By Wasboredsowhynot

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(so uh hi, I guess..? so... this is my first ever Wattpad story, I read alot of other storys and I got bored... More

part1: the start
part2: I never thought they would find us again...
part3:this is big brain time
just a heads up and explaining
PART6:A "chilling" day
PART7: are you a Disney princess?
PART8: the storm,before the disaster
PART10:we will see each other again...Doctor
PART11:wake up...other me..
PART12:my days in Rhode Island was interesting...I guess?
PART13:did the doctor just speak suracusan?
PART16:Misha(part 2)
SIDE STORY:past Yami and Taisin...
The Doctor's Bio (Rewritten)
PART17 Misha (part 3)
PART20:Lungmen's alleyway massacres
PART21:who are you?

PART14:the meeting in lungmen..

60 0 5
By Wasboredsowhynot

2 days later after the events of the Doctor...

After the events of the Doctor.the Doctor along with Amiya left Rhodes Island to go to a city called lungmen
which is a city who's skyscrapers are taller then a eye can see.the Doctor was told to come to lungmen with amiya to attend a meeting with the chief executive and leader of lungmen known as chief wei yenwu
(sounds very Chinese...) to discuss about a deal between lungmen and Rhodes Island with the warning of Reunion in lungmen.the Doctor was running with amiya as they are going to meet a certain person that will escort them to where the meeting will held they were supposed to meet them on time but a certain Doctor had to taken several wrong directions which wasted their time.

Amiya:huff,huff,huff...we're here.its just like the rumors said...lets go dokutah

???:Rhodes Island was scheduled to meet with the L.G.D at 10 o''s 10:14 you were 14 minutes late;therefore,you've wasted 14 minutes of my time

Said the lung woman in a blank voice
who is not impressed by the late comers

Amiya:am sorry madam chen i just found out that Reunion is here and the dokutah-

the lung woman now named chen looks at the Doctor with a raised brow then looked at the still panting bunny who is still catching her breath

chen:it'fine, i already know.but that's not important right now..who might this be?

amiya finished catching her as she looks up towards chen then looks at the Doctor and stood up straight before speaking

Amiya:oh right ahem, Dr.Yami is Rhodes Island's consultant. Dr. Kal'tsit should already have informed you.

chen:hmm...well since everyone is here..your operators will stay and help do security checks with you two coming with me, if your operators can't handle a trivial task then-

Doctor:yeah,yeah we get it, we pretty much get it...

the Doctor cut her off before she could finish her sentence in a annoyed tone because of her annoying strict monologue attitude.

Amiya:*gasp* dokutah you can't just say that to madam Chen! she's the head of the L.G.D! please apologize to madam Chen dokutah


Chen:.....I'll let this slide just because we need to act professional....[next time I'll end you!!]

Doctor:[lol I can tell she's pissed lmao also...why do I feel like am being watched?...]

the camera zooms out slowly to reveal that the Doctor was correct about being watched as a figure in black robes is seen inside a building 70 meters away from them.the figure was in shock his eye widened by seeing the Doctor like he has seen a ghost of someone he wouldn't see as he was holding the straps of his mask extremely tight.

???:you son of a fuckin bast wait is he not wearing he's mask? nah thats impossible Yami wouldn't.....WAIT A FUCKIN SEC!!!!! HE ISN'T!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!

the scene then shifts to the main building of the L.G.D where we see the the Doctor along side with Amiya and madam Chen enter the building with madam Chen taking the lead while the two follow behind.they then stopped infront of a large door where they hear people talking on the other side.

Chen:on the other side of this door are chief wei and your companion...

Amiya:understood madam Chen,we'll  be seeing you later then

Chen: alright then,chief wei is a busy man so i hope you don't waste his time and you...

Doctor:me? what about me?

Chen:......try not to say things that are meaningless

and with that madam Chen walked away leaving the two at the door.Amiya then let out a sigh of relief surely being with madam Chen is very tough since her extremely strict attitude is hard to handle.

