
By funsizedmommy

425K 9K 24.4K

#๐Ÿ‘ ๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐Š ๐“๐‘๐ˆ๐‹๐Ž๐†๐˜ Despite their history, he has always been in love with her, while she has alway... More

-i n t r o d u c t i o n-
00: m i s t a k e
01: b i t c h
02: b e a c h
03: f i g h t
04: p a r t y
05: d r u n k
06: n o
07: f i r e
08: s p a i n
09: s h o t
10: w a n t
11: h e r
12: t y p e
13: s o f t
14: g u n
15: l i k e
16: j e a l o u s
17: b o y f r i e n d
18: c u p c a k e s
20: f i g h t
21: i g n o r e d
22: u n r e q u i t e d ?
23: e x i s t
24: e m p t y
25: p r o b l e m
26 : h u r t
27 : h a t e
28: c h a o s
29: t r u t h
30: c o n f e s s i o n
31 : r u i n
32 : t a l k
33 : s h u t u p
34 : l o v e
35 : n o t s o s u n s h i n e
36 : d a t e
37 : c r y
38 : a r g u e
39 : p a n i c
40 : w e d d i n g
41 : h e a r t

19: t e a s e

12.6K 231 575
By funsizedmommy

"I knew it!" Tina states, following with a laugh. "Bitch, don't move!" Lana hisses, scolding Tina who rolls her eyes.

"It wasn't that obvious." I mutter, going through my dresses. Okay, maybe it was but like still.

"Baby, you're just blind." Alana says, clearly not in the mood for anything. Somethings up her ass, not sure what though.

She's doing Valentinas make up for this dinner we're going to. "Lana, baby, what's up your ass?" I joke, grabbing a red dress from my closet.

She drops the eyeliner on the floor, throwing her head back with a groan. Oh? She actually did something, oh shit. "What the fuck did you do, Alana?" I furrow my brows, worry lacing my tone.

"You know Michael right?" She mumbles in question, leaning against my vanity. What kind of question is that? I've known that asshole my whole life.

Tina gasps, covering her mouth. "She slept with him!" 

I drop my dress, my eyes widening in shock. "Lana, he's marrying your sister!" Okay, even though her sister goes through men faster than the fucking flash, that is crazy.

Even if it's not out of love, if my man (Nico) slept with— okay, not sister that's weird. My best friend, I'd kill him and her.

"Don't remind me, oh my god! Do you think I like this? We were drunk."

Alana barely drinks, especially if she isn't with someone she knows, he's already ruining my innocent baby.

Okay, I don't care if Alana kills this whole world, starts a zombie apocalypse, I'm still gonna agree with her cause she's mine.

"Okay, uh this is fine. Just forget it, nothing happened, right?" Tina says, playing with lana's hair.

"Bullshit!" Lana groans, throwing her back against the wall. "AH FUCK!" she yells when she bangs her head against it.

I curse under my breath, walking into my closet to change.

Ugh, I miss my sunshine. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning.


"Rowan, my dress is fine." I roll my eyes, staring at Rowan who has his jaw clenched. "No it's not, it's short." He frowns.

My aunt Reese smiles. "Shut the fuck up, I love it." She says.

Rowan discreetly pulls her dress down from behind. "I'm gonna kill you." She mumbles, turning her head around to face him.

"Oh, hey butterfly, didn't see you there." He jokes, draping an arm over her shoulder.

I scrunch my nose in disgust at their ongoing affection, turning around to walk away.

A smile makes its way onto my face when I find Nico leaning against the counter. He's wearing an all black suit and I'm folding.

He lifts his head up from his phone, scanning the room. As soon as his eyes find me, his face fucking lights up. Ugh he makes my heart melt.

I walk towards him, dropping my hands when he stares at my dress in adoration.

"Fucking hell, can we make babies already?" He curses under his breath, holding my hand to twirl me around.

And so help me god, that was the most romantic, cheesy thing I've ever done.

I punch his rib jokingly, "I'm never having your babies." I say, rolling my eyes, my smile so wide it's actually hurting my cheeks.

"We'll talk about it." He winks, intertwining our hands. I've gotten used to that.

"Mhm." I laugh, staring at his dimples.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He cocks a brow at me, tilting his head in confusion.

"Dimples." I grin.

As soon as that word leaves my mouth, he turns his head away from me. "Stop." He mumbles, a light blush coating his cheeks.

I go on my tiptoes, leaving a kiss on his right cheek. "Mine." I whisper possessively, pulling him closer by his dress shirt.

"Only if you're mine." He says quietly, reaching out to wrap his hand around my hips.


"Just don't touch her for five fucking seconds!" My dad hisses in annoyance, clearly not enjoying this. He aggressively pulls Rowan away from Reese.

Rowan glares at Leo, acting as if he'll die if he doesn't touch his wife for one second.

