Sonic's Unwanted Harem

By LeJesterVixen

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Alt. Universe - The blue blur just does what he does best, saving lives and living free as the wind while oc... More

01. One Year Ago
02. Home
03. Letters
04 Crystal Cavern Part 1
05 Crystal Cavern Part 2
06 Crystal Cavern Part 3
07. Talk Part 1
08. Voices Part 1
09. First Part 1
10. First Part 02
11. First Part 03
12. Voices Part 02
13. Reunion
14. Talk Part 02
15. Rest Pt 01
16. Letter Pt. 02
17. Searching Pt. 01
18. Searching Pt. 02
19. Talk PT. 03
20. Deal Pt 01
21. Deal Pt 02
Sonic Train - PT 01
22. Home Pt. 02
23. Presence
24. Home Pt. 03
25. Haywire
26. Countdown Pt. 1
27. Countdown Pt. 2
28. Countdown Pt. 3
29. Troubled Pt. 01
30. Birthday Pt. 01
31. Birthday Pt. 02
32. Birthday Pt. 03
Characters ! PT 1
33. Haywire PT. 02
Characters! Pt. 2
34. Searching Pt. 03
35. Rest Pt. 02
36. Friend
38. Showtime Pt 01.
39. Showtime - Part 02
40. Rest Pt. 03
41. Promise
42 Talk Pt 04
43. You
44. Talk Pt. 05
45. Just Another Normal Day

37. Countdown Pt. 04

232 10 98
By LeJesterVixen

Warnings: This chapter contains language, mild blood, and mild sexual themes.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Angel Island - Base of Altar - 7:06 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Black and yellow eyes look to the side, refusing to watch such a disturbing display of... consumption. "Forgive me. I did not realize you were in the middle of dining."

Fangs rips flesh apart before Exe chews on the raw meat. Ligaments and tendons hang from the severed torso of a sheep Mobian where the arm connects to. Blood drips onto the stone ground leading to the Master Emerald, desecrating the sacred altar.

Exe swallows the meat before he sucks on his left fang, trying to get a piece caught in between his teeth before he looks back at the body, specifically the breast. "Sheep are supposed to have milk, right?" He rips the shirt off the corpse and squeezes the teat, seeing if it will produce any milk. After a few failed attempts he just shrugs and rips the breast off the body. "Guess she was a bad bunch in the heard."

Finetivus keeps his gaze averted elsewhere and covers his nose. He's used to the smell of blood but witnessing someone feast like this... He shouldn't be surprised that this creature is a cannibal. The way that he gnashes on the flesh to rip it apart is appalling but it shows just how much this creature truly does not care for anyone's life.

When the hedgehog had returned the girl was still alive; was being the operative word. He had made a mockery to the Master Emerald and sacrificed the sheep to it, despite Tikal's protest. The only good thing is that he didn't spill any blood on the sacred gem. Even if Finetivus has betrayed his tribe to live his own life as he wants, he still has enough pride to want to keep the Master Emerald safe, to a degree at least. If anything should happen to the Master Emerald then it's because of his own doing, not some non-echidna filth.

"So," Exe takes a bite out of the breast in his hand, really disappointed there's no milk to go with his meal, "-what'd ya find? I hope it's important for your sake." He pops the rest of the mound in his mouth before he reaches into the now opened torso, pulling out a lung to feast on it next.

Finetivus needs to word this carefully. He needs to tell this creature that the Black Market has gotten a hold of Sonic, but he doesn't want to risk Chaos' life. No, both Chaos and Tikal with be a use to him when Knuckles becomes Enerjak. 'He's making me appreciate my heritage once again...' Finetivus frowns at the thought. He liked it better when he didn't have a conscience about his people, but he'll worry about that another time. "I have received word from the Black Market."

Exe stops mid bite and looks intently at the black and yellow eyes. He tilts his head to the side and drops his meal on the ground, letting more blood pool underneath the body. "And?"

"They have Sonic." The tone in Finetivus' voice is completely deadpanned. He doesn't want to give any information away about Chaos being restored to his original state or that he was the one who called the Black Market in the first place.

A clawed thumb wipes the back of his lips as Exe just stares at the white echidna. "What of that little god?"

"Presumably still after Sonic though I don't know if he and the god Solaris have encountered each other yet or not."

