Don't Let Us Go

By LovaticNae

18.3K 949 569

He let her go, thinking it was for the better, but she wasn't the thing he left behind. More

Letting Her Go.
Left Behind
Only So Much I Can Do
Questionaire And Waffles
Living My Life
Mother's Advise
Womenly Interceptions
Fatherly Rights
Food And Family Time
Where She Came From
Enjoy The Moment.
Enjoy The Moment Pt. 2
The Next Step
Mother's Instinct
Reconnecting on More Levels
Reconnecting On More Levels Pt. 2
Pathetic Attempts
Mama Do Not Play About Hers
Secure In Her Place
Fogged Mirrors
Make It Last
Last Moments
Airports And Goodbyes
BlackOut Nights
BlackMail Baby
Breaking Trust
Small World After All
Can't Do That
Always Need My Bff
Old Friends, Old Problems Pt.1
Old Friends, Old Problems Pt.2
Flip The Scipt
She Is The Moment
Communication is Key
Planting Roots
Damage Is Already Done
Quicker Than Planned
Second Time Around
Woman's Worth
Out Of Order
Wedding Bells
Wedding Bells Pt 2

Make Yourself At Home

619 30 24
By LovaticNae

After gathering her suitcases and checking out of her hotel, Olivia and Gracianna made their way to Spencer's penthouse building. Upon arrival, she was greeted by the doorman, who gifted her a key card to the main entrances of Spencer's penthouse.

"Mr. James requested added you to the roster of his residential guest, along with Miss Cici. If there is anything else we can do to make your stay here more comfortable, feel free to let me know." He explained before returning to his desk duties.

Letting themselves into the penthouse, Olivia was surprised by how little life popped off from the penthouse. Sure, decor wise, it was expensively elegant, but there was barely a sign of life. Besides his football acalaids and pictures, Spencer's home was bare.

"Daddy keeps all the important pictures upstairs in his room." Her daughter revealed, noticing how her mom gawked at the walls. Kicking off her shoes, Gigi grabbed her sneakers, trotting off to the bedroom she claimed as her own.

Olivia smiled at how easily her daughter adjusted to Spencer's home.

"Easy there, Ci." Spencer chuckled from off the stairwell as Gigi slammed into his legs in a hurry to get to her room.

"Sorry, Daddy. I'm missing my show." Gracie mused, jogging past her father and up the stairs in her bedroom where her tablet awaited her.

Reaching the end of the stairwell, Spencer smiled at Olivia. "Glad you could make it." He cheesed at the sight of the bags in her hands, making his way over to her.

Taking the suitcases out of her hands, Spencer gestured for her to follow him. "Let me show you around."

They made their way around the penthouse, going from level to level, room to room. By the end of the tour, Olivia was left glaring at Spencer like he was insane as they settled on the sofa in the entertainment room.

"What reason did you have to move into such an expensive, large smart house like this? It's like something off mtv cribs." Olivia goofed, staring around the area, taking note of all the extensive, decor, and unnecessary spendor.

"Tee suggested I find a place worth my status after I signed my big contract. She chose all this mess. I barely spend any time here." Spencer detailed nonchalantly. "It's great for when I have important meetings or team functions. I get to showoff alittle, I suppose."

"Yeah, but what's the point if it's looks so depressing. Sure, you live here, but Spencer, look around." Olivia notioned, waving towards his catalog perfectly stage house. "This isn't a home. It's feels so..."

"Lonely." Spencer finished for her.

She nodded, sensing that he got the idea, and she stopped pushing. "But Gigi seemed to like it here. Which is good, since this will be like her second home."

"She should only have one home, Liv." Spencer retorted, back on the subject of where they stood. "I want us to give her that. We could at least give it a shot."

"Spencer, we haven't seen each other in years. This is day one." Olivia sighed, not in a hurry to think about such matters. "Let's figure out how we are going to make this coparenting thing work before we talk about making 'us' work." She responded, gesturing between the two of them with her pointing finger.

Grabbing hold of her wiggling finger, Spencer entwined her hand with his, "I'm not hearing a no." He grinned.

