Can't Resist You (h.s)

By caitie_00

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When Caitlin starts at University, all she is looking forward to is finishing her degree in Psychology, and t... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Jerk
Chapter 3: Neighbours
Chapter 4: Sunburnt
Chapter 6: The Cake
Chapter 7: The Last Day
Chapter 8: Sexy Sweet and Sour
Chapter 9: Sneak
Chapter 10: Never Have I Ever
Chapter 11: A Proper Lady
Chapter 12: Spiked
Chapter 13: Recovering
Chapter 14: Sunsets and Beaches
Chapter 15: The Truth
Chapter 16: Out of Hand
Chapter 17: Secrets
Chapter 18: 21st
Chapter 19: Chocolate and D&M's
Chapter 20: Surfing
Chapter 21: The Plan - Part I
Chapter 22: The Plan - Part II
Chapter 23: The Aftermath Unplanned
Chapter 24: She did what?

Chapter 5: Evolution

89 3 3
By caitie_00

"Where are they?" I ask as I look around the crowded room for Lana and Emma.

"I have no idea, they said they were here so..."

"Let me ask them." I open my purse and get my phone out. When I turn on the screen I see the text that Jason sent me and smile.

[Here you go, have fun ;) x]

"What are you smiling at?" She questions, a cheeky smile on her face.

"Am I not allowed to smile?" I joke.

She looks down at my phone and her smile widens.

"Do you fancy him?"

"What? I don't know maybe why?" I stumble for words. I hardly even know him. Well, I guess I kind of do.

"He's definitely into you, you should go for it."

"What? What makes you say that?"

"Are you kidding me? You'd be blind not to see that he's into you."

"Hey guys there you are!" I hear a familiar high-pitched voice from behind, interrupting our conversation. I turn around and see Emma in a sparkly thick-strapped dress, and Lana in the usual yellow, strapless hugging dress. She's obsessed with the colour yellow, she believes it makes her tan skin stand out. I guess it does actually.

"We were looking for you everywhere, did you just get here?" Emma asks as we exchange hugs.

"Yea just then." A blonde guy walks up behind them and smiles once he reaches us.

"Are these the two you were talking about?" He asks politely. Aw I love his accent. His white tee hangs loosely on his small frame, and his ripped faded blue jeans are tight.

"Yea, Niall, this is Danielle and Caitlin." He smiles at us, showing his pearly whites.

"So, I heard your a friend of Ben's, I hope that doesn't mean you're as loud as him." Danielle jokes and he laughs and shakes his head.

"No way, I don't think anyone could be as loud as him." He jokes, laughing again. His laugh is so adorable I can't help but laugh as well.

"That is so true." I laugh.

"So, let's get some drinks." Lana states excitedly. She turns on her heel and we all follow her to the bar.

She orders her and Emma's drinks and then turns to us. "What do you guys want?"

"I'll just have a beer thanks." Niall tells her.

"I'll have a martini." I say.

"Yea I'll have the same." She orders our drinks and Danielle, Emma and I sit down at a table near a large group of girls.

"We haven't been out in a while." Emma states casually.

"Yea the last time we went out was for Lana's birthday which was like a month ago."

"That's sad." I pout.

"Yea I've missed you guys." Emma frowns.

"Me too, and I'm going to need more going out nights of I'm going to be studying every day again." Danielle sighs. The one thing she hates more than bananas is studying.

"Yea, well hopefully we'll be invited to a few parties at school." I suggest with a smile.

"You guys have to invite me if you do." Emma smirks.

"Of course, we wouldn't go without our gang." I say as if it's the most obvious thing. Lana and Niall arrive with our drinks and I only just realise how thirsty I am. I take a sip through the straw as the familiar tasty liquid runs down my throat and I moan. "Yum, I haven't had one of these in what feels like forever."

"You had one last weekend at the yacht club." Danielle looks at me with an amused look.

"Shut up, no one is supposed to know that." I whisper making everyone laugh.

"Alcoholic much." Emma teases. The thought makes me feel sick, of me ever becoming like my mother. But I laugh it off, she doesn't know about my mum.

"So, Niall, you get out much?" I ask him.

"I'm friends with Ben." He stops and waits for my reaction, a smile spreading on his face.

"Alright point taken." I laugh.

"What's with all these references to my brother, he gets enough attention when he is with people." Lana smirks as she stirs her drink.


