Fight or Die

Autorstwa Rangiewins

7.2K 129 323

Wings of Fire story! My name is Moon. I live in a world where everyone is tested. From the age sixteen to eig... Więcej

Please read
Year Two
Fight or Die
My Turn
Don't Stop Running
Important News
New Start
The Spark
The Hive
Sleep Well My Love
Together For Now
Chapter of the Story

So Close Yet So Far

183 4 21
Autorstwa Rangiewins

- Moon

Life really sucks right now. More than it has for the past month or so. Let me tell you what happened.

I'm passed out in the bloody chair. Cobra whipped me. And I finally got to pass out.

I was enjoying no pain when thoughts woke me up. Loud thoughts. Familiar ones.

At first I thought it was just Cobra or her gang coming back to torture me again. It was a Sandwings thoughts. You could tell by the slight accent.

Moon if you're near and can hear me, just know that I'm sorry. I love you so much. I don't know where else to look. I have gone deep into Skywing territory and to the bottom of an old volcano.

Just hold on for me. Don't give up on life. Stay alive. I won't give up either. I will find you.

My heart stopped. Qibli.

He was in range. I could hear him. He's close. My heart pumped as I listened.

I watched the world through his eyes. He was crying.

The strong horrible depressed emotions radiating off of him was almost too much to bear.

And then he saw me?

It was a fake me obviously. I had one guess, but I was too busy watching to care too much. Qibli believed it was me though.

Its a trap! RUN QIBLI! RUN!

My internal thoughts were not audible to him though.

Qibli felt relief wash through him so strong it was like a tsunami washing away drowning people.

And then I was stabbed. My heart panged as Qibli's did.

His whole world came crashing down. He fell to his knees and crawled to me. I had a feeling he was thinking direct thoughts but I was too overwhelmed by emotions to hear him.

Picking up the fake me's head he sobbed. Tears welled in my eyes.

We were so close yet so far.

The amount of emotional pain he was in right now was unbelievable. The constant searching just to have me murdered infront of his eyes.

And it all clicked.

Cobra was giving up on me helping. She would crush Qibli knowing he should go into battle next week. He will be so distracted that he won't be able to think let alone fight well.

His future was now death as well.

She would either kill me here. Or drop me in battle to watch him die. Most likely the latter.

I screamed.

"QIBLI! IM HERE! QIBLI!" I screamed as loud as I could. He could physically hear me. Except he was too deep into his sobs to really react.

Tears flowed from my eyes.

"Qibli! Stop it you're going to get yourself killed!" I screeched. "NO! You-! QIBLI PLEASE!" I screamed. I was in a dark room no idea exactly how close he was.

But he was close enough that it wasn't hopeless. After who knows how long he finally stood up and starting walking.

Tears still flowed from his eyes and his steps were shaky but he managed. I continued to scream.

He still didn't react to the horrifying screams. Cobra and her family had this friend Jerboa who lived alone in the Rainforest.

Jerboa allowed me to stay here while Cobra and the rest stayed nearby. Jerboa was as evil as Cobra.

And she was special.

Like me she had unnatural talents. She could make objects to things to her bidding.

She could make people die just by thinking it. On the outside she looked perfect. But on the inside she was so torn up she was beyond repair.

With horrific luck. Qibli stumbled across Jerboa's little hut. He was around 10 yards from me now completely unaware of me.

Jerboa must have created the fake me to break Qibli. It was all her mess.

Legends call people like her animuses. I've never believed in one till now.

Jerboas greeted Qibli calmly. She offered him water and he accepted.

My throat burned and ached. I couldn't scream. But I could sob.

Sob from missing Qibli. Sob from physical pain. Sob from emotional pain.

I listened to Qibli though.

Jerboa seems nice. Something is off about her. The way she looks at things and people. It's like she wants to control them. Make them perfect.

Is that crying?

Qibli looked at Jerboa alarmed. And she did the unthinkable. She cast a spell on him.

He went to investigate the sobbing. My sobbing.

And he opened the door that led to my room.

My bindings were gone in an instant. I was free. But still caged.

Because of what Qibli was thinking.

Nothing here. Odd. I knew I heard crying.

She made me invisible. He can't hear me anymore. Or see me. Feel me. Nothing.

I ran up to him. I put my bloody hand on his face and stared into his beautiful brown eyes. Jerboa grinned evily at me.

"Qibli, Qibli you can't see me right now I know. But one day. Just maybe, you will find out the truth. And whoever tells you better tell you this. I love you. I love you so much." I whispered to him my voice hoarse.

He was frozen staring at the blood on the floor. I kissed his warm lips. He made no reaction, bug it was everything to me.

To have my lips on his. It was spectacular. Throwing my arms around his neck I buried my face into his collarbone.

I feel like something is on me. Sort of weighjng me down. I feel warm. Like a coat of love was just spread all over me. I feels good.

He could feel me. But he didn't know. He sighed and staying in position.

Life felt hopeless. At this point we had never been closer. Yet everything was trying to keep us apart. And right now it was working.

Qibli had a sudden thought. An incorrect one, but a wholesome one.

Is this Moon's spirit? Her last action of love. Before she is really gone forever?

Tears fell from hiseyes and landed on my head. I cried too. I cried into his shirt but my tears didn't damage his shirt.

"Qibli. I'm sorry I can't let you know I'm here. I'm so sorry." I moaned through my sob. He seemed to answer.

