By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53

247 19 106
By BangtanArmies

Sora x Yangcha |

Stargazing Unreleased Picture References

Psss. Sora is definitely NOT skinny.
Our baby is much fleshier. XD Haha~!


The Elite Council

Third Person POV

The ring of powerful households immediately grew hushed as they listened to the tedious chuckles of an ace player within the elite venue. Chung Manseok tensed up in his seat as Park Bogum stiffly straightened his back with a dark frown while eyeing Ga Area, who was laughing like a maniac. She scoffed and rubbed the pretentious tear stream from her cheeks before shifting her piercing gaze to the top row.

"Jang Sora is Park Jihyun's blood daughter, and I will expose the necessary documents to prove her illegitimacy," Mrs. Jang beamed at the man as her husband sat beside her, still devastated by the shocking announcement. The man... assumed... Jang Sora was his blood daughter all his life.

"The documents aren't necessary. Park Bogum is older-"

"But Jang Sora carries more of the alpha blood than Park Bogum," Aera smiled at the cult leader, who suddenly darkened his face. Taehyung stared at the woman without shifting his startled gaze away as Sungho pressed his hands against his face to process the shocking news. Jungkook uneasily glanced at his tense parents, who appeared just as shaken by Jang Sora's direct relation to the late supreme alpha.

"Jang Sora is a disgraceful creation of your affair! She has no right to inherit Park Jihyun's asset!" The man argued, tensing up in his seat.

"I won't argue with you. I'll present the documents you desperately want to claim. The supreme alpha's golden seal, signature, and fingerprints... evidently stamped on all the documents under Jang Sora's name," The woman smirked, glancing at the Jeons with a smug expression.

"Please present the documents at the next council meeting," Seokjin backed the Jang, causing the cult to uneasily stiffen in their seats. The council nervously glanced at Ga Aera again, who was eyeing Jeon Jungkook with a vengeful smile. 

Ga Aera no longer appeared shattered. In fact, she was overflowing with pride.

Her determined... almond eyes... narrowing dangerously upon the cult and the Jeon household.

A moment later.

Jang Beomseok blankly strolled up the staircase without greeting imo. The man left to reside in his room, still shaken by the news of his wife's betrayal. He did not confront her. He did not snap at her. He did not react to her harshly. The man was numbed all over by the heartbreaking truth, and so... he left to avoid conflict with his wife.

Ga Aera closely followed her husband, listlessly dragging her feet over the ground as she entered the cold property through the looming doorway. She glanced at the staircase but chose not to follow her husband and slumped on the couch, slowly lowering her face to her palms with her eyes closed. Imo nudged the maids until they hurriedly bustled away to grant the senior alpha solitude.

Sniffle. Ga Area rubbed her tears, eventually rising from the couch in her formal attire, and strolled down the dim corridor until she ended up in front of her daughter's bedroom. The woman pursed her lips, opened the door, and stepped into the vacant room to inspect the empty space.

The bed was neatly made, and a few picture frames were left behind on the shelves. The woman dimly glanced at the supreme alpha's gigantic portrait, mounted on the wall. She was ashamed of the failure to keep her family whole after losing herself to the addictive power play. Aera pursed her lips and entered the bathroom to shower before stepping out in Sora's nightgown. The woman stared at her downcast gaze in the mirror as she examined the lustrous silk over her body... until she was reminded of her youthful days.

The woman was just like a daughter. Always wandering about the property in her loose gown. Maybe that's why Park Jihyun couldn't keep his poisonous touch off her body? The slight silk... that settles over the alluring curves... of her youthful body... is the culprit to blame.

Sighing, she stepped out of the closet and slowly walked up to the bed, dimly sitting by the nightstand to graze her slender fingers over the unoccupied bedsheet with a blank expression until an aching emotion seized control of her soul as she blankly stared at the bed to recall her early memories with her late family. The woman blinked, lowering her torn gaze to her fingers in tears as she reflected on her past affair with her former lover.

She softly sniffled, rubbed away the warm streaks from her damp cheeks, and slipped under the blanket to rest on her daughter's bed because she couldn't face her husband. Ga Aera knew she'd only upset him more if she tried to explain her situation now. After over two decades of claiming to love him... she finally disclosed the unfortunate truth... and she knew... she had broken his heart.

The woman sobbed in remorse and gripped the pillow once her nostrils picked up her daughter's faint lily scent. The alpha gripped her aching chest and curled up on the bed as she beat herself for ruining her daughter and husband's life with the grudge she held against Park Jihyun.

Even decades after his death... Park Jihyun is still haunting her life... and because of his sinful actions... Aera had lost everything.

Her child. Her lover. And herself.


Ga Aera calmly sat at her school desk with a blank gaze on the transparent window as she watched Minhyuk... her close friend... bounce a basketball over the concrete court. The alpha swiftly raced across the field and skillfully tossed the ball inside the hoop as he competed with his classmates, causing the school girls on the bleachers to cheer for him.

Minhyuk smirked at his shrieking admirers as he rubbed away the dripping sweat beads on his forehead with his arm. He enjoyed the attention he was receiving from the crowd... until he noticed Aera... sitting by the window on the upper floor with a gloomy expression. The athletic alpha flashed his middle finger at the anonymous alpha, who grimaced in annoyance until Minhyuk chuckled and raced across the field to resume the friendly match with his schoolmates.

"Does your ankle still hurt?" Beomseok asked, suddenly settling in front of her desk. Aera shifted her gaze to his handsome face as he placed a juice box beside her palm.

"It's healed," Aera shrugged, glancing at her bandaged ankle. Beomseok glanced at the lively school field and back at her sulky expression. Everyone was out on the field to enjoy their last period of school hour... yet Aera... was sulking alone. In the empty classroom.

"You shouldn't pause the world and isolate yourself from everyone just because he's not treating you right," Beomseok dimmed his eyes on her. Aera sighed, lowering her head to rest her face on her arm, and closed her eyes. Park Chulseok had grounded Jihyun after he was caught partying at an average's house with the anonymous alpha.

"Why won't you leave us alone? You snitched on us," Aera lifted her gaze resentfully. Beomseok clenched his jaw but remained composed.

"Is it wrong to worry about your welfare? I know you don't need me to spare my concerns, but I can't seem to rest knowing... you're drunk at a party. You got hurt," Beomseok replied, nodding at her bandaged hand.

"Stay out of my business," Aera rudely stood up from the desk and strolled out of the empty classroom, leaving Beomseok alone. The alpha sorely dimmed his eyes and glanced at Minhyuk through the window again. The popular alpha was surrounded by girls as they cheered and offered him snacks and drinks. Beomseok sighed and got up to stroll out of the classroom.

The alpha would quietly follow Aera around wherever she went. Beomseok would maintain a steady pace with a book in his hands and eyes glued to the texts on the paper. At the library... he'd sit in the corner of the room to work on his assignment, briefly looking up now and then... to admire Aera from afar, who was anxiously chewing her pencil with a slight frown on her workbook. [Edited]

Quietly... He'd follow Aera around. Wherever she went, Beomseok would maintain his steady pace with a book in his hands and eyes glued to the texts on the paper. At the library, he'd sit at the far corner of the room to work on his assignment, briefly looking up to find Aera working on her tasks while chewing her pencil.

He'd smile and lowered his face back to the opened pages. And once she got up to leave, he'd pack his things and stroll behind her, not too close but just enough so she wouldn't notice him. He'd walk along the glimmering golden lake on the path to the supreme alpha's mansion while gazing at the breathtaking scenery with a weak smile... until she paused to pick a flower from the ground.

The alpha would immediately halt as well... to watch her crouch by the lake, plucking the blooming flower from the grass and walking forward with her face tilted toward the clear sky above their heads until she safely entered the gate. Beomseok would calmly walk past the property and head back to his mansion with the book... still glued to his gaze.

Through all the changing weather... Beomseok has always been beside Ga Aera's side.

Under the blossoming trees of the spring call. Under the heatwave of the summer glare. Under the baked brown flutters of the fallen autumn leaves. And under the drifting snowflakes of the frosty chills.

Beomseok would always remain a few steps behind her.

Until one night... he noticed Aera taking a different path home after their late school hour. She had accidentally fallen asleep in the school's library earlier... so Beomseook was forced to remain with her until she woke up from her nap with her puffy red eyes.

The alpha glanced at the empty street unsurely as she walked over the frozen sidewalk in her white faux fur coat. The straps of her bag... loosely dangling from her shoulder. The alpha exhaled and quietly followed her to the dark lake as his heavy boots sunk into the thick snow... creating the soft crunching sounds of his steady footsteps.

Ga Aera suddenly crouched down by the edge of the frozen surface with her head lowered and softly wept her misery until her shoulders shook intensely. She could no longer walk forward because her chest was aching so much. Jang Beomseok sighed as he stood under a tree with his brown scarf wrapped securely around his neck. Park Jihyun had married an average without her knowledge a few months back... and Ga Aera is still hurting over his betrayal. The alpha dimmed his gaze on the young lady as she helplessly clutched her bleeding heart, whimpering softly through her visible breaths. 

Beomseok blinked out of his thoughts when Aera suddenly stood up and stepped onto the frozen lake. Strut. She walked over the thin ice... causing the alpha's heart to leap in fear as she limped on the icy surface. He frowned, unconsciously strolling down the snowy hill to the edge of the lake as Aera stared darkly at the frail ice sheet beneath her shoes. The ice didn't break because of her lightweight mass... but with just a little stomp... the frost would shatter and sink into the freezing water.

"Why are you following me?" Aera muttered, gradually turning to stare at Beomseok, who stood with a blank expression. The light snow... softly fluttering above their heads. The area was dim, but he could still see her pale face under the brilliant moonlight. They were the only two souls... at the park by the lake... because most people had chosen to remain home due to the cold snowstorm.

"You shouldn't walk on thin ice," Beomseok replied. Aera glanced down at the ice beneath her shoes with a dim expression and back at him with a sore frown.

"I wanted to disappear quietly, but you're ruining my moment again," Aera muttered, lowering her gaze to the ice beneath her again.

"I'm tempted to run over the ice, but if I do so... the lake will collapse," Beomseok replied as he watched her stand under the winter snow.

"Then don't run to me," Aera muttered, lifting her watery eyes to him. She had lost the will to live because of her aching heartbreak.

"I have never invaded your space, so I'll wait here. Right here for you," Beomseok replied, sternly standing in his long black coat. Aera glanced at the vast lake in despair before averting her beautiful almond eyes to him again.

"Why would you want to be with me? Another man is holding a piece of me captive," Aera whispered. Beomseok lowered his head to ponder his thoughts and glanced back up at her with a worn-out expression.

"If you're broken... and if your piece is missing. Then I'll fill it for you. We can be whole together," Beomseok replied. Aera sniffled while staring at him with a conflicted look.

"You'll be my missing piece?" Aera asked.

"Only if you're willing to safely cross the ice to me. Don't make me run to you, or we'll collapse into the frozen water together," Beomseok nodded.

"And what will you do? If I reach for you?" Aera asked.

"You came here to end your life. That's your purpose, but if you walk to me. Then you've made a choice to live. That's what I'll do for you. Help you live again," He answered.

