friday knights

Von kenziexwrites

185K 5.8K 3.2K

18++ πŽππ’π„π’π’π„πƒ. which was one word to describe them. "do you want to know what I'm about to do to you... Mehr

characters + soundtrack
1 ... the kn!ghts
2 ... the tw!ns
3 ... champa!gne
4 ... road tr!p?
5 ... wh!te castle
6 ... h!ghway coast!ng
7 ... carn!val adrenal!ne
8 ... !t!nerary ends
9 ... the weekend
10 ... ballet class
11 ... sw!m
12 ... soft spot
13 ... !nfatuat!on
14 ... F.K.L
15 ... halft!me
16 ... c!nguloman!a
17 ... !nterfere
18 ... september
19 ... an obsess!on
20 ... wonderland
21 ... appetency
22 ... vehement
23 ... cato's secret
24 ... deal breaker
25 ... a star !s born
26 ... choose you
27 ... crossf!re
28 ... om!nous
29 ... v!nd!ct!ve
30 ... ae!pathy
31 ... honey
32 ... pretty smart
33 ... sashane <3
34 ... vulnerable
35 ... cheers to that
36 ... forelsket
37 ... letter game
38 ... flower shop
39 ... p!zza date <3
40 ... what's m!ne
41 ... runaway
42 ... home
43 ... b!g 0-1
44 ... the deckers
45 ... 20 k!sses
46 ... moonstruck
47 ... halloween
48 ... sammy & danny
49 ... hela & valkyr!e
50 ... love me !nsane
51 ... you get me
52 ... tr!al by f!re
53 ... redempt!on arc
54 ... brothers keeper
55 ... ten years ago
57 ... date kn!ght
58... flatl!ne
59 ... chr!stmas
60 ... ask me aga!n

56 ... thanksg!v!ng

1.4K 54 30
Von kenziexwrites


LINKING BOTH arms around Carter's to comfort him, Amira looked up from his chest just watching him stare straight ahead with zero emotion. She didn't need to say a word to wonder if he was fine, or to know what he was thinking. She could see it all in his face. He clearly wasn't and she saw right through the blank emotion. It had been a couple of days since his mother announced to him and Cato only, that she and their father were getting a divorce. It probably wasn't the best time to announce such news around the holidays, but she trusted her two oldest to be mature enough to know early on. Both of them just kind of sat for minutes on end, confused and lost out of their minds.

They couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. But then again, they'd never seen their mother participate in any of their family prank shenanigans before so it had to be real.

Both of them took the news well enough but were still left shocked and conflicted. Carter was a little less shocked than his brother because deep down, he saw it coming years ago but he knew how much—as countless times she told them, their mother loved their father too much to give up and let him go. Determination was a trait that just ran in the family and at times, he wished to be without it.

It could be a burden sometimes. But if it weren't for such determination, he probably would've given up on the chance to see, feel, and hear how much Amira loved him just as much as he always did. He wasn't born with the candid trait of his but over time, he made it a habit. One which has always gotten him into trouble.

And without a brother like Cato always having his back, trouble would've constantly followed and consumed him to the fullest and he most likely would've fallen into the wrong crowd, unable to be the person that he is today. As much as he hated to see his parents drift apart, he was happy to see his mother finally let go. He knew how hard it would be to move on.

But for days, he just appeared emotionless about the news. It sucked even more that his little siblings didn't know yet. He knew they'd be crushed. They were too young to understand and loved their father unconditionally, they didn't know him for his flaws yet. "Honey?" Carter hummed, drifting back to the present, and looked up at Amira on a seat in the airport beside him on her knees. She had his face cupped in her warm hands, looking concerned. "Hm? Yes? I'm sorry baby you were saying something?" He kissed one of her open palms and sunk his cheek further into her warmth.

"Are you hungry? You didn't eat this morning," He then noticed the bag of Dunkin Donuts tucked underneath her arm that was full of glazed donut holes and mini hash browns. "While you were zoned out, I also got us a Blue Raspberry Coolatta that I thought we could share,"  She grabbed the cold drink between her thighs and held it up.