They all leave to go sit. I'm assuming it's cause they're old and if they stand for too long— whatever.

I'm left with Nico, Lana, and Tina.

"Hello," I hear a deep voice from behind me. "Such a pleasure to have such.. wonderful people here." Michael smiles sarcastically, ew his dimples are ugly.

My sunshine has perfec— oh my god, ew. Shut the fuck up. What's wrong with you?

"Where's lemon?" I almost snort at the mention of Lana's father. Nico curses under his breath, grabbing the back of my head and shoving it in his chest to shut me up.

"He always comes late."

"That's unfortunate, I come early." He emphasizes the word 'come' lifting his brows teasingly.

I bite the inside of my cheek to hide my laugh. "Catalina, shut the hell up." Nico mutters.

I can't help it, I burst out laughing when Valentina laughs.

"That wasn't funny." Lana says, her expression saying it all. She's gonna kill everyone.

"You wouldn't get it. You're a ginger." He flicks the side of her head before walking away.

Lana takes a deep breath, turning around. She jabs Michaels ribs, flipping him off.

"I'm hungry." I say, playing with my nails.

My smile drops when he grips Alanas wrists, slamming her against at the wall.

"Michael." Nico clenches his jaw.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I whisper yell, ready to throw hands. I don't even get to walk to Michael to fuck him up.

Lana's father walks in like he owns the place, his wife's arm wrapped around his, with their daughter behind them.

Rowan isn't going to like this.

Micheal immediately drops her wrist, taking a few steps away from Lana. Rowan's going to kill him if he ruins this shit. Then he's going to have to tell my dad he's being blackmailed which Is going to be very entertaining. (For me.)

We all stare at each other in silence, and if looks could kill, Lana would be dead.

I want to shove a dagger through lemons heart. Is that normal?

I decide to break the silence because you only live once. Right? "Yo, hey lemon." I smile the fakest smile ever, walking towards Lana.

I hold her wrist, reaching for Tina as well.

I roll my eyes when I see the assigned seats. Aren't they trading drugs? Or was it— never mind. It doesn't affect me, why should I care?

I give Lana's hand a reassuring squeeze, shooting her a comforting smile.

I sit down on my seat, clearing my throat. Nico takes a seat next to me, draping an arm over my chair.

I suck in a breath when he spreads his legs, sitting comfortably.


I roll my eyes when lemon walks in with a glare, taking a seat next to Rowan who's to busy ogling Reese to notice his surroundings.

Lemon leans in, whispering something in Rowan's ear and my curiosity gets the best of me. What? I love drama.

Slowly, everyone starts conversations. My dad and lemon are talking about some weird drug import shit. I seriously don't care.

I tense when I feel a hand on my bare thigh.

"It was supposed to be one hundred thousand!" Lemon raises his voice, slamming his palms against the counter.

"Why don't you go get some vodka to help with the anger, huh?" My dad makes the stupid Russian joke he always tells Rowan.

Nico, Mila, and Michael all stare at my father because, well, their all Russian as well. Rowan could give less of a shit, he's used to it.

"Just give him what he wants and we can all go home." Rowan says, leaning back in his chair.

"Miss your kids already?" My dad teases.

"Actually, I do. Very much." Rowan bites back, draping an arm over Reese's chair, discreetly flipping my dad off.

My breath hitches when Nico trails his hand higher, I'm going to kill him.

I step on Nico's foot, trying to squeeze my thighs together. His hand grips my thigh tightly, keeping my legs open.

I clench my jaw when he 'accidentally' drops a fork on the floor. "Sorry," he says, a slight grin spreading across his face.

That fucking asshole.

He lowers his other hand to pick it up, his face inches away from my ear. "Can you be a good girl and stay quiet for me?" He rasps.

"Can you do that for me, Tesoro?" He breathes out, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I give him a death glare when he sits back up, placing the fork in the table.

I place my hand on top of his that's on my thigh. "I hate you." I mumble only for him to hear.

He nods his head when someone asks him something, trailing his hand all the way to the hem of my underwear.

I bite the inside of my cheek, sucking in a breath. "What about you, Catalina?" A high pitched voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Uh—" my eyes widen in shock when Nico dips his hand in my underwear.

Here I thought I was the crazy one in this relationship. "Sorry," I swallow the lump in my throat. "What was it?" I stare at Lana's sister who sits next to Michael— her soon to be husband.

"Any accomplishments?" She asks, twirling a strand of her blond hair.

My head grows dizzy when I feel Nico's thumb press against my throbbing clit.

I fight the urge to tell her to shut the fuck up. "Uhm no?" I say, glaring at her.

I grip onto Nico's wrist tightly. I take a glance at that asshole, he smiles a dimpled smile, licking his lips.

I am nowhere near a quiet person, especially in bed.