Aera stared at Beomseok with a troubled expression... and after another minute of contemplating his proposal... she slowly stepped forward... over the thin ice. Beomseok calmly watches her stroll towards him... praying desperately that the ice will support her weight until she reaches him. She finally stepped back onto the solid ground without his help and stood under his nose with a stern expression.

"Then marry me. Take me away with you," Aera firmly stared at him.

"Meet me tomorrow at midnight. East Gate. I'll wait for you there," He nodded. Aera stared at him without blinking.

"If we meet again tomorrow at the determined time and location. I'll follow you wherever you go," Aera spoke softly.

"I'll be waiting," Beomseok nodded as they stood under the fluttering snowflakes. Aera sighed heavily and strolled away, carefully making her way back to the supreme alpha's mansion as Beomseok stood alone by the lake. He exhaled and walked in the opposite direction after he convinced Ga Aera to live with him.

And at midnight the next day...

Beomseok showed up before the looming mansion as he promised.. ready to escort his bride home. And so she ran for him. Aera... ran on her barefoot over the cold ground in her thin nightgown... until she met her savior.

Jang Beomseok.



Third Person POV

Jae Yangcha weakly smiled as he leaned over the railing by a small flowing water path along the concrete track in his gray hoodie, loose sweatpants and white sneakers with a black beanie over his buzzcut head. The alpha stared at the pair of ducks as they floated over the shallow stream before the setting sun in the deep orange sky while munching on the warm egg bread as he waited for his wife to return from the city. He had promised to pick her up upon her arrival.

"Boo!" Someone suddenly back-hugged him. Whip! Yangcha wildly spun around to find his wife beaming at him as she wore a cute rainbow sweater over her ankle-length white dress.

"Oh? I was waiting for your call," Yangcha smiled while gazing at her as she happily hugged his waist with her cute knitted bag strapped over her shoulder.

"I saw you on the bus when it passed this street, so I walked here from the bus stop," She shrugged while leaning over the railing. Yangcha chuckled and lifted the sweet bun to her lips. Sora took a bite of her husband's snack as she cautiously peaked over the railing to study her blurry reflection on the calm surface beneath the path.

"The ducks are cute," Yangcha nodded. She shifted her gaze to the pair of ducks while standing beside him.

"Did you miss me? Oh~! Your abs are still here~! Hehe~!" She asked, weirdly back hugging her husband again with the side of her head pressed against his shoulder blade. He was much taller than her... so Yangcha glanced down at the top of her head as she slipped her cold fingers under his hoodie to feel his defined abs.

"Of course I did. But it seems like you miss my abs more," Yangcha chuckled with his forearms rested on the railing to admire the flowing water as she gently rocked him from side to side.

"I'm just checking," Sora giggled as she groped his hard pecs under his hoodie.

"Ohoh! What's with this behavior?! Why don't you check my penis too then?!" Yangcha playfully yanked her hand out of his hoodie in disbelief.

"Okay! Oh-! It's still here too~! You're intact!- Can I touch it~?" Sora funnily tugged her husband's waistband to peek inside his underwear with a devious smile. Gasp! Yangcha immediately shoved her face away when she tried to reach inside his pants. 

The supreme alpha cutely whined as her husband hastily tugged his hoodie down and quickly adjusted his sweatpants with an embarrassed look. The timid man cleared his throat and glanced at the empty track uneasily after his wife shamelessly pulled his waistband to peek at his crotch and even tried to grope his manly bulge. 

"Don't tease me! Or I'll drag you inside the bush!" He warned. Sora giggled while hugging his waist. She lifted his hoodie again and leaned down to kiss the burnt scar on his lower back hips, making Yangcha whine in embarrassment. Peck! Peck! She teased her shy husband with repeated kisses on his pretty scars. 

"That's not true~! I miss you more. Look~ I saved a sausage for you- but I got hungry on the way here... so... there's only one piece left," Sora giggled, straightening her body beside him and opened her handmade purse to show her husband the blood sausage in the paper bag.

He laughed at the single piece that survived his wife's hunger and glanced at her flushed cheeks as she picked out the single sausage with her fingers and lifted it to his mouth. Nom! Yangcha accepted the food from his wife like a little puppy and glanced at the duck again, so she quickly zipped up her handmade bag and rested her elbows on the railing with a delighted smile. Yangcha sideway glanced at her cutely braided pigtails before eyeing the pretty flower clips in her hair.

"If I didn't have abs... would you still love me?" He muttered. She lifted her face to scan his curious expression unsurely as Jae Yangcha examined her beautiful curled eyelashes in admiration.

"Why are you asking that?" She shrugged, dismissively walking away without answering her husband. He smiled and hurried after her until Sora slowed down to match his pace and linked her arm around his as she strode over the fallen leaves on the trail.

"If I was a man with a plump belly. Would you have loved me? I'm convinced... you're only in love with my body," He nudged her shoulder. Sora giggled and looked up at him with a mischievous grin.

"I've always liked muscles. Since I was young," She shrugged.

"So you wouldn't date me if I wasn't fit?" He scoffed.

"Does it matter? Even if you have a belly now... I'm still in love with you," She shrugged. Yangcha smiled at her words and lifted his arm to place it over her shoulder as she strode on her black boots. Sora securely hugged his waist with her head slanted against his chest as her husband gently rubbed her upper arm. 

"Aigo. You really wouldn't have granted me a chance if that night... our first night... you lifted my shirt to find a plump belly...?" He playfully tugged her pigtail to tease her.

"Hey! Stop saying nonsense~! I wanted to sleep with you even before you lifted the shirt off your body!" Sora smacked his firm butt as they strode over the dark path. The sun had set and they were slow walking... over the trail along the dark flowing water.

"Wae? What did you find attractive in me then? If it's not my muscles?" He asked, skeptically glancing down at his wife while playing with the end of her pigtail over her shoulder.

"Your eyes? I don't know. It's something about your gentle gaze that makes me want to hold you. Oh-! And your scar. The one on your head. I found it... quite sexy," Sora shrugged and glanced up at her husband again. He chuckled at her sparkly pupils, pulled off his beanie, and tilted his head to show her his surgical scar.

"This one? Why don't you give it a kiss?" He asked. Sora abruptly halted without hesitation and tiptoed on her boots with puckered lips. Smooch. She gripped his head and kissed the scar, causing the alpha to chuckle from the ticklish sensation.

"Hah~ My heart~! It'll never stop beating for you~ I'm so hopeless!" He scoffed while adjusting his loose beanie over his wife's head. It was getting a little chilly. Sora grinned cutely under her husband... until Yangcha kissed her forehead before lowering his hand to warm her fingers within his firm grip. The couple walked forward again.

"You know I love every part of you," She shrugged while staring at the dark path ahead of them.

"I've always hated my scars, you know? My mother would never let a scar form on my skin because she wanted me to be perfect. She'd immediately treat my wounds and care for my skin. I was really insecure with the scars over my skin... until you kissed them. It tickles," Yangcha smiled. Sora patted his hand.

"I've never thought I'd like it either until I saw the marks on your skin. It's very striking. You're very manly with those scars on your body," She chuckled. Yangcha nodded and looked forward as they strolled off the dark path to enter the street... bustling with the locals.

A moment later.

Sora's POV

"Ah," Yangcha lifted the shrimp to my mouth, so I parted my lips as he pushed the peeled shrimp inside my stuffed cheeks. I gasped and groaned in extreme satisfaction while tasting the delicious flavor and bopped my head excitedly as we sat crossed legs in an empty seafood restaurant. He's been peeling the seafood for me with the plastic gloves.

"You're a beautiful couple," The lady smiled as she settled the grilled rockfish on the table beside the plate of spicy squid. The woman didn't leave our table and sat on the cushion across from ours with a faint smile.

"You're too kind," I smiled at her. She glanced at Yangcha, who immediately lowered his head with a flushed look.

"He's a shy one, isn't he?" She nodded at me.

"Not so shy at home," I nudged Yangcha's shoulder. The woman chuckled.

"Are you guys dating? I've never seen a couple this adorable," She curiously asked.

"Married. She's my wife," Yangcha replied as he placed the clam in my rice bowl.

"Really~?! You're quite young! Do you have children?" She gasped, keenly leaning over the table to examine us.

"I'm pregnant. We'll be expecting our child next year," I chuckled. The woman gasped again as I rubbed my belly with a wide grin.

"I hope you bear a beautiful child!- Oh! Welcome~!" She smiled at us when a few guests entered the store, so she quickly got up to serve them. I smiled and glanced at Yangcha as he chewed the rice on his left cheek.

"Do you get morning sickness?" He muttered while snapping a steamed crab. I nodded.

"Yeah. At night... but it's not bad yet," I shrugged. Yangcha dipped the crab meat in the sauce before raising it to my lips. He gently pushed it inside my mouth, so I happily chewed as he lowered his face to sip from the straw inside my juice cup. I've been craving seafood since I got pregnant... so I've been eating it often.

"Does anyone know? Did you tell him?" Yangcha asked. I shook my head. I didn't tell Taehyung I was pregnant during my visits. 

"I want to keep it between us because I'm afraid of putting our child at risk," I muttered. Yangcha nodded and fed me the shrimp again as I ate from the bowl. He finally pulled off his gloves and tried to lick the grease on his fingers, but I caught his wrist and sucked the flavor from his fingertips, causing him to chuckle at my dirty behavior.

"Don't tease me, woman~!" He lightly shoved my shoulder. I laughed and sipped my juice again.

A moment later.

Yangcha cluelessly walked forward with the grocery bags over the busy night street while eyeing the stores on his side until I halted before a bright room with an ice cream cone gripped in my hand. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, unsurely turning around to search for me, and walked backward to stand by my side before lifting his face to stare at the store sign.

"Have you ever tried it with your girlfriend before?" I asked, blinking at the store curiously.

"I told you, you're my only girlfriend," Yangcha grimaced. Smiling, I shoved the remaining ice cream inside my mouth, grabbed his wrist, and dragged him inside the place. Yangcha whined because of the heavy bags... but I insisted on trying out the photo booth for the first time. I turned to stare at the variety of headbands with my mouth hanging open. How cute~!

"It's my first time too. You've got cash, right?" I asked while picking out a furry angel halo to place it on my head.

"Yeah," Yangcha nodded as I fitted the tiger ears hairband over his scalp.

"Come on. Drop the groceries," I chuckled. Yangcha smiled and followed me inside the photo booth. I funnily gasped as Yangcha closed the curtain, so I sat down on the bench as he slipped the cash inside the machine. He picked out the theme and sat down beside me as I fixed my loose hair. I've only seen couples do it in dramas! 

"This is ridiculous," He smiled, turning toward the screen where I could see our live movement through the camera lens. I giggled at the silly hairbands on our heads and scooted closer to him. 

Yangcha grinned as I hugged his waist with a wide smile. Flick. Yangcha placed his arm over my shoulder, so I tilted my head for another shot. Flick. I lifted my face to poke out my tongue at my husband, causing Yangcha to smile at me cutely. Flick. We turned to stare at the screen again as he pinched my cheek. Flick. Yangcha laughed and kissed my cheek. Flick. I hugged his neck and pressed my lips against his. Flick. We quickly glanced at the machine and got up to select the pictures before printing the theme after decorating the frame. Virr~! The photobooth finally ejected two copies of our shoot together.

