By Wasboredsowhynot

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(so uh hi, I guess..? so... this is my first ever Wattpad story, I read alot of other storys and I got bored... More

part1: the start
part2: I never thought they would find us again...
part3:this is big brain time
just a heads up and explaining
PART6:A "chilling" day
PART7: are you a Disney princess?
PART8: the storm,before the disaster
PART10:we will see each other again...Doctor
PART11:wake up...other me..
PART12:my days in Rhode Island was interesting...I guess?
PART14:the meeting in lungmen..
PART16:Misha(part 2)
SIDE STORY:past Yami and Taisin...
The Doctor's Bio (Rewritten)
PART17 Misha (part 3)
PART20:Lungmen's alleyway massacres
PART21:who are you?

PART13:did the doctor just speak suracusan?

79 0 11
By Wasboredsowhynot

Inside an office of Rhodes Island...


?Doctor?:ora, ora non c'è bisogno di fare quella faccia, mi fa male l'anima..
(Now,now there's no need to make that face,it hurts my soul)

The Doctor then raised both of his hands infront of him which made the operators inside or outside of his office tense thinking he might be trying to do something bad.

?Doctor?:non c'è bisogno di puntare quelle dannose lame contro un gentiluomo adesso...
(trans:no need to be pointing those harmful blades to a gentleman now..)

The Doctor said while putting his arms up Infront of him in a calm defensive manner while wearing a calm expression like being pointed by hundreds of blades and guns was a normal thing.The Doctor was giving out calm and mysterious vibes like he was a different person.

Amiya:dokutah..uhm are you alright?

Said amiya,who is slightly concerned about the Doctor, just a second ago the Doctor was screaming of agonizing pain then stopped for just a few seconds and started speaking siracusan in gentleman like tone.the other operators that are outside were also confused,concerned,and surprised?

female lupo operator:huh? WAIT! the Doctor can speak siracusan!?

male lupo operator:daaaamn
didn't know that the Doctor can siracusan in a hot voice of a gentleman

?Doctor?:*smile* perché grazie giovanotto, sono molto orgoglioso del mio modo di parlare, ti piacerebbe conversare con me?
(Trans:why thank you young man I am very proud of my way of speaking,
would you like to converse with me?

male operator:perché ovviamente magari più tardi al bar per te va bene?
(Trans:why of course maybe at the bar later is that alright with you?)

?Doctor?:sarebbe carino
(Trans:That would be lovely)

Amiya:uhm... excuse me..but are you sure that your alright dokutah?

Said amiya who was watching at the two males speaking in siracusan with a with a nervous expression cause she has no idea what their saying what so ever the only ones who knew what they were talking were the lupos that belong to siracusa and the ones who didn't know siracuan language just watch with confused faces and some had a look of amusement.

The Doctor looked at Amiya and smiled before putting one hand behind his back and one hand Infront of his chest before lowing his head and did a bow of apology.

?Doctor?:my apologies young lady for ignoring a fine young lady such as yourself in this fine place... I was to busy on having a delightful conversation with one of your fellow
companions please forgive my rudeness

The Doctor said in a apologetic tone that was clear he was a shame for ignoring the presence of a woman in the room nevertheless a young lady, it's a bad look for a gentleman to ignore a woman.the Doctor then walked Infront and lowered his head to meet her head looking up at him on a nervous way.the Doctor then gently held Amiya's left hand and raised it Infront of lips before giving it a small peck on the knuckles that caught amiya by surprise.



?Doctor?:I hope that you accept this as a sign of apology my young lady...

Everyone was in shocked including amiya though she is too busy in her mind and in a blushing mess to even think.

Male lupo:daaamn my man has that rizz!

Kal'lina:WOAH! that was nice!

Blaze:hello? Amiya? you in there?


The Kal'tsit who was silent finally made a move by walking towards the Doctor with mont3r still behind her.
no-one can sense it but Kal'tsit seemed to felt something in the Doctor that is making him that way.

