me. I smiled and reached out to hold their hands as they clutched cute sticker books. We returned to the lounge as the kids searched for their parents until I spotted Yangcha chatting with a group of wealthy-looking mothers.

"You're so young~!" A woman in a white dress smacked Yangcha's shoulder as I approached him.

"Oh. This is my wife and my children," He smiled, pulling me forward. The woman glanced at me with a bright smile before glancing back at Yangcha in admiration.

"They're so handsome! Just like you~!" Another woman chuckled at the twins as they clung to the alpha's hands. I smiled at the guardians before turning to sit in an empty lounge with Yangcha.

"Oh!" A slender and pretty woman suddenly appeared, halting before our section to stare at Yangcha, who immediately widened his eyes in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" Yangcha beamed, quickly rising from the couch as she stepped forward to give him a friendly hug.

"Ah! My sister is busy today, so I'm attending the conference for my niece~!" She beamed. Yangcha awkwardly scratched his head while gazing at her pretty smile. Why was he suddenly so shy around her...?

"Oh- My wife! You should meet her! Sora, this is a flight attendant I met on my trip abroad~!" Yangcha turned to introduce me, so I got up to greet her. The woman smiled at me.

"Ah! He told me about his beloved wife! Nice to meet you~!" She giggled, holding out her hand to shake mine. I smiled and glanced at Yangcha, who was smiling at her nonstop. She eventually excused herself and left to find her niece.

"Do you want to play at the playground...?" Yangcha turned to ask the twins. They nodded with wide grins and left together to play at the outdoor playground with the other kids. I sorely dimmed my eyes and glanced at the pretty woman again.

He never looks at anyone with interest, but his eyes immediately lit up at her presence? Tsk. I folded my arms and got up to stroll toward the wide window... where I could view the playground packed with kids and parents. The twins were riding on the swing as Yangcha chatted with the group of swooning mothers... clearly hypnotized... by his charming visual.

"Are you a guest?" A man appeared by my side. I glanced at his neatly groomed hair as he stood in a formal suit.

"Yes. We're considering the academy," I smiled.

"It's the best academy in this region," He nodded, glancing at the playground with a steaming paper cup in his hand.

"Do you have kids?" I asked curiously. He chuckled.

"No. My stepbrother is studying here. My dad married a young woman... so I'm babysitting my brother," The man nodded at the chubby boy... who was chasing a girl in the playground. I smiled warmly.

"He's adorable," I nodded.

"I'm an attorney. Jung Gyeongsoo," He smiled, placing out his hand, so I took it.

"Jang Sora," I smiled. He stared at my face fondly without releasing my hand. He's so handsome~! Ah~! Why am I suddenly flustered~!?

"You're really pretty," He chuckled, causing my cheeks to burn bright red. Knock. Knock. We quickly glanced at the window to find my husband narrowing his suspicious gaze on me from outside the glass, so I snatched my hand from the man's grip with a startled look.

"Uh- Oh! He's my husband. We have a twin... and I'm currently bearing- another son," I nervously chuckled at the man while rubbing my neck. Yangcha smiled at the man and walked toward the door to enter the lounge.

"Annyeonghaseyo," The man greeted the alpha, who suspiciously glanced at me.

"She's married," Yangcha smiled at the man, causing my cheeks to flush even redder.

"I'm aware. I saw the ring," He nodded at my ring finger. I chuckled at the man, causing Yangcha to narrow his eyes on me, so I quickly cleared my throat before glancing away to avoid his disapproving frown.

A moment later.

Yangcha settled over the cushions beside me at the table again after leaving earlier to feed the twins their medication. They were staring at the living shrimp in the glass container positioned in the corner of the restaurant as I grumpily ate the blood sausage. Yangcha tried to take a bite, but I shoved his head away and forced the remaining snack inside my mouth, causing him to scoff with an offended look. The alpha stared at me as I sat crossed legs in the restaurant with my dim eyes on the twins.

"What's wrong...?" Yangcha asked with a slight frown.

"Nothing," I grumbled, glancing out the store window to stare at the passing cars. He scoffed and tried to hold my waist... so I shoved him away again.

"Hey! Why are you acting like this?! Are you perhaps upset because I won't let you chat with a handsome man?" Yangcha scoffed. I snapped my head to glare at him while chewing the remaining sausage in my mouth until my nose tip turned bright red.

"You never told me about the pretty flight attendant!" I pushed his bicep in annoyance. Yangcha widened his eyes in disbelief.


"Whatever! You don't have to explain anything! I saw the way you smiled at her with my own eyes! Don't even try to make up excuses~!" I glared. Yangcha sorely studied my attitude.

"Well... she did ask me out when we met..." Yangcha shrugged, turning to set the plates. I glared at him intensely. Why is he so dismissive?! I sniffled and glanced down at the empty paper bag in my hands.

"Terrible husband!" I shrieked, suddenly bursting into tears. Yangcha wildly turned his head at my tantrum and tried to cover my mouth but I hastily kicked his butt to make him scoot away from me.

"Noona~! We're out in public!" Yangcha scoffed, trying to crawl back, but I stubbornly whined and shoved him aside. My emotions are all over the place! He glanced at the ajumma in embarrassment as she glanced at us from the kitchen.

"Don't touch me!" I warned, angrily shoving his hand away. Yangcha paused to stare at the tear stain on my cheeks with a dumbfounded expression. I sniffled and lowered my face to rub my tears as the store owner approached us to place the dishes on the table.

"Aigo~ Pregnancy can mess with your emotions~ Don't sulk too much, or you'll upset the child in your womb~!" She smiled at me. I pursed my lips and looked up at her with my glassy pupils.

"He hugged a woman earlier, ajumma! How am I supposed to react?!" I pouted at her. The woman froze and scoffed at Yangcha with an offended look.

"Young man~! That's not appropriate-"

"She was just someone I know~! Ajumma~! She's being unreasonable right now, and you're taking her side?!" Yangcha whined in annoyance.

"Aigo~! You should be upset! How can you embrace another woman in front of your wife~!?" Ahjumma scolded Yangcha. I sobbed in distress while pouting at her... causing the twins to turn in our direction in confusion.

"It was nothing~!" Yangcha groaned.

"Men are so clueless! Would you have liked it if another man hugged your wife!?" Ajumma scolded the alpha.

"Eomma~! Why are you crying?!" The twins shrieked as they climbed the platform to sit on the cushions with startled expressions.

"Your father is being mean to her~!" Ajumma teased and strolled away. The twins gasped and glared at Yangcha, who scoffed in bewilderment.

"Ahjussi! Why would you upset eomma!-"

"Ohoh! Not you too?!-" Yangcha bickered with the twins. They screeched, suddenly rounding the table to push Yangcha off the cushion, who stumbled to the side after being kicked out by the little bowl cuts. They protectively sat on either side of me to keep Yangcha away.

"Ahjussi, bad boy! Bad! Bad~!" They snapped, lifting the spoon to threaten the alpha with it. Yangcha scoffed in disbelief as he sat across from me with an annoyed look. I sniffled and hugged the twins on my sides and we quietly ate our warm meal.

The twins glared at Yangcha, who quickly lowered his head to eat after they caught him glaring at me. I sniffled and fed the kids until I felt... Yangcha nudging my sock under the table with his feet. I glared at him from across the table... until he drew his feet away and ate his food with an upset pout.

We returned to the hidden villa after our dinner at the restaurant. I entered the shower to bathe with the kids, leaving Yangcha to sort the ingredients in the kitchen before crawling into bed to sleep without waiting for him. Yangcha finally entered the bedroom and strolled away to shower as I watched the twins snore on their bed. He then... climbed onto the mattress and tried to hug me... but I shoved him away and grumpily turned to glare at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry~" He whispered, lifting his head to rest on my pillow. I glared at him with my muted silence until Yangcha lifted his face to kiss me softly. I didn't respond and pushed his face away with my palm.

"So annoying~" I muttered. Yangcha smiled, drawing me in by my waist.

"You know you're the only sweetheart I love~!" He whispered while patting my head. Pfft! Men and their deceptive lies! He grabbed my hand to make me hold his hips, so I exhaled in defeat and pressed my face against his warm chest. Maybe I'm just a little too moody~!


"Ah! Noona! Ow!- Argh!" Yangcha winced in shock when I bit his nipple, causing him to jerk on the bed. I pulled away with a devious smirk as he rubbed his chest in disbelief.

"Wae? How dare you look at me like that?!" I whispered with a dark frown as he grimaced at me in annoyance. I glanced at the bitemark over his chest and tried to bite him again, but he quickly shoved my face away.

"I'm not whining~! Why would I whine?! It's my wife's love mark!" He suddenly grinned, slamming his lips against mine to disable me. I gasped in shock as he gripped my head and leaned over my chest to stifle my voice with his assertive strokes. Yangcha tilted his face and interlaced our fingers until I stopped resisting him. Smooch. He smiled, pulling away to study the glazing saliva on my lips. I glared at him in annoyance until he lowered his face to kiss my eyelids.

"I love you~!" He whispered, gently pecking me all over my face. I eventually broke into a soft smile and hugged his head after the frustration subsided from my chest. Yangcha chuckled and lifted his face to stare fondly at me while stroking my cheeks- SMACK. He gasped and slumped backward when a pillow... hurled across the room... slamming right into his face.

"What are you doing to eomma?!" Woojin shrieked, suddenly scrambling off his bed to storm towards us.

"Woojin!" I chuckled as he leaped onto my bed and tried to tackle Yangcha.

"Ohoh! How dare you stop me?!" Yangcha gasped, effortlessly pinning the child to the mattress as Kanghoon sat up with a dazed expression from being awoken by his twin's frantic shrieks.

"Ah! Ah! Stop!!!" Woojin screamed in distress as Yangcha tickled the child until he twisted and turned on the mattress. The child screeched and smacked Yangcha's face, so he chuckled and sat up with a grimace. Woojin cutely punched Yangcha's chest with his tiny fist again and turned to hug me possessively.