"Again~! Let's do it again~!" I grabbed his arm in excitement. We quickly pulled on funny accessories and rushed back inside the room to take a couple more shots.

"Ahah!" Yangcha laughed as we strolled out of the store together with a few copies of our photographs.

"We should do this more often~!" I smiled as we walked side by side while examining our cute pictures.

"I thought I'd never get to do things like this in my life~ But... I guess everything is achievable when you're with the right person," He chuckled. I nodded in agreement.

Yangcha carried the groceries in his hand as we happily strolled through the dark woods. I quickly took a bath once we arrived home as he sorted the groceries in the kitchen before grabbing the photographs to decorate them over the vanity mirror with a wide smile.

My husband eventually entered the room and left to shower as I placed the stickers over our pictures and chuckled by myself... until he stepped out with a towel over his head. He sat down on the bed in his loose pajamas, picked up my knitted purse from the nightstand to take out the empty sausage package, and tossed it in the bin.

Fast Forward

"What's happening?" Yangcha smiled while sitting with his eyes closed. I chuckled as he cluelessly sat on the carpet in the dark living room and carefully settled the birthday cake before him on the coffee table.

"Open your eyes~!" I grinned. Yangcha beamed, impatiently opening his eyes to gaze at the cute yellow lemon cake with his glimmering pupils. He gasped and looked up at me in surprise.

"Did you bake it?!" He scoffed.

"Yeah. You were too busy in the back room, so I baked it this afternoon~!" I nodded. Yangcha chuckled in excitement with his hands clasped together, so I grinned and sang the birthday song for him. He cutely clapped his hands with the melody and rocked from side to side while nodding his head with a brilliant smile.

"I'm going to cry~!" He pouted, making me chuckle while filming him with my phone camera.

"Happy birthday to my dearest husband, Jae Yangcha~!" I giggled.

The alpha gleefully clapped his hands in appreciation and lowered his face with his eyes closed to make a wish as I fondly stared at him from across the table. He slowly opened his eyes again and blew on the sparking candle, so I clapped in excitement and crawled onto my feet to switch on the lights as Yangcha eagerly poked the cream to taste the flavor from his fingertip.

"Thank you, my precious wife~!" He grinned as I sat on his lap. He hugged me from behind with one hand as I lifted the phone to wave at the video.

"I love you," I grinned, twisting my head to face him with puckered lips. Yangcha chuckled softly and kissed my lips. Smooch. I giggled at his tender love stroke and kissed his cheek before lowering my phone to save the footage. He grabbed the spoon, dug into the cake, and lifted it to my lips, so I opened my mouth to accept his offer.

"You really are the best~!" He chuckled while feeding himself as I turned to grab something from behind the cushion.

"I made it for you," I smiled, handing him a colorful knitted hat with dangling straps. Yangcha chuckled as I pulled it over his head.

"So that's what you've been working on?" He laughed. I nodded. He grinned and kissed me softly while rubbing my belly, so I hugged his neck as we caressed the creamy flavor between our lips. He finally pulled away and gave me a crushing hug.

"Can you print a few photographs? I want to add it to our album," I asked.

"Sure. Send them to me," Yangcha nodded, leaning forward to eat the cake I made while holding me over his lap... so I leaned against his chest to look through the compilation of our photographs with a weak smile and opened my mouth to let Yangcha feed me the tasty cake.

It doesn't take much to be happy and to remain in love... if we can compromise.

Fast Forward

"Make sure to finish the bun before tomorrow? Okay?" I asked as I stood by the bus terminal with Yangcha, who insisted on wearing the hat I knitted for him even if it was not cold.

"Of course," He nodded. I tiptoed and gave him a soft peck as he held onto my waist.

"I'll get going now~!" I smiled and tried to walk away, but he gripped my purse and gently drew me back. I unsurely turn to find him pulling out something from his pocket.

"How can you leave with an empty purse?" He asked, opening my knitted purse to place a bundle of cash inside.

"Oh? You're giving me an allowance?" I grinned as he safely zipped my purse again.

"Stop hitching a ride here. It's dangerous," Yangcha sighed. I giggled and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Neh, sabang-nim~! Thank you for the allowance~! I'll spend it well!" I chuckled. Yangcha patted my cheek warmly while gazing at me, so I released his hand and strolled away. He waved at me from the entrance until I got on the bus.

I quickly sat beside the window in an empty seat and waved at him again. He chuckled and waved back until the bus departed from the station, so I happily exhaled and leaned back against my seat to count the cash he gave me. That's more than enough! Why did he give me so much? Chuckling happily, I leaned back against the seat while rubbing my small baby bump.

The bus finally arrived in Seoul a little before dusk... so I quickly caught a taxi and got out at Taehyung's private building when someone... grabbed my arm just before I entered through the door. I spun around in a panic to find... Do-hwan looming over me with a dim expression.

The man didn't explain his behavior and dragged me away... so I stumbled after him, confused but didn't resist his lead. He quickly helped me inside the car, so I nervously gripped the seat belt as he started the engine... and before I could process the situation... I found the car... pulling inside the cursed mansion. W-Wae?! I'm not ready to see my parents again!

"Sora!? Honey!" Imo gasped, rushing up to me in shock once I stepped out with an ashen look. No one knows I'm alive except for Kim Taehyung. So how did they find out?!

I blinked uneasily as the woman slammed into me, so I unconsciously gripped her shoulder before lifting my eyes to find... Kim Taehyung... dimly staring at me from the opened doorway. Did he...? Wae...? I asked him to keep my welfare hidden... so I could safely move back and forth to care for the twins without bringing harm to Yangcha.

"What's happening?" I muttered, unsurely walking up to him as imo worriedly scanned my body up and down to examine my physical appearance. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone about my existence, so why am I at the mansion???

"We need to talk-"

"What are you doing?! Where are the twins-"

"Where's Jae Yangcha?" Taehyung suddenly turned to frown at me just as I entered the living room to find my mother sitting dimly beside appa, who was sorely eyeing me.


"Sora! Where is Jae Yangcha?!" Taehyung impatiently snapped at me. I blinked and glanced at my mother's blank face.


"The twins are missing!" Taehyung snapped. I blinked in horror. Badum! My heart suddenly stopped beating for a solid second as I stared at Taehyung with my mouth ajar. What did he just-

"W-What do you mean-"

"He took them! Where is that fucking asshole!?" Taehyung snapped. I frowned at his accusation while gripping the strap over my chest. What is he talking about?!

"Y-Yangcha was just with me this afternoon-"

"Sora! He's the only culprit, so tell me! Where is that fucker!?!- Why did he take the kids?! I thought you settled the matter?!-" Taehyung seethed as he gripped my shoulders... yet I couldn't seem to focus on anything but the terrifying thoughts of the twins... being with Yangcha. Sora! Don't make assumptions!

"Why are you accusing him?! Where are the twins?- You lost them?!- How?!-" I snapped while glaring at him in disbelief. How did he even lose the twins?!?

"Someone abducted them! If it's not Jae Yangcha- then who else could it be?!-" Taehyung huffed with his eyebrows furrowed. I scoffed in bewilderment.

"Fuck-" I spun around in fear, but Taehyung firmly yanked me right back.

"You're not going anywhere!" Taehyung seethed.

"I have to go back! If Yangcha is behind the abduction- then I have to-"

"No. That's enough, Sora! I've had enough! The fucker will never rest as long as the twins are alive! Did you think you could tame him with your words?! What are you going to do? Calm his nerves with your body!? Yeah?!" Taehyung gritted his teeth. I widened my eyes at Taehyung's forceful assertion as he clutched tightly onto my wrist.

"What are you trying to say?! The twins are missing! And you're accusing Yangha when he was always with me?!!-"

"He sent people after the twins! Tell me why?! Why would he want to finish off the kids so suddenly?!" Taehyung sneered at my face. I blinked, frightened and confused by the unexpected commotion.

"I don't know!-"

"Are you... perhaps... pregnant... with his child?" Eomma asked, darkly staring at me from the couch. I suddenly froze in place and glanced at her as imo stood by the corner of the room, pale as a ghost.

"Wh- What does that have to do-"

"You're pregnant?!" Taehyung frowned, glancing down at my stomach with a terrified look. I pursed my trembling lips and clutched my stomach in fear as the prying eyes snapped at me from every direction.

"Why are you cornering me when you're the one to lose the twins?!-"

"Don't you get it? The Jaguar... is getting rid of the illegitimate heirs. So his baby... the one in your stomach... can strive alone," Eomma dimmed her eyes. Taehyung scoffed, suddenly turning to rub his face in frustration. 

"Did you tell him about our deal?! The agreement to establish your power under the twin's name!" Taehyung furiously glared at me. I pursed my lips and glanced at my stomach with my lips ajar as the thoughts in my mind... spun wildly at the possibilities of Jae Yangcha's involvement with the twins's disappearance.

"I- I did. But Yangcha said- It didn't matter because he's powerful enough to support our child-"

"Bullshit! He's after your power! Your child will not stand a chance against the twins because they'll be the future supreme alphas!" Taehyung snapped at me. I pursed my lips and gripped my stomach in tears.

"I- I'll speak to him! Don't accuse him of such nonsense!-"

"No! You're not leaving!" Taehyung snapped, yanking me back with all his might... causing me to gasp in shock at his harsh force and stumble weakly into him.

"Let me go! I have to return! The twins-"

"Jae Yangcha will bring the twins back to you. If he can take them away... then he must return them at all costs. The asshole has to step out of the shadow," Taehyung firmly glared at me. A surge of hot tears suddenly... swelled in my eyes as my mind ran wild... at the alarming thoughts of the twins being haunted by... the Jaguar.

"He can't do that! The council will eliminate him-"

"IS HE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TWINS LIFE?!" Taehyung angrily bellowed at my face. I whimpered and lowered my head in distress.

"Please! Just let me talk to him! Yangcha will listen!-"

"How long are you going to let him fool you? He'll listen! But he'll also kill behind your back! The twins are in danger! If you run to him- he will slaughter the kids- and I won't allow that to happen! He will come for you!-"

"Taehyung, please! Just let me speak to him first!-" I screamed, trying to rush away, but Do-hwan suddenly slammed the door shut to lock me in. THUD! My eyes widened in horror as I tearfully stared at the buff man before glancing at Taehyung again, who was darkly fuming over me. I sniffled and glanced at my cold parents, who remained blank on the couch. 

Slowly... I sank to my knees and lowered my head before Taehyung in tears. This doesn't make any sense! Yangcha and I have come to an agreement, and we're happy! So why would he risk breaking our vows to harm my children!?- He wouldn't commit such crimes... knowing it would wreck our marriage!

"P- Please- Just this once- Listen to me! Taehyung! It's not him! He would never hurt the twins-"

"Yeah? But have you seen him raise his knife at the twins?! I did, Sora! I did! You weren't aware, but Yangcha detests the children! If it weren't for me- they would be dead by now! You're a fool for him! I let you do as you wish to nurse his pathetic childish needs- but- but I won't- let this slide! Not at the cost of the twin's welfare!" Taehyung angrily sneered at me. I whimpered at his harshness and lowered my head in extreme fright. This doesn't make any sense! Who do I trust?!

