By Wasboredsowhynot

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(so uh hi, I guess..? so... this is my first ever Wattpad story, I read alot of other storys and I got bored... More

part1: the start
part2: I never thought they would find us again...
part3:this is big brain time
just a heads up and explaining
PART6:A "chilling" day
PART7: are you a Disney princess?
PART8: the storm,before the disaster
PART10:we will see each other again...Doctor
PART11:wake up...other me..
PART12:my days in Rhode Island was interesting...I guess?
PART13:did the doctor just speak suracusan?
PART14:the meeting in lungmen..
PART16:Misha(part 2)
The Doctor's Bio (Rewritten)
PART17 Misha (part 3)
PART20:Lungmen's alleyway massacres
PART21:who are you?

SIDE STORY:past Yami and Taisin...

39 3 8
By Wasboredsowhynot

(hello everyone! WB here! Now this part is just a side story, basically just some lore or some mysterious scenes from the story like what happened in the past or in the this part, you'll be seeing how The Doctor or Yami and Taisin interacted with each other in the past when they were still without further ado let's get to it!)

Location-Rhode Island
Time-2 months ago after the rescue of the Doctor...

The scene opens in a office,in the office we see four figures.the figures that in the room are the following Kal'tsit, Kal'lina,Amiya,and Warfarin..

Amiya:Dr.Kal'tsit! How is dokutah  able to fight? I don't remember that dokutah was even capable of fighting

Kal'lina:yeah mama! I don't really remember seeing papa doing any combat training back then! or heard he could fight! were you keeping it a secret mama!?

Warfarin:now, please calm down, Kal'tsit can't answer multiple question at once but then again I am also curious Kal'tsit.I don't ever recall of the Doctor being able to do combat back then nevertheless being extremely skilled in hand-to-hand and knife combat also..

Kal'tsit:*sigh* answer all of your questions,I also don't know...

Kal'lina:what do you mean you don't know!? were you and papa like...very lovy dovy with each other bac-mhm!!

As Kal'lina was talking Kal'tsit put her hand on Kal'lina's mouth which stopped from talking.

Kal'tsit:as I said,I don't know..I was truly never aware he was able to fight, I never even see him in combat once back then...

Warfarin:I thought you two would have already knew each other's secrets by now back then

Kal'tsit:unfortunately he hasn't told me all of them...

Amiya:well...if Dr.Kal'tsit doesn't know did dokutah learn how to fight?


15 years ago back in earth...

A young boy with glasses is seen talking with another boy with a black hood and a mask.

Taisin:huh? you want me to teach you how to fight?


Taisin:why though? you don't really ask for these types of things normally also..don't you already know how to fight?

Yami:yes I am aware....however.....I have realized that in my current combat state is that it is too weak for my taste......thus I ask for your ways of combat....

Taisin:are you fuckin serious? I mean...I guess your fighting style does need some work since it's kinda crappy and offense

Yami:none taken.....will you teach me?

Taisin:hmmm....well...sure? I guess..
but I gotta warn you,my method in training is very fucking intense you might die you know?

Yami:if it makes me able to surpass my current state......I will accept

Taisin:I guess...alright..since we're pretty much far from the base...
The training....

Taisin trailed off and looked at Yami with the most menacing glare any could ever seen.Yami looked back in confusion and before he knew it he ducked down!


Taisin threw his metal pipe at Yami with so much strength that it stabbed on to side of the mountain and made a huge crack.

Just then Yami felt a sudden change in the wind so he instantly jump backed but he grabbed by the collar and was hit at the stomach with a powerful kick by Taisin that made him sent flying back towards the trees.Taisin who sended Yami flying stood still and looked at the direction where he kicked Yami off to.

Taisin:starts now...the training starts prepared Yami..these training might cost your life,well...unless you died after that kick I gave which I hope not(I hope I didn't kick him that hard...please tell me I didn't kill him on accident...)

Taisin may be a heartless person when fighting someone since he just beats them up with his fist mercilessly
But he's not that heartless towards his brothers.more likely he cares about them more then anything in the world since they're the only family he has ever since the "slaughter feast" happened.he doesn't show it but he really truly cares about them even he says he doesn't, that isn't really true. on the outside he's all merciless and angry but on inside he cares about them thus why his currently worried if he kicked his brother a little hard well..if kicking him into ten trees was a "little" even...