"This isn't your bed!" Yangcha whined.

"Eomma is mine! Ahjusshi made eomma cry~!" Woojin shrieked. Kanghoon rubbed his eyelids and slumped back onto his bed without a bother.

Yangcha grimaced and lay down beside Woojin as the child slept between us. I smiled and turned to hold his body, gently kissing his scented hair. Ah~ I'm assured now~! My babies will protect me when I'm too old to care for myself~! Yangcha huffed in annoyance and turned his back on us with his arms crossed to sulk after the child stole me from him.

"I will protect you, eomma~!" Woojin giggled. I smiled and kissed his forehead as he firmly held onto my waist. Smiling widely, I closed my eyes with my nose pressed against his soft hair strands

The child refused to release me and remained as a barrier between me and my husband until he fell asleep in my arms. Yangcha instantly snatched the sleeping baby from my grip and carried the child back to his bed before rolling over the mattress to hug me with his possessive grip, making me chuckle at his upset pout. 


I restlessly watched Yancha connect the wires on the table in his workshop room. He's been keeping me by his side... and my mind would constantly wander to the storage house. If I do nothing... Taehyung might not survive, but how will I help him without provoking Yangcha?

The alpha smiled at me as I stared at the robotic toy he was assembling until I noticed the twins chasing each other through the corridor with a cushion. I glanced at the time. It's been five days since I last saw Taehyung in the storage room. He will definitely die from starvation if not from the injuries...

"Eomma~! Wanna play~?" Kanghoon asked, jogging inside the room to grab my hand. I smiled and glanced at Yangcha, who pursed his lips with a concentrated frown as he soldered the wire to the chips.

"What about hide and seek...?" I suggested.

"Oh! Okay! Let's play~!" Woojin nodded in excitement.

"Ahjussi! Join us~!" They giggled, grabbing Yangcha's hand. The alpha shook his dazed mind after spending hours on his toy and finally nodded in agreement.

"Who's the seeker?" Yangcha smiled.

"Eomma!" They shrieked.

"Okay. I'll count to twenty!" I agreed, lowering my head to the desk and closed my eyes. The twins shrieked, suddenly scurrying out of the room. Maybe... I can distract Yangcha with the game...? I slowly counted to twenty and lifted my face in excitement... expecting Yangcha to be gone... but he was still... seated beside me. Fuck.

"Oh! I caught you!" I smiled, grabbing his forearm. Yangcha chuckled.

"I don't want to play~!" He muttered while observing the wires.

"But you didn't tell me earlier!" I snapped.

"Araso~ I'll count until twenty then?" He smiled, putting his wires away, and finally averted his attention to me.

"No! Make it thirty~!" I patted his arm, quickly racing out of the room after shutting the door, and hurried down the hallway.

"Eomma~!" Woojin gasped when I found him hiding behind the couch with Kanghoon. They shrieked, trying to run away but I caught them by their arms and drew them right back.

"Ahjusshi is the seeker! Eomma caught him~! Let's hide together!" I chuckled. They gasped with cute grins, quickly getting up from the floor, so I held their hands and led them out of the glass house. We rushed around the villa together.

"You two wait here, okay? Crouch down- and scream out loud when Ahjusshi appears. Got it~?" I asked, making the twins crouch behind the fertilizer sacks by the villa's wall.

"Okay! Eomma hide~!" They agreed. I smiled and hurried down the pebbled path, leaving the twins to watch out for Yangcha by the corner of the villa. I quickly shoved the storage room open and raced towards the door to yank the handle... but it was securely locked.

"Taehyung?! Are you there?!- Taehyung!" I called while banging on the metallic door. No answer. I gasped, wildly turning around to search for the key over the racks with a racing heart... but it was nowhere to be found. He wouldn't leave the key here! What should I do!? This is the only chance!

"Tae!? Do you need help?- I'm here-"

"Keep your voice down-" Taehyung grunted from behind the door. His voice... was very faint... but I could clearly hear the echoes. Shit!? Is he downstairs?! My heart dropped in horror at his presence. 

"How-? How did you end up here-?" I gasped with my ear pressed against the steel door. 

"Sora- I need you to send a signal... to the alphas..." His voice echoed up the hollow stairs.

"I can't do that! They'll come for him!" I replied. Taehyung grew hushed for a moment.

"Sora... I won't survive if I remain here. Take the twins and call for help- Yoongi will find you-" Taehyung replied. I pursed my lips with a conflicted frown. How did he end up here!? Did Yangcha capture him?!

"AHHHHHH! AHAHAHAH!" My heart suddenly leaped into my throat when I heard the twins laughing loudly outside the storage house. Oh shit!

"I have to go!" I snapped, hastily sprinting towards the door, and raced over the pebbled path to find Yangcha chasing the twins. They giggled and ran towards me.

"Ahjussi caught Woojin~!" Kanghoon squealed as Yangcha hugged the child against his chest. I smiled and walked up to the alpha. He briefly glanced at the storage house and back at me so I cleared my throat and ruffled Kanghoon's hair.

"Okay. Count to thirty! Eomma will hide~!" I laughed, quickly grabbed Kanghoon's arm, and hurried away to avoid Yangcha's suspicion.

"One! Two! Three! Four!... Five!-" Woojin started counting as soon as Yangcha placed him down and hurried after me. We quickly entered the villa to hide behind the couch as Kanghoon rushed away to hide behind the curtain. Thud. Thud. Thud.

"AH!" Kanghoon screamed when his brother yanked the curtain to spook him. Woojin chuckled and grabbed his twins as I peeked out from behind the couch with Yangcha. Kanghoon whined in annoyance after he got caught. We ended up... playing the game for a few rounds before preparing for bed.

Taehyung is alive! Ah- fuck! How will I get him out safely?!

A moment later.

I quickly poured the cough syrup onto the floor by the foot of the bed as Yangcha was showering in the bathroom- Clatter. I pretended to drop the bottle and gasped in shock once Yangcha stepped out in his towel.

"Oh no~!" Woojin blinked at the red syrup while lying on his stomach over the mattress. Kanghoon repeatedly coughed as he sat on the bed with his stuffed toys.

"I'll clean it up. Get another bottle," Yangcha smiled, calmly walking inside the closet, so I got up from the bed to search the drawer.

"We're out of it..." I mumbled while digging through the cabinets. I have to send my husband away! Yangcha crouched over the floor to wipe syrup with a towel as Woojin coughed in distress. 

"They'll wake up with a fever... without the medication," Yangcha mumbled, placing the dirty towel away with a slight frown.

"What should we do? I made them french fries today. Should we head to the city..?" I muttered, turning to frown at Yangcha anxiously.

"I'll visit the pharmacy real quick. Get ready for bed," He assured, softly kissing my cheek. I sighed and walked out of the bedroom to grab the cool patch from the fridge, carefully placing the gel over the twins' forehead as Yangcha gave them a cup of water each before leaving the villa.

"Take care!" I called.

"I'll be back!" He replied. Smiling, I turned to stare at the twins as they slipped under the blanket... coughing every now and then... causing my chest to swell intensely. They keep getting sick~!

I quietly sat on their bed to put them to sleep as they coughed and sniffled with their blocked nostrils. I nervously glanced at the digital clock on the wall. Yangcha will be back in less than twenty minutes. Should I do this? What if he gets upset again? I quickly got up from the bed and hurried out of the room to search Yangcha's drawers for the key to the storage house... but I couldn't find it anywhere. He doesn't use keys! I stepped out into the dim exterior with a slight frown on the glowing pool and hurriedly rushed toward the storage house.

"Taehyung...? Are you still there?!" I called while banging on the door... but he didn't respond. I paused and stared at the looming door with a pale expression. Is he dead...? Why isn't he responding?!

"Are you alright!? I'll get you out!" I shrieked. Still. The place remained hushed. He sounded fine earlier! I huffed, wildly spinning around to search for the key. Where would he hide it!? I abruptly paused when something struck me, so I quickly raced back to the poolside and bent over the transparent ripples with my eyes narrowed. 

Flashback | Earlier

"Eomma! Look! There's a treasure in the pool!" Kanghoon shrieked, pointing at the pool as he peeked over the edge.

"Don't go near the pool~!" I warned. Woojin giggled and jogged inside the living room.

"There's a sparkly treasure in the pool~!" Woojin sang, sitting down on the couch as Kanghoon strolled in after his twin. I dismissively vacuumed the floor until Yangcha walked out of the medical room with a pack of expired medication to dispose of. He smiled and walked off.

End of flashback.

I anxiously gripped my hand while concentrating my gaze on the deep pool water to search for the sparkly treasure. Badum! My heart leaped in shock when I spotted the golden-framed key lying at the base of the pool. Drip... Drip... I blinked and looked up at the sky with my lips ajar as the gloomy clouds released the soft drizzle onto me. I have to hurry!

I cursed, quickly leaping into the pool, and paddled towards the key. Yangcha is insane! He tossed it in the pool because he knew I'd get wet if I attempted to retrieve the key! And he'd know immediately, but whatever! I have to save Taehyung! I picked up the key with my toes, grabbed the cold metal and swam back to the stairs before scrambling out in my soaked gown to race barefoot over the pebbled bath.

"I'm here! Taehyung!- We have to hurry!" I called, shakily rushing towards the door with the key. Click. It slid open... so I swung the door open- immediately halting at the dark staircase... leading down into the cold and dark room. Thump... Thump... I can hear my racing heartbeat... pounding in my ears.

"T-Taehyung!?" I called again while grabbing the railing as my voice bounced off the wall. I carefully strolled down the cold stairs in my drenched gown, nervously gripping my silk until I landed on the plain concrete.

My body instantly grew stiff when I found the second-rank alpha... restrained to the chair. Kim Taehyung slouched under the dim light with his head lowered... not budging an inch. I wasn't sure if he was breathing, so I shakily glanced around the basement in fear. Yangcha has a hidden bunker...? I opened my mouth to speak but halted in horror when I noticed... the two rusted bowls at the base of his bare feet... filled with blood.