A blue eyebrow raises. "You're telling me that demi-god bitch who took my Love away from me had just given Sonic to the Black Market?"

Finetivus narrows his eyes slightly as he looks back to the hedgehog. He needs to be firm and not point a finger at anyone in general. "I'm saying that the Black Market has Sonic. How it happened, I do not know."

Red and black eyes keep their gaze on the echidna and an eerie, fanged grin goes across the pale muzzle. He knows there's a lot more to what the scientist is telling him. The scent of lies is in the air... 'or maybe it's the stench of the sheep.' Either way, he'll just play along for now. If anything, this just secures the fact that he will definitely kill the echidna and he will enjoy every second of it.

"Very well," Exe looks at the corpse and extends his hand and shoots a red blast, eviscerating it. The only thing that remains are scorched marks on the ground. "-give me the details and I'll go from there."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Outskirts of Acorn Kingdom - 7:15 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The sun is starting to set, giving the sky a nice orange glow and clouds have a pink and purple hue to them. A gentle breeze sweeps across the land, making leaves dance a little.

Sitting on an overturned log near a creek are the engaged couple, the monkey holding onto his fiancé's hand as he watches the small fish swim down the stream while listening to her talk. Though, the look of relaxation is far from his face. No, even with his eyes closed he looks bothered.

Sally absentmindedly pulls her hand free from his grasp and stands up, tapping her forefinger against her chin as she starts pacing back and forth. "...I'm not sure who else we can ask for help to save Sonic. Wait," she turns and starts walking the other way, "-I'm not sure we should involve others in this, especially because of that stalker." She finally turns to Kahn. "We never even got his name, huh?"

Another sigh leaves Kahn and he slowly shakes his head. "No, we didn't-"

"Ugh," Sally starts pacing again. "-what does he want with Sonic? It can't possibly just be because he's in love with him. There's no way real love would drive someone to do something so evil. This is ludicrous."

Kahn sighs and rubs his eyes before he looks to his fiancé. "Sally-"

"And another thing-" she points a finger in front of her to make sure she keeps her focus.

"Sally-" Kahn speaks a little louder, needing to get her attention.

"-how can Sonic go all these months without telling us about this? Heck, his family didn't say anything to us about his stalker. I thought we were all friends. Friends can't hide important things from other friends, it's not right."

Kahn narrows his eyes slightly at both the fact that he's being ignored as well as the fact that this night has turned out like every other night. "Sal-"

"Oh, I am so giving Sonic a piece of my mind when this is all over." She stops walking and huffs, placing her hands on her hips.

"Sally!" He gets off his seat and stands firm, his fists clenched at his sides.

Sally quickly turns to her fiancé and raises an eyebrow, really surprised that he's loud. Ken is normally calm when she's around so there must be a problem. "Ken? What's wrong."

Sid monkey closes his eyes and takes a breath, needing to calm down. "Forgive me, I just," he looks back to Sally and shakes his head. "-you're doing it again."

Brown ears fold and Sally takes a few steps towards him, He's upset, she knows he is but she can't figure out the reason though. Nothing has changed, they're still together and they just had a romantic dinner, well, as romantic as it can be with everything that's happened today. "Again... what am I doing?"

"Sonic." The name leaves his mouth as if it were poison. He's trying to stay calm but how can he? It's the same thing for the last six month now but this time it's worse because he can hear genuine concern for the blue hedgehog in her voice when she talks about the hero. "It's always about Sonic. Every time we're together you always bring him into this. What about us?"

She tilts her head to the side and crosses her arms across her chest. "What are you talking about? We're here, together. There's nothing wrong with us-"

"Don't lie to me!" Kahn roars out. He knows he needs to calm down but he can't. This whole thing has been going on for far too long. He points at the box of wedding materials on the ground near the log they were sitting on. "We're supposed to be talking about our wedding, but we haven't even spoken one word about it because of him! You're always talking about Sonic!"

Sally looks a little guilty and she rubs her arm. "Ken, that's not true. We-"

"Enough already." Kahn shakes his head, and the anger leaves him only to be replaced with sadness. He can feel his heartbreaking and he knows what he's about to do will hurt him, but it needs to be done. "... I can't do this anymore."

Light blue eyes widen, and Sally takes a step forward only to be stopped when he places a hand up. She reaches out to take his hand, but he just shakes his head. "Ken, what are you doing? ... You're not," she places her outreached hand to her chest and a lump goes in her throat. "-please tell me you're not...?"