Taisin:uhmm...hey! Yami! are you alright!? your not dead right!? right?
(........shit,Tatsuya's is gonna kill me)



Taisin then felt a some bit of pain from his guts then he was sent back but only it was a few meters.

Taisin:tsk,so your alive(thank god..)
I thought you had already got knocked out seems like I was wrong.
good,cause this was a test to see if you handled that...

Yami:I see,also Taisin...were you worried?

Taisin:..wh-what!? no I wasn't dumbass! why would I be worried?? I already knew you able tank that! Dumbass!

Yami:so this what Kurokus describe as a tsundere...I is fascinating....


Yami:I see...this is truly interesting...
just like Kurokus said as it be...truly..

Taisin:the fuck!? are you even listening!?

Yami:yes,I am....well, enough chat shall we resume the training?

Taisin:grrrrr,*sigh* (I fucking swear..)
Fucking fine BUT! new rule! or am not teaching you anymore got it!?

Yami:understood...shall we begin?

Taisin:*sigh*...alright.. training starts...

Instantly they both dashed at each other.Yami went to hit Taisin on the face with his right hand but was grabbed instantly by Taisin before he could he even throw it,Yami then felt pain on his left cheek and made his head go backward

Taisin:your body language is showing!
hide it so that your opponent doesn't immediately know what your going to do!! LIKE THIS!!

Taisin then throws a punch towards Yami's face.Yami noticed this and tilted his head to the side and dodged the punched but before he can think of a attack



He was then hit with a elbow attack to the face right before he dodged Taisin's punch! Yami was dizzy from the sudden attack, seeing this Taisin then grabbed both of his shoulders and made him shoved him downward to where Yami was hit with a knee to the stomach.

Taisin:never lose concentration in a fight!! even if your hit, maintain focus!!

Taisin then kneed Yami again and again before pushing him back and did a strong back kick to Yami's stomach.taisin also made sure to not put too much strength into his attack. he made sure that he only put 10% of his strength instead of 50% he was originally going to use 5% but he realize that those would have been only baby hits and it wouldn't hurt Yami and make it feel like training in anyway. so he settled with only 10%

Yami was then sent flying back towards a tree.upon impact Yami then fell down to stomach,he painfully pushed himself off the ground and then instantly dashed forward narrowly avoiding a punch by Taisin but he was hit by the shockwave of the punch and made him flew back he then saw that Taisin dashed towards
him.Yami then immediately placed his hands infront of him and blocked a punch from Taisin but the punch was so strong that it pushed Yami backwards.Yami then dicided it was time for a counterattack so he threw a punch towards Taisin but it was slow,
so for that Taisin dodged it easily since Yami made it slow on purpose.Yami then instantly threw a fast right punch after the other towards Taisin.but before he could hit him

Taisin:do you think that trick would work on me?

Taisin then blocked the punch and immediately threw punch to the gut at Yami,he then grabbed Yami by the hand and slammed Yami to the ground with a powerful thud.he then did a powerful kick to Yami and made him flew towards a tree.Yami then painfully stood but saw that Taisin was approaching rapidly at him.
Taisin then delivered a right hook to Yami making him yelp by the pain.

Taisin: didn't I say to not lose focus even when your hit! concentrate and focus!!(also how is your mask not flying off after my punches???)

Yami was getting pummeled by Taisin,
the only thing he could do was block and try to evade attacks as hard as he can, however. the powerful blows and fast attacks made it difficult for Yami to even focus but nevertheless he tried. his main goal was to get stronger then his current self.attacks coming left and right,up and down,he couldn't even make a counterattack in his current situation because the unrelenting attacks by Taisin.

This is exactly the reason Taisin is the ace fighter in their group since his specialty in hand-to-hand and melee combat are unmatched by anyone.
which was the exact reason why Yami chose Taisin to train him even though the numerous amount of declines by his brothers he still went on with it,
the only person that didn't go up against his decision was Kurokus.