"I love this song." Niall confesses as Hey Mama starts playing. I can't help but laugh at his words.

"You're so unexpected." Danielle laughs as well.

"What? This song is great, I mean come on it's Nicki Minaj." He puts up his hands as he talks.

"I'm guessing you like her." Danielle tries to hide her smile and so do I.

"She's like a goddess." I can't help but let a high-pitched laugh escape my mouth.

"Whatever floats your boat, Niall." I laugh.

"You two are so judgy." He frowns, making us laugh even more.

"Well let's get up and dance because my ass is hurting from sitting down, we've been here for like an hour already." Lana stands up and waits for the rest of us.

I shake my head at her eagerness and stand up. I pull my dress down slightly and finish off my second glass. We walk up to all the dancing bodies and I start to move my hips to the music. I look up and see Danielle doing some strange move where she moves her feet out and in and her arms flail.

"What the hell." We both laugh at her ridiculous dance moves.

"Hush woman, let me dance how I want to."

"Alright if you're going to do the Chalreston, then don't do it near me."


"How many have you had?" Niall laughs at Lana stumbling to her seat.

"I lost count at I think.... 5?" She smiles tipsily as she falls to the chair. "Can I get another?" She calls to a waiter as he walks past our table. He nods and hurries back behind the bar.

"How many have you had?" Emma looks up at Niall as she speaks.

"Only one, I can drive if you want."

"I think you're going to have to, I've had a few too many." She giggles. Emma is the sober one when she has to be, which is most of the times we go out.

"How are you two getting home?" Niall asks Danielle and I. I think back to the drive here and remember Jason and Blake offering us a lift home. That seems like yesterday, not less than 4 hours ago.

"Either we're catching a taxi, or our new neighbours said they would pick us up." Danielle explains as she takes another sip of her fourth Martini.

"I would offer to take you guys home but there are only three seats in my car." Niall's cute Irish laugh echoes through my ears, it's such a sweet sound.

"You have neighbours?" Emma leans forward in her seat to grab a napkin.

"Yea, they moved in two days ago."

"Who are they? What are they like?" She asks, intrigued.

"Two guys, both pretty cute." Danielle nods her head.

"The tall one is on point." I smirk making Danielle smile.

"Lucky you, you are definitely inviting us over sometime soon." Lana's breath holds a strong scent of alcohol as she talks.

"We'll consider it." Danielle teases. A frown crosses Lana's face at her words.

"If you don't I will invite myself." She replies stubbornly, but a smile appearing on her face.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back shortly." I stand up and walk through the masses of people. About an hour ago the place started to really crowd, I don't understand why though because it's a Wednesday. Unless some special occasion is on or something.

I spot a girl and a boy's line in the corner, and it takes me a minute to realise they're for the toilets. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I
I am seriously about to piss my pants. I stand behind a younger girl anyway, about 8 people away from the front. On the wall across from the girl's line is the boys' line, twice as long as this one.

"Little Miss Psych, fancy seeing you here." I hear a cruel voice next to me. I look to my right and see the same son of a bitch that spilt my drink all over me. What the hell is he doing here?

As I turn, his eyes scan my body and for a split second I see his eyes widen, but it would be easily missed.

"Great." I huff. "At least you didn't run into me this time."

"It's equally your fault as it is mine." He remarks.

"You're ridiculous." I laugh and shake my head. "And extremely rude."

"Thank you, I've been told that a lot." He crosses his arms across his chest and smiles.

"Well maybe you should actually start listening." I rebut. Thankfully, the line moves fast and I move closer to the front, the arrogant guy too far away to continue our conversation. A girl walks out and I hurry in.

Loud music fills my ears again as I open the door of the bathroom. The lines aren't as long now as I walk back through the crowd. I stand on my tippy-toes to try and find my group. Large groups of people clutter the tables and it seem that my table is completely hidden. More and more people are moving towards the bathrooms, crowding around me and making it hard to breathe. I'm partly claustrophobic, but I'm usually fine in crowds of people at concerts or in clubs, I don't why this time is any different.

I try to push through people but it's becoming so closed-in and personal that I can't move, what is happening? Crowds of people surround me and I hear yelling. What the hell is going on? I'm pushed around and so are the people around me. The shouting gets louder and I turn around just in time to see someone swing a punch at one guy, but missing him and knocking me straight in the face instead.

