After the male protagonist Ba...

By Demens88c

90.6K 1.6K 141

Summary too long, read it in the first chapter. NOT MINE MTL (no editing) NO VOTING More

Summary + Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87 if met in previous life
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 40

1K 23 4
By Demens88c

The day of the engagement party.

As a direct relative of the Jiang family, Jiang Chengya, as Jiang Baiyu's aunt, will also bring her family to the engagement banquet.

The Yan family is not a place where anyone can enter casually. Jiang Chengya's family arrived at the Jiang family early in the morning and wanted to go to the Yan family with his brother's family. At this time, several uncles from the company's board of directors and their family members gathered at the Jiang family. They congratulated the Jiang family lively and talked around today's protagonist, Jiang Baiyu.

In particular, the board members and senior managers of several companies under the Jiang family had close contact with Jiang Baiyu, the only child of the Jiang family, for the first time, and they inevitably looked at the successor of the Jiang family with inquiring and considering eyes.

Jiang Baiyu is considered tall among his peers. Wearing the white engagement dress tailor-made for him, he looks tall and tall as a young man, like green bamboo after rain, which is pleasing to the eye.

In addition, he was already handsome and handsome, and he responded to the questions of his elders and uncles in a gentle, polite and well-behaved manner, which endeared him to the people around him.

Jiang Chengya felt uncomfortable when she saw Jiang Baiyu surrounded by everyone, but no one paid attention to her son Li Hao.

She pulled her son and squeezed over and said with a smile: "Hello uncles, this is my Li Hao, Xiaoyu's cousin. Like Xiaoyu, he will go to college next year. When Xiaohao comes to the company for an internship in the future, please invite all the elders Take care of me."

The people around him smiled politely at Li Hao.

But Jiang Chengya and her husband Li Jun both had their own jobs in the company, and even after getting married, they were tacitly aware of the fact that they were still receiving dividends.

Jiang Chengya said proudly: "My Xiaohao is particularly interested in business management and marketing. He plans to study these majors in college next year. I hope my uncles will teach him well by then."

People around me still said politely: "Okay", "Okay".

Jiang Chengya turned to say, "I heard from your dad that you are going to take the art major and specialize in calligraphy. You want to be a calligrapher in the future."

When she asked this question, the expressions of the surrounding company directors and senior managers suddenly changed, and they looked at Jiang Baiyu in shock.

You must know that the next generation of the Jiang family's heir is related to them and the company's future, so they are curious and patient to get to know this seventeen-year-old child of the Jiang family.

If Jiang Baiyu only wants to learn calligraphy in the future. If they have no interest in running several companies under the Jiang family, they will have to find and train the next generation of successors from now on.

Jiang Baiyu instantly understood Jiang Chengya's intention. Facing the questioning looks of all the uncles, he smiled slightly and said: "When I was a child, I often studied calligraphy with my grandfather. Under his influence, I have always liked calligraphy. I really want to be close to A University. The art department specializes in calligraphy. But..."

He changed the subject: "I will not only study calligraphy during the four years of college. I also want to study design engineering and business management concurrently, so that I can design more creative models like my grandfather."

Jiangjia is a technology company that started out by designing and manufacturing mechanical molds. Jiang Baiyu's grandfather was the founder of the company. Although the company expanded to other industries after two generations, the market size of mechanical molds has always been among the top three and is the most important industry for several companies under the Jiang family.

Today, these senior executives and senior board directors all used to follow Mr. Jiang. They admire Mr. Jiang's creativity and leadership decision-making ability in mechanical modeling, and they also know that Mr. Jiang's hobby is calligraphy. When Jiang Baiyu said this, everyone unconsciously thought that they saw Mr. Jiang in Jiang Baiyu.

They breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the Jiang family child with relief and expectation.

Jiang Chengya curled his lips and said: "Xiaoyu, if you really want to take over the company in the future, you will need your brothers to help you. Xiaohao will be your right-hand man. If you want to lead the company in the future, let Xiaohao be your deputy." People have absolute trust."

Jiang Baiyu knew very well the true face of his aunt's family. He said calmly: "Aunt, the company's personnel appointments require the assessment of the board of directors and management. It is not something you and I can have the final say on."

Jiang Chengya's face suddenly turned bad.

Although Shen Shiyi was entertaining other guests, she had been quietly observing her son's movements. His unexperienced Xiaoyu could not resist the company's senior leaders who were like old foxes.

Especially when she saw Jiang Chengya taking her son there, she frowned.

After she listened to what Xiaoyu said, Shen's heart finally calmed down. She was overjoyed, as her Xiaoyu really seemed to have grown up suddenly and become more reliable.

