Choices | Kim Namjoon FF |

By MSB_2973

457 17 0

Everything is fine until Kim Namjoon and Min Chae-rin decide to have a little pact of their own. Chae-rin jus... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Chae-rin
Chapter Two: Namjoon
Chapter Three: Chae-rin
Chapter Four: Namjoon
Chapter Five: Chae-rin
Chapter Six: Namjoon
Chapter Seven: Chae-rin
Chapter Eight: Namjoon
Chapter Ten: Namjoon
Chapter Eleven: Chae-rin
Chapter Twelve: Namjoon
Chapter Thirteen: Chae-rin
Chapter Fourteen: Author's POV
Chapter Fifteen: Namjoon
Chapter Sixteen: Chae-rin
Chapter Seventeen: Namjoon
Chapter Eighteen: Chae-rin
Chapter Nineteen: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-One: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty Two: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-Three: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty-Four: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-Five: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty-Six: Chae-rin
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Namjoon
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Author's POV
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-One: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Two: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-Three: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Four: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-Five: Author's POV
Chapter Thirty-Six: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Namjoon
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Chae-rin
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Namjoon
Chapter Forty: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-One: Namjoon
Chapter Forty-Two: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-Three: Namjoon
Chapter Forty-Four: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-Five: Author's POV
Chapter Forty-Six: Namjoon
Chapter Forty-Seven: Chae-rin
Chapter Forty-Eight: Jungkook

Chapter Nine: Chae-rin

11 0 0
By MSB_2973

"Where are you going?" I cling onto Namjoon's shirt, hoping he'll stay put with me. It's not that I don't like socializing...I do, but these are people I don't normally see. Like ever...

He chuckles and reaches for my hand. "I'll be right back. Jin hyung just wants to take some photos of the guys. Just stay here and hang out."

"Joon!" I whisper as he walks away.

Ugh! I stand awkwardly by the tables, unsure of who to talk to. Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon have all abandoned me to go take photos. Those traitors. At least I have alcohol in my cup. The venue that the brunch is at is so intimate and chic. When Namjoon said brunch, I was not imagining this. This is more like a reception. It's elegantly decorated with string lights, white canopies, flowers, balloons and food. Is this how rich people do things? I don't really remember what Jin does, but I do remember Joon telling me that Jin and his family are well off.

"So, you're dating Namjoon, huh?" I almost choke on my drink when I hear this. I turn around and Jimin is standing there, handsome as ever. He's wearing a vertical striped, pale blue and white linen button up, beige slacks, and brown dress shoes. His wrist adorned with a gold watch and his hair is styled away from his face, showing his features.

"Jimin," I say.

"Chae-rin," he replies in the same tone. It's not warm but it's not cold. Just neutral. "So, it's true then? You didn't refute it."

I let out a small chuckle and say, "I'm sure you have better things to do than wonder about my relationship. Jin just asked for all the guys to go take photos. I'm pretty sure that includes you too."

"I was on my way over when I saw you here," he tells me. 

"Then they are probably waiting for you."

"You don't seem to be comfortable with my question," he smirks. "Is it because maybe you and Namjoon aren't dating?"

He's testing me. Jimin and I have a very strange-actually, I wouldn't even say relationship. We aren't friends, but we aren't strangers. We are normally somewhat cordial with each other but I can read him. He doesn't really like me, but he tolerates me. It's too bad that he's so good-looking. His sassy remarks and hidden intentions totally ruin him.

"Jimin, I just didn't want to throw it out there out of respect for, well, you know," I say, knowing he knows I mean his sister. Well, not that it should matter to her. She broke up with him! "But yes, Namjoon and I are dating."

"That's odd," he quips. "Because he called me begging me if I knew any reason why my sister broke up with him," he replies.

Well, he's got me there. Namjoon did tell me he called Jimin... I don't know the timeframe of that either so it could very well have been within the last couple of weeks. Our little lie here has some holes. We've been dating for a month but if Namjoon called Jimin during that month, it's's going to be complicated. I should concede, to save myself from any embarrassment, but when I see that snarky smirk forming on Jimin's face, something literally snaps in me.

"Yes, and Joon and I had a very long talk about that," I reply. "I get it. He was with Ae-ra for almost two years and so when she gave him such a bullshit excuse for breaking up with him, he wanted answers. While I don't agree with the way he went about it, we talked and now we're okay."

Jimin's smile turns into a thin line. "That's very mature of you."