I'm sorry you had to deal with this Moon. You never deserved this. It's my fault. Your blood is on my hands. That is something I will never recover from. And I am truly sorry for that.

That made me cry harder. I hugged him as tightly as I could. The warmth and love came stronger to him.

I knew he would leave soon. He startes to panic. My sudden stronger sense on him made him feel like it was the end of our final goodbye.

Wait! Don't leave! Stop!

His thoughts broke my heart. Jerboa used her animus talents to pry me away withour moving.

I clung to him and he felt it disappearing. Qibli reached his hands out to hold on. I tried to move them to grab me but they wouldn't budge.

My sobs got louder, more panicked. His did too.

And I was finally off of him desperately trying to come back. He clenched his fists and squatted down.

Don't leave... Please stay Moon. I need you.

I screamed and screamed. Jerboa started to usher him out.

I felt the spell falter for a moment.

"QIBLI!" I screamed. And he heard me. In a second he was whirling around facing me.

Our eyes met and he saw me. Jerboa took control of my limbs and I fell. Qibli saw. The last moment his eyes unfocused as she fixed the spell.

I was stuck on the floor unable to move.

She was just there! I saw her! Am I-? I'm imagining her aren't I?

Still he stepped forward to where I fell. Reaching out he touched my face. His hand was warm and soothing.

But he didn't know his hand was there. For him it was just air.

How amazing it felt to have him see me after all this time. Even if he thinks it to be imaginary.

And then he was standing and walking away from me. I could move again once he was gone.

I crawled into a ball and sat against a wall. Too tired to cry I looked into the future.

But on top of everything, Jerboa must have found out about the strange metal that blocks my talents, because now I have amber colored chains around my wrists.

My mind felt blank. My heart was beating fast. I felt like giving up.

Why? Why do I live if this is my life? Why do I love if all I feel is pain? Why? Why? Why?

But I knew why. Because I knew I wouldn't take back loving my parents, or my friends, not even regret loving Qibli.

It just seems pointless right now. Was I born to endure pain? Everything seemed pointless.

Why feed me if I am just going to die anyways? Why love people because it always ends in pain?

For the first time ever, death seemed like the better option.

- Qibli

I sat in the astronomy tower quietly. I got back early this morning from the Rainforest. I haven't said a word to anyone.

I didn't want to speak to anyone. I just wanted to grieve. For Moon. For love too.

Because I know that love will forever be a struggle for me now. I know I will never look into another girl's eyes and not think of Moon. Not see Moon.

To know I didn't save her. That she died because of me.

I clenched my fists in anguish. Everything hurt. I felt like someone took all the air in the world from me. Then that someone gave me small amounts of it. Enough to keep me alive, but still in immense pain.

I reached out my hands for her. But no one came.

Suddenly it was all too much. I screamed and clawed at my hair pulling it hard. I screamed and tears ran down my face.

It's all my fault. I brought her here. My actions caused her to be kidnapped. Me I caused her death. Moon died because of ME.

Death was mercy for me at this point. Hell was my option. I would burn in the flames of hell forever. And I would do it without complaint, for I killed an angel.

And it would be soon. I have a battle next week. A huge one, I'm going to be in the dead middle of it. I wouldn't try to die, but I wouldn't avoid it either.

I continued to scream and scream. Sunny rushed in after a moment. I had my head between my legs and my hands wrapped tightly around the blonde curls on my head.

She sat down beside me wordless. A continued to sob, but stopped screaming.

After a moment a tear fell from Sunny's eye. She was hurt because I was hurt.

"It's my fault. They killed her because they wanted to get back at me. I'm the reason she's dead. I should've died instead of her." I sobbed.

Sunny hugged me. I didn't hug back though. I wanted to hug Moon.

"Qibli, it's not your fault. They killed her not you. And you have battle soon. Qibli you can't go and kill yourself. I know you are in alot of pain right now. But would Moon want you to die in battle? No, and you know it." Sunny whispered.

She was right about the second part. Which is why I agreed not to try and die. After all I was pretty much already dead. It certainly felt like it.


I met up with Kinkajou around 10 minutes ago. She doesn't know about Moon yet. But she's asking questions.

"Qibli, Moon is my BFF you have to tell me why she is missing." Kinkajou insisted. I didn't answer and just looked at the floor.

"Something bad. Your face is pale and you look like you've seen a ghost. Where is my bestie? Or do I need to contact her myself!" Kinkajou exclaimed.

"I would love to contact her." I whispered. Kink fell silent. And it must have dawned on her.

"Oh my god." she whispered. I clenched my fists jn agony.

"You two eloped!" she squealed.

Wait, what?

Somehow Kinkajou made it much worse. I had purposefully avoided thinking about our now invisible future.

Marrying Moon was something I had thought about, but this was the first time I thought about it since her death.

The tears escaped my eyes as I thought about our future. I could have had her in my arms forever.

We could've lived together anywhere. Made our lives anything we wanted.

"No. Moon died! She was kidnapped and murdered infront of me!" I choked out. My tears landed on the dirt ground silently.

And then I heard small sobs aswell. Kinkajou hugged me as I tried to calm myself down.

Battle was coming in a days time. I can't be too distracted.

Hope that cleared up some questions you guys had. Have a good day. 2201 words.

Czytaj Dalej

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