Can't Do That

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The day was coming to an end, and Olivia was glad for it. Resting inside a warm, bubble bath, she postioned her head against the end of the tub, where a towel laid beneath the cresent of her neck. Sealing her eyes shut, she sunk her body deeper into the warm liquid, releasing tension from her stiff muscles that her wrecked from all the hopping around she'd done this afternoon. From unpacking into their air b&b that Spencer arranged to wrangling visitors for her daughter's party and going over last-minute arrangements with the party planner; Olivia was drained.

Sighing softly, she hummed with the low tunes of the music playing from the bluetooth speaker sitting on the countertop of the vanity mirror set in the master bathroom. Engrossed in the music, Olivia failed to her the footsteps of Spencer heavy feet grazing along the bathroom floor.

Sinking to his knees behind her, leaning against the tub, his kissed her bare shoulder. "Gigi finally went to sleep."

Smiling inwardly, Olivia opened her eyes as his head hovered over her face. "Did you want to join me, then?"

"Nah." Spencer replied, confusing Olivia, whose face contorted to bafflement.

"No?" She mimicked as if she heard him incorrectly.

"I have an early morning meeting, babe. And I'm jet lagged from my flight. It's been a long few days. I need the rest." Spencer insisted, kissing the top of her forehead.

"Are you sure that's all it's about?" Olivia inquired, sitting up in from her lounging position face Spencer. "It's not Charles, right?"

"C'mon, Liv. I trust you." Spencer assured her, running his head through her drenched curls that clung to her wet skin.

"Then what's up?" Olivia shrugged. "We haven't had any time to ourselves since you arrived this afternoon. It's been over two weeks since we been together. I've missed you." Olivia tried to coax him once more, dragging her hand gently along her chiseled arm with a sultry grin.

"Another night, Liv. I promise." Spencer assured her, softly removing her teasing hand from his arm before he caved into the tempting desire.

"Alright, other night." Olivia replied, trying to hold back a bang of hurt from his rejection, as she slowly turned her back him return to her soak.

Spencer opened his mouth to say something that might appease her, but his words fell short as he rose to a standing position, ready to leave the bathroom.

He spared one last glance at the bathtub where Olivia sulked before grunting to himself and stumbling out of the bathroom.

Although the desire was tempting, Spencer couldn't disrespect Olivia in such a high regard. He couldn't sleep with her while hiding the fact that Tanya was claiming to be carrying his child. No. Spencer refused to  worsen the problem further. Once he figured out how to break the news, Olivia would decide if he still deserved to call her his.

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