"You can't lure him out! He won't survive the society! Please!-" I cried aloud while gripping his trousers to beg the man for mercy. Huff! Taehyung scoffed at my stubbornness in disbelief.

"Lock her up. No visitors are allowed unless Jae Yangcha brings me the twins. Alive," Taehyung ordered, suddenly strolling away with his cold shoulders. I sobbed in anguish with my head lowered while kneeling on the floor and shakily gripped my baby bump. It doesn't make sense! Yangcha was with me! He's at rest- so why...? Why would he abduct the twins to seek my power?! [Edited]

"Lock her in. No visitors are allowed unless Jae Yangcha brings me the twins. Alive," Taehyung ordered, suddenly strolling away. I sobbed and lifted my head in tears as he coldly stormed inside the corridor. It doesn't make sense! Yangcha was with me! He's at rest- So why...? Why would he abduct the twins to seek my power?!

Fast Forward

I anxiously stared at the gloomy night sky through the high arch windows while sitting on my bed in my silk gown. Yangcha will find me if I don't return today. I fidgeted with my fingers and got up to peek through the window, but the guards were on standby below my balcony.

Creak. I quickly rushed back to sit on the bed as the door opened. Do-hwan is guarding my bedroom door... and I've been stuck here for over a week! Imo strode inside the cold room with a tray of warm meals. She worriedly glanced at the untouched food with a dim expression before looking back up at me.

"My lady, you have to eat for the baby," Imo sighed, walking forward to settle the tray on the nightstand instead. I glared at her intensely as she settled on by my bedside.

"I'm not eating anything made by you anymore!" I snapped. The woman glanced at me bitterly before taking my hands in hers, but I quickly yanked my fingers out of her grip with a dark glower.

"I prepared the meals myself. You don't have to worry-"

"You made me that tea during the pre-wedding night! You're the reason I'm stuck in this madness! You drugged me!" I seethed at her in anger. I wouldn't have bore another man's children if she didn't deliver me that fucking poisonous tea! The woman took a deep exhale and glanced at her steaming food in defeat.

"I did attempt to brew you tea that night... but your mother... she was already brewing herself tea. She asked me to give you the remains in the teapot," Imo apologetically stared at me as I glared at her. Eomma...? Eomma made the tea...?

"She asked you to give me the tea?" I scoffed at the woman in disbelief. So she gave me her tea? The hallucination drug?!

"Will you eat? I promise you it's safe for your child," Imo nodded at her food. I gripped my hands intensely before glancing at the tray again. My baby will not survive if I keep this up. Sora, you must stay conscious. Imo stayed by my side to feed me the meal she prepared... but I didn't speak to her and ate calmly. My mother?... Why would she want to get me pregnant with Jeon Jungkook's children? So it was a setup...?

"My lady!-" Imo gasped when I suddenly shoved the bowl away and scrambled off the bed. Thud! I shoved the door open, angrily storming out of the room in extreme anger, but Do-hwan immediately blocked my path with a dead stare on my fuming face.

"You're forbidden-"

"Where is she? The fucking witch?! Where is she!?" I screeched at the man, angrily shoving him aside before storming through the corridor to search for my cold-blood mother until I found her lounging on the couch with a cup of tea in her hand. How can she do this to me?!

"What's with the fuss?" Eomma dawdled. I hastily snatched the teapot from the coffee table- SMASH. Imo gasped in shock as the porcelain shattered over the floor... sending the steaming hot tea all over my mother... who gasped and shot up in bewilderment.

"You ruined my life! It's you! You're the fucking culprit behind this madness!" I screamed at her in rage. My mother scoffed at the broken shards before shifting her flaming pupils to me while gripping her teacup.

"Did I ruin your life, or did you ruin mine?! Three years, Jang Sora! Three fucking years! You chose to remain dead with that fucking disgraceful killer instead of protecting your family! You abandoned your children so you could fuck that jerk's dirty cock! Did you think- I'd sit still and let the society mass murder the household?!" Eomma angrily hurled her teacup aside, sending it smashing onto the floor. I gripped my fists in tears as my body intensely vibrated with the surging anger.

"Things wouldn't have turned out this way if you didn't drug me with your fucking poison! That's why you hosted the wedding party for us! So you could get us drunk! So you could bring Jeon Jungkook to me because you needed a chain to secure his power! You got me pregnant with his child to secure Jeon Jungkook's assets! It was your fucking plan from the beginning! That's why you tried to poison Yangcha at my wedding afterward- so I have no choice but to bear Jungkook's sons!" I screamed in tears. Eomma furiously glared at me without glancing away.

"Did you think you could simply live an ordinary life without power?! You're only alive because of me!" Eomma snapped. I scoffed and turned to rub my forehead in disbelief. Fuck! How did I fall into her trap this foolishly?!

"So that's why you're targeting Taehyung now?! What did you say to him for him to react this way?!" I snapped. Eomma glared at me in fury.

"Isn't it obvious, Sora? Why Kim Taehyung... is so keen on adopting the twins? They have Jeon Jungkook's... blood running through them... and... if Jeon Jungkook falls... The Jeon will lose their entire assets to the Kim's heir," Eomma smirked as she folded her arms. My eyes widened in horror.

"You manipulated him into playing your games again!? Eomma!-"

"Did I? Kim Taehyung is a wise man. He wouldn't play if he knew he was going to lose but given the situation... I'm sure... Jae Yangcha is powerful enough to defeat Jeon Jungkook. And once the Jeon falls... The cult will redirect their attention to your so-called... lover. They'll never rest until Jae Yangcha dies," Eomma evilly smiled at me. I screamed at her in tears and tried to rush forward, but Do-hwan firmly tugged me backward as I wildly kicked and thrashed within his arms to reach my evil mother.

"I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU! WHO ARE YOU TO WRECK MY FUCKING LIFE LIKE THIS! ARGH! YOU'RE- A FUCKING WITCH! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!?- ARGH!!!" I screamed in pain as Do-hwan firmly supported my body weight to restrain me. Eomma rolled her eyes at my mad tantrum and strolled away... leaving me... with my violent outburst until I ran out of energy and collapsed onto the floor... weakly crying in despair.

I was simply a tool to achieve her power! She couldn't tame me, so she planted the half-blood sperms inside my womb to secure his power!

I'm so disgusted! I'm so disgusted by her fucking greed!


Elite Council

Third Person POV

The explosive arguments suddenly ceased upon an unexpected disruption. THUD. The enormous door swung open as the households argued over The Jang's elimination from the game. The society snapped their piercing gaze at the shocking presence of another player. The alphas froze in their respective seats once they found... Jae Yangcha... storming inside the room with a fuming red face.

"You're alive?!" Minah gasped in shock as the alpha marched inside the room. But he didn't bat her an eye and stormed up the staircase with his dark pupils glued on a target. The room grew tense as the untamed Jaguar... pounced towards... Kim Taehyung... with its vicious claws.

"Where is JANG SORA?!" Yangcha snapped, fiercely slamming his hands over Taehyung's desk, who dully looked up at the beast with an unimpressed gaze.

"How am I supposed to know...? Didn't you murder her at the penthouse?" Taehyung asked unsurely. Yangcha scoffed and darkened his glare on the stern alpha.

"Is this a joke?! Give her back to me!" Yangcha demanded.

"Jang Sora is alive!?" Seokjin wildly stood up from his seat. Kim Taehyung smirked and glanced up at Yangcha's furious scowl.

"So... it took... the goddess's absence... to lure you out, huh?" Kim Taehyung smirked at Yangcha's fuming face.

"How dare you hold her captive against her will!-"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Taehyung smiled at Yangcha, whose face turned even redder from being provoked.

"SHE'S MINE! JANG SORA IS MY WIFE BY LAW!" Yangcha bellowed, angrily seething at Kim Taehyung with his baring fangs.

"No. Jang Sora was never yours. If Sora is alive... I'm sure... she'll choose her children over your monstrous delusional ass," Taehyung chuckled.

Yangcha's face immediately flushed in extreme anger, causing his neck muscles to strain from the offensive insult. The room gasped in shock when the Jaguar violently snatched Kim Taehyung's collar to yank the alpha out of his seat until his raging eyes pierced into Kim Taehyung's blank pupils. The beast snarled viciously at the alpha... who remained composed in his position as he challenged the feral monster to a deadly staring contest without a hint of fear.

"She will never leave my side. Did you think... you could win her over... just because the children are yours...?!" Yangcha sneered, causing the council's jaw to gasp in disbelief.

"What?! The twins are Kim Taehyung's-"

"You fucking raped her, didn't you!? When she was unconscious!" Jae Yangcha seethed in anger until his grip around Kim Taehyung's collar shook from immense rage.

"Me..? How ridiculous. Why don't you... ask... Jeon Jungkook the question...?" Kim Taehyung laughed and shifted his evil gaze to the clueless half-blood. Jae Yangcha's glowering glare suddenly flashed in bafflement upon Taehyung's blunt claim. Snap. The Jaguar... fiercely averted his darkness... to Jeon Jungkook... who remained frozen in his seat... on the opposite side of the room. 

"W-What are you talking about-"

"Jae Yangcha. I'm not your target. I've always taken care of Sora. You know that. The person you should... be upset with is... Jeon Jungkook. It was always his deliberate intention... to ruin the supreme alpha's household. He went as far as... forcing her to bear his children without consent... to ruin your marriage. Why are you attacking me when I'm on Jang Sora's side...?" Taehyung smiled at the Jaguar.

"Jungkook! What did you do?!-" Mr. Jeon gasped, snapping his head at Jungkook's pale expression. The Jaguar clenched his jaw, dangerously turning on its hind legs as the beast directed his possessed pupils on the half-blood. Kim Taehyung glanced at Mrs. Jang's shaken state with a smug smile.

"You raped my wife?!" Jae Yangcha bellowed at Jeon Jungkook with his raging darkness.

The half-blood clenched his jaw at the silent killer as he remained stiff in his seat.

Kim Taehyung softly scoffed under his breath.... and lowered his head with a sly smirk after... he successfully sent the untamed beast... after Jeon Jungkook.

Jae Yangcha suddenly marched away from Kim Taehyung's desk and stormed straight toward Jeon Jungkook, who perched nervously at his desk, causing the households to hold their breath. Mrs. Jang glanced at Kim Taehyung from the base of the room as they waited for the Jaguar to attack Jeon Jungkook. Thud.

The alpha abruptly halted by Mrs. Jang's side with a deadly glower on Jeon Jungkook... who was glaring straight at the beast with a dark scowl. The Jaguar clenched his jaw... and suddenly shifted his resentful gaze to Ga Aera... who was eyeing the alpha with a smug expression.

The silent killer slowly averted his sharp gaze to the eager council as the players intensely observed him from every direction... waiting for him to attack... so they would have the excuse to kill him. The Jaguar suddenly shifted his stern gaze back to Jeon Jungkook while struggling to suppress the tempting urge to shed blood at the council.

One wrong move. And... he's swarmed by the wolves.

