Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung...

By karaaii

204K 12.7K 4.6K

(Currently Editing the previous chapters as well as updating further. ) Kim Taehyung the ceo of Kim. Construc... More

The History : Hunt Begins.
1. Parallel Realities.
2. Murderer
3. No emotions..
4. Words
5. Event
6. It hurts.
7. Sensitive
8. Stop please
9. Burns
10. Maybe
11. Sold
12. Wedding
13. Slut
14. U Deserve
15. His Toy
16. Guilt
17. Cold
18. Fever
19. Why?
20. Full moon
21. Full moon (pt.2)
22. Full moon (pt.3)
23. Scared
24. Forced
25. Comfort
26. sympathy
27. Humiliated
28. Blue eyes
29. Disturbed
30. Quiet
31. Her Sorrow
32. Back
33. liar
34. Pain
35. Truth
36. Hate
37. Thunder
38. Cries
39. Slap
40. Regret
41. Friends
42. Restless
43. Attacked
44. Stitches
45. Nightmare
46. Frustration
47. Beautiful Her
48. Panic Attack
49. Forgiveness
50. Dr. Kim seokjin
51. Let me
52. Blank
53. Remorse
54. The Alpha
55. The hallucination
56. Full moon (pt.4)
57. Things falling apart
58. Eachother's Support
59. Strangers
60. Whispers of sorrow
61. Untold secret ( Her )
62. Love unleashed
63. His Shelter of Trust
64. Protector's guilt.
65. Enchanted Beginnings.
66. A Husband's Warth pt.(1).
67. A Husband's Warth pt.( 2 ).
68. " Stone Head".
69. Moonlit Confessions and Sweet Kisses.
70. Dusk of Despair.
71. Strengthening Love.
72. Closer Together.
73. The Midnight Escape.
74. Mysteries Unfolded.
75. Horseback Bonds.
76. Fires of Passion.
77. Pampering.
78. Heated Affections and Sweet Melodies.
79. Unanswered calls.
80. Sensual Flames.
81. Mischief and Laughter.
82. Gentle Seduction : A Year Together.
83. Moonlight : My Lover.
85. "I Crave Your Attention : Moonlight"
86. Mate's Desires : Kitten.
87. Drunken Whispers :Bigger Boobs.
88. Guardian's Farewell.
89. Protector and Predator.
90. Elevating Intimacy.
91. Quest.
92. Toyed and Torn.
93. Plaything?
94. "Brain-Dead-slut"
95. Homecoming Tears.
96. Healing Bonds (pt.1).
97. Healing Bonds (pt.2).
98. Sheltered Passion.
99. Love's Ritual.
100. Proximity & Distance.
101. Embrace.
102. With You.
103. A Night of Terror.
104. Lost and Alone.
105. A Heart Divided.
106. A Twist of Fate.
107. Gamble.

84. Haunting Beauty of the Moon.

880 72 46
By karaaii

As Y/n and Yeonjun were walking back from the library to the public parking lot, Y/n's senses tingled with unease. Her omega stirred inside her, sending shivers down her spine. Something felt off, and she couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched or followed.

Y/n entered Taehyung's office without knocking, a privilege she often enjoyed. Inside, she noticed a man on the couch who seemed to be observing her, making her feel a bit uneasy.

She placed her bag next to Taehyung's, and that's when Zain, one of Taehyung's staff, entered the room. Zain respectfully bowed to her and informed her that Mr. Kim was in a meeting and would be there shortly. Y/n inquired about his father, and Zain explained that he wasn't at the office that day.

Y/n picked up the food box and followed Zain's directions to the cafeteria. It took her about ten minutes to heat up her meal, and she returned to Taehyung's office. As she walked in, she saw Taehyung engaged in an intense conversation, looking visibly irritated.

Upon entering, Taehyung's expression immediately softened upon seeing her. Y/n's presence and her comforting scent had a calming effect on him. She offered him a warm smile, and Taehyung acknowledged her with a nod. Y/n settled on the couch as Taehyung wrapped up his discussion.

"Mr. Kim, you seem quite busy. We can discuss this further on the site," the other gentleman said as they shook hands. Once the visitor left, Taehyung hurried to Y/n, pulling her into a tight hug and nuzzling his face into her neck, taking in her sweet scent to calm himself down.


While Y/n fed Taehyung his lunch, he vented about how irritating the man from the government project had been. Y/n found his reactions amusing and laughed along with him as they shared their meal. Taehyung couldn't resist stealing a few kisses from her, and after lunch, Y/n headed to her basketball court for some practice.