Carter frowned in awe at her innocent smile as she held the food to her chest like the bags were a baby. Without a word, he peppered her glossed lips with kisses. "You're sweet baby thank you. I'll take a mini hash brown," She smiled and dug inside the paper bag before popping one into his mouth.

He smiled and kissed her one last time just because she was so cute. "Have I really been zoned out for that long?"

"Mhm," She nodded, munching on a few of the hash browns she popped into her mouth. "Some guy across from us thought you had a staring problem at first," Both of them chuckled in sync before he gazed out at the morning airport lobby. "I'm sorry if I haven't been acting like myself."

When he started rambling, she shut him up with a quick kiss. "Honey It's okay, I understand. Not personally but I understand if you're a little bit off. You just got some terrible news that every kid with married parents has dreaded."

"I used to look up to their love you know? Seeing them together is what made me so excited to find the one and fall in love," Amira sat down the food and drink and sat her chin on the back of her hands placed on his shoulder. "I'm sorry this is happening, honey. I wish I could make it better for you. For all of you. The kids are going to be so crushed."

Carter took a deep breath as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Talk to me. Tell me what you're feeling at this very moment," He looked down at his fingers and thought for a moment. Amira rubbed her hand around his chest which caused his heartbeat to speed up. She paused at the pounding in his chest and laid her palm flat there, keeping it in place and feeling that rush that could only be described as love. "I feel...nothing." He admitted with a dry chuckle.

Amira nodded, rubbing her thumb over his heart.

"Because I knew it would happen eventually."

"But I think another part of me, the part of me that was blinded by all the shit my dad used to tell me as a kid, didn't want it to be true. I still love my dad mom was there for us always twenty-four-seven while he was too caught up in work," He then chuckled dryly again. "And other women," He shook his head, slouched down, and crossed her arms.

"He just wasn't there enough for me to sympathize with him you know?" Amira nodded and hugged around his neck, kissing his forehead and keeping her lips planted there.

"I wish I could make it better."

"You're here, you and that's enough."

She smiled and combed her fingers through the side of his hair. "You know if you're not feeling up to it, we don't have to go," He closed his eyes, sunken deep into her arms, and shook his head. "Absolutely not. What do I look like giving up the chance to meet the family that made you the amazing woman you are today?" He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers. "Not a chance are we turning back now."

Amira grinned shyly. "Really?"

"I want to meet your family. They're a part of who makes you, you, and I want to be a part of all of you and everything that you are. You're important to me so this is important too," Her breath hitched as he tenderly kissed up her arm. "I want to learn all that you were, all that you became, and all that you are. Take me to what will be the rest of my life."

She closed her for a moment and shook her head.

"I need you to stop."

"Stop what?" He genuinely looked confused.

"Being all romantic and husband material and shit. I'm trying really hard here not to hop on your dick right now," He almost laughed out loud at her blunt honesty. She was adapting to some of his traits which he secretly loved. He watched her eyes drag down his manspread position before setting a finger underneath her chin to turn her head away.

"My eyes are up here, baby. Try to keep it pg, k?" He teased and she pouted. "Then stop praising me so much."

"Can't. I'm obsessed with you and you know it."

"Can't you...I don't know be obsessed at another time?"

He chuckled as she squirmed a little.

"Should I start walking around with a blue cap, will that dial it down for your hormones? Hm?" She rolled her eyes.

"You're not funny."

"I mean, I'm funnier than you that's for sure."

"Lying gets you nowhere. I could drop everything and
start life again as a comedian if I wanted to you know?"

"Oh baby," He reached to kiss her jaw. "Don't get delusional on me now, wouldn't want that pretty mind of yours to seem crazy now do we?" She squinted at the taunt in his tone.

"Also you can't go crazy on me now, I just got you."

"Hm, and I'm about to undo that."

"You wouldn't because you love me too much."

"Being cocky also gets you nowhere in life."

"It got me inside of you," He winked which earned a mug to the face. Carter laughed and wrapped an arm around her middle. "Okay, I'm sorry. You're right am I."

"Only because I like you, unfortunately."

"Correction, you love me. Don't degrade that."

She rolled her eyes playfully with a small smile.

"You're right. The only thing I degrade is you."

