Kcris & Jeena

By Kcristy_

668 114 39

Kcris is a businesswoman who also loves to dance and create music and so owns a studio alongside many busines... More

Jeena misunderstands Kcris.
Kcris helps Jeena.
Kcris meets Alex, the girlfriend.
Kcris has a daughter?
Jeena makes Kcris walk away for good.
Alex is in the hospital.
Jeena learns the truth.
Finally, both meet once again.
Jeena meets Mrs. Fabiola.
Jeena and Alex end up fighting.
Kcris takes Jeena to meet Casey.
Casey died 5 years ago.
Jeena learns about Kcris' past.
Kcris finally visits Casey.
Kcris saves Jeena from an accident.
Dinner at Fabiolas' mansion.
Jeena is targeted in college.
Jeena finds Alex cheating on her.
Kcris can't see Jeena hurting.
Jeena learns all about Alex's lies
I'll be your cocoon.
Jeena wants to gift a bulb onion.
Kcris and Jeena, to live together.
Jeena is pissed off at Kcris.
Jeena is booked as a suspect.
Alex surrenders.
Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.
Kcris meets an old college friend.
Kcris goes missing.
Jeena tries to clear the misunderstanding.
Jeena to stay with Ayesha.
Kcris and Alaric go drinking.
Kcris learns about Jeena's smoking habit.
Alaric kisses Kcris.
Kcris and Jeena have a moment.
Kcris sees Dr. Sammy.
Will Jeena agree to Kcris' proposal?
Kcris is rushed to the hospital.
A day to date.
Is it a one-day relationship?
Kcris is back from the UK?
Jeena meets Kcris' mother.
Both start living together again.
Na Bi likes Kcris since her college days.
Kcris' arm is the new pillow.
Cat is out of the bag.
Neil visits Jeena in the hospital.
Jeena goes to Angelica's office.
Jeena wants a sugar-mommy.
Arson in Kcris' office.
Jeena defends Na Bi in front of all.
Neil is Kcris' new investor.
Jeena picks up Kcris from the airport.
Name it as you like.
One fine day...

Jeena is poisoned.