The old wolf couple watched their granddaughter from a safe distance as she practiced and taught a group of middle school kids on her basketball court. Beta Theo couldn't help but feel uneasy, especially since it was the first time he had ever seen the alpha cry.

The Luna, too, was overcome with emotion, her eyes filling with tears at every smile and movement she saw from her granddaughter. They wished they could somehow convey their love for her parents and for her, but it was a risk they couldn't afford to take.

Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, her keen senses picking up on something amiss. She looked around but couldn't spot anything unusual.

After her class ended, she exited her basketball court and found Taehyung leaning against the car, waiting for her with a playful grin. She shook her head, knowing she had told him not to pick her up, but he never seemed to listen.

He opened the car door for her, and as she sat inside, they headed back home. Unbeknownst to them, the old wolf couple observed from afar, taking some comfort in seeing that their granddaughter had someone who cared deeply for her.

Amid the romantic dinner, Taehyung decided to be mischievous. He reached across the table, his fingers gently brushing against Y/n's hand. "You know," he started with a sly grin, "I've been thinking, this dessert here is sweet, but not as sweet as your kisses."

Y/n, who was slightly tired of his cheesiness, rolled her eyes playfully. "Taehyung, you say that every time we have dessert."

He chuckled, undeterred by her response. "Well, what can I say? Your kisses are worth mentioning over and over again."

She shook her head in mock exasperation but couldn't hide her smile. "You're incorrigible."

Taehyung leaned closer, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "Only when it comes to you, my love."

Y/n laughed, her cheeks flushing slightly. "You certainly have a way with words."

Taehyung winked and said, "But you love it, don't you?"

She sighed, unable to resist his charm, and replied, "I suppose I do." They both shared a playful, loving moment, savoring the sweet cheesiness that made their bond even stronger.

For three weeks, y/n had been immersed in a whirlwind of stress, juggling practicals and endless hours of studying. The weight of her responsibilities brought her to tears more times than she could count.

But amidst the chaos, there was Taehyung, a steadfast presence by her side. He knew the art of soothing her distressed soul, offering her warm cups of coffee as she toiled away.

In addition to Taehyung's unwavering support, he was determined to prepare her for the crucial interview that lay ahead.

Guiding her through the intricate regulations and the intricacies of facing an interview was Namjoon, the wise and experienced friend. He provided valuable insights, helping her build the confidence she needed.

On this particular evening, y/n found herself at Jin's house, seeking a refuge from the academic storm.

Taehyung, occupied with his own work, was unable to be by her side.

Instead, Namjoon stepped up to help her practice. They retreated to a room, engrossed in a mock interview, while the tantalizing scent of dinner being prepared by Jin enveloped the household. In this warm and supportive environment, y/n braved the storm of stress, finding comfort in her friends' unwavering presence.

Y/n sat nervously, fidgeting with her notes as Namjoon, the seasoned professional, prepared to interview her. Her mind raced with all the information she needed to convey during the interview. Jin's mouth-watering cooking smells wafted in from the kitchen, an enticing distraction.

Namjoon, sitting across from her, wore his professional demeanor as he asked questions and gave her feedback on her answers. He was a guiding presence, helping her stay focused and calm throughout the mock interview.

Meanwhile, Jin was in the kitchen, creating a delicious meal for the trio. The aroma of the food added an element of comfort and warmth to the environment.

As the interview continued, Y/n did her best to answer questions confidently, thanks to Namjoon's guidance. And while she was still feeling the pressure of the upcoming real interview, she appreciated the support of her friends, knowing that Taehyung would be proud of her efforts.

Jin finished up in the kitchen and turned around, only to be greeted by Y/n's warm embrace. He welcomed her hug with a smile, returning it with a comforting one of his own. His gentle hand found its way to her head, and he softly pet her hair. Concern laced his voice as he spoke, "Wanna talk?"

Y/n nodded slightly, and Jin led her to the guest room, where she would be staying for the night. They settled beside each other, and Y/n, without hesitation, transformed into her elegant hybrid form. Jin couldn't help but admire her beauty, the grace with which she shifted.

Her head found a comfortable place on his lap, and Jin's fingers began to dance over her hybrid ears, a gesture of affection and solace. He knew she carried a burden in her heart, so he encouraged her to open up, his voice tender and loving. "Y/n, tell oppa what it is. You know you can always tell me anything you want to."

Jin continued to gently caress Y/n's hybrid ears, offering her the comfort of his presence as she opened up about her fears. Her voice was soft and filled with concern as she shared her worries. "Oppa, I'm so close to making Dada's dream come true. What if I don't get selected into the company?"