Carter looked taken aback which made her laugh and cover it up. "Um, that little recent video we made would show otherwise," He muttered and she closed her thighs, looking away at the look in his eye. How could she forget when right after making the tape, he fucked her again while making her watch herself on camera. It wasn't that long ago but she hadn't realized she put her foot in her mouth with this one. Carter smirked and recited in a whisper. "Yes, sir I do love watching myself get fucked like a pretty little slut."

"Should I have you watch it again and uh, get back to me with a proper rephrase? Hm?" He ran his hand down her ass and avoided doing something inappropriate in such a public place. Amira matched his smirk, challenging him.

"How about we just record you making me rewatch the video of me watching myself get fucked?" Carter huffed.

"You can't let me win just once can you?"

"Mm, I would love to honey but what's the fun in that?"

She laughed softly as he went silent, scoffing and shaking his head instead. "Awe you know I love you but you also know my kinks so therefore, you can't outsmart me, darling."

"Like I said, you can't let me win can you?"

"Don't pout honey but we went off track here. Now, there are a couple of warnings I should share with you before we get there," He nodded and cracked his fingers and knuckles.

"Hit me."

"There are a lot of guys in my family because Nana Rubi cursed the family with having mostly boys. Me and my favorite older cousin Niara are a few of the lucky ones. We were also raised alongside our Staff Sergeant Grand-pop who pushed—who am I kidding, forced us to toughen up. He unfortunately passed away but his hard-ass spirit lives in all of us so don't be surprised when all of the guys bum-rush you. We were all raised as siblings almost so it's protocol because I do not doubt that my dad vented to his brothers about you. They tell each other everything like a pack."

"Got it."

"Also my family is crazy and nosey so if you do ever decide to put a ring on this finger," She held up her left hand and Carter smiled, grabbing it to bring to his lips. His eyes glimmered as he stared at how serious she was. "May the odds be ever in your favor," He couldn't help but laugh aloud this time. "You're laughing when I'm dead serious."

"It's okay baby if I survived your dad, I'm sure I can survive the rest of your family," He pulled her down for a kiss.

"I have eight uncles and twelve male cousins in total."

She chuckled when his eyes grew large.

"So you're sending me into a literal war zone."

"But you'd go to war just for me wouldn't you?" She smirked softly, hovering over his lips. Carter grabbed her hand again, staring into her eyes all while kissing her ring finger.

"Battle cry and all baby."

"Good because I would do the same for you."

PULLING UP TO ONE OF the houses she grew up in, Amira was filled with anticipation and excitement to see her family after a couple of years. Her hands bounced in her prancing lap as she grinned, looking out the window of the familiar neighborhood. There were a bunch of kids and elderly people outside just as she remembered.

Just because she was in a really good mood today, she tipped the Uber driver in cash before she hopped out, turning to face the home. Her eyes drifted to the freshly cut lawn where children were playing and some of her cousins sitting on the steps of the porch, some playing basketball in the driveway. She almost didn't recognize anyone because of how grown everyone had gotten. No one noticed her just yet, which she thought to be all the more fun. She had a plan of just strolling over to join in on their conversation and wait to see when they'd noticed her in their huddle.

But she was unfortunately spotted.

To her, by the best person in the world.

"Mira?!" She gasped seeing her favorite older cousin step around from the backyard and open her arms wide.

"Nia come love me, I'm home!" She stood on the grass in excitement as her cousin Niara sprinted across the lawn, only for her to be blocked as the large group of guys came sprinting faster. "Ouch, why are you all so big now? I'm being suffocated!" But she didn't care as she hugged all of her cousins, some of them manhandling her to be mean.

"Move ya'll all hype! She don't even like y'all like that for real," Niara shoved and squeezed through the guys to finally reach Amira. "Nia!" She jumped into her arms. Niara was definitely more of a sister than a cousin, just like the guys were considered her brothers. "Uncle C or Auntie Lex didn't tell me you were coming! Not even CJ," Jumping from her arms, they held onto each other's hands tightly and Niara gasped. "Was this my Christmas present from them?! If so, best one I've gotten in a while by far!" Amira giggled, squeezing her.