8 1 0
By Kcristy_

Jeena is taken to the ER (Emergency Room). Kcris' heart is racing like hell as she is worried to death. Nobody can really understand how Kcris must have felt when she was holding unconscious Jeena in her arms in the backseat of the car, constantly asking Paraam to speed up to the hospital. Thousands of grim thoughts must have crossed Kcris' mind. During all this chaos, Kcris still doesn't lose her mind and instructs Tessa to secure the cake on the way out. Kcris is pacing back and forth outside the ER when Tessa arrives and says, "Ma'am, I have given the cake in the laboratory for testing. They'll need at least 3 hours to give us substantial results."
"Okay, Tessa. Thank you. Paraam is in the waiting room. You go and ask him to drop you off at your place."
"No, ma'am. I'll stay with you."
“Tessa, I really am okay. Don't worry. And, thanks for your help.”
Though Tessa is Kcris' personal secretary, she is also like Kcris' big sister as for Tessa, Kcris is just as Ray and Sky are for her. Tessa has been working with Kcris for many years, and not only this, Tessa has also known Kcris since her college days as Tessa's younger brother, Ray, and Kcris have been in the same college. Therefore, Tessa very well knows that Kcris has a habit of keeping all the worries to herself, to let others feel at ease. Seeing Kcris pace like crazy, Tessa stops Kcris and gives her a tight hug while slowly patting Kcris' back to give her emotional and mental support. While comforting Kcris, Tessa goes like, "She'll be fine, Kcris. Jeena will be fine."
Kcris who has been holding everything so tightly inside her, breaks into tears hearing the comforting words from Tessa and starts to question herself, "Why do I fail her every time? Why is it always Jeena who protects me and I do nothing except see her suffer?"
Now, Tessa is worried about Kcris as she has never seen Kcris in so much pain, not even at the time when Kcris' mother passed away or Casey died. Kcris is really devastated and nothing can help her get better except Jeena's well-being. By this time, Neil has also learned about Jeena being hospitalized, so he comes rushing to the hospital.
"Sister, I am really sorry. I didn't know. I totally misunderstood Jeena. I am so sorry."
Before Kcris can say anything, the doctor attending to Jeena is out of the ER. Kcris gives Neil a deadly stare going like, "Neil, I'll deal with you later."
Kcris immediately turns to the doctor and asks, "How is Jeena now? Is she doing okay?"
"Miss Pattinson, I am sorry. Miss Fabre's condition is not fully stable. Her body is still weak. We couldn't find out the substance Miss Fabre was poisoned with. So, as the only viable option, we pumped out her stomach. But, before we were done, some of the poison had already entered into Miss Fabre's bloodstream. Luckily, Miss Fabre has a healthy heart, therefore the effects won't be that severe. We are giving her IV fluids so that her body can rejuvenate faster."
[Stomach pumping is a medical procedure to suction out the contents of your stomach. It's also called gastric suctioning or gastric lavage.]
After hearing the doctor, Tessa has something on her mind and to clear that, she asks the doctor. "Why did you say a healthy heart, doctor? Did you mean to imply something?"
"Well, what I was meaning to say is, though I am not sure of what poison Miss Fabre was given, looking at the severity of the symptoms, it must have high concentrations of potassium element to it, which is not good for any person with a weak heart."
Tessa without wasting a second, asks the doctor, "What about a person who recently had a heart surgery and took the same poison?"
"It could be fatal to the patient. See, after heart surgeries, the patient is often given some quantity of potassium and magnesium depending upon the patient's heart condition. But, high potassium or as we call it, hyperkalemia can cause your heart to beat irregularly which can also lead to heart attack."
Kcris tries to change the subject as she can see Neil's and Tessa's worried faces and asks the doctor, "When can we see Jeena? When will she wake up?"
"Miss Fabre will be soon shifted in her room. You can see her then. And, as for her waking up, it will depend upon her recovery. The earliest you can expect is two days." And, the doctor leaves.
Tessa is petrified after hearing what the doctor has told them as she fears for Kcris' life. The same is the case with Neil. However, Tessa gets more scared and almost faints. Luckily, Neil and Kcris can hold Tessa before that and help her sit on the side bench. Kcris tries to comfort Tessa by telling her, "Everything is okay. You just now told me that Jeena will be okay, and even the doctor has said the same. Stop worrying, Tessa. It's not good for anyone."
Tessa holds Kcris by her arms and shakes her, saying, more like crying, "Did you even listen to the doctor? She said you could have a heart attack or worse die. If it wasn't for Jeena, you could have been there, inside the ER. Somebody is after you, Kcris. "DO YOU HEAR ME, KCRIS? SOMEBODY WANTS YOU DEAD."
“Calm down, Tessa. Let's not get ahead of us. Maybe while baking the cake in the kitchen some wrong ingredient fell in the cake batter. The poisoning could just be a chemical reaction between the ingredients and that substance. Let’s wait for the laboratory report before assuming anything. Huh?”
Kcris wipes Tessa’s tears and sits next to her on the bench. Furthermore, Kcris makes Tessa put her head on Kcris’ shoulder and holds Tessa’s hand. Kcris then asks Neil to call Paraam and ask him to come upstairs so that he can take Tessa home. Meanwhile, Kcris tells Tessa, “It’s been a long day for all of us. Let’s all calm down first. Tessa, before going home you should eat something at the hospital cafeteria.”
Tessa wants to say something, but Kcris puts her finger on Tessa’s lips and further tells her, “Tessa, I know what you wanna say. (While imitating Tessa, Kcris goes like, ‘I don’t have any appetite, Kcris’.) But still, Tessa, you should eat something. I don’t want you to share a bed next to Jeena, so as a boss, I am ordering you to eat. And before, you say it’s past working hours, I would like to request you to eat on behalf of me being your younger sister. Please, for my sake, don’t skip dinner. Tessa, you know, I can’t go a single day without my hardworking secretary, right?”
Seeing Kcris cover all bases to make Tessa agree to eat something, makes Tessa smile. Finally, Tessa agrees to Kcris’ request. Kcris even instructs Paraam to make sure Tessa eats enough before he takes Tessa home.