My lips started trembling as I averted my terrified gaze to the needle on each side of Taehyung's wrist. The syringes were connected to the dangling IV tubes hooked over the chair. Drip. Drip. Taehyung's blood flowed freely through the clear tube as the needles pumped... blood from his raw veins. I stared at the disturbing sight with a drained expression until my lips parted in fright... as the pool water flowed down my legs... forming a wet puddle beneath my feet.

"Noona. Why don't you take a seat...?" Yangcha's low voice spoke up out of nowhere. Paused. I shifted my fearful gaze to the looming silhouette behind Taehyung as the untamed beast... stepped out of the shadow. I clenched my fists and glanced back at Taehyung, who weakly lifted his gaze to me as his blood flowed freely from the clear tube... and dripping into the bowls.


"You wanted to see him. Right? I'll let you see him. Don't be scared. You can watch him bleed. It's a painless procedure," Yangcha chuckled, pushing a chair forward. He grabbed my hand to make me sit down, so I intensely stared at Taehyung, who shifted his droopy eyes to Yangcha.

"How long...?" I whispered, unable to tear my eyes from the needles on either side of the alpha's wrist.

"I just hooked him on the death drip after I left our bedroom. He won't die too quickly, don't worry. We've got hours to spare," Yangcha calmly stood behind my chair, gently squeezing my shoulders to assure me. I gulped and stared at Kim Taehyung. What do I do...? Should I surrender for the sake of the kids... or... do I save Kim Taehyung and put my life at risk?

"Fucking psychopath!" Taehyung sneered, angrily tensing in his chair, causing the blood to trickle faster from the tube. I nervously stared at the alpha and glanced at Yangcha's evil-infested energy.

"Why is he here? You may be wondering. Why don't you ask him, jagi~? Why... he followed us to our home... with a GPS tracker...?" Yangcha smiled, placing a small tracker into my palm. I stared at the device and backed up at Taehyung with my lips ajar. He followed us here...?

"You followed me?" I asked, frowning at Taehyung. He took a deep exhale and clenched his jaw, refusing to answer me, so I gripped the tracker and waited for his reply with an aching chest.

"The society will not last, Sora! The Black Phoenix will slaughter the households-"

"And why should it be her concern? She had already done her best to fulfill her role for the society," Yangcha scoffed. I stared at Kim Taehyung in tears.

"You're a fucking second rank, yet you're putting your power to waste! You bargained with the Black Phoenix in exchange for the twins! You granted them absolute political dominance in the council!" Taehyung seethed, angrily glaring at Yangcha.

"That's because my wife loves her kid. Did you think I'd leave her children to die when I have the power to bargain for their lives? I don't care if the Black Phoenix is killing off the society. As long as I can protect my family... I'll stay out of their affair," Yangcha chuckled. I gripped the tracker and lifted my torn gaze to Taehyung.

"Did you... plan on tracking our place so you could- plot an attack?" I whispered, sorely staring at Taehyung. He stared at me with a pained expression but didn't answer me... so I scoffed and lowered my head in disbelief.

"Resign your power if you wish to stay alive!" Taehyung sneered at Yangcha.

"But I need power to secure my family. I'm not a fool. You'll end me even after I agree to transfer my power," Yangcha shook his head. Taehyung scoffed in frustration before averting his apologetic gaze to me. I told him... not to follow me... but he lurked in the shadow with the intention of backstabbing me? My heart churned uncomfortably. I wanted to save him... but at what cost? It was his intention... to expose my family and to wreck our home.

"The cult will never rest! Did you think they would spare you and your family? They will-"

"That's enough, Taehyung. He's not wrong for choosing to protect his family from harm. I asked you not to bring trouble, but here you are... attempting to take away whatever I have left. How are you so greedy? I don't care if you wish to be the hero of the council... you can be the man... alright? But I won't let you ruin my family!- You're taking this too far! Do you not understand that I don't fucking wish to be associated with you anymore!? You and your fucking hero mentality bullshit will be the death of me!" I screamed at him in tears. Taehyung flinched when I hurled the tracker at his chest, hastily shot up from the chair, and stormed up the stairs without looking back.

"Sora! Listen to me! The twins!-" Taehyung called, but I didn't listen and marched up the stairs in tears.

I can't do this anymore! I thought Yangcha captured him- but it was Kim Taehyung who attempted to attack us! Of course, the Jaguar will respond to his threat! How can he throw himself inside the beast's cave and expect me to save him like this?! I sobbed while strolling through the dark wilderness until I ended up undressing in the bathroom with puffy red eyes. Sora. You have to let this go. If you save Kim Taehyung... He will return with an army to slaughter your family. I sniffled and walked out of the bathroom to stare dimly at my sleeping children.

If Kim Taehyung returns the kids to ruthless the society... they will become a power subject. Chul Hwa-young will never allow Jungkook's firstborn to thrive in society. The cult will surely pounce after the twins again... to threaten Yangcha... because... if Yangcha neglects their demand... they will harm the twins to wreck our relationship.

A moment later.

Third Person POV

Jae Yangcha quietly entered through the opened bedroom door to find Jang Sora sitting in a fresh nightgown, gently stroking her twins with her fingers. He unsurely monitored her composed behavior from the doorway. 

"Did you give them sleeping pills?" She asked, lifting her exhausted eyes to her lover, who froze as he stood in his soaking wet clothes from walking through the rain.

"It won't hurt them. I'll get them the medication tomorrow to soothe their coughs," Yangcha assured. Sora glanced at her motionless children as they slept without stirring... unconscious from consuming the diluted sleeping pills.

"Okay..." She nodded while caressing her child's cheek.

"Noona. I'm sorry if you're upset-" Yangcha circled the bed to approach her. Sora lifted her gaze to him again as he stood over her with his soaking wet clothes. She sighed, tucked her child under the blanket, and stood up to hold his hand. The alpha frowned as she tilted her face upward to plant a soft peck on his lips.

"I'm not upset. I understand your intention," Sora whispered, opening her dim eyes to gaze at him with a pained expression. Yangcha searched her face unsurely but was distracted by yet another sweet kiss, so he tilted his face to answer her love call as she carefully lifted his soaked shirt off his toned body.

"I love you," He panted between their steamy kisses.

The former supreme alpha nodded and hugged her husband's strong hips as he massaged the curves of his wife's waist. Sora gently pushed Yangcha downward to make him rest on their mattress before climbing onto his torso. She smiled, tenderly tracing her fingers over his defined abs as he held onto her waist until she lowered her face again to kiss his chest, softly nibbling on his skin, causing Yangcha to moan through his parted lips as he clutched her shoulders with his head tilted backward.

The supreme alpha hovered her face over her lover's flushed cheeks before lowering her parted lips to insert her tongue inside his mouth while rubbing his jawline as he reached under her gown to feel her feverish flesh. She interlaced both of his hands with her fingers, pinning Yangcha against the pillow as she steadily humped his bulge without penetration, causing him to groan in pleasure with her lustful behavior.


Jae Yangcha froze, unsurely opening his starstruck gaze to find Sora pursing her lips over him as she gripped tightly onto his right fingers. The alpha quickly glanced over the pillow... until he noticed... his wrist... securely restrained by a handcuff. Sora glanced at the steel around his hand and back at her lover with a dreadful look.

"Noona!?-" Yangcha scoffed, quickly sitting up in horror and tugged his arm... but the cuff was locked to the bed head. Thud! Thud! The alpha gasped and snapped his face at Jang Sora in bewilderment.

"I'm sorry-" She cried, lowering her face to kiss him again, but he hastily snapped his face away to glare at the cuff in disbelief.

"Free me- Noona!" Yangcha snapped, suddenly grabbing hold of her waist with his free arm. Sora sniffled and hugged him tightly while rubbing his bare back to comfort his agitated soul.

"I'll get him out... and then I'll return-"

"Are you out of your mind?! He will fucking bring his people- NOONA!" Yangcha shouted at her when Sora suddenly shoved him backward and quickly scrambled out of bed, so Yangcha wildly snatched her gown to tug her back. She whimpered and pushed his hand off her silk.

Yangcha roared in frustration- attempting to seize her wrist... but she quickly stepped back... out of his reach. The alpha fumed in horror with tears in his glowering eyes... as he resentfully stared at his wife for restraining him without his approval.

"I'll leave the twins with you as collateral. Okay? I'll return-"

"If you do this- they will fucking come after me! Kim Taehyung will fucking bring his men! Are you seriously risking our lives for him?!" Yangcha screamed in tears as he angrily towed his wrist. Sora gripped her gown and glanced at the twins in difficulty while struggling to make up her overflowing mind.

"I have to do this!-"

"Noona!- Please think it through! Oh? If you do this- I will not survive! Are you seriously- going to save him at the cost of losing me!? I'm your husband!" He cried, desperately scrambling over the mattress to chase her as she circled the bed to avoid him.

"I will be back! Alright?!-"

"No! You don't understand! This is my only home! If they come for us- It'll be hard for me to find a safer place-" Yangcha begged until his voice broke into a weak whimper. 

Sora paused to stare at the flooding tear streams... flowing over her husband's cheeks as she stood at the doorway. She deeply exhaled, suddenly turning away from him... causing the Jaguar to roar at the top of his laugh as he repeatedly yanked his wrist from the bedboard. Thump! Thump! He thrashed and grabbed the steel with a raging glare as his wife sprinted out of the villa to save her former lover from his demise.

Sora's POV

I quickly raced down the dim staircase in a hurry until I found Taehyung slouching with his head lowered. Shit! Is he dead?! I kicked the bowl of blood aside, quickly kneeling on the floor to cut the rope loose from his ankle before releasing his hands from the leather straps. I snatched the needles out of his wrists and cupped his cheeks to support his heavy head.