?Doctor?:hmm? my,my would you like to have a word with me, My lady?

Kal'tsit:.....who are you? and what are your goals for taking over the Doctor's body?

?Doctor?:hm,straight forward I see..
very well then,allow me to introduce myself name is scorch the flame empress...

Blaze:wait...empress? so...your a girl?




Doctor(scorch):ehe, is it that surprising?

Kal'lina:well duh! also! why aren't you surprised also! your a girl!

Doctor(scorch):well...I got used to it,it isn't all that bad If I do say so myself

Kal'tsit: pushing that aside,I want my answers...

Doctor(scorch):oh! of course.hmm
I don't really have any goals on Taking over the Doctor's body I just took over by accident,I wasn't also planning on taking over to be honest.

Kal' that the truth?

Doctor(scorch):it is the truth.I promise, it is not a lie or a bluff just pure honestly...

Kal'tsit:.....then give the Doctor control back if you are not lying....

Doctor(scorch):of course also...

Scorch then bowed Infront of all the operators that made them confused

Doctor(scorch):I apologize for causing you all trouble upon my arrival here in Rhodes Island..I wish you will accept my apology for I have caused you all a stir... it's ok you don't need to apologize we just overreacted by bringing up all of our operators here cause we thought this was a major problem so it's our fault not yours...

Doctor(scorch):oh no young lady! please do not think it is your fault that this was caused by you!it was all caused by me and me truly so please don't blame yourself...

Ace: indeed is not your fault, for you all have called us for thinking this is a emergency but has been subdued by itself so don't think it's your fault

Scout:I mean... even it wasn't a emergency we'd still come running whatsoever actually. so it's not your fault amiya

Exusiai:yeah leader! and besides if we didn't have come over! we wouldn't be seeing this shocking event right now

Amiya:if everyone says so then ok.are you going to let dokutah take control?

Doctor(scorch):yes I am.well,I will be taking my leave and you young man let us have a drink at the bar later

Male lupo operator:sure! I'll see ya later scorch

Doctor(scorch):you aswell...well then..
I will take my leave goodbye everyone I hope you all have nice day

And with that the Doctor closed his eyes and feel down on the floor that is if he wasn't caught by Ace before he hit the floor.

Amiya:thank you Ace...dokutah would've been hurt once he hurt the floor

Exusiai:so does that mean we can go?
my apple pie is going to be cold if I don't come back to it!

Kal'tsit:you all are all can leave..

Exusiai:YAY! come on Texas! let's go have some apple pie!

Texas:slow down and don't run in the halls...

Cliffheart:well that was exciting! hey onee-san let's go get something to eat!

Pramanix:*giggles* ok,lead the way...

Project red:red stay guard...*sees provence tail* after red get fluff


Skadi:so this was a waste of time...I will be going to attend something more important,farewell...

Kal'lina:she says that but she always ends up going to her room ordering pizza and stuffing it in her mouth like it was her source of food...

Skadi:tha-that is all lies..I do no such thing..*blush*

Kal'lina:uh-huh...right... whatever you say *rolls eyes*

Amiya:Kal'lina can you help me get dokutah to the infirmary? he's really heavy..!

Said amiya as she struggles to carry the Doctor by putting one of his hands around her neck.

Kal'lina:oh! sure little sis! leave it to me!

Kal'lina then walked towards amiya and picked up the Doctor and swung him over her shoulder without any effort or any struggle making amiya gasp in amazement.

Amiya:wow! you are very strong Kal'lina! you lifted the dokutah over  without any effort! That's a amazing!

Kal'lina:heh,thanks amiya, I've been working out in gym alot! so doing stuff like this is nothing to me!

Kal'lina said in a proud voice and happiness for being admired by someone especially amiya her little sis

Kal'lina:that's possibly the only thing she is good at,considering she has no knowledge of cooking,being reckless,
the word "work",and being told several times to and I mean several times to STOP.DRINKING.ALCOHOL.

