Better This Way 2

By terasomdi

235K 11.7K 1.7K

4 years of living in pain and agony over the death of her lover, Freen decides to move on with her life but w... More

Hello guys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Final Chapter
Author's Engagement.

Chapter 5

3.7K 161 10
By terasomdi

"So you have a baby your wife doesn't know about?" I asked to be sure I heard right and he nodded in response.

I let out a sigh. That's so messed up. The blackmailer really has something deadly against him. I feel so sorry for the wife. She will definitely get hurt when she finally knows the truth.

"This is serious than I thought" One of the managers said.

Everywhere got silent as they are all looking at me to know my decision. Even though it's hard to admit, I can understand why the other managers could not take action against him. They are colleagues in the same position.

I looked at the man. He is crying bitterly while pleading for mercy.

"I have made my decision." I said and they became curious to know what I have decided.

"I am getting the police involved" I uttered in a low tone and the man broke down in tears.

"You made the right decision ma" one of the men said.

The rest nodded in agreement as they murmured amongst themselves.

"Not to get him arrested..." I continued and they paused.

"But to apprehend the blackmailer and make him pay for the emotional breakdown he has caused this employee of mine" I concluded and they all got silent.

The man could not believe it. He immediately wiped his tears and fell on his knees while thanking me for not taking actions against him. He is already in pain that his family will probably break apart if the truth comes out, the last thing I would do is add to it by taking actions against him besides it's best we arrest the blackmailer instead.

"Mr Lee, go with him to the police station to report this matter. I want the police to take action on this as soon as possible". I said while getting my things ready to leave.

"Having concluded that, I think it's time to go" I said.

I have so much work left untouched in the office just so I can come here. I need to hurry back to at least attend to half of it. Lily already texted me that she is close to the hospital, we will have lunch together before going to the office.

"Thanks so much for coming Ma'am. Please have a safe trip back home" Mrs. Zen said as we got out of the room.

The workers all stood up to greet me just as they always do. I smiled at them and turned towards the elevator.

"We appreciate your effort in honoring our invitation Ma. I will always let you know if there is....."

Was the last thing I heard Mr Lee saying when my mind went blank on seeing her. My heartbeat increased and my whole body started shaking. This person looks exactly like Becky. No this is Becky except that her hair isn't as long as it used to be and she's on blonde not her usual black hair. Her dressing sense also changed and she looks much prettier and calmer.

Is this really Becky standing right infront of me? I have never been haunted by her ghost before in the past, why would she appear to me now? I am so shocked to do anything. I want to run to her but my legs are not moving.

She looked back and turned to me once again. She seemed a little nervous. Ghosts don't get nervous right? Maybe this person infront of me is really Becky and not her ghost.


I can hear one of the men calling making me get more conscious of the situation.

"Is everything okay?" The other asked.

Now my mind is fully back and I am completely conscious of the situation. Her phone started vibrating and I became more convinced that this person is not a ghost. Ghost don't have cellphones and they can't get in the elevator!!

"Becky!" I called but I was a little late for that.

"Who is Becky madam? Are you really alright?" One of the men asked.

God! No I am not crazy. I am not going mad or am I? That was Becky not her ghost. Wait, If that person was real, these men probably saw her too right? 

"That girl that was standing right there. Did you see her too?"

They looked at each other in surprise. They must really think I am acting strange. Maybe I am, but you can't blame me for that.

"Uhm ma'am..." They stuttered confusedly.

"Please tell me you saw her too. Please, please" I muttered while closing my eyes. Trying to stay calm.

"You mean the one that just got in the elevator?" I heard one of them saying and I quickly turned to him.

"You saw her too?!" I asked excitedly.

"Ma'am you are acting strange right now. Are you really okay?" They said.

But before they could finish I ran to the next elevator. I know it's crazy to think I just saw Becky but what's more crazy is why she acted like she doesn't know me.

"Where are you going ma?"

I ignored them and got into the elevator. I rode in silence while praying that I catch up with her before she leaves. If the men saw her too, then that was Becky and not her ghost.

I got out of the elevator but I didn't see her. I started looking around for her but nothing. Where did she go? Did she disappear in the elevator? My heart is beginning to hurt a little at the thought that she probably wasn't real but how is that possible when others saw her too.

I looked literally everywhere at the parking lot and where I thought she might be but didn't see her. I was about checking at the other unit when ...

"Hello Freen" A familiar voice called behind me and I turned.