My breathing gets heavier when he lowers his hand, teasing my entrance.

"Catalina." My dad warns, probably about my attitude but I could care less right now. He would too if he knew Nico's hand is in my fucking panties.

Fuck me, I need him.

I bite back a groan when he pulls his hand away, pulling my dress that hiked up back down.

I'm actually going to kill him. As soon as Lemon and his wife excuse themselves, Michael opens his mouth. "Shut the fuck up, Rowan. Don't you have a sex tape with your wife?"

"Excuse me?" Reese says, staring at Michael in horror. "What the fuck?!" My dad raises his voice, grabbing the butter knife that sits in front of him.

My underwear is now fucking wet all thanks to Nico, this is very uncomfortable. I squeeze my legs together, clenching my jaw.

"Michael, shut the fuck up." Rowan hisses, elbowing Michael who's laughing.

"When was this said sex tape fucking created! With your side hoe?" My aunt shoves Rowans arm away from her.

"Stop saying the word sex!" My dad raises his voice, throwing his hands in the air.

I'm going to commit. "Are you pregnant again?" Rowan asks, placing his arm back over her shoulder.

"Stop talking." I groan, dropping my head on the table.

"Oh wow, so you have a sex tape with another woman and now your saying I gained weight?"

Rowan blinks repeatedly, "Wha— n— huh? Reese, I don't— I never— stop." He closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"For fucks sake, what's wrong with all of you!" My mother drops her head to her hands, taking a deep breath.

Fuck it.

I stand up, grabbing Nico's wrist. I pull him behind me, hearing my dad protest.

I cannot take this anymore.

I open the front door, hearing Nico laugh behind me. Asshole.

"I hate you." I scoff, slamming him against the car, smashing our lips together.


"Mhm." He mumbles against my lips, wrapping his hand around my throat, tipping my chin up.


Nico is sat on the drivers seat while I straddle his lap. "Nick," I mutter through kisses, tangling my hands in his hair.

"I want you." I breathe out, trying to catch my breath. Imagine you have an asthma at— shut up.

"You have me." He says, exhaling a breath against my lips.

I crash our lips together, trailing my hand to his chest. I slowly unbutton his dress shirt. "You weren't being a very good boy, we're you?" I whisper, pulling his dress shirt off.

I grin when I feel him grow hard beneath me. "You like riding motorcycles, I like riding—"

I shut my mouth when he grabs my ass, pressing me against him. I wanna say fuck him but I'm about to do that.

He lowers his face to my shoulder, leaving small kisses everywhere.

I wrap my hands around his hair, pulling his head back up. I lower my face to his neck with a shit eating grin.

I suck on his neck, biting down on the skin to mark him.

He throws his head back against the seat, gripping my thighs tightly. Fuck, I can just imagine his hands gripping my thighs.

"Lin," a quiet whimper escapes him. I hum in response, darting my tongue out to lick the bite.

"What are you doing?" He breathed out, running his thumb over my thigh. I take a glance at his fluttering eyelids.

"I'm claiming you, sunshine. Sharing isn't my specialty." I whisper possessively, leaving one last kiss on his jaw before lifting my head up.

He lets out a low grunt against my lips, "I need you." He says, dropping his eyes to my lips. Who doesn't need me?

"I know." I roll my eyes, biting back my smile.

He turns his head away from me, a smile making its way onto his face. I hold his jaw in my hands, crashing our lips together.

I undo his dress shirt, pulling him closer. I run my hand through his chest, tracing his abs.

"Is this okay?" As soon as those three words leave his mouth, my heart beats.

I nod desperately, feeling the throbbing in between my legs grow by the second. It's killing me.

He wastes no time reaching to hike my dress up, "You like riding motorbikes?" I mumble in between kisses while he pulls my panties down.

You know I've never fucked anyone in a car. Okay, no one needs to know about my sex life.

"Mhm." He hums against my lips, trailing his hand in between my legs.

"I like riding—" I squeal when Nico bites my cheek, "Never open your mouth unless I ask you to."

Fuck me, I'm hard. (I don't have a dick.)

I grin, undoing his pants. I start kissing his neck, whispering quiet words into his ear.

"Catalina." He whimpers, tracing my stomach.

I pull his boxers down with a grin. Fuck me and my life.

His breathing gets heavier when I run my thumb over his tip. "Lin," the way his voice comes out makes me throb, I can't lie.

I suck in a breath, grinding against his thigh to relieve the pressure.

"Beg for it." I demand, holding his jaw with my free hand.

He doesn't protest, he throws his head back against the seat. "Catalina, please. I need you."

"There's a good boy, huh?" I tease, lifting my body up. Which is very fucking hard.

I position him at my entrance feeling my breath hitch. This is going to be brutal.