"Every time we go out to dinner, go anywhere for a date, he's always in our conversation." Kahn closes his eyes and takes a steady breath, forcing himself to not let his eyes get watery. "Our wedding is in nine weeks from now," he looks back at the saddened princess, "-but we don't even have a venue to have the ceremony. We haven't picked out our colors and you don't even have a dress. We've barely gone over the guest list but worst of all," his fists shake at his sides, "-you want him to be my best man. You specifically asked me if Sonic could be my best man."

Sally closes her eyes and lowers her head. Nine weeks isn't a long time when they have so much to do for the wedding. She knows that she's been putting things off but she can't focus, especially since Sonic's life has been in danger more so than ever now.

She looks back up to Kahn and tries to reason with him. "I'm worried about him. It's too much for him this time."

"Sally, he's a grown man. He's been dealing with life and death situations ever since he was a child. This is no different-"

Her eyes widen in shock. She can't believe her ears. Is Kahn not concerned about Sonic? Does he really think Sonic can handle himself with everything that he's going through? "He has a psychopath after him!"

"This is not his first time dealing with dangerous people! He's died before, okay? And when Dr. Eggman and that Infinite guy beat him, we all thought he was dead again, but he came back to us and helped us! This is no different!"

Sally furrows her brows, and she takes a step closer to him, trying to read his eyes. She's seen him jealous before when they were younger, but she's never seen him like this. "If we don't do something to help him then there will be no us! That creep will kill everyone and go on to another universe to do the same thing! He needs to be stopped, now!"

Kahn understands what she's saying completely that the stalker is a bigger threat to everyone but still, even if they fail he still wants her to be by his side, dying hand in hand at the very least. It's what he wants but he knows he can't have it.

All of the anger leaves him, and he just looks at the chipmunk defeated. "You're right, there is no us."

"Ken?" Her voice instantly cracks as she watches the sadness overwhelm him. "I didn't mean-"

He just shakes his head and lets out a sad smile. "I am in love with you, Sally, but," his smile falls and he can feel his heart breaking even more. "-you are in love with another. Someone who does not return those feelings for you."

"I do love you, Ken." This isn't supposed to happen. Even with all of the chaos happening with Sonic, they're supposed to help Sonic through this and then they would get married and live a happy life so how did it get like this? Sure, she's brought Sonic's name up a little, but it's not as bad as Ken is making it out to be... right?

"...Then tell me you're in love with me. If you do that, then I will apologize for my foolishness and won't say anything regarding Sonic again. You have my word."

The princess takes a small breath and smiles. She's surprised that her fiancé is asking such a request from her. "I lo...-" she clears her throat and tries again. "I'm in l-l...-" She can't say those words to him. Sally wants to, she really does but they won't leave her mouth.

Kahn watches her struggle for a few more seconds before she closes her mouth and looks at him in dread. He turns from her to look at the box of wedding catalogues and materials. Blue eyes close and Kahn pulls the engagement ring off his finger, letting it drop into the box with a soft thud. 'That's it then. I truly do not have her heart even though I gave her mine.'

A gasp leaves Sally as she watches the ring go inside the box before she turns back to Kahn in disbelief. "Ken, wait-"

"There is no reason for us to fool each other any longer, Sally... I love you, but you love him..." He doesn't bother to hold back his eyes from getting watery. "So it's best to end things now than to make it any harder."

A few tears roll down the tan muzzle and Sally reaches out to touch him but this time she stops herself. She thought that maybe if they spent more time together then she'd be able to fall for him as she did with Sonic but it didn't work, and she only made it worse. "...Ken, I'm sorry."

"As am I. I will remain in this kingdom until Sonic returns, and I shall also keep our alliance between both kingdoms but," he turns to look at Sally, seeing her keep a straight face despite the tears in her eyes. "-afterwards, I have no reason to come back, so my time here will be my last."

Sally wants to say something, anything to him but no words come out. She just watches as he leaves before she finally wipes the tears from her eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Acorn Kingdom - Tails' Home - 7:19 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Go see Sonic. Talk to him, tell him how you feel, and I promise you that no matter what happens, you'll still come back happy, okay?" Tikal's words echo through the echidna's head, and he sighs. The moment he came to speak with Sonic it has been nothing but chaos. He couldn't get Sonic alone long enough to talk to him, heck he hasn't been able to get Sonic alone at all. 'How am I supposed to tell him with everything going on?'