Aunt Lin hurried over and said with a smile: "Sir, madam, the second young master of the Yan family is here to pick him up for the engagement banquet."

Shen Shiyi smiled happily: "Oh, Jinzhou came here in person from so far away, this kid. Hurry, call Xiaoyu over."

Yan Jinzhou walked into Jiang's house and stood in front of the bustling Jiang's living room. He greeted Shen Shiyi in an elegant manner: "Auntie, I'm sorry to disturb you. I want to pick up Xiaoyu first, is that okay?"

Shen Shiyi: "Okay, okay, I'm busy right now and don't have time to care about him. If you pick him up, his dad and I can concentrate on greeting other guests."

She called to her son: "Xiao Yu, Jin Zhou is here to pick you up. Get ready and follow him to the Yan family's old house first. Your uncle and I will go there later."

As she spoke, she glanced at the directors and senior executives of the company who were talking around Jiang Chengyi. The marriage between the Jiang family and the Yan family further consolidated these people's loyalty to the company.

But some of them still maintain a certain degree of skepticism about the marriage between the Jiang family and the Yan family, and discuss it privately. But Yan Jinzhou's move to pick up Jiang Baiyu in person directly showed that the Yan family valued Jiang Baiyu and Yan Jinzhou's feelings for Jiang Baiyu.

Better than any explanation they could give.

When Jiang Chengya saw Yan Jinzhou, his eyes widened.

It turns out that this is a descendant of the Yan family. He is handsome, tall, and has a gentle temperament. Every move he makes carries the dignity and magnanimity of a wealthy family.

The envy in her heart even exceeded jealousy. She held her son's hand in private and said, "Today is a rare opportunity. As long as you meet Yan Shuran, you must leave a good impression in front of her."

When Li Hao saw Yan Jinzhou, he remembered that he was expelled from school, and said angrily: "I know, I know."

Jiang Baiyu politely said goodbye to the uncles around him, followed Yan Jinzhou out of Jiang's house, and got into Yan Jinzhou's car.

in the car.

Yan Jinzhou quickly noticed that Jiang Baiyu was in something wrong and asked him, "What's wrong? Are you not happy about being engaged to me?"


Jiang Baiyu said with some melancholy: "I just chatted with some senior uncles in my father's company, and suddenly realized something. My parents will grow old one day, and then I will be able to take on the responsibility of the family. Do you want them to live out their old age without any worries?"

Yan Jinzhou:......

Unlike Jiang Baiyu, he wished that the Yan family would die soon.

He said sincerely: "If you think so, your parents are already very happy."

Jiang Baiyu was unsure, "But, I don't know if I have the ability to take over my father's company. It was an industry founded by my grandfather, and through my father's careful management and expansion, I finally achieved today's achievements. What if I fail?" What should I do with my hands?"

"You are still young and have plenty of time to learn slowly."

Yan Jinzhou looked at the boy who was seriously thinking about the future and said, "Besides, no one can do everything well at the beginning. They will only consider new ways out when they are forced to a dead end. When Uncle Jiang is really unable to manage, You'll understand."

Jiang Baiyu: "I know, I'm just afraid that I can't do it well."

"it's actually really easy."

Yan Jinzhou continued: "The original investor of a company is always the one with the most say in the company. For example, the Yan family is my grandfather, your family used to be Grandpa Jiang, now you are Uncle Jiang, and from now on it will be you."

"Even if you don't want to be the CEO, you can still be the largest shareholder and part-time chairman of Leisurely. Of course, the premise is that more than half of the people on the board of directors must be people you trust, and the CEO you appoint must also be loyal to you. So, As long as you learn how to use people, you can be the boss of a group company."

Jiang Baiyu became even more worried, "That's what I'm worried about. Are they willing to listen to me?"

Yan Jinzhou chuckled: "Simple, let's talk about the board of directors first. If any board member intentionally makes things difficult for you and secretly wants to exclude you, you only need to find his loopholes, annex his equity first, and drive him out of the board of directors. For others People can also serve as a warning to other people. Even if others have different intentions, they will not dare to act rashly due to your strength."

Jiang Baiyu nodded solemnly. Yan Jinzhou's words were just a few words, but behind them there was actually a bloody storm.

Yan Jinzhou: "Furthermore, cultivate people you trust and who obey your orders and appoint them as senior managers of the company. There are many such people and you need to find them carefully."

Jiang Baiyu: "How to find out?"

Yan Jinzhou: "There are people everywhere in this world who are capable and talented but have nowhere to put them to use. They lack connections, funds and upper-level personnel resources."

