Tempting me


641K 12K 6.1K

Natalie Wilson. Star Hockey Center and Captain for the WestHampton Warriors. She's had a crush on Scarlett Sa... More

Scarlett fucking Santoro
All hail football
Senior night
That's disgusting
Come Over
I could feel it
She's dated boys
Endless Chicken Baskets
The Roof
The Stars
Get Out
Merry Christmas?
No One Knows
That Wasn't About A stupid Hit
The Time To Be Alive
I love you

Juice Box

18.7K 396 101

I need to ask her to be my girlfriend. But it has to be too soon.

But it's been weeks. Months.

We've been friends for that long.

It's October. Halloween is in a week and a half. Scarlett and I started talking in August. So only a few months.

We've already established we like each other.

She likes me.

So what the fuck am I worried about?

She told me I'm one of the most gorgeous people she have ever had the pleasure of seeing.

I looked at her.

And that quick glance turned into a daze.

Scarlett Santoro is absolutely perfect. Her face. Her nose. Her eyes. Her hair. Her body. Her mind. God! She is so amazing in every way.

And she is so smart. She takes more AP classes than me. She has a 4.9. She's going to Minnesota State even though I heard she got into a million different schools.

She's kind to everyone. I have never heard any sort of drama she's been in because she's so polite to everyone.

And she thought I was out of reach! She's so high on the popularity scale, I don't understand why she breaks all these rules everyone else has in place.

I think that's one thing I like about her so much. She doesn't give a fuck.

As if she felt me looking at her, she turned her head and her eyes met mine. A blush crept into her cheeks and that made me smile.

She sits all the way across the room from me in here (which I hate) but we make eye contact every time. And every single time, butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I smiled at her.

She smiled back. Then she raised her eyebrows.

I raised mine.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

I mimicked her again.

Then she glared.

Just as I was about to glare back, Mr Jacobsen's bald head came into view, blocking Scarlett.

"Miss Wilson."

I smiled up at him, "Mr Jacobsen."

"What is the answer?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "The answer?"

He pointed to the board.

Gatsby: Protagonist or Antagonist?

This fool doesn't realize my hyper fixation in middle school was The Great Gatsby. And World War II but that is not relevant at the moment.

I scoffed, "It's deeper than that Mr Jacobsen. Jay Gatsby was in love with a woman who, of course, loved him back but was stuck in a situation in which she couldn't leave. He wasn't a bad guy so let's scratch antagonist. He's literally the main character, Mr Jacobsen. His name is on the cover."

A few kids laughed. Mr Jacobsen fumed.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Some would call him a stalker. And obsessive. He bought a house on the opposite side of the bay just to be across from Daisy. That's weird."

"That's love, sir. Love makes you do crazy things. Jay followed her across the country because he was in love. And they hadn't even kissed yet!" I shook my head, "Jay did everything for her. Tom Buchanan was the antagonist. He's a horrible guy."

"Tom was losing his wife to someone who wasn't who he said he was!"

"Tom was having an affair with a ginger gas station owner before Gatsby even moved to town. He had an apartment in the city so Daisy wouldn't find out. Daisy hit that same ginger with a car and Jay took the blame! He literally died to protect the woman he loved." I smiled and looked him right in the eyes, "This is a silly argument, Mr Jacobsen. The answer's clear. You're giving us free credits."

He nodded and walked back to the front of the room, "Well then, Miss Wilson. You have just earned yourself detention!"

"For answering your question?" I crossed my arms.

"For insulting a teacher."

"Mr Jacobsen sir, with all due respect, you asked me a question and I gave you my answer." I shrugged and looked around, "I'm sorry if I made you feel, like, dumb or something."

The room was completely silent. You could hear a pin drop.

He was so red he was practically blowing steam out of his ears.

But the bell saved me.

I picked up all of my things and looked at Syd.

She put her arm around me, "I love you more and more every time you put Jacobsen in his place." She kissed my cheek, "Gotta go."

"Have fun at the dentist."

She rolled her eyes, "I so will."