It hurts Knuckles to see Sonic getting injured and then taken away by someone who had downed everyone in an instant- Knuckles shakes his head, getting rid of the thought. 'We need to get Sonic back. That's the most important thing. My feeling for him will still be here but his safety comes first-'

A sudden jolt in the echidna's nerves make him jump and he places a hand on his chest. Something doesn't feel right. His home is in trouble.

"Knuckles?" Tails places a hand on his shoulder, and he sees pain in the purple eyes. "Hey, you okay?"

The echidna blinks a few times, focusing on his young friend. "I'm fine, but, something's wrong back home..."

"Do you wanna go back? I'm sure we can take care of everything here for now." Silver chimes in, looking concerned for his friend.

"I... don't know." Knuckles is torn. Yes, he is the guardian of the Master Emerald, the protector of his island and he won't hesitate to sacrifice his life to do his job but this whole thing with Sonic... The fact that his friend is wanted by so many people, that some deranged hedgehog who looks just like Sonic wants him for some ungodly reason and for Solaris to have taken him... How can he possibly choose what's more important between his home and duty or his friend that he has feelings for when they are both in peril right now?

Fox ears fold down as he looks at the echidna. Knuckles has always been one who puts his island above almost everything unless the world was about to be destroyed. "Yes, Mobius is technically being threatened because of that stalker and then there's Solaris... and Fleetway..." Tails voice gets quieter the more he talks, realizing how dire the situation actually is.

With the stalker, he'll end up killing everyone if Sonic doesn't do whatever he wants from him. Fleetway, he just wants to wreak havoc wherever he goes and fight someone who's worthy of his time. As for Solaris...? They actually don't know what he wants with Sonic or wants in general. The last time he was here he wanted to destroy time because of something that had happened to it long ago.

Silver sees the sad look on Tails' face before he pats his shoulder. When he came back to this time, he didn't realize what all was going on. The most he thought he had to worry about was Iblis looking and failing to find Mephiles, not... any of this. Still, he won't turn his back on his friends. The fact that everyone is after Sonic weird, just as weird as Mephiles willing to help Sonic with that look alike.

Amber eyes turn to look at Knuckles and gives him a reassuring smile. "Whatever you choose to do, know that we have your back."

Knuckles looks from Tails to Silver and closes his eyes, letting out a soft smile. "Thanks."

"But can I ask,"

Both Tails and Knuckles look towards the hedgehog.

Silver taps his finger against his cheek. "Why does Sonic's stalker look like him?"

Knuckles purses his lips to the side. He's been wondering the same thing the moment he saw the stalker, but the thought quickly left him with everything that had happened in the house.

"I don't know." Tails says as he sits on the couch next to Knuckles. "We were wondering that too after he kidnapped Sonic-"

"He kidnapped Sonic?" Knuckles eyes widen as he looks to the fox. Sonic isn't one to be taken so easily. Solaris on the side because they still don't know what the deity is truly capable of, Sonic is not one to go down so easily, so how could anyone get the upper hand on the speedster? Why hadn't anyone told him? "When? How?"

"It happened six days ago. We were all just having some fun when he appeared." Tails looks down at his hands and furrows his eyebrows. "I've never seen Sonic so scared before."

Both purple and amber eyes widen from hearing that. Sonic is never one to get scared. He'll play around even when faced with life-or-death situations and if he needs to, he'll get serious, but fear has never been a part of Sonic's life.

Tails clenches his fist from the memory. "He was begging us not to interfere with whatever happened,"

'He... begged? Just who the hell is this guy if he can make Sonic do this?' Knuckles can't believe what he's hearing.

"After some talking that stalker kissed Sonic,"

Knuckles can feel his claws almost tear the fabric in his gloves as he clenches his hands, but he stays quiet.

"-and a portal opened up, taking them away." Tails is disgusted remembering what happened. His big brother shouldn't have to deal with some disgusting, look-alike.

Silver rubs his eyes and groans from hearing what happened. "How could anyone who looks just like another person kiss them? That's... sick." He sighs and shakes his head before looking back to the two. "Long shot in the dark but could that stalker look like Sonic because he's another version of Sonic?"