I gasp when I lower myself onto him, not fully yet. I lift my hands up to his shoulders, gripping them tightly.

"Slow, baby." He breathes out, holding onto my hips. I let the burning sensation pass, exhaling a few breaths.

Nico let's out a low grunt, dropping his forehead to my chest. "Lin, I'm going to go crazy if you don't move."

I close my eyes, lowering myself fully onto him.

I dig my nails into the back of his neck, letting a quiet moan escape.

"Catalina." He groans my full name, leaving a kiss over my heart.

I slow lift myself up, just to slam him right back in.

I move slowly, holding onto his shoulder. I feel his hands pull down the straps of my dress, baring my chest.

"You feel so good." He groans, my leaving kisses all over my cleavage.

I wrap my hand around his hair, lifting his head back up. I smash our lips together, moving against him.

"That's it, show me how much you love riding, baby." He rasps, running his thumb over my nipple. I whimper at the action, and his words.

"Nico," I moan, throwing my head back when he darts his tongue out to lick my breasts.

He takes one in his mouth, toying with me.

"Fucking hell, Lina." He lets out a low moan when I clench around him, giving his hair a light tug.

He lowers his hand in between my legs, circling my clit with his thumb. "Just like that, don't stop." I breathe out, feeling my body weaken by the second.

I gasp when Nico grabs my ass, pressing me even deeper into him. He leaves kisses all over my neck.

He moves my hips, grinding me against him. I throw my head back, feeling my stomach tighten.

"Sweetheart," Nico rasps in my ear, that's all it takes for me to come undone right there.

I slump into his chest, breathing heavily.

I move against him till he turns into a whimpering mess, he came inside of me, again.

I pray those pills are doing their job.

I groan in pain when he pulls out, staring at the mess we both made. In his car too.

He pulls his boxers and pants up, muttering a few curses under his breath. I sigh, shutting my legs, sitting myself on his lap correctly.

I lean against his chest, shutting my eyes.

"Open, sweetheart." He whispers softly, kissing the side of my head while his hand gently caresses my thighs.

"Nico," I throw my head back against his shoulders, spreading my legs. "You don't have to, we're going home and sh—"

"I hate when you say shit like that." He scoffs, grabbing tissues from the side pocket of the cars door.

I turn my head around, holding his face in my hands. I smile, pecking his lips a few times.



I hop on Nico's back, wrapping my hand around him from behind, keeping my legs on each side of him. "Kitchen." I demand, patting his back.

He lets out an adorable laugh, walking downstairs.

As soon as we walk into the kitchen, I spot lia sitting on a barstool. She eats her strawberry ice cream peacefully, watching a movie on her laptop.

When her eyes find us, she frowns, crossing her arms as if she's upset. "I want a piggyback ride!"

"I don't share my boyfriend." I smile sarcastically when Nico sets me down on the counter. "Don't be mean." He warns, kissing the side of my head.

He grabs lia, throwing her over his shoulder as if she's made of nothing. Her loud giggles fill the house, echoing the walls.

"Remember when you said you didn't like him? I loved him first, loser." She sticks her tongue out at me, hanging upside down.

Nico snorts, carrying Dahlia and placing her on his back. I flip him off, glaring daggers at him.

"She's so rude, right?" Lia rolls her eyes jokingly, laying her head against Nico's shoulder from behind.

"So fu—" Nico stops talking when he realizes who he's talking to— a nine year old. "So.. fudging rude." He says before smiling, his deep dimples making an appearance.

Him and Dahlia start having the most random conversation. He sets her down on the barstool, leaning against the counter while Dahlia speaks about what she did in school.

He actually pays attention— as if it's the most intriguing thing he's ever heard.

My eyes stay planted on his crossed arms. His fucking biceps. Damn. I glance at his compression shirt, feeling my oxygen slowly cut off— okay, I'm being sarcastic but still.

My man.

When my dad calls Dahlia, she hops off the barstool, running upstairs.

I find myself randomly smiling, why do I feel like that towards him? My heart beats rapidly whenever he's around.

"Hey, baby are okay?" I exhale a breath at his question, feeling my body tense when Nico tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I don't— no, that's not— It's not possible. I'm Lina, and he's Nico. It'd never work, would it?

He holds my chin, kissing my cheekbone over and over again. I can't help but smile, feeling my stomach flutter.

I try to breathe, but my lungs love to fuck with me, and Nico knows me well. It feels like someone just held my bare lungs and squeezed.

He pulls out an inhaler from the pocket of his sweats, bringing it to my lips.

I close my eyes, taking one puff.

He wraps his arms around me, holding my tightly. He leaves a kiss on the top of my head. "Lin, I—" he exhales a breath.

I wait for him to finish his sentence, but he never did.


Nico and Lina as fries:

I put lots of effort in this tf? appreciate it. 😐

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