Amiya:I never expected her to be so strict.. also dokutah you can't just act like that o madam Chen she's head of-

Doctor:yeah i know that already but I don't know why but she's fun joke around and tease*chuckles* anyway we should go in now,Kal'tsit must be already discussing some stuff with the chief right now so let's go

Amiya:oh! right.. let's go dokutah... please excuse us



Amiya along  with the Doctor and Kal'tsit walked out of the building as Amiya let out a sigh of relief after the intense diplomatic talk with chief wei after finally making chief wei accept their deal to cooperate with Rhodes Island after chief wei requested them to do something also that might cost them their lives..

flashback at the meeting with chief wei yenwu...

Amiya: uhm..what? 

Wei yenwu:*smokes pipe* I will cooperate with your conditions if you follow my two conditions as well...first condition, you and your operators will help us in finding a certain infected with madam Chen and escort her to the L.G.D custody.. my second conditon, am sure you all have heard about the famous lungmen alleyway massacres no?

Amiya:yes we have, recently there has been alot of people being killed in alleyways most o them are gangsters from different parts of lungmen

Wei yenwu:exactly.. there has been too many massacres that i can't even keep track. normally with just only a few lowlife thugs are eliminated it wouldn't be something you should be focused on,however... there not the only ones that are being disposed of... 

Doctor:gang leaders and big shot mafia leaders that were in lungmen...

Wei yenwu:you guessed right my Doctor *smokes pipe*...

Amiya:huh? *GASP* you mean!

Kal'tsit:the mafia leaders and gangster leaders that were in lungmen...dead are they not?

Wei yenwu:*smokes pipe*correct madam Kal'tsit those types of people are also being disposed..

Amiya:then isn't that a good thing? with people like those suddenly dissapearing lungmen can become an even better place right? that would also benefit the citizens as they can walk out safely right?

Wei yenwu:quite the opposite miss amiya. people are glad that they can be safe knowing those bad people are gone, however. people are in fear of being killed by that person known as the lungmen alley killer since there are some who lives in alleyways and there some who finish work at night before coming home at night this caused some major issues, because of it people rarely go out of course there are some that are outside but that's only because they needed to earn for a living.

Doctor:so let me get this straight... you want Rhodes Island to help you. in finding clues and hints to either capture or eliminate the lungmen alleyway killer so that the people in lungmen can be at peace knowing that the person has been caught and thrown in prison?

Wei yenwu:exactly my fellow Doctor... that is my final condition so *smokes pipe*do you accept?

Doctor:you are aware that we're a pharmaceutical company right? also how are we supposed to find anyway?

Wei yenwu:I am well aware of your pharmaceutical company,however. you people are no ordinary pharmaceutical company am I correct? and don't worry the L.G.D will provide you with anything you need to assist you in this investigation as well as possible clues of the previous do you accept these conditions? madam Kal'tsit..


end of flashback...

Doctor:I still can't believe that you agreed to what? do we start in finding the infected or the killer?

Amiya:let's start in looking for a girl named misha first before the lungmen alleyway killer

Doctor:sure though why do we need this specific person anyway?

Amiya:madam Chen didn't disclosed any information about her, but we do know is that she lived in chernobog and apparently the L.G.D thinks she has information that Reunion wants as much then the L.G.D

Doctor:so? what do we do?

Amiya:our mission is to find misha and escort her to madam Chen so she can be in the L.G.D for questioning

Doctor:is that it? we just find her and bring her to the L.G.D 

Amiya:that is correct dokutah but we also have to be careful since we've heard that Reunion has infiltrated lungmen and are also looking for the objective as we are so be careful everyone..

Doctor:I see,by the wa-...huh? 

the Doctor stopped midway of his sentence as he looks across the road of a alleyway where he sees someone wearing a thick black robe with a hood over his head and wearing a white mask.

(The face was supposed to look like this =) but I didn't find any that fit the description so I had to settle with this just pretend that the eyes are line shapes)

Doctor:[wha-what the!? what is that!?
a white mask! is he from Reunion??
but... he's mask is different, is he a Reunion leader!?

??? glad to see you again..
you son of a bitch Yami...

Doctor:wha-what!? hey!

Before the Doctor can say anything the he disappeared when a bus passed by.he didn't know he shouted so loud that people walking on the street were looking at him strangely as they walk by him thinking he lost his mind or something.

Amiya:dokutah what happened? we heard you shout like you were in trouble so we came as happened?

The Doctor then looked at Amiya with narrow eyes there information about a Reunion leader wearing a completely different white mask that has a smiley face on it?