"Taehyung?! Wake up!- Hey!" I shouted, lightly slapping his cheek, causing him to avert his weary gaze to me. Taehyung frowned at my presence, so I yanked him off the chair. Thud! He grunted, rolling on the floor in pain. I quickly knelt down to seize his upper arm.

"How- did you-"

"I can't heave you out of here! Get up!- We don't have much time!- So get up! NOW!!" I screamed while hauling him to his feet. Taehyung groaned, grabbing onto my arm for support as I yanked him with all my might until he stood up on his numbed legs. We quickly limped forward... but Taehyung was too feeble from the blood loss.

"Will you hurry up?!" I snapped, glaring at him in frustration until tears formed in my eyes. 

Taehyung clenched his jaw, grabbed the railing, and hurled himself upward, so I pushed his back to support his weight. He collapsed onto the ground in the storage room, making me whimper in fear. I frantically towed him back to his feet. The alpha weakly stood up again... and let me guide him out of the storage house before rushing into the pouring rain. We didn't use the front exit... so I dragged him to the back path and rounded the villa until we crossed over the shallow stream.

"The twins-"

"No! You have to leave before it's too late!" I screamed at him as the harsh downpour drummed relentlessly over our heads.

Taehyung screwed his face in discomfort and staggered forward as I supported his arm. Thump! Thump! We stepped over the muddy path and stumbled through the darkness, forcing our way through the swaying branches. Taehyung grunted, suddenly stopping to clutch his lower stomach, but I roughly yanked him forward again. We don't have time for a fucking break! Yangcha will find a way to flee from the cuff- so I must get him out of the damn forest before he kills Kim Taehyung!

"Fuck!" Taehyung cursed as he limped forward with a dark frown... so I pulled him in the direction that I thought was the right path. We spend about half an hour... stumbling through the darkness of confusing routes. Taehyung stomped over the mud until it splattered all over our clothes. I sobbed and heaved him forward while shoving the branches aside to prevent the wet leaves from slapping our faces. Taehyung gasped, suddenly tripping over a thick root and slamming hard into the thick mud.

"Get up!- Get up! You asshole!- Why would you follow me here?!" I shrieked, angrily towing him back up. Taehyung seethed in pain and stood up again on his weak legs, drenched in sticky mud. He held onto my hand and stepped forward again... limping helplessly between the thick tree trunks and storming over the wild bushes to escape the wilderness. What if this is the wrong path!? I glanced around the confusing woods with a racing heart.

"No- This way!" Taehyung suddenly grabbed my hand to steer me to the left. I stumbled after him until he crouched by a fallen log to brush away the leaves. He grabbed a plastic-sealed bag... that was hidden beneath the trunk and limped over the muddy soil again.

My jaw dropped in shock when we stumbled out onto the side path of the dark road. I glanced at the moonlight above our heads with a pale expression... as the cold downpour showered over us. Kim Taehyung quickly tore the bag apart and tapped on his phone with a slight frown. SNATCH! I quickly seized the phone as it switched on, causing Taehyung to turn in my direction in bewilderment.

"What are you doing?! You can't-"

"Sora! We have to leave! Give it back!" Taehyung snapped, limping forward, but I backed away in tears.

"I'm not leaving! Alright?!- This is the last time I'm fucking saving you! Don't ever show up before me again! I fucking hate you!- Why did you have to show up in my life repeatedly!?!- Knowing I don't wish to see you anymore!" I cried in distress until my chest swelled with distressing emotions. Kim Taehyung weakly stared at me with his bloodshot eyes as the harsh shower poured over his greasy bangs... until it washed away the blood stains from his face.

"I love you! Alright?! You can spit all the brutal words and my heart will still helplessly yearn for you! I'm fucking losing my mind because of you! Just let me end that fucker- and I'll fucking marry you! I'll raise your kids! I'll complete our family! I'll grant you happiness if that's what you need! I'll give you everything! So let me end this madness so we can settle! I promise I'll fix everything!" Taehyung hastily grabbed my arm and roughly tugged me forward. I whimpered and lowered my head in distress. Why is he so headstrong?!

"L-Listen to me - Taehyung! Listen to me! I don't love you! Okay?!- I can't love you- and I will never love you again! ALRIGHT!? I'm only helping you because society needs you! So go! Leave now! I know you'll never take a no for an answer!- But my answer will never!- Ever-! Change! Please- J-Just free me from this madness!" I shrieked while smacking his stubborn chest with my fists. Taehyung sniffled and lowered his hand to hold mine, firmly rubbing my cold fingers to console my shattered soul. AH! He's driving me nuts!

"Sora- Please just listen to me- I'm begging you! You have no future with that asshole!" Taehyung gripped my hands, suddenly kneeling on the pavement at my feet, causing me to stiffen over the empty road. I pursed my trembling lip at his pleading gaze with a torn heart. Why won't he listen to me!? I don't know what to say anymore!

"The only future I see... is with him. I'm sorry," I whispered, drawing my fingers from his grip but he refused to let go of me. Taehyung gripped my hand and lowered his face to sob in anguish while shaking his head.

"I'm sorry! Sora- I'm sorry for hurting your feelings! I'm sorry for not loving you right! I'm sorry for taking you for granted! I'm sorry you had to suffer the abortion alone! I'm sorry you felt like I've never loved you enough! I'm terribly sorry for turning my back on you! I tried- I tried desperately to walk away from you! But it is you that I long for at the end of the day! You have no idea how much I love you! And I'm sorry that you can't seem to feel my love! I'm trying! Desperately- to show you everything in my ability!" Taehyung shouted through the pouring rain. I gripped his fingers and glanced at the empty street with an aching head.

"You can place as many bandages with the word sorry written on a shattered glass, and it will definitely hold the shards together... but the instant you pour water inside... the blood will leak from the cracks. Stop trying to put the broken pieces together... you'll only cut yourself and bleed... and the glass will never be whole again. Alright...? You have to stop," I shook my head, shakily removing my hand from his desperate grip. 

Taehyung looked up at me with his pleading gaze, so I sniffled and glanced at the woods when I noticed a looming shadow... pouncing in our direction at a deadly speed. My eyes widened in horror. THUMP! Yangcha slammed Kim Taehyung hard onto the pavement, sending the injured alpha rolling onto the damp road as the harsh droplets struck the asphalt with its frost.

"ARGH!" Taehyung roared as Jae Yangcha slashed the sharp blade over his left wrist, causing my heart to drop in shock.

"Yangcha! No! Stop!-" I cried, rushing forward to grab his wrist when he tried to stab Kim Taehyung in the heart. Yangcha seethed and glared at me as I stared at the broken cuff around his bleeding wrist.

"You can't rest because of the scar you gave her?! Araso! I'll fucking give you one! I'll give you a fucking nasty scar!" Yangcha snarled dangerously as the blood spilled from Taehyung's opened wrist... causing more blood to flow from his already-drained system. I firmly seized Yangcha's neck and hauled him off Taehyung as the injured alpha grunted on the ground... too weak to resist the blunt force... after the beast pounded him onto the ground with its violent darkness.


"No! He will never let us live because he's a jealous prick! So I'll fucking kill him so he won't bother us anymore!" Yangcha roared, attempting to race forward again, but I tightly hugged his torso and forced him back as the cold droplet numbed my body with its frosty chills. Yangcha tried to force me away, but I hugged him tightly until I noticed a flood of headlights appearing along the curves of the hill... steering in our location.

"We have to leave! Yangcha!- We have to leave!" I screamed in horror as a flood of black cars raced over the empty road. The Jaguar snapped its raging darkness at the vehicles in shock as a squad of men stepped out of the road. The blinding headlights... illuminating... Kim Taehyung... who sprawled unconsciously on the wet road after being knocked out by the angry beast. His blood... spreading... all over the road with its dark pigment.

Yangcha suddenly dropped the knife, grabbed my hand, and yanked me with him- I gasped and stumbled after my lover as the guards chased the untamed beast into the forest. I screamed in fear as we raced through the woods to escape the armed men. The alpha suddenly leaped down a slope- yanking me with him until I lost my balance and staggered over the slanted path... but he firmly hugged my body as we rolled into a muddy pit. Slump! I groaned softly while clutching onto his firm shoulders as he hyperventilated beneath me.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The heavy footsteps violently rampaged through the wilderness, making me whimper in fright as I gripped my husband. This is my fault! He's in danger because of me! Yangcha quickly sat up behind the thick bush with me. I sniffled and crawled with him over the wet dirt- but we quickly dodged behind a massive rock as the guards approached our direction. I sniffled while holding Yangcha's hands as we sat against the rock.

"Baby..." I stuttered, glancing at him as he glared at the shadows within the darkness with his dark hunter eyes.

"Stop talking!-"

"Will you keep our promise...?" I whispered. Yangcha frowned and glanced at me with a troubled expression.


"Go back home. Take care of the twins," I cried as I gripped his hand. Yangcha glowered at me in tears and glanced at our interlaced fingers... smudged with mud.

"I won't leave you-"

"I don't remember the way home... so only you can find the twins. We can't leave them there alone. Oh? Listen to me- Go back and wait for me there. I'll distract them for you," I choked, gently pulling my hand from his grip to rub his firm cheek. Yangcha stared at me in tears as we remained hidden behind the rock. The footsteps... gradually... inching closer to us.

"I can't- Sora- You said you won't leave me-"

"If we sprint home together... They will follow our footprints. Hmm?- I'll come back to you. Will you return home? Yangcha... I know you can fight them off... but you're still human. A mortal. And you will not... stand... against their bullets," I begged as I smeared the mud on his cheek. Yangcha sniffled while staring at me with his pained pupils before leaning forward to kiss me, so I cried and kissed him back under the rainstorm.

"Promise you'll return to me?" He shakily whispered while hovering his moist lips over mine. I nodded, fearfully squeezing the warm teardrops out of my eyes.

"I promise. We'll see each other again. The alphas won't hurt me... but they will kill you... once spotted," I whimpered. Yangcha sniffled, lowering his forehead to rest it on mine while nodding with his eyes closed. We held each other's hands tightly as the cold gust bled through the swaying branches, causing my body to shudder from the uncomfortable chills.

