Goodbye - Jimin [18+]

By zaddyjin

1.7K 116 151

She wanted to die He wanted to live More



60 5 4
By zaddyjin

"Let's go, Jitae. We're going to be late to school." She called out to her child. Earning those laughed giggles so heavy from the boy as he ran out of his bedroom alongside his father.

"Look how handsome you look, baby." She was quick to take hold of the boy. Earning his little arms around her neck as she did so, only to give him those peppered kisses upon his face.

"You two be safe getting to school." It was her husband who spoke. And with that quick kiss, the man followed them out of that single home. Heading to his own job, while the girl took their child to school.

"Make sure to save your cookie for last, baby, okay?"

"Okay, mommy." She looked through that rear view mirror. Able to see the smile painted upon her son's face as he continued singing to himself ever so randomly. All while she watched the boy get taken into that single school by one of the staff.

"Have a good day, okay? Mommy loves you." She was quick to smile out those words. Watching as he took hold of the lady's hand, in which she walked them into school. Swearing that she'd never get used to the aching feeling in her heart when dropping him off. So worried something would happen. So worried he needed her.

Yet she'd drive off. Heading to her own job where she let her things meet with her desk, only to greet those as she walked in. And with that breath, the girl sat down. Immediately turning on her computer, in which she listened to those notifications go off. All until one caught her eye. Caught it in such a way that had her throat going tight as her eyes burned with those tears she could feel building up.

"Jimin." She hadn't said that single name in so long. Hadn't even thought about the man in the ways she once would. Completely distracted by the everyday life that had her mind and body consumed to the point where she could barely think any thoughts at all as she read that single calendar notification. It was the man's birthday.

"Mrs. Yoon. . ." It was that single knock on those office doors that immediately pulled her attention. Her attention away from that single notification. Her attention away from those thoughts that immediately fled with nothing more than him as Miju looked over at the one person standing there.


"Mr.Lee wanted me to inform you that he'd be leaving early today and that the meeting scheduled for this afternoon has been canceled." All she could do was let out that soft okay upon those words. Earning no more than a gentle bowing of the head from the one woman who she watched leave her to herself. Even if she didn't feel alone. Didn't feel anything but like she had eyes watching her every move. Because there it was. That guilt. That guilt for forgetting what day it was. That guilt for not realizing it was the man's birthday. She knew she was beginning to forget him.

And with those fingers so soft, the woman pulled open that single desk drawer. Pulling out that single note she could remember finding in her bag one day. Having been completely unable to throw the thing away.

"Have a good day. . . I love you." She loved when he'd leave her notes. Remembering how often he'd leave them in her apartment when the man would come over. Telling the girl he loved her. Or that she was beautiful. Or that she just needs to keep moving in life no matter what. And she had. Had despite him not being there to push her.

And without notice, she watched the ink bleed upon that single tear that slipped her eye. Causing the girl to immediately pull that piece of paper back as she dried it off almost instantly. Making the words smear just enough to cause the message to turn just barely blurry, in which she continued to stare at that single note. Feeling that dull ache in her heart. An ache she knew she would never forget no matter how many years were to pass.

Yet she couldn't. Couldn't let herself dwell on her emotions. Couldn't let herself enter that part of her being she had tried to shove down as deeply as she could. Because it was filled with nothing but hurt. Nothing but pain.

And like always, she'd drown herself in work. Trying so hard to not feel or think of those things she couldn't deny were heavy on her mind as she answered those emails and did that paperwork, despite constantly peering over at that single notification. That notification of his birthday. That notification she hadn't clicked away yet. Making her knee slightly bounce as she bit the tip of her pen in angst. Because it had been so long. So long since she felt this way.

However, it was then that she heard that ringing of her phone. Breaking the girl out of the endless distraction she felt from her mind as she took notice of her husbands name across the screen.

"Hello?" She let the cursor of her mouse hover above the x of the notification. Having hesitated before pressing down on the thing the second she listened to her husbands voice fill her ears.