You're outnumbered. Jang Sora's voice softly reminded him.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Jae Yangcha suddenly spun on his heels and stormed straight towards the door, unexpectedly retreating without attacking the Jeon's heir. Mrs. Jang straightened her body in irritation and exchanged glances with Kim Taehyung again after the Jaguar stepped out of their bear trap... right before it snared the wild beast with its deadly claws. The untamed beast fled the venue instead of attacking Jeon Jungkook... leaving Aera and Kim Taehyung stunned in their position.

"Jang Sora!" Taehyung gasped, suddenly leaping to his feet in realization.

The council suddenly erupted into chaos as they watched Kim Taehyung race from his seat to chase the Jaguar. Jeon Jungkook clenched his jaw and quickly got up from his desk to leave the room after being accused of raping the supreme alpha. Thump! Mrs. Jang hastily exited through the door with her husband to avoid the disorder.

A moment later.

The supreme alpha blankly strolled through the manicured garden in her fluttering silk gown to admire the blooming flowers with her downcast gaze. Her mind... overflowing with spewing thoughts. The mother is dead worried for her children, yet she can't escape to search for them because of the high mansion walls around her. She paused by the fountain to stare at the floating petals when she suddenly... noticed a swift movement by her side... so she quickly turned to find... a man marching towards her with his raging dark energy.

Jang Sora's heart stopped beating for a moment as the... Jaguar... stormed towards her with blood all over his clothes. She unconsciously backed away after she noticed he was once again... reeking of another person's death. The beast kept his determined gaze glued on her.

She blinked at him with a startled look as he marched up to her, immediately drawing her into a crushing hug before she could part her lips to greet him. Thump! The supreme alpha gripped his back with a slight frown... utterly startled by his unexpected appearance. The Jaguar had forced his way through the back gate... and had slaughtered those within his path... to reach his captured wife.

"Follow me," Yangcha whispered, pulling away to stare at her pale face. She frowned at him as she gripped his dirty hand.

"The twins-" She tried to speak- Whip! The Jaguar tugged his imprisoned wife forward and yanked her with him... causing her to gasp in a panic.

The goddess gripped her silk and ran by her lover's side until they reached the mansion's exit... securely patrolled by the guards. The gate suddenly slid open and a few cars came rolling inside the pavement, causing the Jaguar to tense his body as he held Jang Sora by his side. She nervously stared at the flock of armed men as Kim Taehyung stepped out of the car with his grim gaze on the Jaguar. 

"You're not taking her anywhere-" Kim Taehyung calmly spoke but halted when the Jaguar roughly seized Sora's shoulder to hold her against his body as a protective shield with a knife at her throat. Sora sucked in her breath as her husband firmly pressed the blade against her neck.

"Clear the path," Yangcha snarled at Kim Taehyung.

"If she dies... you'll drop dead too," Kim Taehyung darkly stared at Yangcha as the guards surrounded the couple. Sora nervously glanced at the gun barrels and up at her husband's shocking aggression while gripping his forearm. She felt the blade... piercing her skin... yet she didn't dare whimper and stood fearfully against his pulsating chest.

"And you'll never find... the twins. The Black Phoenix will inherit my power after I die... and all of you will suffer their savage dominance," Yangcha sneered. Sora intensely gripped her silk... too scared to bulge as the blade stung her flesh. Kim Taehyung dimmed his eyes... and glanced at Ga Aera... who had stepped out of the car with black faux fur around her slender neck. 

"Clear the path," Jang Beomseok suddenly spoke up.

"Beomseok!" Aera snapped at her husband in disbelief.

"Sora is bleeding. Are you blind?" Beomseok averted his stern gaze to his wife.

Aera frowned at her husband in disbelief as the guard cleared the path for Jae Yangcha, who cautiously walked forward with the knife held at Sora's throat. She fearfully stared at Kim Taehyung as the Jaguar led her out of the gate. A car suddenly arrived, so yangcha immediately pushed Sora inside and got in after her. ZOOM! The car blasted forward... leaving the guards dumbfounded at the door after the Jaguar abducted the supreme alpha... right from their doorstep.

Sora's POV

I swallowed the hard lump tears, too afraid to budge as Yangcha sat in the backseat of the car with me. He lowered the knife from my throat and tried to touch the wound, but I shifted away from him. He took the twin? I thought he'd never betray me like this, but he took the twins?!

Yangcha sighed at my withdrawn behavior and roughly tilted my neck with his hand clasped firmly over my mouth, causing me to wince in pain as he gently placed a bandage on the cut. The man softly kissed the bandage before pulling away to examine my face, so I quickly screwed my eyes shut... too afraid to resist him as we drove out of the city... until the car grew a little bumpy from racing over the coarse dusty road.

SLASH! I flinched in horror when a splatter of blood sprayed all over the steering wheel, so I quickly snapped my face upward.... to find Yangcha holding a towel over the driver's neck from the back seat... after he slit the man's throat open with the blade.

"Hold onto the towel," Yangcha grabbed my hand.

I winced in fright as he made me secure the man who was tearfully staring at me through the rearview mirror. I sobbed and lowered my head in extreme fear as I compressed the towel over his torn throat to stop the blood from flowing as Yangcha climbed into the front seat and safely steered the vehicle to the side of the empty road. He quickly parked the car, shoved the driver's door open, and kicked the man- making me wince in fright as the injured driver... tumbled out of the seat.

"Yangcha!-" I whimpered, shoving the back door open and tried to help the injured man, but he firmly held me back.

The Jaguar lowered his body to heave the man's underarms as I stood by the car... helplessly watching the beast... drag the man off the jagged road... until they disappeared into the tall grass. I sniffled and glanced at the bloody mess in the driver seat, so I quickly grabbed the towel to wipe the windshield- BANG! I flinched at a single gunshot. Freezing in place... I slowly stood up and rounded the car to stare at the thick barriers in tears as the wind subtly blew... between the tall grass... until I felt my chest swelling in discomfort. Why did he have to kill an innocent man?

A moment later.

Third Person POV

Jae Yangcha finally strolled out... onto the side of the road... through the tall glass with his face and hands soaked with blood as Sora anxiously waited by the parked car on the side of the dusty road. The sun had already set... so it was getting dark.

The alpha deeply exhaled, tossing... a GPS tracker... onto the gravel and stomped on the device to crush it as his terrified wife stiffly stood with her hands clasped together. He snatched the towel from her grip and rubbed his hands clean with the cloth to wipe off the blood as she intensely stood by the car to watch her husband yank off his stained shirt and pants.

He changed into a new set of clothes, stripping naked without shame... before tossing his clothes into the grass field. The alpha opened the car trunk to grab a bottle of gasoline, stuffed the bloody towel in the opened lid, and lit the towel on fire before hurling the metallic bottle over the tall grass.

"Get in," Yangcha opened the car door after he had set the field on fire. Sora sniffled and did as he instructed, so he slammed the car door shut and rounded the car to get inside after he killed the driver to tie up the loose ends. Sora pursed her lips and glanced at the man in tears as he blankly drove her through a vast field to avoid the security footage.

Sora's POV

Yangcha took me to a sketchy motel in an isolated town... that's definitely outside the city center because we couldn't check into a proper hotel without identifying ourselves. He quickly locked the old door. I unsurely sat down on the cheap mattress with my hands clasped together as I watched him lock the windows. He spun around to examine the place with his eyes... narrowed... as if to search for suspicious devices.

"Let's shower. I'll bathe you-" Yangcha tried to pull my hand, but I tugged back and glanced up at him in tears. He glanced at the bandage on my neck and lifted his dim gaze to me again.

"Where are the twins?" I asked while staring at him in tears.

"That's not important-"

"WHERE ARE THEY!?" I screamed, launching to my feet with my bloodshot glare directed at him. Yangcha clenched his jaw as he calmly stared at my raging pupils. I can't do this anymore!

"Noona- Calm down. Our baby-"

"You stupid jerk! I trusted you! Wae?! Why do you have to do it?! They're innocent!-" I screamed, angrily smacking his chest with my balled fists. 

"I did not kidnap them! Alright?!- Why would I kidnap them!? I promised you, didn't I!" Yangcha shrieked at my face in frustration, so I pursed my lips as the hot tears dripped from my eyes... until I felt my chest aching in extreme discomfort.

"Th- Then who took them-"

"Obviously- Someone who wishes to initiate mistrust between us! Now- Will you calm down?!- I'll fix this for you!" He snapped. I bit my trembling lips as Yangcha glared at me for accusing him of the abduction. The alpha sighed and pulled me into a comforting hug, so I sobbed and hugged him tightly. What's happening?! If it's not Yangcha- Then who is doing this?! Why would they target innocent children!?!

"I'm- worried about them! Yangcha, I'm so scared!" I cried in distress.

What if they torture the twins!? How can anyone be so cruel? The children shouldn't be involved in the council's power play! So why are they using children as a shield!? Yangcha deeply exhaled as he clutched onto my body to assure me of his support as I weakly broke down in his arms... sobbing and whimpering in anguish while holding onto his sturdy torso.

We stood in... the shabby motel room... helplessly holding each other... in dread... as the deadly apocalypse... threatens our... lives with its menacing chaos.

The next day.

BLURP! I frantically shot off the bed first thing in the morning and raced towards the bathroom, causing Yangcha to jerk in a panic as he sat on the floor with a cup of ramen. Blurp! I frantically puked into the toilet bowl. Yangcha quickly sprinted inside to hold up my tangled hair as I gagged and barfed out my intestines. I sniffled in tears while rubbing my moist lips with my head lowered over the dirty toilet bowl. 

"Is it the morning sickness?" He asked as I stood up and turned to wash my lips in the sink before pressing my arms against the sink to take a deep inhale with my eyes closed... calmly recollecting my swaying mind.

"The ramen..." I whispered.

"What about it?" Yangcha asked.

"The smell is making me sick," I whispered, slightly screwing my face in discomfort. Yangcha released my hair and quickly strolled out of the bathroom to dispose of the ramen without finishing it before stepping back inside the room to open the window so the morning air could purify the odor from the room.

He must've woken up early and left to buy ramen for himself. I rubbed my runny nose and slowly walked back out to sit on the mattress in exhaustion as Yangcha adjusted the cranky fan... so it could blow the contaminated air out of the room. Yangcha exhaled, walked back toward me, and crouched down to brush his thumb over the bandage on my neck.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, looking up at me worriedly. I nauseously nodded. He tried to kiss me, but I clasped my hand over his lips to stop him. He paused and looked up at me with a questioning frown.

"You reek of ramen," I muttered. Yangcha scoffed, lowering his head to sniff his shirt.

"Araso. I'll shower," He smiled, gently patting my cheek, and got up to enter the bathroom... but he didn't shut the door and left it wide open, so I sighed and crawled onto the bed to lay on my side with my dim gaze on the opened window while rubbing my baby bump. How are the twins? I hope they're not in pain. I have to save them. No matter what it takes...

Yangcha finally stepped out of the bathroom... pulled on his spare shirt and boxer before climbing the bed to rest beside me. I blinked out of my thoughts and glanced at his sunken eyes as he tucked his forearm under his head to gaze at me.

"Did you brush your teeth?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do I smell? Still?-" He asked while sniffing his shirt, so I leaned forward to softly peck his lips. He paused. I slowly pulled away to search his eyes with troubled feelings.