"Noona!-" Yangcha cried when I pushed him aside and sprinted onto my feet. I bit my lower lips and dashed in the opposite direction as fast as I could... leaving the Jaguar hidden in the shadow... until the pained tears... streamed from my burning eyes. And so... I ran into the field to save my lover.

"There!- EAST!" Someone shouted. I didn't stop, hopped over the roots, and sprinted through the dark woods as the flood of men chased me between the ancient trunks. Thump!

"Ah!" I screamed in fear when someone caught me by my arm.

The man roughly seized my upper arm- so I frantically pushed him away- but he firmly gripped onto me. My heart suddenly stopped beating once... I looked up... to find... Jung Hoseok... staring at me from under his black safety gear. He frowned at my messy condition and glanced at his men as they raced towards me... before glancing at the dark wilderness with a suspicious frown.


"Retreat! Alert the other men. We found the target," Hoseok ordered, sternly keeping his eyes trained on me. I cried in fear and tried to free myself, but he refused to release me... so I screamed and thrashed as he forcefully dragged me through the woods. SMACK. I suddenly blacked out from the blunt blow to my neck... and my feet suddenly wobbled until I lost all my senses and slumped weakly into the darkness.


Third Person POV

The council grew tense as they stared at the cult leader, seated sternly in the first rank row beside... Park Bogum and Chung Yuri. The alphas sorely remained in their positions as Jeon Jungkook took his seat with an unbothered look before shifting his dull gaze to the tyrants. 

"What's the purpose of casting a meeting at this hour?" Min Yoongi questioned, narrowing his gaze on the cult.

"I've received insider news. The council is devising a coup against the supreme alpha," The man spoke up. The alphas grew stiff in their places. Hoseok frowned at Namjoon, who glanced at Jimin and So-young.

"Aren't you just paranoid?" Seokjin questioned the cult. The man chuckled while shaking his head.

"I heard... you're leading the pack. Kim Seokjin?" The cult nodded to the alpha.

"Are you picking on the households because you've run out of the lower ranks to slaughter?!" Jimin snapped at the man.

"Is the supreme alpha's welfare a joke to you? The council is planning to slaughter Park Bogum- so it is my rightful duty to protect the heir at all costs! Kim Seokjin's household will be investigated- and if found guilty... You will be sentenced to death!" Chung Manseok sneered at the council.

"How can you falsely accuse me of treason without valid evidence?! Are you asserting your dominance now that Kim Taehyung is absent?!-" Seokjin seethed at the cult leader.

"False? I have a witness. The insider is from your petty team of... alphas... spewing troubles with the hostile intent to eliminate Park Bogum," The man smirked at the alphas. Seokjin's eyes widened at the man's claim... so he snapped his head at his alliance, who were just bewildered.

"Don't try to gaslight-"

"Kang Minah. Why don't you repeat what you told me... earlier this morning?" Park Bogum suddenly spoke up. The alphas snapped their heads in her direction in shock as Minah sat at her seat with her parents.

"Kim Seokjin asked me to seduce Park Bogum and poison him," Minah confessed. Seokjin's face suddenly flushed red, so he turned to glare at Hoseok... who sat stiffly in his seat upon his lover's unexpected betrayal.

"Minah!" Hoseok scoffed in shock, but she didn't look at him and averted her gaze to the cult leader with a smug smile.

Kim Seokjin gripped his fists until his body started shaking from the wrath of being backstabbed by his own people. He lifted his deadly glare at Kang Minah as angry tears swelled in his eyes. Hoseok scoffed in disbelief while frowning at his girlfriend, who had turned her back on the council to aid the cult.

"Kim Seokjin and his household must cooperate with the investigation. And anyone... involved... will be severely punished," The man darkened his eyes on Kim Seokjin, whose face was steaming with boiling blood. The alpha shifted his deadly gaze to Kang Minah again as she stared... right at him with a devious smirk... arms... crossed firmly over her chest.



Sora's POV

I squinted at the bright light above my head once I opened my eyes to greet the blurry figures before me. I blinked repeatedly and tried to tug my arms free... but it was firmly restrained, so I lowered my swaying head to focus my gaze on the straps. I paused to stare at my arm before lifting my face to find... the composed alphas... sitting before me in the dark room.

The only light source was the light bulb above my head.

The room is freezing cold... and I am secured to a wheelchair. I blinked uneasily and glanced to the side... until I found... Kim Taehyung... sitting in a wheelchair with a drained expression. His left hand... securely bandaged to seal the gash on his wrist.

My heart sank in his presence... so I blinked and glanced at Yoongi... who was sitting on the chair with his hands clasped together. Hoseok was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Namjoon sat beside Jimin on the far right side. I blinked and glanced at the man... standing directly before me with his arms folded over his solid chest.

Kim Seokjin.

I uneasily stared at the muted alphas as they waited for me to return to my senses after I collapsed in the wilderness. I can never escape... can I...?

No matter how far I attempt to run. No matter how desperately... I begged to be free. No matter how deep... I hide in the shadows... they'll always drag me back onto the chessboard... even without my power... they will exploit me until my last breath.

"The baby in your stomach. It's his?" Seokjin questioned, coldly lifting his eyebrow. I gripped the handrest and glanced down at my baby bump as I sat in the medical gown.

"Let go of me! You jerk!" I seethed at him in anger. Seokjin blankly monitored my fiesty reaction without budging.

"Bring me Jae Yangcha... or... I'll abort your child," Seokjin stated, causing my body to grow stiff. I stared at him in shock. What did he-...?

"What...?" I scoffed, tensely my sore muscles in tears. Thud. Thud. The head doctor suddenly stepped into the room with a medical cart, causing me to stiffen in place as he pushed the tray of drugs towards me. I pursed my lips and glanced at Kim Seokjin with nothing... but pure resentment.

"It's your call, Sora. Jae Yangcha will die either way, but I'll give you a choice to save your child. Once I abort the child from your womb... I will set the forest on fire to burn the Jaguar... and the twins. They won't be able to escape," Seokjin spoke with a poker face. I fumed in extreme irritation as I glowered at the cold-blooded alpha before shifting my deadly glare to the other players. They claim Jae Yangcha is a menace but the Jaguar has never lifted his claws to hurt anyone of them! They're the bloodthirsty monsters determined to slaughter him!- Even after he retreated to his cave! Argh!

"You fucking heartless prick!- How dare you threaten me?!-"

"Jang Sora. You triggered an apocalypse by passing your power to the cult. You must... bear the consequences of your actions. I was lenient with you before... but you took our mercy for granted. I will restore balance in the power game with my lost power. So make a choice. I am not threatening you. It's the fate you can't evade. Lose your children and your lover or... save your children and council," Seokjin lowered his stern expression to my teary pupils. I sniffled and glanced at the head doctor's troubled expression before glancing at the needle with a heavy heart.

"The day you harm my children is the day I'll put your fucking head on a stake and scorch your skull on fire!" I sneered at Kim Seokjin until I felt my body shaking from the intensity of my darkness.

"Put her... on the phone," Seokjin muttered, suddenly straightening his body again. Do-hwan stepped inside with a phone and rested it on my lap. I glanced down to stare at the unknown contact on the call.

"N-Noona...?" Yangcha's voice spoke up, causing my chest to swell in pain. I pursed my lips.

"Hey," I sniffled as the warm tears slid from my cheeks.

"Noona- Are you okay-"

"Y-Yangcha... I need you... to bring the twins to me," I whispered. Yangcha paused for a moment... so I nervously gripped the handrest with my lips pursed.

"Haha....? Isn't it a bit much? Kim Seokjin...? For you to terrorize a defenseless woman... like this?" Yangcha suddenly chuckled. I glanced at Seokjin in fear as the alpha narrowed his gaze on the phone on my lap.

"Yangcha- Listen-"

"The hero... is now using a pregnant woman... and innocent children as human shields... to win the war? How pathetic," Yangcha snarled.

"Reveal yourself with the twins... or I'll kill Jang Sora and your child," Kim Seokjin warned, suddenly hanging up on the phone before Yangcha could respond. I blinked away the tears and looked up in fear as the alpha snatched the phone and stormed away... to leave the room.

I pursed my trembling lips as Yoongi exhaled and got up from the chair to leave the room after Seokjin... prompting the others to follow him. No one spared their glances... and coldly left my side... as I sat helplessly in the room until my eyes landed on Kim Taehyung, who was sitting in the wheelchair.

His lips were chapped with distinct dark circles under his eyes... and his skin... awfully gray.

The head doctor exhaled in relief, pushed the medical cart out of the room, and closed the door after Do-hwan left through the door. Kim Taehyung pressed the screen on the handrest... causing his wheelchair to roll forward. Virr. He halted before me to examine my ashen face as I desperately held in my swelling tears. The alpha sorely glanced at the straps on my forearms and back at me.

"I never meant to start a war with you, Sora," He sighed in exhaustion. I sniffled and lowered my head.

"You're the reason we're exposed," I glared at him. He dimmed his eyes.

"You can resent me. Alright. I'll accept your hatred. But you have to understand... the cult will never rest until... they slaughter all of us. Not just the council... but you and him. They will attack everyone. Your neglect is a death sentence for all of us. You... me... him and your children. We'll all perish. Your children will never grow old enough to thrive because the cursed flame... will consume us. So... please... sentence us to life because... only then... will you children attain the chance to survive the apocalypse," Taehyung sadly eyed me.

"So you want me to sentence him to death? To save everyone else...?" I whispered while frowning at his dejected expression. 

"Once Jae Yangcha falls... you'll be utterly powerless. Your children will need a household to reside in. I'll shelter you with my power. Sora... if you wish for your children's survival... please... save yourself and everyone else. The flames will devour us sooner or later... so it's best to put out the Phoenix's Flame before it's too late. I will protect your children. I promise. I'll grant them my power and ensure they grow up to lead the society. It's the most I can offer... to compensate for the pain I caused you," Taehyung muttered. I stared at him in tears until my chest pulsated in discomfort with every beat of my rotten heart.