Taisin:you've been on the defensive for quite a while now,your not going to come up with a counterattack or are you just going keep backing up or dodge like a fly!!

Yelled Taisin as he continuesly throw punch after punch while Yami kept on dodging,blocking and evading attacks

They kept on at it until the sun started to set down turning into noon which they took a 10 minute break going back again,this time Yami managed to score some hits but none made Taisin flinch.eventually they had to stop and continue the training in the morning since it was getting late.

Taisin:not bad,you managed to get some hits but they didn't felt anything to me.were you really using all of your strength or were you just worried about hurting me?

Yami:I did use all of my strength....
shall we continue the training tomorrow morning? if so....on what time shall it be?

Taisin: we'll start the training in 4:20 in the morning and I expect you to be on time

Yami:understood....and might if I ask a question?

Taisin:huh? yeah go ahead

Yami:how will we explain these injuries to Tatsuya?

Taisin:that I don't know...maybe tell him that we fell off a river and had to fight some crocodiles to get back to where we were I guess?

Yami:will that suffice?

Taisin:I don't fucking know, how about you tell him then?

Yami:I may be a man with many plans however, I do not have a plan for the unwavering wrath of the so called sandals is what Kurokus calls them

Taisin:you too huh?

Taisin dispite being the ace fighter he wasn't able to handle Tatsuya.a happy kind caring Tatsuya is good,but a passively angry Tatsuya is something he's not that brave to take on,the same innocent smile with a little bit of anger behind it."I may be brave but am not brave enough to handle that shit...yikes"

Yami:indeed...should we see an escape route we shall go forth,agreed?

Taisin:you do realize that he's literally faster then all of us right? we can't out run him you know?

Yami:would you rather we spend a 8 hours lecture from him then?

Taisin:.....fine,if we see an escape route,we run deal?



After they reached the front door of their base they were about to enter when they felt a very heavy pressure on the other side of the door before it vanished.the sudden pressure made both Taisin and Yami sweatdrop thinking that their elder brother might have already know or was it because of something first they were hesitate to open it but eventually Taisin ended up opening.
upon opening they greated by their one and only younger brother Izentsu
along with their other brothers.

Izentsu: Taisin-nii-sama, Yami-nii-sama! Welcome back!

Tatsuya:hmm? oh! Taisin,Yami welcome back~

Kurokus:sup bro! ice to see you both had fun,heh

Taisin:o-oh! hey.. how's everyone doing?

Tatsuya:quite well,I am almost done with making dinner so please get ready alright?

Taisin:yeah sure...


Tatsuya:so...what happened to make you both so full of dirt and scratches?
as well as bruises also? were you both having a fight or something? I wonder

After hearing this Taisin and Yami immediately started to sweatdrop after hearing the sweet but sinister tone of his was creepy,sweet yet sounded so deadly how can something so kind and warm become so...deadly and poisonous.

Kurokus:ahaha,it's getting hot over here I think I'll be in my room for just a few seconds so uh..n-ice to see you guys latte-r,heheh..

Taisin:*gulps*( you see a escape route?)

Yami:......( there isn't..)

Taisin:(what the fuck do you mean there's non- oh shit! It's fucking freezing!)

The temperature in the room suddenly then instantly dropped making the room freeze as some spots of the living room was getting turned into ice.

Tatsuya:I am well aware that you two were trying to find an escape route so that you may flee however,they will be none telling me the details please?

Taisin:I blame you for this Yami...

Yami:very well...


The two then explained what happened and that they were just doing some training and that they weren't hurt but Tatsuya placed his hand on both Taisin and Yami shoulders and gave it a gentle squeeze which in return the two then yelped in pain from the injuries in their body although Yami sustained the most damaged,Taisin was confused on why that hurt him since Yami's punches were basically free massages to him.

Taisin:*groaning in pain* fuuuck...
[Why the hell did that hurt me??? I didn't get hurt what???]

Yami:[perhaps I should have tend to my injuries before our departure for base back then...]*groaning in pain*

Tatsuya:both of you weren't injured huh?

Taisin:why does this hurt?? I didn't felt any pain when he punched me...or did I ??