Amiya:huh? uhm let me check.. priestess is there any information about a Reunion leader with different mask that has a smiley face on it?

Priestess:no information can be found in this individual nor information about a unknown Reunion leader.

Amiya:no dokutah there isn't why did you ask?

Doctor:*narrows eyes* it's just...I think I just saw the alleyway killer just a few seconds ago in a random alleyway just now...

After hearing that Amiya immediately looked around for any entities hiding in the shadows of the alleyways which made the operators behind her confused by her sudden behavior.

Amiya:are you sure dokutah?

Said Amiya in a low voice as to not let anyone hear her conversation with the Doctor.which the Doctor did the same speaking in a low voice.

Doctor: I'm not sure but am pretty sure.. Reunion doesn't wear masks that have smiley faces on them that would just make them look like deranged people from asylums

Amiya:that's true and there's no information about a Reunion leader wearing a that type of mask you mentioned

Doctor:Amiya...I don't know why..but I think the moment we gotten into lungmen the alleyway killer was expecting for us come to lungmen like he was waiting..

Amiya:if that's the case why would they be waiting for us?

Doctor:a mole or someone that used to know them and possibly knew they were in Rhodes and was waiting for them to come for revenge or...he was waiting for someone that was in Rhodes to come with us to lungmen...

Amiya:that's alot of theories you made dokutah..but if one of your theories are true dokutah then within our operators..must be he's target

Doctor:for now we don't tell anyone...
the moment we tell all of our operators one of them will surely try to escape or do another different motive..

Amiya:I understand dokutah let's keep this a secret for now until we find misha. I already contacted two peguin logistics to contact us if they find her


Then the sound of a phone ringing is heard.

Doctor:[well that was fast,what the hell...that doesn't even make sense but ok there's no point in questioning it...]

???:yo bosu! we found the person you were looking for!

Amiya:thank you miss exusiai send us the coordinates we'll be there as fast as we can

Exusiai:oh! before you go bosu the person your looking is with a very strange person that Texas told me to stay out of sight under no circumstances should I be spotted no matter what she said I don't know why? he seems like a good guy though...

Amiya: really? can you give the person's description by any chance miss exusiai?

Exusiai:hmmm...I can't really make out anything much since he's only wearing a black robe and a mask..

After hearing this Amiya tensed up after hearing the word mask since the Doctor mentioned the alleyway killer wore a smiley mask of white.

Amiya:miss exusiai..what type of mask are they wearing?

Exusiai:hmmm...give me a sec

Exusiai said before being silent for 5 seconds which made amiya tense up and worry to anyone this might be nothing but to her it is important after small pause exusiai spoke at the other end.

Exusiai:it's a white mask with two lines standing up and a smile honestly it looks nice actually...creepy but cool
Ah! they went into a dark alleyway

Amiya hearing the end immediately shouted in worry and fear.

Amiya: Exusiai is Texas with you?

Exusiai: yep she's right here also why do you sound like that?

Amiya: Exusiai,Texas follow misha quick! but very extremely careful!!
that person is the alleyway killer even though I don't have any way to prove it but please be careful!

Amiya said in worry and fear if misha is with the alleyway killer then who knows what will happen to her! will she be killed brutally? She hoped not
misha is there main objective and she is with the alleyway killer as their second main objective after they escorted misha.

Amiya: everyone hurry Exusiai and Texas have already found misha but she's in grace danger we have to hurry before it's to late

Liskarm/Franka:Roger that!/understood!

Doctor:Amiya! What's up? why sudden rush?

Amiya: I'll explain later after we reach Exusiai and Texas right now we have to hurry!!

Somewhere in a alleyway two figures are seen walking along side each other...

???:come along now little one

Misha:uhm...where are you taking me? Deceiver...

Deceiver:hmm? Oh! nowhere! am just going to leave you with no reason at all!

Misha:eh? told me to come with you so that you can..just leave me here in this...alleyway?

Deceiver:yeeeeeep! It's stupid isn't?

Misha:it is...but..why did you say all of that trust stuff back there?

Deceiver:so you could trust me! though I didn't do it for no reason either for making walk with me also


Deceiver then crouched down Infront of misha and pulled his mask up to reveal his lips that were smiling and placed his finger Infront of it.