Holding back a grin of her own, she looked at their interlocked hands, then back at him, before gently pulling away. "I'm going to go check on our daughter."

She rose from the sofa as Spencer's eyes trailed her every step. Remembering that the little girl upstairs is what he should focus on, Spencer hopped to his feet, following behind Olivia.

Smiling to herself, she didn't bother looking back to know he was behind her. They kept a close pace walking to Gracianna's room, creeping by her cracked door to see her giggling. Tablet in hand, Cici's eyes stayed glued to screen, not missing a moment.

"What is she watching?" Spencer whispered, tickling Olivia's ear, who laughed in response, nudging him away from her.

"Motown Magic." Olivia replied nicely as his hand landed on her hip as he made a move to side step around her to enter Gigi's room.

"Hi, Ci, why don't you come and join me and Momma in the home theater. We can have a movie marathon. Anything of your choice." Spencer suggested, "Better than being huddled up in here alone on your tablet."

"Coming, Daddy." She squealed, yanking her purple duvet off the bed, before tumbling into her Dad's waiting arms. Holstering her on his hip, Spencer walked back out of the room as Olivia gazed at him adoringly.

"Movie marathon, huh?" She snorted, remembering how they used to spend their nights together watching random movies, sharing inside jokes and references.

"Yeah, you coming or what?" Spencer mused, holding out his free hand for her to take. "You said I should make use of this big old place. We gotta start somewhere, right?"

His double meaning of his last question stood out boldly to Olivia as she contemplated taking his hand. Hesitantly reaching out for him, Olivia allowed Spencer to escort her by hand to the home theater.

Decked out with two rows of five recliner seats, a snack bar, a large movie screen, and a high-resolution smart projector, the home theater was a dream come to life. Connecting to any good ranged smart device by wifi, the projector played whatever movie that they chose to cast. Heated with seat warmers and throw blankets, the little family got comfortable. Sitting in her own recliner, Olivia bundled into her seat, while father and daughter reminded inseparable.

Starting with The Haunted Mansion, then making their way through the Kim Possible Movie, they spent the remainder of the afternoon in the home theater. Falling asleep in Spencer's arms, Gigi was down for a nap by six. Left without their daughter to play anchor for their attention, Spencer and Olivia were rendered to their own devices.

Going through his kitchen, Olivia was surprised to find actual food. "Guess I know what part of the house you use the most." She snickered, unsurprised that the athlete's appetite hadn't changed.

"Yeah, the coaching staff keeps me on a strict regimen. But I have a few cheat days, here and there." He chuckled in agreement, swiveling on the bar stool he sat on. Observing her motions through his kitchen, he cocked up a brow in question.

"What are you doing?" He asked as she started pulling out small portions of ingredients from his cabinets and fridge.

"What does it look like I am doing? Our daughter has to eat dinner in a little while, Spencer." Olivia snorted the obvious, continuing to rummage through the kitchen. "Or did you plan to order takeout?"

"Nah, I just thought we could go out." Spencer shrugged, wanting to spoil her while he had the chance.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Olivia declined the offer, whipping out pans and pots to cook with. "You already know I'm not the wine and dine type of girl. Neither is our daughter. She's used to home-cooked meals. That's not about to change just because he big-time footballer Daddy has come into the picture." She affirmed, finally locating a cutting board hidden in his bottom pantry.

"Can't say I didn't try." Spencer moaned out in disappointment as Olivia paid him little mind, as she rinsed off bell peppers.

"Alittle too hard, Spencer." She replied, keeping her eyes on her veggies and not his bruised ego. "I didn't come out here to indulge in your luxurious lifestyle of fancy restaurants and A-list events. You don't need to impress me."

"I don't know what else to do, Liv." Spencer confessed. "I'm trying to pull out my best methods to ease things along with us...."

Turning off the sink and wiping her hands on a paper towel, Olivia faced him, postioned both her hands on the edge on the countertop, to meet him eye to eye across the bar. "What we are doing is enough for me. Being here with our daughter. Showing me that we can be a family. You're already doing it. Just keep that up, and we will be just fine." She assured him that he was already on the right path. "In the meantime, if you really want to impress me, come help me fix dinner for our kid before she wakes up." She insisted, gesturing for him to get his behind up and in the kitchen.