I am at a dead end.

And here he is... waiting for me to return to him.

Fast Forward

Kim Taehyung slowly drove onto the empty pavement in the middle of nowhere... so I pushed the door open and stepped out into the freezing thunderstorm with a black umbrella as the headlight... illuminated a few figures at the center of the pavement.

My heart... pounded rapidly as Yangcha stood with the twins. The young souls... stood cluelessly in a yellow raincoat... clinging nervously to the Jaguar's hands. I pursed my lips in difficulty as I slowly approached Yangcha with a troubled feeling. They're safe. He kept his promise.

"Eomma~!" The twins shrieked, racing forward to hug me, so I crouched down to welcome them in my arms. I have to protect my children. Whatever it takes... I'll go through hell to keep them safe in my arms.

"Have you been well?" I asked, pulling away to inspect their puppy-doe eyes as they grinned at me.

"Yes~! We have been studying hard with ahjussi to prepare for school~!" They nodded. I smiled and patted their shoulders as they huddled under their raincoats.

"Woojin-ah~ Kanghoonie~!" Taehyung suddenly called through the gusting wind.

"Oh! Appa~?!" They shrieked in excitement as Taehyung stood beside the car door.

"Take the umbrella and go to appa. Okay~?" I smiled at the children.

"Okay~!" They nodded. I handed them the umbrella.

The twins happily jogged towards Taehyung, so he took the umbrella from them to shield himself as I slowly rose to my feet and turned to face Yangcha... who was dimly staring at me. I walked forward... through the pouring rain... until my legs grew heavier with every step I took. He stared at me without blinking. I saw it. The misery in his torn gaze. A flash of lightning suddenly tore through the sky... to brighten our dreadful expressions.

"Our baby-...?" Yangcha muttered anxiously. I pursed my lips once I reached him and gently held onto his hand. He stared at me unsurely as I placed his hand on my baby bump.

"Safe," I answered, forcefully smiling at him. Yangcha nodded, suddenly pulling me into a crushing hug under the cold shower. I gripped his shoulders and buried my face against his chest with an aching heart as he clutched onto me until I felt my head spinning from the intensity of the pressure I was under.

"Should we leave? I'll take you to a safe place- Urgh-?" Yangcha tried to speak when I stabbed his lower hips with a modern syringe. He quickly pulled away from me in horror, so I swiftly stepped back with the empty tube in my palm... dreadfully lifting my eyes... to meet his started frown. The alpha's lips fell apart at the sight of the needle in my grip.

"No. I have to return with the twins. I can't leave them-"

"Noona! What about me?!- You said you'd return to me!" He gasped, suddenly grabbing hold of my hand. I winced and tried to tug my hand free... causing Yangcha to scoff at my withdrawal.

"The twins have no future with you! I'm sorry!" I snapped as the fierce wind blasted against our soaked bodies. The lightning... suddenly forking the sky into fractures... lighting up... Jae Yangcha's horrified face.

"What-? Noona!?" Yangcha tried to speak when a flood of vehicles tore into the wilderness. Yangcha swiftly glared at the blinding beams with his eyebrows furrowed as the alphas surrounded the area to trap the... Silent Killer... within the vast opening.

There is no place for him to hide... but to stand in his own shadow.

"I'm sorry-"

"No- NO! Argh!?! What the!?- Noona!? What did you do to me!? ARGH!?!!-" Yangcha tried to walk forward when he suddenly staggered to the ground. THUMP! He tried to get back up... but his muscles- contracted painfully... so he gasped in shock and collapsed onto the wet pavement beneath us.

I stared at the alpha in fright as he clutched onto his aching thighs... after the chemical seized control of his nervous system. I gripped the empty tube intensely as I watched Yangcha wail at my feet. He bellowed in agony while clutching his paralyzed legs... until he started jerking uncontrollably on the ground... causing my heart to twist in extreme remorse.

Thump. I stepped back in tears as he slumped weakly to the soaked ground. And suddenly... The alpha could no longer move his paralyzed legs. Yangcha sobbed in shock before lifting his damp face to glare at me with his burning red eyes. Whimper. I nervously glanced at the vehicles... as the top alphas stepped out of their cars.

A flock of men suddenly surrounded the pavement with their guns aimed at the untamed beast who had been disabled by... his lover. Me, Jang Sora. My heart started aching in grief as Yangcha tried to stand up again... but wobbled weakly and tumbled to the ground again. They told me... the only way to stop the beast from fleeing... into the shadows... is to disable his hindlimbs.

"ARGH!" Yangcha bellowed in frustration as he struggled to crawl back on his feet- but failed and stumbled to the side. He seethed in pain as he clutched his cramping muscles- SMACK! I flinched in shock as Seokjin kicked the Jaguar right in the face. Yangcha groaned at the rough impact and flopped on the ground with his hand clasped over his nose. The cold downpour... showering harder over us as I froze in place to watch my lover bleed before my eyes.

"Where are the contracts?!" Seokjin seethed, angrily kicking Yangcha across the face again. I flinched but didn't dare budge as I watched my lover roll helplessly on the ground with a fearful frown.

"Hah! You can't beat me! So you played dirty to get me crawling!- You fucking loser- ARGH!" Yangchafurious sneered at Seokjin- only to receive a harsh blow to his face again. WHACK!

I stiffly stepped back to watch Kim Seokjin beat the beast until my heart stopped racing for a solid second. I was numb. My feet and hands... were frozen by the frost as the harsh downpour drummed relentlessly over my frail body. The sky... rumbling and fracturing into shreds... with every booming thunder that shook my soul... until I felt like fainting.

"It's your skill to lurk in the shadows, right?- Why don't you try running off to hide with your poisoned limbs?!" Seokjin spat at Yangcha, furiously spinning his heels and stormed away.

Yangcha groaned and lifted his bloodshot eyes to me with a pleading gaze. He whimpered, helplessly... trying to crawl forward... so I immediately took a step back. The man paused to watch me through the harsh downpour while struggling to support his body with his elbows over the soaked pavement. He pitifully... attempted to inch towards me again... but I took... yet... another step back... to maintain the distance between us.

"Stop. Don't chase me," I firmly warned. Yangcha whimpered and lowered his head as he punched his aching legs in distress.

"You said you would remain with me! Why are you doing this?!- How can you heartlessly leave me to die like this after promising to love me!" He shrieked.

"You will only put my children in danger if I stay with you. I have to choose them," I muttered, backing away again.

"Noona! P-Please- I'm sorry! Noona- I love you-" Yangcha screamed in distress as he sat in the puddle of cold water. I stood staring at his burning pupils with an aching heart, coldly staring at the fresh scratches on his cheekbones before glancing at his bloody lips.

"I- I have to do this-" I muttered as I stood over him with my fists clenched.

Yangcha howled in anguish and slowly crawled forward on his aching body to hug my legs, causing my dazed head to sway from his pleading voice. I gripped my fists and glanced at another man... standing by the car as he held the umbrella over the twins... who were staring at me with their tearful eyes.

"You said you won't leave me! I trusted you! H-How could you be so cruel to me?!- Like this!?- You know I- I always- gave you everything you needed! Wae!?-" He screamed in distress, causing the unconscious tears to stream from my cheeks. The man sighed heavily, picked up the twins, and placed them in the back seat of the car. The thunder cracked above our heads... drumming loudly over us as the sharp pallets... struck Yangcha's pale face with its frost.

"You were right when you said... you couldn't trust me. You should've never trusted me," I whispered, crouching down to stare at his tear-soaked gaze. Yangcha whimpered, frantically gripping my wrists as his lips trembled helplessly.

"How can you betray me from the beginning?! Noona- How could you do this to me?! Was I always a tool to you and never a lover?! Argh!- You lied to me! I loved you- but you lied to me! You lied to me! You made me a fool! How could you be this cruel?!- How could you effortlessly say all those words when- it was never your intention- to love me!? Wae?! WAE?!- Why did you save me if you're going to leave like this?!" He sobbed, aggressively clutching my hands for mercy. I gripped my aching heart in distress... as I stared at his desperate whimpers.

"I'm sorry-"

"This is unfair! Was it all planned?! From the beginning!?- How could you- Ah!?-" Yangcha tried to scream but halted in shock as the hot tears rolled from his terrified bloodshot eyes. I bit my trembling lips as he stiffly glanced down at my hand... gripping tightly onto... a knife.

Yangcha scoffed and gripped my hand as the blade sunk into his chest. He whimpered and lifted his tearful eyes again. A flash of heartbreaking realization swept across his face.

"They will kill you if I let you live. You said you'd only die at my hands, right? So I'll fulfill your wish," I whispered. Yangcha opened his trembling purple lips to speak while searching my torn expression in shock as he firmly held onto my hand with his cold fingers.

"N-Noona-" Yangcha opened his mouth to speak but ended up coughing out blood as I clenched my jaw with my tearful eyes on him. Yangcha pursed his lips, weakly lowering his head to sob in anguish as I held the blade to his heart... until his blood... soaked my fingers.

"You'll be at peace, right?" I sobbed, tearfully staring at him. Yangcha shakily lifted his beaten face upward to stare at me with his pained gaze before glancing at the headlights... around us in defeat. The men stood with their guns aimed at Yangcha. He coughed in pain and nodded while holding onto my hand.

"Deeper. This isn't... enough to kill me. Baby... you have to push deeper," Yangcha whispered, shakingly pulling my hand to force the blade deeper. My chest suddenly throbbed in agony. He winced and lowered his face as he made me shove the knife... deeper into his chest. A flicker of lightning suddenly tore the sky apart.

"I'm really sorry-" I cried, suddenly breaking down before him. Yangcha slowly sunk to the ground as he weakly knelt before me under the heavy shower. He lifted his torn gaze to me as a flood of tear streams... dripped from his eyes... only to be washed away by the cold droplets.