"It's gone. The scent," I whispered. Yangcha smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear before brushing his thumb over my cheek.

"We'll leave tomorrow once I get my hands on the bus tickets," He whispered.

"The car?" I asked.

"I drove it into a lake last night," He whispered. I nodded as he rubbed my upper arm to soothe me.

"How'd you know I was at the mansion?" I asked without opening my eyes. Yangcha sighed and scooted closer to hug me against his warm chest, so I held his back with my face pressed against his shoulder.

"We made a promise. You'll only be away for three days. And you'll be back at the latest... a week late. Two weeks. Remember? If you don't return after two weeks... I'll find you," He whispered. I nodded.

"You should've stayed home," I whispered.

"And let them hold you captive over the twins?" He asked sorely. I opened my eyes to stare at his face. 

"What if this is a scheme? I suspect my mother is behind this commotion," I whispered.

"Your mother?" Yangcha repeated. I suddenly teared up again, but I swallowed the hot lump and stared at the leaking stains on the motel's ceiling with restless feelings.

"The night... I got pregnant. Eomma... she gave me and Jungkook... her hallucinating tea. I saw Jungkook as you and consented to the intercourse. I doubt Jungkook is aware either," I muttered. Yangcha sighed, gently placing his hand over my belly.

"So she wishes to secure the Jeon's power?" Yangcha asked. I nodded without looking away from the leakage on the ceiling.

"She knew the Jeon would detach themselves from the alliance. My mother couldn't bear to let him split Park Chulseok's power so she... used me... as a puppet... to bear his children. The twin's existence is... simply to chain Jeon Jungkook because no matter who he marries or... how many children he produces... they will be illegitimate... because the twins are the rightful heir to their father's position since they are the firstborns," I whispered. How could my mother play so dirty? How far is she willing to go...? To secure her power?

"And Kim Taehyung lured me out... so I'd attack Jeon Jungkook? If Jeon Jungkook dies... the twins will automatically inherit his assets, and your mother will bear Park Chulseok's whole power again?" Yangcha asked. I nodded.

"She knows I'm pregnant with your child. You're in more danger now because... if you die... your assets will become mine by law. Even the cult... and Kim Seokjin can't attain your power from me. My mother will try to kill you," I whispered, sadly staring at him. Yangcha turned to lie on his back with his arm rested over his head. 

"The Black Phoenix," He whispered.

"What?" I asked. Yangcha exhaled and slowly sat up to rub his face in disbelief.

"The twins. It's the Black Phoenix's ruse," Yangcha muttered. I frowned and slowly sat up to stare at him. What is he talking about?

"The cult took the twins? For what purpose?" I frowned. Yangcha clenched his jaw as he thought about the deadly power play.

"Sora. You're Park Jihyun's blood daughter. Didn't they tell you? The society is aware of your bloodline," Yangcha shifted his gaze to me. My mind suddenly turned blank as I stared at him, unable to make sense of his words. 

"W-What? How-"

"Your mother confessed at the trial when the cult tried to seize your household power. Park Jihyun had an affair with your mother, and you're his blood daughter," He whispered. I felt my heart dropping at his words and my head spinning wildly as the shocking realization swept my soul like a hurricane.

"So that's why... eomma... hated me... so much?" I whispered, slowly lifting my bewildered pupils to stare at Yangcha without blinking.

"She saw Park Jihyun in you. Your mother is messing with your life as revenge for what he did to her in the past. She's indirectly channeling her vengeance on you," Yangcha nodded. I scoffed and glanced down at my hands with my lips ajar. What about appa? Is he aware? All these years... was he fooled too? I gripped my hands in irritation.

"It doesn't matter. I have to get the twins back no matter what," I shook my head. 

"The Black Phoenix can't defy your mother once she discloses the official documents to the council. They took the twins to threaten you, I assume. I'm sure... they won't give up easily on your power because Park Bogum is older than you," Yangcha nodded. I exhaled in frustration as I frowned at the mirror on the wall.

"Yangcha. I need you to stay out of this conflict," I whispered, looking up at him in dread.

"Noona... we've spoken..."

"And you promised me to stay out of this conflict. This isn't merely a family affair but an entangled power play. You won't survive if you enter the chessboard, so please- stay hidden. It's not about my power but yours as well. My mother forced you to form a dual alliance with the cult, knowing they'd somehow try to overthrow me... but she was confident because she had the official documents," I shook my head, gently lifting my hand to caress his firm cheek.

"The witch always possessed the authorized contracts... but she was growing restless because the Jeon was wavering... so she let Jungkook break the alliance, knowing I was bearing his children. Now she has a reason to eliminate him from the game, and Taehyung is using you to hunt the half-blood. My mother knows the council is against the cult, so after Jeon Jungkook falls... the council will snap at the Black Phoenix... and she will toss you out of the game as well. Ultimately... claiming your assets to combine it... with mine," I whispered. Yangcha darkened his gaze as we intensely stared at each other.

"And Kim Taehyung? What's the trade? Why is he aiding your mother?" Yangcha frowned.

"Power. My mother will transfer Jeon Jungkook's assets to Kim Taehyung. In return... he will tame the Mins and the Jungs in the council so my mother could stabilize her position in the council and once again... assert her dominance," I replied. Yangcha clenched his jaw and lowered his head to process his thoughts.

"No. The deal is you, Sora. Once I'm eliminated... he gets you. Why else is he so determined?" Yangcha muttered. I pursed my lips as Yangcha bitterly lifted his head to search my face with a conflicted look. I rubbed my belly anxiously before leaning forward to kiss him deeply.

"I have a plan. Please- don't interfere," I whispered. Yangcha frowned at me but nodded and kissed me back. I exhaled and hugged him tightly as he rubbed my lower back to comfort my hurting soul.

Usually... I'd break down and cry and weep over my lost children, but shedding an ocean of tears would not bring them back to me.

I've always desired to live a peaceful life without disturbance but I can't do so when the players are constantly attacking me. If they want to play the power of the game... so be it. I will not back down until I hold the twins in my embrace again... and those who... hinder me shall perish.

And I will... give up everything to secure my children. Even if I have to face death.


Elite Council

Third Person POV

"You have no right to succeed Jang Sora's position! The documents are clearly authentic!" Aera snapped at Park Bogum, who was sorely eyeing her from the first row.

"Did you think... we'd give in that easily? Park Bogum is older than Jang Sora! He has every right to secure her power-"

"BUT PARK JIHYUN LEFT ALL OF HIS ASSETS UNDER JANG SORA'S NAME!" Seokjin fired at the man. The cult's people glanced at each other, suddenly erupting from their seats to leave the council.

"Stop them! You're not leaving today! I've had enough of your bullshit!" Aera snapped, storming up the stairs with the paper documents until a young woman stepped forward to block the senior alpha from attacking Park Bogum, who stood on the stairs with a poker face.

"Long time no see... ajumma...?" Yuri smirked at Ga Aera, whose face flushed in horror once she recognized her best friend's daughter.

"Get out of my way- Ah!" Aera tried to shove Yuri aside but was caught off guard when the young woman violently slashed a blade across the woman's neck.

"AERA!" Beomseok gasped, racing up the stairs in horror.

Kim Taehyung immediately launched to his feet to catch the injured woman- whose face turned pale as she gripped her torn neck in shock. Yuri emotionlessly glanced at the bloody blade and lifted her face to glare at the council... who suddenly froze in place... upon witnessing her murderous tendencies.

"YAH! WEAPONS AREN'T ALLOWED INSIDE THE ROOM!" Hoseok shouted in disbelief. Snap. Snap. Snap.

The council suddenly froze in place when the cult's people drew out their guns to aim them at the alphas, defying the council's regulation and breaking all the terms and conditions to overthrow the ace players with their dirty schemes.

Jimin quickly leaped from his seat to tear off his suit and firmly compressed it over Ga Aera's neck as her husband positioned her body upward to prevent the blood from gushing out of the open wound. Kim Taehyung seethed and snapped his burning glare toward the cult leader, who stood with a blank gaze on Mrs. Jang.

"Park Bogum is the rightful heir. Keep your pretty mouth shut, or I will make sure to end you for good," Yuri sneered at Aera, whose eyes were bulging in pain as the heavy blood gushed from her throat.

"Did you think we'd let you abuse your power in the council!? You're not leaving the room!" Seokjin bellowed, angrily slamming his hands on the desk. A flood of guards suddenly stormed inside the council with their guns aimed upward to oppose the cult, who quickly surrounded Bogum to shield him from the threatening tension within the venue.

"And so... we shall slaughter. It's either... the supreme alpha... hands over her power... to the legitimate heir... or the entire council... drops dead this instant at the wrath of the Black Phoenix. We can settle the conflict in a civilized manner... or we can use the old-school method to achieve victory with bloodshed. It's your call," Manseok chuckled as he stood pridefully beside Park Bogum. 

"Kim Taehyung. Bring Jang Sora power to me and I'll free the twins," Park Bogum lowly spoke up... causing Taehyung to snap his deadly glare at the heir in resentment before glancing at Ga Aera's dire situation.

"The kids are innocent!-"

"We won't harm them if the mother turns herself in," Manseok chuckled, slowly strolling down the stairs with an unbothered look. They stepped over Ga Aera's wounded body and strolled down the remaining steps.

The cult leader smirked at the stiff guards as they directed the guns at the flock of armed men, yet didn't dare to pull the trigger... at the risk of initiating a deadly dispute that could possibly wipe out the entire council. Yuri sneered at Aera in spite before strolling after her father as Park Bogum made his way out of the petrified venue. The council remained paralyzed... unable to counter the cult's wild strike as Ga Aera struggled to stay conscious with an open neck wound.

"Call the medics!" Jimin roared, causing everyone to snap out of their thoughts. The guards immediately secured the door after the cult people exited the room, leaving the alphas in utter chaos.

"You and your household must deal with this madness!" Namjoon snapped, storming towards the injured alpha. Beomseok suddenly lifted his wife and sprinted out of the room as Kim Taehyung clenched his jaw and lowered his blood-soaked hands to lean over the desk with his head lowered.

"The Kim will not be involved! They've already ended their alliance contract with the Jang!" Min Yoongi snapped, firing Kim Taehyung a warning glare.

"Is Jang Sora really alive!? Where the fuck is she?!" Minah snapped as Minho and Mira's household got up to leave the council since they were on the Black Phoenix's side.

"Yah! You better stay out of this! The Jang isn't our concern!" Hoseok snapped at Taehyung, who was struggling to collect his clouded mind.

"And then what?! Stay hushed?! And allow the cult to seize control of the council with Jang Sora's power?! You saw them! They violated the council's law! The Black Phoenix will destroy all of us if we don't team up to resist them! Jang Sora alone won't be able to withstand them!" Seokjin snapped at Hoseok with a furious glower.

"Where are you going...? The twins... they're your... sons... yet you won't speak a word and leave?" Taehyung finally spoke up, angrily shifting his dark pupils to the base of the venue as Jeon Jungkook... casually strolled toward the exit with his parents. The tense alphas turned to stare at Jungkook's blank face as he halted by the door with his hands in his pocket.