Blue eyes fly open and look at the light hedgehog. "What? You think that crazy hedgehog is... Sonic?"

"I mean," Silver rubs the back of his neck and shrugs his shoulders. "-he's from a different universe, right?"

"We shouldn't be able to see another version of ourselves without risking an implosion of both universes. Well, that's multiverse theory anyways."

"Which is true," Silver nods his head. "-and technically speaking, every time I come to the past then another universe is created with a different outcome happening so no of the two universes are ever the same, meaning if that stalker destroys this timeline then the other universe created, he would fail, or vice versa."

"But wouldn't the flow of time be disrupted as well?" Tails leans forward in his seat, completely oblivious to Knuckles looking absolutely confused with this conversation. "With you coming back to help us here and that stalker, if he is Sonic, coming here as well, wouldn't that cause some type of rift in the space-time continuum? So not only would our universes implode on themselves but time itself for the multiverse could be disrupted as well?"

"Hmm," Silver rubs his chin in thought. "I haven't thought about that. I mean, every time I come back the worst I do is make another universe or change the fate of my time, whether good or bad-"

"Okay, time out." Knuckles rubs his eyes, tired of having to look between the two to try and understand what the heck they're talking about. "-for people who don't know what the blazes you guys are talking about, can you guys talk normally?"

Tails and Silver look at each other, blinking a few times and both thinking 'But we were talking normal...'

Tails lets out a sheepish laugh and rubs the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry." He then looks at the confused echidna. "Basically, if that stalker really is Sonic and he keeps coming here then our universe may explode."

Now Knuckles is kind of wishing he didn't understand that. So not only do they have to deal with the time deity and the psychotic version of Sonic but if there might be a possibility that the stalker is in fact Sonic and will doom them all.

Knuckles sighs and leans his head back against the couch. "...Great."

"Now the next question, I guess..."

Both Knuckles and Silver look at the young fox.

Tails looks at Silver. "-is there a reason Solaris wants Sonic? I mean, if he wanted revenge from three years ago, then wouldn't he have just killed you, Sonic and Shadow?"

"Uh..." Silver looks confused about it and just shrugs his shoulders. "I-I don't know. He just seemed really focused on Sonic." A frown goes on his face as he looks to the side, a bit upset. "I guess it depends on whatever Mephiles and Iblis thought about before they merged."

Blue eyes blink, trying to recall the conversation a few days ago when Mephiles took Sonic with him before his ears perk up, eyes go wide and his jaw drops.

Knuckles sees the fox's reaction and raises an eyebrow. "Yo, Tails?"

Silver leans forward in his chair and waves a hand in front of the younger's face. "Tails?"

"He took him on a date!" Tails blurt out before he quickly covers his mouth. He looks at the echidna over to the hedgehog, really hoping they didn't hear that.

Purple eyes widen in shock and Knuckles just stares at the fox. Mephiles the Dark, took Sonic on a ... date...? He doesn't know if he should have heard those words or not. He's too much in shock to be upset.

As for Silver...


Said fox lowers his hand and looks up at the now standing hedgehog. "Y-yeah?"

"May I use your restroom?"

Fox ears twitch at hearing the monotone tone in the hedgehog's voice. "Sure...?"

"Thank you."

Tails and Knuckles just watch as Silver walks around the chair he was in and turns right, going down the hallway. After a few padded steps can be heard they hear the door softly close and then they turn to look at each other. Knuckles gestures with his hand, trying to figure out what that was about while Tails just shakes his head and shrugs, just as confused as Knuckles.

Once inside the restroom, Silver looks on the sink for some q-tips before looking in the cabinet. After he finds them, he takes one and carefully cleans his ears, making sure not to go too far down in the ear canal. Gotta be careful not to damage the eardrums. He then grabs the other q-tip and cleans the other ear just as carefully.

After his ears are nice and clean, Silver tosses the barely dirtied tools into the waste bin and he washes his hands thoroughly, making sure to get under his claws. He then dries his hands and turns the light off, existing the restroom.

Silver makes his way back to the living room and sits back down in his seat, completely ignoring the confused looks on his friends' faces. "Sorry, I had to clean my ears out just to make sure I didn't mishear you. Now, can you repeat what you said, please?"

Tails blinks a few times, not knowing what to expect from his friend now. "I-I said Mephiles took Sonic on a date..."