Kal'tsit said the last one in venom and in irritation.she has told her daughter to stop drinking alcohol several times but Kal'lina being a stubborn girl she is, she would always sneak out at night to go to the bar and drink until her mother gets a call to pick her up after she passed from too many shots which she learned to not drink to much or your face will be flopped by a flipflop.


Kal'tsit:*sigh* just get that idiot to the infirmary to check for any abnormal behaviors in his body Incase that person left any after effects when she left his body.


Amiya:Roger that,Dr.Kal'tsit!

And with that the two left the office and towards to the infirmary.
meanwhile Dr.Kal'tsit and Warfarin were still in the room.Kal'tsit let out a sigh while Warfarin had look of confusion,never she has seen the Doctor having being takin over especially by a female which she's pretty sure Kal'tsit is pisses off about but dicides to talk About that in another time, right they have something more important to discuss.

Kal'tsit POV:

I let out a tired sigh,I never expected that idiot would have something like that inside of him although I don't know what it didn't felt like she was a spirit that possessed the Doctor out of nowhere,more likely it felt as she was already inside the  Doctor already from the didn't felt quite still not fully used to feeling other entities presence yet..
before that idiot lost his memories he taught me to feel other entities active presence, their aura,their emotions and etc but I still haven't yet got used to this type of technique if anything it feels very nauseous besides that idiot had it active all the time back then to see other people's presence and aura, how does he even handle this!?

Kal'tsit:*sigh*...that idiot...what has he done now?...first we almost lost him due to him passing out,second we almost lost him to the forest which we specifically told him to not break formation which resulted in him being lost and we had to spent 8 hours to find him,and now..this *sigh* sometimes if that idiot was even worth saving back in chernobog...

Warfarin:now,now calmed down Dr.Kal' sure we'll be able to take care of it and about if he was worth saving him back in chernobog?
even if we saved him for nothing am sure you would have plans for if "it was for nothing" don't you? besides the moment you knew where he was you almost rushed out to get him yourself having the fear of someone getting to him first and claiming him

Kal'tsit:I-I did no such thing...and more importantly the meeting with chief wei yenwu will be held in 2 days
the people I'll be bringing are amiya and the idiot...

Warfarin:I know be careful over there I heard that Reunion has been smuggling their troops into lungmen
they might be planning something if their in lungmen

Kal'tsit:yes I have heard of that however there is one thing that is giving me concern...and that is..

Warfarin then dropped a newspaper article on the glass table Infront of me with the newspaper title saying "lungmens mysterious cases of mass massacres in alleyways! thugs and gang members all brutally ripped apart by the mysterious killer who is still hasn't been found!!"

Warfarin:the lungmen alleyway killer... they've been getting popular lately by massacring alot of gangsters and thugs in alleyways of lungmen.. and by the look of the mass amount of kills I assume they must be a lunatic if their doing this much murder daily in alleyways.the L.G.D has been trying to find clues and hints on where this person can be but..

Kal'tsit:they failed to do so?

Warfarin:yeeeep...they weren't able to find any hints that would lead them to the person or any clues. whoever this person is...their extremely and I mean extremely good at not leaving anything for people to find them not even some of the world greatest detectives would know where they are!

Kal'tsit:not only says here that in every alleyway where the lungmen alleyway killer has been to,they also always leave a bunch of strings behind every massacre they done... that leaves the L.G.D to be left with nothing as they could not find any hints or clues with them...

Warfarin:then that proved that L.G.D is stupid then..

when she said that I got curious and asked her

Kal'tsit:hoo? how come?

Warfarin:well... aren't the strings like..
a big hint? you said that there would always be strings on every alleyway they committed a massacre right? then.. wouldn't that mean that they were like...I don't know?? like they were... controlling people?? to do the massacre or used them to rip them apart? it sounds stupid but maybe that's their originium arts or something?

hmm, strings as originium arts..that would sound ridiculous however, based as they always leave numerous amount of strings behind would make it more sense if not a tasteless joke... but if it were not then..the lungmen alleyway killer could possibly use strings as their originium arts or they might be using a divice that require string that would make the massacre

Warfarin:so Kal'tsit it sounds stupid right? Kal'tsit? you in thought?