"I missed you so much! We haven't talked in forever and I hate that. We literally like each other's stories but don't talk," Niara pulled back, nodding in agreement. "True but if that's not how close friendships work, I don't know how else then," Amira grinned and hopped back and forth on her toes excitedly. "Eekk I'm just so happy to see you!"

"I know, you won't believe how bored—"

"Who white boy done got lost?" She heard one of her older cousins say and spun around only to sigh. He was literally surrounded and she went in to save him, reaching out a hand but Carter shook his head. "White boy does have a name and it's Carter, Amira's future husband, it's nice to meet you too," Amira's eyes bulged as he held out his fist for fist bumps all around. Everyone just stared at him. "Guys," Amira looked at each of them. "Be nice," She warned as one of her younger cousins tossed him the same basketball they were seen playing with. "You play?" Carter shrugged, twisting the ball in his hands. "A little. But I'm more of a football kinda guy."

"Yeah? You got a favorite team?"

"Well, I'm biased so..."

"It depends on who my favorite player is traded off to."

Amira blinked in utter shock as they casually went back and forth with questions and Carter seemed to have an answer for all of them. He didn't stutter once. Soon, it started getting a little too personal. "You like talking with your fist too?" Amira hid her face in Niara's shoulder. "I almost forgot about that," She looked up to see her frowning.

"Want to talk about that later?" She nodded. "Sure."

"Only when it's to defend the people I love."

All of the guys looked at each other before dispersing the intimidating huddle that wasn't as intimidating to Carter as he thought. Sure there were a lot of them but he thought it out on the plane. His family was huge too and he remembered what it was like when a family member brought a partner to meet everyone. Playing scared or nervous would just allow them to mess with him.

"We finna talk more later, but you cool."

"For now." He finally earned fist bumps all around and as all of them walked away, hugging Amira one last time or giving her head a good noogie as they passed by, she was still confused about what just happened. It was really that easy for guys to get along. At least that was out of the way.

" are everything," She walked up him to and grabbed his face. Carter smiled and kissed her palm. "Thank you, baby," She chuckled with a head shake before bringing him over to Niara. "Nia this Carter, my—" Carter shook her hand before Amira could finish her sentence.

"Future husband."

"You're just gonna keep throwing that out there are you?"

"Until you're walking down to aisle to me, mhm."

Niara gave her cousin a look which told her that Carter would definitely be popping up in the private conversation later on. "You're Niara, the chef of your cousins. I heard you can cook any dish for the first time and make it taste professional," Niara sent Amira another look before smiling up at him and shaking his hand. ", big hands," She cleared her throat and shook her thoughts. "Just so you know, we will be talking about you later," Carter chuckled.

"Go for it. I like being on her mind anyway," He nudged
Amira in the side playfully and she rolled her eyes.

"Amira Nana Rubi said get your butt in this house and speak to her and stop hiding your boyfriend out here!" One of her cousins called from the porch and she looked up at Carter with a head shake as he smiled, happy to meet everyone else. "Good luck soldier," Niara whistled. After grabbing the luggage which was just two suitcases, Amira grabbed his hand and the three of them walked up to the house.

"Why do I have anxiety all of a sudden?" Carter chuckled nervously, clearing his throat. Amira rubbed his hand as they were just entering the house. "You'll be okay, I promise."

Setting their luggage down, Amira led them through the familiar home and into the kitchen where Nana Rubi had the kitchen steaming and hot with all the food she was preparing that could be smelled from outside. She wasn't alone either and Amira grinned when one out of her eight uncles came to lift her in a bear hug. "My only niece, you got so damn big since the last time I saw you!" He kissed her cheek and she returned it as he sat her back to her feet. "Hey, Uncle Chris. Also, you know your sister has a daughter right?"

He waved it off, "She doesn't bring her around much so she barely knows half of us exist," He went back to cooking. "She married a doctor and got bougie on us. Frankly, I stopped trying to bring her around," Nana Rubi said with an eye roll and Amira squealed. "Nana!" She rounded the counter to hug and kiss her and Nana returned the energy.