Silver closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, seemingly being calm. A few seconds pass and his eyes fly open. "Why the heck would that no good, lying, manipulating, piece of crap take Sonic on a date?!"

"I-I don't know..." Tails is really surprised by Silver's rather late response to this.

"Wait, Sonic just let himself go with Mephiles?" Knuckles asks, this finally dawning on him since he's no longer distracted by Silver's reaction. "Why?"

Tails looks to his left and nervously laughs. "It... wasn't so much of a yes on Sonic's part. I mean, he finally agreed to it," Tails looks down and mumbles "-the jerk forced him into it..." He remembers how Sonic and the jerk were having some sort of conversation about his tail before Sonic said he'd come back.

Tails raises his head and looks back at the two now seething males...? 'Huh.' "Sonic was against it but finally decided to go with him. And when I say go I mean Mephiles just teleported them away in the middle of Sonic talking with me."

'That sneaky son of a bitch.' Knuckles frowns as he sits back against the couch in a huff. 'Just because he's a deity or whatever doesn't mean he can do whatever he likes with Sonic.'

"Wait," Silver's eyes go wide. "-does that mean Solaris is taking Sonic on a date?"

"Uh..." Tails shakes his head again and reaches for his pizza that he completely forgot they ordered a while ago. "I don't know..."

Silver reaches for his beverage and brings it to his lips but doesn't' take a drink just yet. "I mean, I know he's cute and all, but I didn't think Solaris would want to take him on a date just because Mephiles did."

"Eh?" Tails lowers his pizza and looks at Silver questioningly. "He's cute...?"

Silver blinks and looks back to the kit. "Who's cute" He then takes a drink.

A sly smirk goes on Tails' face and he places his chin in his left hand. "You said 'he's cute and all.'"

The hedgehog nearly chokes on his soda and coughs while hitting his chest, completely ignoring the now smug look on Tails' face. '"N-no I didn't." Just seeing the younger's face makes his cheek get a little warmer. "I didn't."

"Uh-huh," Tails finally brings his attention back to his slice of pizza. "-I believe ya~"

A sigh leaves Silver and he smiles before he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. "Oh, thank goodness. For a second, I thought you didn't." He takes another swig of his beverage.

Silver isn't sure when he found himself being slightly attracted to the blue hero. Wait, yes he does. He thought Sonic was attractive when he first saw him in person but never gave it any thought because he believed Sonic was the Iblis Trigger who would cause the destruction of the world. Then when he found out it was a lie from Mephiles, which may or may not be another reason the hedgehog can't stand the deity, he was happy.

Sonic reminds Silver of Blaze and their heroism. That's something Silver has always loved, people who would do whatever it takes to save others. Sure, Silver and Blaze had tried to date as well, but it was more so awkward because while he found her endearing and everything he likes in a person, she saw him as a little brother which really sucks but he can respect her for that. But the more time he spent with Sonic, the more he enjoyed being around him and his quips. Sure, Sonic isn't as calm or elegant as Blaze is but there is a certain charm about him that just draws Silver to him.

Knuckles is just focused on the fact that Mephiles had taken Sonic on a date to even hear Silver's slipup of calling Sonic cute. 'How could that damn bastard just force Sonic into a date like that? Oh, the next time I see him, I'll break his face-' he then remembers that Mephiles is no longer here but is now Solaris. 'That bastard...'

Tails is enjoying his pizza even more now. Sure, they were all out of it when they first got to his house. His parents had left the kingdom for some time since they wanted to celebrate their anniversary and his mom was adamant to take Tails with them. His only saving grace is that he has classes to go to and she had finally let him stay. But he doesn't care about that, no.

He already knows that Knuckles has a thing for his big brother. That much is obvious. Well, it should be because whenever Sonic and Knuckles are near each other it always gets... interesting. Knuckles is actually really good at hiding his feelings for his brother, but he's noticed more times than not the blush that would go on Knuckles face when he gets teased too much and is forced to turn around to hide it. And then last year, Knuckles started stammering on his words whenever Sonic teased him to much, plus the small smiles the echidna would try to hide whenever Sonic wasn't looking made it obvious.

Tails hasn't confronted Knuckles about this. If anything, he wants Knuckles to be the one to talk to him about it since he knows that the echidna's pride would be shot if Tails brings it up.