Her words tugged at Jin's heartstrings, and he understood the significance of her dad's dream and her determination to fulfill it. He paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully before responding. "Y/n, I believe in you. You've worked so hard, and you're incredibly talented. No matter what happens, you've already made us all proud. And remember, even if one door closes, there are always other paths to explore. I'll be here to support you no matter what, as will the rest of our family."

Y/n listened to Jin's comforting words, her hybrid ears twitching slightly as she processed his reassurances. She knew that her older brother always had a way of soothing her worries. A faint smile crossed her face, and she let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you, oppa," she whispered, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "I needed to hear that. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed, and it's hard not to think about letting Dada down."

Jin continued to pet her ears, his touch reassuring and full of brotherly affection. "You won't let him down, Y/n. Remember that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and we can't control everything.

What matters most is your determination and passion. Keep working hard, and you'll reach your goals. And I'm here to help you in any way I can."

With the comfort of Jin's presence and his supportive words, Y/n felt a renewed sense of determination. She was ready to face her challenges with the same resilience that she had shown throughout her journey.

Early in the morning, at the crack of dawn, Taehyung stood at the doorstep of Jin and Namjoon's apartment. Jin, half-asleep, opened the door with a disapproving expression, signaling the ungodly hour. Jin gestured towards the door where Y/n was peacefully resting and retreated back to the comfort of his bed, leaving Taehyung to face the early morning venture alone.

Taehyung slipped into the room, finding Y/n peacefully immersed in a deep slumber, resembling a curled-up baby. With the utmost care, he joined her in bed, wrapping his arms around her. Having returned from a meeting in another city, Taehyung didn't want Y/n to be alone, so he had sent her to Jin's house the previous morning.

Despite Y/n's sharp Omega senses, she remained undisturbed by Taehyung's presence. If it had been someone else, her Omega might have stirred her awake, but with her mate, she only cozied up even more, finding comfort in his embrace.

Y/n gradually woke to the warmth of Taehyung beside her. As her eyes fluttered open, she found Taehyung already awake, wearing a mischievous grin. Without any warning, he showered her with kisses, being delightfully touchy.

Taehyung's playful antics continued as he whispered sweet nothings, leaving Y/n in a giggling mess. The morning turned even more beautiful as Jin and Namjoon joined them for breakfast, sharing laughter and good vibes. The shared moments created a tapestry of warmth, making the morning unforgettable.

As Taehyung led Y/n home, a sense of craving lingered within him, a yearning for the warmth and intimacy they shared. Yet, Y/n, consumed by the demands of her work, retreated into her study room. Taehyung, understanding the weight on her shoulders, felt a void growing between them.

Three weeks had passed since their last intimate moment, and while they exchanged occasional kisses, he longed for the closeness that went beyond words. As Y/n immersed herself in her work, Taehyung couldn't help but pout, silently yearning for the connection that seemed elusive in her world of deadlines and stress.

In the tranquil ambiance of their study room, Taehyung brewed coffee for both, finding solace in the comforting aroma. Y/n, immersed in her sea of notes, remained oblivious to his presence. Undeterred, he settled gracefully onto a bean bag, quietly admiring the dedication etched on her fatigued face.

Abruptly, the melody of his phone cut through the room, demanding his attention. Returning swiftly, Taehyung shared the news of an urgent office matter. Y/n, wearied but understanding, extended her arms for an embrace. Kneeling beside her, Taehyung enveloped her in a tight hug, his tender touches tracing a soothing path across her cheeks. With a few affectionate pecks, he assured her,

"No need to cook. I'll bring your favorite food, my love. Don't stress." Y/n, reciprocating with a kiss on his cheek, bid him farewell with a nod, while Taehyung, adorned with a reassuring smile, left the sanctum of their home.

In the evening.....

In the hushed embrace of evening, Y/n found herself succumbing to the demands of exhaustion, her head gently resting on the study table.

However, her respite was abruptly shattered as a surge of pain ripped through her body, jolting her awake with a gasp. Panting heavily, she clutched her belly, each wave of pain intensifying.

A disconcerting realization struck as she noticed her hybrid ears, a testament to the transformation underway. Casting her gaze outside the window, the haunting beauty of a full moon met her eyes.

Panic gripped her, and with a swift motion, she closed the window, tears silently tracing her distress. The celestial display brought not only the moon's glow but also the inevitable changes that left Y/n in a state of profound apprehension.