"You- should leave. I'll- I'll be- O-Okay-" Yangcha whispered, gently pushing my hand from the knife, but I gripped the handle firmly as more blood spilled from his lips. He coughed in pain until the bulging veins formed over his forehead.

"I'm sorry for... waking us from our fairytale," I nodded, slowly withdrawing my shaky hand from the handle... that was punctured inside his pulsing chest.

Yangcha clenched his jaw and slowly sat over the damp concrete as I slowly stood up with my torn gaze before shifting my pained gaze... to Kim Seokjin as he stood beside his armed men. Kim Namjoon signaled his men, so they quickly bowed and hurried inside their cars. Hoseok lowered his head and turned around to enter his vehicle.

Jungkook dimly watched us before turning to leave with Sungho. Jimin took So-young's hand, and they left together. Yoongi exhaled and strolled away with his men. Seokjin stared at me through the heavy rain as I stood over the dying alpha. He too... turned his back and left with his men. One by one... the headlights... left the wilderness until a single car remained.

Kim Taehyung calmly sat in the car with the kids, who were firmly instructed not to look in our direction. I glanced back at Yangcha, who was still sitting in the cold storm... wounded and bleeding. I couldn't save him.

I glanced down at the ring on my finger as he pitifully lifted his face to stare at me from below. I slipped the cold loop off my finger- Cling. The silver dropped onto the pavement... flooded with his bright red blood. Yangcha lowered his gaze to stare at the ring as I slowly retreated from him.

The Jaguar sobbed in anguish while clutching his wounded chest... tearfully watching me drift further from him. I took a deep inhale to counter the wrenching pain and finally turned... away from him. I walked toward the car, pulled open and door, and slipped inside without looking back. The engine roared to life... and the vehicle slowly reversed... so I kept my eyes on the man as he sat... alone in the middle of nowhere.

Severely wounded by my betrayal.

Third Person POV

Jae Yangcha dimly watched the last car reverse backward until the wheels steered over the thick mud and disappeared before his swelling pupils. The cub... sobbed in grief and lowered his face to grip the handle... slowly... he withdrew the knife from his torn chest. The alpha winced in agony... as the blade brutally sliced open his wounded heart. Clatter. The knife dropped to the pavement as Jae Yangcha shuddered from the coldness.


The wounded beast collapsed onto the damp floor, desperately reaching for his lover's ring on the wet ground. Sobbing... he gripped onto the cold steel and tightly clutched onto her ring. Thump. His remaining energy entirely... left his body as he rolled onto his back... listlessly staring up at the harsh downpour from the dark sky. He searched desperately for the brightest stars... but the vast opening beyond his gaze was pitch black. There was no light source in sight.

He was alone in the darkness... covered in battle scars... to prove his devotion to the goddess.

The beast's soul gradually faded from his body as he gazed at the gloomy cloud while suffering the most tragic betrayal.

She didn't kill him with her words.

Instead. She plunged a blade deep into his beating heart.

Jae Yangcha shivered from the cold downpour as he remained motionless on the bloody field with his pained eyes fixed on the darkness above him until his eyes slowly dropped closed.

Not a single star was in sight. Not even... warmth was available to comfort him. Just the... icy cold dampness... of the cruel showers... drowning him with sorrows of his bleeding soul.

The beast allowed the goddess to determine his fate.

And so, she did.

From the very beginning...

She had sentenced him to death.


A month later

Jung Hoseok stormed out of his car, slammed the door shut, and marched inside Kang Minah's mansion to find her stepping out of her front door in a fancy strapless dress. She halted to stare at her former lover as he darkly glared at her.

"How long are you going to avoid me?!" Hoseok snapped, angrily marching up to her, but immediately she stepped back to avoid him. Hoseok's eyes flashed in horror when the cult leader stepped through the door with Park Bogum and Chung Yuri. Minah glanced at her guests and back at Jung Hoseok, who frowned at the cult's presence in bewilderment.

"Oh. What brought you here?" Park Bogum smiled at the alpha. Minah suddenly linked her arm around Bogum's arm, causing Hoseok's heart to drop to the pit of his soul.

"What is this? Minah!" Hoseok snapped, furiously averting his glare to his lover.

"We should stop seeing each other. I've found a competent man that matches my standard," Minah spoke with a poker face. Hoseok's scoffed in disbelief... as Park Bogum smugly smiled and walked off with Jung Hoseok's lover... leaving the alpha in a blunt shock.

Fast Forward

"What are you talking about?!" Seokjin snapped, rising to his feet at his private villa.

"Kang Minah has announced her engagement to Park Bogum," Jimin sorely nodded at his ally.

"The cult is wedding Minah to the supreme alpha to solidify their power in the council because you reclaimed your lost power from Jae Yangcha," Namjoon sorely grimaced.

"Is she nuts!?-" Seokjin scoffed in disbelief.

"What if Jung Hoseok pulls out of the council because he's afraid of harming Minah... during the process of opposing the cult with your power?" Jimin dimmed his eyes. Seokjin rubbed his face in frustration and turned to glare at the setting sun.

"I don't care. I will slaughter everyone within my path! The cult must collapse at all costs!" Seokjin seethed in determination. Namjoon exchanged glances with Jimin before glancing at Kim Seokjin in dread.

The council... has lost its balance again... as the surrendered households... joined the ruthless cult... to survive the deadly warfare.


A few months later.

Jang Sora stared at the calm lake before her view without a glimpse of emotions in her unblinking gaze. The sun had set over the mountains as she cradled a small bundle against her pulsating chest. The baby cooed and snuggled against her warmth as she listlessly stared at the manicured garden while sitting on the concrete stairs until she noticed a person settling beside her. She glanced to the side to find... Jang Beomseok... sitting by her side. He smiled at his daughter and reached for the baby, so she handed the fetus to her stepfather before shifting her gaze to the dark lake again.

"Have you decided on his name?" The father asked as he gently rocked the newborn with a fond smile.

"Jae Beom," I muttered.

"Like mine? Beomseok?" The father chuckled at his daughter.

"Beom... for Pyobeom. The Jaguar," Sora muttered while staring at the lake. The man sadly held the child's tiny fingers as the little boy stirred in his sleep.

"He looks a lot like his father. How disappointing... my daughter is so beautiful... yet her children don't even take after her?" The man grumbled while admiring the little boy. Sora smiled and glanced at her father.

"Don't you resent me? I'm not your blood daughter," Sora muttered.

"I always thought of you as my own. Your blood doesn't bother me because it's not Park Jihyun who raised you. I did," Beomseok shook his head. Sora suddenly scooted closer to her father and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're right. You raised me well. I will never replace your first name with his name. I'm proud to be Jang Sora," Sora nodded. Beomseok chuckled and rested his head against hers as he cradled his grandchild.

"You're the last person to carry The Jang's name," Beomseok muttered. Sora hugged her father's shoulder while staring at her child as they sat at the ancient Hanok house.

"Every one of my children will carry your legacy. Don't worry," Sora assured her father. He chuckled and glanced down at the little boy again.

"I have faith in this one," He smiled at Beom.

"Wae?" Sora asked, lifting her curious gaze to her father.

"I'm sure he fostered his father's determination to protect his family. The Jaguar... The predatory hunter. He will definitely grow up to be a clone of his father. Jae Yangcha might've been infamous for his crimes... but he was undeniably the ace in the power game... until he was hunted by the wolves," Beomseok smiled fondly. Sora chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Eomma~! We're home~!" A familiar voice shrieked behind them, so the daughter and father turned around... just in time to find the twins racing up the stairs in their school uniforms.

"Ah! My lovely dumplings~! I missed you~!" Sora gasped, quickly scrambling to her feet.

The twins slammed right into her feeble body, almost toppling their mother over as they gave her a crushing hug. They shrieked and smiled at their mother with their missing baby teeth... leaving a small gap in their front teeth. Sora chuckled and knelt down to kiss her children. Jang Beomseok stood up from the stairs and strolled inside the living room to settle on the cushion since the breeze was too chilly for the newborn.

"Hello Beomie~? How have you been?!" Woojin shrieked, racing over to peak at his little brother. Sora smiled as Kanghoon curiously peaked at the sleeping toddler.

"Aigo~! You can't touch little Beom yet! Go and shower first~! So dirty~!" Beomseok scolded his grandsons when they tried to touch the baby. The twins chuckled and raced to the bathroom as instructed.

Sora's POV

"Dinner is a bit late today~!" Imo chuckled, entering the room to place the steaming plates on the table, so I took Beom out of appa's arms and strolled toward the crate to place the child over the warm mattress.

"Oh! You're here! Are you staying for the night?" Beomseok looked up in surprise as another person strolled inside the hanok.

"Neh. I'm staying tonight with my fiancée," Kim Taehyung smiled, stepping inside the room with Ah-young. She shyly greeted appa and then lowered her head to me. I smiled at her while sitting beside appa as Taehyung patted the cushion for her. The woman greeted imo as she placed the dishes on the wooden table, so I poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Thank you. Have you been well~?" Ah-young warmly smiled as she accepted my cup.

"Beom is a very calm child! He doesn't cry often- because he knows his mother is frail!" Imo chuckled while sitting beside Taehyung with a bright beam.

"Do-hwan! Hurry up! Everyone is waiting for you! Ah~! I'm starving~!" Appa waved at the man as he strolled up the stairs to join us for dinner at the main Hanok house.

"Oh. Annyeonghaseyo~!" Ah-young greeted the chief guard. He smiled at her and sat across from imo... beside appa.

"Woojin-ah! Kanghoonie! Time for dinner~!" I called. Thud! Thud! Thud! Their footsteps echoed throughout the hanok as they raced towards the living room.

"Don't run~! The Hanok will fall apart because of you two!" Beomseok scolded the twins. They giggled and skated across the polished wood on their socks... skidding straight toward the dining table.

"Oh!" The twins shrieked, losing their balance after they failed to stop themselves, causing my eyes to widen in horror.