Misha:sore wa himitsudes
(Translation:that's a secret)

Misha:.........huh? That..doesn't even answer my question!!

Misha then yelled in annoyance.she was starting to regret on trusting this mysterious person though she wasn't mad at him or feeling any distrust in her more likely she felt safe around him she didn't feel any harmful from him or anything bad just pure safety

Deceiver:hahaha,sorry but it really is a secret how about we sit right here?

Misha:why there?

Deceiver:why not? It's nice and cozy to sit on the floor

Deceiver said in a child like tone as he sat on floor of the alleyway and rested his back by wall behind him.while
Misha just looked at him with a stoic expression still not believing what he said but that's pretty much what he'd do since it's in his codename.Misha just let out a sigh and sat down next to him, hugging her legs.

Deceiver:see comfy right?

Misha:I guess so...

Deceiver:heheh,*rustle* here!

Deceiver grabbed a white plastic box from his black satchel and handed it over to Misha making her tilt her head

Deceiver:well? don't just let sit in hands! Dig in!

Masha:dig in? wait..!!!

Misha then opened the lid of  the plastic box and she was extremely shock! her eyes widened at the inside of the box

Misha:th-this is...w-w-why?

Deceiver:why not? if your not going to eat it I will if you want me to

Inside the box was food like a hamburger steak,spaghetti,a sandwich,two cupcakes.Mihas looked at the food as her mouth watered like a faucet.

Misha:n-n-no! I'll eat it! 

and with that misha started eating the food that was inside the plastic box in pure joy she hasn't been able to eat these types of food since you have to buy them and she did not have the money to buy them.Deceiver watches as Misha started gobbling up the food in the plastic box in pure joy and bliss no doubt about it she hasn't eaten these types of food before.he then puts his hands in his satchel and grabbed a can of fresh pineapple juice
and opened it then placed it beside Misha.

Misha:*eating* mhnm so good! This is so good!

Deceiver:ok...I think you should slow down now your going to choke in that eating speed of yours...have some juice

Deceiver placed down the can of pineapple juice next to Misha.Misha then grabbed the can and chugged on it until it was empty which made shocked Deceiver Abit.

Deceiver:w-well you certainly are something Misha by chugging a can of juice in a instant like that ahahaha..

Misha:sorry I lost control of myself so am sorry...

Deceiver:nah it's ok I did gave it to you for a reason afterall,heh

Misha:well...thanks I never had to eat such food very thankful for you Deceiver...wait! then can you follow me and-

Deceiver:don't worry,if your worried about those kids that you were with don't worry I gave them some also

Misha:phew...thank you very much well..

Deceiver:don't worry,their somewhere very safe and they can call it their home

Misha:thank you Deceiver...but why di-

Deceiver:heh,looks like they came...
it's time for me to go now Misha

Misha:eh? why?

Deceiver:heh,well... let's just say a couple of your new friends will arrive right now..

Misha:eh? what do you mean?

Deceiver:listen Misha...a few people will be running around that corner in 50 seconds, those people are called Rhodes Island their a group of infected which you can trust from a pharmaceutical company they'll be looking after you from now on..Misha

Misha:eh? What do you mean!?

Deceiver:heheh,don't be scared Misha
their a nice bunch why? *Smiles*

Deceiver pauses at the last before speaking in a cheerful tone

Deceiver:cause my amnesiac little brother Yami is with them,heheh

Misha:little brother?

Deceiver:bye now!

Misha:huh!? wait Decei-

Misha was too late as Deceiver has vanished into thin air leaving only strings behind on where he vanished


Misha the. Turned upon hearing alot of rapid steps like some people were running.she was about to run but remembered what Deceiver said

"their a group of infecteds which you can trust..why? heh cause my
amnesiac little brother Yami is there,heheh"

Misha:a group of...infecteds that I can trust?

???:excuse me but...are you Misha?

Hearing a voice she looked up to a girl
Infront of her along with other people behind her

Amiya:my name is Amiya it's nice to meet you...Misha


(hello everyone WB here! here is another chapter for today this one is really exciting don't you think folks?
Deceiver is Yami's brother but the only question is which one is he? can you people guess I left some hints behind well... I'll see you all in the next one part! I hope you enjoy this part! Bye now, peace ✌️)

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