By BangtanArmies

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Alpha - Blooming Flowers - Chapter 1
Alpha - Phone Number - Chapter 2
Alpha - Aftertaste - Chapter 3
Alpha - Squabble - Chapter 4
Alpha - Checkmate - Chapter 5
Alpha - Adult Love - Chapter 6
Alpha - The Riddle - Chapter 7
Alpha - Mind Games - Chapter 8
Alpha - The Protagonist - Chapter 9
Alpha - Carrot Cake - Chapter 10
Alpha - The Corset - Chapter 11
Alpha - Dark Flames - Chapter 12
Alpha - Midnight Rain - Chapter 13
Alpha - The Pervert - Chapter 14
Alpha - Hot SSAM - Chapter 15
Alpha - Poisonous Prick - Chapter 16
Alpha - The Wilderness - Chapter 17
Alpha - Problematic Man - Chapter 18
Alpha - First Blood - Chapter 19
Alpha - Poisonous Intimacy - Chapter 20
Alpha - Fair Trade - Chapter 21
Alpha - Silent Killer - Chapter 22
Alpha - Unscratched - Chapter 23
Alpha - A Goddess - Chapter 24
Alpha - Wild Card - Chapter 25
Alpha - Murder Trial - Chapter 26
Alpha - Beautiful Woman - Chapter 27
Alpha - Parallel Lines - Chapter 28
Alpha - Glass Heart - Chapter 29
Alpha - The Curse - Chapter 30
Alpha - Double Edged - Chapter 31
Alpha - Creams & Crumbs - Chapter 32
Alpha - Cursed Child - Chapter 33
Alpha - Lone Wolf - Chapter 34
Alpha - Fire Bird - Chapter 35
Alpha - Blood Thirst - Chapter 36
Alpha - A Snowflake - Chapter 37
Alpha - Light & Shadow - Chapter 38
Alpha - Inner Warmth - Chapter 39
Alpha - Invisible Bruises - Chapter 40
Alpha - Counter Attack - Chapter 41
Alpha - The Prophecy - Chapter 42
Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43
Alpha - Divine Offering - Chapter 44
Alpha - Red Petals - Chapter 45
Alpha - Cotton Candy - Chapter 46
Alpha - Cruel World - Chapter 47
Alpha - The Untamed - Chapter 48
Alpha - A Mother's Sacrifice - Chapter 49
Alpha - Love Greed - Chapter 50
Alpha - Translucent Porcelain - Chapter 52
Alpha - The Apocalypse - Chapter 53
Alpha - Child Support - Chapter 54
Alpha - Power Burden - Chapter 55
Alpha - Everlasting Legacy - Chapter 56
Alpha - Winter Storm - Chapter 57
Alpha - White Lies - Chapter 58
Alpha - Backup Plan - Chapter 59
Alpha - Souls Ascension - Chapter 60
Alpha - Blue and Grey - Chapter 61
Alpha - Autumn Leaves - Chapter 62
Alpha - Love Debt - Chapter 63
Alpha - Winter Breath - Chapter 64
Alpha - Love Affairs - Chapter 65
Alpha - Internal Wounds - Chapter 66
Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67
Alpha - Predator & Prey - Chapter 68
Alpha - Disgraceful Existence - Chapter 69
Alpha - Our Love Story - Chapter 70

Alpha - Our Fairytale - Chapter 51

212 16 96
By BangtanArmies

Third Person POV

The translucent blue tint of the artificial streams coursed brilliantly along the curved route as the subtle ripples sailed through the waterway surrounding the villa hidden deep in the remote wilderness. Isolated from the active city noises and light pollution... lay the lost goddess... soundly asleep within the Jagaur's soothing embrace.

The bruises on her delicate skin were healed by the consistent grooming as the beast licked her wounds clean with his love strokes. Her active mind... eventually hushing the static noises of her subconsciousness as the wilderness appeased her broken soul with its therapeutic breeze and melodious insect calls.

And her heart? At peace and whole again.

The Jaguar had taken her away from the misery of her life to thrive with him in a place... carefully curated to suit her needs. The beast would rise every morning to bring her warm meals. He spends the day keeping her company... and on nights he can't seem to fall asleep... he sits under the moonlight to guard the cave.

So she can peacefully rest without being disturbed by the evil curse of her power burden.

The first time they met... he was just a young cub... loaded with vigorous ambition to explore the boundless territory of the extensive world. The cub met the goddess for the first time in a foreign land. And instead of neglecting him like the others, she paused to appreciate his existence. He was beyond elated by her attention.... as the beauty crouched down to pet him with her graceful gestures.

And at that very moment, he couldn't help... but fall in love with her selfless soul.

The young cub desired to protect her from the vicious wolves she calls a family.

He wanted to love her regardless of her platonic feelings for him.

The beast hoped to shield her from the deadliest storm with his little paws.

The Jaguar was never a greedy monster. In fact, he was happy for her. He never dared to hope for more than what she could give him. He'd follow her through the wilderness, lurking behind the tall grass and hiding within the shadows, silently moving along her side without disrupting her path.

He loved to admire her from afar because he knew... he didn't harbor the capacity to hold her to himself. He was never greedy. Never. So he followed her path, worshiping her every footstep and lingering within her space to keep its eyes on her, without ever actually... invading her space.

The young cub led a peaceful life until it was attacked by an aggressive hunter, and brutally beaten to a pulp during a power play orchestrated by the vicious wolves. His entire bloodline... mercilessly slaughtered by the players of the corrupted society. And so, he was left to thrive alone.

An orphan, they'd call him. A sheep, they mocked. A cripple, they'd crack a laughter.

The innocence and uprightness consequently vanished from his pure soul as the blood from his wounds.... bathed him like water. Yet no one seemed to pity him. No one seemed to care. Not a soul... spared a glimpse of sympathy for the vulnerable cub. They mercilessly expelled him from the pack, left to rot and die in the wilderness infested with sticky mud and flesh-eating insects.

It felt like... he was being sucked into a dark abyss upon witnessing his parent's mutilated corpses... left in the filth by the cold-blooded pack. No one mourned his family's passing. They simply rejected him and moved forward, and he was left behind to fend for himself.

He was stuck. He had no idea where he was... or how he'd get out of the sinkhole. So he sank.

His mind began to spoil as a consequence of the injury in his heart. His soul grew rusted from the lack of care he often received from his family. He was all alone... in the darkness... until he slowly lost his sanity to the twisted gloom of his mind.

He was born a predator with a tender heart, never ejecting his claws to hurt the prey, yet he was hunted by the others. By his own kind... for being weak and worthless.

He was left with nothing but his bleeding soul, exhausted of the will to survive until... the hidden claws... began to grow from his fingers. His teeth... turning into baring fangs. His warm heart... thirsting hungrily for blood and vengeance. His mind... contaminated with the deepest and darkest sorceries.

He became a monster. A monster born within the darkness.


The evil-infested soul suddenly noticed a tiny firefly within the darkness, dimly hovering above its head. It did not leave his side, and so... he followed the little sparkle out of curiosity. He did not know where he was heading, but he didn't care and followed the creature's lead.

And gradually, he realized. He was chasing a star.

The brightest light source in his miserable world. The only entity to keep him running on his feet... eventually leading him out of the dense haze... and into a heavenly wilderness.

And there she was. The beautiful goddess.

Waiting... for him on the emerald glass in her plain white dress with a comforting smile plastered on her face. The beast had realized... he was once again... stepping over the green field with its injured paws, warmed by the sun's comforting radiant. It could finally breathe the light air... that filtered his system... to purify his clogged mind.

And without realizing it... the flowers began to bloom... from between the cracks of his broken heart.

So he pounced forward on his paws, racing straight towards her in his mature form. He was no longer a young cub... but a grown beast with battle scars... all over his patched skin. He reeked of blood... covered in rotting wounds... and yet the goddess... opened her arms for him.

She didn't flinch at the sight of his hideous appearance.

Thump. The goddess tightly embraced the Jaguar in her arms as it tackled her onto the vast field with its heavy mass. Instead of screaming in fright. She giggled and patted its gaunt cheek as she remained beneath him.

He saw it... the genuine admiration in her eyes... gazing so lovingly at his ruined appearance. She smiled and sat up to embrace his disheveled form with so much warmth... and love... his rotten wounds... began to heal itself.

He had only dreamed of being her hidden shadow. But little did he know... all those times he's been tailing her... the goddess was always conscious of his presence. She'd smile and walk forward, knowing she wasn't alone.

She had a companion by her side. 

Only after he disappeared... did she turn around to search for him, endlessly worrying about his welfare after she noticed the trail of blood covering the path the Jaguar had limped over. And so... she searched for him in the darkness. The goddess never gave up on the cub and entered the dangerous cave to find him. So she could lead him out... into a world... where she could properly care for him.

They finally reunited again after he trusted her lead. The goddess asked the Jarguar to stride by her side.

No more hiding. No more lurking. No more stalking.

She wanted him to walk at her pace so they could keep an eye on each other as they advanced forward into the unknown. He agreed to her request and strolled by her side as she asked. They got along well and even formed an unbreakable bond.

Until... the evil of society found them again.

Constantly... striking the goddess with its greed and thirst. The Jaguar knew... he had to protect her at all costs, and so he did.

He pounced. He bared his fangs. He tore. He bit. He fought. He attacked. For her. Just for her. He'd chase off the evil and return... soaked in blood.

Although the goddess was terrified of his monstrous form... she'd welcome the beast and give him a bath to wash the filth from his thick fur because she understood... his intention to defend her from the cruel world.

She never regarded him as a bad soul. Rather, she loved him more. No matter how many times he returned to her drenched in the odor of death... she'd still reach out for him. Again and again. She would hold onto the beast with her unwavering affection.