"They're making me stay a little longer at work, are you able to grab Jitae today?" She ignored that full pounding in her heart. Completely turning her attention to her husband as she let out that soft yes. Wanting any excuse to leave a little early. Because she couldn't focus. Focus on her tasks. Focus on her surroundings.

"Just let me know when you're on your way home, baby, hmm? I love you." She did. She loved the man in every way she had loved him.

And she listened to those three words get voiced back to her. Allowing for that single phone call to end as she turned off her computer. Collecting her things with nothing more than that single sigh, only to notice that note lingering in her drawer. Hating every emotion the man was making her feel. Because she had been doing. Been doing so well.

"Mommy!" She watched as her child ran up to her the second she came to pick him up. Swearing that all that heartache was worth it due to him. Because the boy would've never entered her life had she given up. Had she let that darkness completely consume her.

"How was your day, baby? Hmm? Did you save your cookie for last like I told you?" She kept herself crouched down. Her hand placed on no more than his tummy and eyes turned up at the one boy who she watched giggle out that nod. Making the girl herself do no more than smile out that single laugh before waving goodbye to his teachers. All while he kept his hand within her own. Following the girl back to the car, in which she continued to ask the boy about his day.

"How about you and mommy get some ice cream?" She looked at him through that rear view mirror. Able to see the amount of excitement littered upon his face as she giggled at the boy. Unable to deny that she was trying. Trying to distract herself. Trying not to think about him.

And with his hand placed within her own, the two found themselves walking upon those streets of Seoul. Going to the one place she had been to with the boy oh so many times. Even if she had never stopped dead in her tracks so quickly. All while her stomach dropped and her throat burned with soon to come tears. Because the second she could do so much as reach for that single door handle, the girl had been met with the man she had watched the life of turn into no life at all. . . right before her eyes.

"Miju." All she could do was stare. Stare at that smile that painted the face of the one person she hadn't seen in over a decade. And the one person who had her heart broken for longer than she could ever wish for anyone to endure.

"Who's this little guy, huh—"

"Don't touch him." She was quick to pull her child back. Was quick to completely place the boy against the base of her legs as she stood there and watched the man move to crouch down and ruffle the boys hair with that smile so delicate.

"Get the fuck away from my child—"


"Who the fuck are you—"

"Miju, it's me—"

"You died—"

"The hospital—"

"Mommy, who is he?" It was his soft voice that filled the air. Looking up at the one man who had his mother about to pass out right then and there. Swearing that this wasn't. Wasn't real. Wasn't anything more than her head playing tricks on her due to this morning. Because she knew. Knew the man hadn't survived. Knew that if something had happened she would've known.

"He's no one, baby, let's just go, huh?" She sniffled down the glossiness of her tears. Immediately taking hold of the boys hand, in which she went to leave. Leave just enough to feel that single hand upon her wrist stop her.

"Don't fucking touch me—"


"You are not him. There is no fucking way you're him—"

"They were able to bring me back, Miju—"

"No." She couldn't stomach the sound of his voice. Couldn't stomach the thought that they had been able to resuscitate him without a single word being spoken to her. Having been told that he had passed. That she had no control in what they did to him. That the decisions of him living or not were completely in their hands.

"I-I watched it happen. I-I watched you die—"


"Whoever you are to think that this is fucking funny, is sick." She didn't care to turn aggressive. Didn't care to look at the person in complete disgust. Wanting to understand how. How the universe could be doing this to her. How someone would dare come up and spook her like this as she pulled her son up into her arms. Immediately moving away from the one man who she ignored that calling of her name from. Trying to get both her and her child in the car home safe, only to feel those tears endlessly leaving her eyes. Because she knew. Knew there was no way that the man who had been in plain sight just second ago. . . was the same man she had said goodbye to all those years ago.

Hello my sweet muffins!!! Long time no see heheheh. I am so excited to be back with something new! Yes this is a book, not an imagine or anything heheheh. I'm hoping to bring some new SPICE mwahahah. I hope all my precious ones have been okay and mommy has missed you guys more than ever. Thank you for all your supporting and taking the time to read. Mommy loves you soooo, so much. Sleep tight. . . night night(^人^)

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