Kal' might be a possibility for them to use such arts...

Warfarin:wait what? you don't actually think that they use strings as originium arts right?

Kal'tsit:I dont might be a possibility for them to use such arts.
but this is not the main matter which we will discuss about, it will be for another day

I stood up and went towards the door and let out a sigh again I was going to walk out when warfarin held a her hand on my shoulder.

Warfarin:before we do that how about we go get something to eat first in the cafeteria cause am starving

Kal'tsit:.......*sigh* very well..

Warfarin: alright then! let's go

And just like that we went towards the cafeteria instead of the infirmary

meanwhile in a random alleyway...


3rd person POV
the sound of blood splattered on the wall as some parts of the bodies of a gangster group were all hanging in strings swaying side to side...

On top of a building where the massacre happened was the so called lungmen alleyway massacre in black thick robes and a white mask staring down on the what he counted was the 20th massacre hes made this week but still so many more are still lurking.he walked away from the scene then he opened his palm and strings came out

Deceiver:woah that was one heck of a performance in that alleyway

Deceiver also known as the lungmen
alleyway killer is currently traveling by strings all the way to certain location which he visits time to time
and also a place were he can get a break.Deceiver landed on top of a roof top of a building an orphanage one where he visits almost daily.Deceiver then knocked on the door of the orphanage three times before it was answered by a small lupo child

Deceiver:why hello little one *smiles*

Child lupo:*gasp* YAY!! big brother lusian is back!!

Shouted the small male lupo child as he jumped straight into and gave Deceiver a hug, which he happily returned it he then heard several small steps and already knew they were..


the children yelled in happiness and excitement as they all rushed at Deceiver and gave him hugs and kisses as Deceirver gave them headpats and hugs.

???: alright my children that is enough for now your big brother has had long day right? he needs to have rest so hurry along now...

Deceiver:oh hey kiseki how are you?

Kiseki:I am doing quite well thanks to you perhaps..

Deceiver:me? what did I do to get that praise?

Kiseki:your the only one who visits the orphanage and play with the children here aswell as teach them for school which am thankful for...

Deceiver:nah its nothing besides! am very fond with children so yeah..

Kiseki:I see...alright my children please head outside for now I want to have a chat with hour big brother lusian

The children left the house in sadness and disappointand into the backyard of the house but they completely forgot it after they started playing with each other.meanwhile Kiseki and Deceiver were having a conversation with each about Deceiver and his alleyway massacre spree and she was telling him to stop since killing too many thugs and gangster could result in you being in jail regardless

Deceiver:no...I don't think I will.. sorry but this is my job,hunting sinners is my job so I can't just stop sorry

Kiseki:*sigh*just don't involve my child into this mess or I swear i will cut your throat got that?

Kiseki said in a threatening voice which Deceiver completely ignored making the nun irritated but calmed down as to not let her children see her in that state

Kiseki:*sigh*....I don't know what to do to you...

Kiseki them stood up and went towards the kitchen with Deceiver following behind her.she then took some ingredients and started to prepare for lunch for the children while Deceiver watched behind her with amused smile that made Kiseki turn around and confronted him.

Deceiver:what? I can't just stand by and watch?

Kiseki:I believe you can not...leave the kitchen immediately...

Said Kiseki who was staring daggers straight into Deceiver's eyes

Deceiver:alright,alright fine I'll let you do your thing

Deceiver then walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch of the room and sat in silent while having a nervous smile on his face.

Deceiver:[I promise that I wasn't staring at her ass I swear]


(Hello everyone WB here!! am sorry for not updating anything for awhile it's just that I've been very busy so had little time to do this so am sorry
well I hope you all enjoy this part and I wish you all a healthy day[also this might be a little bit rushed so am sorry if I made some mistake no its ok
well..bye now, peace ✌️)

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