"And you don't lack these the most. Whether it's now, in college, or if you meet someone like this in your daily life, if you give him some of your resources so that his talents can be fully utilized, he will be grateful to you for the rest of his life. I will serve you forever."

Jiang Baiyu suddenly became enlightened. Things he didn't dare to think about before seemed not that difficult. As long as he studied hard and looked well, he would be able to support the Jiang family in the future.

What's more, he still has Yan Jinzhou by his side.

If anything happens, he can still find Yan Jinzhou.

Jiang Baiyu looked at the man with open eyes with his clear eyes. Looking at his tall figure and handsome profile, he felt particularly at ease.

"kiss Me."

Yan Jinzhou said suddenly.

Jiang Baiyu:......

The sense of solidity that just arose was like a piece of ice falling into a glass of water, its edges and corners quickly melting a little.

Jiang Baiyu was embarrassed: "You are driving now, it's not very good."

Yan Jinzhou asked, "I kissed you for so long yesterday, so what if you kiss me again?"

Jiang Baiyu:......

"You still say? You are bullying me."

He didn't dare to let his family see his mouth last night. As soon as he got home, he ran to his room and took a piece of ice and kept it cold. Fortunately, it looks less swollen in the morning, otherwise what would happen to the engagement party today?

Yan Jinzhou snorted and threatened in a low voice: "I'll kiss you in a moment."

Jiang Baiyu's heart tightened, thinking of Yan Jinzhou's endless troubles, and the 'feeling of solidity' in his heart melted away.

He had no choice but to turn his body to the side, cautiously approached Yan Jinzhou who was driving, and gently kissed the man's side of the face.

His lips were soft, moist, and smelled of lemon.

Yan Jinzhou commented: "It's a bit jerky and still tastes like lemon."

Jiang Baiyu blushed: "I just drank lemon tea at home."

Yan Jinzhou: "Let me try it later."

Jiang Baiyu:? How to taste it?

When passing a red light at an intersection, the moment Yan Jinzhou stopped the car, he squeezed towards Jiang Baiyu. He held the boy's blushing face with his warm hands, looked at the boy's pale lips that were slightly opened in surprise, and kissed him directly.

He deliberately placed a layer of soft cushions on the car seat, so he didn't have to worry about the back of the car pressing against Jiang Baiyu, so he could taste the lemon fragrance very forcefully and fiercely.

Jiang Baiyu said "Uh" and then couldn't make any more sound. Unexpectedly, his thin body was pressed on the wide car seat. His hands helplessly grabbed the seat, and then grabbed Yan Jinzhou's top by habit.

Outside, the sounds of traffic and pedestrians were bustling, and the breathing of the two people inside the car gradually became rapid and heavy.

When the light turned green, the car owner behind him honked his horn impatiently, and Yan Jinzhou reluctantly let go of the boy's sweet lips.

Jiang Baiyu's handsome face was completely red. When he saw the people in the passing car smiling at him, he directly covered his face and said angrily: "What are you doing? Someone outside saw it."

Yan Jinzhou was still savoring the fragrance of lemon on the boy's lips and said with no satisfaction at all: "Then what's the matter? Everyone knows that we are engaged today, what's wrong with letting them see me kiss you."

Jiang Baiyu complained softly: "Then you can't...can't do this."

He was not prepared at all and was so frightened that his heart was pounding.

Yan Jinzhou suddenly said: "After we get engaged, I may go abroad for a while. During this time, please let me kiss you more."

Jiang Baiyu was surprised: "Where are you going?"

Yan Jinzhou sneered: "Aren't I engaged to you? Grandpa appointed me as the head of the Yan family's talent training department. He said that he would give me the right to mobilize the entire Yan family's talents."

Jiang Baiyu looked at Yan Jinzhou's face and asked, "Is it a good thing?"

Yan Jinzhou: "The talent training department is abroad. He wants to take advantage of my absence to get rid of a few of my confidants within the Yan family and evade my power in the company."

Jiang Baiyu's heart sank: "Then, what do you want to do?"

"I have my own way. But this departure may take half a year or a year."

After the coldness in Yan Jinzhou's eyes flashed, he looked at the boy and said, "When I come back, you will be an adult and can do anything. Then I will take you home and bully you."

Jiang Baiyu:......

The 'steadiness' in his heart was completely gone.

Yan Jinzhou: "Remember to come to my room after the banquet is over, and I will send you back at night."

Jiang Baiyu looked out the window with a red face and ignored him again.

Don't dislike the transition chapter.

Xiaoyu is in Zhouzhou's room, what do you want to see?

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