Once Tessa is gone, Neil comes close to Kcris and goes like, "Sister, do you really think whatever Tessa said was all hypothetical? If there are too many coincidences, it's never a coincidence but a set-up. You know that, right?"
"Oh-wow! My brother is concerned about me. Where did this concern go when he was criticizing the girl who was doing nothing, but protecting me?"
Neil bows his head down as he is ashamed of his actions and says nothing except that he is sorry.
"I have told you a million times that instead of simply looking at the actions, try to understand the intent behind them. Because that's the only way you can understand a person's actual face. Besides, haven't you met Jeena a couple of times? Jeena never told me, but I know that you guys have had a few conversations. During all that time, it never occurred to you what sort of a person she actually is. Huh? Is Neil Pattinson that bad at reading people?"
"I am sorry, sister. I really am."
Kcris is getting irritated now as she hasn’t been able to see Jeena yet and on the other hand, she is worried about everyone’s safety after today’s incident. So, instead of listening to Neil any further, Kcris asks Neil to go home. Neil listens to her sister and leaves.
Amy, who has left the party just after congratulating Kcris and Jeena and without waiting for Kcris to cut the cake, finds out from Peter what actually happened later. So, she comes running to the hospital to check on Jeena. The first thing Amy does on seeing Kcris is slap her.
“Kcris, it wasn’t even one hour since I warned you. And, here we are… in the hospital. How did Jeena end up having the poisoned cake that was meant for you, Kcris? How many girls, Kcris… wasn’t my sister’s suffering enough that you want Jeena to suffer too? Why is loving you so painful that my sister felt taking her own life was way easier than being in love with you?”
While Amy is venting all her anger at Kcris, Neil comes back to take the coat that he left on the bench and sees all this. Neil immediately intervenes and says, “Amy, stop accusing my sister of Casey’s death. My sister has nothing to do with her. My sister didn’t ask Casey to become a prostitute. It was her choice.”
Before Neil can say any further, Kcris gives him a tight slap on his face. Amy who hasn’t been fully aware of her sister, Casey’s life, is in shock now and hence asks in a perplexed state of mind, “What... are you saying, Neil? Pro... pros... prostitute...”
Amy then turns to Kcris and almost begs her to tell the truth. Kcris says nothing and stands mum. Luckily, Peter arrives at the same time. Totally devastated, Amy turns to her brother in the hope of hearing her brother say that Neil is trash-talking. Instead, the poor girl is asked to let go of matters that don't concern her. Hearing such a statement from her brother, Peter, breaks Amy's heart even more. Amy keeps begging all three of them to tell her the truth until Peter promises her that he'll tell her everything he knows about Casey's death. Peter then takes Amy with him which is more like almost dragging a lifeless body. Once, Amy and Peter are gone, Neil turns to Kcris and rudely asks her, "Was that slap necessary, sister? You stopped me from telling the truth, why?... just because you wanted to protect Amy. So great of my sister to protect the girl who always had nothing except hatred for you in her heart. You can always forgive Amy's rude behavior, constant berating, false accusations, literally everything. But, when it's me, your own biological brother, you can't even forgive the unintentional mistakes. So, hypocritical of you, Kcristina Pattinson... Bloody double standards."
"Neil, it's not like that... Listen to me, Neil..."
Neil completely ignores Kcris and walks off.
Kcris sits on the bench holding her head thinking to herself, "Neil, when will you understand that you're not supposed to make mistakes? Yes, I can forgive anyone easily. But, with you, I have to be strict. Neil, you can't afford to make mistakes. You're the only one I can trust. Only you can have my back, Neil. After Mom, you're the only family, I am left with. Why don't you understand?"
While Kcris is sitting with all the chaos in her head, a nurse comes to inform Kcris that Jeena has been shifted to her room, and Kcris can now see her. Kcris right away forgets everything and goes to Jeena. Seeing Jeena lying on the bed unconscious crushes Kcris' heart. Without even realizing Kcris has tears in her eyes. Today, it's not only Kcris but also her heart, that's weeping. Kcris slowly places her hand on Jeena's forehead and gently caresses Jeena's head. When Kcris kisses Jeena's forehead, tears that have been sitting in Kcris' eyes start to fall on Jeena's face. Kcris sits next to Jeena holding her hand for quite a while. It seems Kcris is scared that if she lets go of Jeena's hand, she might lose her too. A couple of minutes later, Kcris manages to get her head out of the sand and gets up to make a few calls. Initially, Kcris calls Sean to instruct him regarding the changes in the security line-up. Then, Kcris calls Neil to apologize for her behavior and also tells him that her mistake won't make up for his mistreating Jeena. Furthermore, Kcris adds, that he should apologize to Jeena first as Jeena's forgiveness will decide Kcris' forgiveness.
Today is the second day since Jeena has been admitted to the hospital. Jeena finally opens her eyes. Jeena is slightly surprised as the first person she sees is her sister, Angelica, and not Kcris. Immediately, the doctor and nurses come to check Jeena's condition. Though Jeena is feeling much better and healthier, the doctor advises keeping Jeena under observation for another 24 hours as a precaution. Once the doctor and nurses are done, Angelica tells Jeena that she is very upset with Jeena. Jeena being Jeena, before addressing her sister's concern, asks Angelica about Kcris' whereabouts. This upsets Angelica even more, but she still answers Jeena, "Kcris is home. I told her to go and have a nice nap of at least 2-3 hours after a shower and a fresh change of clothes. For the past two days, Kcris has been practically living here. (Pointing towards the table, Angelica further says,) See all those files. Kcris has literally made this room into another office of hers. Even today, she wasn't willing to leave your side. Only god knows how difficult it was for me to convince her."
"Okay, sis. Now, you tell me why you are upset with me. What did I do to upset our kind and beautiful angel-like goddess?"
"Stop with all the flattering, Jeena. It's not gonna get you anywhere."
"Okay, okay, my big sister. But, at least tell me."
"I thought, my little sister always shares important things with me if not the tiny bits. But, here we are."

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