"Why should I be concerned? Ga Aera manipulated me into giving the supreme alpha, my heirs. Did you think I was a fool to involve myself in the conflict and fall into her trap? Deal with it if you are so pressed on wanting to be their father," Jungkook sneered at Taehyung and strolled out of the room.

"Wah~! That jerk?!- Is he seriously leaving his children to die so they can't inherit his assets?!" Jimin scoffed. Sungho deeply exhaled and left the room after Jungkook... to follow his ally. Kim Taehyung gripped his bloody fingers and lowered his head to process his wild thoughts as the alphas noisily argued around him.

Most of the households... were reluctant to resist the Black Phoenix out of fear of being targeted. While others... are determined to stop the apocalypse... before it evolves into a deadlier warfare.


Third Person POV

Kim Taehyung exhaled deeply... to expel the swelling pressure from his stuffy chest as he stood by the doorway with his arms crossed. His eyes... dimmed on the senior alpha as she rested on the medical bed with a bandage around her throat. Jang Beomseok sat listlessly by her side to hold her hand as the nurses attended to her wounds. Imo sniffled and left with the maids, so Do-hwan walked out after her, leaving Kim Taehyung alone with the man and his unconscious wife.

"Did you find Sora?" Beomseok asked, dimly staring at his wife.

"She ran off with the fucker," Taehyung exhaled. The alpha clenched his jaw and strolled away, leaving the man alone with Aera.

"Come with me," Do-hwan beckoned Taehyung as he leaned against the wall by the medical room. The alpha unsurely followed the man into the security department... where the staff were searching for the twin's whereabouts.

"What's this?" Taehyung asked as Do-hwan led him inside his office and closed the door.

"They have the twins. The Black Phoenix," Do-hwan muttered, rounding the table to access his desktop before rotating the screen to Kim Taehyung, who frowned behind the man's armchair as a video popped up.

"Where's appa~?" Woojin pouted in tears as he huddled on a dirty mattress on the floor in a dark room.

"They're quite adorable. Aren't they~?" A man chuckled, reaching out to ruffle Kanghoon's hair.

The twins trembled in fear while leaning against the moldy wall in their dirty clothes. Kim Taehyung clenched his fists in anger as he stared at their bony cheeks. Do-hwan pinched his nose bridge as the twins cried and hugged each other while eyeing the men behind the camera with their fearful bulging... doe eyes. [Edited]

The twins trembled in fear while leaning against the moldy wall in their dirty clothes. Kim Taehyung clenched his fists in anger as he stared at their bony cheeks. Do-hwan rubbed his nose as the twins cried and hugged each other while eyeing the men behind the camera with their fearful bulging... terrified doe eyes.

"Eat up, boys!" Someone laughed, tossing a dog bowl filled with soggy rice on the mattress.

The twins whimpered and hurriedly grabbed the filthy food with their bare hands to shove it inside their mouths in tears. The young souls were starving. Taehyung scoffed, suddenly turning his face away from the screen to frown at the wall as he listened to the twin's pitiful sobs while eating the filth that was given to them.

"Aigo~ They're such good boys~!" Kim Taehyung tried to calm his nerves... but his blood began boiling the longer he listened to the twin's familiar whining voices.

"Are you not going to do anything?" Do-hwan asked, finally switching off the video that was uploaded on the society's community platform.

"The Min will be furious if I get involved," Taehyung folded his arms.

"Their mother is in hiding... and the father... is neglecting the child..." Do-hwan exhaled deeply. Taehyung suddenly stormed out of the office. BANG! He slammed the door shut, startling the staff within the department. The alpha got in his car and tore straight toward the Chul's mansion... roughly braking his spinning wheels in the driveway and barged inside the Chul's property.

"What are you doing here...?" Hwa-young appeared in bewilderment as the alpha angrily marched inside her home.

"Where is that fucker?!" Taehyung snapped, roughly pushing past her. She wildly spun around as Taehyung stormed inside the mansion until Sungho strolled down the staircase with a baffled look.


"JEON JUNGKOOK! BRING HIM HERE THIS INSTANT!" Taehyung roared, furiously firing Sungho a deadly glare. 

"What do you want?! How dare you barge inside the Chul's property?!" Jungkook snapped, jogging down the stairs without his shirt on. He was sweating heavily from his workout session.

"YOU SONS ARE IN DANGER, AND YET- YOU'RE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!-" Taehyung snarled at his cousin in rage.

"Why should Jungkook be involved?! And how are you so sure it's his kids?!" Hwa-young snapped in annoyance. Taehyung scoffed.

"WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO! AND TELL ME IF IT'S NOT HIS FUCKING SPERMS?!" Taehyung yelled at her. Sungho frowned at Taehyung and glanced at Jungkook, whose face was burning red. 

"So? The child is born outside of wedlock. They're illegitimate heirs," Jungkook shrugged. Taehyung gritted his teeth, suddenly launching forward to attack his cousin- but Sungho quickly grabbed Taehyung's collar just as he threw a rough punch against Jungkook's jaw. SMACK.

"THEN WHY DID YOU FUCK HER? WHY DID YOU FUCK HER THAT NIGHT?! YOU WERE AWARE!- SHE MIGHT'VE BEEN DRUGGED BUT YOU!- YOU WERE FUCKING AWARE!" Taehyung bellowed at Jeon Jungkook, who was covering his bleeding nose in disbelief.

"SHE CHOSE TO LEAVE ME! I'M NOT TAKING THE FALL FOR HER! I HAVE A FIANCÉE AND A BABY TO RAISE AS WELL!" Jungkook snapped at Taehyung, who froze and glanced at Hwa-young with a startled look. She backed away with her hands clasped over her stomach.

"You're pregnant?" Sungho whispered, staring at his sister in horror. She pursed her lips and glanced at Jungkook, who was rubbing off the fresh blood from his nostril with the back of his hand.

"So... you're not going to do anything and let the twins perish? Yeah? Just because... They weren't born with love between you two? So you'll leave them... to die...? Just so the baby in her womb can flourish?!" Taehyung snapped, averting his disappointed gaze to his cousin for neglecting the children as he shakily pointed at Chul Hwa-young.

"I won't... be involved. They're not my family," Jungkook sternly glared at Taehyung. The alpha suddenly snatched Hwa-young's wrist and pulled her with him... leaving Sungho standing awkwardly in the room. Taehyung huffed and lowered his face to rub his nose bridge in frustration.

"If you wish to overthrow the cult... lure out the Jaguar. That is the only way to resist Park Bogum," Sungho sighed, strolling back up the stairs. Kim Taehyung swallowed the hard lump in his throat and stormed out of the mansion with his fists clenched after he failed to convince his cousin to rescue the twins.


Fast Forward

On a gloomy afternoon... right before dawn... a flood of black cars entered the Jang's mansion. The Jang dreadfully stared at the intrusion from behind their mansion's door as the cult leader stepped out of the car... followed by Park Bogum and Chung Yuri. Jang Beomseok glanced at his wife... who was sitting in her wheelchair with a frightened expression.


Imo backed away against the maid as the hooded men forced their way inside the property, causing the maid to retreat against the wall. Do-hwan clenched his forearm as Chung Manseok stormed inside the living room to sit on the couch across from Ga Aera's wheelchair. His muddy... footsteps... staining the marble tiles and soaking the carpet with filth.

"I'll give you until midnight to hand over the contract, or I'll slaughter the entire household. No one will be spared," Chung Manseok smiled at Aera as she gripped her wheelchair. Jang Beomseok exhaled and glanced at the innocent maids, imo and the guards on standby.

Jang Beomseok had ordered all of his people to back down because he did not wish to waste their lives over his household affairs.


"I HAVE TO HELP THEM!" Taehyung snapped at Yoongi, who was glaring at the alpha's determination to rescue the Jangs as they remained at the fintech corporation.

"You're aware it's against the contract agreements to be involved with another household's affair!" Min Yoongi snapped. Kim Taehyung rubbed his face in distress.

"It's not the Jang that I'm trying to save! It's the twins! They're innocent!" Taehyung argued. Min Yoongi scoffed and turned away to rub his forehead.

"If the mother and the father aren't willing to do anything! Then why are you involved?! Stay out of the conflict! We'll chase Jae Yangcha down after the cult ends the Jang!" Yoongi snapped. Taehyung clenched his jaw and lowered his face in frustration when the rainstorm suddenly drummed the glass wall with its harsh downpour.

"Are you really going to remain on the sideline like a coward... just because the parents are muted? And watch them murder those children? You're a fucking monster if you're unbothered by the children's sacrifice to fuel a war in the power game!" Taehyung scoffed, lifting his angered expression to Min Yoongi. [Edited]

"Just because the parents are muted... Are you really going to stay on the sideline? And watch them murder those children? You're a fucking monster if you're unbothered by the children's sacrifice to fuel a war in the power game!" Taehyung asked, lifting his angered expression to Yoongi.

"Sometimes... the sideline is the only boundary to ensure our survival," Yoongi dimmed his eyes before strolling out of the office. Slump. Kim Taehyung gripped his wild hair and lowered his face to the desk in defeat.

Fast Forward

"Please! Stop-! No- Hit me instead!" Imo begged, desperately kneeling beside Jang Beomseok, who was coughing out blood on the carpet. Yuri rubbed her aching knuckles- THUMP! She kicked him hard in the chest, sending the man flying backward. Imo screamed, quickly grabbing Beomseok as he sat up with black eyes, swollen lips, and a bleeding nose.

"You're quite heartless. Why did you marry her?" Manseok laughed while eyeing Aera, who sat stiffly in her seat with her burning glare on the cult leader. She couldn't speak, but her spiteful pupils were enough to set anything upon her gaze... on fire with her wrath.

"Should I beat her up too? Maybe she'll speak?" Yuri asked, nodding at Aera as she sat in the wheelchair.

"N-No! I'll take it all! Leave her alone!" Beomseok grunted as he kneeled before Yuri. Imo sobbed in pain as she held onto the man's arm to support his injured body. The maids were crying by the walls as Do-hwan stood stiffly behind Ga Aera. He too... was ordered to remain in his position.

"Aigo~ Are you seriously going to let your husband... suffer until his last breath? You're a very heartless woman, aren't you~! Ah- That's right! You never loved him! It's Park Jihyun! Your lover boy~!" Manseok mocked Aera's dark frown. She had the official documents, but the cult wasn't going to let her win the case... so the Black Phoenix is using their manpower to corner the Jang since the council is unwilling to interfere with their household affair.

"Time is running out," Park Bogum sighed, glancing out the mansion's arch window to stare at the violent rainstorm... splashing forcefully against the transparent glass. The strong wind gust... suddenly blasting through the doors, causing Beomseok and Imo to shiver from the cold. Still. Ga Area maintained a firm expression as she stubbornly sat in her wheelchair.

"We should kill them now. It won't make any difference," Yuri grunted, crouching down to smirk at Beomseok's deep cut over his cheekbone. Imo whimpered and hugged the man in distress.

"Wah~ I thought... the mother and father would come running for their children and family. But it seems like... you're all hopeless here. Ga Aera. This is the outcome of your greed. I heard you drugged your daughter so she could be fucked by the half-blood because you desperately wanted to reclaim your lost power? Hah~! The twin's life is worthless after all~ How disappointing~!" Beomseok smirked. Aera intensely gripped her wheelchair but didn't bulge.

