The Other Potter

By starsandsnakess

66.8K 2.3K 371

Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it's like to conquer. Fearless child, Broken boy; Tell me what it's lik... More

Business As Usual
The Dementors
Home Sweet Home
Blame and Boggarts
Saturday Lessons
Tryouts and Catchups
Quidditch and Bed Rest
Boiling Over
Chosen Family
Gut Feeling
Tis' The Damn Season
All Things Merry & Bright
Shoulder To Cry On
All Is Fair In Love and War
Last Piece of the Puzzle
Back to Reality
Bruised Knuckles
Dark Mark
Realigning Stars
Calm Before The Storm
Beauxbatons & Durmstrang
The Seven Champions
Wands & Worries
Rumour Has It
Fire & Ice
Flying High
Fake It
Deep Dive
Blue Mountains & City Lights
Price of Protection
The Third Task
Meet you at the Graveyard
What I Was Made For
You're on Your Own, Kid
Terms End
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
To Put Our Faith Into
For What I Am
Come One, Come All
Professor Umbridge
Lasting Impression
Where No Trust Lies

Exchange of Secrets

1.8K 60 7
By starsandsnakess

The first week had flown by, early Friday morning had the announcement to the Slytherin house of their new quidditch captain, and, well.. it had only been a few hours and Elijah could hardly get around the school without being stopped and questioned about tryouts and ideas some of the older students had. Even Fred and George had stopped by during break to congratulate and torment him. They were close friends, yes, but when it came to quidditch matches they were all really competitive about it, thankfully none of them were sore losers and often crashed the others celebrations after. 

The rest of lunch passed rather quickly, Elijah gathered it seemed to pass faster for him because he was dreading the last lesson of the day, Dark Arts. He had been avoiding Professor Lupin all week, not wanting to have to answer anymore questions, but alas, his week finished with another double of the subject. His friends had already left to go to class, but he was biding his time, waiting until the last minute to slide into the classroom and take his seat next to Alix. 

Keeping his head down to avoid making eye contact with his Professor. He got through the lesson, quietly taking notes and making little chatter with his friends, thinking he could slip out quickly again once the bell rang.

 "Mr Potter," Lupin called from behind his desk, "A minute if you don't mind."

"Ooo, someone is in trouble.." Alix teased, "Maybe he wants more loving after that hot summer you had with him."

"Stop with that, he's my parents best friend and our Professor. Also, used to be in Gryffindor. Not my type." he laughed.

"Meet you in the courtyard, Eli." Jay called back as he dragged Felix, Ezra and Alix out of the classroom with him.

Elijah sighed, moving closer to the Professors desk, left hand tightly wrapped around his satchel strap. "Yes, sir?" He asked, peering up at the older man. 

"I was hoping we could finish our discussion from the other day, if you don't mind? Please sit down." Lupin replied, waving a hand to the seat opposite him. 

Sitting down, the boy refused to look up at Lupin. "Our conversation the other day?" he asked, figuring he could try playing dumb, but when he did finally meet the others gaze he was immediately corrected in his thoughts.

"Cut the crap, Elijah." Remus said sternly, "It's powerful magic, and I'm assuming you are researching it for a reason. Now, I'm fairly familiar with the magic it uses but if you don't want my help then I'll have to direct you to Professor McGonagall." he explain matter a factly.

Elijah was a little taken back by the Professors directness, but he nodded, "Fine, but.. This conversation stays between us, and if it gets to a point where you don't think it should remain between us then I want you to tell me." he said, combing his hand through his hair.

With a little hesitation Remus nodded in agreement, "Whatever we discuss can be between us until needed."

Feeling a wave of nerves wash over him, as he sat pondering how he should start. He'd never told anyone; the Weasley twins, the Avery twins, Ezra, Felix, Harry, his parents... Even Lucas didn't know. It was something he kept to himself for so long. Now, however, he was sat in front of a Professor who had put the pieces together in the matter of days, and was patiently awaiting an explanation.

Clearing his throat, "It started the summer before first year, I'd read a little on transfiguration and came across the animagus section in the book. I found it rather interesting, but I never tried anything.. Not until the dreams started around halloween during first year. In the dreams, I was running through the forbidden forest.. But I wasn't myself, I was- Well, I was something else. I was this animal. Doing further research I figured there must have been a connection, and right before Christmas break I got a letter from home that-" he paused, quickly deciding he didn't need to tell Lupin all the details, "-that upset me. I just.. I wanted to prove myself. So, I started learning more about it. By the end of spring break, I'd somehow made the potion.. To be honest, I don't remember half of it, it's like I was blacked out. I don't even really remember the ritual.. Just waking up the next day in the middle of the forbidden forest. Since then anytime I shift, I just lose control. Its like all my emotions just take over."

Lupin remained silent as the boy spoke, taking in every word and allowing the child time to get everything he wanted out. If only Elijah knew how much he could relate to his situation, and to discover that the kid was going through something even remotely similar, broke his heart a little. When it seemed he was done the Professor let out a low hum, "From my understanding, it appears you may have mastered the physical changes, but the mental changes are holding you back, Normally when shifting into an animals form then things should be simple, your emotions should be muted not heightened." he explained, "Now, if I was in your position, I would probably  try finding my anchor, much like with your patronus, you should try thinking of things that make you happy, try to bring balance to the emotions whilst you try to work out how to shift your mind as well as your body." 

"You think that will work?" Elijah questioned.

"I don't see why not, it's worth a try is it not?" Lupin mused, "Though I don't recommend doing so alone. I can meet with you tomorrow and we can try, if you like?"

"Like in the school? What if I lose control and hurt you?" The boy asked, feeling panic rise up once again.

"Elijah, I can assure you that you won't harm me." The Professor reassured the other calmly, leaning back in his chair he finally came to the realisation he had been searching for all week, "A black wolf, you say? So, that was your boggart? Losing control?"

Elijah opened his mouth to speak, but no words came to him. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he nodded, "Yes.. To be honest, I wasn't expecting that. For a moment I thought it would be Voldemort or a Dementor.. But, those things I think I can protect myself from, or at the very least I can control how I handle the situation." he sighed, chewing on his bottom lip. "Yours is the moon?" He'd heard Harry and Hermione talking about it in the library, though he assumed they hadn't looked into it too much, not yet. 

Lupin furrowed his brows, "Yes, how did you- Harry's class." His eyes scanned the boy to try and see if the boy had worked it out, or if he was still working on it. 

"Full moon?" Elijah pressed gently, treading carefully. He'd actually started working it out over the summer, from overhearing conversations, reading his parents old journals and books that he found in the attic whilst helping them pack up the house, they never directly said Remus was a werewolf, but there was a lot of references to one of there friends being one.

"Does it matter? Perhaps I am just afraid of the moon itself." Remus countered, eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

"Perhaps." Elijah nodded, deciding that Lupin knew that he knew, he wasn't going to push it any further. Getting up from his seat, "Tomorrow morning then? Before breakfast?" he asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 

Remus felt his blood run cold, if his secret was told he would be forced to leave, he didn't want that. "Yes, that works." he confirmed. Watching the boy go to leave, "Elijah.." he called after the boy.

"It's not my business to share, Professor. As far as I'm aware the moon can be extremely scary." The Slytherin hummed, turning back to flash Lupin a smile. "Besides, you're keeping my secret. It's only fair."

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