"Your mom is making chicken cordon bleu?" I watched her walk down the hall backwards.

She nodded, "Be there at 6."

"I will. Love you!"

"Love you too!" She disappeared around the corner.

"Hey there cutie." Scarlett walked right up next to me.

I eyed her outfit. Respectively stopping when I reach her chest and look directly at her eyes, "I meant to say it earlier, but you look amazing today."

She rolled her eyes as we went up the stairs towards our math classes, "You're going to Syd's tonight?"

I nodded, "Dad just got back from Guam and I really can't stand him right now. His deal fell through and he's absolutely pissed about it."

"Gosh. You could always stay with me, you know?"

I looked at her.

She played with her hands, "I mean, my parents know about your..." She looked at me, "situation." She looked back at the crowd, "They're okay with it, you know?"

"They-" They know? They're okay with it? They know? They care? "They're okay with me staying with you?"

She nodded.

"Hi Scarlett!" A redhead I have never seen before gave her a side hug, "Last night was so fun we should do it again!"

"I agree, Bridge! I'll see you after lunch."

"Duh." She flashed a quick smile at me and we continued down the hall.


What did they do last night?

Not that I care. Scarlett doesn't even like gingers like that.

But what if she does now?

You're being weird for no reason, Natalie. Shut up.

"What is going on?" She put her arm on my back as we squeezed together through the kids.

I raised my eyebrows and glanced at her, "What?"

"You went all quiet." She shook her head and looked at me, "Can I sit with you at lunch and then we can talk about it?"

I stared at her, "Yeah." I nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

She stopped in front of my classroom and stared at me, "Total truth, Nat."

I nodded, "At lunch."

She smiled, "Good."

"Yo Scar!" Bradley Henrichson. Quarterback. One of the many boys obsessed with Scarlett fucking Santoro.

She smiled at me again, "I'm sorry. I'll see you later."

"See you."

And now I get to sit through Mr Oliver's lecture about why it's possible to land on tails every time you flip a coin.


"Natalie Wilson!"

"Cooper Dougan." I looked at the now short haired boy. He had these beautiful curls that went a little past his shoulders. Cut them all off this summer.

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your win last week. And ask if you would go to my halloween party this Friday?" He smiled at me. His girlfriend and I are partners in English class. They're cute.

I shrugged, "I would love to."

He pat my shoulder, "Great! Lexi is gonna love it."

"Yeah I figure."

"See you later Wilson." He smiled at me and walked in the opposite direction as me.

"How's the day without your best friend so far?" Mobius found me as soon as he came out of his classroom.

"It's been one class so far, Mo." I looked around, "Where's your best friend? You know, the one guy in our group?"

"Our group." He sighed contently then shrugged, "He's been acting weird since our trip to my family's beach house. He's like, avoiding me?" He shrugged again, "Not sure."

I frowned, "That's weird." I held open the cafeteria door for Mobius and two other people.

Mo sat at our table, "I just-" He looked at me, "Nevermind. What are you doing after school?"

I shrugged, "I have a mountain of homework from Mrs. Moreno. And my Dad texted me last period about some bullshit he wants me to do at home. Really, he just hasn't seen my since Senior night and wants to pretend like he's a father again."

"God. I really hate your dad. If you ever decide I can punch him in the face, let me know."

"He's like, a detective or something." I waved my hands around, "He'd rock your shit, Mobius Tucker."

He pouted, "I could totally beat up your dad." He flexed his arms, "See that shit?"

"Am I interrupting?" Scarlett stood next to us holding a Chick-Fil-A bag. Her face was a look of disgust. I can imagine. She walked into the cafeteria to sit with me and talk but instead, Mobius is here flexing his arm muscles in my face.

He cleared his throat, "We were talking about her dad." He stood up and looked at the football table, "I think I see Brad's hand waving me over. As their captain, I should go." He squeezed my shoulder, "Bye Kiddo."


He winked at me and went to sit down.

Scarlett sat in the seat he was in, "I got you spicy chicken." She handed me the sandwich along with a large fry and a juice box?