Yami:this...very much hurts

Tatsuya:*sigh*....honestly you both try to act tough but on the inside you both are in pain*sigh* Izentsu

Izentsu:yes, Tatsuya-nii-sama?

Tatsuya:can you go get my first aid kit please?

Izentsu:of course Tatsuya-nii-sama!

Tatsuya:now as for you both are in for a massive scolding do I make myself clear?


Tatsuya:for now,that will have to wait..let's have some dinner first and then your scolding after, alright?


After dinner both Taisin and Yami were scolded afterwards and were given a 3 hours since it was late

The next morning...


Taisin:too slow! try again!

The morning started with Yami and Taisin doing melee combat both using a pipe.Yami dashed towards Taisin and got behind him in a blink of an eye,then he slash at him with the pipe but it was blocked Taisin with his pipe.Taisin then parried the pipe and sent a punch towards Yami but was dodged

Taisin:[he's getting better at dodging and blocking my attacks but seriously his attacks suck ass they're so weak...]

Taisin ducked down and dodged a incoming pipe to his head he then spin around and did a spinning punch.Yami managed to block it with his hands but he was blown away by the impact,Yami can dodge and evade attacks however Taisin punches are far too strong him to block so he only Dodges then instead of blocking.

They continue the fight for at least 6 hours until taking a break

Yami:Taisin...I noticed that you weren't taking any my punches....may I ask on how I can increase the damage output?

Taisin:no..the damage you make is enough,the only reason why your punches are weak is because your still developing.

Yami:I am still developing?....on what does that mean?

Taisin:I mean that your body is still adapting to your strength meaning it's surpressing it to maintain your body.
....damn it if you still don't get it how about I explain it in a different way?
So..for example,a spring how does a spring bounce? momentum and use it to jump?

Taisin:.....close enough but not really. The spring conserves some of it's true strength in order for it to bounce, for example. if I placed a spring on the ground then I push it downward to make it thin the spring will gather strength and conserve some of it to bounce there different sizes of springs
there small ones,big ones,and etc.

Yami:but how does that include me?

Taisin:your a similar spring Yami, your body is small and a young.that means your body is trying to adapt to your current strength right now. kinda like it's sealing some of it's true strength in order your body will maintain its organs basically...

Yami:then what about your strength...
I felt was inhumane like a gorilla-

Taisin:alright that's about enough! let's get back to training now!


They continue the training until it was nightfall.when they got home they were ready to be scolded but their surprise Tatsuya wasn't in the base this a trap?

Yami:Kurokus.....may I ask where is Tatsuya?

Kurokus:heh,don't worry I told him to go out to get some tea leafs they'll be coming back in about 3 minutes so you two should changing right now

Both Taisin and Yami were relieved as they were not going to suffer the wrath of the sandal and the next morning Yami and Taisin continued their training until tomorrow and they trained again,again and again.

Taisin:heh,congrats the training is over

Yami:how come?

Taisin:the training was basically you landing a punch that would hurt me and since you did it right finished the training so uhm... Congrats I guess

Yami:I see....thank you Taisin...

Taisin:uhm....riiiight....[being thanked by him feels weird for some reason..]
By the way Yami you main weapon should be daggers by watching you fight I feel like a hidden blade or a knife would do the trick for you

Yami:how so?

Taisin:well...your attacks mainly focus on speed and stealth,not to mention when you attack,your fist becomes a invisible blur that cannot be seen whatsoever tomorrow I'll be making your dagger and blade so be patience

Yami:understood... thank you... tsundere


Kurokus:yes you are!!




Doctor:huh? yes Amiya?

Amiya:where did you learn to fight?

Doctor:you know I have amnesia right? I couldn't possibly know even if I try to remember

Amiya:oh!'s fine it's curious on how you can fight dispite in the past you weren't able to fight..

Doctor:is that so? heh,maybe I was with a delinquent then or not
Who knows

Meanwhile in the city of lungmen....


Kiseki:have got a cold? Mr.Deceiver?

Deceiver:nope...but I do feel like someone was talking about me..guess I am pretty famous

SIDE STORY:Yami and Taisin....

(I hope you all enjoy this side story and have a healthy day,bye now peace ✌️)

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