They were happy. They were in love. They were the perfect match.

Until... she delivered her children to the world and the Jaguar's heart suddenly sank because... how is it that she has conceived his cubs in the form of a bear and puppy?

When he's Jaguar? A predator.

She brought home the souls... that weren't meant to be raised by the deadly beast. The Jaguar loved her immensely... but the sight of the young prey... had unfortunately stirred an unbearable blood thirst in the depth of his soul.

He wanted to devour them. He was a danger to her children. He knew.

The beast knew... if the goddess turned her back on him to protect the prey... he'd lose control of himself and attack her without the intention to do so.

So... he frightened her... until she collapsed and took her with him. He captured the goddess, leaving behind the young souls... and took her far away... to a place no one could ever find them again. 

The Jaguar took her to his cave where he'd stand guard so she wouldn't run back to the bear and puppy... hoping desperately... she wouldn't betray him. Praying to the full moon... that she'd forever remain by his side as she promised.

Only then can he stay at peace. Only then can he... battle his inner darkness because if one day... she had decided to leave his side... he knew... his blooming heart would wither. And he will be poisoned... once again... by the... darkness of his mind.

And he was afraid... he'd never forgive her if she had left him to drown in the cold abyss after all the scars he earned to secure her.

Blinking out of his deep thoughts... Jae Yangcha... shifted his wearied eyes from the full moon in the sky and glanced at his lover as she rested soundly by his side. He remained on his side with his tired gaze on her delicate skin as she lay naked under the silk sheet. The alpha quietly examined her pretty pink lips and glanced at the light flush on her cheeks... to her waist-length... wavy black hair... scattering loosely over the pillow.

He didn't touch her. Instead, he adjusted his position and tucked his arm under the side of his head while lying naked beside her. He calmly breathed through his nostrils, quietly admiring her captivating beauty with his dilated pupils... until his chest burned intensely.

He loved her so much. So much... he feels like he's going to suffocate from helplessly yearning for her... despite being so close to her.

The alpha gently took her hand in his to examine their matching rings and glanced at the bracelet he had handcrafted for her. Smiling, he gently rubbed her slender fingers while observing her luminous pale skin under the dim moonlight.

"Stay with me. Stay with me until my last breath. Only then can I let go of you," Yangcha whispered, sadly eyeing her in tears. His heart ached painfully, so he gripped her fingers and held tightly onto her.

"Hmmm...?" Sora suddenly frowned, answering him in her sleep. She turned her head on the pillow and squinted at her lover in confusion after he accidentally woke her from her sleep.

"I love you," He whispered. Sora blinked at him with her barely opened eyes as she struggled to process his words with her clouded mind.

"You're hungry?" She muttered, turning on her side and gently scooted over the mattress to hold his bare torso. 

"You're sleep talking," Yangcha smiled as she aligned her naked body against his under the sheet and snuggled against the warmth of his chest. Sora softly grazed her fingers over the bullet scar on his back... still dazed from the sudden disturbance.

"I love you too," She whispered, snuggling her ticklish face against his neck as she securely clung to his muscular body. Yangcha smiled, lowering his hand to clasp the back of her head and gently combed his fingers through her hair.

Sora unconsciously lifted her face to peck his lips and immediately dropped her head back to his bicep until she descended back into a deep sleep. Yangcha closed his eyes and smiled with the warm sensation in his pulsing heart as he slipped his hand from her scalp to trace his fingertips over the arch of her spine, gently kissing her forehead... until he too... sank into a deep sleep upon receiving her love assurance.

The next morning

Sora's POV

I groggily blinked while strolling through the corridor at sunrise to search for my missing husband, but he wasn't in the kitchen or the living room. Where did he go? I scratched my head as I strolled in the white fluffy slippers he got for me from the market... until I noticed the slightly opened door leading to the medical room. I pushed it open to find Yangcha sitting on a stool beside a desk with a tray of medical kits.

"What's wrong?" I mumbled, stepping inside the chilly room. He keeps the room cold to preserve the medication. I sat across from him on the stool as he rubbed his inner forearm joint with a sanitizing pad while sitting shirtless in his loose sweatpants.

"I'm feeling a little unwell," He smiled, carefully lifting the syringe to his flesh. I sleepily watched him push the pointed needle against his bulging veins until it pierced through his honey-tanned skin. Yangcha carefully injected himself with the medication as I frowned at him with an uneasy feeling.

"Where did you learn all this from?" I asked. 

"Halabeoji is a retired doctor. He taught me medicine back when I was living abroad until I moved to Seoul. I did a lot of practical performances with him at the lab. He'd let me inject him with his daily health supplements and taught me courses during my free time. Halmeoni is as frail as you... so I sometimes help her with her dose when my grandfather is busy," Yangcha smiled, drawing out the needle to place it on the tray, so I grabbed the bandage and leaned over to plaster it over the tiny blood spot until my husband weakly chuckled at my attentive assistance. I kissed his bandage and lifted my face to kiss his lips. Smooch. Smooch. He smiled at my love strokes, lowering his strong arm to hold my waist as I hugged his neck with a bright beam.

"Educated men like you... turns me on," I giggled. Yangcha had single-handedly... cured all of my injuries without the assistance of a doctor. He's pretty impressive.

"And sweetheart like you... got me praying for a forever," Yangcha replied, sweetly kissing my lips. I hugged his firm waist as he fondly admired me with his dilated pupils. I don't ever want to lose you from this life.

"Ahah~!" I giggled when he suddenly picked me up with his arms locked beneath my bum and carried me out of the medical room. I tightly hugged his shoulders as he strolled inside the kitchen to place me on the counter.

"So. What do you want to eat today...?" He asked, keenly pressing his arms against the counter. I bit my lips and softly planted my lips over his again. Yangcha steadily breathed against my face as I clasped my hands over his cheeks to absorb his morning sweetness from the tip of his tongue.

"You," I giggled. Yangcha chuckled and lowered his head with a weak smile.

"Are you serious? Because I'll-"

"No- No! I'm just joking!" I gasped when he tried to pull down his sweatpants, but I grabbed his waistband just in time to keep it hooked to his hips. Yangcha grinned and breathily kissed me before turning to heat the pan on the stove as I sat on the counter. 

"You told me you love me in your sleep," Yangcha muttered as he checked the fridge to search for ingredients.

"I did?" I smiled and lifted my legs to cross it over the counter. 

"You talk a lot in your sleep," He nodded, turning to take out a bowl from the cabinet. I weakly stared at his muscular back and glanced at the scars on his body. How is he so... attractive? Every part of his body is covered with flaws... yet... I'm drooling helplessly for him.

"You got a new scar," I whispered, nodding at the burnt mark on the side of his lower right hip. Just above... his back dimple. It's where I usually hold... when we make love.

"I couldn't wear pants for weeks because it stung so much," Yangcha chuckled. He got it while carrying me through the fire at the penthouse.

"Really? So you walked around naked?" I asked. Yangcha smiled.

"I wore your nightgown," He muttered, making me snort in disbelief.

"I should've woken up sooner to witness that," I chuckled. He smiled while adding ingredients to the bowl.

"Is it ugly? The scar," He mumbled. I stared at the reddish bumpy texture on his lower hips while chewing on my lips.

"It looks like a claw mark," I replied.

"Really?" Yangcha asked, reaching behind his back to feel the scar with his fingers.

"I like it. It's very pretty," I nodded, hoping off the counter to back hug him as he marinated the meat in the bowl with a plastic glove on.

Yangcha pretended to gasp upon my approval as he poured oil into the pan, making me giggle at his cuteness. I groped his hard pecs from behind and kissed the bullet scar on his shoulder wing... before shifting my lip to his nape. My husband chuckled softly at my obsessive behavior. Smiling mischievously, I kissed him all over his back and bent down to kiss his new scar... over his hip. Hah~ He smells so nice~!

"Stop teasing me," He muttered, briefly glancing to the side as I held him from behind.

"I like every part of you," I smacked his firm butt and walked away to heave my body back onto the counter. Yangcha shook his head at my playfulness.

"Oh. Yeah. I got you birth control pills," He informed.

"Why? I'm fine with the condoms," I curiously stared at him.

"There's still a risk of impregnating you, so make sure to take it," He muttered.

"Didn't you want to have a baby?" I asked. He demanded that I conceive our child during our fight.

"I was upset then. You're not in the position to carry another child yet," Yangcha shook his head. I glanced down at my hands. How are the twins doing? I want to see them. Should I ask him? To leave the place? But he might get upset again.

Fast Forward

I lived with Yangcha for almost two years in the villa, with little to no contact with outsiders. He'd take me out now and then to visit the city, so I wouldn't feel trapped at our new home. And obviously, I've attempted to send a message home multiple times but failed miserably each time.

Yangcha is always by my side... no matter the time of the day. Even if he's not right beside me... he'd be somewhere... within my view so he could keep an eye on me. He kept all the doors at home open so he could see me wherever I went.

"Ah~ You're such a bad person!" Yangcha drunkenly complained as I dragged him to the bed. He released my shoulder and tumbled face-first onto the mattress in our matching pajamas.

"Hey! You lost!" I grinned while tucking him under the blanket. 

We had a drink over a board game earlier, and he wouldn't stop complaining after I won all of the games. He grumbled and rolled on his stomach to sleep, so I turned off the lights and slipped in beside him. Yangcha gently pulled me into a warm hug as I slipped my arm under his head to cushion him and gently patted his shoulder until he plunged into a deep sleep.

One hour later.