I looked up at her, "First of all, when did you get this? Second, how did you know I got apple juice instead of a drink?"

She laughed so hard she snorted, "I-" She wiped her eyes, "I asked Sydney your order."

"What was so funny?" I furrowed my eyebrows, desperately trying to fight my own smile.

She shrugged, "You were so serious when you asked that. It was so cute."

I groaned just to fight my giggle, "Shut up." I looked at her. And I was immediately sucked in. Because school air does not affect Scarlett Santoro.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear in a much hotter way than Debby Ryan, "You're staring."

"How could I not?" I continued to stare.

She looked away with a blush on her cheeks, "Eat your sandwich, dork."

I smiled and took a bite of the chicken.

"Scarlett. You're not in your usual seat." Troy looked down at her.

"Trenton." Scarlett smiled at him, "I don't actually like you so I'd rather sit with someone I enjoy being around." She looked back at me.

"Woah woah woah." He held his hands up, "Just some friendly talk." He put his hand on the back of my chair and leaned down to my level, "Hi Wilson. Where are your faggy little friends?"

I looked up at him, "Troy."

He smirked, "Mad?"

"Could you please fuck off?"

He shrugged, "What's it gonna get me?"

"Troy." Scarlett looked up at him, "I will literally go tell Mr Bronte."

He snorted, "You're bluffing."

"Try me." She smiled up at him.

And his smirk went away. He leaned into her more, "Are you flirting with me?"

I sighed and set my sandwich down then stood up, "Troy. Seriously dude. Ge the fuck away from her?"

He looked down and was practically snarling, "Or what, Wilson? Gonna call your mama?" He snickered, "Oh wait that's right. She's dead. And your daddy doesn't love you." He shrugged, "No one cares about you, Wilson-"

Before I could punch him, Yoda came out of nowhere and did it for me.


"Mr Lannister!" Mr Bronte looked between the boys and grabbed them both by the arms.

"What the fuck are you-"

Mr Bronte gave Troy the ugliest look I have ever seen him give anyone.

And Troy cowered like a baby.

That's when I noticed everyone staring.

Scarlett stood up and held the bag of food, "Do you wanna eat somewhere else?"

I just nodded and followed her out. She led me out onto the football field.

"Wish you told me we'd be going into 32 degree weather, Scar."

She smiled at me, "That would have ruined the fun." She held her hand out to me as we walked up the bleachers.

I looked around, searching for anyone out here. When I didn't see anyone, I grabbed her hand.

"No one is out here." She led me to the top of the bleachers, "And if they were," She sat down and pulled me with her, "I wouldn't care." She kissed my cheek, "I hope you wouldn't either."

I stared at her, "You- You wouldn't care if people knew?"

"Of course not." She furrowed her eyebrows together, "I mean, I wouldn't go around telling our business to people. But the case would be the same if you were a dude, you know?" She smiled, "A private relationship. Not a hidden one."

I nodded, "Because our business is our business." I grinned, "I like that idea."

She nodded and leaned in, staring right at my lips, "If the soccer team didn't just get here, we'd be making out right now."

I looked at the girls putting on cleats, "Damn those soccer kids." I looked back at her, "Staring at you will have to do."

She shrugged and let her smile overtake her face, "I can never get tired of looking at you."

I felt my cheeks get hot, "you are such a flirt."

She shrugged, "I am stone cold serious, sweetie."

I glared at her, "Sweetie?"

She shrugged and giggled a bit, pulling out the food, "It slipped out."

I put my arm around her before I could overthink it, "I didn't hate it. Made me feel like an old woman though."

She giggled harder, "Shut up." She handed me my sandwich and juice box, "You're such a child."

I glared at her, "Rude."

She shrugged and leaned into me, "I am not."

"You so are."

I shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich, which was now only lukewarm, "You still like me."

She nodded, "I do."

We finished our sandwiches and talked for the rest of our open period, scooting closer together to ignore the cold.

Then the bell rang.

She kissed my cheek and stood up, "Let's get to class."

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