SMACK. Imo gasped when Yuri shoved her aside and slapped Beomseok, hard across his face. The man groaned and slumped to the floor as Yuri drew out her blade to spin in between her fingers.

"Love is a myth. A lie. A weakness. Beomseok-ah~! You should've married a faithful woman who dearly loved you when you had the chance. Did you think you could win over a heart... that's already been torn to shreds by another man? How foolish~!" The cult leader chuckled at Mr. Jang... whose bloody drool... dripped messily onto the dirty floor.

"R-Release the maids... and the guards," Beomseok grunted in pain while struggling to sit up with an aching rib.

"Master! Don't say such absurd things!" Imo sobbed in distress. Beomseok shook his head and looked up at Yuri for mercy with his bloodshot eyes.

"Would you take the kill for him then? If you're so loyal?" Manseok laughed. Imo sobbed and lifted her palms to beg the cult.

"Pl-Please spare the Jang! Please- I'll do anything- Ugh!" Imo tried to beg when Yuri slapped the woman hard across her face, causing the maids to whimper in shock.

They rushed forward to lift the old woman... who sat up with a dazed frown as the thick blood oozed from her nostrils due to the blunt impact. Beomseok pursed his lips and glanced at imo... who had... fainted from a single blow to her face. The maids softly whimpered and hugged the motionless woman to shield her from Yuri's deadly strikes.

"Ah~! Enough~! Time's up! Kill the man first and everyone else... leave Ga Aera to witness the whole circus show. I'll let her uphold her pride until her last breath," Manseok ordered. STAB. Do-hwan's mouth fell open when Yuri plunged the knife right into Beomseok's chest before her father could finish talking. The maids screamed in horror as their master coughed and lowered his face to stare at the blade... that was lodged deep inside his chest.

"I'll let you bear the punishments of your wife's crimes. You'll do it for her right? In the name of love?" Yuri smirked, aggressively yanking the blade out of Beomseok's chest. Snatch! The man weakly collapsed to the side... so the maids shrieked and grabbed their wounded master while weeping in despair as he choked in pain.

"End him," Manseok's smile suddenly dropped. Yuri quickly raised the knife over Beomseok again- THUMP! Yuri gasped when Aera suddenly shot off the wheelchair to tackle her off Jang Beomseok.

"Hhmmp! Hmmp!" Aera tried to speak as she tearfully held Yuri down- but she was too weak. Smack! Yuri punched Aera in the face... sending the wounded woman... rolling over the floor.

"YAH!-" Do-hwan bellowed.

"DOHWAN! I SAID STOP- Y-YOU NEED TO PROTECT- SO- SORA!" Beomseok roared, sitting up with his hand clasped over his bleeding chest.

The chief guard halted with a troubled frown as Beomseok turned to crawl toward his wife as she sprawled on the floor... too weak to lift her limbs... so she cried helplessly while staring at the glimmering chandelier above her as the heavy tear streams dripped from the corner of her eyes. She whimpered in pain as her husband... grabbed her hand with his bloody fingers.

"Beom- Beomseo-" Aera whispered hoarsely as the man drew her into a sitting position, gently holding her against his punctured wound.

"Don't talk- It's okay. I know-" Beomseok sniffled while holding his wife against his shoulder. Aera whimpered with her torn eyes on his beaten face... weakly sobbing in despair as she clutched onto her husband. 

"Ah! I'm so frustrated! Why are you crying when you are the culprit behind so many deaths!? Die, you fucking evil fuckers! Die!" Yuri angrily raised her knife to stab Beomseok- but Aera unexpectedly swung her body over his to pin him down.

Beomseok's eyes flung open in horror as Yuri sunk her knife into Aera's back. STAB! STAB! STAB! Aera grasped tightly onto Beomseok, who remained frozen under her. Do-hwan gripped his fists and glanced at the group of maids, who were left in utter shock upon witnessing the cruelty of the Phoenix's wrath.

As much as he wanted to launch forward... the chief guard knew... he had to save the others.

"Aera!- No! S-Stop! Please!- PLEASE!" Beomseok howled in devastation as Yuri snatched the blade out of Aera's back and stumbled backward with the soaked knife.

The man quickly pushed his wife off his body and sat up to hold her as she whimpered in pain while enduring the painful wounds all over her back. Jang Beomseok wailed in extreme anguish and tightly hugged her dying body against him until her white gown turned dark red from being drenched in her own blood.

"I- love- you- Beomseok- I'm sorry- for everything- I've always- loved you since- the day- we got- together- ah- I'm so sorry-" Aera cried in pain as she struggled to vocalize her aching throat. Beomseok cried with an aching heart as he hugged his severely injured wife in desperation.

"Disgusting! I wanna puke! ARGH!" Yuri screamed, trying to stab Aera again-

"STOP!" Someone screamed.

Yuri halted and spun around to stare at the cold downpour as... a person... tumbled through the front door... soaked in the cold shower. Do-hwan quickly averted his startled gaze to the supreme alpha as she whimpered and crawled over the slippery tiles on her soaked shoes. 

"S-Sora! No- You shouldn't be here!" Beomseok gasped while cradling his wife on the floor. Sora lifted her bloodshot eyes to stare at her parents' dreadful state and quickly scrambled to her feet.

"Ah... You're finally here...? We were just having a little bit of fun here," Manseok chuckled. Sora fired Park Bogum a deadly glare as she limped inside the living room with a resentful glower.

"I'll hand you my power! All of it!- So leave my family alone and bring back the twins!" Sora shrieked in anger.

"Sora! It's a trap! They'll kill you after you sign the contract- so leave!" Beomseok warned in tears as he struggled to breathe with his aching chest. Aera sniffled and hugged her husband in pain as the maids crawled forward to surround the wounded alphas.

They refused to leave their masters' side and chose to form a barrier to protect the elders.

"Bring the contracts," Manseok grinned wickedly with his yellowish crooked teeth.

"Do-hwan, bring the contract," Sora shifted her stern gaze to the man. He clenched his jaw and strolled away. Jang Sora glanced at imo, who was unconscious beside the maids... and at her severely wounded mother.

"Aigo~ You should've arrived earlier and spared your parents the pain~!" The cult leader apologetically stood up to face Sora. She glanced at Park Bogum again, who was sitting blankly on the side of the couch before shifting her resentful gaze to Yuri, who gripped her bloody knife uneasily upon Sora's presence. Do-hwan eventually returned with the folder with a golden seal on it.

"Get it over quickly and leave!" Sora snapped, snatching the file and pen from Do-hwan. She flipped open the folder, signed the document, and hurled it at Manseok, causing the files to flutter to the floor. The man chuckled and lowered his body to collect the document.

"That was very hasty..." He chuckled while flipping through the thin pages with a smug expression. The man closed the folder and looked up at Sora, who was intensely glaring at him.

"Leave, you fucker!" Sora screamed, angrily pointing at the opened door. The man smirked and glanced at the wounded alphas before shifting his eyes back to her.

"Kill everyone," Manseok ordered. Sora's eyes widened in horror. Yuri violently spun around with the blade as the cult's people lifted their guns at the maids.

"ARGH!" Yuri screamed, attempting to finish off Gae Aera- THUMP!

Do-hwan violently tackled the woman onto the floor. He quickly disabled the knife from her grip, grabbed her face and slammed her head hard against the floor. THUD! THUD! THUD! Yuri groaned in pain as the man smashed her head against the marble tiles, causing Bogum's eyes to widen in fear. Sora screamed and rushed towards Park Bogum, causing Beomseok to howl in fear as he watched the cult shift their gun barrels at his daughter.

"YOU FUCKER!" Sora screamed, launching at Park Bogum- BOOM. Something zoomed right through the mansion's opened door and exploded. CRACK!

Sora's POV

I spun around in horror as the smoke bomb went off inside the living room. My eyes immediately started tearing up as Yuri fanned her face in horror. Thump!- She kicked Do-hwan off her body and scrambled to her feet with a smashed head. Someone suddenly dropped to the floor. THUMP! THUMP!! THUMP!!! A few more men tumbled to the ground before they could make sense of the situation. I sucked in my breath as the white smoke filled the entire mansion with its suffocating haze.

"SHIT! Don't inhale the gas!" Yuri screamed, suddenly dashing towards me. I toppled to the side as she grabbed Bogum from the couch and raced away before I could stop her. Thump! Thump! Thump!

"Sora!-Leave now!" Do-hwan snapped as the smoke bombs fired inside the mansion repeatedly until I couldn't see anyone but the dense fog.

The cult frantically fled the property as the maids and guards tried to assist my parents... but they too... began to wobble and collapsed to the side. I coughed and quickly rushed towards the opened door through the thick haze until my mind... started spinning dizzily. Who's doing this?!

"S-STOP! YAH!" I screamed as the cult leader hopped in his car with Bogum and Yuri. Zoom! The cars blasted out of the mansion as the frantic guards raced inside the smoke-filled room to rescue the survivors.

Thump! I collapsed onto the wet pavement as the cold shower drummed relentlessly over my numbed face. Shit! I shook my head and lifted my face to crawl after the cars as they shot through the mansion's opened gate... when my limbs... suddenly grew weak from being intoxicated by the gas.

"The twins! Where are they!? ARGH!-" I screamed while crawling helplessly on the wet pavement.


The frantic shouts echoed... all over the property... after the cult fled with my contract...  and without returning the twins. I whimpered and tried to get back up as the guards raced back and forth to help the maids and my parents.

Someone suddenly grabbed my upper arm to yank me onto my feet, causing my mind to spin like a whirlpool, so I coughed and gripped his neck for support as he bent down to lift my weak body... under the harsh downpour. My head flopped weakly to the side as my blurry vision gradually concentrated on his familiar face... distorting and splitting into multiple frames.

Kim Taehyung darkly frowned as I listened to my laborious breathing in my ears. He stormed forward with my frail body in his arms, so... I shakily panted as my head swayed and spun all over the place. Coughing hysterically... I gripped his shoulder and glanced at the looming mansion as a flood of ambulances entered the property... followed by a squad of armed guards.

"I'll take charge of the medics! Send out the ambulance!" Jung Hoseok roared.

"Secure the mansion and capture the fallen cult!" Min Yoongi ordered.

I gripped Taehyung's shoulder as I tried to focus my gaze on the alphas, who stepped out of their respective cars to handle the commotion as... Kim Taehyung raced me through the cold thunderstorm... until my head flopped backward. My hands suddenly dropped to my sides after the gas fully numbed my nerves... to put me out of my misery.

The last thing I remembered... was the warmth of the... Lone Wolf... as it carried my lifeless body through the drumming icy droplets of the relentless shower.

Crack. The sky suddenly lit up to blind my sight with its brightness.

And suddenly... I couldn't hear the chaotic calls... move my weak muscles... or sense the rotting pain within my chest anymore... defeated by... the ravaging disorder... of the deadly apocalypse.


Make sure to reload the chapter! I added an additional picture of the stream and ducks scenery!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! Was it intense?! Did you have fun!? Ah! I'll be a little busy after this so I might be late! Thank you for supporting Alpha! Have a nice day and make sure to take care of yourself! I'll respond to your comments once I'm free from school! Love you guys~!!! <3

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