Kcris & Jeena

By Kcristy_

668 114 39

Kcris is a businesswoman who also loves to dance and create music and so owns a studio alongside many busines... More

Jeena misunderstands Kcris.
Kcris helps Jeena.
Kcris meets Alex, the girlfriend.
Kcris has a daughter?
Jeena makes Kcris walk away for good.
Alex is in the hospital.
Jeena learns the truth.
Finally, both meet once again.
Jeena meets Mrs. Fabiola.
Jeena and Alex end up fighting.
Kcris takes Jeena to meet Casey.
Casey died 5 years ago.
Jeena learns about Kcris' past.
Kcris finally visits Casey.
Kcris saves Jeena from an accident.
Dinner at Fabiolas' mansion.
Jeena is targeted in college.
Jeena finds Alex cheating on her.
Kcris can't see Jeena hurting.
Jeena learns all about Alex's lies
I'll be your cocoon.
Jeena wants to gift a bulb onion.
Kcris and Jeena, to live together.
Jeena is pissed off at Kcris.
Jeena is booked as a suspect.
Alex surrenders.
Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.
Kcris meets an old college friend.
Kcris goes missing.
Jeena tries to clear the misunderstanding.
Jeena to stay with Ayesha.
Kcris and Alaric go drinking.
Kcris learns about Jeena's smoking habit.
Alaric kisses Kcris.
Kcris and Jeena have a moment.
Kcris sees Dr. Sammy.
Will Jeena agree to Kcris' proposal?
Kcris is rushed to the hospital.
A day to date.
Is it a one-day relationship?
Kcris is back from the UK?
Jeena meets Kcris' mother.
Both start living together again.
Na Bi likes Kcris since her college days.
Kcris' arm is the new pillow.
Jeena is poisoned.
Neil visits Jeena in the hospital.
Jeena goes to Angelica's office.
Jeena wants a sugar-mommy.
Arson in Kcris' office.
Jeena defends Na Bi in front of all.
Neil is Kcris' new investor.
Jeena picks up Kcris from the airport.
Name it as you like.
One fine day...

Cat is out of the bag.