Cheesing, Spencer obliged her orders, walking into the kitchen and washing his hands. "What do you need me to do?"

"Cut up those peppers for me while I start working on the chicken breasts." She instructed, pointing to the green and red assortments of vegetables on the countertop beside his electric stove.

Falling into a peaceful silence, they worked around each other while preparing the meal. Ever so often, they'd brush up on the other's arm or grab the same cooking utensil, flustering Olivia to no end, as Spencer held her hand for much longer than nessscary. Joining behind her while she stirred the food in the pan, Spencer caged her between his chest and the stove. Allowing the closeness, Olivia leaned her backside into his chest. Tiltng her head ever so slightly, Olivia opened a space for Spencer to lean his lips into her neck to kiss on gently. His hands held her waist to keep her close as the scent of the fajita meat over took their senses. The sound of the timer going off for the brownies in the oven broke the moment to the disappointment of them both.

Verging on seventy thirty, Olivia dismissed herself from the lustful kitchen area to awaken their daughter. Grateful for the solo moment, Spencer breathed heavily, making a poor attempt to collect his thoughts from the impure emotionals he was yearning to act on. If this was only day one, Spencer wondered how he was going to survive longer.

Accompanied by their sluggish daughter, Olivia returned, eyeing Spencer as he set the table. That moment in the kitchen was much too close for comfort she decided. Remembering this little girl was the reason for returning to Spencer's life, Olivia forced her ache for him to the back of her brain.

Taco bowls were served for the three of them, and dinner was eaten over talks of Gigi's creative dreams during her afternoon slumber. Intently listening to their daughter chatter about her imagination, Spencer and Olivia dug into their food, keeping their eyes off one another. Once dinner concluded and Gigi scarfed down two brownies, Olivia allowed her to return to her room for two last hours of screen time before she got ready for bed.

While cleaning up the dining area and kitchen, Spencer and Olivia avoided one another until all of the tasks were done. Blaring from the living room, Spencer's phone alerted him to a call.

"It's Tee." Spencer revealed, earning an eye roll from Olivia as she dried her hands after finishing the last dish.

"Go ahead, and answer, I'm going to go start getting our daughter ready for bed." Olivia groaned, stomping out of the kitchen.

Not returning until after Gracianna was bathed with her teeth brushed and hair braided, Olivia came back at the very end of Spencer's discussion with his publist.

"What was that about?" She inquired as Spencer tossed his phone back on the couch.

"There's a team function tomorrow, and she wants us to make an appearance." Spencer shrugged. "It would be our first public family outing with the press. I was trying to convince her that it's not time. She has some interviews lined up for some sports magazine scheduled as well."

"I think it's great." Olivia promptly argued, "Why not? It's only a matter of time. And it's better that we do it before some messed up article bashes you for fake scandal."

"She said she was coming over to drop off my suit. I didn't get a chance to tell her you were staying with me." Spencer heaved, not wanting any fallout this late at night.

"That's fine. So she's dropping off your tux. I'm fine with it. What's the big deal?" Olivia shrugged off his concerns.

"Cool, then I'm going to hop in the shower before she gets here." Spencer insisted, wanting to lather desiring to relax for a bit.

Nodding Olivia watched trot off upstairs in the direction of the master bathroom.

"Stop by here, my ass." Liv snorted to herself, resisting the urge to roll her eyes as she presumed the ploy his publist was up to.

What kind of business needed to be handled at nearly ten o clock in the privacy of someone's home? Biting her lip, Olivia perked up an idea, smiling as she spun on her heels, swaying upstairs in the direction of Spencer's bedroom.

Strutting into the large room, Olivia made sure Spencer was in the shower before she made her way over to his walk in closet. Yanking through is hangered shirts, she kept rummaging until she found a blue button down that she liked. Discarding her own cloths, Olivia changed into nothing but Spencer's dress shirt. Walking over to his wallmounted body mirror, Olivia pulled at the top three buttons, exposing her collarbone in a sultry manner. Then undoing her her hairstyle, Olivia shook out her curls until they were a frizzy mess. Tying back her tangled curls into a messy high bun, she smiled to herself, satisfied with her work.