I opened my eyes to stare at the dark ceiling above my head for a solid minute before glancing at Yangcha, who was snoring loudly. He's sleeping shirtless with his back turned on me. Sighing, I slowly sat up on the bed and carefully lifted the blanket off my legs. I'm leaving. I have to return to my children. That's why I got him drunk on purpose. I carefully got up from the bed, entered the closet without turning on the lights to change into black jeans, pulled on a shirt and a jacket before tiptoeing back inside the bedroom with my hair placed into a neat bun.

Yangcha suddenly stirred over the mattress and turned to lay on his back. Pause. I halted at the foot of the bed with a dim gaze on his unconscious state. I love you. I do. But I don't belong here. Wait for me. I left the handwritten note on the bed and quietly exited the bedroom without making a sound... quietly tiptoeing... towards the looming door.

The black master key card... was left inside the ceramic plate on the shoe rack... as promised by Yangcha. I gripped my bag with an uneasy feeling while staring at the card as I stood in the empty corridor. The spontaneous lightning flickers... illuminating the villa every few minutes with its blinding glare as the rain drummed over the transparent glasses.

Sora. Can you do this...? Are you going to leave him like this? I blinked. My baby needs me. I have to return. I won't force him to return... with me because he's already made it clear that he can't care for my children. But that doesn't mean... I should abandon the twins. They're mine, and I'm still their blood mother regardless of their father's identity.

I took a deep breath to ease the heaviness in my chest as I reached for the card on the plate, and turned to stare at the scanner on the door with a racing heart. Even if I'll get lost in the wilderness... I'll still leave. I have to return to the society for my family. I shakily lifted the card to hover it before the scanner. Beep. A green light flicked and- Click.

The door unlocked itself... causing me to freeze in place with my lips ajar. Yangcha didn't lie when he said... the master card could open all the locks within the villa. It's not a trap. I gripped the black card intensely and slowly raised my hand to push the door... until it slowly slid open... exposing me to the freezing wind gust... as the soft drizzle... showered over the damped soil. I closed my eyes... took a deep inhale... and took a step forward.

"Noona," A voice spoke behind me just as I was about to step out of the villa. Badum. My heart suddenly leaped into my throat as the terrorizing fear seized control of my body at the tone of his broken voice. I gripped my bag in tears without turning around... knowing... he was standing right behind me.

"Don't stop me-"

"Aren't you going to at least... say your farewell...?" Yangcha asked softly, causing my chest to stir in extreme discomfort. I pursed my lips while staring at the water droplets... dripping freely from the soaked leaves over the ancient branches. Why is it suddenly so difficult? I slowly turned around to face my lover with swelling tears in my eyes. Yangcha stood about ten feet away from me with an empty gaze. A flood of tears suddenly spilled over my cheeks as I watched him... stand listlessly before me in his pajamas.

"Y-Yangcha- I- I love you, but-"

"Say it. The farewell," Yangcha swallowed the lump in his throat as heavy tears coursed from his lower lashes. My heart wretched in pain again at the sight of his torn expression as he stood in the empty corridor, discouraged by my determination to leave his side. Sora. You must leave. Now.

"I'll be back," I whispered, frowning at him in difficulty while fighting the painful emotions within my heart. Yangcha stared at me in defeat as the wind whistled through the opened door... causing my loose hair strands to flutter with the gentle current as we stood... staring at each other without blinking. He's hurting. I can sense it. His heartbreak.

"I can't promise you I'll still be here. Even if you search every corner of the world for Jae Yangcha... I'm sure he'll be gone by the time you return. So say your farewell," Yangcha urged. I stared at him without blinking as my jaws burned intensely from the emotionally wrecking departure.

"Why won't you be here?" I asked, unsurely staring at him. 

"I'd rather die than live to hurt you," He replied. I bit my lips and lowered my face to stare at the master keycard in my hand. What should I do? My heart... it's throbbing with so much pain. My mind... it's yelling different thoughts in my head... yet my chest... is yearning helplessly for him.

"Don't be like this. Yangcha, they're my children, and I love you too- but-"

"You know the consequences if I follow you back to them," He shook his head. I suddenly couldn't voice out my words anymore with a hot lump... lodged in my throat.

"I'm not abandoning you-"

"You are. I'll be lost the moment you leave my side, so stop lying to yourself and admit it. I'm begging you. Say your farewell," Yangcha shook his head, slowly sinking to his knees before me. I bit my trembling lips as he lowered his head to beg me for a proper closure. Why am I so greedy? Why can't I say it? Why can't I say goodbye to him? What's happening to me...?

"I don't want to," I stubbornly shook my head as the hot tears trickled from my glassy pupils. Yangcha suddenly surrendered to the heartbreak... until his shoulders shook intensely from the pain he endured... causing me to whimper with a wrenching heart as he lifted his pleading gaze to me while kneeling on the floor.

"All I want to hear... is your farewell so I can be at peace with myself. Noona, it's the only way for me to disappear from this world in peace, or I'll be left shattered... and I'm afraid... I'll once again transform into a monster," He shook his head as the heavy tears flowed from his cheeks... dripping messily from his chin as he remained helpless on the floor. I'm throbbing in despair, and the discomfort is beginning to paralyze my limbs.

"You're not a monster-"

"I am, and you're in denial. So tell me. Tell me you're abandoning me from this moment onward. Tell me that I've failed to be enough. Tell me... I am no longer your priority. Tell me... you don't love me enough to remain by my side. Tell me... you are tired of me. Tell me, noona. Tell me I'm a failure, so I'd have enough courage to accept my defeat and disappear as you wish," He whispered while gazing at me with his pleading bloodshot eyes. 

"Break my heart. Do it. You know I'll let you break me. So... pick up that blade and kill me with your farewell. I don't want to live my life... with a wounded heart... so plunge it deep inside my chest until I bleed from the sorrow of failing you. Do it for me, noona. End me. You're the only person with the power to do so. Consider this as my last wish.... and say your farewell," Yangcha wept, pitifully lifting his hands to rub his palms together until I felt my chest aching with every thump of my beating heart. I could hardly breathe anymore... as I stared at his desperation to be broken by me. Sora... You have to let go of him. I glanced at the wilderness behind me and back at his pitiful stage.

He was never greedy for our love. It was me... who wanted more of us. It is me who is greedy for our love.

"You'll let me break your heart? Just like this?" I asked, tearfully staring at him with my trembling lips. The warm tears... soaking my face as I fought the urge to succumb to his desperate pleas.

"You don't have to shed my blood because your words are enough to poison me," He nodded while kneeling on the ground. I tightly gripped the card to my freedom. Thump. Thump. My throat burned painfully with every beat of my aching heart.

"Okay," I whispered, nodding in agreement, and lowered my head to let the tears stream drip from my soaked lashes. I feel like... I'm going to collapse from the heartbreak. My chest... it's tearing my soul apart with its agonizing churns and twists.

"Do it. I won't make a sound, so don't be scared," He sniffled. The wall of sorrows... breaking loose from his lash line.

"Come closer. I want to look at you for the last time," I whispered, fighting to keep my voice stable.

Yangcha softly whimpered as he rose to his feet and stepped towards me with a troubled frown. His face... burning red from the discomfort he was enduring and my heart... bleeding from the guilt of wounding his soul. I gripped my fists tightly as he towered over me, so I lifted my face to gaze at his bloodshot eyes until a hot lump burned my throat again. He's shaking like a puppy, and it's breaking my heart.

"I'm ready," He whispered, forcing a weak smile but screwed his face in distress until a flood of tear streams dripped from his chin. 

I let out a shaky exhale while gazing at him with my swelling tear walls... as I lifted my cold fingers to wipe the warm streaks from his cheeks until my heart wept in silence grief. How can I do this to him? I sobbed in defeat and slowly lowered my hands to hold his trembling fingers. Why does it have to be this way? I tightly gripped his warmth while pondering my wild thoughts to seek the appropriate justification for the both of us.

"I'm sure there's another universe... where you and I... exist together. Are we happy there? I don't know. Whether or not... there's another world for us... I know for a fact... that we exist here. In this world. Together. Happy. And in love. It would be foolish of me to tell you I'll love you in the next life... when I don't even know... if we'll ever be reborn into the same world with the same fate to fall in love with each other. It'll only be an excuse if I told you I'll choose you in our next life because I don't think I'll want to live another lifetime to suffer the same misery. So I'll tell you now," I deep inhaled as he studied my face with his eyebrows furrowed. 

"If for whatever reason... we parted in the other worlds... and if for whatever reasons... I chose to walk away from you with a broken heart... I won't let it happen in this world. I don't think I can wait for another life... wait through all the eternal reincarnation to meet you again... so I'll do it now... in this world. I'll love you. I'll love you, and I'll choose you because I'm sure... whatever happens... this is the only moment I can fully... embrace you," I whispered while staring at his burning tears. Yangcha blinked, slightly frowning at my words in confusion.

"What?" He asked hoarsely as the gliding tears slipped from his eyes.

"You claim you'd rather die than hurt me. So what makes you think I'd harm you to thrive?" I sobbed, tightly gripping his fingers with a torn expression. Yangcha sniffled and lowered his head as his lips quivered from the distressing emotions.

"I really don't want to force you-"

"What makes you think... I can simply... break your heart without scratching mine? The moment I stab you with a blade... my heart... will also bleed. And we'll both... perish in the name of love. It's a suicide," I whispered. Yangcha pursed his lips while searching my eyes with his pained pupils, so I wiped his tears and reached upward to hold onto his neck as he gripped tightly onto my waist.

"But it'll hurt less for you once I disappear," He whispered against my ear as I firmly hugged him.

"No. My soul will perish the instant you vanish from my world, so don't ever tell me to end you," I shook my head.

Yangcha clutched my back tightly and lowered his head to press his nose against my shoulder. I shouldn't take his love for granted. After all, I was always happy with him. How can I choose to ruin us all over again and blame fate for punishing me with its cruelty... when I'm the one writing our love story?