4 1 0
By Kcristy_

Jeena in confusion, says, “I love you too, Kcris. But, why were you laughing?”
"For no reason, silly girl. I'm just wondering how come my miss-know-it-all doesn't realize such a simple thing."
"What do you mean? What simple thing, Kcris?"
"That you were jealous of Na Bi, my love."
"No, Kcris. I wasn't."
Kcris instead of saying anything else, makes a 'Are you sure' face and this gets Jeena thinking that maybe Kcris is right.
"But, Kcris... Why am I jealous of Na Bi?"
"My little girl, this question doesn't need much deliberation as the answer is quite simple i.e., because you love me. Now, stop overthinking, and help me clean. Jeena, I still need to head back to the office."
"What? Aren't you gonna stay the night, Kcris?"
"No, baby. I still have some work left for the day."
"Tch." Jeena clicks her tongue in disappointment.
"Why, Jeena? What's wrong?"
"Kcris, you shouldn't have come only. Why are you unnecessarily tiring yourself by going to and fro between the office and home?"
Kcris pulls Jeena by her waist into a hug. Kcris while holding Jeena closer, starts to play with Jeena's hair. Kcris, then, in a seductive tone goes like, "Because, I couldn't take my beautiful girl out for lunch this afternoon. And so, I decided to have dinner with her as I didn't want her to miss me too much."
Jeena tries to resist Kcris, but it doesn't stop Kcris from doing whatever she wishes to. Besides, it's not like Jeena is trying hard enough. Jeena herself likes it when Kcris is close to her. The only words coming out of Jeena's mouth are 'Kcris... Stop... Kcris'. But, these words are totally opposite of what exactly Jeena wants and this is evident from the slow moaning tone in which Jeena is asking Kcris to stop. And also, right now, Jeena's body language is clearly of the type who wants more, more of Kcris, more of Kcris' touch, more of her kisses, more of her everything.
Jeena is totally entrapped in Kcris' charm and is feeling a bit shy. It seems Jeena's endurance is coming to its limit as she clenches both of her hands tightly, holding on to the hem of her dress. Kcris gives only a moment to Jeena to get a hold of herself when she pulls her hand out of Jeena's hair. But, this short-lived moment comes to an end when Kcris starts to caress Jeena's face. The moment Kcris' thumb slides over Jeena's lips, Jeena feels a jolt of electricity passing through her entire body. The way Kcris' hand is moving from Jeena's face to her neck and to... is making Jeena's already fast-pacing heart to beat even faster. Kcris in a slightly flirtatious, but seductive voice asks Jeena if she can kiss her. Jeena says nothing and slowly nods in approval. Kcris starts to fervently kiss Jeena. Both are entirely lost in each other. A few minutes later, Kcris separates from Jeena and goes like, “Jeena, please stop. We can’t do this right now. You have your exam tomorrow and I also have to head back to the office. Let’s get this cleaned up quickly.”
Jeena lets go of Kcris, but is sulking, saying, “Kcris, you are always raining over my parade.”
Kcris smiles and says nothing. While doing the dishes, Jeena goes like, “Kcris.”
“Huh?” (Kcris says, more like asks, ‘What Jeena’.)
“Isn’t it your birthday this weekend?”
Kcris thinks for a moment, and in slight confusion says, “Yes, I think so. But, why do you ask and how come you know about my birthday? I never told you.”
“Well… isn’t it you, Kcris who always asks me to get something or the other from your wallet every now and then? So, this one time, I took the liberty of sneaking a peak at your ID.”
Kcris chuckles and smiles, going like, “Okay.”
Though Kcris doesn’t ask any further, Jeena does have a question for Kcris, “So, how are you gonna celebrate your birthday?”
Kcris casually tells Jeena that the company does throw a party every year for her birthday. This makes Jeena a little surprised and she asks Kcris, “What about you? What do you want? How do you want to celebrate your birthday? It’s your birthday anyway, so…”
This creates a bit of confusion in Kcris' mind as she has never given much thought about her birthday, after all for her, it's just a normal day.
"Should I think about it, Jeena? Anyway, you speak your mind. What are your thoughts?"
"I thought, as you are in a relationship now, maybe you would like to try something different."
"Oh-okay, Jeena, Well, this something new of ours... You are in charge of thinking this through. And as the dishes are done, I'll head back to the office."
Kcris removes the apron, puts on her blazer, gets the car keys, and is ready to go out when Jeena asks, "Kcris, one more thing."
"What, my love?"
"Can I call Tessa to ask about your schedule and all? I don't want to mess up. Trust me, Kcris, I won't take much of her time."
Kcris smiles and kisses Jeena's forehead, going like, "Whatever you need, my love."
Kcris leaves and Jeena goes back to studying. Kcris has just gotten into the elevator after parking her car when she gets a call from Jeena. Kcris right away picks up the call and asks, "Are you okay, Jeena?" Jeena, upon hearing Kcris' voice, thinks that may be Kcris is worried, so Jeena immediately tells her, "I am okay. Nothing to worry I just called you because I have one more question for you."
Jeena is supposed to be sleeping right now, but instead, she is calling Kcris. Obviously, Kcris will be worried. Kcris has a sigh of relief, hearing Jeena is okay. Also, knowing that Jeena has one more question for her makes Kcris almost laugh. But, Kcris somehow controls her laugh in front of Jeena and tells Jeena to ask whatever she needs to know.
“Kcris whenever you kiss me or come close to me, you always seek my permission first. And, if I am even a bit uncomfortable, you simply back off.
Kcris interrupts and goes like, “So, is there a problem with that, Jeena? You can tell me if you don’t like anything or want me to change something in the way I behave.”
“Shh…” Jeena makes this sound to make Kcris stop saying anything further. Kcris right away becomes mum, and lets Jeena speak.
“No, there is no problem with this or the way you behave. What I ask is that whenever you kiss me on my forehead, you never ask and just kiss, why it is so.”
"Because that's my right. That's how I show my care and concern for you. That's the love, I'll keep giving you and I don't need anybody's, for that matter not even your permission for it."
