Quicker Than Planned

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"So you're pregnant, again?" Olivia's mother questioned over tea later on that week. "How's that going to work with you in Portland and Spencer in New York?"

"Surely, you aren't thinking of having the baby in Portland?" Spencer mother interjected, not thrilled about the thought of another one of her grandchildren being raised away from its family.

"Or in New York," Billy chimed in his opinioned angrily. "Nope. It's not happening. That baby will be born right here in L.A. Where your mom and I can help look after Gigi and help you through post partum!" He demanded, unwilling to let his daughter and grandchildren be alone in such a far away state.

"Woah. WOAH," Liv retorted, pushing out her hands as if to signal a ceasefire. "Who said anything about us raising the baby in New York or Portland? Our plans haven't changed. In fact, my pregnancy is actually going to force us to expedite things quicker than we planned," Olivia explained to her and Spencer's parents.

"Meaning what? You won't be going back to Portland at all?" Her father asked with a confident grin.

"No, Daddy," Olivia laughed at her father's desire to hold her captive in L.A. "I still have  to resign from my job in Portland, and Gigi still has a few weeks of school before summer break. We are going back up there until May, but Spencer and I found a new, four bedroom house in Beverly Hills to rent out for the next two years. Once Gigi is done with school in three weeks, we will be flying out here to start the moving process. That's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. Spencer is in super dad mode and isn't comfortable with me going back up to Portland without...supervisior," Olivia snorted, using the word her boyfriend utilized during his request that she have one of their parents accompany during her three week stay in Portland.

"I will come with you." Miss Grace insisted instantly. "He's right. You've got a lot to plan in three weeks. Moving truck, packing up your old house, saying goodbye to your job, baby registration, doctor's appointments, Gigi's schooling...."

"I'd love for you to come with us," Olivia agreed to the idea, as Mama Grace reached across the table and squeezed her hand.

It's not the big dream house we hoped for with the six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a huge yard with a pool, and three garages..." Spencer listed off the lacking details he found the new house they stood inside of.

"It's good enough for now," Olivia smiled as Spencer wrapped arms around her from behind the whole she examined the layout of the house from inside the middle of the empty living room.

With four bedrooms, three bathrooms, basement, attic, and a reasonable sized backyard with a wooden patio deck, the house was plentiful. Enough room for an office for them both, a play room for the kids and perfect outside space for their children to utilize in the future. Olivia smiled, settling with the fact she could call this new house home.
They left L.A. not too long after signing the new lease. Spencer's mother accompanied Olivia and her granddaughter back to Portland for a few weeks. She aided in arranging the movers and helping Olivia prepare for the big leap across the states. Resigning from her old job, Olivia said goodbye to some great friends, promising to visit after the baby was born. Despite her reservations about leaving the place she called home since infancy, Gigi was excited to finally have her mom and dad under one roof. Bidding her schoolmates farewell during the last day of school, she had her yearbook signed from cover to cover. Phone numbers of her closest friends were scribbled in the back, with notes of good luck from her peers and teachers. At her last practice with her gymnastics team, she was brought to tears as she forced herself to say goodbye to her teammates and coaches. They took group pictures and pinky promised to have a sleepover as soon as their parents deemed summer traveling to be alright.

Olivia held her daughter that night as the big move finally hit Gracianna like a ton of bricks. Crying that she was going to miss Portland, Gigi forced her mom to promise they'd come back to visit. Mama Grace assured her granddaughter that Portland would always be a part of her and that she'd make new friends in L.A, hoping that her granddaughter adjusted to the move well. Spencer coaxed her to sleep over the phone, voting to fly out all of her closest friends from Portland before the end of summer for a special girl's trip. It was a promise that Olivia and Miss Grace laughed at, amused by how Spencer bent backward to put a smile on his daughter's face, no matter the cost.

With everything happening so fast, their time in Portland went by in a flash, and it wasn't before long that the women in Spencer's life found themselves back in Los Angeles. For Olivia and Gracianna, it was finally permanent. Staying with her parents until the movers arrived, delivering all of their belongings, Olivia and Gigi settled into their new life. Picking out paint for the nursery and Gracianna's room, choosing bedroom decorations and living room furniture; they created a delicate layout of how the new home design would look. By the time Spencer arrived back in L.A., joining his family, he hadn't been surprised to find the entire house already looking like a real home. Of course, Olivia asked for his input over Skype during the move in process. He selected some decor for his office setup in the basement, turned man cave. Also, lending a hand in the kitchen and backyard layout. Seeing pictures of the house from Olivia every other day, he hadn't been surprised much from the physical attributes of his new house. No, it was the atmosphere that was taken by surprise. He walked inside the door and was hit by the sweet scent of Olivia's cooking mixed with an herbal aroma from the air fresher spray through air. Sounds of the living room television blared from Gigi's cartoons, and her laughter rung off the walls, echoing through the house immediately bringing a smile to Spencer's face as he descended from the foyer and into living room.

Squealing set off as he met the beaming face of his daughter. Rocketing off the couch, Gracianna skittishly barreled into his legs, "Daddy! You're home!"

Chuckling, Spencer leaned over, picking her up in his arms and planting a kiss on the top of her messy curls as her small arms tangled around her neck in a tight embrace. "Yeah, baby, I'm home."

His eyes rose, sensing Olivia's presence not to far away. Indeed, she'd made her way from out of the kitchen. Her curls were in a messy bun and she was dressed in loose shirt and denim shorts and bunny slippers. His smile mirrored her own as she approached them. His eyes downed to her belly that poked out from underneath her shirt. His smile grew, seeing how their unborn baby made it's presence known. His hand reached put to caressed her clothed stomach when Olivia finally reached him. Her hand tops his, and her other one guided her face towards her for an endearing kiss.

"Ewww..." Gigi snickered, still in her daughter's arms as her parents displayed their affection. Both of smiled at their daughter as they broke apart.

"We missed you," Olivia purred, her hand rubbing over her stomach. "You like the house?"

"I missed you, guys too," Spencer replied soothingly, "I'm happy to finally be home." He added, pulling Olivia into a hug with one arm as he continued to hold Gigi on his hip with his other arm. Inhaling Olivia's sweet scent, Spencer heart strummed tenderly, at peace.

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