In the quiet solitude of their home, Y/n's anguished cry reverberated through the walls, "Tae!" The silence that followed served as a poignant reminder of Taehyung's absence, a realization that struck her like a cruel echo of loneliness. Wiping away her tears with determined resolve, she stumbled, a dance of pain and heartache, to secure their sanctuary.

Locking each entrance methodically – the main door, the garden gate, the backyard door – she fortified their haven against the world. Tears blurred her vision as she navigated through the familiar furniture, each piece a silent witness to the emotional storm she weathered. With the comforting support of the railing, she ascended the stairs, seeking solace in the refuge of their shared bedroom.

Meanwhile, Beta Kelnin's wolf quivered, an involuntary response to Y/n's pervasive scent enveloping the entire house. Desperate to restrain the allure it held over him, he fought against the primal urge, attempting to resist the magnetic pull of the beautiful omega.

Yet, in his struggle, he unwittingly succumbed to a grave error, a choice that would alter the course of fate.

In the hushed embrace of the night, Beta Kelnin agilely infiltrated the confines of Y/n and Taehyung's apartment grounds. His determined crawl brought him closer to the exterior wall, and as he neared the open window, a breathtaking sight unfolded before him.

There, for the first time in his existence, he beheld a wondrous being – an omega hybrid of unparalleled beauty.

Tears cascaded from her mesmerizing blue eyes as she closed the window, each delicate movement etched into his memory. Proximity to the wall allowed him to scrutinize every detail with his keen wolf eyes – the hybrid ears perched gracefully on her head, the tear-kissed face adorned with baby pink skin. In those mere seconds, he was captivated by her allure, her markable presence.

The realization dawned upon him that such a creature truly existed, embodying the angelic essence foretold in ancient manuscripts.

However, an urgent mind link from his alpha jolted him back to reality, compelling him to submit immediately. As beads of sweat formed on his brow, he sprinted away, knowing that his attraction to her scent had set in motion a chain of events leading towards an inevitable confrontation with his alpha and, perhaps, his own demise.

As Y/n hurriedly closed the last door behind her, a torrent of searing pain surged through her body, causing her to stumble and collide with a nearby cabinet. The impact focused on her ankle, intensifying the agony. A sharp cry escaped her lips, a melody of distress echoing in the confined space. Tears welled up in her eyes, blending with the visceral pain that emanated from both her injured ankle and the tumult within.

In a bid to escape the physical and emotional anguish, Y/n rushed into the room, hastily locking herself inside. Hugging her knees tightly, she sought solace in the confined space, each tear marking the silent struggle against the overwhelming waves of pain. The room became a sanctuary for her tears, a private symphony of vulnerability and resilience.

Amidst the pain that gripped her and the vulnerability echoing in the room, Y/n's attention was abruptly drawn to the thundering clouds outside. Her heart dropped, the already overwhelming emotions now entwined with a deep-rooted fear— astraphobia . Shivering from both the physical pain and the looming fear of thunder, she found herself caught in the crossfire of internal storms, a tempest of agony and anxiety. The room, once a refuge, now seemed to amplify the cacophony of her distress.

Taehyung's normally focused mind was pulled away from his work as the ominous thundering clouds grabbed his attention. His heart raced as he realized the approaching storm and the implications it held for his beloved Y/n. Without a second thought, he swiftly closed the files on his desk, his only thought being to rush home to her.

Cursing under his breath, he gathered his belongings and sprinted out of the office building to reach his car. As he sped towards their home, he couldn't help but dial Y/n's number repeatedly, each unanswered call intensifying his growing sense of dread. The worry for her consumed him with every passing moment, urging him to get to her side as quickly as possible.

Taehyung entered their home, his heart pounding with worry, and called out for Y/n. The silence that followed sent shivers down his spine, intensifying his anxiety. He rushed to their bedroom and was met with the sound of Y/n's heart-wrenching cries.

His eyes fell on the open wardrobe room, and he quickly entered it. What he saw inside tore at his heart. Y/n was huddled in the last wardrobe, her body trembling as she wept uncontrollably. She had curled into a protective ball, and her tail was wrapped around her, a clear indication that it was a full moon, a time when her hybrid traits took over, leaving her in a vulnerable state.

His heart ached for her, and all he wanted was to comfort and protect her during this challenging time.

Taehyung's touch was soothing, and he continued to comfort Y/n with kisses and gentle caresses as she cried from the overwhelming pain and the thunderstorm. She clung to him, not wanting to be left alone in her distressed state.