I'm knocked to the ground and suddenly the yelling and loud thumping music stops.

I'm brought back to reality and my face screams with pain. Someone is trying to pull me up, and suddenly I'm in someone's arms. My head is throbbing so much that the feeling is almost numb.

I open my eyes slightly to see brown curls and those bright green eyes. No, surely not. My vision clears a few moments later and I'm proven correct.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I say, but I'm not sure if it was audible.

"I'm carrying you to the back." His deep voice rings through my ears as the loud music seems to quieten. He sounds different. I think he has an accent.

"Why?" I'm too sore to move, so I let him carry me.

"Because you were knocked out." British. He's British! How did I not notice that before? British accents are so sexy in my opinion. But I hate this guy.

He changes position and I feel my legs touch something. I'm laid down on an extremely comfortable surface.

"What are you doing?" I hear a manly voice from a distance.

"I think she has a concussion."

"I'm fine." I say, but I'm not sure if anyone can hear me, my voice sounds so faint to my own ears.

"What happened?"

"Some guy swung at me but hit her instead."

"Why? Did you hit him?"

"Yes, he was a dick."

"For fuck sake when are you going to stop?"

I hear shuffling around as something cold touches my head. I open my eyes to see the same guy hovering over me, holding what I'm guessing is an ice pack to my head. Out of the corner of my eye I see another guy across the room with his back to me. I reach my hand up and hold the ice pack myself, touching his hand in the process. The memories of getting hit come flooding back in a rush.

"I'm fine." I repeat, and attempt to sit up. A sharp pain shoots through the back of my head and I bite my lip.

"Shh don't move." His voice is calm as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Where am I?" I look up at the plain White roof, then close my eyes again.

"You're in the first-aid room." He explains.

"Here, take these, they'll help." I open my eyes again and see the man with short dark hair in front of me, a small cup full of liquid and two pills laid out in his hand. "Sit up." He instructs calmly. The rude guy, I really need to find out his name, places his hands on my back and my arm as he helps me sit up.

My mind swirls for a second, but my focus is quickly restored. I put the ice pack down as I reach my hand out and take the cup and pills from him. "Thank you." I place them in my mouth and take a big gulp of water to swallow them down. The cool water refreshes my mouth, almost washing away the taste of alcohol.

"Do you feel nauseous at all?" The older man asks me. I think he's British as well. He looks only a few years older than me, maybe 30 at the most.

I shake my head and take another sip from the cup. "My head just hurts."

"Well stay in here until the Advil starts to kick in. Harry, could you get her another cup of water while I put a dressing on her head." Harry? Who is he talking to? When the rude guy takes the cup from my hand, I realise that the other guy was talking to him. His name is Harry? I don't know why I find that weird, but I do. He leaves the room and I'm left alone with this random man.

"Why does my head need a dressing?" I question as he rummages through a large red box.

"There's blood on the back of your head, I think you split it open when you fell." He walks over with a small plastic package in one hand, and what looks like betadine and cotton balls in the other. He places them on the bed next to my legs as they hang over the edge. "This may hurt a little." He warns. When he touches the cool substance to my head I flinch.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but who are you?" I nervously ask. He chuckles at my words.

"No it's alright, if a stranger started fixing my wounds I'd freak out as well. I'm the manager, and the boy that brought you in, he's my brother." Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Although I can definitely see the similarities. I guess that explains why he's also British.

"Oh ok, you're much nicer than him." He laughs again.

"Yea, he's a bit of an angry kid Harry. How do you know him?"

"From Uni. Let's just say I've run into him a few times." I laugh to myself at the pun.

"So you go to Griffith as well? What are you studying?"

"Psychology and Criminal Law."

"That's interesting." He comments. "I'm Will by the way."

"I'm Caitlin, or you can just call me 'the girl who got knocked out'." He laughs.

By the time the rude guy, Harry, it feels weird calling him that, returns to the room, Will has finished putting the dressing over my cut. Our eyes lock as he walks towards me, and for once they don't seem so full of hate or disrespect. He passes me the cup and I thank him, taking a sip.

"If you need anything, I'll be in my office at the end of the hallway." Will explains as he stands up.

"I will, thank you."

"Try to rest in here for a bit longer, we don't want you passing out again." He tells me before leaving the room. Harry walks over to the chair across the room and takes a seat. I can already feel the awkwardness growing. I don't want to be in a room with him, but he did just carry me in here after getting me punched. Why did he decide to look after me?

