Fatherly Rights

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"Will mom take me back home to where we can't see each other?" Gracianna asked her father with wide brown eyes, glistening with tears as they waited in the restaurant for her mother to show.

"That's not going to happen." Spencer vowed his daughter, patting her curls, as he glanced around the empty restaurant that he rented out for a few hours to allow them so form of privacy.

"You mom wants us to get to know each other. Hopefully, she will agree to let you stay out here for a few more days." Spencer added, glancing at the doorway to the small diner a few employees went about their duties.

"A few days?" His daughter mumbled, appalled at the insinuation. "That's it."

Quickly turning his head at the sound of her disappointment, he gave Gigi his undivided attention. "I got a few kinks to work out before we can settle down permanently together. In the meantime, you will go back with your mom while I get everything situated for you. But we will talk every day on the phone and FaceTime before you go to bed. It'll work out, baby girl." Spencer explained to the best of his capabilities, rubbing her cheek as she sniffled.

The bell chimed on the restaurant door, signaling everyone that the third guest had arrived. Shifting his eyes from his daughter to the entrance of the diner, Spencer gawked at his former girlfriend as she approached their table. Starting on ground level, his eyes traced up her black heels,leading towards her perfectly toned legs.

Wearing black leather shorts that hung at a fair amount above her knee, the bottoms did a good job showing off one of her finest assets while still keeping it elegant style. Tucked beneath the hem of her shorts, Olivia wore a loose blouse that clung to her fitted hip line, displaying her curvaceous upper body while still leaving room to breathe.Unbuttoned at the first top of the shirt, directed in line with the collar. The shirt dipped into a steep v-line at below her collar bone, unveiling the outer lace of her black bralette beneath the fabric of her red patterned blouse.

Finally landing on her gorgeous face, Spencer wasn't half surprise not to find a smile in his direction. Instead, her unaged expression conveyed a deep sadness as she looked from him to how his left hand ran through the coils of Gracianna's hair. Sighing, Olivia gripped her shoulder bag tightly before finally continuing on her path to the table.

Upset with her mother, Gracianna kept still in her seat next to Spencer. Sucking in a deep breath, she kept her cool as Olivia kissed the top of her head before kneeling down in front of their daughter. "I know you're mad at me, but Gracianna Corilynn James, if you ever do something like this again, I swear I ground you into the next century. Do you know how badly this could have, if you hadn't shown at at your father's doorstep? What if you got lost, or God forbid, taken by someone? Huh? What would I or your Dad have done?" Olivia lectured strictly.

Although she was mad at her mother's choices regarding her father, when Gigi saw her mother's tears forming, the little girl could no longer hold onto her fury. Her resolving breaking under Olivia's worrisome gaze, Gracianna flew into her mom's arms.

Melting as her daughter clung to her, sobbing out messy sorries, Olivia tightened her grip, kissing the side of her head.

Warming at the sight of mother and daughter reuniting, Spencer cleared his throat, breaking the moment.

"Hey, Liv." He finally addressed her presence.

"Hi, Spencer." She replied, standing up straight with their now standing at her side, clinging to her leg.

"Momma, you didn't come to take me from Daddy again, right? I'm going to stay here longer?" Gracianna inquired with watery eyes, immediately wanting to hear that she wouldn't be separated from Spencer.

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