"And I thought our family's genes were stronger, but look at you looking just like your mama," She then spanked her making Amira jolt back. "That's for not calling often but I understand college keeps you busy. I wouldn't know, I was too busy taking care of this," She pointed to one of her sons who was helping her cook then behind her to the Prehung Heritage backyard door where the rest of her sons were.

"And those ones out there. But," She washed her hands, dried them, and placed her hands on her hips, looking over Amira at Carter. "I see college isn't the only thing keeping you busy. I see him hiding back there, ah-ah don't act shy let me see you," Carter smiled nervously and stepped forward.

She gave her granddaughter a look.

"Well don't just stand there, introduce the pretty boy."

But Carter already beat her to it, going in to shake her hand and greet her with politeness and charm before doing the same to her uncle. "This Carter Nana, my boyfriend who is the sweetest so go easy on him," Nana Rubi waved her off and she shook her head with a sigh. Niara slung her arm around her little cousin. "I should've gone to your college. He got a brother?" Amira chuckled and crossed her arms.

"He's eight with an attitude." Niara sucked her teeth.

"But he is a twin actually."

"Girl why didn't you lead with that? There's another one out there with that face and you lead with the eight-year-old first?" Amira held a finger up. "Not exactly, they're fraternal." Niara hummed. "And I know he's just as fine."

"Yeah, and you're six years older."

"They're only twenty?" She scoffed. "Well I'm mostly into older men anyway," Amira shook her head and smiled at her cousin. "You struck gold with the looks but we have a lot to catch up on. I need to know every single thing about him down to peanut in the jelly if you catch my drift," She nudged their shoulders and Amira poked her forehead.

"You nosey just like ya mama but you still my girl."

"Yay, I knew you missed me!"

"You don't need to be standing here playing bodyguard, he'll be fine with me without you isn't that right Mr. Carter?" Nana Rubi sassed and pointed for the girls to leave the kitchen. Amira looked at Carter as he nodded in assurance.

"Fine but don't be embarrassing Nana please?"

"You remembered who I married right?"

She stood on the tips of her toes to kiss Carter but was stopped by Nana Rubi when she slapped her arm with a towel. "Don't make me slap you with the Bible next girl, get your butt out with the rest of the family," Amira pouted and Carter laughed softly and kissed the back of her hand.

"Andrò bene, amore mio," She smiled only to wince when Niara pinched her side. "He's Italian?!" She whispered in her ear as she dragged her to the backyard.

( "i'll be fine, my love," )

"He's pretty and foreign, tell me moreee!" Niara begged when they stepped outside and she smirked just to tease her. "Oh look, I have uncles and more cousins to greet first," Niara groaned as Amira walked down the few steps to walk across the grass to the tent where the rest of her cousins, uncles, step-aunts, and parents were seated having a drink and talking during an intense game of Uno.

"So who's winning? I remember Uncle Eric being the cheater and having one of us distract whoever he was going up against," She leaned her elbows on two of their shoulders nonchalantly watching the game happen. She smiled when a whirlwind of vigorous voices greeted her with hugs.

"Where's Carter?" Her mother asked after the long moment of greeting everyone. "Yeah, where is he? We heard you officially into white boys," One of her cousins said followed by overlapping laughter from her uncles. She rolled her eyes.

"Two words, Nana.Rubi."

Everyone around the table hissed and ooouuu'd.

"And you left him?" Another cousin joined.

"She whipped me with a towel and forced me out!"

"Oh bless his sweet heart," Her mother sympathized.

"But then again if he survived your father—"

"Nuhuh," Her father shook his head. "Mom is worse than me, even I'm a little scared for him," All of the brothers agreed and began recalling all the times their mother was the scariest woman they've ever none. Amira grabbed a chair and took a seat next to her mom. It was about an hour later when Niara pulled her from the table. "Now that we've all caught up, I would like to take my cousin for a walk," She linked their arms. "Oh wait is it THEE walk?" One of their older cousins asked and Niara rolled her eyes, grabbing his arm to pull him away from the adults. "Unless you want to hear us talk about dick, dick, and more dick, I suggest you sit this one out Tee," Amira laughed and he made a face. Niara patted his shoulder and slowly backed away.

"Yeah, y'all got that."

