Lone Star

By rikugalaxii

1.8K 225 339

Independence, that's all you need, right? Wrong. Texas has been thinking about going away to be independent f... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 15

47 2 3
By rikugalaxii

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls all around, I'm extremely proud to announce the opening of a new way to a certain united nations verification system, which is this bridge right here!"

Cheering from the audience continued to be heard from the broadcast as the two workers unveiled the bridge to the verification place. Now that Texas could finally lighten up a little bit, he packed up his things and turned off the television as he walked out of the hotel room. The wait, it was finally over! There was finally nothing to worry about.

Or so he thought.

Later that day, he received a text from UN. It seemed important, so he decided to answer it.

"Hello, traveler.

You have recently told us you will become independent, so we thought we could help you out with just that! If you have any questions, please ask the people we hired outside of the verification place. Remember, you must bring your verification paper in order to enter.

Thank you!"

He finally felt happy about something important for once. As he rushed to the lobby, he met with the receptionist, who was extremely excited to see him achieve what he desired.

"Hey, Texas! Wait.. are you becoming independent??"
"Oh my god! Congratulations!!!" The receptionist hugged him, congratulating him on his success.

Texas smiled as he walked out of the hotel.

_______________ timeskip by heheheha 😡🎃😈

"Oh silly España, we can't let him go to that 'verification place'!" Mexico said, trying to explain his new plan.
"Whatever, Mexico," Spain replied. "It's your choice if you want to recognize him as a country, but I know I will." She went to the car, wanting to leave.

Before they could do anything, Texas walked out of the hotel. Mexico and Spain rushed to the car.

"Mexico, quick! Get in the car!"
"What, why?"
"He's coming!!"

Mexico and Spain rushed into the car and drove off before it was too late. Meanwhile, Texas looked at the time on his phone. Oh shit, he has to be at the verification place in two hours. He got in the car and decided to go to the verification place. Luckily, it wasn't going to be that bad, right?

Maybe it would be.

Meanwhile, the traffic on the way home was absolutely horrible. The broken drone was in the backseat, in a bag. As the traffic cleared, Spain felt relieved, looking outside her window as she laughed a bit.

"España, why are you laughing?" Mexico asked, concerned.

"Oh nothing," Spain replied, still laughing. "It's just so silly to see people on Texas' side, like you know, making him independent?"
"I get why it's funny, but they have no control over that!" Mexico sighed. "Maybe if you really got out of that "EU" type of shit then you would understand."

"The EU isn't shit, you know that," It was at that moment that Spain realized something. "Maybe we were meant to be friends.."

"Thought so." Mexico was still driving, trying to find a fast way home. "Hopefully he's not alone there."
"He won't. I bet there's other people who are also going through that."
"I understand that, but I just hope the best for him.."

Spain had a little bit more help than usual for this. Maybe one day she would no longer be on Mexico's side..

If that's really possible..


Spain was truly right about something. Texas wasn't going to be alone in this. Luckily, someone else was going to be there with him, but it was really hard to explain who that person was. However, lately he noticed D.C. wasn't there. Were they no longer supporting him anymore? Who cares about it?

It was finally time. Texas was almost to the verification place, and it wasn't even that far away from the hotel he was just at. Little did he know, many others were there too.


As he got off the exit, he arrived in a run-down city. Buildings were destroyed and there was barely anyone out besides someone staring outside of the verification place. He parked in the parking lot, getting out of the car, verification paper in hand.

"Verification paper?" The person rolled his eyes as he looked at the verification paper. "Texas right?"


"Okay.." The person continued to look at the paper as he finally looked up from it as he looked through the window behind him. "You gotta wait out here a bit.." He looked through the window again. "They must be busy.. I'm sure of it."

The person kept staring closely at the window impatiently, trying to see when they weren't going to be busy anymore.

"Uhh.. how long is this gonna take?" Texas asked.

"Good question my guy, they take a very long time with their silly meetings. They're not really verified yet, like you." The person responded, trying to make himself clear. "Just in case you have to participate in those meetings, good luck to you."

_____________ timeskip by- wait, what was it again? 😧🤔🤫

About an hour later, the meeting was finally over, and UN walked out of the building.

"Hello Texas! You've been waiting out here for a long time, haven't you?" UN asked, holding onto more paperwork that the guard gave them.

"Yeah.. it's almost been two hours!"

"Crazy boy, anyways, you can head right on in! I'll make sure you're verified by..." UN looked at a verification paper. "You know what? I really don't know. Only time will tell." They flew away as Texas walked inside.

"Hey you!" Someone tried to block the entrance. "I will need your name and personal ID! Not the ID part though... Just name!" The person smiled, but it was true she was up to something.

"I'm Texas."

"Oh yeah.. Heard of you before.. Anyways, get in there!!" The person pushed Texas into the verification place. "I can't reach your height, oh my god!! Anyways.. let me show you who they are!"

The person tried to look extremely happy, but she was onto another plan.

"This is Solaria! She's literally the most introverted person I've ever met! So quiet, you goofy goober.." The others walked up to the person. "This right here is Saharya! He thinks he wants to still be with his fatherless self, but too late!" The person chuckled. "Oh right, that's Mimirm.. the latest to join here besides you.."

Mimirm waled up to Texas, confused. "See, I'm almost taller than him!"

"No you're not.. See, on your tip toes.." Saharya said, trying to outsmart Mimirm.

"Oh yeah! Me. I'm Rikulandia, the most crazy person you will ever meet!" Rikulandia put her hands behind her back and smiled.
"She's not wrong-" Saharya added, trying to make a point.

"Haha, well it must be crazy here for ya."

"It is, but wait.. you lived with that one America guy?" Mimirm asked.

"I did."


Yes, it was very lucky to be there. However, something was off about Rikulandia. She was a bit weird, but it looked like she was up to something. It's not like she had a dark past or anything, it was just that she kind of backed off from everyone else.

"Yeah.. don't worry about her. She always does that." Solaria said, trying to distract Texas from knowing.

Rikulandia looked into a box and tried to find something, but then something popped up onto the screen.

"New visitors! Please stand by."

"Hey Pole!!"

Pole was so happy to see his brother once again, but he also noticed something off about Rikulandia.

"Hey Texas, can I talk to you in private really quick?" Rikulandia asked, holding something behind her back.

"Sure, I guess?" Texas hesitated as he went somewhere with her.

"Alright whoever you are. Do you wanna know something?"
"Maybe I do. Just tell me what it is.."

"Silly asshole.." She pulled out a weapon from behind her back.

"I sent all those letters to you."

1317 words.
hey there, im happy you enjoyed this
chapter. anyways the flags are down below
(i only have saharya and mimirm right now. solaria is my theme and pole looks like indonesia)
anyways were also halfway done!! thank
you for supporting me and enjoying the book :>



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