"So you won't give me a farewell?" He asked. I gripped his neck tightly and closed my eyes to squeeze out my tears.

"A farewell... is a death sentence for our souls," I whispered. Yangcha sniffled and pulled me close by my head. 

"So you're holding onto me?" He whispered in a broken tone.

"I'll grant us a life sentence instead," I nodded. Yangcha exhaled in relief and tightened his grasp around my body, so I pressed my burning nose against his chest and inhaled deeply to soothe the aching pain within my chest.

"Thank you," He muttered. I nodded and clung to him tightly because I was afraid... if I ever let go of him again... I'd turn around and sprint far... to flee from his comforting grip. Just like I always did. Running away isn't an option for me anymore because... I am tired of restarting my life... just to suffer the same fate of losing my loved ones.

And so. I never stepped out of the villa and chose to stay with him. At this point... I knew... I had failed my children due to my selfish greed to preserve my relationship with the man I loved.

What kind of a mother chooses not to see their children? I'm an awful mother, I'm aware. Even if I meet them one day... I knew... they wouldn't remember me because I chose to be absent from their life. No one would want to meet a mother... who intentionally abandoned their children for a man.

At least. I thought so. Until I found... Their familiar doe eyes... staring up at me with bewildered looks.

They recognized me.

They were stunned by my unexpected presence. I saw it... the reflection of excitement in their innocent pupils.

I wanted to step back and run from the guilt of leaving them behind, but... the young souls... they stepped forward to embrace a bad mother. They held onto me. There wasn't a hint of anger... or hatred in their innocent eyes... as they screamed for me... clearly overwhelmed by our reunion.

How can they love a bad person like me?

It broke my heart.

They don't deserve this.



Third Person POV

The twins stood on the side of the pavement with their bulging curious doe eyes as they watched their father clutch tightly onto their mother's frail body, who was crying softly against his shoulder as he held her in his strong embrace. They glanced at each other and smiled before looking up at their parents with relief... despite being clueless about the situation. The children assumed... their family was whole again.

"S-Sora- Sora...?" Taehyung whispered, slowly pulling away with a confused expression when he felt her body growing heavier by the passing second. The alpha gripped onto her body with a startled expression as she slowly sunk to her knees- so he immediately seized her waist to support her.

"What's wrong with eomma...?" Woojin muttered with a slight pout as his mother's head flopped lifelessly to the side.

"Shit?- Eomma isn't feeling well," Taehyung grunted, slightly lowering his body to slip his arms under her legs and lifted her off the ground. The twins unsurely examined their mother's lifeless condition and gripped tightly onto Taehyung's long coat.

"Is eomma okay~?" Kanghoon blinked while pouting at his father. Taehyung glanced at Sora's pale expression and down at the two innocent children as they stared up at their mother's unfavorable state in dread.

"Hold onto appa's coat. Let's head home with eomma," Taehyung assured. The twins gripped the man's coat on either side and followed their father with an anxious expression. Strut. Strut. The alpha adjusted the supreme alpha against his chest and strode forward, briefly glancing down at the duo on his side... but the twins were nowhere to be found. He halted in a panic.

"H-Huh?! Where did they go?!-" Taehyung gasped, wildly spinning around with Sora's unmoving body in his arms to find... the bear and the puppy... hauling their heavy snack bags over the pavement.

"Appa!- Wait-"

"Leave it there!" Taehyung snapped in shock.

"No~! Appa's food is nasty~! We'll starve without snacks~!" Woonjin shrieked, funnily heaving the giant bag with his small arms, and tumbled forward as Kanghoon dragged their toy bag over the pavement.

"Your mother is sick, and you're more worried about your food supply?!" Taehyung scoffed in shock, but the twins refused to leave behind their livestock and stumbled towards Taehyung in their teddy jumpers.

"Eomma can't eat appa's food! So this will help her~!" Kanghoon grinned. Taehyung bitterly waited for the kids before walking forward again as the duo struggled to haul their bags over the pavement.

A moment later

Kim Taehyung quickly hurried towards the living room to rest Jang Sora's body on the couch as the twins dragged the giant bags inside the apartment, finally dropping the heavy weight to the floor and- Thump! They both fell to their butts, entirely out of breath. Puff! Puff! They panted unsteadily while kicking off their shoes before getting up to slam the door shut... and quickly raced on their colorful socks to climb the couch in curiosity.

The alpha cautiously compressed Sora's neck with his fingers... until he located her steady pulse. Thump... Thump... Thump... He frowned and glanced at the twins as they sat on the opposite couch with their concerned gaze on their unconscious mother. They appear somewhat... timid in her presence and choose to maintain their distance. 

They nervously glanced at their father's dark frown and back at their mother's weak condition while chewing their thumbs to relieve the uncomfortable feelings within their pulsating chests.

Sora's POV

The soft murmurs beside my ears gently woke me up from the darkness of my numbed mind, so I blinked sleepily to clear up my foggy vision until I noticed... two... figures sitting by my side. I cleared my throat as I struggled to focus my gaze on their plump cheeks.

"She's pretty-"

"Are you sure this is eomma-"


"Oh! Eomma~!" The twins shrieked when they noticed me staring at them. I smiled and opened my arms to welcome them. Whip! They quickly crawled onto my chest without hesitation to embrace my sore body, making me pout at their comforting presence. 

"You can remember me...?" I hoarsely asked, slowly sitting up in difficulty as they clung to my neck and shoulders. I patted their backs as they clutched onto me.

"You're so pretty~!" Woojin shrieked, pulling away to peck my cheek. Kanghoon giggled and kissed the other side of my face, making me blush at their heartwarming love strokes. They don't resent me...? I snuggled my face against their familiar light scent with a relieved feeling. I missed them so much it makes my heart ache.

"Aigo~ You're going to suffocate her at this rate," Taehyung appeared in casual clothes with a tray of warm porridge. I gulped and looked up at him unsurely. Isn't he upset with me...? I thought he'd lash out at me for burdening him with the twins... but Kim Taehyung pulled me into a crushing hug the instant we met. 

"I have to leave," I whispered. Taehyung halted with a baffled look as he settled the utensils on the table. The twins gripped my hands uneasily and glanced at me with a slight frown.

"No. You must stay- Sora!" Taehyung snapped when I quickly launched to my feet and hurried towards the door, but he caught my arm and yanked me right back. I gasped at his harsh reaction.

"You don't understand! He'll- He'll find me-"

"I'll protect you! Running will not solve anything! You should know that by now!" Taehyung glared at me as he firmly gripped my hand before the door. The twins slowly climbed off the couch and walked towards us with a slight pout. They glanced back and forth between us with their tearful doe eyes... causing my heart to churn in despair.

"Eomma... are you leaving again~?" They asked, sadly staring up at me with their hands clasped together.

"I can't s-stay- or they'll be in danger-"

"Yah-?!" Taehyung shrieked in shock when my head violently swayed like a whirlpool until my limbs grew weak again- Thump. I plunged right back... into the pitch-black darkness before I could finish my words.

A moment later.

"Her body is fine," The head doctor whispered while sitting by the twin's bedside as the supreme alpha remained unconscious under the sheet with an IV drip hooked to her wrist.

"Appa... is eomma sick~?" Woojin whispered, nervously tugging Taehyung's shirt as their father stood by the bedroom doorway with his arms crossed.

"What's the matter with her then?" Taehyung asked, frowning at her weak condition as he lowered his hands to ruffle the twin's bowl-cut heads to assure them of her welfare. They pouted and glanced at their resting mother as they clung to their father's hands.

"I'll have to test her blood sample," The man shook his head.

Taehyung nodded and escorted the man out of the apartment before returning to the bedroom to find the twins... placing their stuffed animals around their mother's body to keep her safe from the bad energy. They climbed their bed to slip in beside her and turned to hug her waist on either side.

"Don't bother her. Come here. Share the bed with appa," Taehyung sighed, walking forward to pick up the twins before placing them on his bed instead. They pouted but didn't complain, so Taehyung sighed and sat down by Sora's bedside to tuck her wild hair strands behind her ears. He glanced at the bracelet around her wrist and backed up at her with a bitter expression.

The next day

"Eomma~! Look~!- We drew you~!" Kanghoon showed his mother their cute scribbles on the paper as she sat against the bedhead in her silk gown, weakly smiling at the compilation of their cute artwork.

"You guys are very talented," She chuckled, glancing at their rosy cheeks as they intensely waited for her approval.

Woojin suddenly shivered at the sight of her pretty smile as Kanghoon shyly covered his mouth to suppress the urge to scream his flooding excitement. They were both... enchanted by their mother's beauty. Because every time they witness her pretty smiles and attentive gaze... their small body would vibrate in glee. Taehyung pushed open the door and stepped inside the room.

"Still feeling nauseous?" Taehyung asked, carefully handing a warm mug to the supreme alpha before settling on the edge of his mattress with a sore gaze on her pale face as the twins lay on their mother's lap with bright beams. They couldn't help but admire her.

"Where's my bracelet...?" Sora mumbled, glancing at her empty wrist in confusion.

"I took it off," Taehyung dimmed his eyes. The twins blinked and sat up on the mattress as Sora stared at their colorful drawings with a weak smile. She softly kissed their cheeks... causing the twins to quiver with happiness. Every time... they're super happy... they wiggle their body... just like their mother's young habits.

"He's not tracking me-"

"But he's injecting you with drugs," Taehyung replied blankly.

"What?" Sora frowned, looking up at Taehyung with a dark frown. He sighed.

"The head doctor sent back the reports. Your body is plagued with a drug substance," Taehyung whispered, pulling out the golden bracelet sealed in a bag from the drawer. It was... smashed into pieces.