Taehyung was reluctant to put her down from his lap, but he assured her, "It's okay, love. I'll be back in a minute." Tenderly kissing her forehead, he gently placed her on the bed and wrapped her in a cozy blanket.

He hurried downstairs to the small, secluded room near the staircase, where the thundering noise was much less, confirming his hunch. Quickly returning to Y/n, he carefully carried her downstairs to the quieter space, where he hoped she could find some relief.

Taehyung held Y/n on his lap, sitting on the couch in the dimly lit room. Her sobs and murmurs about the pain filled the air, and he did everything he could to comfort her, shushing and soothing her as if she were a child.

For hours, he gently rocked her on his lap, patting her head and back, trying to alleviate her suffering. Y/n eventually fell asleep, but Taehyung knew that she might wake up at any moment. He continued to rock her, determined to be there for her throughout the night.

Taehyung watched as Y/n slowly succumbed to sleep in his arms, his feelings of carelessness consuming him. They had talked about the full moon, but amidst her studies and his work call, he had forgotten, and it pained him. He caressed her cheeks and hair, his fingers tenderly scratching her hybrid ears. The haunting memory of Y/n curled up in the wardrobe haunted him, sending shivers down his spine. He held her tightly, showering her with loving kisses.

As the night turned into morning, both of them were exhausted and drained. Taehyung planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and asked, "Are you okay?" Y/n nodded gently, snuggling closer into his comforting embrace, finding solace in his presence.

Taehyung, gently rubbing her back, suggested, "Let's wash up and eat something, okay?" Y/n gazed at him with her soft eyes and replied, "Okay."

As she tried to get up from his lap, she suddenly fell to the floor, screaming in pain and crying. Taehyung was quick to scoop her up and asked in concern, "Love, what happened? What's wrong?" He examined her ankle to find a big bruise with significant swelling.

Through her tears, Y/n explained, "I...I bumped into something, and I fell." Taehyung hugged her tightly and reassured her, "It's okay! Don't worry." He carefully carried her to their bedroom and helped her change.

Taehyung rushed her to the hospital, and upon arrival, he immediately went to Jin's cabin. Jin, too, was alarmed when he saw Y/n's condition, but he handled her with care and professionalism. Taehyung stood by her side, anxious and worried.

After a thorough examination, they received the relieving news that it wasn't a fracture but rather a muscle injury. Jin estimated that it would take approximately two weeks to heal. Y/n got her bandage done, and Taehyung, relieved that it wasn't a more serious injury, brought her back home, determined to take care of her during her recovery.

Taehyung gently carried her to the bedroom, where he sat her down on the bed, and took a seat in front of her. Holding onto her hands, he saw her looking down at her lap, tears streaming down her cheeks. Taehyung leaned closer, gently lifting her chin to meet her tear-filled eyes.

With a soft touch, he wiped away her tears and asked, "What's troubling you, my love?"

Y/n, still sniffling, mumbled, "My interview." The tears continued to fall as she expressed her concern about her injured ankle and her inability to place it on the floor.

"You'll do great," Taehyung reassured her, and Y/n couldn't help but cry even more.

Taehyung gazed at her lovingly, his thumb gently caressing her cheek as he reassured her. "Listen to me, my love," he began,

his voice soothing and tender. "Your injury won't define your abilities or your worth. You're strong and capable, and you've worked so hard for this opportunity. You're going to impress them with your intelligence, your charm, and your determination."

He continued, "You're not just defined by your mobility. You have a brilliant mind and a beautiful heart. If the interviewers can't see past a temporary setback, then they don't deserve someone as amazing as you on their team. Remember that, alright?"

Y/n looked into Taehyung's eyes, her tears slowly subsiding, and nodded in agreement. His words were like a warm embrace, soothing her fears and doubts. She knew that with Taehyung by her side, she could conquer anything, even with an injured ankle.

Taehyung leaned in, planting a tender kiss on her lips, and his concern for her was evident as he softly asked, "Are you okay?" Y/n nodded in response, and a warm smile spread across Taehyung's face as he lovingly declared, "That's my girl! Now, let's have something to eat before I waste away from hunger." Y/n chuckled at his playful comment, and they decided to pick up some breakfast on their way back home. Their bond was unbreakable, and they faced each challenge together with unwavering love and support.

Over the next 2 days, they worked together, fine-tuning her responses, practicing interview questions, and ensuring that she would shine in front of the interview panel. He took off from work because y/n couldn't walk. Taehyung made sure she had all the resources she needed to succeed, from research materials to motivational pep talks.

To be continued 👀💚

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