"Well, we are adults," I shrug. "Joon and I have known each other for a decade. We don't have to worry about silly things like that." It's not a lie at all and that's why when it comes out my mouth, it sounds so convincing and there isn't an ounce of waver in my voice. "We have a bond like no other."

"Isn't that funny how you wait until he's down to come swoop in and finally make him yours? Have you been waiting this long?"

Me?! "You know what Jimin? I'm not going to do this with you. We're adults and I get that you're trying to back up your sister and whatnot, but Joon isn't the one that broke up with her out of the blue. Joon isn't the one who broke her heart and left her in pieces. I'm done with this conversation."

Before my true anger can come out, I pivot and walk away quickly. I am so proud of myself for staying calm and collected during that whole confrontation! I admit, I do have a temper and am quick to jump with my words and sometimes I can get physical, but I really remained so calm. Props to me!

I find myself sitting away, where (get this) there is a koi pond surrounded by trees and wild flowers. This truly is a beautiful place and I wonder if Jin and his fiancée even know about this pond here. I pull out my phone and take a few photos of the scenery, and then take one of a tree that with the sun peeking through the branches.

"Why do you keep following me around?" I turn and glare at Namjoon, the new kid, my senior of 3 years. "Don't you have any friends?"

"I'm not following you," he retorts, rolling his eyes. "You don't own this street, kid. You're not the only person that lives over here."

"Whatever," I mumble. I don't know why I have attitude toward him. I think it's because he saw me ditching class and he could turn me in any minute or tell my parents. He's annoying. As I walk, I put my earbuds in to drown out the noise of traffic. I have the newest albums of my favorites downloaded onto my iPod and so it makes walking home from the bus stop a little more bearable.

That is, until, I feel a single droplet of water land on my cheek. What? I look up and I groan. Please tell me it's not going to rain! Is it really?! And on a day where I didn't bring my stupid umbrella or raincoat? Why is life so cliché like this?! And as if that was the universe's cue, the rain starts to fall. I run to a nearby park and hide under the gazebo, hoping it'll stop soon. Namjoon does the same thing.

"I'm not following you," he repeats while he shakes his head to get rid of the water, which by the way splatters all over me. "Sorry," he notes.

I think we've been here for almost ten minutes with no signs of the rain stopping any time soon. Namjoon has sat down beside me now and we've been in this awkward silence since. I mean, I guess if we're going to sit here, we might as well talk.

"So-" I say.

"Look-" he says at the time.

"You go ahead," I tell him.

He smiles and I see two very defined dimples forming. "I was just going to say, can we start over? I feel like ever since I caught you ditching, you've been on the fence about me."

So, he's pretty intuitive. "Alright. Okay."

He sticks his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Kim Namjoon. I'm a senior and I moved here from Ilsan."

Oh, he means like...really start over. I hold my smile and shake his hand. "I'm Min Chae-rin. I'm a freshman."

"A freshman?" He let out a laugh, tossing his head back. "And you're already ditching school? Hm, I don't know."

I pull my hand away and glare. "That was one time!" I hiss to him. "We really wanted to go to the amusement park and well, it was my friend's birthday."

"Alright, your secret is safe with me. You know, I'm older than you. You should talk to me more formally."

I let out a snort. "Yeah, good luck with that."

"You know, you remind me of someone. There was this underground rapper that I have met a few times and his personality is just like yours."

"Underground rapper?" I laugh. "You rap and do hip hop and stuff?"

"Just for fun," he tells me. "His name is Gloss."

My eyes bulge out and I let out a cough. "Gloss? Is he like yea high," I show him with my hand, "Has really scary, narrow eyes, always grumpy and looks like he could use a really good night's sleep?"

Namjoon laughs and replies, "I mean, sure?"

I pull out my wallet and dig through until I find my one family photo in here, revealing my annoying older brother. "Is it that guy?"

"Yeah, it is!" Namjoon snorts. "Is he your brother?"

"Unfortunately, yes, he is." I shake my head. "You rap?"

"I, uh, sometimes," he answers. "I want to be a producer, though."

"What's your stage name?" I know a little about the underground scene because of my brother. I'm not an expert and I am no way talented enough to rap or do anything remotely to music like my older brother.

He clears his throat and says, "Runch Randa."

The smile I've been trying to hold finally slips out along with a small laugh. "Ah, okay." I press my lips into a thin line, trying to hide it again.

"Are you laughing at me?" He arches his brow, but in a playful way.

"No, not at all," I say.

"Here, I'll show you some video and then you'll have a reason to laugh," he comments.

"There you are," I hear from behind me. I turn my head slightly and catch a glimpse of Namjoon walking toward me. "I was looking for you everywhere!"