"When did you become like this? Aren't you usually sweet and a little shy?" Amira raised a brow and Niara walked them to the front from the side of the yard. "Only with you and other family, I promise. I'm not that bold nowadays."

They ended up going all around the neighborhood while catching up on everything in their lives. Niara already graduated from college in culinary arts just like her chef father and Amira couldn't help but laud her cousin for her achievements. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Open a restaurant for sure. Dad invited me to host his cooking show with him but," She shrugged. "I don't know, I think I just want something that's my own you know? I don't want to be known or start out as just Chris Livingston's daughter who, oh by the way, is a chef just like her father."

"I get that but I do think it will get you a jump start on your career. Host the show just once, and let the world see that you're more than just someone following in her dad's footsteps. It would gain publicity for your restaurant one day," Niara hummed with a nod as she thought about it. "I've never thought of it that way. This is why you're my favorite," She bumped her shoulder playfully as they crossed a street.

"Hey what do you know, we're both working on opening our own business," They grinned at each other. "Well, would you look at us two. The Beauty Guru and the Chef."

"That has a nice ring to it," Niara nodded in agreement.

"Someone should write a book about it." She said.

"I'd read."

"You know what? Same."

"But let's not lose track of the other reason why we're going on this walk away from our nosey family—despite me, tell me more about Mr. Carter Knight with his fine ass."

"He is so fine isn't he?" Amira grinned as she thought about it like she was just realizing how gorgeous Carter was. She most definitely knew it but she thought it some more now that her cousin hyped it up. Niara gave her a look that said it all making her laugh. "That boy is gorgeous, girl let's not get too deep into that because that is still your man and I respect that and I respect you so just tell me everything."

A fifteen-minute walk turned into almost an hour and by the time Amira was finished telling her everything about Carter, even from the beginning when she couldn't stand him at first, the sun was slowly starting to set. "Oh, so you done found yourself a man written by a woman huh? I can't believe my little cousin might get married before me."

She tsked.

"Ugh, I'm so happy yet so jealous right now," Amira sideways hugged her. "Nia you'll most definitely find someone again, you're beautiful," Niara smiled softly and waved it off.

"Well, there is this one man," She smirked.

"Um, do tell!"

"There isn't much to tell because we've barely talked but we see each other every day at this cafe I still hang out at from high school. He's...fine, like so fine. In a way he looks like Superman," This piqued Amira's interest even more.

"Now I have to know what he looks like for real."

Niara smiled shyly making Amira squeal. "Do I hear future wedding bells?!" She scoffed and shook her head. "Fuck no. Let's take it down a few notches Mrs. Delusional. I learned my lesson on that so no, not for a while at least. But as I said, we barely know each other. He's shy I think."

"It's kinda cute actually."

"Around you or just in general?"

"Mm, I'm not sure. He screams confidence but I don't know, on the occasions we'd talk, he stutters sometimes, and can't look me in the eyes for more than a couple seconds. He usually just sits by himself until he leaves. In a suit by the way which makes him all the more fine," Amira gave her a look like she was a little bit stupid. "He definitely likes you."

"Or he could just be one of those white people who are ironically uncomfortable around black people."

"Could be but why else would he take the time out of his day to talk to you without a reason? Tell me more about him, that you know of," Niara looked off into the distance in thought. "He might be a bit older than me but that's as far as I know."

"I think you should get out there again, Nia. Starting with Mr. Superman look-a-like." Niara scoffed and waved her off.

"Eh, I'm not sweating it. After thinking I finally found the one, I suddenly wasn't in the rush to find them anymore. I mean if I find them one of these days then fine but for now, I'm not in a rush. Plus I'm working on finding a job that pays well so I can get started on my business. But I'm just happy for you, Mira. You just might get married before me, wow."

"I would say not true but Carter can be too literal
sometimes and I don't wanna lie to you," She chuckled.

"You went through a lot recently and I'm glad you found someone who loves and respects you, Carter is unreal."

Amira pouted with a smile and squeezed her.

"Awe I love you, thank you, Nia."

