Womenly Interceptions

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"How's this one?" Olivia inquired once more of Simone Hastings, her former sister in law and current best friend over FaceTime.

"You look as good in that outfit as you did in the first two." Simone laughed her side of the video call, "Spencer won't be able to take his eyes off you, though. I thought you weren't going for that type of impression."

"What impression is it giving off?" Olivia asked, analyzing the red patterned blouse and black shorts in the mirror. "I lost my cool with him over the phone yesterday night. He probably thinks my life shot to hell after the breakup."

"But it did fall apart when he left you, Liv. You were a mess for weeks, then you were worse off after you found out that you were pregnant and alone. You were miserable."  Simone recalled how she flew to Toronto with Jordan to comfort Olivia upon learning the news.

"Yeah, Spencer does not need to know all of that." Olivia scoffed, dusting the wrinkles out of her shirt, adjusting the buttons to where her lace bra displayed itself. "It's enough for him to know he broke my heart. He doesn't need to know that I spent the first five years after Gigi was born, hoping he'd come to senses and beg for me to take him back. No, I want him to look at me and see how badly he fumbled the bag when he left me."

"Oh, he knows that already, Olivia." Simone assured her friend, "He is probably thinking of ways to get you back as we speak."

Olivia smiled at the thought of Spencer and her finally raising their little girl together but then dropping her curled lips. "What if he is seeing someone, Simone?" Olivia questioned, yanking her phone off the mount to get closer to the camera to convey her heavy concern.

"We don't know that he is, Liv. Don't discourage yourself when you are so close to getting what you want for you and my niece. For her Dad to finally come home to you two." Simone stressed, knowing how Olivia tended to suppress her emotions for everyone else's emotions.

"But he could be." Olivia moaned, defeated. "He was seeing someone right after our breakup when I called him that day to tell him I was pregnant."

It was three weeks after she found out she was carrying Spencer's kid. Stuck in Toronto for her new job, Olivia was now sharing her new apartment with a very worried Simone who was looking over her for the duration of her pregnancy.

Returning back to the States for work, Jordan left his twin in Simone's capable hands. Spending her time nagging Olivia to tell Spencer about the pregnancy, Simone finally managed to crack Olivia's strong will.

So, dialing his number his number for the first time since her relocation to Toronto, Olivia attempted to call Spencer. Simone sat beside her for support.

The dial tone rang for a few moments before her call was answered.

"Hello, Spencer's phone. May I ask who's speaking." A female spoke into Olivia's ear.

"Umm, who is this?" Olivia groaned, already annoyed by the audacious stranger. "Where is Spencer?"

"In the shower." The woman replied in a sultry tone. "I'm Tee, and you are?" She asked, irritated.

"None of your business. Put Spencer on the phone." Olivia demanded with more bass in her voice, trying to stay composed.

"Listen, sweetie, if this is one of those phony STI accusions or fake pregnancy extortions, Spencer doesn't have time for it. Find another baller to hassle." Tee snorted smugly. "We gotten several of your types of calls already, and it's getting old."

"I can assure you this pregnancy is very real." Olivia muttered, unwavering.

"I'm sure it is." Tee responded, unfazed.

Suddenly a Spencer's voice boomed in the background.

"Who's that, Tee?" Olivia heard him ask from afar.

"Another woman claiming to be carrying your love child." Tee snickered.

Hearing something about a press conference  and then not waste his breath, Olivia listened as Spencer insisted the girl hangup the call.

The line went dead before Olivia could mutter another word. Her eyes filled with tears as her trembling hand, dropped the phone to the coach and Simone immediately  hugged Olivia, desiring to know what happened.

Crying onto Simone's shoulder, Olivia disclosed that Spencer couldn't careless about her or this baby.

"He's got a girlfriend. And he's slept around. Not even three months since our breakup, and he's moved on." She cried out hastily, in a hormonal mess as her body shook in Simone's embrace.

A few days after the incident, Simone insisted she call again, hoping that Spencer picked up the phone. But when Olivia attempted to do so, his old phone number was disconnected.

Back in the city, at the beckoning of his publist, Spencer changed his number for privacy sake. Giving his new number to only his family, coaching staff and close teammates and other nesscacary people, Spencer hadn't thought to attempt to reach out to Olivia or her family.

A clean breakaway was probably what Olivia wanted, Spencer figured after not recieving any contact from her on weeks.

Unbeknownst to him, one of his latest calls from her had been deleted from his call log days ago.
------------------------------ EOFB-------
Present Day In The City

"Stay out of the public eye and away from any signs of press. If you run into any fans, autographs only. No photos. We can't risk you being tagged in any phones we your potential baby Mama just yet." Tee groaned as Spencer prepared to the football stadium  with his daughter on his hip.

"I got it, Tee." Spencer moaned, rolling his eyes at her overboard methods. "Geez, you would think you are the one with the big secret the way you are acting."

"I'm doing this for your own good, Spencer. Like I always do." Tee stressed, with a knowing memory buried in the back of her brain.

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