That was Lily. She just walked into the hospital. The smiles on her face vanished when she got closer.

"Hey are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"I saw her"

"You saw who?"

"I saw Becky" I responded and she let out a sigh.

"No you did not." She said weakly.

"I know you will say that"

"Where is your phone? I called severally but you didn't pick. I am famished, let's go eat?" She said ignoring me.

"Lily believe me. I saw her. The men with me saw her too"

She walked to me and held me in the hand. I tried resisting but she held me tighter and started walking me out of the building to the parking lot.

"You probably saw someone that looks like her. It happens all the time" she said.

"Not look like her. That was Becky. I know Becky anywhere and anytime. No matter how long it has been, I will always recognize her." I said.


I'm getting frustrated that she doesn't believe me. She probably thinks it's one of those times my eyes deceived me into thinking I saw Becky. I mean who would even believe I saw someone that died 4 years ago?

"You still don't believe me?" I asked and again she let out a sigh.

We are at the parking lot now, standing infront of her car. I didn't come with mine, so we will be riding in hers.

"Freen, I know you saw someone okay? But that wasn't Becky. You can't see a dead person. You only saw her lookalike"

"I know what I saw! That was Becky not her lookalike. She was standing right infront of me!" I said out of frustration.

"So why didn't she run to you when she saw you.? If that was Becky, she obviously would run to you right?"


I was having this very thought a while ago. If that was Becky she would at least react in a way that shows she's Becky. But she acted like she doesn't know me at all.

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about" Lily said

She walked to me and crossed her arms around my shoulder. She cupped my cheeks and made me look straight into her eyes.

"Freen I'm sorry okay? I am sorry that you are still affected this much over her death. I want you to be fine. I will do everything to help" she said looking at me in the eyes.

"But believe me that wasn't her. I can find out for you about this lookalike you saw today. I will do that but for now, let's go grab some food." She said while giving me the car key.




"I am starving. Please..." she said pouting.

I let out a sigh and took the key from her. My head is burning and I am completely sad. She thinks it's her lookalike but I'm sure it's Becky I saw. We drove off as soon as we got in.


Jane said she wanted to use the bathroom just when we were about leaving the hospital. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly followed her to the bathroom. I stood at the vanity area while looking at the mirror. That lady's face is everywhere infront of me. I can't stop thinking about her shocked face. Why was she so shocked to see me? She looks exactly like that lady of yesterday and they have the same facial expression.

"You have been cold ever since you got back" Jane said as she stood beside me while washing her hands.

"What happened up there?" She continued.

"Uhm. Nothing really." I answered.

"I was out of the cubicle for a while watching you but you didn't notice. Because you were lost in your thoughts." Jane said turning to me.

I was lost in my thoughts thinking about this weird woman I saw up there but I will never tell Jane that. I know she is just worried about me, so I smiled and grabbed her hands to ease the tension.

"I saw people in coma up there. Of course I was affected by it. Knowing that I was in such situation some years ago." I said.

"I am sorry babe. I didn't know you will be affected this much."

"It's fine. I am okay now" I responded.

She smiled and brushed my cheeks with her thumb before grabbing her purse from the vanity.

"I know you must be hungry now. Let's get something to eat" she said smiling.

We got out of the bathroom and was about leaving the hospital when I saw her. The lady from the last floor. She's with someone and they are leaving the hospital as well. The girl with her is holding her tightly in the hand as they walked out of the building to the parking lot.

We are equally walking right behind them and I can't help but watch the both of them. This girl with her is clinging around her. They stopped infront of a red car, I guess they'd be riding in that.

The girl suddenly crossed her arms around her shoulder and was saying something to her. It's so weird that somehow it hurts my heart to see them like that. I don't like the view at all especially since they are both looking at each other in the eyes.

Are they in love? Are they dating? Does the owner of this hospital like girls? They really look so in love. This lady is taking all my attention and it worries me but what worries me the most is why something in me hurts a little watching them.

"They look so in love" Jane said that startled me.

I quickly turned to her. She's looking at them as well while holding the car door.

"Do you know them?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Hmm. I thought you do. I mean you have been staring at them for long."

"They look good together that's why" I said and she smiled.

Even though I hate to admit it, they really look good together. I looked back at them, this time, the lady took the car key from the girl and the girl happily walked to the passenger seat.

"Yes they do. But we look best together" she teased.

I rolled my eyes and opened the car door. Always linking everything to us. Does everything have to be about us? We got in the backseat and the driver drove off.

To be continued.........

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