"What are you talking about?" She mumbled as she stared at the fractured vial in the bag.

"He made it for you?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah," Sora nodded.

Sora's POV

"The bracelet has a small vial containing a powerful drug. There's also a microneedle... automated to pierce your skin. It's as small as a mosquito's mouth... so it wouldn't cause you pain, but... with just a prick... it'll put you out in seconds. I broke it," Taehyung sorely stared at me. I blinked and glanced down at the bracelet with a heavy heart. Yangcha never changed. Why did he have to do this to me...? That's why I kept fainting whenever I tried to flee from him.

"I shouldn't be here for long," I sighed, anxiously glancing at the kids again as they keenly stared at me with innocent smiles.

Third Person POV

Woojin immediately turned red the instant she looked at him, so he smacked Kanghoon's shoulder, who hugged his twin brother while giggling at her with their cute bunny teeth. Sora smiled at their reaction and poked their noses with her finger, causing the twins to shriek and collapse onto the blanket... love-struck... by their mother's slightest touch.

"So happy~!" Kanghoon wiggled his tiny body and quickly sat up to chew his lower lips while eyeballing his mother's pretty face again. Woojin giggled and sat up to tuck his small hands under his chin, cutely scanning his mother's face with his sparkling doe eyes. They couldn't get enough of her because with every gesture... their hearts would thump against their small ribs, and they'd immediately collapse from the overwhelming sensation.

Sora's POV

"Do you plan on leaving your seat empty? For how long? The cult is pressed on eliminating your household. If you don't care about your power, at least care for the kids. They've been missing you every day," Taehyung glanced at the clueless twins as they pulled my hair and poked my body randomly... as if to confirm my existence. I sadly stared at their curious pupils.

"You don't know how far he's willing to go," I whispered, lifting my dim gaze to Taehyung. I desperately want to hold them close to me, but I'm afraid of endangering their innocent souls. They kept hugging and kissing me without a hint of resentment. How are they so forgiving...? Even after three years of separation... they're holding onto me so... affectionately.

"If he's the reason you're so afraid to hold your own children, then I will wield the sword to protect you... but will you allow me to shed his blood?" Taehyung asked, frowning at me. I didn't reply and smiled at the twins as they cutely muttered random things while showing me their art collections.

A moment later.

"They're asleep," Taehyung muttered, carefully closing the door as I sat in the living room with a drained expression. I'm feeling better now after the head doctor treated me. How did I escape? It's a long story, but I'm feeling restless because Yangcha might barge inside the apartment at any given moment.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered, lifting my eyes to meet his as he sat across from me.

"What?" Taehyung blinked while rubbing his lower lips.

"Did anything happen between us? That I'm not aware of?" I asked. Taehyung stared at me with a wearied look. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back against the couch.

"We both know... we've never done anything over the boundaries," He replied. I sighed and lowered my head to rub my nose bridge with a troubled feeling. He's right. We've been platonic ever since I got together with Yangcha. 

"I don't understand," I muttered.

"Are you blind?" He asked. I unsurely lifted my eyes to study his sore expression.

"What?" I muttered.

"They've got his face. Jeon Jungkook. You tell me how you got involved with that asshole," Taehyung frowned. I pursed my lips in realization before glancing at the closed door. He's right. They've got Jungkook's doe eyes and bunny teeth.


"So you seriously don't know... how you got yourself in this position?" Taehyung asked dimly. I nodded. I'm clueless.

"Yangcha insisted that it happened when I was drunk during our pre-wedding party at the mansion," I shrugged. Taehyung frowned to process his thoughts.

"I saw Jungkook that night. He was at the mansion before I left, but the asshole was drinking his life away on the mansion's rooftop," Taehyung exhaled.

"We did argue before the party," I grimaced. How did Jungkook end up in my room, and how did I sleep with him without realizing it? The memories are foggy. I can't seem to remember anything. Ah~! How was I so careless?!

"Let's say he's their father. What does Jae Yangcha want from you, and where have you been all these times?" Taehyung questioned me from across the couch with an uptight grimace. 

"Yangcha... he took me to this hidden place of his... in the wilderness. We live there. I did convince him to return... but he insisted on taunting my mother with my absence. He doesn't wish to see the twins again and asked me to remain... by his side. He'd hurt the twins if I returned without his permission, so I stayed as he demanded. I tried to contact you many times... but he would always stop me," I muttered, glancing at my hands in guilt. Taehyung quietly watched me.

"I thought he killed you," Taehyung muttered. I lifted my dim eyes to him again.

"No. Yangcha never raised his hands to hurt me," I shook my head.

"But you were wounded. I doubt you caused the injury yourself-"

"He was drugged. Just like I was drugged by the shareholder. He lost control... so I suffered from his lust, but he took care of me afterward.... and he happened to receive the paternity result the same night and... got upset. Another person showed up... at the wrong time... so he took out his rage on the person," I guiltily stared at Taehyung.

"How long are you going to let him kill in your name? Sora, I get that you're attached to him, but he's been encouraging the worst in you. Your family is on the verge of collapsing and he manipulated you into abandoning your children. Are you really happy with him...? Because you're gaslighting yourself to accept his obsession as a form of love," Taehyung shook his head. I quietly stared at my hands.

"You don't know what he's capable of committing. Taehyung, I've seen him... in his cave, and he's... he's... an immortal being. Anything you're the best at... he can do it better. He's been monitoring the council even while we were in the wilderness. You saw the technology he mastered- He will find a way to destroy everything within his sight if I don't return to him," I shook my head.

"It's hard to attack a lurking shadow. But once... he's out in a vast field without a hiding spot... I can take him down. A shadow can't exist without a light source," Taehyung spoke with confidence. I'm not sure. I don't think... Taehyung alone can stop Jae Yangcha. He's too powerful.

"You want to eliminate him?" I asked, nervously raising my eyebrows. Taehyung quietly stared at me.

"No. I want to use him as a weapon. Jae Yangcha might be a ruthless killer... but he's sensible. He doesn't attack just anyone. The Jaguar only pounces at those who deserve his wrath," Taehyung dimmed his eyes.

"So what do you wish to do?" I blinked.

"I don't think I should be fighting with him. Instead... I will use him to take down the Jeons," Taehyung smiled with arms crossed.

"Jungkook?" I frowned.

"He purposely tore the alliance apart and is now wrecking your relationship. We have a common enemy, Sora," Taehyung directed his dead stare at me. I uneasily glanced at the bedroom door again. If Jungkook is their father... then... it'll be a complicated issue to resolve.

Flashback: Fire Night

Jang Sora suddenly lost consciousness on the mattress due to her internal injuries while being pinned down by the Jaguar... who abruptly halted with a startled expression. He gripped her cheeks to examine her pale face as her head... flopped lifelessly... to the side.

The alpha took a deep breath and slowly crawled off his wife to loom over the baby crate as the twins... peacefully cooed in their sleep. He intensely watched them with his dark pupils. Ring. Ring. The alpha snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the doorbell to his penthouse... ringing.

The raging alpha suppressed his anger and blankly walked out of the bedroom to open the door... only to find... a familiar face standing before him. The woman's face was bright red... and she was gripping her dangling designer purse as he unsurely eyed her unstable state.

"Where is she?!" Minhee snapped, pushing Yangcha aside, and stormed inside the penthouse. The alpha turned after the woman with a poker face as she stormed inside his living space without an invitation.

"Are you drunk?" Yangcha muttered.

"Your wife! Where is she!? Bring out that bitch!- She murdered my father!" Minhee screamed, angrily hurling her purse to the floor. The Jaguar sorely observed her unstable state and slowly closed the penthouse door. Click. His eyes darkened as he directed his distorted vision on the clueless woman before his gaze. The darkness... relentless... pounding against his soul to seize control of his mind.

"Your father harassed my wife-"

"Bullshit! She killed my father with Kim Taehyung because he saw them having an affair!" Minhee screeched. Yangcha glanced at the pill bottle that rolled from her purse and crouched down to pick up her bag.

"Just like your father... you drugged me. What were you hoping for...?" Yangcha calmly asked, tossing the pill bottle and the purse onto the couch as Minhee slumped down to rub her flushed face, still dazed from the liquor she consumed before visiting him.

"You said you'd return to me after we parted! But you never did, and I was left waiting for you abroad! You heartless jerk!- I waited for you endlessly only to find out you're happily married to the bitch who killed my father!" Minhee sneered at Yangcha. He blankly stared at the woman. Tick Tock... Tick Tock...

Little did she know... she was in danger of being devoured by the hungry beast.

"I never asked you to wait for me," Yangcha sighed, turning around to enter the kitchen. He poured a drink into a mug and strolled back towards Minhee, who furiously fired him a sharp glare. The woman had confessed her feelings to him when they were young, but Yangcha never responded and left with his parents to reside in Korea after they were exposed as the new anonymous alpha. Minhee glanced at the paternity tests on the coffee table and frowned.

"What's this-? They're not your kids?- Hah! I told you! They're Kim Taehyung's! Why else would he babysit them?!- I'm telling you my father died at their hands to conceal the truth!" Minhee snatched the report with a slight smirk. Yangcha walked up to her with the mug and lowered his hand to place it in her palms. Minhee frowned as he grabbed the pill bottle and poured a handful onto his palm.

"This is what you used... to get my dick hard...?" He asked, dimly staring at the pills in his palm. She frowned.

"Wae? Do you want me now that you realized she's an unfaithful bitch...?" Minhee smirked. The alpha glanced at her flushed cheeks and slowly crouched down before her with a weak smile.