"Careful!- You two! Aigo~! Do you wish to flip the table over?!" I snapped, grabbing the twins to prevent them from toppling over the table. They giggled and stood up straight after regaining their balance.

"Thank you for the food!" They bowed at imo before plopping down beside me to grab their bowl, causing Ah-young to chuckle at their cuteness.

"Oh! Noona is here today!" Kanghoon smiled at her.

"I brought gifts for you two~!" She beamed.

"Really!? Thank you!" Woojin shrieked.

"You didn't have to bring them gifts! Their toys are flooding the place!" Imo chuckled at the young woman. She smiled and glanced at Taehyung as he placed a slice of grilled fish in her bowl. I chuckled and handed the twins their tissues.

Yes. We're residing in Gwangju at Taehyung's Hanok with the remaining survivors of the Jang Households. Taehyung had constructed a new mansion on the property. We usually gather at the traditional Hanok to have dinner and lounge around since it's close to the lake and the mountains. All the guards and maids had moved in with us.

Taehyung doesn't stay with the household because he has work to handle in Seoul. And also... because the council requires his leadership. The cult is still dictating the council... but the society has achieved stability after Kim Seokjin reclaimed his position with Jae Yangcha's power.

There are three leading second-rank alphas... withstanding the cult... so their combined power is enough to repress the cult from unleashing their greed on the council. Sungho, on the other hand, had chosen to remain neutral because Jeon Jungkook had agreed to stay out of the conflict.

I do not know the reason... but the cult must've bargained with him.

Jungkook never visited the twins, so I never bothered to introduce them to their biological father. The twins are under Kim Taehyung's custody. They're bearing his family name instead of the Jeons. They attend a private school in Gwangju... and Taehyung sometimes picks them up from school whenever he decides to visit us.

Oh. And Ah-young? Taehyung has agreed with his parents to see her. I do not know much of the details... but he somehow agreed to marry her... so they're engaged now. Ah-young is a shy woman, but she is a warm person... and her family background is very prestigious.

Her great-grandmother is a distant royal blood of Korea's royalty. She's beautiful and graceful... so she's a perfect match for him. Taehyung has never bothered me about our past anymore... after I agreed to hand over my husband to the council to save the pack from the cult.

I gave birth to Beom a few weeks ago and have been residing with my father and imo... so they could help me care for my newborn. The twins have agreed to sleep in a separate room beside mine at the newly constructed mansion within the property so I can properly rest without being disturbed.

"I'm full. I'll head to the mansion first. Do you guys want to come along~? Or do you want to play here~?" I asked the twins after placing the chopsticks down.

"Play~! Appa will play with us, right?!" The twins smiled at Taehyung as he ate quietly at the table.

"Sure. Bring me your homework first," Taehyung nodded. The twins grinned at his approval and nodded, so I got up from the table with my empty bowl and entered the kitchen to wash the dishes before turning to lift a tray from the counter.

"Appa. Can you bring Beom when you return to your room?" I asked as I walked out of the Hanok.

"Sure. I'll be there in a moment," Appa nodded at me as I slipped on my slipper and walked down the stairs to stroll across the mansion until I found the huddle of guards sitting on the Korean traditional resting building to enjoy their dinner with the maids.

They greeted me, so I nodded at them and entered the mansion. Appa has permitted our people to freely interact within the property... so the household isn't as strict as it used to be under eomma's control. Everyone is a family to us now.

Anyways. Taehyung chose a very stylish interior for the mansion... but it's not a glass house because he dislikes transparency. The structure... somewhat... resembled our ancient mansions in Seoul but with a renovated interior. I climbed the staircase in my slippers and strolled towards the central room before pushing the door open and entering to place the tray on the table. I strode into the bathroom to shower, changed into a new gown, and stepped out while loosening my waist-length wavy black hair.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, walking up to the Yangcha... who was sitting by the window in his wheelchair. He blinked out of his thoughts and looked up at me, so I lowered my face to peck his lips. He smiled as I steered the wheelchair around and pushed him towards the couch.

"Have you eaten?" He asked, gently taking my hand. I grabbed his underarms to help him sit on the couch. He can walk... but he still limps around a lot since his legs aren't fully healed yet.

"I saved stomach space for sweet rice cake. Wanted to enjoy it with you," I chuckled, grabbing the bowl to place it on his lap. Yangcha smiled and ate the dish I prepared as I munched on the rice cake while sitting beside him.

"Beom? Where is he?" Yangcha asked.

"Appa will bring him," I shrugged. Yangcha nodded, so I placed the rice cake box away and hugged his arm with my eyes trained on the peaceful property through the high arch windows.

"He's here again, isn't he?" Yangcha asked, referring to Taehyung. I nodded. He quietly ate his food, so I lifted my head off his shoulder and carefully unbuttoned his shirt... to examine the healed wound over his chest.

"Does it hurt?" I asked while observing the scar.

"No. But there's an uncomfortable ache there," Yangcha smiled. I nodded and kissed the scar to apologize for driving the blade into his chest.

"Thank you for bearing with me... I really thought you had left my side for good," I whispered, sadly staring at him. Yangcha smiled and glanced at me with a fond smile.

"I could've died if the blade was a millimeter deeper, but I couldn't die because... I knew you'd return to me," He whispered, booping his nose tip against mine. I chuckled while massaging his shoulder to comfort him.

"You knew?" I smiled.

"Of course. You were in pain. I saw it too. I trusted you because... we made a promise, remember? Once we part... the person leaving must leave their ring behind and return to reclaim it," He chuckled, lowering his spoon to hold my hand. I smiled at the ring on my finger as he warmly held me.

"I did leave the ring behind for you that night," I nodded as he rubbed my finger.

"So I kept my heart beating for you," He whispered. I chuckled and lifted my face to press my lips against his. Yangcha tilted his head to kiss me sweetly as we sat on the couch in our cozy home.

"I love you," I whispered. Yangcha smiled against my lips and pulled away to gaze at my face, gently stroking my cheeks with his fingers. 

"Did you eat taro-flavored rice cake...?" He asked, suddenly pursing his lips. I blinked and glanced at the rice cake on the tray.

"Oh! Oh no! Shit-" I gasped, scrambling onto my feet in horror as Yangcha rubbed his swollen lips. He's allergic to taro! I quickly opened the drawer before racing back towards him as the rashes formed on his face. Yangcha quickly took the medication as I hurried inside the bathroom to wash my face frantically. Oh no~! How can I be so careless?!

"Ah~! This is unbelievable!" Yangcha rubbed his red face in distress.

"I'm sorry! I forgot!" I apologized, stepping out of the bathroom to find him sitting with a swollen upper lip. I laughed at his hilarious appearance and lowered my face to peck his lips. Knock. Knock. Yangcha chuckled, carefully drawing me onto his lap as I clung to his thick neck. 

"My lady. You have visitors in the living room," A maid informed. I broke our kiss with my fond gaze on his handsome features and gently rubbed his firm cheek with my thumb. Smooch. Yangcha softly pecked my lips again as I lifted my hand to caress his earlobe. 

"I'll be right there," I announced, shifting my attention to the closed door as my husband softly kissed the crook of my neck, so I exhaled and turned to kiss him again.

The maid left after I dismissed her. I patted Yangcha's cheek as he placed the empty bowl aside and helped him back onto his wheelchair before rolling him out of the room. We used the installed elevator to descend to the ground floor. Yangcha rubbed his sore lips as I steered him out of the compartment and strolled into the living room... suddenly slowing down once I noticed... Taehyung sitting on a velvet armchair with his legs crossed.

Kim Seokjin lifted his face to stare at me before glancing at Jae Yangcha as Hoseok and Yoongi sat by the alpha's side. Namjoon turned to look at the Jaguar as Jimin entered through the door. Yangcha suddenly tensed up in his seat as I stared at the alphas with a drained expression. Why are they here...? They said they'd never bother us again. I sternly pushed my husband forward as Taehyung darkened his gaze on Yangcha. I halted to stare at the red envelopes on the table and lowered my hand to hold my lover's shoulders as I stood behind his back. 

"Kang Minah will wed the supreme alpha next week. She's sent the invitations," Do-hwan informed as he stood by the door. I stared at the marriage invitation letter unsurely and glanced at the alphas.

"What do you need?" I asked, uneasily studying their stern gaze. I know... they're after something.

"We need to eliminate Jeon Jungkook," Kim Taehyung requested. I gripped the wheelchair uneasily as I stared at him. He sat with a blank space.

"Eomma~! Oh!- Ahjussi~! Annyeonghaseyo~!" The twins wildly burst inside the property. They paused to greet the players before chasing each other up the stairs. I swallowed and glanced back at the men within the room while listening to the frantic thumps of the children's footsteps.

"You promised-"

"We need the twins' involvement in the council to claim Jeon Jungkook's power. He's supporting the cult with his financial resources, so we must interfere," Seokjin sternly stared at me. I tensed my body uneasily as I drifted my restless gaze to their cold... pupils. 

The alphas have requested to use the twins as a power subject in the council warfare.

An order I can't defy because... I am powerless.


They're driven by boundless greed to achieve power.

Once again... the players are exploiting a weak woman like me... and my innocent children... to fight the deadly war.... because... I'm the culprit to blame... for triggering an apocalypse.

They have held me forever... liable for igniting the... Phoenix's Flame.

And so... it is me... Jang Sora... who has to make endless sacrifices... for the greater good of the pack.

With or without power... I am forever cursed with the power burden.




First... they were after my lover.

Now... they're after my cubs.




You have reached the end of ALPHA PART 2 | The Apocalypse.




Stay tuned for ALPHA

PART 3 | The End of a New Beginning.


Lol. I thought I couldn't update again before my final next week but my brain works really well when I'm stressed over school ahaha! So here's another chapter! I can't promise a new update soon but I will try to update again if I can! Anyways! Thank you so much for supporting Alpha until now! Please look forward to Part 3! I love you guys~!

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