But that just makes this even funnier now. Not only does one of his closest friends have a crush on his brother, 'and apparently that jerk does too,' Tails takes a big bite of his pizza at the thought, but it's funny to know that Silver thinks Sonic is at least cute. It'll be even funnier if Silver has a crush on his brother.


'Orrrrrrr it could turn into a bad thing.' Tails takes a moment to think. 'Oh crap, he has Mephiles, Solaris and his stalker liking him too! Why is everyone starting to like him?' He shakes his head and continues eating. 'Yeah right, I'm just overthinking this. It's not like Sonic would start a harem with these guys or anything.'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Metroplois City - Casino Night Hotel - Room 174 - 10:59 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ya know," a red finger slowly runs down the scarred chest before the fox snuggles close to the green hedgehog. "-I'm honestly surprised you're not the type to smoke cigarettes."

Scourge ignores the noise of the television playing while he moves and gets comfortable in the bed with his girl by his side. "Babe, cigarettes wish they could touch this body. B'sides, I don't need anything polluting this wonderful bod of mine, it'll just slow me down."

"Gotta live life in the fast lane, eh?" Fiona chuckles and leans up, kissing his lips a little before she sits up and grabs the remote, flipping through the channels. "Happy Birthday by the way, you ass."

A smirk goes on his face as he lets his hand rest on her thigh. "Thanks babe. Any luck on finding slowboy and double-butt?"

Fiona just misses a Honey brand commercial as she keeps flipping through the channels. "Not yet but Simian and Lightening are looking into It without being too conspicuous."

"Heh, lame." Scourge reaches over and grabs the stolen phone, going back to that website.

The red fox looks down and raises an eyebrow. "Still haven't given that to the lost and found?"

Scourge ignores her and he blinks a few times before he sits up. Once properly seated, he rereads the words and a grin goes on his face. "Hey babe, check it out."

"What?" she grabs the phone and her eyes widen in surprise.

'Thank you all for your patience.

We would like to inform you that our show with our Speedy Guest will be performed on the 25th at approximately 9:00 p.m.

For your viewing pleasure we will ask that you attend digitally on your devices instead of in person. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

You can buy your request as to what you would like done to our guest at half price for this inconvenience.

Thank you and enjoy all that our guest has to offer.'

"Wait," Fiona raises an eyebrow at Scrouge, confused about why her man would give a damn about this in the first place. "-who the hell is this speedy guest?'

Scourge just chuckles and goes to the advertisement he seen earlier, showing Fiona the picture of Sonic talking with some reporter a while ago. His smirk turns into a grin when watches her eyes widen in surprise.

"No fucking way..." Fiona takes in the blue hedgehog's appearance and looks back to Scourge. "How the fuck did you find out about this?" She then looks back to the phone, confused. "How the fuck did they snag him?"

"Don't know how they caught his blue butt, but," He takes the phone away from Fi and lowers her to the bed before he tops her.

She lets out a surprised but pleased yelp as she wraps her arms around his neck. They had done this a little earlier but she's in such a good mood right now that she doesn't mind another round with him.

Scourge leans in close. "-you can thank that jackass who gave us that card." He leans down and kisses her, all the while excited for the upcoming show two days from now. 'Happy birthday to me indeed~'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Genocide City - 11:03 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In a small five-by-five room is a thin blanket spread on the floor with a water dish in the corner. There are no windows in the room and the ceiling is too high of a jump for anyone to touch, keeping the vent out of reach for all.

The door opens and two guards carefully place a body on the blanket before they leave, closing the heavy, metal door. A loud lock can be heard on the other side.

The shoes have been removed from, allowing the heavy chains to properly secure the ankles together. The jeans are dirtied but have been left alone as have the shirt. The arms are chained behind the blue back and a sack cloth has been put over the unconscious hedgehog's head, making sure that it stays dark enough for him to sleep peacefully.

The camera zooms in on the body and Jack lets a smile go on his face. "Enjoy your rest, rat, because after the show, you'll belong to me and I'm going to make sure you get everything you deserve."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi Luvs.

First, happy one year anniversary to this story (there wasn't supposed to be this many chapters cough cough)

Second, I know this is a slow chapter but the next one will make up for it so get your popcorn, weapons, or pompoms ready and I'll try to have it out soon.

Until next time, take good care of yourselves Luvs~

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