"Take it. The pill," He whispered, carefully picking up a pill to press it against her bold red lipstick. Minhee stared at Yangcha intensely and opened her mouth as he pushed the drug... between her lips. He didn't pull his finger out and shoved... the pill deep inside her throat with his finger.

"Ark-" Minhee coughed in distress. Yangcha withdrew his saliva-coated fingers from her mouth as she frantically swallowed the pills with the water in the mug. Yangcha smirked.

"Your father... he's known... as a regular at a famous... orgy house. Right? That's how he got his hands on such... powerful pills? I lost my mind... because of you," Yangcha chuckled while crouching before Minhee, who was staring lustfully at his alluring visual.

"Why...? Do you wish to revive the sensation? You should've submitted to me when I gave it to you," She smiled, lifting her hand to graze his cheek. Yangcha smiled as Minhee slowly undid her dress's buttons to reveal her plump cleavage. The alpha smirked and lowered his head before lifting his seductive eyes to meet her tempting gaze. She gently brushed his cheek... until he turned his face aside to avoid her touch.

"I enjoyed it. The sex. My wife... she's very generous when it comes to me. But she almost collapsed due to my greed to soothe my dick. She's ill because of you," He whispered, slightly shaking his head while holding an intense eye contact with the woman.

"I can handle you. You should be sorry for leaving me hanging-"

"Take a few more," Yangcha encouraged, grabbing her jaw to squeeze her cheeks and shoved the remaining pills in his palm inside her mouth. Minhee grimaced as he forced her to swallow the drugs with the water in the mug until it messily spilled from the corner of her lips. Yangcha chuckled after the drunk woman swallowed all the pills with one gulp.

"Are you sure you can handle me...?" Minhee asked, smugly staring at him as he rose to his feet to tower over her. Her cheeks began to flush red... and the woman started tugging on her collar in discomfort as the drugs seeped into her system.

"You asked for this," Yangcha smiled, walking away... leaving Minhee confused, so she got up after him as he opened the bedroom door and strolled inside to find his wife lying motionless on the bed. He slipped his arms under her body and gently lifted her upward to settle her on the couch at the end of their bed. Minhee drunkenly stumbled inside the bedroom and walked over to the crate.

"Ah... I'd fucking kill them if I was you..." She giggled at the sleeping twins. Yangcha strolled towards the woman, suddenly grabbing a handful of her hair and dragged her with all his might to shove her onto the bed. She gasped and slumped onto the mattress with a dazed mind... but instead of crying in pain... she moaned and chuckled at his aggression.

"Your father. He loved to abuse you, didn't he? That's why you enjoy the pain so much?" Yangcha sneered while gripping her cheeks as her face flushed super red due to the heavy drug influence.

"Do you want to fuck in front of your wife? Like this? You must feel super betrayed by her unfaithful acts~? Hmm..? Does it anger you... knowing she willingly... let another man's dick slip inside her? Until he impregnated her womb with his sperms...? You poor thing~!" Minhee giggled, quickly taking off her clothes and tossed them aside. Yangcha stood staring at her without blinking as she took off her bra and panties until she was fully naked.

"I am taking my revenge," Yangcha replied. Minhee drunkenly chuckled as her body burned from the heat of her aroused nerves, so she grabbed Yangcha's sweatpants to strip him to his ankle and quickly took off his shirt to expose his flaming hot body. He stood in his boxer, smugly tilting his head to watch her desperate attempt to get his dick inside her. 

"Sure. I'll help you seek revenge. It's a win-win for the both of us," Minhee smiled, trying to kiss him on her toes when he snatched her throat and slammed her right back onto the bed. Minhee chuckled madly at his forceful nature as she gagged on the mattress.

"Oh~ You're so hot for this~ You're regretting it, aren't you? We should've fucked earlier~ Hmm- AH?!" She screamed in shock when he roughly struck her hard across the face, but Yangcha immediately covered her mouth to keep her voice down.

"Shhh... I know you're a masochist... don't wake the babies," He devilishly smiled at her. Minhee glared at him as he firmly clasped his palm over her lips. She reached out to feel his hard abs, but the alpha roughly grabbed her wrist and pinned her down with all his strength until she whimpered from his painful grip.

SLAP. Minhee groaned again when he beat her hard across the face until her cheek burned bright red with his handprint. She laughed and looked up at him with a dazed mind- SMACK! Minhee suddenly grunted in annoyance when Yangcha struck her hard across her jaw, causing her head to spin wildly from being slapped repeatedly. He released her body and straightened his toned torso as the woman huffed in irritation before sitting up to fire him a sharp glare with a bruised face.

"Aren't you being a little too heavy-handed?!" Minhee snapped but was again- greeted by a rough blow to her face. SMACK. The woman scoffed and slumped weakly onto the mattress, slowly lifting her face to find blood... dripping from her nose... and staining the bed sheet.

"Enjoying it...? Still?" Yangcha grunted. She snapped her head towards him in anger as the heavy blood trickled over her philtrum.

"You asshole!" She screeched, trying to smack him- but Yangcha effortlessly shoved her back with his firm grip around her vulnerable throat, causing the blood to smear her cheeks.

Minhee tried to scream, but he roughly stapled her sensitive body onto the mattress until her eyes bulged open from the alarming pressure of his clutch. She whimpered and tried to wriggle free, but he refused to release her and roughly squeezed her windpipe. SLAP. Yangcha angrily struck her face again... sending a tooth flying out of her mouth.

"How dare you show up before me again?! I was going to let you off because of our past, but you had to repeatedly turn up like this?!!- Did you ever think I ever liked you?!- I only befriended you at the boarding school because you were so pathetic! And you only chased me because you wanted me to complete all of your schoolwork!" He seethed, angrily releasing her neck.

Minhee coughed in distress as she rolled on the bed with her hands gripped over her aching throat. She tried to sit up but suddenly collapsed backward as she clutched onto her overdosed body in distress. The powerful drugs... beginning to torment her system... with the searing warmth until her eyeballs burned from the severe heat as her body struggled to contain her lustful hunger.

"I'm burning! Fuck me already- You asshole!-" Minhee screamed- but was cut short again when Yangcha punched her hard in the face. SMACK! She whimpered and sprawled weakly on the mattress after the shocking blow. She coughed out blood to find... a few more of her teeth... slipping out from between her lips. Her eyes widened in horror at the shocking damage.

Yangcha seethed in anger, suddenly storming out of the room and disappeared... so she weakly pushed her body off the bed and Thud!- She suddenly wobbled to the floor as her body... succumbed to the agonizing heat of the lustful curse. She whimpered in distress and tried to get up when Jae Yangcha stormed back inside the bedroom with a dark frown.

"Did you think I was unaware of your intention to accuse my wife for a crime she didn't commit?!-"

"Yangcha! I'm sorry!- ARGH-" Minhee tried to beg him when he grabbed a handful of her hair to haul her back onto the bed, but before she could finish speaking... she felt the sharpness of the solid steel plunging into her chest. STAB! The woman's eyes widened in horror as Yangcha covered her mouth with one hand, roughly shoving the kitchen knife between her ribcage.

"You planned on exposing my wife, didn't you..? To ruin her? You told lies to the media! And the journalists! Saying filthy things about her!- How Jang Sora... fucked her boss and then threw your fucking father's wimpy dick off the balcony?!!- You funded the media to prepare for my wife's exposure! You entered the corporation to seduce me so you could seek revenge for your father! So you drugged me, thinking I'd want to fuck your rotting ass?!!- Did you think I was clueless?- You should've left when I was being lenient with you!-" Yangcha seethed under his breath until his eyes turned pitch black. Minhee gasped in distress when he suddenly snatched the blade out of her chest and- STAB! STAB! STAB! STAB!

Yangcha repeatedly lifted the knife and violently stabbed her body with the pointy tip of the blade. He was so swift with the slaughter... Minhee couldn't voice out her pain and stared up at him in absolute shock as he dug the knife inside her body- viciously tearing it out to release the gushing blood. The young lady let out an excruciating groan as she helplessly sprawled beneath him. Her warm blood... soaking his face and body with every puncture. Splat. Splat. More and more blood sprayed onto his face as he chuckled in a psychotic tone. 

"Y-Yangcha- ARH!-" She tried to beg him when he ruthlessly slashed the blade across her throat to tear open her vocal cords, immediately silencing her voice.

"Do you want to know the truth that badly?!- I'll send you straight to your father! Ask him yourself!" Yangcha angrily gritted, lifting the knife to stab her body repeatedly until... Minhee... stopped resisting him. She twitched and gurgled on her thick blood with her terrified eyes wide open as she stared up at him. Petrified by his brutal act. The sharp blade... sinking endlessly... through her flesh to rip her organs and chipping her bones with its sharp edge.

"Y-Yangcha!?!- Baby!-" Sora gasped, suddenly grabbing Yangcha's forearm, so he snapped his head towards his wife's petrified condition after she had woken up to find her husband... stabbing the woman. The supreme alpha gripped his arm and covered her mouth in shock as she stared at the corpse on their soaked bed.

Sora's POV

"She drugged me! You're hurt because of her!- Let go!- Argh! Argh! Argh!" Yangcha tugged his arm from my grip, causing me to stumble back in horror as I watched him drive the soaked blade into the woman's torn flesh. Sora! The twins! I quickly spun around to grab the bundles with my blood-soaked arms and limped out of the bedroom as Yangcha hovered over the body to murder the victim.

"I have to leave!- Argh...?!-" I whispered shakily, but my chest was aching too much... so I quickly raced across the penthouse and entered the guest bedroom. Thud. I banged the door shut, locked the handle, and frantically turned around to search the room. Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm scared!

"Sh-Shhh... D-Don't cry, okay? Eomma will- get you out of here!" I whimpered, quickly drawing the wardrobe open to place the sleeping babies between the piles of neatly folded clothes. I need to distract him. I wiped away my tears and quickly snatched my phone from the nightstand.