"Okay, Kcris. Now, I get it."
"I hope all your questions are over now. How about, you go and have some sleep as you have your exam tomorrow?"
"Okay, Kcris, I am going to sleep now. Good night. Love you, Kcris."
"Love you, too."
Kcris has a big, wide, beautiful smile on her face when she comes out of the elevator which Kcris clearly is unaware of. But, on the other hand, Tessa does notice it, and hence, in a slightly teasing manner asks Kcris, "Did someone have a nice dinner?"
Kcris is shyly blushing hearing this and pleads with Tessa to not tease her anymore.
Finally, Jeena's exams are over. Ayesha has also returned to her condo. The big day that Jeena has been waiting to plan all along i.e., Kcris' birthday has also come.
Kcris decides to work till late in the evening and asks Tessa to inform Jeena about the same. This is so as to give Jeena enough time to do whatever she has been planning for the day without any hustle.
Around 11:45 p.m., Kcris reaches home. Kcris, based on how much she knows about Jeena, is expecting Jeena to prepare something small or intimate for Kcris' birthday. So, Kcris is a bit surprised to see all of her friends at her house. Ray, Tessa, Sean, Sky, Amy, Peter, Sammy, Na Bi, Maria, along with Kcris' brother Neil are the ones whom Jeena has known. And a few more guests whom Jeena doesn't know are also there. Tessa has asked Jeena to invite them as well because they are also Kcris' close friends. Kcris goes to her room after greeting her friends. Jeena has already placed Kcris' outfit, her shoes, and everything Kcris may need on the bed. After Kcris comes out of her room, everyone gives her presents. And, once everybody is done giving their gifts to Kcris, Kcris looks at Jeena who has been standing at some distance from her, and asks her, "Don't you have anything for me?"
Jeena comes forward and goes like, “What can I give to a person who practically has everything? And, if not everything, you do have the power to acquire everything, so what can I give you, Kcris?"
Kcris without even thinking straight away says, "You."
Kcris upon realizing what she has just said, starts to smile. Luckily, Kcris hasn't said it out loud and also there is music, so nobody notices it. Jeena turns off the music to grab everyone's attention. Jeena then takes the mic and without any hesitation goes like, "Kcris, you already have me. Though unofficially, still, you have always had me all along."
Hearing this, everyone is shocked as no one has the faintest idea about what Jeena is trying to say here. Kcris, in surprise, asks Jeena, "Really?"
Jeena nods with a yes. Kcris can't believe her eyes and ears, so she asks Jeena again, "Are you really sure about this, Jeena? There is no turning back from here. Because then, I won't let you leave."
Jeena shouts, "Yes, Kcris. I am one hundred percent sure."
Kcris immediately rushes to Jeena and hugs her in excitement. Jeena almost falls backward, but Kcris’ grip is so good that Jeena doesn’t trip, and also, Kcris would never let Jeena fall. Jeena is feeling a bit awkward in front of so many people. “Kcris, everyone is looking.”
Kcris smiles and says, “Let them see.” Kcris then starts to kiss Jeena passionately. Jeena stops resisting, and starts to kiss Kcris with the same vigor. Initially, everyone is shocked to see all this happening in front of them. But later, some are happy to see Kcris and Jeena together, while some are just surprised to see Kcris ending up being with Jeena.
Kcris takes the mic from Jeena and tells everyone that they both have been in a relationship for almost eight months. Hearing this, Amy and Sky’s happiness has no bounds. It seems that both Amy and Sky have been waiting for this to happen. So, both go to Kcris and Jeena and hug them while jumping and screaming, being all happy and elated. But, to Kcris and Jeena’s surprise, Amy while hugging Kcris says something in Kcris’ ear which shocks her. Jeena asks Kcris about the same, but Kcris refuses to tell, saying it’s nothing.
After people are done congratulating Kcris and Jeena, music is turned back on and everyone is back to enjoying the party. Up until now, Jeena who has been by Kcris’ side all along, lets go of Kcris’ hand and starts to walk away. Kcris immediately grabs Jeena’s hand back into hers.
“Jeena, where are you going, love?”
Jeena sarcastically answers Kcris, “Definitely not to get rid of you.”
“Oh-ho! Kcris. I am just going to the kitchen to get your cake.”
Jeena gets the cake, lights the candle, and asks Kcris to make a wish. Kcris is slightly embarrassed and so, she speaks in a very low voice, “Jeena, I ain't a kid anymore.”
Someone from the guests goes like, “It’s okay to be a kid once in a while.”
But, this doesn’t help Kcris with her embarrassment. As a last resort, Kcris says, “Jeena, my wish already came true a couple of months back when you agreed to be my girlfriend. So, why don’t you make a wish for yourself?”
Jeena makes a wish, and both blow out the candle together. Kcris cuts the cake, and after picking up the first slice of the cake, Kcris looks at Neil.
It seems as if Kcris is seeking Neil's permission to have Jeena take the first bite. All these years, Kcris has been asking Neil to have the first bite of the cake. So Kcris thinks, it's only fair to ask Neil first, after all, he is the only family member Kcris is left with. Neil happily says yes. Once Kcris feeds Jeena the cake, Neil comes close to Kcris and hugs her for a happy birthday. Neil slices a piece of cake to feed Kcris. Before Kcris can eat the cake, Jeena swats away Neil's hand and the cake slice falls on the ground. This makes Neil very furious.
"How rude of you, Jeena? I just let you be the first person in my sister's life and this is how you reciprocate. How ungrateful of you?"
"No, Neil, it's..." And Neil has already walked out of the party.
Seeing this, everybody starts to berate Jeena. And before Jeena can say anything in her defense, she falls on the floor, holding her stomach. Kcris ignores everyone and immediately tends to Jeena.
"What's wrong with you, Jeena?"
"Kcris, something is wrong with the cake." And, Jeena passes out.
Kcris stands up and yells, "EVERYBODY OUT OF MY HOUSE, RIGHT NOW."
At the same time, Kcris asks Paraam (Kcris' driver) to get the car as Jeena needs to be taken to the hospital.

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