"Yeah, yeah love you too, so—damn how long have we been walking to end up here?" Amira followed Niara's gaze and scoffed up at the high school building they stumbled upon after taking a break from walking. "This was the last place I wanted to end up," She crossed her arms as memories started flooding her mind. She shook her head. "Let's go back," Niara suggested and grabbed Amira's hand to pull her away from the building but paused when she wouldn't move.

"Mira come on," She reached for her other hand, noticing the glossiness in her eyes. "Mira," She looked down at the sudden tight grip on her hands and looked at her in concern as she started to breathe heavily. "Hey, what is it?" Amira flinched back a little making Niara look down the street where she was stuck staring down. "Oh...shit," She gulped.

"We shouldn't told you but it really wasn't important because we were never meant to come around here. Mira..."

"He has no life after what he did to you. He lost everything and I heard that the school was the only job he could get. But he can't and won't hurt you anymore, Mira just look away," She turned her head away and stood in front of her to block the view of her ex. He was working, sweeping outside the school with headphones on and seemingly not a care in the world.

She finally blinked and in only that single second, he had noticed her leaving her to take a step back despite the distance already between them. When he paused, he pulled his headphones out and thought it was best to take a step forward to walk over. Amira started to hyperventilate and spun around. Her legs felt wobbly but Niara was there to scurry her away from the area completely to head back.

"I know you're not twenty-one yet but I think you could use
a drink. I got you," She soothingly rubbed her back.

"I THINK ONE OF THEM actually tried to kill me during a game of football but I feel like it was to test my strength? I-I'm not sure actually but my side is hurting, I think I fell on the side I injured that day at...what's wrong?" Carter paused near the top of the stairs where Amira was, staring down at her lap. He didn't have to see her face to know something was wrong, her body language gave it away immediately.

"What happened?" She seemed so out of focus, like her mind wasn't there but her body was. He noticed how fidgety she was and went to interlock their fingers but she flinched which made her look up and realize who it was. Carter frowned as she fixed her face with a smile. "Hi, I'm sorry," She connected their fingers but Carter wasn't buying her act.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"


"Honey," She grabbed his cheek and pulled him in. "I'm fine," She muttered with a straight face, lying directly to him and pecked his lips. "You know I hate when you do that," He shook his head. "Your body language told it all and you flinched when I touched you. Plus your hands are shaking," He caressed her interlocked fingers with his thumb and leaned down closer. "Tell me what's wrong. Bad thoughts again?" She stayed silent and looked away.

"Love look at me."

"Should I ask you in another language? Hm? Mirame mi amor," He tilted her chin up, "Por favor?" When he saw her teary eyes, he peppered her face with kisses. "Talk to me. I've said it before, your problems are my problems and I stand by that. If you're not ready, I understand and I'll just sit right here and be with you in silence if that's what you want."

( "look at me, my love" - spanish )

"I...ran into my ex with Niara." She sniffled.

Carter looked down at her shaky hands and rubbed them, taking a moment of silence before speaking again. "Okay...Okay, tell me everything. Down to the way he looked at you. Did he approach you? Touch you?" When she shook her head, he was much relieved. "He just kind of...stood there. We ended up back at my old school and he was there. We both weren't expecting to see each other but I..."

"Froze like a deer in headlights when I saw him and...and," She choked up and he rubbed her arms up in down in soothing motions. "I felt like that naive seventeen-year-old girl again. I thought I was back and at any moment during our staring contest, he would run up to me and possibly kill me like he always promised," She sniffled. "I stood there...and I waited like I wanted it to happen," She chuckled confusingly. "Did I want it to happen?"

"No baby you didn't. You were stuck and waited out what you thought was your fate but I'm telling you, that it's not. He doesn't control you anymore. You were still a kid and he not only abused you, he took some strings and made you into a puppet. Baby look at me," He cupped her cheeks and wiped underneath her eyes. "He does not control you anymore. You're better and you're happy, don't let him take that away. There are too many people here that love and support you, he was just an error accidentally put in your life that's all," She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"You're right. You're right, I'm sorry."

"No, why are you apologizing?" She opened her eyes and sighed. "Because I'm literally here with you and family where I'm genuinely happy. I'm so happy and I'm letting him consume me all over again and I freaking hate it."

"You shouldn't be apologizing for that."