"Taehyung!- Pick up the call!" I sobbed in fear as I shakily tapped on his contact. Yet... he didn't pick up the call,... so I cried in distress while wiping the bloody screen with my blood-soaked thumbs. I can't get the twins out in this condition- Click.

I froze in fear as I hugged my knees by the nightstand when I heard the door lock clicking. My body... trembled uncontrollably as I watched the dark shadow glide dangerously... beneath the gap. It's as if there was a wild animal... waiting just outside the door... to murder me with its bloody claws.

"Noona, open the door," Yangcha spoke up from the other side. I gripped my mouth shakily with my terrified gaze on the door gap as he rattled the door handle. The call suddenly cut off against my ear, so I lowered my dead phone in fear to stare at the black screen. I sniffled and tossed it aside- Beep. The door suddenly unlocked.

"Yangcha! Stop!-" I cried, leaping onto my feet- sprinting forward just as the door opened and the bloody Jaguar appeared... murderously towering over me with his blood-soaked fur. I ran right into his solid body and shoved him out of the room.

"I won't hurt you... but where are the twins?" He calmly asked. The warm tears spilled from my eyes as my heart... thumped in fear. Thud! Thud! Thud! My temples... pulsating intensely as I stood between him and the door.

"L-Listen to me! Y-Yangcha listened to me!- You have to stop! I'm sorry-"

"Why are you crying? I won't hurt you," He repeated, lifting his hand to caress my tears. I whimpered and gripped his thick forearm as he clutched onto the soaked blade.

"I will bear you our baby!- Ok- Okay?!- P-please!- I'll make it up to you! Yangcha!-" I whimpered, trying to keep him out of the room- when he suddenly shoved me aside and stormed inside the muted space with the knife. I gasped in pain while clutching onto my throbbing ribs.

"Where are they?!" Yangcha shrieked. I whimpered and rushed back inside the guest room to grab his sticky hand.

"They're innocent!- Oh!?-! Kill me! Yangcha!- I'm the person at fault- Please! If you're upset- just kill me!" I begged in tears as I shakily stood before him in tears to block him from the wardrobe. Yangcha lowered his gaze to my pitiful state as I stared at his blood-soaked face with a pale expression.

"You should rest... noona. You'll fall ill... if you cry too much," Yangcha whispered, gently grabbing my shoulders, causing me to stiffen at the sight of the bloody... knife near my cheek as he gently made me sit on the mattress.

"Yangcha! Please-" I tried to beg when he suddenly struck the side of my neck with his hand- Thump! I collapsed weakly onto the bed- just as I heard someone calling for my name. Yangcha quickly slammed the door shut before I blacked out.

Third Person POV

Jang Sora weakly collapsed onto the bed as Jae Yangcha glanced at the closed door, attentively listening to the marching footsteps. He quickly lifted Sora's body and carried her into the bathroom to settle her on the floor, stepped back into the guest room... and closed the door to keep her out of sight before bending down to pick up the blade from the floor- THUD.

The door suddenly swung open.

The Jaguar paused... gradually... turning to find face... The Lone Wolf... with his raging darkness.

The Jaguar knew... he had to keep the goddess by his side at all costs, so he lifted the blade to threaten the wolf, who viciously attacked him to save the bear and the puppy as they wailed for their mother.

Jae Yangcha fled the room to set the place on fire... to cover up the murder. 

"Fuck!" Yangcha quickly knocked out the dead woman's teeth in a hurry and collected the dental evidence as the smoke filled the room. BANG. He heard the door opening and frantic footsteps marching out of the guest room, so the Jaguar waited until Kim Taehyung left the floor before barging out of the bedroom to race through the burning flame.

He quickly dashed inside the guest bedroom and barged inside the bathroom to retrieve Sora's body with a soaked towel over her face. The Jaguar clutched tightly onto her body and raced out of the penthouse. Beep. He clicked a remote on his phone, causing the elevator door to slide open. He quickly sprang inside the metallic compartment and closed it to seal off the dense spoke. Beep. Yangcha clicked the control button again... and the elevator descended to the ground floor without stopping as the residents... frantically tried to access the lift but were denied... because the system had already been hijacked by the alpha.

Yangcha sprinted into the empty lobby with his wife before everyone else- BEEP. He clicked the remote and- KABOOM. The penthouse suddenly exploded. The alpha quickly raced out of the building with the supreme alpha's unconscious body and ran to a dark alley near the building to settle her in his parked car.

"Fuck!" Yangcha gripped his burnt hips before limping around the vehicle to hop inside the driver's seat. Beep. He clicked the remote again until the repetitive explosion set off to the wreck of the penthouse with its deadly flames as the headlight roared to life and- ZOOM! The alpha... blasted out of the area in his car as his lover remained lifeless in her seat. He didn't stop and drove straight to Daegu with her.

End of flashback.


After the failure to depart from the villa.

Sora's POV

I sat calmly on the bed with my arms wrapped around my knees as Yangcha sat behind me with his back pressed against the headboard. We quietly watched the rainstorm, tearing the swaying trees apart with its strong wind current as he bound his arms around my waist, gently tugging me back, so I exhaled and leaned against his bare torso with my head rested against his shoulder. Yangcha softly kissed the side of my head while holding me over the light silk in the dim room, illuminated by the dim glow from the flowing streams outside the glass enclosure.

"You should get some sleep," I whispered with my eyes on the soft ripples over the artificial pool streams as he interlaced our fingers over my stomach.

I tried to flee from the villa, but here I am... trapped within his embrace... again. Yangcha had been sulking for the past hours after he caught me leaving the property, so I returned and settled in bed with him. He's been holding me since. Not uttering a single word... and gently held me in his arms while inhaling my scent every now and then.

"I'm afraid you'll be gone when I wake up," He shook his head while tightening his arms around me. I blinked and tilted my head upward as he held me from behind. Yangcha lowered his bloodshot eyes to me, so I lifted my hand to hold his cheek as I tenderly kissed him. He gently rocked me over the bed as we made out inside our dark room.

"I'll be here at sunrise. I promise," I whispered.

Yangcha sadly gazed at me before the rainstorm, so I tilted my face again to kiss his lips again until he released a deep exhale. He didn't stop me. But it is me... who can't seem to depart from him. Maybe. It's not him but me. I'm the one clutching too tightly onto him because I did not have the courage to leave him behind. Yangcha lifted his hands to hold my shoulders across my chest, gently drawing me back so I patted his forearms while staring at the rain with a heavy heart.

I did not know I was able to love someone this deeply.

Everywhere I go and whoever I meet has told me... the love I seek is a false illusion.

A dream. A fairytale.

They told me I was too much. That I was irrational... and I was demanding too much from them. So I blamed myself, assuming I was the one at fault for pressuring my lovers to love me the way I wanted.

The love I crave doesn't exist. And I am simply living a delusional life. I believed their words.

Yet. Yangcha answered my call. How? I don't know. Everything I wanted. Yangcha gave it all to me. Never has he ever complained that I was too much. He never once... told me... the love I seek is the outcome of my delusional mind. Rather. He showed me the love he had to offer. He effortlessly delivered it to me until... I was drowning in his undying affection.

It's strange. How he's the only person to fulfill my needs... and I find myself falling deeper and deeper for him until I start to worry for myself. How long will I stay in love with him? Here. In his embrace? Is it right to dismiss the world and simply love? He turned my harsh reality into a fairytale, and I don't ever want to wake from my daydream. Is it a good thing? Or is it bad? To neglect reality and live like the lovers in a magical fairytale? I don't know. But I'm getting greedy.

Despite all the sweet kisses, delicate touches, and warm embraces. Deep down... I knew... This isn't the forever... I'm fated to encounter. I'm destined to suffer from the ruthless reality, and I am simply using Yangcha as an excuse to escape from it. How long can he keep up with my delusions? I wasn't sure. But I know for sure... that I'll make the most out of our peace and love while it lasts. Because at this point in life... I know... him and I... we'll one day... clash for the last time.

And one of us... will walk away, leaving the other stranded in the sinkhole.

"Does your head ache?" I asked, carefully feeding warm Yangcha chicken porridge as he sat on the bed with his dark circles and a cool patch over his forehead. He finally fell asleep the night before after I assured him I wouldn't leave his side.

"Better," He sadly stared at me with a tissue stuck in his left nostril. He got a nosebleed the instant he woke up from his sleep and he was burning up.

"I shouldn't have made you drink," I whispered. Yangcha doesn't respond well to liquor because he gets super sick if he consumes too much alcohol. He quietly ate from the spoon, so I wiped his lips and placed the bowl away.

"Noona... I feel like I'm slowly dying..." He whispered, dimming his eyes on me. I examined his pale expression with a slight frown.

"I didn't kill you. Your heart, it's intact," I smiled. Yangcha nodded, so I pulled him into a crushing hug. I felt this heaviness looming over me... yet... I didn't know what it was.

A moment later.

I twisted before the mirror to examine the delicate silk gown on my body with a bright beam in the fluffy bunny slippers to check the perfect trims with a weak smile. Yangcha smiled as he calmly leaned against the bathroom doorway with his arms crossed over his hard pecs... head tilted against the frame to watch me try on his new gift. He smiled as he stood shirtless, quietly admiring me from the doorway.

"It's very light~!" I giggled, turning to stretch the loose gown with a wide smile.

"I made it. Of course, it'll perfectly suit you," He smiled in exhaustion.

"You're good at everything~ How can you tailor such a fine piece~?" I scoffed. Yangcha strolled out of the bathroom to pull a drawer open and walked toward me with a thick album.