"Why did you help me?" I blurt before thinking. He quickly turns his head towards me, his eyes scanning my face.

He shrugs and looks at the wall. "You were unconscious and lying on the ground, plus my brother owns the club so I knew what to do." He speaks casually. I nod my head and pick up the ice pack.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"You don't have to thank me." I roll my eyes at his response and decide to lay back down. As soon as my head hits the bed, relief spreads through my body. "Do you need any more water?"

"No, I'm good for now thanks. How long was I unconscious for?" I've never passed out before, it seems weird to think that I did less than 10 minutes ago. All I remember is seeing this tall guy swing at me, and the next thing I know I was seeing Harry's face carry me through the building.

"Not for long, only about a minute or two."

"Why were you and that guy in a fight?" I know it's probably none of my business but I want to know.

"Because he's a dick."


"Because he just is. Why are you so nosey?" He rudely questions.

"Why are you so rude?" I bite back. He sighs heavily in frustration.

"Are you planning on feeling better shortly?" His tone is malicious, making my fury rise.

"Sorry am I holding you up?" I question sarcastically. "Why are you even waiting here with me, it's not like I asked you to." I don't care if I sound rude, this guy has been an ass every time I talk to him, it's probably partly the alcohol as well.

"Do you know where to go?" He remarks.

"No, but I'm sure I could find my way."

"Fine then, suit yourself." I hear his footsteps as he walks across the room, slamming the door shut behind him and I jump. For only a short time there he seemed reasonable, sincere almost. But those possibilities flew straight out the window when his usual behaviour returned.

I open my eyes and sit up, the ice pack still pressed against my head. Did I fall asleep?

I touch my feet to the ground and stand up. How long has it been? I look up to see a clock on the wall, which reads 12:54. That actually doesn't help at all, because I don't know what the time was before.

I look around the somewhat small room, to see a table, a shelf with the first-aid box, and two chairs. It's pretty empty, it makes me think of a doctors room.

I walk over to the door on the other side of the room and open it. I step outside and am startled when I see Harry leaning against the wall, one foot up against it. He stands up properly when I shut the door behind me.

"What took you so long?" I almost get mad again, when I realise he seems genuinely curious.

"I don't know I think I fell asleep, how long have you been waiting out here?"

"At least half an hour." He huffs.

"Why?" He looks at me before reaching into the back pocket of his jeans.

"You left your phone." He hands my phone to me. I snatch it from him and he shakes his head at me. "Chill out, I didn't do anything to it." He states as if it's the most obvious thing. Why does he have to have a god damn British accent?

"Then why did you have it?" I accuse.

"Because you dropped it when you fell." He explains harshly. He turns on his heel. "You're welcome by the way." Ass. I turn and start following the corridor. I have no idea where I'm going, I just hope it's the right way, I don't want to follow him. "Wrong way." He points out. I clench my jaw but stop in my tracks. I turn around and see an almost half smile on his face, quickly covered by his normal expression. He waits for me to walk closer, then walks down the hallway. I follow him till we reach two double doors. Geez, how big is this place?

He pushes one open and holds it open for me. I walk through and see the same crowds of people dancing to same boppy music, as if nothing in the past 50 minutes or so happened.

"Try not to get knocked out again." He tells me.

"Try not to get in a fight again and maybe that wouldn't have happened." I smile widely, turning on my heel and avoiding groups of people. I wonder what Danielle, Emma, Lana and Niall are thinking. Are they looking for me? Did they even notice I was gone? I spot Niall's hair and use that as a guide to the table. As soon as Emma spots me she sits up in her seat and her eyes widen.

"Where the hell were you?" She asks worriedly. Niall turns his head and so does Lana. "And what the hell happened to your face? I instinctively reach my hand up to my cheekbone, and pain shoots through it. Oh that's right, I was punched.

"You've been gone for like an hour girl, please don't tell me you were getting it on in the bathroom with some guy." She drunkenly states.

"Um I can definitely assure you that I wasn't." I sit down.

"Where were you? We we're worried sick! Danielle went looking for you about 15 minutes ago." Emma repeats. I look at Niall who seems to be eager.

"It's a long story." I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"What the hell happened to you? I was looking everywhere!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I look up and see Danielle standing in front of me with her hands by her sides, waiting for my explanation.

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