"I know but you're right and I thank you for reminding me," She smiled and kissed him. "I feel a little better. Now tell me what they did to you so I can kill them," Carter chuckled and waved it off. "Nah it's cool. Plus they would tease the shit out of me if I cried to you over getting a little bruise for a game I play every other Friday. They would give me absolute hell but thank you for wanting to stick up for me."

"Hey you know I got your back. Now come on, I got a text a while back from Niara about having teams in Uno and Jenga so," She stood up and grabbed his hand. "This is when my family's true colors show, you've been warned," He smiled as she dragged him down the stairs. "Can't wait then."

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? I've been calling for the past hour, I was starting to think you actually left lowkey," Amira sat up in her old bed, flipping the covers off. She leaned against the posters on the wall behind her and crossed her arms. Carter shut the door softly with a goofy grin that made her want to smack him silly. "You're lucky my dad still let you in the house this late," She began rambling and all Carter did was smile while taking his shoes off. He climbed towards her but she still went on about how worried she was while throwing in a couple of insults.

"Why are you smiling? Is this a smiling matter to you?"

"You're cute when you're a mad. You look like a cute little angry bird. I was just with your cousins and CJ."

She paused. "All of them?"

"No just four of them. They started to ease up and we hung out. The reason I didn't tell you was because I was also doing something to surprise you," She smacked her lips. "Okay and  that was?" Taking his arm from behind his back, he showed his hand and spread out his fingers. "What is th—did you let one of them tattoo you? Was this a bet?" She pulled his fingers closer. "Just take the plastic off," With a huff, Amira slowly took the plastic wrap off of his ring finger.

He watched closely at her reaction. Taken aback, confused, and happy, she was feeling all of the emotions and more.

"Carter, what did you do? What am looking at right now?"

"My vow. My future. Our future."

"That's...That's my fucking name in permanent fucking ink," He nodded as she examined his finger. "That it is."

"Are you crazy? Did you take your crazy pills today?"

He leaned in to kiss her. "There. Took my medicine for today. Now will you stop asking if I'm crazy? I'm only crazy for you, the best kind of crazy. Yes, I got your name where your ring will soon be until I turn into ash. I'm yours, baby. I've told you many times, even got a tattoo on my other hand already to prove it but I thought I needed to be more clear. This is as transparent as it gets," Amira huffed breathlessly, unable to look away at her name written in cursive small letters.

The dot of the "I" in her name was a shade in heart. She smiled at the little detail, running the pad of her finger over it. "What world did you jump from?" She sniffled, wiping her eyes. "Most of the time I feel like you're not even real and I'm dreaming. Sometimes I'm scared I'll wake up and you won't even exist," She looked up at him, bringing a hand up to trace the features of his face. "I'm as real as the sea baby."

Unexpectedly, she pounced on him making him fall back on the bed and laugh. "I love you too," He hugged her back.

"I've been crying all damn day and it's tiring," She chuckled, pulling his hand from around her to admire the tattoo.

"You have been crying lately but it can be good for you so don't worry as much. I do have a question though, what were you guys screaming about earlier back at Nana's house?"

"What do you mean?"

"It was after Jenga."

"The guys and I were outside while you and the ladies were inside, we heard you all screaming, and we all nearly tripped over each other inside to see what was wrong."

"Oh," She cuddled into his chest. "Nothing serious."

"You sure? They were screaming at you."

"No, it wasn't at me, we were just watching some video."

"Hm," He stared at the ceiling in thought.


"Sì, amore mio?"

"What did I do to deserve you?" She changed the subject.

Carter kissed her head and rubbed her side. "Exist."

carter is THEE standard idc.

this chapter is literally a month late because i had writer's block for THIS ONE chapter. thought about scraping it and making it a deleted chapter like we making cinema in this bitch, but THEN, i realized i couldn't because it's honestly important. you had to meet niara cause i love her. anyway...

niara will be returning in first and third pov 😗

also not so fun fact; kaz was going to end up being a relative to amira's ex and she would find out from a childhood friend she ran into, and would go to confront him herself. but i felt like that was just a little too extra. i had to give my girl a break.

100k hugs for you all btw 🫶🏾


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