"I finished decorating our wedding album," He smiled, placing it on the carpet by the foot of the bed, and sat down. I gasped, quickly walking forward to sit beside him as he opened the album to reveal our stunning photographs.

"You designed this too?" I smiled, looking up at him in surprise as he flipped through the carefully crafted pages of our moments together.

"Yeah. I thought it would be more meaningful if I designed everything myself," Yangcha shrugged. I pursed my lips and stared at him sadly before glancing at his radiant smile in the picture as I clung to his arms with a bright smile.

Is this our happy life? In this world? Or is it just... another faded memory of us? My heart churned with unease as he flipped through the pages. I fondly stared at my pretty beams and the way he'd fondly stare at me in the photographs.

"It's unfair," I whispered. Yangcha looked up at me with a questioning look.

"What is?" He asked.

"You outshined me in everything pictured. Look at you... such... perfect smiles and bright pupils," I pointed at his handsome face. Yangcha chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm humbled next to you. You're the beauty. See? Glowing so brightly with your pretty smile," He shook his head. I chuckled and hugged his waist as we sat on the floor to flip through our memories.

The album... wasn't just a picture of our wedding... but a compilation... of all our moments. He had printed out photographs of us. Our first selfie together when we first met. Our first amusement park date. Throughout our relationship. During my pregnancy. On our trips and personal moments. I smiled at the heartwarming memories of us as Yangcha flipped through the thick album until unconscious tears slipped from my eyes. I sniffled and quickly wiped my cheeks... so he unsurely glanced at me with a confused look as I struggled to hold back my tears.

"Why am I getting emotional...?" I whispered, briefly glancing at his concerned frown as he halted with the half-turned page.

"It's endearing, isn't it?" He asked. I nodded, repeatedly dabbing my face as my cheeks and eyes burned from the emotional stir within my aching chest.

Why is the world so unfair? I want this happiness to last forever between us. Can't I live happily ever after? Why? Why is it that I am torn between him and my children? Why can't we live together? Why is it that things have to unfold this way? Why am I forced to abandon one path to walk on the other...? Why...? How many more twists and painful turns do I have to endure to finally achieve a happy ending...?

I blinked out of my thoughts and glanced up at Yangcha as he softly brushed his pinky over mine on the carpet. He smiled, so I pursed my lips and glanced at the photograph as I pouted in one of the selfies of Yangcha sitting on the floor with a white face mask over his face. I sighed and interlaced our hands over the carpet.

Our love... I'm scared of losing it.


[Reccomended Song: The Archer - Taylor Swift]

A Future Event.

"Noona! P-Please- I'm sorry! Noona- I love you-" Yangcha screamed in distress as he sat in the puddle of cold water. I stood staring at his burning pupils with an aching heart, coldly staring at the fresh scratches on his cheekbones before glancing at his bloody lips.

"I- I have to do this-" I muttered as I stood over him with my fists clenched.

Yangcha howled in anguish and slowly crawled forward on his aching body to hug my legs, causing my dazed head to sway from his pleading voice. I gripped my fists and glanced at another man... standing by the car as he held the umbrella over the twins... who were staring at me with their tearful eyes.

"You said you won't leave me! I trusted you! H-How could you be so cruel to me?!- Like this!?- You know I- I always- gave you everything you needed! Wae!?-" He screamed in distress, causing the unconscious tears to stream from my cheeks. The man sighed heavily, picked up the twins, and placed them in the back seat of the car. The thunder cracked above our heads... drumming loudly over us as the sharp pallets... struck Yangcha's pale face with its frost.

"You were right when you said... you couldn't trust me. You should've never trusted me," I whispered, crouching down to stare at his tear-soaked gaze. Yangcha whimpered, frantically gripping my wrists as his lips trembled helplessly.

"How can you betray me from the beginning?! Noona- How could you do this to me?! Was I always a tool to you and never a lover?! Argh!- You lied to me! I loved you- but you lied to me! You lied to me! You made me a fool! How could you be this cruel?!- How could you effortlessly say all those words when- it was never your intention- to love me!? Wae?! WAE?!- Why did you save me if you're going to leave like this?!" He sobbed, aggressively clutching my hands for mercy. I gripped my aching heart in distress... as I stared at his desperate whimpers.

"I'm sorry-"

"This is unfair! Was it all planned?! From the beginning!?- How could you- Ah!?-" Yangcha tried to scream but halted in shock as the hot tears rolled from his terrified bloodshot eyes. I bit my trembling lips as he stiffly glanced down at my hand... gripping tightly onto... a knife.

Yangcha scoffed and gripped my hand as the blade sunk into his chest. He whimpered and lifted his tearful eyes again. A flash of heartbreaking realization swept across his face.

"They will kill you if I let you live. You said you'd only die at my hands, right? So I'll fulfill your wish," I whispered. Yangcha opened his trembling purple lips to speak while searching my torn expression in shock as he firmly held onto my hand with his cold fingers.

"N-Noona-" Yangcha opened his mouth to speak but ended up coughing out blood as I clenched my jaw with my tearful eyes on him. Yangcha pursed his lips, weakly lowering his head to sob in anguish as I held the blade to his heart... until his blood... soaked my fingers.

"You'll be at peace, right?" I sobbed, tearfully staring at him. Yangcha shakily lifted his beaten face upward to stare at me with his pained gaze before glancing at the headlights... around us in defeat. The men stood with their guns aimed at Yangcha. He coughed in pain and nodded while holding onto my hand. 

"Deeper. This isn't... enough to kill me. Baby... you have to push deeper," Yangcha whispered, shakingly pulling my hand to force the blade deeper. My chest suddenly throbbed in agony. He winced and lowered his face as he made me shove the knife... deeper into his chest. A flicker of lightning suddenly tore the sky apart. 

"I'm really sorry-" I cried, suddenly breaking down before him. Yangcha slowly sunk to the ground as he weakly knelt before me under the heavy shower. He lifted his torn gaze to me as a flood of tear streams... dripped from his eyes... only to be washed away by the cold droplets.

"You- should leave. I'll- I'll be- O-Okay-" Yangcha whispered, gently pushing my hand from the knife, but I gripped the handle firmly as more blood spilled from his lips. He coughed in pain until the bulging veins formed over his forehead.

"I'm sorry for... waking us from our fairytale," I nodded, slowly withdrawing my shaky hand from the handle... that was punctured inside his pulsing chest.

Yangcha clenched his jaw and slowly sat over the damp concrete as I slowly stood up with my torn gaze before shifting my pained gaze... to Kim Seokjin as he stood beside his armed men. Kim Namjoon signaled his men, so they quickly bowed and hurried inside their cars. Hoseok lowered his head and turned around to enter his vehicle.

Jungkook dimly watched us before turning to leave with Sungho. Jimin took So-young's hand, and they left together. Yoongi exhaled and strolled away with his men. Seokjin stared at me through the heavy rain as I stood over the dying alpha. He too... turned his back and left with his men. One by one... the headlights... left the wilderness until a single car remained.

Kim Taehyung calmly sat in the car with the kids, who were firmly instructed not to look in our direction. I glanced back at Yangcha, who was still sitting in the cold storm... wounded and bleeding. I couldn't save him.

I glanced down at the ring on my finger as he pitifully lifted his face to stare at me from below. I slipped the cold loop off my finger- Cling. The silver dropped onto the pavement... flooded with his bright red blood. Yangcha lowered his gaze to stare at the ring as I slowly retreated from him.

The Jaguar sobbed in anguish while clutching his wounded chest... tearfully watching me drift further from him. I took a deep inhale to counter the wrenching pain and finally turned... away from him. I walked toward the car, pulled open and door, and slipped inside without looking back. The engine roared to life... and the vehicle slowly reversed... so I kept my eyes on the man as he sat... alone in the middle of nowhere.

Severely wounded by my betrayal.

Third Person POV

Jae Yangcha dimly watched the last car reverse backward until the wheels steered over the thick mud and disappeared before his swelling pupils. The cub... sobbed in grief and lowered his face to grip the handle... slowly... he withdrew the knife from his torn chest. The alpha winced in agony... as the blade brutally sliced open his wounded heart. Clatter. The knife dropped to the pavement as Jae Yangcha shuddered from the coldness. 


The wounded beast collapsed onto the damp floor, desperately reaching for his lover's ring on the wet ground. Sobbing... he gripped onto the cold steel and tightly clutched onto her ring. Thump. His remaining energy entirely... left his body as he rolled onto his back... listlessly staring up at the harsh downpour from the dark sky. He searched desperately for the brightest stars... but the vast opening beyond his gaze was pitch black. There was no light source in sight.

He was alone in the darkness... covered in battle scars... to prove his devotion to the goddess.

The beast's soul gradually faded from his body as he gazed at the gloomy cloud while suffering the most tragic betrayal.

She didn't kill him with her words.

Instead. She plunged a blade deep into his beating heart.

Jae Yangcha shivered from the cold downpour as he remained motionless on the bloody field with his pained eyes fixed on the darkness above him until his eyes slowly dropped closed.

Not a single star was in sight. Not even... warmth was available to comfort him. Just the... icy cold dampness... of the cruel showers... drowning him with sorrows of his bleeding soul.




The beast allowed the goddess to determine his fate.

And so, she did.

From the very beginning...

She had sentenced him to death.


Guess who is sitting with swollen eyelids...? Me! Me! And me! Ahh... I feel like I'm going to spend the rest of the month crying. Sobs. It's my habit to break my own heart. Hic. Hic. What do you think happened? I'd love to hear some theories! Let me know your thoughts ahah! I hope you're not crying too much! But since Yangcha is my favorite original character... I am of course shattered. Did you guys really believe he's the villain in this story? *laughing with an aching heart*

I'M HEARTBROKEN. *aggressive crying*

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