"I found this place at random," I tell him.

"Yeah? And what made you seek this place at random?" He sits beside me, his back facing the pond so that he can see my face.

"Jimin confronted me," I answer him, "and he is one angry little man."

Namjoon laughs, his eyes turning into crescents, his dimples popping. "He's just protective over his sister."

"I've never met a brother that protective," I retort.

"You have to remember, Ae-ra and him are twins. They share a different type of sibling bond," Namjoon explains. "Plus, your brother was about to murder me. Don't you remember?"

"They're twins?! Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this? You never told me this."

"I didn't? I swear I did... Hm, maybe I didn't." he shrugs. "I guess not." He leans his head against my shoulder, cautiously studying my face.

"Just ask, Joon," I comment when I see him struggling.

"What did he say to you?"

"He basically called our relationship a sham. He said it was weird that we're dating when you called him and asked him about his sister," I reply. "And then I couldn't deny that because you told me that you did call and ask him, so I just told him that we talked about that and we're okay now. Then I told him I was done with the conversation."

"Wow," he nods, "I'm so proud of you. You didn't raise your voice or anything? You just talked to him like a grown adult?"

"I really did," I nod back. "It surprised me too."

He laughs and pulls me in for a hug, ignoring the fact that I tried to dodge it. "Get used to it, Chae-rin." His hand starts to pat my head and he murmurs, "I'm proud of you. I'm sorry that Jimin was so aggressive towards you. I'll talk to him."

"No, you don't have to," I say. "I can handle Jimin."

He releases from his hold and frowns. "I don't want you to even have to handle him. There shouldn't be a reason for that."

"Okay," I nod. "Hey, will you take a photo of me? It's so pretty here and I look nice for once."

He snorts and nods. "Yeah. Oh! We should take a photo together and make it official."

"What do you mean?"

"Make it social media official," he explains. "Come here." He swings his legs over the bench, wraps his arm behind my waist and leans into me. "Smile." He takes the photo and then lets out a small tsk. "We look...normal. All of our photos look like this."

"Well, what do you want it to look like?"

"Like we're a couple," he says.

"I don't know how to do that," I laugh. "This is all I got."

"Fine, stay still." He leans in super close and I actually back away. "Don't move, I said." He pulls me close again, his nose brushing my cheek. "This is how we do it." This is going to be posted on social for the entire world to see?! I have to look away because I'm all of a sudden shy. I hear the camera click and he pulls away. "Perfect. Aw, look at you pretending to look all shy."

I wasn't pretending...but okay. "Don't tag me in the photo," I say.

"What?! But we have to-"

"It's not really a thing to do that anymore, anyway," I continue. "Most couples like to do that private but not secret thing nowadays. So, if people know us, then they'll know exactly who is in the photo. If they don't, then oh well, too bad."

"Fine," he sighs as he concedes. "But I'm going to put a caption."

"Go ahead. Caption away." I look back out at the scenic view, just wishing that I didn't have to go back to school and work life tomorrow. I really need a vacation.

"Done. Look." He smiles proudly and shows me what he's come up with.

Rinah ❤︎

"You never call me Rinah," I comment. "Well, actually, you did call me that night when I came to pick you up from Kook's place that time you were shit face drunk."

"I only call you that when it's a special occasion," he replies.

"And what constitutes a special occasion?"

"When I feel like it," he chuckles.

I roll my eyes. "Okay, Namjoon." His mouth gapes because I almost never call him by his full name. It's only reserved for when I'm angry at him, sometimes teasing, or if I'm actually trying to be formal.

"Should we get back to rest of the people?" He stands, raising his hand out for mine. "We've been MIA for a while and who knows how long you've been gone."

"Sure," I sigh, taking his hand. "But if Jimin comes at me like he did earlier, I can't promise you that I'll handle it with grace like I did earlier."

"Don't worry about Jimin," he says. "I will talk to him."

"Where did you go?" Jungkook asks when he spots me. "We were looking for you." He hands me a plate filled with strawberries, some crackers, hummus and fancy deli meats.

"Thanks," I laugh, taking it from him. How did he know I wanted to get some? "I just went to explore a little bit. There's a nice pond over there."

"Always disappearing to be by yourself," he chuckles.


"You're not as extroverted as you think," he replies.

"You know, I'm starting to realize that," I nod. "I actually feel like I'm more like my brother than I thought."

"Yeah, you kind of are," he agrees. "But he doesn't talk as much and he's nicer."

"I'm nice!"

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