Suddenly the elevator alert system chimed, and Olivia couldn't resist the playful smirk curling on her lips as she scurried out of Spencer's bedroom, through halls until she reached the staircase. Jogging down the stairs in Spencer's yeezy sandals, Olivia finally reached the ground level of the penthouse. Hurrying over to the security system, Olivia pressed the buzzer that allowed for the main entrance elevator to allow the guest inside.

When the elevator doors slid open, and Tee walked in with Spencer's suit hanging from her back the last thing she expected to find was Olivia smiling back at her. Trailing her eyes from the expensive pair of slides on Olivia's feet up to her exposed, cleanly toned legs, the heat on Tee's cheeks rose.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the hem of Spencer's shirt dangling inches above Olivia's knees. If it were any higher, Tee was sure she would see the lace underwear that threatened to pop out under the shirt.

Leading up the buttons, Tee gulped, stunned by the way Olivia unclothed chest was slightly exposed with the deep drop in the neckline because of yhe unsealedbuttons. She then centered her focus on Olivia's cheesing expression, as the red-boned, journalist crossed her arms with a innocent gaze.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know, Spencer was expecting anyone." Olivia lied, shrugging off Tee's obvious discomfort. "I was just getting ready to join him in the shower before we heard the buzzer go off." She insinuated leaving very little to the imagination. "I am Olivia, by the way. Gracianna's mother. Is that Spencer's drycleaning? Are you a maid of his, or something?" Olivia introduced herself snidely as Tee could do nothing but continue to glare at her from head to toe.

"No, actually I'm his publist." Tee corrected, through gritted teeth.

"Oh, right. The one maid...sorry, I mean assistant, in charge of anwering his grabbing his coffee order. phone calls and scheduling his meetings. Taylor, right?" Olivia jested with a crooked grin.

"I do alot more than that, but sure." Tee scoffed, rolling her eyes, "And it's Tanya, by the way."

"Oh, well, Tanya...Taylor." Olivia giggled off, "Spencer has so many people working for him, it's hard to keep up with. Some are here today, then gone tomorrow."

"I've worked for Mr.James for over three years." Tanya insisted.

"Really, that little bit of time." Olivia laughed. "The way you're popping up this late at night, you'd think that you two knew each other longer."

"Well, we are more than colleagues." Tanya thought alone, wearing a sly smile. "We are very close."

"Too close, some might say." Olivia mused with a matching grin, setting Tanya's anger off again.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand, Olivia. The two of you are barely getting reacquainted after over five years of not seeing one another." Tanya jabbed.

"Yep, over five years and it feels as if we haven't missed a beat." Olivia purred blissfully, biting her bottom lip suggestively. "It's funny, see I thought I would be coming to pick up our daughter, then jumping ship until they wanted to see each other again. Turns out, I will be sticking around alot longer than planned." Olivia teased aloud with a curled lip.

"Good for you." Tanya snarled zealously. "I'm sure we will be seeing morw each other then."

"Undoubtedly." Olivia agreed smugly. "If there was not anything else, a message you wanted me to pass on to Spencer when I head upstairs, then I can see you out. It's been really long afternoon, and I'm feeling worn out. Lord knows how much energy Spencer puts into everything he does on and off the field. And like you said, it's been awhile since we have seen each other." She conveyed a raw picture for an distraught Tanya.

"I'm going to go ahead and leave." Tanya gagged, tossing the protectively wrapped suit on the nearby table.

"Ok, night." Olivia waved as Tanya stomped back to the elevator, not wasting a moment before pressing the floor level and disappearing behind the elevator door.

Laughing to herself, Olivia turned on her feet to make her way back upstairs. Once she reached the top level, she was stunned to find Spencer smirking at her.

"Had fun?" He asked with a cooked brow.

"I'm going to take a shower." Olivia snorted, pushing past him, continuing on her path to the guestroom, smiling to herself.

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