Fogged Mirrors

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Steam filled the brightly lit bathroom, misting from the heated water pouring from behind the glass shower. Clothes were sloppily discarded on the slippery marble floor, where Spencer and Olivia left them without reserve.

Beneath the hot water,Olivia giggled, feeling ticklish behind her right ear as Spencer nibbled on it playfully.  She looped her arms around Spencer's neck and held on as he began to move, pushing in and out of her slowly. She moaned, slowly becoming accustomed to his size, rolling her hips in time with his.

"Fuck," Spencer hissed between gritted teeth.

"Faster," Liv replied between ragged breath.

Instead of answering, Spencer shifted his position so that Olivia was braced against the wall, both of her legs now tangled around his torso. Spencer barely had time to marvel at the feeling of her strong legs clenching tightly around him, because Olivia rocked forward again, causing white light to burst behind his eye lids.

Grunting, Spencer motioned his hips to match her movements, using the wall as a support to get a better angle. The sound of their skin slapping against one another echoed around the foggy restroom, mingling with laboured breathing and low purrs of passion.

Spencer's hands grasped her butt cheeks, spreading them further apart as he lifted Olivia higher against the wet shower wall. Emitting a long, low cry, Olivia's head dropped back, thudding against the hard wall. Her wet curls spread wildly between the tiled wall and her drenched backside. This new angle was hitting her right there and she could feel her walls begin to flutter.

Spencer felt them too and gritted his teeth in response to her involuntary spasm that ached for him to release his load. Spencer  fantasised about this moment often during their separation, and he wasn't ready for it to end prematurely. His jaw clenched as he fought his climax, continuing to thrust into the Olivia, holding back his release.

"Oh god," Olivia gasped, her french manicure almond shaped nails digging into the flesh of his shoulders, drawing a small amount of blood. "Spencer, I'm going to – " Olivia mewled raspily from the back of her throat. Grinding out her hips against his, water prickled between their flesh, heighting the sensitivity of the bud of nerves between her legs. Her inner walls clenched and a sensation built inside her, bursting like imploding flames, gushing around Spencer's length. 

Sensing her satisfaction, Spencer rutted into her,  spilling himself inside her, his hands pressed against the wet wall for support as he went chest to chest with her. No space was left between them as Olivia was sandwiched between his chiseled abs and the slippery wall. Their pelvic bones bound together in a ferverish mating. Her arms wrapped around his back, as he rammed into her without remorse. "Spen....oh....righ...." 

She came undone again in seconds, her eyes rolling backwards as her chest heaved for air. Her stomach flipped one last time as Spencer gifted her one last thrust, securing his seed in her cave of warmth.

Spencer groaned out her name, his face falling into her bare, wet shoulder as he came down from the high, easing her back to the ground.

Olivia winced as her feet hit the shower floor, puddled with warm water. Spencer's hands shot to her waist instantaneously, noting her unstable stance. 

"I got you," he smirked down at her. Their chests were still rising and falling rapidly.

Olivia glanced up at him from beneath her eyelashes, unsure if she should mirror his smirk or smack him. In the end, she opted for a mixture of both. "I guess you're going to lather me down."

Spencer licked his bottom lip, with a temping thought. Lowering his head, he captured Olivia's lips in a soft kiss. Teasing her mouth with his own, he kept his tongue securely away from entering hers, resulting in her pushing him away from her with a playful grin. 

"The water's getting cold," Olivia taunted, gesturing towards her lavender body wash. 

Spencer chuckled and nodded, reaching behind him to grab the soap. He held her close as his hands gently bathed her naked frame from head to toe. Olivia stood, leaning against  his chest in a cloud of leisure. Once he finished with Olivia, then washed himself, Spencer aided Liv out of the shower. Burrito - wrapping her into a fluffy decorative towel before wrapping his own towel around his waist, Spencer kissed her forehead before they parted ways. Exiting the bathroom, they went their separate ways to dress into proper p.js in their respective bedroom. Unable to spend her last night in the city without him, Olivia joined Spencer in his bed for the night. 

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